fso_mag_6501.pdf, ERIFF S REVIEW family shopping's fun and easy at Rhodes ... Fresno's newest and finest department store where there's always plenty of free parking. MANCHESTER CENTER 222-5111 SHOP MONDAY. THURSDA'f . FRIDAY NITES TIL 9 Harvey M , Cook Siore Mgr, Fulton Mall Paul Gobriel Terronez Tina Marcano THE DYMOND TV FAMILY FEATURING The M. go,kent ~"1il1 MClgnCl"o~ ~j1 RCA VICTOR -Z ENITH -F"R I GIDAIRE Alfred Roach . Owner Louise M , Roach 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! OPEN MON. & FRIDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. ~:~\~:::') .l)umond tv Glenn Skinner Store Mgr, Blackstone Russ Clint .~i) ~ -, and APPLIANCE J" RoA~ch 501 BLACKSTONE AT BELMONT 1232 FULTON MALL PHONE 266·9644 PHONE 266-0402 <> Glenn Sk;nn .., Manag.. Ha...y M. Cook, Mana..,I lex I I MELVIN A. WILLMIRTH Sheriff-Coroner of Fresno County JAMES D. LONG Undersheriff ALBERT L. COLLINS Chief Criminal Deputy I O'NEILL MEAT CO. & AFFILIATED ENTERPRISES 2352 SOUTH FRUIT STREET FRESNO, CALIFORNIA VEN IDOR ILATOR I'v1 a n u fa c:: t. U I"" i n g c:: o. FRESNO, CALIFORNIA BAIL BONDS ROY SMITH 237-6789 2 . WAY RADIO 237-6789 ~_:[}j_i~_· -~_R._~lJ_~ M~~a.;AyOR~~~;EJ~~ WE GO ANYWHERE 1416 TULARE ST. FRESNO 2 ________________ __ _______________ __ ______ __ ,~ SHERIFFS REVIEW Publit"e.d dnn lla"y and owned in its .mlire,y by fW NO m If SHEW f'S OfFI CE ulIPl oms miff SS OW l lO MAil, p. O. Box 1054 OFFICE, Fre.no County Sheriff'. Office Building, AM 6-8151 Fresno, California April 5, 1965 Dear Friends: It is wi th a great deal of pride in the accomplishments of the Fresno County Sheriff's Department and our other law enforcement agencies of Fresno County that we present to you our annual Sheriff's Review. We appreciate your support in helping us to "Tell the Story" of law enforcement and of our efforts to protect the citizens from the rising crime rote. Sincerely yours, ") •<Co « k .-:£"" Walter Pinion, President Fresno County Sheriff's Office Employees Reli ef Associotion WP:jm THE SHERI ,FF'S REVIEW-l'965 Published The Fresno County Sheriff's ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Walter l. Pinion ..... President Robert KahL_________________ .__________________________ Vice President Katherine Leavitt __________ ._______________________.. ____ .. ____ T reas urer Beatrice Sharkey___________ .___.__ __ ____ __ _____.___.. _________ Secreta ry BOARD OF DIRECTORS Edward M_ Margosian ____ .. ________________________Past President Herman Saghatelian ________________________________Don A _ Dennis Arnold M. Randrup ____________________ _____________ ___ Rodney Arden DELEGATES Genevieve Horning __________________________________._Administrative Charles Baley ____________________________________ ._____________________ Civil Joseph Orn doff__ .. ________ .. ___________________________.. _____ Detective Robert Smith ________________ .. ____________________________ Identification Larry C. Nelson ____________________________________ ._________________Patrol Donald Halderman ___________________________.____ ._____ ._______ Security Barbara Beets________________ .__________________.. _______________ Matron by Office Relief Association THE REVIEW STAFF Arth ur E. Tab ler_______________ _______________________________________Ed itor Don Dennis ______________________________________ Circulation Manager Ch ar les Ba ley_____ _______________________________________ Rewrite Ed ito(' Robert Smith & Albert Flores __ ______ __ __ Photography Editors luther Trexler __________.. ______.. __________________________ layout Editor Staff Photogra phers ______________________________Wesley Sarment, Albert Flores, Ed lamb, Russell McQuillen, Donald Justice and William Raney. Staff Cartoon ist_.. ________ .... _........ _____ .________ Dona Id l ysdah I » So many members of the Association contributed in various ways to the production of this year's edition of The Review that it is impractical to mention them by name. Their efforts are sincerely appreciated. 3 • FRESNO· TURLOCK • MADERA 5 POINTS • FIREBAUGH • SANGER 233-6637 2130 TUOLUMNE' fRESNO. CALIfORNIA JOHNNIE'S TAVERN COCKTAILS DANCING NIGHTLY (Closed Mondays) 4610 Kings Canyon Road 255-2114 FERTILIZERS & AG CHEMICALS f!UARANTEE FEATUR.ING WILLSON COMPANY U~ SAVINGS .. , .. , " ... " MALATHION FORMULAS HOPE MANORthe mea who "In The Heart Of Fresno"walk the furrows * NURSING * CONYAlESCENT * RETIREMENT John and Genie Einhart, Owners-Administrators 2201 Calaveras 1619 M St. Fresno -Phone 268 -5361 Strength comes from experience, and Guarantee Savings is Fresno's oldest and most experienced saYings institution, with a record of safety now in its filth decade. Open your account at Guarantee SaYings now. 4 STAFF OF SHERIFF'S REVIEW PreJidellt Waller Pinion, left, check.r detailr of the 1965 Sheriff'.r Revietl' tI-'ith the staff. With Pinion above are, left to right, Art Tabler, Luther Trexler, Chade.r Baley, Robert Smith, Barbara Beets (lnd DOll Den11;.r. TABLE OF CONTENTS In Memoriam................................................ 7 Wives Serve In Auxiliary.............................. 1 03 Search & Rescue.......................................... 11 Judge Eymann Retires.. ................................ 117 A Day At The FBI law Enforcement And Safety National Academy........................... ....... 35 On Fresno lakes..... ................................. 127 On The Campus .......................................... 43 They Should Have Stayed In Bed.......... .-..... 135 Training, A Continuing Program .................. 45 Protecting Fish And Wild life......................141 Entering The Electronic Age... ....................... 145 fresno County Sheriff's Dept.. ..................... 47 Doing It The Hard Way................................ 147 Gone Hunting .............................................. 95 A Visit With Our Neighbors........................ 151 • Still The Cry "lost Child"........................ 98 Safety For Children ...................................... 167 5 WILLARD LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. BUILDING SERVICE CENTER 264-4754 COMPLIMENTS OF 2021 H STREET AT DIVISADERO CROCKET BROS. DODGE CROCKER-CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK:(J l: * NEW CARS & TRUCKS FIVE OFFICES IN FRESNO FRESNO MAIN OFFICE: 2145 Fresno Street FULTON-MARIPOSA OFFICE: 1105 Fulton Mall KINGS CANYON-CLOVIS AVENUE OFFICE: * ALSO USED CARS & TRUCKS ... WE LEASE ALL MAKES & 5544 East Kings Canyon Road MANCHESTER CENTER OFFICE: 1988 E. Dayton AvenueMODELS OF CARS NORTH FIRST-ASHLAN OFFICE: 4281 North First Street 650 Fulton St. 266-9471 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Valley Aluminum Co., Inc. ALUMINUM SPECIALISTS HANDRAILS -SOLAR SCREENS & OTHER ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS DESIGNED AND FABRICATED WELDING -RIVETING & FORMING CUSTOM AND PRODUCTION WORK 5733 E. Shields Ave. 291-3563 IRv's BAIL BONDS Bill Brodie Harry "Curly" E'Bell Compliments of KUETTEL PIANO HOUSE 234 W. Olive at Arthur St.-Fresno 8 11u ilrmnrtam The Fresno County Sheriffs Department was saddened the past year by the loss of its former chief and two active members of the d epartment. Their loss is a bloy{ both to the department and to the community. The only man ever to serve five con­ secutive terms as sheriff of Fresno County passed away June 3, 1964. George J. Overhoi t was sheriff from 1931 until 1951. During his administration many im­ provements were made in the department. He earned a reputation as a man who could get the most in law enforcement from the tax dollar. Born in Clark's Valley, Fresno County, on October 23, 1883, Sheriff Overholt spent nearly all his life in the Fresno area. His parents were early day settlers in the county. Before entering law enforcement, Sheriff Overholt engaged in ranching and GEORGE J. OVERHOLTvarious business enterprises. He entered law enforcement in 1918 as Undersheriff under Sheriff William F. Jones. While serving in this capacity he was in charge of the Civil Division. When Sheriff Jones announced his rttirement in 1930, Overholt became a candidate for sher­ iff and was elected. He was reelected in1934, 1938, 1942, and again in 1946. Some of the more notable achievements during his administration were the build­ ing of a new jail and sheriffs office; the establishment of a night patrol; uniforms for parrolmen, bailiffs, and jailers; and the installation of a two-way radio system. He was also credited with forming the sheriffs mounted drill team which won trophies throughout the state, and with the formation of the sheriff's aero squad­ ron for aid in search and rescue operations. Sheriff Overholt was a past president of the San Joaquin Valley Association of District AttOrneys and Sheriffs, The California Peace Officers Association, and the California State Sheriffs Association. He was a mtmber of the Native Sons of The Golden West, the Elks Lodge, Woodmen of the World, and the Fraternal Order of Eagles. He is survived by his wife Dorothy and two sisters, Mrs. Annie Burns of Sierra Madre and Mrs. Norma Vermillion of S~IO Francisco. 7 11« :mrmnriam Captain Arthur Lee Johnson passed away November 18, 1964 as the result of a heart attack suffered while bowling with the Sheriffs Department Bowling League. His death was unexpected and came as a great shock to his many friends and asso­ Ciates. Captain Johnson, affectionately known as "Lee" by his fellow officers, had been a Fresno County Peace Officer fQr thirty years, the last twenty-two years as a mem­ ber of the Sheriffs Department. At the time of his death he was in charge of the Coroner's Office. Lee was born in Georgetown, Colorado. on March 11, 1902. When he was five years old the family moved to California and settled in the Sanger area. He was a graduate of the Sanger Union High School and attended the University of California at Berkeley for three years. He began his career in law enforcement as a traffic officer with the Sanger Po'lice Department in 1934. In conjunction with his police duties he doubled as chief of t he Sanger Fire Department. In November of 1942 he joined the staff of Sheriff George]. Overholt as a jailer. In August of 1945 he became Head Jailer, and in 1952 he was promoted to Cap­ tain. From 1953 until 1957 he was Undersheriff. He also served as a captain in the Criminal and Administrative Divisions. Lee was a man of great personal integrity; whenever he gave his word it could be relied upon. He was also blessed wtih a sharp memory and a keen sense of humor. Many of us younger members began our Iaw enforcement careers under his guid­ ance. We remember him as a man who always insisted upon the best performance from each officer, but who was always fair and understanding in his rclations with us. He is survived by his wife, Emma, and a step-son, Arthur S. De Manty of Fresno, and two sisters, Louise Zinn of Klamath Falls, Oregon, and Florence John­ son of Livermore. ARTHUR LEE JOHNSON 8 3Ju flrntnrtam Each person has, or should have, a definite purpose in life. Some of us strive to develop our tedents to the utmost, and while so doing, never forget the human ele­ ment. Such was the axiom of life followed by Alinda Ruggieri during her fifty -eight years of life upon this earth. She was a rare individual who was endowed with the virtue of putting the welfare of others be­ fore her own. She was the personification of the "Golden Rule." Alinda worked as a legal secretary in the Civil Division of the Sheriff's Depart­ ment for fourteen years. She passed away on July 20, 1964. She was born in Moose Lake, Minne­ sota, and came to California twenty-five years ago. Alinda was an active member of St. Pauls Methodist Church, the Fresno Coun­ ty Employees Association, and the Legal ALINDA RUGGIERI Secretaries Association of Fresno County. We all miss Alinda and her warm and tender ways. Many times have the me­ mories of her accomplishments cross the minds of her fellow employees in the Civil Division. She suffered for many months before leaving the stage of life, but never once was she heard to complain or condemn. Her loss was of a paramount nature to her fam­ ily and the Fresno County Sheriff's Department. She is survived by her husband, F. A. Ruggieri of Fresno ; two sons, Frank Rug­ gieri, Jr., of Grand Turk Island in the Bahamas, ;lnd Michael of Fresno; twO daughters, Mary L. and Ruth C. Ruggieri , both of Fresno. The contributions of each of these departed members will long be remembered by the Fresno County Sheriffs Department. • c; The Employees and Management Staff of the Orendorff Manufacturing Com­ pany are proud to be a part of the World-Famous Fresno County Community. We salute the Fresno County Sheriff's Department and its efficient organiza­ tion. ORENDORFF MANUFACTURING CO. 5286 So. Del Rey Ave. Del Rey, Calif., Works World' s lorgest Manufacturer 0 Jndept:!'ndent f Ground­4900 South Boyle Ave. Los Angeles, Calif., Works W orking Imp/cmon/s, Indus ­ trial Porls Eq uipment and Wear Portland, Or•. Amarillo, Texas Hackettstown, NJ. 2202 N.W. Savier P.O. lox 187 P.O. lox 110 -..;~ COORDINATION WITH VOLUNTEERS By GENE HALLAM All too frequendy in Fresno County a child wan­ ders away from his home or his parents' camp ; a hunter or fisherman fails to return as expected ; or some unfortunate person drowns in one of our many canals or lakes. Each time such an.incident occurs , the sheriff is required by law to render appropriate aid. As our population increases these incidents become more frequent and more varied in scope. Until a few years ago it was possible to handle these matters with whatever personnel happened to be on duty or available at the time the need arose. However, in addition ro our Own population growth, more and more people from Southern California now regularly come to Fresno Counry for a weekend of outdoor recreation. These two factors have increased the magnitude of the problem to the point it can no longer be handled in such a casual manner. Late in 1963 therefore, Sheriff Willmirth asked Undersheriff GIVES COUNTY VALUABLE SERVICE James Long to assume responsibility for all search and rescue operations, and to pur tOgether an effect­ ive organization ro carry out these duties. Undersheriff Long's first act was to appoint Lieu­ tenant Warren Saunders as operations officer. The tw of them then began to make plans and to organize a permanent staff. If search and rescue work were a full time job, or even if the time required could be somewhat ac­ curately forecast, putting a crew rogether to handle it would be relatively easy. Such, however, is not the case. The summer months are usually the busiest, but there can be a sudden flurry of activity in the dead of winter. Even during the summer there might be several weeks in a row without a call, then suddenly there are two or three situations needing attention simultaneously. Therefore it would be highly im­ practical, even if manpower were no problem, to se­ lect a group of men and assign them to rescue work (Continued on Next Pale) TRAILER SALES & SERVICE SPECIALIZED WELDING TRUCK REPAIRS MANUFACTURING GRIGSBY, INe. 268-7839 2748 S. Railroad Ave. F@VB WHIILS ~~" ~E5TAURANT AND COFFEE SHOP OPEN 24 HOURS 2790 SOUTH RAILROAD AVENUE PHONE 268-1027 FRESNO ROBERT LICHT! ELECTRO TRUCK REFRIGERATION, INC. COMPLETE TRUCK & CAB REFRIGERATION 24 Hour Service 2760 S. Railroad Ave. 233-3502 AUTO DIESEL ELECTRIC Specialists in All Electrical Systems & Components 2764 S. Railroad Ave. Phone 268-5822 11 SEARCH AND RESCUE exclusively. Since rescue operations are so varied, it is also impractical to try to train a few people to be experts in all its many phases. With these factors in mind, it was decided to select men who were interested in and had an apti­ tude for rescue work, and give them intensive train­ ing in whichever category they were best (lualified. The goal was to eventually have available a number of trained and experienced scuba divers, skiers and snowshoers, trackers and map readers, truck and jeep drivers, horsemen, trail motorcycle riders, aerial ob­ servers, and such supporting personnel as communi­ cations experts and cooks. Then, no matter what the situation, there would be several people familiar with the problem, who could actually conduct the opera­ tions themselves, or take the lead in organizing volun­ teers if a large scale operation was called for. Since such assignments would be in addition to their regu­ lar duties, the men would be chosen from every di­ vision, so that no one unit would be unduly burdened. The next step in organizing the program was the assignment of two sergeants, Bill Young and your writer, to supervise field training and actual opera­ tions. The selection of personnel, assignment to specialized groups, and the planning of a training program then began in earnest. At the same time efforts were initiated to solve another problem almost as important as manpower, that of inadequate equipment. Previously men sent on rescue missions had gotten to the scene by what­ ev.er means of transportation happened to be avail­ able; usually sedans from the Detective Division. Since there were no facilities for cooking and serving meals in the field, a crew on an extended mission had to choose between going hungry; eating cold and stale sandwiches; or wasting valuable hours driving miles to the nearest restaurant. There was an obvious and pressing need for a headquarters vehicle, big enough to carry supplies, radios, and emergency equipment. Since there were no funds available to purchase a new vehicle of this nature, Long and Saunders checked the county surplus yard for a suitable used vehicle. Luck was with them. There they found an old GI 6x6, which to those not familiar with military terms means a truck with six wheels and all of them powered. It was over twenty years old, but still in serviceable condition, and it even had a van type cargo body, ideal for conversion to a field headquar­ ters. Its tremendous power made it ideal for llse on (Continlled on P{lge 14) CHEEKOS CAFE Truckers Favorite Breakfasts -Lunches Cold Beer 403 N. Thorne Ave. Phone 233-9959 TONY DeMERA TONY'S MOBilLE SERVICE Lubrication -Brake Service -Tune Ups Blue Chip Stamps Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service 444 W. Shields at Fruit Phone 222-0326 INSURANCE FRIES, ELLITHORPE, EATON, BAIRD & SWETI P. O. Box 1152 t at Inyo, Fresno Phone 268-0811 HANSEN CONSTRUCTION CO. Genera I Contractors 2848 Wishon Avenue P. O. Box 1784 Phone 222-3069 GRAVES UPHOLSTERY Automobile -Furniture Upholstering Estimates Cheerfully Given 1216 C. Street Phone 237-1262 ~------------------- GR,EENWA Y AUTO BODY Body Repairs -Painting Estimates Gladly Given 2521 Blackstone Phone 222-6661 (In Auto Service Center) I GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL Opp. Court House Square Fresno 11­ __1_9_2_6_M__a_ri_p_o_sa____________________2_3_3_-9_5_5_5-­ FOUR-SOME CLUB Cocktail Lounge John Zukson, Prop. 636 S. Clovis Avenue at Kings Canyon Road ;1 WALTER S. JOHNSON Select Cars 1131 N. Abby at Olive 264-3547 12 The hectdquart en tfUC k in Ih!! f ielc!. HALWOOD Service ~ MOBILGAS -MOBILOIL PRODUCTS 2111 Ventura at Van Ness Phone 266-4369 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SERVICE PICKUP AND DELIVERY 2149 Ventura Phone 264-0320 HOLY CROSS CEMETERY Flat Marker and Monument Sections Under Lawn MODERN GARDEN CRYPT MAUSOLEUMS 237-6831 2105 West Belmont Fresno KERR RUG COMPANY The Valley's Largest Rug & Furniture Cleaners California's Largest Broadloom Selection * Lowest Prices * Best Service Guaranteed 539 G STREET 233-2293 FRESNO The tmck aft er two majo1' imp1'ovemenls had bee n made. A large box was installed O1)e1' the cab for storage of lighl, bulky itenlJ, and a large gene1'ator was permanently mOllntedto the rear to replace a smaller one with an engine so noisy it had 10 be c(l rried .rel)eral feet from the truck each lime il was med. o CtISTOM BUILT OK YOUIt LOT o 100% FINANtlJjGo O.VER 100 PLANS OR YOUIlIlESI&H o 2 YEAR Sf.RVICE GUARANTEE o Member 01 the NatIonal "B~oclaUoll of Home BilJl~is 548 N. Abby at Belmont 237-8338 13 Members of the snowshoe unit prepare for a training exerCIse. steep, narrow mountain roads where it would most often be needed. With a minimum amount of red tape, arrange­ ments were made for transfer of the truck to the search and rescue unit, and the job of modification began. Radio sets were installed to provide contact directly with sheriffs headquarters, ground to air contact with Sheriff's Air Squadron planes, and con­ tact with field units using citizen band walkie-talk­ ies. A military type field kitchen range was put in, and cabinets were built to hold cooking utensils, emergency rations, and miscellaneous equipment. Space was even found for a folding desk, for map reading and message writing. A generator was mounted on tile rear to provide power for radios and flood lights, and a large water tank hung beneath the van for use when operating in dry areas. A portable canopy was devised for shelter at one side in case of inclement weather. Several members of the newly formed unit devoted many hours of their off duty time to preparing the vehicle for service. Mr. Willis Case, Superintendent of the County Garage, was very cooperative in pro­ viding men and material for the project. After sev­ eral months of experimentation and hard labor, the search and rescue unit had a field headquarters ve­ hide of which they could be justly proud. Since the unit was organized during the wincer months, the first field training was in the use of skis and snowshoes. Deputy Dick Boulware, who since has been promoted to sergeant, was an experienced skier, and he volunteered to instruct recruits. Several training missions were conducted, and the trainees soon learned that there was little glamour and a lot of hard work involved in pulling a sled loaded with a full-grown man over soft snow and trying to learn (Conlin/Jed 011 Page 16) "Exercise" turned out fa be a most appropriate word. Pulling a sled over terrain s-uch as this, in snow so soft that snowshoes llIeren'tvery effective, the men got pl.enty of exercise. Pictured are Dick Boulware, Don Douglas, and John Jot·dan. AUTOMOTIV.E UTILITY COMPANY Generators -Starters 255 Divisadero Street 268-4591 FERRIEA & GATTIE CHEVRON SERVICE Clovis & Kings Canyon Road Fresno 255-2435 FARNAM'S MERCHANT PATROL AND DETECTIVE AGENCY 237-7723 01 CICCO'S PIZZERIA Cocktail lounge Pizza -Spaghetti -lasagne -Ravioli Orders to Take Out or Special Delivery 530 N. Blackstone near Belmont 237-7054 ELLIOTT MANUFACTURING CO. Industrial Supplies Hand Truck Coasters and Wheels 1735 Ventura-H & Mono Ph. 233-6236 eDWARDS LOCK & SAFE CO. A Key for Every Lock-A lock for Every Purpose Safes Opened and Serviced 1901 E. Hammond 233-5037 14 T he group takes a break while wtliting for an Air Squadron plane to make a practice equipment drop. From left, ChriJ Flammang, A'l Harker, Bill Young, Steven Hallam, the (/lJictim" in the simulated rescue, John Jordan, and Ed Margosian. I C~ OJ '.(\NO 1328 Fulton Street -_... ADVANCE TV SERVICE All Makes and Models -Color All Work Guaranteed 1581 N. Palm at McKinley 233-3703 Magic Touch Camper & Trailer Sales & Rentals "Camping & Traveling at Its Best" New & Use Trade­ Small Down Payments With Reasonable Financing TRAILERS: Alio -Nomad -Cardinal Magic Touch -Expandos CAMPERS: Cardinal-Lovebird-KaIllP king coaches Canopies for all makes of pick-ups Magic Touch Camper & Trail.er Sales & Rentals 4714 N. Blackstone Ave. 229-9495 COCKTAILS DANCING NIGHTLY 2592 So. Rail'road Ave. Bill Young and Steven Hcdlalll on the fetufn trip. ThoJe pulling the sled Me out of Jight tIt the righl. Back al the starting point, Ihe crew rests and stows equipment back ;n the truck. CALIFORNIA CHROME Copper, Nickel, Chrome and Cadmium Metal Finishing and Polishing Free Pick Up and Delivery Bob Martin, Owner 220 Broadway 268-8146 15 SEARCH AND RESCUE the technique of remaining upright while traveling on snowshoes. They persevered, however, and by the end of the winter there were several men who were capable of conducting a rescue operation in the snow. There are several horse owners in the department who several years ago had banded together with two or three volunreers from outside the departmenr to form the Sheriff's Mounted Patrol. The group had once been quite active in rescue work, but hadn't seen much activity during the past couple: of years. This unit was re-activated, and plans made for training in map reading and working in coordination with air­ craft. About the same time arrangements were made with a local dealer for the use of four trail moror­ cycles on an experimental basis. The first major air-ground training exercise was held in March in the Coalinga area. In preparation, four orange signal cloths about two feet square were placed on the ground at widely separated points. Four air-ground teams were formed, one consisting of one air crew and three trail cyclists, and the other three consisting of one air crew and two horsemen each. At 9:00 a.m. the ground units met at the Coal­ inga airport, and each one was given a map of the general area in which the unit's target was located. They then departed for the respective target areas. An hour later the air crews were given the same information, and they rook off. The mission called for the air crew to locate the target, then direct the ground unit to it by radio. The operation was coordi­ nated by a field sergeant and the Air Squadron'S operations officer, working from the headquarters truck parked at the airport. Within the allotted time all but one of the teams had successfully completed its mission. One team had the opportunity for valuable practice in manual air to ground signals when radio communication failed, and still managed to complete the mission. After the exercise the team members and observers met for lunch and talked over specific problems en­ countered. In April the search and rescue unit arranged for public recognition by entering a unit in the Clovis Day Parade. Since the event is held in connection with the Clovis Rodeo, it was decided to make the mounted patrol the "stars" of the entry. The head­ quarters truck, washed and polished for the occasion, led the way. It was followed by six horsemen, dressed (COn/iIIlied Oil PaKe 19) 16 Horn's garden mulches for weed free yards use Redwood Chips -Stoney Bark -Activated Mulch FRED HORN 2320 Church Ave. 233-5834 JENSEN AUTO PARTS Used Auto Parts for Most Cars 3230 E. Jensen at Hiway 99 Phone 233-3881 J. T. JENKINS CO. KENWORTH TRUCKS 2521 S. East Avenue at Golden State Hiway GREAT WESTERN TRAILER SALES Distributors for Airstream -Pacemaker -Universal Pan American -Paramount -Shasta Fleetwood Never Under Sold -Lowest Finance Terms 4066 E. Ventura Ave. Phone 251-7301 CREST MEAT MARKET The Working Man's Friend 10 Whitesbridge Ph. 266-1 031 Country Cousin Market & Liquors Wayne McNally ­Bob Wiley 4590 E. Olive 251-5191 DEVLIN-DREW Wholesale Distributors 165 Broadway Fresno CERTtFIED CESSPOOL CO. Septic Tanks Pumped and Cleaned C"as. & Ed Boyajian 4433 N . Effie 227-8446 A & H BEER GARDEN 6943 West Shields Phone 268-3976 IL­____________________________~ CATANIA'S '): COCKTAIL LOUNGE Your Hosts: Sal & Tony light lunches 1312 W. Shields at West 227-'5445 t~J· TURFt~RODUCTS Sprinklers -Manual & Automatics PVC Plastic Pipe & Fittings 1505 Blackstone Phone 268-0141 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA Allen C. Haase Garage 266-0817 Haase Equipment Co. 268-0926 COMPLETE TRUCK REPAIRING AND TOWING MOBILE LIFT C I::'":,THIBUTOR ALLEN C. HAASE 2838 Church Ave. Phone 266-0817 Res. Ph. 255-7308 Fresno, California OLD FItESIlO 2820 Tulare at R HOFBI\AU264-4014 DINING IN OLD WORLD ATMOSPHERE Enjoy Imported & Domestic Brews And Mixed Drinks In Our Majestic Bar In preparation /01' the Clovis Ptll'ade, Art Christensen and Walt Sechler make the "victim" com/ortable. Dick Smith and Gene Halltlm get their horses in the proper m()od /01' a parade. COUNTRY BOY MARKET THREE STORES TO SERVE YOU Fresno & McKinley Chestnut & Olive 3136 N. Cedar FRESNO PHONE 268-4419 17 The mounted unit aLl ready to lJIlirch. From left, Bob SmIth, Walt Sechler, Dr. Char/ex GI[ISJ, RichttJ'(1 SmIth, Bob'J twin brother, Depllty Comtable Dick SmIth. (Inc! Gene Hallam. Compliments FIG GARDENI GOLF COURSE AND LOMBARDO GOLF SHOP 7700 N. VAN NESS BLVD. Phone 439-2929 CUSHMAN POLICE VEHICLE A Standard Low-Cost Vehide Designed Especially for Police Use Newly rede,igned, Ihe Cu,h­ man Palice Vehicle now offers as features. many wanted fea­ lure, previou,ly available only as acceuaries. EASY TERMS •.. LOW DOWN PAYMENT MONTBS TO PAY All Iypes materialf handling equipment GRAY LIFT, INC.-4646 E. Jensen, Fresno "2"68-6621 18 Cool-Temp Service AIR CONDITIONING Heat Pumps -Furnaces Guaranteed Service On All Makes and Models Residential -Commercial 5383 Easterby Dr. No. Phone 251-5187 EASTON LUMBER & SUPPLY CO; Complete Building and Farm Supp'lies "Our Aim Is To Please" 7707 So. Elm Ave. 268-8848 Fresno, California S«fwtS~~ c =-~~-ft;;l 2903 E. TUL.ARE F'REBNO. CAL.IF'. ~arrttt ~OU~t • COLONIAL • PROVINCIAL • TRANSITIONAL Decorating Service Without Charge 149 NO. FULTON ST. -FIlESNO MI RANCHO TORTILLA SHOP 50 California Ave. 264-1862 McNAMARA'S LIQUOR 3057 E. Ashlan 227-6683 Fresno The Sheriff's Posse also had all impressive entry. Ready 10 go are, from left, Sheriff Willmifth, Jim Phelan, Jim Ponzo, Andy Jensen, and Troy Steele. FRESNO HELICOPTERS, INC. Furlong Field Agricultural & Industrial Charter Service 233-1655 JAYNES & COMPANY Complete Auto and Truck Recon struction Specia lists Truck Body Building 24 Hour Tow Service 136 North Thorne 233-3241 Congratulations to Sheriff's Review and Sheriff's Department for a Job Well Done. J & S PAINTING SERVICE R. J. Stanton, Owner 3814 E. Andrews Ph . 237-4092 DAVID & SONS, INC. Roatsers & Packers Edible Nuts and Seeds Fresno Serving Fresno for 60 Years- There Must Be A Reason TWO SPECIAL SERVICES : lisle Air Ambulance lisle Air Hearse 1605 "l" Street Phone 266-0666 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA Leading the U'r:y are Dentler Benson, Had Jamison, rind Jim Gleasun. SEARCH AND RESCUE and equipped for field operations, leading two pack mules loaned by Dean & Dave's Pack Station of Dinkey Creek One mule carried camping equipment, and the other bore a basket litter containing a red­ headed female clothing store mannequin simulating an injured person. The blankets in which the mannequin was wrapped gave it the appearance of a woman in an advanced stage of pregnancy. Since one of the members of the mounted patrol was Dr. Charles Glass, a local obstretician, it was facetiously suggested that we halt midway in the parade and let him deliver a baby. This suggestion met with the same reception, how­ ever, as a similar one that the ski and snowshoe unit mount a sled on roller skate wheels, load it with a victim, and pull it the entire length of the parade route walking on snowshoes. The horsemen were followed by the department jeep pulling the scuba-diving equipment trailer, and several members of the Sheriffs Powerboat Squad­ ron, pulling their boats on trailers, brought up the rear. While the parade entry probably contributed (Continlled on Next Page) Home Title Co. Title Insurance & Escrow 1310 M Street FRESNO, CALIFORNIA Phone AM 8-9811 4 Branches for Your Convenience: 1639 E. Shields -3249 E. McKinley 477 Blackstone -2609 E. McKinley 19 "­ little in the way of tralOlOg, all who participated had a lot of fun, and the spectacors no doubt learned a great deal about the departlnent's facilities and capabilities in the search and rescue field. Sometime in April Undersheriff Long heard about the annual rescue seminar conducted by the Southern California chapter of the International Mountain Res­ cue Association. Always on the alert for new ideas and information which might be of value, he ar­ ranged for your writer to attend. Two members of the Air Squadron, Commander Ken McNamara and Operations Officer Bud Miller, also attended. We arrived at ldyllwild, about twenty-five miles southeast of Banning in Riverside County, late on a Friday evening. A church summer camp had been rented for the seminar, and search and rescue units from all over Southern California, and a few from neighboring states, had gathered to display eguip­ ment and exchange information and ideas. The session officially got under way early Saturday morning, after a breakfast of powdered eggs and hot cakes. The first thing we learned was that powdered eggs haven't improved much in the twenty years since World War II. They still taste all right if you 're hungry enough. (Continued on Next Page) COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE HEAD OFFICE IN SAN FRANCISCO 8 BRANCHES IN CALIFORNIA THE BANK OF TOKYO OF CALIFORN IA FRESNO BRANCH 1458 KERN STREET PHONE 233-0591 Member Federal Depo.il Insurance Corp. T he leaders of the department's aux­ iliary orgallizatiom pose with Sheriff LVii/mirth at " "get-acquainted" din­ ;zer. From left; Al Camin, of the Jeep Squadron; Charles Blashill, of the Sheriff's POJJe; Commander Ken McNctnzal'a, of the Air Squadron,· Sheriff Willmirth; Claude Bartlett of the Power Boat Squadron; Rusty Newby, of the Communications Squadron; and Bymn Clark of the Helicopter Squadmn. Compliments COOK & LA VOY INSURANCE General Insurance 3003 N. Blackstone Phone 229-8523 JOE DISH IAN SHELL SERVICE Motor Tune Up -Bra'ke Service Free Pick Up and Delivery Thrifty Green Sta mps 4530 N. Blackstone Ave. Phone 222-0828 RON & LARRY'S CLUB Cold Beer -Tasty Sandwiches Shuffleboard and Bowling 3941 E. Belmont Ave. Phone 233-3923 I CLUB LAUNDRY & CLEANERS, INC. Whole5CIle & Reltail 4454 E. Belmont 2918 Tulare 251-6015 233-0254 J. FLECK AGENCY INSURANCE CONSULTANTS Covering Sheriff's Office employees with voluntary payroll continuance and catastrophic hospitaliza­ tion plans For information phone 233-8491 125 E. Olive Ave. Fresno 20 The Sheriff's Powerboat Squadrons Back r01{' Icft to right,· M. A1. McCarl)" Ludwig Bazuik, /Ii/erie Miller, Don Hardwick, Doug Eubanks , Roy Bier, John Parker, Charle.r Wall, Grady Brooks, Ed Parrel, CoreyVerkuyl, and H em] Ii/agner. Fmllt roU' left to right,' JillJ Fis hel', "Commodore" Clair Drago o, Roy Stall coff, Ro b.:!rt Work, Vern Taylor, and Robert Slit es. Memben 7701 in pictme,' Claude Bartlett, Robert Crosshllld, Don Dahsoll, Howard Elliot, Jam es Mandella, Laff ), Nygaard, George Potigian, H el'schel Sudden, Don Wright, Jake Batell, Pete Burgdorf, Carl Fuller, Walt Rhod:!, Ray Walker, and James Roughton. FRESNO MEMORIAL (jardenj Fresno's Own Homeowned Cemetery 175 S. Cornelia at Whitesbridge Rd. 268-7823 HOLLYWOOD CAMERA SHOP PHOTOGRAPH IC SUPPLI ES New Coin Department in Downtown Store TWO STORES TO SERVE YOU DOWNTOWN 1141 Fulton Mall Phone 268-5691 and MANCHESTER SHOPPING CENTER 1826 E. Dayton Phone 229-8114 tBehind Bank of America) Support The VALLEY CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL AND GUIDANCE CLINIC Sponsored By a Friend Fresno's Finest Accommodations For Your Out of Town Visitors. THE PINE CONE / BRANDING IRON RESTAURANTS Nationally Famous for Fine Food 2141 N. Parkway Dr. At Clinton Ave. OverJ:jass _7l.. .. PHone 237-1881' L;,ilJ'Ilt 1111'& RESTAURANT • COCKTAILS • I I 11111111'11 •• 11111. . MERCED. SAN lEANDRO • I _ • SAN JOSE· FRESNI SEARCH AND RESCUE The first two hours were devoted to classroom lectures on various subjects relating to search and rescue, such as organization and control of search parties, legal obligations of law enforcement agen­ cies, cooperation between agencies, liability for in­ juries suffered by participants, etc. Next there was a formal equipment display, where units exhibited various pieces of equipment designed to meet specific needs or problems. Some of it had been designed and produced commercially, and some by the mem­ bers of the units themselves. Among the most inter­ esting items, which we from Fresno County had never seen before, were a gasoline powered winch small enough to be carried on a back pack; a gasoline powered generator of a similar size; a rescue sled equipped with rigid handles at each corner instead of ropes, so that it can be more easily lifted over obstructions; and a litter basket with a bicycle wheel to give the bearers a brief respite whenever a smooth bit of trail is found. We were somewhat astonished to find, however, that even though some of the units had newer and more expensive vehicles, none had as good an all around headquarters vehicle as our oid GI truck. After lunch we drove several miles from camp to a SpOt where a creek runs through a small canyon with sheer rock walls. Here we saw demonstrations of the various uses of ropes in climbing cliffs, and lowering and raising litters into and out of deep canyons. The afternoon ended with a simulated res­ cue. A dummy was placed in a grotesque position on the canyon floor, representing a hiker who had fallen and seriously injured himself. A team of rock climbers descended on ropes to the victim, rendered first aid such as bandaging cuts and applying splints to broken bones, then placed the victim in a basket litrer. A second team then took over and raised the litter, one man literally walking up the cliff behind it, to the canyon rim opposite our vantage point. From there a third team transported the basket across the canyon on a rope to the top of a large flat boulder. There it was picked lip by a helicopter from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. The precision work of the various teams was quite impressive. However, we didn'r feel that Fresno County was hopelessly outclassed. We have rock climbers available among the Edison Company em­ ployees ar Big Creek, and, as Bud Miller said in reference to the helicopter pilot's skill, "He's good, (Coll/il1l1ed 011 Page 24) CLACK & CUMMINS, INC. Plumbing & Heating Contractors "We're Known for Quality & Dependability" 4692 East Hedges Ave. 255-5583 FRESNO WHITE & AUTOCAR SALES Distributors of White & Autocar Trucks -Parts & Service 2707 S. East Ave. FRESNO AG HARDWARE "You Can Always Get It At Fresno Ag" 2704 Blackstone 222-7771 FRESNO YORKS PLACE Wines -Beer -Liquor Cocktail Bar -On & Off Sale liquor 7029 E. Elm, Fresno 264-5531 R'I Accounting -C.P.A. -Court Reporting Secretarial -law -Real Estate James Deitz, President Small Classes -Individual Progress Friendly Faculty . Free Placement Service • 1921 Tuolumne 264-3081 SAM DAVIDSON CO. Cars of Merit Serving Fresno Since 1913 We Carry Our Own Contracts, You deal with us only. Fulton at Ventura Phone 233-31 B7 P,ITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS CO. Pittsburgh Paints Morek Brushes -United Wallpaper 520 N. Blackstone 233-6179 Fresno ELECTRIC LABORATORIES 1740 Van Ness Ave. Fresno UNITED-DELCO AUTOMOTIVE Warehouse -Jobbers, Distributors Since 1915 DICK'S SUPPLIES Plumbing -Electrical & Form Supplies Building Materials -Wire & Steel Products Corner 0 & Ventura, Fresno 264-2951 22 The Sheriff's Communications Squadron: Back row left to right; Norman Avedian, Jack Lewis, Le­ land Stoudt, Gene Motley, Lou Ba­ ziuk, and Harvey Kroeker. Center row left to right; Jimmy Zulfa, Olen Motley, Bud Quesinberry, Art HOfst­ mier, tlnd Jack Riley. FfOnt row left to l'ight; Bob McDonald, Doll)' Newby, Rust), Newby, Commander and Danny Martin. In addition to making themselves available for search and res(Ue missions, members of this group regularly man the look­ out tower at Pine Flat Lake, pro­ viding radio contact between the shore and the patrol boat. II MONTGOMERY WARD 1302 Fulton Fresno MID-VALLEY TRAILER SALES Authorized Dealer For Angelus -Traveleze -Biltmore "The Finest in House Trailers" Bank Terms -84 Months to Pay 6131 N. Blackstone 439-1852 MASTER RADIATOR WORKS Delco-Harrison Distributors Repairing -Recoring -Cleaning Fro nk Kan darian 616 Broadway Phone 237-0514 DEMCO LIBRARY SUPPLIES Post Office Box 1586 268-8666 Fresno FRESNO COlTON SALES AGENCY Paul E. Ellis, Owner 1717 Van Ness 266-9613 Offices in Principo"' Cities -Pioneers of Long Distance Moving Agent for NATIONAL VAN LINES, INC. LOCAL MOVING AND A COMPLETE 48 STATE MOVING SERVICE AGENT DAVE'S VAN & STORAGE DAVE McCOY Office 268·0948 -Residence 222·4895 1636 "H" Street Fresno, California Kings County Truck Lines MILK TRANSPORT ­FARM PICKUP TANKERS REFRIGERATED VANS 2336 S. Railroad Ave., F~esno Phone 233-0873 Tulare Phone 686-1641 Farm Machinery Center SALES and SERVICE Massey-Ferguson Tractors Goble Disc Plows New Holland Balers and Haying Equipment John Bean Sprayers G & M Equipmen.t 2632 S. Elm Avenue -S.W. Corner at Jensen Fresno 268-5647 FRESNO MACARONI MFG. CO. High Grade Macaroni Products 1133 E Street 268-0203 23 SEARCH AND RESCUE but he's not any better than Harry," meaning Harry Rogers, the leader of our helicopter squadron. Afrer a deliciolls dinner not <"luite so reminiscenr of our milirary careers as breakfast bad been, we assembled in the mess hall for the evening program. First on the agenda was a short business meering of the sponsoring association, then the speaker of the evening took over. He was a doeror fromSeanle, who is medical advisor for the Imernational Moun­ rain Rescue Association, and an avid moumaineer. Seldom had we listened to a more dedicated man. He reminded me of an old-fashioned evangelist ex­ pounding the gospel. He had participated in several spenacuLtr rescues of injured moumain climbers, in­ cluding a comparatively recem mission high on the shoulder of Mr. McKinley in Alaska, and several from the more rugged peaks of the Cascade Range in Washingron and Oregon. His talk and the slides with which he demonstrated it ran on for hours, but no one seemed to mind . The only persons who left before the conclusion of the program were [wo Riverside County rescue teams who were called out to search for a fisherman reported lost on a stream a few miles away. This call seemed so trite everyone tbought it was a gag at first, but it proved to be on tbe level, and we learned tbe next morning that the search had been successfully completed shortly after midnight, with the victim found unharmed. Sunday morning's program featured the use of the helicopter in rescue work. There were demon­ strations of equipmem drops, picking up a litter with a winch and cable while hovering several feet in the air; and how to safely load a helicopter" while it hovers inches above the ground with the rotor blades whirling. Two bloodhounds and their handlers were flown to tbe demonstration area, a large meadow a half mile from camp, and we saw how the gigamic, sad-faced animals can follow a scem. We were told that a good., well-trained bloodhound is valued at over two thousand dollars. Later in the morning we saw a demonstration of the tensile strength of various types and sizes of rope, and the difference in strength that various knots will make in the same piece of rope. After lunch the seminar was adjourned. We came away witb the feeling that the trip bad definitely been worthwhile. Several bits of informa­ tion of potenrial value to this department had been assimilated, and it had been encouraging to see that even though we were just beginning to get our search ART'S BOATS ROEDING PARK 264-0687 LIBERTY AUTO SERVICE Complete Auto Repairing Motor Overhaul -Motor Tune-Up Brake Service -Electrical Work 1008 C Street Phone 233-0356 Notaries Public Campbell Tax & Business Service Wilfred B. and Mary C. Campbell Income Tax -Photo Copy -Bookkeeping Birth Certificate and Payroll Service 5953 South Cedar Ave. 264-2269 [I I STILLMAN DRUG CO. DRUGS & SUNDRIES 1. Von Ness & Weldon -227-8421 2. Food Sonk Center -Selmont & Chestnut -255-8375 3. Food Sank Center -West & Shields -229-9521 4.4222 E. Sutler-233-7183 CARL'S WHOLESALE MEATS Specializing in Cutting and Wrapping Meats for Home Freezers Terms Upon Credit Apprival 4101 E. Floradora Phone 268-8568 SYCAMORE ISLAND Stock Ranch BUD & LlL'S Cocktail tounge Willard Neilan 481 N. Fresno at Belmont 264-4862 BUTLER CONVALESCENT HOME Nursing Care 24 Hours a Day 3830 Butler Ave. 233-2985 SUNNYSIDE PHARMACY PRESCRIPTIONS 5562 E. Kings Canyon Rd. 251-8601 ,In Sunnyside Square 24 Membel'S of tbe Sberiff's Underwater ResCtte and Recovery Unit assist in retrieving an automobile u·hicb has gone into a canal. PARKER RAMBLER CO. RAMBLER SALES & SERVICE J.i62 Broadway. Fresno 264-2901 COCKTAILS -DINNERS Fresno's Favorite New Sfeakery . 1740 N. First near McKinley 237-1418 7~e Cleve1-Clu6 Fresno FavorIte Downtown Cocktail Lounge Home of the Big Bear 2039 Kern 266-6879 Pumps -Implements Deep Well Turbines Centrifugals -Pressure Systems 2494 Railroad Ave., Fresno 233-2243 and rescue unir organized and rrained, we seemeJ to be on rh e righr track and making excellenr prog­ ress. The mosr valuable lesson learned, however, was guire intangible. Ir was the inspirarion received from observing the dedicared atrirude most of rhose present showed roward search and rescue operarions. Sourh­ ern California law enforcement agencies rely a grear deal upon organized volunreer groups for assistance in such ma((ers. There are several private rescue reams in the area, which, alrhough affi liated wirh Jnd the members depurized by cerrain law enforce­ ment agencies, are acrually self-supporting and inde­ pendendy adminisrered. These people buy rheir own eguipmenc, spend hours practicing their respecrive skills, and are always ready at a momenc's norice ro drop rheir Own affairs or absent themselves from rheir jobs and fly (Q any parr of the Stare where they are needed. The department has had occasion to work wirh some of them previously, but ir wasn'r unci I we visired them On their home grounds rhat (Continued on Next Page) FRESNO AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SERVICE INCORPORATED ALBERT MESEKE Ports and Exchange Units Complete Service 268-5073 Fresno 2522 Ventura 2S .... , AFCO DISCOUNT DEPT. STORE Home of Nationally Advertised SEARCH AND RESCUE their availability and willingness to help was fully understood and appreciated. Observing the success with which Southern Califor­ nia agencies utilize the services of volunteer groups confirmed the value of an idea we had already formed and begun to make a reality. We have men­ tioned the Air Squadron, and the important part it played in training and its potential value on an actual mission. Our other auxiliary groups, such as the Sheriff's Posse, the Powerboat Sljuadron, and the Communications Squadron, are of course always available and anxious to help. It was felt from the beginning, however, that we also needed people we could call upon who were inrimately acquainred with the area in which our missions would be carried out. Since the majority of our calls come from the Huntington and Shaver Lakes area, and the Southern California Edison employees living at Big Creek are the largest group of year round residents of that area, they seemed to be a highly valuable source of help. The matter was discussed with Ken Davis, spe­ cial agent in charge of law enforcement matters for the Edison Company, and he liked the ide:a. He: there­ fore: arranged a meeting in the company social hall, and several of us, including Sheriff Willmirth and Undersheriff Long, attended and outlined our plan. In addition to Edison Company employees, several other residents of the: area were present. The overall plan, devised in cooperation with Mr. Davis who volunteered to act as coordinator, was to have on file the name of each person who was interested in rescue work, with pcrtinent information regarding the time he would be available, his particu­ lar skill, such as mountain climbing, tracking, diving, etc.; and whatever special equipment he had. Thus, if extra help were needed, Mr. Davis could be noti­ fied, and he would check his file for the ilppropriate personnel and take care of dispatching. Response· to the idea was more gratifying. We learned that practically all of the people of the area feel very strongly about search and rescue work, and are very anxious to help a neighbor, or a stranger, who is in trouble. In fact, those at the meeting im­ mediately backed up the:ir convictions with something more substantial than words, by conrributing several dollars to start a fund for the purchase of extra equipment for our unit. Shortly after the Big Creek group was enlisted in our case, we learned of another group, already well organized, equipped, and trained, who were anxious Brands Mon. thru Fri.-Noon to 9 P.M. Sat.-10 A.M. to 6 P.M. 5374 No. Blackstone VEE'S TRAILER RENTALS local or Nation-Wide -low Rates Hitches -Appliance Dollies -Tarps -Pads 4036 E. Ventura Phone 237-8169 ROBERTS FIG CO. 5789 N. West Avenue Fresno HOWEY MOTOR SALES Guaranteed Automobiles-Block long Selection 1811 Divisadero at Abby 268-9744 HEFLEY TRUCKING CO. Specialized Produce Haulers 1757 G SI. Phone 266-0404 THE HIDE-A-WA Y Cocktails Olive & Maple 255-9998 I~------------------------------~ HERB'S JOYN'T Draft Beer -Cocktails 381 E. Shaw at Fresno 222-7748 DIDIER'S LIQUOR Delicatessen & Party Specialties Open Fri. & Sat. 'till :30 a.m. Other nights 11 p.m. 4785 E. Olive Avenue 255-0032 GENERAL BEARINGS COMPANY Bearing & Truck Transmission ..Specialists." 2820 Church Ave. 237-9131 26 FRESNO'S ONLY HOME OWNED, INDEPENDENT BANK "TIle Bank For r ou" 1903 Fulton Street NEAR Divisadero Member Fed.ral R•••rv. Phone 237-3 I '" I FIBERGLASS ENGINEERING tr SUPPLY DIVISION Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp. WILLIAM D. KUNZ, Branch Manager 427 P Street Fresno Meet Your Friends At PAUL WILLARD'S Carousel Restaurant & COCKTAIL LOUNGE Freeway 99 at Belmont Ave. FOR THE FINEST IN COCKTAILS AND FOOD IN A MOST DELIGHTFUL AND UNUSUAL ATMOSPHERE Open Daily For Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Please Call 233-4159 6:30 A.M. 'Till 2 :00 A.M. PRIVATE BANQUET FACILITIES THERE IS A DIFFERENCE TRY7iortiells ICE CREAM ro become a pa rt of our program. This was Explorer Scout Troop #50, under the leadership of Mr. Glen Dorfmeier. Ie must be confessed that at first we had some doubt about asking them to join us, based principally upon the youth of the members and the questionable wisdom of using them on such potm­ tially hazardous tasks as search and rescue missions. After attending a couple-of their meetings, however, hearing the young men talk about their training and experience, and seeing their physical equipment and mental attitude, we welcomed them to the team. The scoutS proved their worth on their first mis­ s:on. Late in May tWO yeung motorcycle riders failed ro return home at the expected time from a Saturday afternoon ride. Since they had rold their parents they were going to Bass Lake and North Fork, the search was begun on Sunday by Madera County officers. By Sunday afternoon, however, the youths had been traced past Shaver Lake and Dinkey Creek, and late that evening Constable Dick Smith and Game War­ den Jim Bates found mororcycle tracks leaving the Dinkey-Balch Camp road and entering a dirt logging road which leads across the northwest shoulder of Patterson Mountain and ends on its west slope. Smith and Bates began following the tracks by autOmobile, but had gone only a few miles whcn a large snowdrift blocked their path. Tracks indicated the riders had wrestled their machines through the drift, so the officers continued on foot. A few hun­ dred yards farther on they found qne of the bikes hidden in a clump of brush beside the road. About five miles farther they found the second bike, abandoned after the riders had practically car­ ried it through several snowdrifts and dragged it over and under fallen trees. The riders had then continued on foot, apparently under the impression the road would eventually lead them ro civilization. The officers followed the foot tracks several more miles, and finally gave up when the tracks disap­ peared at a point where the road spread Out into a maze of short roads extending into the timber cutting area. They hiked back ro their vehicle and radioed this department for assistance. Four members of the Sheriff's search and rescue unit met Smith and Bates early Monday morning, along with two volunteers with powerful winch­ equipped jeeps. The deputies began the long trek to the end of the road, while the jeep drivers, Smith, Bates, and Constable Jack Sturges began checking logging roads in the area. Meanwhile a team of deputies was dispatched from Fresno to check roads (Conlinued 01/ Next Page) 27 SEARCH AND RESCUE in the Balch Camp area, and the Air Squadron began an aerial search. The search continued throughout the day, with no sign of the lost youths. A daylight search of the area where Smith and Bates had lost the tracks showed that the boys had spent considerable time investigat­ ing the many side roads, apparently hoping ro find a way out of the area. When they found thar each one ended within a few hundred yards, they had started ro return. After about a half mile, however, the tracks literally disappeared, and it was impos­ sible to determine which direction the boys had tak­ en. From that point, however, Pine Flat Reservoir is clearly visible, and ro one inexperienced in moun­ tain terrain would appear to be only a few miles away. The officers felt sure, therefore, that the boys had seen the lake, starred ro walk toward it, and were probably still wandering around somewhere in the extremely rough country between the foot of Patter­ son Mountain and Dinkey Creek. There was a good chance that, had they not injured themsel ves in some way, they would eventually work down the east bank of Dinkey Creek ro Balch Camp. The ground parry hiked back to their vehicles at the approach of darkness as a rainsrorm, which had threatened all afternoon, struck with full force. Their theory regarding the direction taken by the youths was relayed ro Undersheriff Long, and he made ar­ rangements for Mr. Dorfmcier and his Scouts ro go ro the Balch Camp area and begin working IIp­ str~am . The search ended soon after the Scouts ar­ rived at their assigned sector. JUSt a few miles above Balch Camp they found the missing youths, tired and hungry but otherwise in good condition, in a cabin they had entered for shelter from the srorm. The use of the jeeps on the Patterson Mountain mission, and the way the drivers were able ro winch their vehicles over almost any type of road or trail, FRESNO FUNERAL CHAPEL Art Pine 1136 A 233-1174 Fresno FOSTER'S OLD FASHION FREEZE California's Favorite Dessert Hamburgers 25c Go Home Happy! look Twice! Don't Get Fooled -Get Foster's Three locations: 1449 E. Belmont Avenue 3859 Ventura -3377 N. Cedar Avenue BENSON'S BAKERY The Baker to Call for Your Special Orders Open 7 Days a Week-7 a.m. 'Till 11 p.m. 4474 E. Belmont Phone 255-4478 Ralph Anderson Brake & Wheel Service Wheel Alignment & Balancing Drum Trueing -Shock Absorbers Free Estimates -All Work Guaranteed 205 North H. Phone 237-7688 ASHLAN PHARMACY Free Delivery Service Prescription Service Cosmetics -Gifts -Greeting Cards 2620 E. Ashlan at N. Fresno 222-7794 SANCHEZ & HALL MORTUARY Robert Joseph Sanchez, Director New -Modern -Attractive Chapel & Facilities 1022 B Street at Tulare Phone 237-3532 EDWARD A. WALLER RANCH Fresno Compliments of Gene Richard's Paving Co. 3292V2 N. Weber AYe. 266-4033 Beacon Petroleum :Products Big Power -low Cost BEACON DIST. CO. OF FRESNO 3839 Ventura, Fresno Ph. 251-7539 THE SISTERS Home Style Cooking Home Made Pies and Cakes Open 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 1923 Tuolumne Phone 266-1376 28 SEEBURG "Tailored" Background Music TELENORM Automatic Intercommunications Systems Cigarette Vending Machines -Phonographs ELBEE COMPANY 755 M St., Fresno Phone 237-2214 DELK PEST CONTROL 3405 E. TULARE STREET FRESNO Phone 268-6155 CONTINENTAL TITLE CO. TITLE INSURANCE AND ESCROWS lee R. Neuhaus President and Manager Richard W . Jones Vice President and Assistant Manager 1234 M Street Phone 237-9161 pointed our the potential value of an organized unit of volunteer jeep owners. Undersheriff Long ap­ proached several members of the local Four Wheel Drive Club with the idea, and the Fresno County Sheriffs Jeep Squadron was born. The unit is composed of fifteen members, all of whom own four wheel drive vehicles and are ex­ perienced in operating them in rough mountain ter­ rain. Most of the vehicles have engines much more powerful than those with which they were originally equipped, and practically all are equipped with citi­ zco's band radio. The unit was called upon often during the remainder of the year to prove that it will be an extremely valuable addition to the search and rescue team. During the first few months of the year most of the action was on land, but the underwater phase of search and rescue was not neglected. The Sheriff's Underwater Rescue and Recovery Unit was re-or­ ganized, under the direction of Sgt. Stan Barnes, and several new members trained. A more efficient system for keeping equipment in working order was devised, with all supplies except the divers' personal gear kept in the unit's trailer, ready for action at a mo­ ment's notice. One man was given the responsibility of maintaining the supply trailer. The unit had the usual number of calls to recover eodies of drowned persons from the canals in the Fresno area. Late in May they joined forces with the mountain crew to help in the recovery of the body of a thirteen year old Fresno boy who slipped off a rock and drowned while fishing in the south fork of the San Joaquin River. Headquarters for the operation was established at Hoffman Meadow, thirty-eight miles northeast of Huntington Lake, and the nearest point to the scene accessible to vehicles. From there it was a long hike, (Coli/iI/lied 011 Ptlge 32) M. FriisRHansen & CO., Inc. DALE BROS. COFFEE "THE VALLEY'S FAVORITE" FRES~O McKinley Ave. & U. S. Highway 99 1724 West McKinley Phone 233-3121 29 These photos sholl' Jome of the activity invof.ved il1 a JuccessfuL rescue opera­ tion. Memben of 'volunteer resCue teamJ debark from tm airplane at the Premo Air Terminal and board the paddy wagon for trtlllS porlation to the fcme. U po 11 their arrival they are quick­ ly briefed by the officer in chat'ge, while horsemen preptlfe to leave camp to be­ gin tlx:,ir aHignment. Horsemen facing the Ctll77c:rtl tire packer Joe BridgeJ of 30 Badger Flat and Sgt. Sam Eidson. When the victim is located he is made as comforh/ble as possible in a basket litter. Only identified person is D. A. Investigator Hubert Nevins, with hands 011 kneeJ. Meanwhile, a helicopter lands to pick up the victim. He is tenderly loaded aboard, the pilot pre pared for a brief flight to a Fresno hospital, and members of the ground party relax with a well-earned co!fee break. 31 SEARCH AND RESCUE requiring several hours, to the scene of the tragedy. Pack horses were brought in to carry the scuba gear, but the divers and the others had to walk. It was an all day operation, hampered considerably by the fact that the canyon is so deep direct radio communi­ cation with the truck was impossible. The Explorer Scouts had been dispatched to as­ sist, and an attempt was made to solve the commu­ nications problem by stationing ScoutS equipped with citizen band radios at intervals along the trail, to rc­ lay messages. Even this method did not work, due to inadequate equipment, so a call was made to Fresno for an airplane. The Air Squadron responded im­ mediately, and kept an airplane over the area the remainder of the day, relaying messages back and forth between the scelle of operations and the truck. Late in the afternoon the body was recovered. Several more hours were spent in earring it back to Hoffman Meadow, and making sure all members of the search party returned safely. On July 5th a six year old boy strayed away from his parents' camp at the Boggy Meadow Camp­ ground at Edison Lake. Several members of the de­ partment's rescue unit were immediately dispatched, and they, with eight volunteers from the Edison Com­ pany, conducted an all night search. Arrangements were made for assistance from the Sierra Madre Res­ cue Team, one of the previously menrioned volunteer groups from Southern Cailfornia. Eight members of the unit arrived in Fresno early the following morn­ ing, with a bloodhound. They were enroute from the Air Terminal to the scene when word was re­ ceived that this incident too had ended in tragedy. The child's body was found in the water just a few yards from his parents' camp. Also participating in this operation were six mem­ bers of the Jeep Squadron, fifteen members of the U.S. Forestry Service, Mr. Dorfmeier and nine of the VIE-DEL COMPANY 11903 South Chesfnut 834-2525 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA RALPH'S CAFE The Finest in Beer & Wine Mexican & American Dishes 1421 Tulare 237-9554 . CECIL S. MARSH Electrica I Contractor 2002 Kenmore Drive West 268-7540 Sierra Auto Supply & Machine Shop Pete Peterson -Bill-Schoenauer B, F. Goodrich Tires 4220 E. Belmont 251-5588 STERLING TOWEL CO. 1531 "G" Street Fresno 233-1133 Complete Heavy Duty TRUCK & TRAILER REPAIRS 24 Hlour Service -GAS & DIESEL VALLEY TRUCK REPAIR tNC. (At Flying A Flat Top) 2837 N. Highway 99 233-8869 GEORGE BRITTON TRUCKING PLASTER SAND -ROCK -DUMP TRUCKS 4627 N. Maple Phone 222-7431 CASA CANALES "Dining in Mexican Style" 3110 N. Moroo Near Shields 222-4935 Fresno ALUED LINOLEUM CO. 266-0177 Finest In Floor Coverings 1437 E. Belmont Fresno BATEMAN & CUNNINGHAM, INC. CEMENT CONTRACTORS Commercial & Residential Sidewalks -Curbing -Floors -Etc. 4688 E. Hedges 255-2298 32 de <2iJ{arquis DANCING 7 Nights a Week 3697 So. Highway 99 BOB DILLARD LIVESTOCK Dairy Cattle Bought and Sold 4075 S. Cherry Ave. Phone 237-1590 ASHER BROS. SHOES Save 30-50"/. on Nationally Advertised Men's -Women's -Children's S HOE S FRIDAY 'TIL 9:00 P.M. IIftInd~"nv and Tulare 268-6311 MANUEL MENDOSA HERRERA Licensed Labor Contractor 7019 E. Kings Canyon Road Fresno Phone 251-3731 33 Explorer Scouts, anu Deputy Constable Dick Smith. The Southern California units were called upon again on August 3rd, and this mission had a happier ending than the two previously mentioned. A thir­ tcen year oJu boy had become separated from his par­ ents while hiking near the Badger Flats campground on Kaiser Pass. The search party consisted of several sheriffs deputies, members of volunteer groups affil­ iated with this department, plus members of the Sierra Madre, Montrose, and Riv~rside rescue teams, who again had brought a bloodhound. The com­ bined efforts of the dog and a tracker led the party to the victim, who had been injured in a fall from a rock in the bed of Rancheria Creek. He was flown to a Fresno hospital by Byron Clark of the Fresno County Sheriffs Helicopter Sguadron. These are but a few of the many search and rescue missions conducted by this department during 1964. Space does not permit mentioning them all. How­ ever, the following statistics are an indication of the magnitude of the task. Man 'hours spent in actual search and rescue operations during the year were as follows: Sheriffs Department personneL__ ___ __________ 1623 Other law enforcement personneL__ _____ ____ ___ 122 Organized volunteer groups_____________ ______ .__ ._1489 TOTAL_________ ________ .. ________________________ __________ 3234 This does not include the uncounted hours spent by private volunteers, nor the hundreds of hours spent in training and preparation of eguipment. The year ended with the most pressing problem, that of maintaining dependable and adeguate com­ munication between headguarters and field units, still nor completely solved. However, toward the end of the year several new and more efficient portable (Continued on Next Pager Vcdley Ice Company 2003 Cherry Phone 237-6145 SEARCH AND RESCUE radios were purchased. They have undergone a great deal of testing, and promise to fulfill the need. Due to promotions and transfers there have been a few changes in key personnel, but the overall pro­ gram remains unchanged. Although great strides have been made, the task of providing the people of Fresno County with a search and rescue unit prepared for any contingency is not yet completed. ~ome of the plans for the future are as follows. A continuing training program will be conducted, with new personnel constantly being added and those already in the group encouraged to maintain their skills at peak efficiency. A search and rescue manual of procedure is now being prepared, so that any person assigned to take part in such a mission will be able to find out exactly what part he is to play. Several major items of equipment are in the "talking and wishing" phase of acquisition, among them a "snow-cat," for use in back roads in the mountains during the winter when conventional vehicles are useless. Naturally, the cost of a new ve­ hicle of this nature would be prohibitive, but the possibility of acquiring one from military surplus is being explored. Last but not least, an intensive public education program is planned, to teach users of our recreation areas how best to avoid placing themselves and their children in a situation which might require the serv­ ices of a search and rescue unit. The members of the Sheriffs search and rescue unit would be very happy if this program would turn out to be so successful that they would be put out of business. FRESNO IRRIGATION APPLIANCES Mfg. of Galvanized Brass Cast Iron Gates & Valves Fresno Air Terminal 251-7501 HOBBS·PARSONS COMPANY -*­ WHOLESALE PRODUCE -*­ $100 REWARD For any household sewing machine we cannot repair. SALES, SERVICE, RENTALS (all makes). PFAFF SEWING CENTER 501 No. Fresno at Belmont, Fresno 237-8779 or 237-4221 ORIENTAL DRY GOODS CO. Shoes and Ready-to-Wear, Notions Luggage and House Furnishings 1502 Tulare Street 237-7421 Fresno 1, California OAK LEAF RESTAURANT AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE Fine Food and Cocktails HENRY JACOBSEN, Prop. 3261 E. Tulare SI. 264-6778 PLAYLAND POOL 934 F Street Fresno S & L MARKET PHONE 237-5776 4121 E. BELMONT AVENUE MILDRED KASPARIAN ALERT-CRAFTSMAN LETTER SERVICE Multilith Offset Printing Letters -Circulars -Bulletins -Metering Mailing 850 R' Street Phone 233-4216 ROL PAK FILTER SERVICE CO. SALES & SERVICE D & M Tractor Rollers -Lincoln Lube Equipment STRATOFLEX HYD. HOSE & FITIINGS 2381 S. Sarah 268-0292 MORRIS E. LINDER, JR. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION 3337 S. Cherry 268-1448 Biedermann's Outboard Motor Shop All MAKES NEW & USED MOTORS New & Used Parts ­Repairs -Parts -Service Reasonable Prices -All Work Guaranteed 621 Voorman Ave. 237-5843 233-2083 H & Tulare Streets FRESNO Phone 237-6111 34 A DAY AT THE F.B.I. NATIONAL ACADEMY By HAROLD McKINNEY Twice yearly the doors of the FBI National Acade­ my in WashingtOn, D .C. open to admit approximate­ ly 90 law enforcement officers representing police agencies from the United Scates and foreign nations. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO. CHICAGO MAPLE SHOP Furniture -Rugs -Household Appliances 1357 Van Ness Ave. Phone 268-6384 Located on the fifth floor of the Department of Justice Building, midway between the Capitol and tbe White House on Pennsylvania Avenue, this "West Point of law enforcement" is now in its 30th year and boasts over 4000 graduates throughout the world. Each session, lasting twelve weeks, produces police instructors and administrators freshly indoc­ trinated with knowledge of new technical develop­ ments and improved operating procedures, and with enough printed material to furnish any respectable recruit or in-service school with volumes of lesson plans and reference papers. Strict mental, moral and physical standards are maintained in the selection process. Each candidate nominated by his department head must be between the ages of 25 and 50 ; a full-time employee of a duly established law enforcement agency serving a munici­ pality, county or state with five years experience; (Con/inued on Nex/ Page) So much is possible with Security Bank as your financial partner Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 'lie illrgest, Most Modern iellding Independent Mllrket in the Vlllley LARGEST VARIETY OF NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS ~lf1~Mrc4~~OD~r-__I~N~THE VALLEY PHONES: Grocery, 4343 North Blackstone at Holland Ave. 35 THE FBI NATlONAL ACADEMY certified by a physician as capable of performing vigorous physical activity, and possess at least a high school diploma. After a thorough background investigation con­ ducted by agents of the FBI, the candidate is inter­ viewed by the special agent in charge of the nearest FBI field office. He is queried as to his reasons for applying, his goals, his occupational and educational background, and his basic attitudes and philosophies relating to law enforcement as a profession. If he is successful in all phases of the investigation and se­ lection process, his' name is placed on the candidate list to be considered with all other applications from his general area. The order in which he may be se­ lected will depend upon the need in his department for training in the various subjects included in the national academy curriculum. Political factors and the size of the department are immaterial in selecting a representative. Major considerations include the overall goals and purposes of the academy, which include training of career police officers as instructors BLAKE SURPLUS SALES CO. Pipe -Steeel -Hose -Siphon Tubes -Misc. Name It We Probably Have It Bob Leff, Manager 4790 North Cornelia Res. 439-5092 Bus. 264-3959 IMPERIAL '400' MOTEL Fresno's Newest Downtown Motel Pool -T.V. -Air Conditioned Phones -Parking 2127 Inyo St. Ph. 268-0621 STANTON BIGGS DITCHING CONTRACTOR Trenching & Foundations 2825 N. Weber 264-2941 BETTER PEST CONTROL Guaranteed Service -Residential -Commercial 5402 E. Griffith 291-7344 DOMENICO'S COCKTAILS Italian Dinners at Their Best 2133 E. McKinley 264-2018 Henrietta Rancho Products Co. FRUIT JUICES & CONCENTRATES Peach & California 255-0401 Fresno KLEIN BOAT TRAILERS CUSTOM BUILT TO FIT YOUR BOAT With Wheels to Match Your Car Trailer Parts and Service 4017 Ventura 255-9477 255-3382 FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP Jacobson, Petersen & Dunn -Dist. Mgrs. 5005 E. Belmont Phone 251-7506 HOLT LUMBER INC. Lumber -Plywood -Building Materials DICK HOLT BILL HOLT 1916 S. Cherry Ave. 233-3291 FRESNO A and executives. The curriculum is flexible to meet the changing needs of law enforcement. The academy stresses the application of each subject to police work and pre­ sents practical problems which the student must solve. The FBI maintains a full staff of instructors, supplemented by FBI experts and other specialists in various fields. Outstanding educators, criminolo­ gists, police officials and firearms specialists number among the faculty. A rigorous daily physical fitness program, including instructions in judo, self-defense and dis-arming tactics is maintained throughout the course, presided over by deceptively mild looking FBI agents in the basement gymnasium. Tests and practical laboratory studies are conducted under the guidance of trained, world renowned specialists. The outdoor firearms ranges at the FBI academy in Quan­ tico, Virginia, are utilized by the student to learn and practice weaponry of all types under FBI fire­ arms instructors of unbelievable skill and apparent inexhaustible patience. A sample day at the national academy may be ill ustrated as follows: In your assigned seat and ready to take notes at 9:00 A.M. SHARP. (You soon learn that prompt­ ness is a mandate at the academy). The first hour might be devoted to a lecture on search and seizure by a famous and extremely com­ petent expert from the FBI legal staff. His extra­ (Continued on Page 38) 36 The Department of JustIce Building, Washington, DC where the FBI Headquarters and the FBI National Academy are located. C. W. JESSEN CONSTRUCTION CO. 1492 Clark Fresno 3, California C. W. (Chris) Jessen Res. Phone 227-1086 Bus. Phone 268-8751 COlLECTIONS . . . . Our Only Business Since 1935 FRESNO CREDIT BUREAU 2219 San Joaquin Street -Fresno, California ROBERT C. KEMPEN, President Phone 237-2055 GONG'S MARKET 2626 E. Ashlan 222-4454 GROVE-BUILT HOMES 204 N. Abby 266-9848 Fresno FIRST WESTERN BANK AND TRUST COMPANY FRESNO 1722 N. First SANGER -1320 Seventh Street RIVERDALE -3494 Mt. Whitney Ave. YOU ALWAYS GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY ot MAYFAIR MARKETS PLUS S & H GREEN STAMPS .:DI DE-PESTER WESTERN, INC. ..7183 EAST McKINLEY AVENUE • FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93702 SUBSIDIARY OF PHILIPS ELECTRONICS AND PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES COl'. TELEPHONE 251-7144 37 HERTZ RENT A CAR 701 "L" Street 237-7404 FRESNO THE FBI NATIONAL ACADEMY ordinary aptitude for citing, from memory, cases and decisions affecting the subject material has rightfully earned him the title of "The Judge." The second hour is enlivened by the frantic gyrations of the FBI expert on sex crimes and the sex criminal. From the endless notes and printed material he produces, there emerges a new under­ standing of the underlying causes of many seem­ ingly senseless crimes committed in your area. At 11 :00 A.M., a famous professor from George Washington University gives the first of a series of lectures regarding the psychology of the crimi­ nal. Medical and psychiatric terms seems to melt together, making necessary the burning of mid­ night oil to place everything in the proper per­ spective. During lunch, usually spent in the large base­ ment cafeteria, most students bone up for the expected examinations in the afternoon. At 1:00 P.M. a member of the academy staff lectures on public speaking and assigns topics from which five minute speeches must be given by each student at a later date. At 2:00 P.M. the mad rush to the department gymnasium in the basement and change into gym clothing. After grunting and groaning through calisthenics and instructions in judo, the quick shower and trip back to the classroom. (Walking quietly past the plain door marking the entrance to Director Hoover's offices). The expected, and dreaded, examination is given, covering portions • of most subj1ects taught since the first day of school. At 4:00 P.M., a lecture by a member of the laboratory staff, preparatory to practical applica­ tion in the lab at a later date. At 5:00 P.M.. .. and not a moment before ... class is dismissed. The trek to the hotel, rooming house or apartment is made amid the overwhelm­ ing Washington 5:00 P.M. exodus. The bureau issued briefcase is bulging with notes to be typed tonight and placed in their proper place in the nOtebooks long since purchased. The officer who hurries to Washington, D .C. with visions of wild partying in the man-hungry Capitol city usually end up peering groggily over a typewriter carriage at midnight, wondering when the academy will let up long enough for him to visit a museum. The use of alcoholic beverages while on dury status, and intoxication at any time are prohibited. Prompt attendance in class and ad­ 38 NAGARE BODY & PAINT Complete Auto Body Reconstruction All Makes -Custom Color Matching Open 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Across from Stadium Wayne Nagare & Ralph Allen 1820 E. University Ave., Fresno 268-5764 THOMAS J. PRICHARD, JR. GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR 1606 Bremer 229.3460 SAN JOAQUIN HYDRAULIC 520 Van Ness 268-4765 Fresno NESBITT BOTTLING COMPANY OF FRESNO, INC. Drink Nesbitt's Orange-Made from Real Oranges 2020 Mary St. 233-1482 Fresno I, Calif. THE FOOD BANKS INC. Your S & H Green Stamp Store Stores Throughout San Joaquin Valley To Serve Your Every Grocery Need FRANK CAMIN BEAUTY SUPPLY Reconditioned Hair Dryers & Clippers for Home Use 3115 E. Tulare SI. Phone 266-2880 HA:ROLD SHAY -INSUROR "Insurance for All Your Needs" Auto • Burg lory -Liability -Fire -Life Health & Accident Workmen's Compensation Call 266-3249. Res. 237-0023 700 N. Thorne Fresno RUCKSTELL CALIFORNIA SALES CO. MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS 0,. Quality Truck and Trailer Equipment Chet Frerichs -Res. Phone 237-4577 Telephone 233-3277 452 W. Yolo Fresno Community Hospital COMMUNITY SPONSORED Building for a Medical Center Fresno & "R" Sts. Phone 233-0911 Rancher's Cotton Oil MANUFACTURERS OF COTTONSEED PRODUCTS P. O. Box 24B 268-5353 FRESNO No Whiskey Anywhere Is More Deluxe Than WALKER'S DELUXE 8 Years Old 86 Proof Distributed By MADERA DISTRIBUTING CO. Ventura & R Streets Fresno ALLIED EQUIPMENT CO. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER TRACTORS Trucks, Farm & Construction Equipment You Are Always Near An ALLIED Store FRESNO -REEDLEY -MADERA FIVE POINTS -TRANQUILLITY herence to the rules of the school are mandatory. Writers cramp becomes an occupational disease and a new malady, "typewriter fingertip" makes Its appearance. At 7:00 P.M., that evening, the stude:nt is among a group gathered in the bureau library to do research for a "term paper" assigned by the academy staff. Their subject is "Crime Scene Search Procedures," and the student is surrounded by a most cosmopolitan company. A sergeant from the police department in Rock Island, Illinois, a sheriff's captain from Clearwater, Florida, the: commissioner of police: from the Virgin Islands, and the assistant chief of police from Monterey, California. Others standing by to lend assistance, or to criticize, include the militarily erect deputy superintendent of police from Singapore, Malaysia, the lazy appearing and razor sharp Mississippi Highway safety patrolman, the sergeant from the police department of Anchorage, Alaska who con­ stantly turns the classroom thermostat down to a teeth chattering temperature. A major from the Peruvian Investigation Police is engaged in a mul­ ti-accented argument with the chief of police from Framingham, Mass. , concerning the best procedure to be used when evaluating personnel. The inter­ national makeup adds flavor, but it serves a much greater purpose, by creating understanding among men of identical professional interests and diverse political and national philosophies. One day of the session is spent at a nearby Army installation where a crack military police battalion demonstrates military procedures in mob and riot control, through the use of helicopters, tear gas, a multitude of sophisticated equipment and many hun­ dreds of "extras" from the camp. This demonstration is for the benefit of the academy students, but many (Continued on Next Page) ALWAYS THE QUALITY SELECTION OF CLOTHING AT COFFEE'S • Hickey Freeman • Louis Roth • Hart Schaffner [, Marx • joshua Trent FRESNO [, BAKERSF IELD 39 THE FBI NATIONAL ACADEMY police officials, government administrators and high ranking officials are invited. So much rank is present that full colonels serve as ushers in the grandstands. The highlight of the entire session is, of course, the graduation ceremony conducted in the huge gov­ ernment auditorium directly across from the Smith­ sonian Institute. Playing always to a packed house of department heads, relativl's and friends, the stu­ dent is handed his diploma by the attorney general with Director Hoover looking on. The good byes be­ tween old friends are hurriedly said and the rLlsh to the airports and train stations commences. It is truly said that the most valuable long range achievl'ment of the acaduny graduate is the personal associations among peace officers of such widespread areas. Correspondence never ceases and the flow of professioanl information and knowledge continues to travel across the nation and from over the oceans. The national academy provides advanced knowledge in the field of law enforcement during each session, but its contributions continue to emanate through the personal and professional friendships formed among the proud academy graduates. ~ tr..=!!J FACTORY BRANCH FOR THE "WORLD'S LARGEST BUILDERS OF TRUCK-TRAILERS" Sales and Service for New & Used Commercial Trailers and Bodies of All Types "WHERE TO BUY THEM" FRUEHAUF TRAILER CO. 2727 S. EAST AVE. 264-5961 PeMe officerJ attending the FBI Na­ !lonal Academy Jeldom have time to enjoy the beautiful court yard and fou17tai17 in the C.eflter of the De­ partment of Imtice Building even though the Academy iJ headquar­ tered there. COLYEAR MOTOR SALES CO. 666 l Street 233-5124 Fresno george radovich's RED CARPET Fine Food and Cocktails 3315 No. Cedar 222-2030 HIUMPHIREYS -ROBINSON Thomas M. Robinson, Jr., Mgr. Real Estate loans 710 T. W. Patterson Bldg. Phone 268-6231 Armando Ghimenti Highway City Shell Service Station We Sell Shell Products But We Give Service Blue Chip Stamps 5325 W. Shaw Ave. at Freeway 99 237-2561 M. F. INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 2 licensees James A. Scruggs Dan Ivory 1842 E. University Fresno 268-0661 ACE liQUOR liquor -Beer -Wine Delicatessen -Soft Drinks 4710 E. Kings Canyon Road Phone 251 -6555 40 T he Fresno Count y Sheriff's Office is fortunate to have had three mell acc,e pt ed for attendance at the FBI National Academy. Captain Harold C. McKill­ ney (left above) is the most recent graduate. He attellded the 74th session in 1964 and is shown re­ c,::it!ing instructioll from a Laboratory Examiner ill the Document Section of the FBI Laboratory in Washington, D.C. Captain Rodney J. Riddle, who is in charge of the ldentification and Records Sec­ tion, attended the 45th session in 1950 but does not have a picture from tbe Academy. Sergeant Glen Hunt (pic. to right) attended the 55th session in 1955. He is shown firing th e Thompson submachil1e gun in the indoor firearms range in FBI Headquar­ ters. Joseph Barretta COLUMBO'S CAFE The Friendliest Place in W_est Fresno Beer -Wine -Sandwiches 1301 ESt. Phone 233-9898 HORN PHOTO SHOP 69 Belmont Ave. 233-8323 Fresno 1, Calif. SUNSET TILE COMPANY Everything for the Tile Contractors Featuring Sunset Tile Floyd Nutt, Owner 1707 N. Effie Office 268-276S COATES BOAT & MOTOR Boats of Quality Johnson Outboard Motor Sales, Service 439-1245 6546 N. Blackstone Fresno MID·STATIE BOWL 2221 N. Weber Avenue -Fresno PHONE 237-6688 THE VALLEY'S FINEST GATHERING PLACE 32 Lanes -Sports Room Whiz In Coffee Shop 5 BANQUET ROOMS ACCOMMODATING UP TO 500 Billiards -TV Room EASIEST PLACE TO REACH IN TOWN Highway 99 North at Clinton Overpau OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY STAR SUPER MARKET 745 G Street 2624 South Elm Avenue Compliments Of TRIPLE J DRUGS Phone 222-5204 4167 E. Ashlan Cedar & Ashlan In the New Ashlan Park Shopping Center Fresno Open 7 Days a Week-9:30 to 9:30 Appleby and Co., Inc. INVESTIGATORS James l. Appleby, General Manager Fresno 311 N. Fulton St., Suite 211 485-2770 Sacramento -Bakersfield Riverside San Francisco -San Jose -Redding CATERING DEPT. PHONE 268.7667 I 41 The claJS in criminal evidence at Fresno City College takes notes as Instfuctor Lt. D. Michel of the Fres­ 110 Polic.e Department talks. She1'if l's Department personnel enrolled are Sergeant R. Smith, Deputies K. Nick­ las, C. Lovegfen, W. Stumpf, and T. White. Demonstration of how to pour plas­ ter of paris cast in order to preserve evidence is given in a class on latent fingerprintJ. mar 4850 E. Canyon Rd. Eastgate ·Center 5355 N. Blackstone Northgate Center ROMA WINE COMPANY The Wines With The Picture Labels You Are Cordially Invited To Visit Our Plant At 3223 CHURCH AVENUE FRESNO, CALIFORNIA TRUCKERS INN Beer On Tap -Frosted Glasses Amusement Equipment 2412 S. Railroad Ave. Ph. 266-9307 Valley Foundry & Machine Works Inc. leon S. Peters, President 2510 So. East Fresno BOB VON MOTORS fhe Home of the Second Car 942 Blackstone 268-9474 24 Hour Towing and Storage Service T,ravelers Body & Fender Works Orvjl, Minnis, Owner Broadway and Sacramento Fresno 266-0561 42 ON THE CAMPUS In 1964 Fresno City College, with enthusiastic encouragement and suppOrt from local law enforce­ ment agencies, added to its curriculum a degree pro­ gram in Police Science. Presently it is staffed by instructors from law enforcement agencies with for­ mal college backgrounds in criminology and many years of experience in police work. Law enforcement personnel is also well represented among the stu­ dents. There are students from the Fresno Police Compliments BRUNSWIG DRUG CO. Wholesale Only You pay no more to shop in a better store! Carberry Crop Dus+ers.lnc. 5450 W. Belmont FRESNO Phone 233-4155 Department, Fresno County Sheriff's Department, Madera Police Department and Madera County Sheriff's Office. During the first semester there were five students enrolled from our Department. They enrolled at their own initiative and expense and on their own time. Law enforcement is one of the many vocations in our contemporary society which require a con­ tinuing education to keep abreast of rapid develop­ ments and changes. And yet law enforcement of­ ficers, like most other people, generaUy have families and many demands on their time and money. For a family man to go to school while working a full time job is not easy. A cwo year college program offers a much less formidable barrier than a four year course. Frequently, practical considerations make the latter next to impossible. These men, others registered at Fresno State Col­ lege, and others who have previously been enrolled are to be commended. Many pay lip service to the importance of continuing education, but the number who go beyond talk is much smaller. FRESNO CAITLE FEEDING CO. Rail Spur on Feed lot. Bill Santa Fe or S.P. via Santa Fe FRESNO Phone 233-8428 -233-8429 Chester Cook Merced 722-4050 W. R. (Bill) Jenkins 255-5897 43 Officers receive instrltction in "come-along" holds in defense tactics class. McDONALD'S HAMBURGERS Still Just 1Sc Service In Seconds Blackstone & Shields Shaw & Fresno leland Tompkins SURGE DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Cleaner Milk with Surge Pipeline System 2346 So. Elm Ave. 266-6321 P & N LIQUORS Pete Piombino and Nancy Sturica Delicatessen -Complete Wine -Beer -liquors 2618 E. Ashlan 229-4476 Diamond 2244 Railroad Nati~oration 233-1271 lumber and Building Materials VALLEY TIRE CO. Michelin Tires 2856 E. Jensen 266-1636 Fresno VALLEY BURGLAR & FIRE ALARM CO. 24 Hour Phone -233-4309 UNCLE TOM'S LIQUOR STORE Fishing -Hunting Equipment & licenses 3089 Tulare St. 264-3908 Trimmer Power lawn Mowers M. R. VIERRA COMPANY San Joaquin Volley Distributors J. E. Beaton, Asst. Mgr. 248 Broadway 266-6834 44 TRAINING, ACONTINUING PROGRAM By JOHN JORDAN Many different things can happen when a peace officer places a suspecr under arrest. The suspect may submir peacefully; he may objecr verbally and arrempt co bluff the officer our of making the ar­ rest, or he may atrack rhe officer. For rhis reason no arresr can ever be considered as "routine." The peace officer musr be prepared to make splir­ second decisions CO fir rhe circumstances of each arrest. He musr be cognizant of rhe law of arresr and recent courr decisions affecring rhe defendant's rights. He must know when force may be legally used and how much. If force is necessary he musr know how co apply it in order CO protecr himself and his fellow officers as well as rhe lives of any innocent bysranders and thar of the suspecr himself. TINKLER MISSION CHAPEL Funeral Directors Richard l. Steelman, Director 475 N. Broadway 233-2101 •Compliments Of PILIBOS BROS., INC. 830 Van Ness Suite D Fresno & Mendota The best merhod of preparing an officer co meer all of rhese eventualities is by rraining. Wirh this in mind and in view of rhe recent increase in physical arracks on peace officers, rhe Fresno County Sher­ iff's Deparrmcnt during rhe pasr year conducred a rraining course in defense ractics and an intensified course in firearms rraining. The course in defense ractics emphasized the use of rhe police baton and "come-along" holds. The firearms rraining course was in addition co rhe reg­ ular firearms rraining program and offered insrruc­ rion in rhe use of the shorgun as well as the re­ volver. Both courses were raughr by F.B.I. Agents and were very informative. The regular firearms training program has been increased wirh all sworn personnel required to shoar once a month. Training bullerins continue co be issued from rime co time. Training is a funcrion of the Adminisrrarive Di­ vision and is supervised by Caprain Harold McKin­ ney assisred by Deputy John Jordan. BLACKSTONE AUTO PARTS USED AND NEW AUTOMOTIVE PARTS RETAIL -WHOLESALE 6464 N. BLACKSTONE AVE. PH. 439-2311 Just South of Pinedale Van Ness & Merced 233-8203 Tom Carothers Jim Evans Wholesale Retail 45 Western Wood Division American Excelsior Corp. 4525 E. Commerce Street Fresno THE VAN DYKE NEWS CO. Wholesale Distributors of America's leading Magazines and Books Paramount Pest Control Service "We Control Pests" 2143 E. McKinley 268-4266 WAGNER'S WOOD YARD Sawdust and Shavings 2332 S. Elm 266-3583 Fresno L. G. PERKINS FOUNDRY 1939 East Olive 233-5184 PAUL'S SHOES Shoes for the Whole Family 2020 Tulare 237-5723 Fresno W. M. Pollock FRESNO ELECTRIC CO. Residential -Commercial -Industrial 183 N. Van Ness 485-0500 FRESNO MOTOR SALES Cadillac -Oldsmobile -F85 Sales & Service 700 Van Ness Ave. 266-8638 FRESNO SANITARY CO. Chemical Field Toilets Target shooting iJ done with revolver and shotgun from variollS positions in jireaflllJ training. 46 P. O. Box 3284 264-8638 IIIHft'IIUI, ra•• • R!C'-?£AT,C.\14_ p.~:.-:rs • R£"IAB!:. : , ..r:::J,., PAOGRA.VS • £DUCAT/ON A.o.,j) TR.,A :N . hG • FARMI.... G (p~pAl!O" • C..:T TLE PA .' f) :....·G • cO~~UM ry S£. ':I; /C~ ('t?OJ£:l"$ -­ PEOPLE of FRESNO COUNTY MELVIN A. WRLMIIlTB SBERIFF· CORONER I I aDZll.la.1' D.II'I • SHERIFF'S POSSE • AIR S()CJAl)RON • POWERBOAT 5QUAORON • HELICoPTER RESCIJE SQIJAI)RON • r::r:r.N/JNICATIONS SOUADRON • UNIFORMED POLICE RESERVES (UNDERSHERIFF)• lDa7aaa:oaDS D191110. • eRN/NAL ,uCOROS : ~~!iT~C:;~~/J~S • ~/NG£RPRINT IOCHT/FlCAT/ON • ItIOCl.JS OP("R.AN!)I F'JL£S • TECHNICAL FIELD SERVICES • NARRANTS AND TRANSPORTATION • MeNTAL HEALTH S£~ICES C.I.I.aL D191110. • • • • • PATROL DETECTIVE JiNENIL£ COI1ONER COURT BAIL IFF COMMUNICATIONS EMERGENC~ SERVICES •"II ...... CI911. DIVIIIO. JaiL DIVIIIO. • COURT OR/)£RS • ATTACHMENTS • FORCLOSIJRE SALES • WRITS • SlJIJPOiNAS • FIELD SERVICES • "ECOIIOS AND COLlECTIONS • MENS SECTION • WOMENS SECTION • WORK PROLeTS • REJiABlLfTATIOIV PROGRAMS • VlS/TTNe FACtLIT~S • INMATE COWMfS.SARt"'" • KITCHEN "M'IIiYUftft D191110. • C£Nrr~AL ADMINISTRATION • RESEARCH AN{) PLANN/M; • PeRSONNEL AhO T.RA ININC • AAOPERTY AND EOUIPMENT • 8UOCET AND FiSCAL SERVICES • PUBLIC RELATIONS • SPCCIAL INVESTIGATIONS ADMINISTRATION, DIVISION The Administration Division is charged with a variety of responsibilities but most of them relate to the personnel activities of the department. The divi­ sion has a normal complement of six employees con­ sisting of one captain, one supervisory sergeant, one detective sergeant, two deputies, one clerical special­ ist. The division is responsible for special investiga­ tion services including those relating to vice and narcotic offenses. The control of public dance halls and cafe dance licenses also comes under the juris­ diction of this unit. The division's primary personnel responsibility is to provide adelluate manpower for all other divi­ sions in the department. Hiring of this help necessi­ tates a recruitment program, detailed background investigations of all applicants and training of the recruits. The day-to-day control of processing the new employees is done under the direction of this unit. In-Service Training is also the responsibility of the Administration Division. ]n the field of training, which has, and will continue to have a, strong em­ phasis placed on it; significant activities during the year include: California Basic Peace Officer Course-640 man hours. Basic In-Service Training Course-5150 man hours. This included instruction in First Aid, Ex­ plosive Ordinance, Communications Laws, Correc­ tions, Firearms, Tear Gas, Defensive Tactics, SCUBA Training Resuscitation, etc. As a service to the citizens of Fresno County the Administration Division prepares and conducts the mountain search and rescue operations. During the year 43 persons were rescued from the mountains, 8 were recovered from light airplane crashes, and 20 drowning victims were recovered. A total of 1623 man hours were spent by Sheriff's Department per­ sonnel during these recoveries. 122 man hours were spent by the Constables and 1489 man hours were spent by outside help. A total of 3234 man hours were spent during the year. The increase in the size of the department has been directly responsible for a like increase in this division's activities. 48 FRESNO PLANING MILL CO. Est. 1908 General Mill Work H & Monterey 233-7218 GAS -N -WASH Free Car Wash with 15 Gallons of Union Gasoline 2615 Tuolumne SI. (Opp. Frontier Chevrolet) Phone 266-5858 FRIGID FOOD LOCKERS Processing Is Our Business USDA Rated Choice Meats For Lockers or Home Freezers 3003 E. Tulare 264-4430 MEXICO CAFE 915ESt. Fresno 268-0264 Danish Creamery Association Quality Famous Since 1895 E & Inyo Sts., Fresno 233-5154 TED SCHMALL & SON "Where Personal Service is a Matter of Pride" Quality Used Cars 215 Blackstone Ave. Phone 485-2801 SHELBURNE'S STATIONERY AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT JACK SHEt BURNE, Mgr. and Owner 1133 Fulton Mall 268-8444 EVERYBODY'S MARKET The Complete Super Market Where Everybody Enjoys Shopping 2290 Elm Avenue 264-23.57 DONT 111M T1IE DARII.! CAI.L -......",.-.....­ HOMAN Insurance -Real Estate Ph. 268-5121 A Non-Profit Endowment Care Cemetery and Mausoleum PH. 237-6185 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93706 Builders Concrete. Inc. Concrete Ashlan Near 99 Ph. 229-9595 READY MIX CONCRETE CIGARETTE SERVICE CO. COMPLETE VENDING SERVICE PHONE 268-4419 405 N. Palm Fresno, California ADMINISTRATION DIVISION G. HORNING Sheriff's Secreta ry BROWNIE Heavyweight Mufflers CUSTOM BUILT TAILPIPES 5 Pounds Heavier for Longer Life 36 MONTHS WRITTEN GUARANTEE 20 Minute Service Free Estimates -Free Inspection 2535 Ventura 237-2081 49 H. McKINNEY Captain W. LOCKIE Sergeant W. YOUNG Sergeant R. DUNCAN J. JORDAN PATROL DIVISION The Patrol Division is a uniformed unit of the Sheriffs Department which is manned 24 hours a day. When a call is received by the Department for assistance, it is routed to the Patrol Division so that they not only have the initiaI contact, but the most numerous contacts with the public throughout the year. The Patrol, a unit of the Criminal Division, is under the command of a Captain who is responsible for its overall function. He delegates his authority to watch commanders under him. In order to furnish around the clock service, the Division is divided into three watches. Each watch consists of a Lieutenant, who is the officer in charge, a Sergeant and a varying number of uniformed pa­ trolmen. The watch commander is in charge of Technical Services, Records and Detectives during the evening and early morning hours. When a call initially comes to the switchboard, it is directed to the operations officer who evaluates all the circumstances of the complaint being reported by the caller. He in turn, through the Radio Com­ munications section, dispatches the proper beat car to the scene where the patrolmen contact the com­ plainant and make the initial investigation. The Sergeant is in charge of the patrolmen in the field . He directs their activities and gives advice and assistance as needed. The patrolman is assigned to an area of respon­ sibility called a bear. This is an area or sector marked off by boundaries. During hi-s tour of duty he makes any special investigations directed to him by radio communication. When not answering such calls, he patrols his beat, checking business places, industrial areas, residential areas and known trouble spots. (Continued on Next PaRe) FRESNO BODY WORKS Body and Fender Work -Painting Day and Night Towing Service 4577 Home Avenue Day Phone 251-5509 Fresno Wire Rope & Rigging Custom Rigging -Esco Products Miller Swivels -Crosby Clips Press Grip Fittings -Skookum Blocks 2394 East Ave. 268-8885 FRESNO MORTGAGE EXCHANGE We Buy and Sell 2nd Trust Deeds Real Estate Brokers -Loans 1254 N'. Abby 268-7641 PARDINI'S GROCERY Complete Grocery Line On and Off Sale Beer and Wine 5014 W. Shields 264-7623 LARRY'S AUTOMOTIVE Complete Rebuilt Engines and Engine Parts Machine Shop Service AUTO -TRUCK -TRACTOR Special Crankcase Grinding Larry Ferrua, Prop. 5638 NORTH PALM PHONE 439-0543 VALLEY WELDING & MACHINE WORKS Valley Crane & Trucking 2543 So. Orange Ave. 268-5014 BOYS MARKET GROCERIES -MEAT -PRODUCE Beer -Wines -Liquors Complete Variety Department 1444 C STREET 237-7594 AL (PA,."y) PA"UL'Aa • 1731 E. HEDGES • PH. 233.~1I3e • ,.RlaNO. CALI,., BELMONT FARMS Drive In For Dairy Products -Bread -Ice Cream 6550 E. Belmont, at Armstrong Phone 255-6521 GETCHELL TRUCK SALES G.M.C. Trucks Railroad & Jensen Ph. 266·9531 DON & CHUCK'S USED CARS "Big Values in Used Cars" 4556 E. Belmont 251-8654 50 Criminal Division PATROL Captain -­ L. CLAPP H . HALLAM Li eutenant Lieutenant Professional Driver Members of Teamsters Union generally handle or deliver practically every item we use, wear or eat. GENERAL TEAMSTERS UNION LOCAL NO. 431 • 1059 T STREET FRESNO 1, CALIFORNIA B. LAUTERS Lieutenant A. PAPALEO Lie utenant THE BANK THAT DOES A LITTLE MORE FOR YOU UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 1545 Fulton Street and 750 E. Olive Ave. Fre5no ~ PEPSI·COLA "-' Say"Pepsi, please!" Pepsi.Cola Bottling Co. of Fresno 51 Crim'ina. Division PATROL A. Sergeanr W. CUNNINGHAM Sergeant DANA 52 2345 WOODSON ·AVE. CLINTON AV,E. a Hwy. 99 FRESNO. CALIFORNIA FRESNO PHONE 268-0711 Smitty & Janice Smith, Mgrs. THRIFTY DR'IVE INS Juicy Hamburgers -Foot-Long Hot Dogs Thick Milk Shakes 3060 E. Belmont at First 1657 B Street ED LILLIE CALWA GRILL Cold Beer -Wine 3974 E. Jensen Ave. Phone 237-9911 MltKY WAY DAIRY Drive In Service 4847 E. Kings Canyon Rd. Across From K-Mart 255-4272 2442 So. Elm Ave. At Church 264-2727 Milk & Eggs At Less Than Wholesale Save 14c or More on All Your Dairy Products FRESNO PAPER BOX CO., INC. Manufacturers of Folding Cartons Die Cutting Jobbers of Stock Corrugated Cases 2192 S. Railroad Ave., Fresno 264-1363 Specializing in Championship Awards For All Occasions Not A Sideline-We Specialize THE TROPHY SHOP 1033 Blackstone Ave. Phone 266-3341 PEPER JANITORIAt SERVICE DON PEPER, Owner Office Bldgs. -Stores -Homes Floors Waxed -Windows Cleaned Insured -Personal Service 1343 N. Calaveras 233-7100 R. M. KING CO. Cotton Picker Ports, Repair & Overhaul 9280 W. Whitesbridge Rd. 266-4934 WARRICK EtECTRIC INC. 120 Divisadero 264-4163 Fresno Division 30,046 calls. Of these, 1,754 were were misdemeanors, and 17,195 criminal nature. The Division also has a special unit composed of twO plain clothes detectives for the investigation of misdemeanor crimes. This detail processes all mis­ demeanor crime reports and complaints received by the Sheriff's Office and works in conjunction with the other investigative divisions of the Department. Investigation of misdemeanor crimes often aids in or leads to the solving of major crimes under investi­ gation by other law enforcement agencies. Misde­ meanor investigators relieve the Detective Division case load thereby permitting them to spend more time on major cnmes. G & N Battery & Filter Distr. Gould and Triple-A Batteries Bob Heimgartner 2223 S. Van Ness Ave. Phone 268-0691 H. SAGHATELIAN Sergeant PATROL DIVISION In 1964 the Patrol of felonies, 11,097 were of a non­ W. WEAVER Sergeant handled a tOtal Criminal Division PATROL WE RENT • COVERALLS • SHIRTS & PANTS • SHOP TOWELS • DUST CLOTHS • DUST-TEX MOPS 266-06'27 1050 W . Whitesbridge Rd . Fresno Also Bakersfield -Bay Area TINY'S FARMHOUSE [AFE Banquet Facilities Available ALWAYS OPEN Phone 233-9287 3507 So. Golden State Hwy. Fresno, Calif. PAT WOOD & CO. COMPANY TRAINED ADJUSTERS * 925 No. Fulton St. 268-8131 EL RANCHO MOTEL "Outdoor Beauty Indoor Comfort" Dining -Cocktails Dancing Prestige Rooms Available, By The Week or By The Month Free TV 1265 N. Motel Drive Free Telephone 268-8181 Fresno, California ] . BALDWIN W . BENNETT H . BOWDEN R. BOWLING R. CORNELL J. DAILY N WiTt-IOU I (\ ~I R'cH W!\I<'l/\N i YOU I\f<.[ VIOl ATINC, MY CIVil n lGlI1 " 53 Criminal Division PATROL ]. EGERER K. FRANKFORT MOTHER! R. GlITHRIE A. HARKER FASHION FURNITURE CO. "Complete Home Furnishers" 233-2671 Van Ness at Tulare St. Fresno WESTERN ASBESTOS CO. Harold E. Haynes, Manager 801 "R" Street, Fresno 266-9675 JAKE'S AUTO BODY WORKS Wheel Aligning and Balancing Frame Repaiiin\] Complete Automotive Reconstruction & Painting 24 HR. TOWING SERytCE JAKE MIRIGIAN 2229 E. McKinley, Fresno Phone 268-6661 TAYLOR-WHEELER BUILDERS INC. " Builders Of Custom Homes" 2828 N. Wishon Ave. Fresno 227-8442 "Happy Home of 10,000 Toys" ARTHUR'S TOY SHOP Toys ­Sporting Goods 3033 North Blackstone 222-6573 PITTSBURGH-DES MOiNES STEEL CO. Warehouse Division Everything In Metal Prompt, Courteous Service 4005 E. Church Phone 264-4651 A Satisfied Customer Is Our Best Advertisement INDEPENDENT DISPOSAL CO. Veteran Owned and Operated Frank & Pete De Pasquale 526 W. Shields 227-0778 Fresno CLYDE'S ROUNDUP 4961 East Dakota Ave. Phone 255-3652 Fresno Beer on Tap UNITED LOAN & JEWELRY Phone 233-8766 1010 Broadway, Fresno D. HASLETI C. HENSON 54 HAROLD JOHNSON JOHNSON DRILLING CO. Over 15 Years Experience in Hard Rock Drilling Large Volume Lateral Water Wells Phone 291-7846 3516 N. Locan CUSTOM SADDLES -BELTS -SILVERSMITHING LEATHER GOODS TONY LANA BOOTS Steve and Joe Potzernitz 2801 Ventura at R Street 266-9046 REYNOLDS CRANE SERVICE 20 TON CRANE CLAM SHELL & DRAGLINE Steel Erection -Cement Pouring 255-7642 2327 S. MAPLE home of the B •• Boy origin.' double-deck HAMBURGER Steaks -Shakes and Pancakes Complete Menu Brea kfast -Lunch -Di n ner 6:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. ­2 on Fri. & Sot. 4962 N. Blackstone at Shaw Criminal Division PATROL l. HILL K. HOGUE F. HOKE C. HOY W . KASPARIAN J. KEMP G. LAWLESS C. LOVGREN 55 Criminal Division PATROL TRUCK DISPATCH SERVICE Truck Brokers 3535 S. Highway "99," Fresno 266-0239 GENE MORALES Labor Contractor 2933 Clinton 227-2044 - P. MAJOR A. MORENO THE FIRESIDE Cozy Cocktail Lounge Lunches -Dinners 1415 W. Shields 222-4805 B. MORRISON R. McCLURG MY FI RST DAY or\] PAROLE A \ID ALPLADY YOU 'R PICKING ON ME " DAVE'S BODY & PAINT SH'OP Specialists in Foreign Cars All Types <;>f Body Repairs 3428 S. Chestnut 233-4495 Don & Jack Davey DAVEY'S GARAGE Everything from a Tune up to a Complete Overhaul 4491 E. Belmont 255-8684 JOHNSON'S AUTO SERVICE Complete Auto Repair Service Foreign Car Specialists 4438 E. Belmont 255-5411 BURGER CHEF Flame-Broiled Burgers And Thick Shakes -15c Each 3422 N. Cedar 222-4630 Dan Gulio DAN'S CLUB Cocktails -Draft Beer 2426 Tulare St. 237-9534 A-l MEAT JOBBERS INC. Serving Vailley Purveyors of Fine Foods 537 Blackstone 268-8655 H. McFADDEN N. MURRAY 56 Criminal ,Division PATROLDENNIS HOWARD CHEVRON SERVICE I I Tune Up -Brake -Muffler Work Free Pick Up -Delivery iii!!!"", I Call 227-3175 "";':',P"" 4615 N. Fresno at Gettysburg CONTINENTAL AUTO CENTER Complete AutomoNve Repair Service Tires -Tubes -Brakes & Front End Alignment 4343 Blackstone 222-8447 ABE'S BEACON SERVICE Quality Gasol'ine at a Lower Price Tires -Batteries -Accessories 2950 E. Ventura at Hazelton 264-4194 NAM WAH RESTAURANT Chinese and American Food Authentic Ch inese Dishes like the Best in San Francisco 2820 Tulare SI. 264-9979 (Closed Wednesdays) JOE A. ARGENTINE SpeciaHzing in All Types of Plumbing and Heating 24-Hour Service 2231 W. Dakota Ave., Fresno 229-4164 ASSOCIATED BRASS PRODUCTS, INC. Precision Castings 7070 N. Harrison Ave., Pinedale APEX CLEANERS Laundry -Cleaning -Alterations Same Friendly Service at our new location 2114 Tuolumne 233-3845 J. C. ANDRESEN RANCH FRESNO lLOYD E. TUll, INC. Mechanical Contractors 704 N. Maple 251-6041 1. NELSON K. NICHOLAS A. OHANNESIAN P. PATRICK C. PIPER R. RAINVILLE J. ROUAUNZAIN G. SCHMIDT 57 Criminal Division PATROL W. SECHLER W. SHUMAN J. SPRADLING J. STARK I ~ ~ 1 a n I p [I F H. STUCKEY W. STIJMPF G. TABER C. WHIrr Hotpoint Appliances -Furniture Televisions Bank Financing BRUNO & TELEGAN 335 C Street Ph. 268-7675 PAUL BEDO DISTRIBUTING CO. ABC Beer -6 Cans for 99c Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer -Crestview Wines 8057 E. Jensen 264-6638 VALLEY PATROL Radio Station KMJ 923 Police Service -Security Officers -Guards S. E. "Mack" McAllister, Owner 4595 E. Normal 255-8834 2850 So. Highway 99 237-4731 R. WORSTEIN SAN FRANCISCO FLORAL CO. In Fresno Over 40 Years -Ample Parking We Grow Our Own Visit Our New Store 1600 Fulton St. Phone 268 -01 11 NEW WONDERLAND ROLLER RINK 5090 N. Blackstone and SKATERS CAROUSEL 4649 E. Shields "Friendliest Crowd On Wheels" 222-6269 255-3003 58 Criminal Division DIVilSION By: ART CHRISTENSON The Detective Division, an investigative sub-divi­ sion of the Criminal Division, is responsible for all felony investigations in the unincorpOIated area of Fresno County. This Division is headed by a Captain, who assigns and supervises the cases reported and detailed to 13 DeteCtive Sergeants and five Detect­ Ives. For the year 1964 a total of 2,292 felony cases were investigated by this Division. The following list comprises a breakdown of crimes and reports: Homicides-9; Rapes-140; Robberies-lOO; Ag­ gravated Assault-155; Burglaries-l,390; Grand Thefts~210; Sex Offences-59; Bad Checks-169; and Miscellaneous Crimes-60. When it is known that a felony has been com­ mitted, at the time it is first reported to the Sheriff's Department, the DeteCtive Division makes the com­ plete investigation. Many investigations come to them after they have been initially reported to the Patrol Division and a partial investigation made. VILLA CLEANERS LAUNDRY 6-HOUR SERVICE Specio lists in UNIFORM CLEANING (We sew on buttons)*KNIT DRESSES BLOCKED * * DRAPERIES elECTRIC BLANKETS CLEANED CLEANED in Dry Cleaning ALTERATIONS REWEAVING -DYEINGFLO Owner OUR 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU .•• 229-5806 FAMOUS CLEANERS or 229-7720 2614 E. ASH LAN AVE. 264-2773 GONG'S CENTER N. FRESNO AT ASHLAN 1593 PALM AVE. FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY A Fresno County Product of ANDERSON-CLAYTON & CO., FOOD DIVISION Fresno, California 59 Investigations differ as to the types of crimes com­ mitted. Basically the investigators are responsible for evaluating the crime; knowing what evidence is needed to prelient to the court; the apprehension of the responsible suspects; and the recovery of properry if theft is involved. In performing all this work it is necessary that the investigator be well informed, not only on the laws involved but also on various court decisions bearing on the investigation of crimes. Written reports are prepared and presented to the DistriCt Attorney's office for securing complaints. H further information is needed, the investigators are responsible for obtaining it and then must be avail­ able to testify in court as a witness for The People of the State. This Division also receives information daily from all other law enforcement agencies throughout the State. Speedy communications, close cooperation and mutual assistance with these agencies are the hall­ marks of modern law enforcement. FRESNO'S LEADING STORES FOR HARDWARE -HOUSEWARE GIFTWARE PAINT -ELECTRIC APPLIANCES WHERE QUALITY -COURTESY -SERVICE PREVAIL BYDE'S HARDWARE 3 BIG (FRESNO) STORES 1,327 FULTON 861 OLIVE 5047 N. PALM 233-4255 266-9749 229-3551 CAL-STATE MUFFLER SERVICE Muffllers -Tail Pipes * • Wheel Alignment • Complete Brake Service • Wheel Balancing • Auto Air*Conditioning Complete Service 20"10 Discount To All Law Enforcement Personnel * Blackstone & Olive 268-9866 THE" HOW" IS IMPORTANT, TOO In the accompanying article, the casual reader might not give a great deal of attention to the state­ ment that detectives must not only know what, but bow to obtain evidence. This is an important part of their work and tbe two examples that follow show the need for keen awareness of the subtleties of the law regarding seizure. They are taken from an ar­ ticle on narcotics wbich recently appeared in a na­ tional magazine (Life 3-5-65) . A detective staking out the home of a suspected heroin wholesaler sees him emerge with an attache case. On the sidewalk, he meets another man, known to be a pusher. They enter a parked car, sit for a moment and, as the detective approaches, he sees the pusher hand the suspected wholesaler a fat ma­ nila envelope. The detective opens the car door, flips open the attache case and finds it filled with a kilo­ gram of pure heroin -worth at the addict level a quarter of a million dollars. The envelope is filled with cash. He arrests both men. Later, in court, both men are freed. Recent Supreme Court decisions, rules the judge, indicate that the detective's knowledge of the suspects' background and method of operation did not legally justify his opening the attache case. Another example: Some time ago police raided a New York apartment and seized six kilograms (13.2 pounds) of heroin-enough after repeated cutting~ to make 270,000 $5 bags. The haul indicated a well­ financed, highly organized operation. Sophisticated laboratOry equipment was seized with the heroin. A man in the apartment was arrested. In court, police produced the warrant on which the raid had been made. But, argued the defense, had the warrant been legally issued? It had been issued on the strength of information from an informant, the police replied. But was the informant known to be reliable? After all, you can't go barging into an apartment because just anyone says it's loaded with heroin. (The fact that tne apartment did indeed prove to contain heroin was not considered sufficient indication of the in­ formant's reliability.) Had the informant ever be­ fore provided information producing a conviction? Yes, he had -twice. But had those convictions been handed down at the time the warrant was issued? In other words, was he at that moment known to be reliable? No at that time the particular cases on which his reliability was based were still in court. In that event, the judge ruled, the warrant had been obtained on information 80 from an informant not -at the time the warrant was issued -known to be reliable. The warrant was therefore ruled illegal. Since the warrant was illegal, the raid was illegal and the evidence illegally seized. Case dismissed . JACOBS GARAGE Refrigerated Automotive Air Conditioning Allie Jacobs 2533 N. Blackstone Ph. 222-7447 JORGENSEN & CO, Fire Extinguishers and Safety Equipment 2691 S. East Ave. Ph . 268-6241 JOHNSON GEAR & MACHINE WORKS Agricultural and Industrial Equipment 630 R Street P. O.Box 686, Fresno INDUSTRIIAL PLATING Hard Chrome Plating 733 G Street Phone 268-0559 H y SAL CANVAS -PECIAL TIES "If II'. Mad. of Canvas W.'II Mak..." WE DO UPAIRING 2750 S. Cherry 233-5429 Fresno Same Management Since 1930 Don't Take Chances With Your Costly Garments 465 North Fulton Street 237-2185 BORGER LIQUOR liquor -Wines -Beer Delicatessen Home Made German Sausage 118 N. Chestnut 251-6632 FLOYD WILKINS NUT CO, Shelled Nuts Retail 2488 So. Fowler Ave. 266-7481 Fresno I Criminal Division R. SAUM Captain A. CHRISTENSEN Detective D. CONWAY Sergeant FREE PICKUP'" DELIVERY Phone 268-3696 255-2141 DARRELL DAVIS WILSHIRE STATfONS FIRESTONE TIRES -DELCO BATTERIES LUBRICATION -BRAKE WORK -TUNEUP 3110 E. Belmont 1616 No. Chestnut (At First) Fresno (At McKinley) JOE'S FOOD MARKET COMPLETE GROCERY -MEAT -PRODUCE LIQUORS -WINES -BEER 1004 Merced St. 233-4743 J. ANDERSON Sergeant DETECTIVES C. BRYANT Sergeant S. EIDSON Sergeant M. flORES Detective • NEW • All SIZES • All LENGTHS • FABRICATED PIPE • MILL PIPE • QUAliTY AND SERVICE CENTRAL VALLEY PIPE CO. 99 Highway at Shaw Call .. s at 268-0933, Fresno COIN MUSIC. Inc. Phonographs & Amusement Games HOWARD E. ANDERSON and DAVID A. HORN 237-1563710 R. St. 61 Crimina'. Division DETECTIVES ERNIE'S PASTRY SHOP Birthday & Wedding Cakes All Types Quality Pastry 3388 E. Butler 264-2267 VALLEY AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Heating -Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Supplies 1497 N. Blackstone Ave. 268-5095 TOM'S TOASTED PEANUTS Enjoy Tom's Toasted Peanuts & Delicious Candies 2381 S. Maple Ave. 255-3257 Fresno FRANK L. PATTERS'ON LICENSED DISPENSING OPTICIAN "Contact lenses" 2831 Mariposa Fresno 264-5991 Compliments JOHN A. KOCHERGAN MIDLAND SAVINGS & LOAN Real Estate loans 233-2661 2301 Fresno SI. I Fresno McSH'ERIRY & CO. Insurance T. W. Patterson Bldg. 264-5915 LEONARDO MARKET Groceries -Meat -Produce Complete liquor Dept. 4492 E. Belmont, Fresno 255-3573 f--------------------j: LOWE'S MARKET Groceries -Meat -Produce Beer and Wine 3738 S. Cherry , 268-4196 M. GOLDEN Detective E. HANSON Sergeant G. HUNT Sergeant R. JONES Sergeant R. KAHL Detective R. MILLER Detective M. MONTGOMERY Detective J. MOORE Detective 82 ::;..", Cessna SALES & SERVICE "EveT}'lhinq tor the Flyer and EveT}'lhinq tor HIs Plane" FLIGHT TRAINING CHARTER AND RENTAL SERVICE THE AIR OASIS CO. Phone 237-4164 CHANDLER FIELD FRESNO ANDERSON ROCK PRODUCTS 11000 N. LANES ROAD PAVING CONTRACTOR • PAVING ~~~.11!<;i~. GRADING -= • EXCAVATING PARKING. AREAS & LOTS -ROAD OILING A COMPLETE ASPHALT PAVING SERVICE General Engineering Contractor ALLIED PAYING CO. FREE ESTIMATES Call 237-1801 605 S. Fruit FRESNO BEST WISHES From ISunk of Atntrica NATIONAL n~~vG~ ASSOCIATION FRESNO MAIN BRANCH Criminal Division DETECTIVES J. ORNDOFF Sergeant .M. PERSON Sergeant W . PINION Sergeant Sergeant G. SCHOONMAKER Sergeant A. SEDGEBEER Detective I LlI<E TO THiN I\ OF iT A S ­ I"'I Y \'l/AR ON POV ER f Y 63 Criminal Division DETECTIVES MANCHESTER AUTO WASH Washing and Polishing Comfortable Air Conditioned Waiting Room Floyd L. Smith 3854 N. Blackstone 222-1562 LANGE ROOFING CO. "Ole" Lange Residential -Industrial -Commercial 4622 N. Safford 229-6211 IRELAND MANUFACTURING CO. Formica Specialists 2303 N. Airways Ave. 251-8445 Meet Your Friends At The YAKETY-YAK TAVERN With The Friendly Atmosphere Bottled Beer & Beer On Tap VIRGINIA OLSON -Your Hostess, Owner 3075 E. Belmont 233-9502 Two Manchester Locations JR. BOOTERY Complete Store For Children 3320 N. Blackstone 222-5805 GARDNER'S BOOTERY Complete Familly Store 3330 N. Blackstone 229-4921 PETERSON & HARRIS CO. Painting Contractors 448 N. Broadway Office 485-0120 FRESNO BUFORD'S Electrical Appliance Repairs Washer, Stove & Refrigerator Parts Usual Fine Service & Free Parking 937 Blackstone 233-5203 Fresno Ara's APARTMENT Lunches -Dinners -Cocktails Dancing Nitely 2250 N. Weber at Clinton 268-8729 Don Berry & Raymond Silva ALLIED PAINT & BODY Specializing in Sports & Foreign Cars and All Types of Custom Painting ALL Work Guaranteed 1544 N. Effie Phone 266-3527 H. SIMPSON Detective A. SWENSON Sergeant A. TABLER Sergeant R. THOMAS Dete([ive C. TIGH Sergeant I 1. BOYAJIAN Clerk Typis[ ACE LINE STRIPING SERVICE & ACE PORTABLE STEAM CLEANING SERVICE 4007 E. Cortland Phone 222-9348 RAY HOLMES ELECTRIC & AIR CONDITION ING 4573 E. Harvey 251-8607 Fresno 64 E. HALEY Lieutenant Criminal Division JUVENILE SECTION E. MARGOSIAN Sergeant L. THOMAS Sergeant FASCIST fASCIST C. FLAMMANG Detective B. SHARKEY Detective ALLENBERG COTTON COMPANY, INC. THOMAS E. AVENT, Manager 3590 S CEDAR FRESNO D. MacNICOL The Juvenile Section conducts the investigation whenever the crime involves a juvenile, either as an offender or as a victim. The duties of this section are performed by six employees consisting of one lieu­ tenant, three detective sergeants, one deputy, one clerical specialist. The major areas of investigation include burglary, sex crimes, theft, malicious mis­ chief, out of control and protective custody. This section keeps in close contaCt with the other rehabilitative agencies. Within the limits of its own jurisdiction, this section provides counseling boch to the juvenile and to his parent. (Continued on Next Page) 65 : : ; -A SHIP-T 0[( A When the need requires further action than this section is allowed to perform, rhe juvenile is cired to the Probarion Department. This secrion also participates in crime prevemion programs with local schools, religious groups and other stare agencies. Iii SHAM EXCAVATION CO. EXCAVATIONS DEMOLITIONS -RENTALS 3259 S. Elm Ave., Fresno Phone 268-5932 Fay's College of Beauty Beauty Culture -Learn The 'Fay Way SAVE MONEY ON ALL BEAUTY SERVICE Advance Student Work -Hair Styling Faciols -Tinting -Bleaching -Permanent Waves 2325 Fresno St. Across from City Hall 237-0823 HAH~.CUT BUSTER.,-NO'W/" OTTO GOEDECKE INC., OF FRESNO 4250 N. Weber Ave. 233-6201 J & M USED CARS & AUTO WRECKERS All Types of Wrecks 2791 S. Elm Avenue 264-0114 I pitton terrazzo. inc. errazzlte 4565 E. FLORADORA AVENUE PHONE 227-8173 Magnesite walhed aggretate FRESNO. MARIO B. PITTON CALIFORNIA FRESNO TRACTOR PARTS 3444 West Whitesbridge Road Phone 233-2174 Fresno COMMERCIAL BODY & SALES MFG. CO., IINC. 2680 S. Orange 266-0836 UTILITY TRAILER SALES CO. Trailers -Semi Trailers -Commercial Bodies Third Axles -Thermo King Refrigeration 2660 S. Railroad Ave. Phone 237-2001 66 tiE po ch: po of ide raJ th< pa bu be cor pel ro fail eM 1 as bro 2 2. KEEPING UP By CHRIS FLAMMANG In this age of rapid change and advance, of scien­ tific and technological discovery, and of social and political emergence, the necessity of orientation to change is paramount to the recention of productive policy, procedures, and methods . No matter the field of endeavor, the problem of keeping abreast of new ideas and practices was never more important. The rapidity of change places an added burden upon those presencly engaged in any given vocation . Education and training do not cease with the pre­ pararory know ledge needed ro embark upon a career; but the search for such increase in knowledge as may be dictated by the complexities of our sociecy, must continue throughout che duracion of service. Those persons who fail to initiate action which will lead to their continuing educational growth are not only failing themselves, but are also failing their area of endeavor. Th e foregoing premise applies ro law enforcement as readily as to any ocher profession. Within th<: broad field of enforcement, the need for continual B & L CLUB Beer -Bowling Western Music Weekend 2998 S. Cherry Ave. Leo Diller & Ted Busch B & D BODY SHOP 237-9564 Complete Body Repair and Paint Shop 250 N'. Fresno SI. SPROUSE-REITZ CO. 3 Stores To Serve You 3233 North Cedar 3528 Ventura 1226 Wishon DONUT MAKERS 266-4038 The Best in Snails -Donuts -Cookies Wholesale and Retail 4481 E. Tulare Phone 251-2801 67 craining tends to increase in proportion to the degree of specialization. Therefore, when it is found that social phenomena diccates the establishment of a spe::::ialized, <.luxiliary service, those officers assigned to that service must accept che responsibilicy of re­ maining informed in the changing laws, philoso­ phies, methods, and concepts which will govern their ability to perform cheir tasks with efficiency and ef­ fectiveness. L:rw enforcement's recogni tion of the need ro es­ cablish specialized unics of juvenile officers pre­ ~uppcses che recognition of the need for specialized training and orientation of those officers. While the educacion and training of officers entering juvenile wo rk may vary in che manner in which ic was ob­ taine::l; and, while such knowledge may be enlarged upon through experience, che basic need to follow the ever changing pattern of juvenile enforcemenc remains a constancly exiscing realicy. (Continued on Next PaKe) d more,.'Enioy f00 "',...esh ,with this ,l..L ta.stenclea. WESTERN TURKEY PACKING CO. Packers and Distributors of "Poppy Brand" Poultry and Turkeys Doug Andersen, President F. F. iuchanan, Gen. Mgr. Phone AM 6-028 t 2035 So. Cherry Ave. "KEEPING UP" As many departments are unable to provide either time or funds for formal training of officers, it is often a matter resigned to individual pursuit. This manner of gaining knowledge allows for extremes of variance. The need for consistency of information, and for the distribution of such information, is ap­ parent. Prior to 1949 there were three juvenile officer organizations existing within the state. All were au­ tonomous, and were incapable of truly presenting a program assisting all officers of the state, and any strength of unity was non existent, Through the ef­ forts of a few far sighted men and women a state­ wide organization emerged combining the three re­ gional groups and unifying them into a stronger, more effective, parent organization. The California State Juvenile Officers Association came into being as the outcome of a meeting at Asilomar on No­ vember 17, 1949. The first annual training conference was held at Long Beach on April 5, 1950. Since that time, annual training conferences have been held in March. These consist of three days of workshops and seminars on current problems arising in juvenile enforcement, presented by experrs from law enforcement, and other allied fields. The association, through its laws and legislation committee, has introduced or has supported legisla­ tion for the good of the community, and has vigor­ ously opposed legislation that appeared to be detri­ mental to our youth. At the regular monthly meeting of the regional association, programs pertinent to the field are pre­ sented; coupled with the dissemination of new laws and decisions affecting enforcement. Besides the educational affect of these meetings, the opportunity is also provided to become personally acquainted H. W. WADDLE INVESTIGATION SERVI:CE 35 Yrs. Experience· All Kinds of Investigation Licensed and Bonded -Mole and Female Operators "We have new equipment and mode,n methods to give you expert and efficient se,vice" Call 266-6214 1221 FulTOn -Equitable Bldg., Room 404 FRESNO with other officers, to share the mutual problems which exist, and to exchange ideas and concepts. The Fresno County Sheriff's Department has long been actively represented through the participation of the members of the department's Juvenile Bureau. This participation has been at both the Central Re­ gional and at the State Association level. Capt. Larry Hoskins, formerly in charge of the Juvenile Bureau, was the first member of this de· patrment to serve as president of the Central Associ· ation. He has been followed by Wayne Johnson (re­ tired), and recent! y by Sergeants Laurene Thomas, and Edward Margosian. The need for training and orientation is keenly felt by those officers assigned to work with youth, and it is a tribute to the dedication of the juvenile officers of the state that, through the contribution of their own time and effort, they have devised one method of assuring that they will be prepared for the complexities of juvenile enforcement. COREA TRUCKING General Trucking & Grain Hauling All Cargo Insured For Your Protection 3233 W. California Ave. Ph . 266-4331 A & B LIQUOR Always Friendly Service From May and Bill Complete Stock of All Party Needs 3018 E. McKinley 264-6725 .You've Tried Th e R est, Now Try The Best AU SERVICE CENTER Jess Sherrill, Owner Expert Radio and TV Repairing 4175 E. Olive 233-7509 YELLOW CAB B~ACK & WHITE CAB CO. UNITED RADIO CAB 266-0588 B & B FENCE CO. Redwood & Chain Link Fences Free Estimates -Time 'Payment Plans 4575 E. Pine 255-4446 88 Criminal Division CORONER'S OFFICE BULLOCK'S VACUUM PUMP,ING Cesspool & Septic Tank Pumping We Pump Out All The Sludge Anywhere -Anytime Day & Night Service Established 1937 2241 N. Valentine Ave. 264-3894 See HARVEY BRANCH for Complete Insurance Service 229-8515 4338 E. Shields BOND STREET MARKET Groceries -Meats -Produce Beer -Wine 755 N. Bond 237-9653 Compliments of Your FRIENDLY SUNLAND DEALERS Quality Petroleum Products CUM-C-CLUB Beer -Wine -Friendly Atmosphere 5235 W. Shaw Ave. 233-9888 The staff of the Coroner's Office is , Jlcmding, left to right, F. Sommerlli/Ie, Lt. W. Cook and Sergeant A. Dirkin­ JOn. Seated is M. Jones, serretar),. The Coroner's Office investigates aU cases of death which are the result of violence, accident, sui­ cide, or suspicious circumstances. It is also necessary to investigate those cases where a doctor has not been in attendance ten days prior to death. This unit con­ sists of four employees rated as one lieutenant, one detective · sergeant, one deputy, and one clerical specialist. An unusual fact abOut this unit is that sixty per­ cent of the cases must be investigated after normal working hours. During 1964 there were 1192 cor­ oner cases and 113 non-coroner cases investigated . The Coroner's Office impounds all money and valuables from the deceased at the. scene of death. This is released to the next of kin, or Public Ad­ ministrator or to the County Treasurer in case of county burial. Autopsies are ordere"d and performed by one of the licensed pathologists. COMPLIMENTS OF RODDER'S 1045 FULTON STREET and 1939 E. SHIELDS AVENUE IN MANCHESTER CENTER Criminal Division BAILIFFS T. NIX Head Bailiff R. BOLTON A. CIRIj\'IELE D. GILMORE F. GUERRERO 1. JO NES T. UEDER E. LYNCH L. TREXLER J. WATTS T. WHITE D. WRIGHT Rex Lawley BLACKSTONE-McKINLEY GARAGE General Auto Repairs All Work Guaranteed 1604 N. Blackstone 264-9844 BLACKSTONE MEAT CO. Wholesale & Retail Meat -Groceries Special Freezer Packs -Free Delivery 4708 N. Blackstone 222 -1570 BARGAIN CITY DISCOUNT SALES Freight Damaged -Bankrupt Stock Headquarters Appliances, Groceries, Bldg. Materials, Etc. 4763 E. Kings Canyon Road 251-5949 I ROYER'S HI-HO CLUB Beer -Sandwiches Amusements 4538 E. Belmont 251-5972 ELLIOTT'S 88 ¢ STORES 8,000 items of discounted prices Nothing Over 88c 1137 Fulton Mall CENTRAL CALIF. REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCE SERVICE Tak Seo -Owner COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE Commercial & Domestic Refrigeration Service 662 F Street 264-4165 7D Criminal Division COMMUNICATION SECTION I B. BOLTON J. FRIES M. HALIFAX L. HEMPHILL M. KLEIM J. KOSHG:\RIAN S. LOYD L. POSEY V. PROCHASKA A. SWINK L VANNOY KONG'S MARKET Meat -Groceries -Produce Beer and Wine 3706 E. Olive 264-9322 BELMONT RECREATION CENTER 4026 Plaze Drive West Fresno, Ca'lif. Family Pool -Shuffle Board Beer On Tap Owners Earl and Helen Harper I THE BRIGG Fine Food & Cocktails 4743 N. Blackstone 227-7297 CHRISTENSEN'S TURKEY HATCHERY Custom Hatching Turkey Eggs Only 2147 N. Maple Ave. 255-0875 CLAUDE'S GENERATOR & STARTER EXCHANGE SERVICE let an Expert Repair Your Car's Electrical System 4636 E. Kings Canyon Rd. 255-0338 CHICK 'N' BOB T a ·ke-Out Food At Its Best Coffee Shop -7 Days a Week Catering Service 1447 W. Sh ields 229-3482 71 SECURITY DIVISION The Securiry Division of the Fresno COUnty Sher­ iff's Department is locared in rhe Sheriffs building, occupying rhe 2nd and 3rd floors for derention and incarcerarion of inmates, The kirchen and storage faciliries are located in rhe basement. There are 43 employees which consisr of: 1 Caprain, 1 Lieutenant, 4 Sergeanrs, 19 Deputies, 8 Matrons, 7 Clerks and 3 Cooks whose purpose is rhe cusrodial care of an average of 507 inmates daily. The roral cost for rhe fiscal year 1963-64 was $423,065.00 or $2.29 per inmare per day. The breakdown is as foll ows: Salaries ............_. ........ $1.44 per inmate per day _ _ Clothing ...................... .03 per inmate per day Food ............................ .40 per inmate per day Household Expense .... .11 per inmare per day Maintenance (Equipment and Building) _.. .... .04 per inmate per day Medical Supplies _....... .02 per inmare per day Office Expenses .......... .02 per inmare per day Professional (Hospiral Bill) ........ .16 per inmare per day Utiliries .......... ............ .07 per inmare per day TOTAL COST ............ $2.29 per inmare per day During the calendar year 1964 rhere were a rota I of 40,972 persons booked into jail of which 2,043 were females. This can be compared wtih 39,254 bookings in 1963. A recap of the responsibilities are: 1. Process and detain persons remanded ro rhe custody of the Sher­ iff, 2. Keep a complere log of each prisoner's srarus; maintain records of rime served, sentences and modi­ fications, 3. Provide for rhe health and welfare of inmares while in rhe custody of rhe Sheriff, 4. Pro­ vide adequate jail clothing and proper storage for inmates' properry, 5. Supervise permissible visiring and accommodare religious counseling and rehabili­ taring activiries. "For Something Distinctively Different" THE COUNTRY STORE Wilda Montgomery, Owner COMPLETE LADIES APPAREL (6 to 20 and 5 to 15) 4860 E. Kings Canyon Road at Chestnut Drop In and Meet B. J. and Ann Weaver CORNER TAVERN Cold Draft Beer 2960 Church at Railroad 268-4880 ' HANOIAN'S MARKET Liquors -Sporting Goods Groceries -Meats -Produce 1439 S. Cedar at Butler 233-7301 In Hanoian's Center Fresno's Most Beautiful Center CALIFORNIA TROPHY CENTER Trophies For All Sports & Occasions Gavels & Plaques Prompt Expert Engraving 1237 N. Blackstone 268-7448 CLARDY'S MARKET Complete Food Market Open 7 A.M. to lOP.M. Daily 4193 E. Illinois at Cedar 233-9994 EL TORO CAFE GOOD MEXICAN FOOD DRAFT BEER 2408 S. Railroad 237-9811 CY'S FRESNO TRUCK STOP Shell Products -Towing -Parts -Tires Dist. of McMillin Ring Free Oil 24-Hour Restaurant 6900 N. Hiway 99 268-3108 BET-R-ROOFS Bank Terms -Licensed -Insured ROOFING -SIDING -WATERPROOFING Free Estimates 3188 W, Belmont 237-2042 I I . VOL K 5 WAG E N 590 Van Ness Ave. ~, Service Department -PORSCHE 268.4546 :: GARDNER MOTORS, INC. Authorized Distributor Fresno County FRESNO ECONOMY IMPORTS Used Car Department 2048 Ventura Ave. -268·4219 ~ 4278 W. Ashlan Ave. 233-5781 Fresno 72 SECURITY DIVISION D. CHRISTOPHER L. HOSKINS Lieutenant Captain R. BOU LWARE D. DENNIS G. PREDMORE J. QUIST Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant DEGEN AIR CONDITIONING Day And Night Air Conditioning Sales & Service Residential & Commercial 1290 N. Backer 255-3076 THE ALIBI CLUB Cocktails -Draft Beer 4444 N. Blackstone Phone 227-9863 Jesse E. Cooley Jr. Funeral Service 1703 E Street Phone 268-8048 Fresno KING'S BOAT CENTER Sanger Hulls -Boat Repairs -Speed Equip. 2119 E. Belmont -237-8485 KING'S MUFFLER SERVICE Stock Mufflers -Duals & Shocks 1202 N. Van Ness -233-5731 Locally Owned by Geo. L. King YTUR,RI HOTEL Ben and Marie SPECIALIZING IN BASQU E DI N N ERS 237-9525 2546 Kern FRESNO PHILCO BENDIX COIN OPERATED LAUNDERETTES TWO WEST SIDE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU EVERY DAY 704 FRESNO STREET 20 Washers and 6 Dryers 2240 S. ELM 30 Washers and 10 Dryers TWO SIZES OF MACHINES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 10 Pound Washers _____.________ ~_______ 15 Cents 16 Pound Washers _______ .._....__.__ .. ___ 25 Cents DRYERS WITH MANUAL HIAT CONTROL KNOBS 10 Minutes for 10 Cents 73 SECURITY DIVISION R. BANEULOS R. BRADLEY w . CH EATHAM M. FUTRELL c d HAPPI ESS IM. GUHM R. HERNANDEZ A WARM JAI L Ot~ A RAINY DI\Y , -~ -I ., ~~ T. KERNS G. LANGLEY C. LUCAS G. MADSEN ASSOCIATED FARMERS OF FRESNO COUNTY, INC. GUS & DORRIS 233-9611 4010 W. Whitesbridge YARYAN LUMBER CO. Dale Parks -Lyle Olson -Harold Yaryan Lumber & Building Materials On Hughes Bet. Whitesbridge & Nielsen 268-4701 625 South Hughez Jack Holmes Milt Tartarian D & M AUTO DEN Body and Fender Work Complete Painting -Free Estimates 4406 E. Belmont 251-1071 74 SECURITY DIVISION . ---­ J MARTIN N . MORGAN K . MYATI D. ROSE ······ ~ L.. ... "l~ 1 ~ m, ,, t -; . . . . . . : i : LET HIM IN -THE BOOK .sAYS,G. SWADLEY N,l" THE PRISONER CAN PAY -HE CAN HAVE HIS OWN D OC TOR TREAT HIM :' D . SWANSON ]. SWENNING VILLAGE FOODLAND ' 728 W. SHAW AVENUE FRESNO 4, CALIFORNIA 229-3584 75 G. T HOR J. WASSON BERVEN RUG MILLS INC. 2600 Ventura Phone 233-7363 Fresno, California SECURITY DIVISION Matrons C. KILGORE Senior Matron D. ANDERSON D. BAKER S. FERNANDEZ ['']'( EAIL IS $50 -PAWN YOUR GOLF CLUBS ­ WH/\I DO IOU MEAN -"'UPENDS ON THE WEATHER "? R. GRUHLER M. KOSMOSKY K. LYSDAHL V. MATTOX D. SHIPMAN M. TABLER DONALD J. DICK, INC. PLUMBING -HEATING -AIR CONDITIONING SHEET METAL WORK Industrial & Residential -Free Estimates 227-1612 2211 N. Blackstone BIG AL'S PIZZA AND CHICKEN Dining Room -41 70 N. 1st St. We Deliver Free Piping Hot To Your Door Phone 227-5311 DUNCAN'S LIQUORS liquor -Groceries -Sporting Goods OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Sun-Thurs. 9 to 12 Fri. & Sat. 9 to 2 a.m. 1737 W. Olive (1 Blk. off Freeway) 237-3257 ELI'S ELECTRICAL SERVICE Electrical Contracting Residential -Commercial -Repairs 1961 S. 5th Street 264-6013 76 SECU ,RITY DIVISION Clerks D. HALDERMAN Senior Clerk I , ..,.- S. BOWERS K, COMBS ]. MARTORI ]. SULLIVAN LLOYD G. DEROSHIA Plastering Contractor 1586 So. Winery 255-9525 SUPREME HAY INC. Complete Hay Service Buying -Selling -Trucking Commercial Hauling 6025 W . Kearney Blvd. 268-6296 Fresno FOWLER CABINET AND HARDWARE CO. 5433 SOUTH CLOVIS AVE. GLEN THARP, Owner 268-2293 FRESNO I things go b~~th COke ............... COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF FRESNO 905 R Street, Fresno, California FINE ART THEATER American & Foreign Films Of Artistic Merit For The Discriminating Movie Goer 1225 So. Maple Ave. Ph. 251-8078 77 : EVA & DAREL HAYES ROWELL CASH GROCERY Your Friendly East Fresno Grocery 3796 E. Harvey at 8th Sf. 237-2774 Al & MilT'S FLAMINGO CLUB 1802 Tulare St. Phone 233-9602 ARROW SHEET METAL Central Heating & Cooling Systems Air Conditioning -Refrigeration 1037 N. Maple 255-2820 THE HITCHING POST Cold Draft Beer -Sandwiches -Soft Drinks Pool and Bowling 4010 W. McKinley at Brawley 264-7875 SALES -LEASE -TERMS TWO-WAY RADIO We Have Sold and Serviced in hce" of 3000 Unit. CENTRAL CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST SUPPLIER OF' COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT TWO -WAY RADIO ElECTRONIC SPECIALTIES CO. 160 N. Broadway Fresno 223-8818 L. E. FRISCH Truck Repairing 3037 S. Elm Ave. 233-6893 HALF MOON CAFE Draft Beer -Wine -Sandwiches 1218 Merced St. Phone 237-9482 GUY'S MARKET Groceries -Meat -Produce Beer -Wine -Soft Drinks 3376 W. Belmont Ave. 237-6458 EQUIPMENT SALES AND RENTALS All Types Included Tractors -loaders -Dozers -Scrapers CENTRAL VALLEY CONTRACTORS SERVICE 7162 N. Blackstone. Pinedale Ph. 439-0451 rc cl v b 0 01 SECURITY DIVISION Kitchen Supervisors J. ANDERSON J. LIPSCO MB J. MAYO ~~~iL.!«4 COMPLETE LINE OF DAIRY PRODUCTS v Delicious Extra Rich Farm Fresh Milk v Non·Fat-ln Bottles and Carlons v Ice Cream v Cream v Groceries CASH & CARRY-SAVE MONEY CO-OP MEMBERS SHARE REFUNDSI FREE BROCHUREI SAVE 7 DAYS A WEEK -7.30 A.M. TO 10,00 P.M. MILK USERS CO-oPERATIYE OF CALIF. GETTY5BURG AVE. AT BLACKSTONE -V. MILE SO . Of SHAW 229·7889 VAN AMUSEMENT INEZ FARRINGTON Coin Operated GAMES -PHONOGRAPHS LATEST MODELS AVAILABLE PERSONALIZED SERVICE Day & Night Call 264-9011 3026 E. BELMONT AYE. FRESNO R. MATTOX Storekcl:ptr "Look lor the Cow" 78 RECORDS AND IDENTIFICATION DIVISION R. RIDDLE Captain W. SAUNDERS Lieutenant J. BELTON Chief Criminologist PROGRESS REPORT Previous issues of the Review have mentioned the reorganization of the Idenrification Bureau, and the change of its tide to Records and Identification Di­ vision. The need for such a step had been pointed our by Nfr. Philip Sanchez, now Chief Administrative officer of Fresno County, in 1960 when, as an analyst on the staff of CAO Ernest Mobley, he had made a comprehensive survey of the operations of the depart­ ment. As Mr. Sanchez had pointed out, the business-like modern methods adopted by the Patrol and Detective Divisions during the past few years created more clerical work, and increased the demand for fast, ac­ (Con/inued on Next Page) Bob Caire Paul Katchadourian CENTRAL VALLEY DEBRIS BOX SERVICE IEconomical Commercial & Industrial Debris Box Service RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS -FAST SERVICE Phone for Details on Our Complete Modern Dispo~al Services 1622 N. Cedar Avenue Phone 251-8470 THRIFTY GREEN STAMPS 1649 N. Blackstone Ave. 266-0746 Fresno I BROWN'S SUPER MARKET Complete Grocery, Fruits and Vegetables USDA Choice Butcher-Served Meat Beer -Wine • Soft Drinks 4814 E. BELMONT AT CHESTNUT PHON E 251-2394 BEN FRAN'KLIN FOUNDRY INC. Fresno Division 327 G STREET 264-3573 79 A PROGRESS REPORT curate recording, storing, and retrieving of informa­ tion. Recent COurt decisions regarding constitutional rights were also a factor. Information the detective of the 40's could carry in his head or record on the back of an old envelope until the trial, then forget about, must now be kept indefinitely, and muSt be indexed and filed accurately, so that it is always readily available. Some of the specific points mentioned by Mr. Sanchez as in need of immediate correction were as follows: I. There was inadequate control over the various files. Since no one was on duty in the Records Section at night, all record searches made then were by per­ sons not intimately familiar with the filing system. This resulted in many documents and reports either not being found when needed, or being misplaced when returned to the files. II. There were tOO many files. Separate index files for investigation reports and individual record folders were maintained. Therefore it was often necessary to make two searches instead of one in order to locate the desired information. III. There was no clearly defined line of respon­ sibility and authority. Part of the clerical work was done by clerks assigned to the Criminal Division; the remainder was done by those assigned to the Identification Bureau. One or twO clerks divided their time between the work of the tWO divisions, and the duties overlapped so that they could never be certain to whom they were responsible. IV. Time was being wasted by outmoded pro­ cedures, duplication of effort, and keeping non­ essential information. For instance, a long, elaborate letter was typed for each warrant on which a mailed notice was sent ro the defendant, including detailed instructions for several ways in which the warrant could be cleared. There were also sometimes twO or three different places to look to find out what had happened to a particular warrant. V. Technical services operations needed ro be updated. There was no provision for orderly dis­ patching of field technicians; whoever answered the phone rook the call. There was also room for con­ siderable improvement in the control and safeguard­ ing of evidence, and much of the equipment and ways of using it were obsolete. For instance, there were two darkrooms. Film was developed in one on the main floor; then taken to another in the base­ ment for printing. (Con/inlled on Nex/ Page) FRESNO PUMI-TILE Split Stone -Patios -Firebrick Slump Stone -Portable Bar-B-Que Pits Commercial and Residential 1508 Thesta 233-6601 SAM GARZONE MEAT MARKET USDA Choice Steers Only 4784 E. Belmont 255-4321 G & G M'EXICAN FOOD PRODUCTS All Types Mexican Groceries 945 Tulare St. 237-3200 GERALD BAKER GERALD'S AUTO WRECKING We Buy Cars Guaranteed Used Parts 2233 S. Fruit 268-4850 GLENCASS, I'NC. Truck Painting and Signs Deco Is -Stencils -Letters & Numbers Califomia and East 237-8336 GLOBE AUTO WR 'ECKERS "The STICK Transmission KING" Parts for all Makes 2696 S. 'Elm Ave. 264-3295 ONICK, INC. Commercial & Residential Construction 6035 E. Butler Phone 251 -6003 DE LUCCA & THRELKELD, INC. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Homes -Duplexes -Triplexes -General Building, Repairs and Alterations 346 N. Blackstone 268-7428 TRAVELON TRA'lLER SALES 27 Years Experience To Serve You Mobil Homes and Vacation Homes Kit Mobil Homes -Kensill -Ideal Aristocrat Travel Trailer 2996 E. Ventura Ave. Phone 264-5921 80 Records And Identification Division M. O. AND FINGERPRINT SECTION " THELAST TIME W SENT HI S PRINTS TO nil: F.B .L - THEY SENT A NASTY L[fllR AND A Bool< ON FINGEIIPRINTING M . BARNES y. KAI D. NEELEY W . RANEY CHERRY AUCTION Auctions Every Tuesday and Saturday 4640 S. Cherry Ave. 266-9856 BOB ~ RAY GOLF WORLD AROUND THE WORLD IN 1 B HOLES SPECIAL RATES FOR GROUPS 86 E. Shaw -Blackstone & Shaw 222-1311 TOP HAT Cocktail Lounge CHARLES & HELEN TIMMONS 4765 E. Belmont HARPAIN'S DAIRY FARM GOLD MEDAL WINNING MILK 3949 N. Barton or 3900 N. Cedar GOODALL FLOOR COVERING We'll Save You Money on All Types of Rugs and Carpets We Do Our Own Installing 1827 E. Belmont 268-0764 LAN'GWORTHY PAVING & GRADING Blacktol>ping -Oiling -Grading Asphalt Paving 268-7076 5053 S. Cedar Fresno 81 A PROGRESS REPORT None of these deficiencies were the fault of any one person. They were merely the result of thirty­ five or forty years accumulation of duties and meth­ ods. Many good ideas and new methods had been developed over the years. However, in many cases, when a person had found a better way to do some­ thing, he lacked authority to discard the old method, so the task was done both ways. The major need was for someone with authority to examine every detail of the operation, decide what could be eliminated, what could be kept but improved, what could be merged with some related task, and what services should be added. When the division was reorganized and re-titled, those made responsible for making the plan a success I were given the needed authority. At first they were // WHEN THAT SONIC 800M HIT somewhat awed at the magnitude of the task. It " seemed almost impossible that any significant im­HE WAS CLEANING HI'S GUN provements could be made without a substantial in­ crease in manpower and working space. However, they decided to give it a try, so they rolled up their sleeves and went to work. A complete book could be written on the problems encountered and the solutions found. Perhaps the most frustrating one was trying to assure the other members of the department that all c(the chaos and confusion created by the sudden chang­ es had not been deliberately planned to disrupt the WE RECOMMEND . •. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE SERVICE CO., INC . Expert Appliance Service on all major brands by Factory Trained Specialists -All Worlc: Guaranteed ­ 1850 SO. PARALLEL AVE. PH. 268-9457 ADVANCE TV SERVICE All Makes and Models -Color All Work Guaranteed 1581 N. Palm at McKinley 233-3703 Since 1932 INLAND SHOW CASE & FIXTURES Commercial & Residential Formica Drainboards -Complete Store Fixtures 1473 Thesta 237-4158 836 F Street 266-5881 a nd 233-6936 IDEAL BAKERY Mexican Pastries Wholesale & Retail C & A MARKET Groceries -Beer -Wine Meats -Produce 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. -7 days a week 4620 E. Church Ave. at Maple m operations of the department, and that in the long fc run the improvement in service would make any temporary inconveniences worthwhile. After a while su those in other divisions began to understand and ar cooperate, and from then on the task went more m smoothly. The close of 1964 marked the end of two years ar since the gigantic task had been started. Those re­th sponsible were able to report the following progress. ti< I. Twenty-four hour:, seven day a week coverage ad had been provided for the Records Section. E, II. The two separate main files, plus one or two th smaller files, had been combined into a master index th file. III. A rigid chain of command had been es­ tablished. Each member of the division had been given a specific task Or group of tasks, had the au­ thority necessary for successful completion, and knew Cto whom he was directly responsible for its com­d. pletion. CllIV. All outmoded procedures had been either (Con/inNed 011 N ex/ Page) 82 Records And Identification Divi'sion WARRANTS AND RECORDS FIELD OFFICERS F. PIPKIN J. CAMINO J. CAPRELIAN Sergeant D. DOUGLAS D. discarded or brought up to date. All duplicate pro­ cedures had been eliminated with the most efficient method retained. Printed form letters were devised ior us wherever applicable. v. Technical service procedures are more closely supervised and controlled. Evidence is securely stOred and accounted for, and much of the obsolete equip­ ment has been replaced. The most significant point is that, by careful study and planning, and thorough supervision and control, these improvements were accomplished with prac­ tically no increase in manpower, and without the addition of a single square foot of working space. Even more incredible is the fact that, in addition to the improvements outlined, ways were found to add the following services. I. A file is kept of felons wanted by other police agencies in California, and by some other States if there are indications the subject may be in this area. II. Crime statistics for the monthly report to C.I.I. and F.B.I. are now accurately compiled on a daily basis, instead of being done in a once a month rush as before. (Continued 011 Next P,lge) HOFF L. HUNT '65 SKYLARKLEASE with factory AIR CONDITIONING*BUICKS "'Model 4427 incl. auto. trans., power steering, radio, heater, whitewall tires, and tinted PER MONTHglass. Tax is included. 'CAVES BUICK CO. Blackstone at Ratcliffe Stadium -Fresno Ph. 237-0221 START YOUR DAY WITH HEMINGWAY 7:00 AM Courtesy of Borden's 83 A PROGRESS REPORT III. \X!arrant statistics are accurately compiled, ~lOd a rigid control maintained over warrants as­ signed for service. Percentage of warrants served has increased considerably during the two-year period. IV. All old records have now been put on micro­ film. Since one roll of film in a box slightly larger than a cigarette package can hold about three thous­ and documents, this has made possible the storage of all records on the main floor, eliminating time con­ suming trips to the basement whenever an old folder was called for. V. In every bperation of the department, as many improvements as were possible, and some that seemed impossible, had been made. Naturally, there were errors, but for each error a lesson was learned. A task of this nature can never be considered as finished. The Records and Identification Division provides so many diverse services that there will al­ ways be room for improvement, and a constant evaluation of methods and results must be main­ tained. The future provides an exciting challenge to those who administer such an agency. Experiments are al­ ready being conducted on the adaptation of electronic data processing to the police records field. The re­ sults so far have been more than promising. It is predicted that within a few years, it will be possible for a patrol officer to make a warrant or record check, and to be told within a minute or two whether or not the subject is wanted Or has ever been arrested in any part of the State. The potential value to law enforcement generally, to the public it serves, of such fast service is obvious. The eguipment is already available. All that remains is for the state to coordinate and set up the system, the taxpayers to agree to pay for it, and police iden­ tification and records personnel to train themselves to use it. NONE FOR HIM -HE'S ON DUTY GRAY'S VILLAGE MARKET Groceries -Meats -Variety 1917 So. Chestnut -Senior Citizens Village (Open to the Public' I United Markets Ph. 266-4003 PETROLEUM P. O. Box 303B Fresno PRODUCTS CAREY & GIBSON DISTRIBUTORS Jack C. Corey & Kenneth H. Gibson Sound proof, free parking, privale phones, message center service, healed .wimming pool, all over­ .iud bed., T.V. & F.M., cooled by refrigeration, pulling green. Ideal­ ly localed aero.. from Civic Audi­ torium . AND COFFEE SHOP 2425 Merced 51. Ph. 268-8781 G. S. DOUGLAS CO. WHOLESALE HARDWARE 1382 N. Cedar 251-7306 DAY & NIGHT SEPTIC SERVICE Tank Capacity 1309 Gallon $15_00 Pumping WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS Ph. 266-9148 4507 W. Church, Fresno Records And Identification Division WARRANTS AN'D RECORDS -CLERICAL F. DAY Senior Clerk C. BRONSON V. KASPARIAN J. VASQUEZ B. BEETS M. BARBER V. BIXLER Matron .. ., .... ' .../' ~.."...-.. ~..'.' ..'_........ -.'" S. COLEMAN M. FAIN M . HAGGERTY M. LAWRENCE E. MASON L . MOSHIER E. WEEKS J. WILLIAMS 85 ANTIQUE UPHOLSTERING SHOP AIR OASIS CAFE Rebuilt -Restyled -Modernized Guaranteed Furniture Upholstering AAA ELECTRIC Chandler Field 1829 West Olive 237-0584 Phone 237·0194 1941 N. Motel Dr. No. 60 AIRWAYS COFFEE SHOP ARCADE TRAILER PARK From Daylight to Dark for Swimming Pool for Residents Your Convenience A-l INSULATION & FENCE CO. 1941 N. Motel Drive 264·3658Airways Golf Course 255·9802 16766 E. Olive, Fresno 251' ·6219 ~-~~~====------:;.r-----------I AL'S CHEVRON SERVICE ARCHIE'S RESTAURANT Accessories· lubrication I 439-0534Atlas Tires and Batteries 6187 N. Blackstone 4797 Clinton at Chestnut 251 ·7429 1'----------------1 ABC MUSIC SERVICE 315 N. Thorne 264·1418 ARROW PHARMACYALAN'S SALON OF BEAUTY ACE REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE Professional Care Is Best For Hair 796 E. Kings Canyon Rd . 255-8351 Commercia I Refrigeration 564 Olive Ave. 233-16461 3434 E. Floradora Ph. 237·4927 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS COMPANY ALBRECHT'S WELDING MACHINE SHOP A and M CARPET General Welding Repair 722 Broadway Phone 268-6427 620 W. Olive, Fresno 237·2156 4344 N. Blackstone Ph . 222·8574 A & M LUMBER CO. JOE ALESSANDRI Open 7 Days a Week Terrazzo Floors, Steps and Bases Compliments of(Except Major Holidays) 1855 W . Church Ave. Ph. 264·2705 B & L LIQUORS4561 Olive & Maple Aves 255·0424 1288 N. Fresno Street 266-1864 SAM ALEXANDER ACE ALUMINUM AWNING CO. REFRIGERATION B & V AUTO PARTSAluminum Awnings and Sidings All Parts & Accessories1250 Van Ness 268·61831915 E. Olive 268·3051 Transmission Specialists 1259 B Street 266-3008 ALLEN'S WELDING SHOPACME MACHINE CO. Portable Arc & Acetylene Welding BAKER CHEVRON SERVICESteel Tubing 1339 E. Church Ave. 268·42031212 North H SI. 266·9469 6020 Blackstone at Bullard 227-7090 THE AMBURGO WESTERNACME TENT & AWNING MFG. CO. INC. CHARLES BALOIAN CO.Custom Boat Covers -Canvas Articles Feed Concentrates & Supplements 7183 N. Abby, Pinedale 439·1100 Wholesale Produce1216 G St. 233·4684 1340 G Street ADAMS BARBER SHOP ANDY'S OWL CLUB 3 Barbers to serve you BAMBOO HUT Children welcome Excellent Chinese Food to Take Out West & Shields 721 Fulton 237·9974 2441 N. First SI. 222-1513 OFFICE PHONE 268·4231 ANGELO'S DRIVE INADAMS & KEAST INSURANCE Featuring the Best Hamburgers BARON'S POULTRY RANCH Bar B·Q Beef Sandwiches FRANK L. ADAMS FRED J. KEAST 209 Helm 8uilding -Fresno, California 3892 Butler, Fresno 266-9928710 W. Olive Ave. 268-3726 Res. Ph. 227.1052 Res. Ph 229·1629I ANGELO'S MEAT MARKET HERB BAUER'S SPORTING GOODS 'For a Real Treat -Try Angelo's Meats' AERO SALES & SERVICE, INC. Indoor Pistol & Rifle Range268·6459 "Open Evenings"Hangars 1 & 2 Chandler Field 3137 Palm Ph. 227·8449 Where Abby & Blackstone Meet 86 --- Records And Identification Division TECHNICAL SERVICES SECTION S. BARNES Sergeant A. FLORES Criminologisr L. SARMENT Criminologist R. SMITH Criminologist C. ALEXANDER Dep.Criminologist D . JUSTICE Dep.Criminologist E. LAMB Dep.Criminologist R. McQUILLEN Dep.Criminolog'ist MENTAL HEALTH SECTION TRANSPORTAllON SEalON Tramporlalion Section is handled by P. PrevoJt, sergeant, standing bJ Car. AI right iJ R. Arden, Jergeallt, ll'ho JIICfeedJ Pre'[loJtll'ho r.etireJ thiJ year. The Jtaff of thl: Menlttl Health Section are) standing, lefl 10 right, M. Baronitm, F. Poore and R. Purcell. Seated is Sl:rgeant J. De Y ollng. 87 ' BEAVER'S HATCHERY BOB'S TAVERN DRAFT BEER -SHUFFLE BOARD 22.45 W. Church, Fresno 233-1.4.48 .4030 E. Belmont 237-9908 BEL AIR MOTEL AND RESTAURANT . Olive at Hiway 99 268-.4211 BELMONT HARDWARE For All Your Hardware Needs 817 E. Belmont 233 -0729 BELMONT MOTORS "The Best For The Least In Used Cars" 3808 E. Belmont Ave. Ph. 26.4-990.4 BELMONT TIRE DISTRIBUTORS lloyd & Deo Allen 268-3173 3519 E. Belmont Fresno BONSTEEL DUMP TRUCKING .439-2667 6390 N. Blackstone Ave., Fresno Bourzac Concrete Construction Swimming Pools Plastering -Sidewalks 850 E. Santa Ana 227-3885 THE BRANDING IRON 237-5301 336.4 W . Belmont BROADWAY STEAM CLEANING Cars -Trucks -Tractors Steam Cleaned . ! 2.40 Broadway 237-7603 BROSI'S HARDWARE CHEVRON GASOUNE CAL MARKET MEAT -FISH -POULTRY GROCERIES 30.4 E. California Ave. 237-8.45.4 CALIFORNIA-FRESNO OIL CO. PETROlEUM PRODUCTS 2518 S. Railroad Ph. 233-6211 CALIFORNIA MOTEL KITCHENS -FREE TV 233-08.49 35.47 S. Golden State Blvd. Fresno California Sun Dry Boulgour Co. Speciali.ing in Armenian· Syrian Products Pistachio Nuts · Sunflower & Pumpkin Seed. 630 South Cedar Ave. 255· 2390 CALWA HOTEL ROOMS -APARTMENTS 3978 Calwa Ave. Ph . 233-9.49.4 CALWA QUALITY MARKET 1660 B Street Ph. 233-0.401 5211 W. Shaw, Fresno 237-5268 I Groceries -Beer -Wine -Soft Drinks t-__________ _ -~t----------------11 392.4 Jensen Ave. 233-9979 BIG BOY MARKET JAMES HUEY BIG SAVE MARKET Groceries -Meats -Vegetables Beer -Wine 112 W. Whitesbridge Ave. 266-3763 BRUCE'S BARBER SHOP Personalized Barbering 2736 Divisadero, Plaza Shopping Center FRANK BRUNO'S Grocery & Meat Market CALWA REXALL PHARMACY Prescription Special·isls Quality Rexall Products 3978 E. Jensen Ave., Calwa 268-7876 CAPITOL CLEANERS GARNETT L. "BILL" BILLINGS Wholesale Distributors FARM EQUIPMENT 1926 E Street 2122 So. "G" 51. 237 -8135 I CLEANING and LAUNDRY Ph . 26.4-9813t---------------I15.40 Belmont 26.4-3015 r-------------------~ K. C. BUCK SERVICE STATION BILL'S SUPER SHELL SERVICE Signal Oil and Gas 3681 Blackstone 229-3365 Merced & L 237-9773 CARL'S AUTO REPAIR General Repairs -All Makes Fresno r----------------l .4762 E. Kings Canyon Rd. 251-6806 BLACKSTONE MOTORS HOWARD PLAGGE 12.4 Blackstone 237-195.4 BLACKSTONE PHARMACY Citywide Delivery 539 Blackstone 233-6203 BLOSSER'S SPORTS EQUIPMENT CO . BUKER & COLSON DRUG CO. 2.4 Hour Prescription Service Open 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. (Sat. to 5) Ph. 237-.4171-Free Delivery 282.4 N. Mariposa ARCHIE BURTON DOUGLAS SERVICE EXPERT LUBRICATION Gas -Oil -Tires -Tubes -Accessories 150.4 N. Weber, Fresno 266-858.4 BUTLER IDRUGS ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS Peter Bedrosian 142.4 Fulton 51. Ph. 26.4-5585 1 3558 E. Butler Ave. 237 -78.4.4 88 CARTER'S HEATING SERVICE Heating & Cooling Installation and Repairs 3688 N. Harrison, Fresno 222 -0653 CARTER & SONS Heating and Air Conditioning .4715 N. Blackstone Ph . 227-2914 J. CARTWRIGHT & SON SINCE 1885 Manufacturers of Pruning Shears Malaga 237-6191 I T be sec ra< lei Ice thi IS pu Civil Division FIELD STAFF F. KOLL Captain J. PAPAZIAN Lieutenant C. BALEY Sergeant L. ALEXANDER R. MAULDIN L. RICE A. SCHMALL THE SILENT SERVICE - The Civil Division The civil division of any sheriff's department can be compared to one's family physician. You don't see much of him or have any lingering social con­ taCtS with him, but when you are ill, he is the best friend you can have. He performs a specialized serv­ ice. Such are the reactions that a citizen may have to this vital division. It recei.ves very little publicity, but is forever performing a specialized service to the public, to the attorneys, and to the courts. The functions of this department are manifested 89 A. RANDRUP C. RAU in satisfying the judgments handed down by our courtS, securing pending suits through attachments properly executed, and the service of summonses, subpoenas, notices, orders, etc. Its functions are much too complex to cover with an article of this length. The division is composed of a captain, a lieutenant, a sergeant, and six deputies along with eight women who look after the intricate aspects of the clerical work. An efficient and detailed accounting system accounts for every penny received and its proper disbursement. When one considers the fact that this (Continlled 011 Next Page) .- CEDAR AVENUE NURSERY Complete Nursery Service 3411 N. Cedar 227·0171 CHUC K SMITH'S CEDAR HEIGHTS LIQUOR Cedar & Shield 229·0856 CENTRAL FISH CO. 1507 Kern St. 23 7·2049 CENTRAL VALLEY LEVELING CO. Grading • Paving ill Dirt Excavating • F 4865 E. Belmont Ave. Ph . 255-0775 CHICKEN DELIGHT CHICKEN· SHRI'MP • BAR -B,QUE RIBS HOTEL CREST , 1838 Fresno SI. Phone 233 -9791 BOB MOREIDA Clover Tank & Welding Works 1520 N. Sierra Vista 255-3422 CODY BROS. PLUMBING Carl Allen, Jr. 8171 E. Hedges 251 -7772 MILDRED COLE DRAPERIES 742 Fulton Street 233·8314 COMMERCIAL BODY SHOP Complete Auto Body Free Delivery Repairs & Painting 1326 N. Blocks tone 266-8111 . 745 S. Orange Ave. 237·2457 CHIHUAHUA TORTILLERIA ializing inSpec Flour ond Corn Tortillas 1061 F SI. CIRCLE W . Major Repair 0 2005 E. Belmon CITYED Phone 266· 2460 APPLIANCE CO. n Westinghouse Only t, Fresno 268-7703 GE DRIVE IN COMMERCIAL ELECTRO PLATING M. E. "Mac" McQuone 2940 S. Elm Avenue COMMERCIAL MFG. & SUPPLY CO. 2432 South Railroad Consolidated Electrical Distributors Wholesale Only DAVE'S AUTO ELECTRIC Official Broke & Headlight Station General Repair and Tuneup 1365 N. Blackstone 233 -3661 DAVE'S TRACTOR REPAIR & SERVICE 20 Years Experience 2321 S. Geneva 264 -2895 GEORGE DANIELS Plastering Contractor 1638 E. Hammond Ave. 233-7666 Compliments of JOHN DE BENEDETTO & SON5 Fresno DEE'S FORTY ONE CLUB 1275 N . Blackstone MIKE DEMIRJIAN TRUCKING 233·4335 5408 E. Jensen Ph. 237·7178 DEPENDABLE CLEANERS In by 9 ­Out by 5 Free Pickup and Delivery 3368 Butler Ave. 233-0683 DIAMOND T TRUCKS Sales & Service 2420 S. Elm 268 -1493 268-6464906 N Street --------1--------~-----__1 2702 S. Railroad Ave. 233·1126 CIVIC Open 7 CENTER CAFE A.M. to 4 P.M. Closed Sot. , Sun . & Ho lidays Opposite City Hall)2315 1404 Fresno ( CIVI W . D. SH E. Susex RUSS CLE 2740 Von C PATROL ERMAN, Owner Way 229-9454 MENTS SERVICE Ness Blvd., Fresno 227·3190 THE Clock and CLOCK SHOP Appliance Repairs 7 E. Belmont Pablo & Van Ness) 112 (Bet. Son Phon e 237·2290 CONSOLIDATED LATHING CO. All Types Commercial and Residential lathing 1242 N. Sierra VistQ Ph . 251-3771 J. T. COWAN General Contractor 625 E. Belmont Ph . 475 -0320 CROWLEY MFG. INC. Market Equipment JOHN DILLON PLUMBING Plumbing Fixtures and Repairs Residential and Industrial 4504 E. Woodward DOLLAR DINER Smorgasbord 6767 N . Blackstone, Pinedale 439-0267 DOMINIC'S LIQUORS 7 Days a Week PARTY SNACKS 1225 E Street 268·1058 6030 Blackstone 439-423 1 CROWN MEAT CO. DON'S SHOP Aircraft Welding Metal Spinning 740 H Street 233·3811 3074 S. Elm 237·5441 90 in la Sl pt &1:1 Civil Division CLERICAL STAFF M. DUCROUX D. GARCIA H. McVAY L. PATTON J. SHIRAGA L. WATSON department is partially self sufficient because of the fees that it collects, it is indeed a rarity in our law enforcement structure. The duties performed by this division, though of a vital necessity to the individuals involved, are at times quite depressing to the deputies. Certain heart break­ ing cases are bound to be encountered that leave their latent marks on the field deputies. Orders from the Superior Court which direct the sheriff to take into physical custody children in the care of one parent and deliver them to the other parent are quite shat­ tering to the nervous systems of all involved. The field deputy in this division is frequently exposed to violent emotional reactions. A Writ of Possession commanding the sheriff to place a landlord in peaceful possession of a dwelling quite often requires the physical moving of the occu­ 1. HOLDEN K. LEAVITT pants and their belongings. Every effort is made to make the moving as painless as possible. Neverthe­ less, many pitiful conditions are encountered. The fruits of ignorance, poverty, and neglect are constant companions to the deputies in the Civil Division. It is sometimes difficult for the average civil deputy to get a feeling of satisfaction from such assignments; but nevertheless, it is a job which must be done, and if he does it to the best of his ability and as painlessly as possible, the deputy can take pride in the fact that he did his best. Other cases require the repossession of personal property such as automobiles, furniture, equipment, etc. An individual would sometimes rather give up his wife and family than part with his automobile. Real property is also attached and sometimes sold at a sheriff's sale in order to satisfy a judgment or a lien. A case handled last year required the Civil De­ partment to send two deputies to the Coast Range Mountains near the San Benito County line to locate, post, and eventually sell thirty-five asbestos mining claims along with thousands of dollars worth of machinery. This division handled more than 12,000 cases last year and case load grows each year. Each case must be carefully scrutinized for its ac­ curacy as outlined by the California Code of Civil Procedure. Since our laws are constantly changing, much study is required in order to maintain the de­ sired degree of accuracy. If anyone sub-department of our country govern­ ment were required to produce a financial statement for the purpose of showing the economic status of our county, the Civil Division would be well quali­ fied since its case load constantly reflects the local business cycle. Although the Civil Division seldom makes the news, it is doing a job nevertheless. 91 J DRAKE HOTEL lillian Bagdasarian 1913 Tulare St . Phone 264·9125 TOM DUFFY'S ANTIQUES 6061 N. Blackstone 229·3437 If it's Ammonia-Call JESS ELLIS Commercial Refrigeration Service 5194 E. Washington 255· 2505 GENERAL CONTRACTOR ELLIS MANOR APARTMENTS 1930 E. Dakota 227·9534 FLAG JANIITORIAL SUPPLY Distr.of Commercial Waxes & Cleane Scrubbing Machines &Vacuum Cleane 4225 E. Shields 229·0550 FIGARDEN GROCERY Fresh Meat· Beer -Wine· Groceries 3742 W. Bullard Phone 439·2120 ROY FISHEREL MAR PACKING CO . GARDEN SPECIALTY SHOP EAST AVENUE GROCER "Complete Lawn Mower Service" 301 Santa Fe Ave., Fresno Groceries· Cold Beer Soft Drinks 1--------­------1 1551 N. Palm Ave. 268·6515 2953 So. East Ave. 233·9890 Compliments EMIL'S FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY RAY FISHER PHARMACY EASTON DRUG CO. 4646 N. Blackstone Ave. Phone 222·3033 , 2131 E. Belmont 266·8940 5796 So. Elm Ave. 264· 1475 ELM JEWELERS EASTON FOOD LOCKERS V. J. JENSEN, Prop. 5435 S. Elm 264·9552 EDDIE'S PASTRY SHOP We Specialize in Birthday, Wedding and Party Cakes Manchester Center 229·0232 EL CAPITAN MOTEL Some Kitchen Units Refrigeration -Swimming Pool· Quiet 4850 N. Blackstone 227·2674 Specializing In Watch Repairs FRESNO BAKING CO. ngine Walches . Keepsake Diamonds Specializing in French Bread and Rolls 344 C SI. 266·6241 FRANK DE VECCHIO 1259 F Street 268·5128 EL SARAPE CAFE FRESNO BRAKE SUPPLY1412 Tulare Street 233·9812 Marvin Andersen-Duane Andersen EL TROCADERO CAFE 3951 Ventura, Fresno 255-3069 1441 Tulare 266-4841 FRESNO LIQUOR STORE EVANS DRAPERY STUDIO Draperies for Your Every Need 455 No. Broadway 237-0063 ELECTRIC MOTOR SHOP EVAN'S ELECTRIC SERVICE Repairing & Rebuilding 253 Fulton, Fresno 233-1153 ELMER EllA, Dry Wall Contractor Taping, Texturing and Hanging 709 W. Sierra Madre Ave. 229·8206 ROBERT ELlA, Painting Contractor Friend of The Sheriff's Depl. 4979 E. Dakota 251·8433 625 Broadway Ph . 268 ·4704 3484 E. Austin Way 222·0348 O n IT F. Open 7 Days a Week 5595 E. Griffith Way Ph. 291.7888 FRESNO MARBLE & TILE CO. 2306 McKinley 266·9438 FRESNO MERCHANTS PATROL FRESNO OXYGEN & WELDINGFEDERAL JEWELRY & LOAN CO.EL GATO NEGRO SUPPLIES Since 1919CORA ZAVAlES 729 P Street 233-66841820 Tulare Street 237·3421938 F Street 233·9656 ELECTRIC SUPPLIERS 220 M Street, 'Fresno c~FELLES PLANING MILL FRESNO PLUMBING & HEATING CO. saCustom Mill & Cabinet Work 4572 E. Belmont Ave. tl~2108 E. McKinley Ave. 268·7029 For Prompt Service CaH 255-8353 FRESNO SAW SERVICEFENNELL'S SUNLAND SERVICE WRIGHT POWER SAWS s~ Service· Accessories· Car Washing Trimmer Power Mowers thComplete Saw Service 2148 Kern Street at L 268·2492 721 N. Fresno 237·1407 p~ 92 01 FRESNO COUNTY INDUSTRIAL FARM From left, standing-L. Abbott, A. Lance, F. Rice, O. Hyatt, E. Collins, L. Bruton, J. Lovett, E. McClurg, S. Jones, G. Hart, E. Crowder, Assistant Chief Supervisor. Seated, L. Cox, E. Gilstrap, P. Eakles, Chief Supervisor, M. Edwards, F. Delgado, O. Pierce, K. Foran, G. Howe, Dimas Cardoso. Inset, left, G. Neilsen ; right, J. Carella. The Fresno County Industrial Farm is a unit of twenty-eight employees which functions under the direction of the Sheriff. This is a minimum security facility and is commonly called the Elkhorn Farm because it is located at the corner of south Elm and Elkhorn A venues. The Elkhorn Farm is staffed by one chief supervisor, two assistant chief supervisors, nineteen industrial farm supervisors, one food man­ ager-jail, two jail cooks, one laundryman and two clerical. The inmates are assigned to Elkhorn for a mini­ mum period of 30 days. During their confinement, they are assigned to work crews performing neces­ sary tasks there and at county facilities throughout the county. Included are work assignments in the Farm program, which has resulted in the production of fresh vegetables for use at county facilities. Trees, shrubs, and plants are raised by the inmates during their assignments for use by the County Parks De­ partment. During the year a total of 182,989 man hours were spent in the development and maintenance of County Parks. This work wnsisted of the construC­ tion of new buildings, tables, benches, water foun­ tains, restrooms, roads and the planting of shade trees, shrubs, lawns, etc. While developing the new recreational areas, the inmates were maintaining the old. As the county population grows, new facilities are anticipated with a corresponding increase in the services needed. 93 . HART'S PHARMACYB. C. McGoyVERNON FRIESEN GOLD NUGGET Phone 229-3553Lawn Sprinkler Systems Where Good Friends Meet 4174 N. First at Ashlan1218 E. Belmont Avenue 1521 Blackstone 233·6995 HEALEY & POPOVICHGOLDEN STATE BROOM CO.FUJI CAFE OFFICE AND BUILDING EQUIPMENTOffice 412 Delno Ph. 233·7761 1521 Kern 233·9378 Factory 2735 Woodward 237·5416 1703 Fulton Ph. 264-4736 GONG'S WHITESBRIDGE MARKET Compliments of PERRY M. HEARD 245 Whitesbridge Rd. 268·3014 G. and A. MARKET 820 Van Ness 237-3488 Your Friendly Store GRANDMA'S PANTRY Hours: 8 to 5:30 Mon. thru Sat. HEITZIG and SHI,RKEY1438 Ventura 237·9735 (Except Holidays) U. S. ROYAL TIRES-RECAPPING LUNCHEON Fresno's Oldest Tire Dealer Gifts . Cards AntiquesG & L SPORTS EQUIPMENT Since 19191926 Tuolumne SI. Ph. 268-2018 1608 Broadway 233-1147Golf and Athletic Supplies GRANT'S COCKliAIL LOUNGE4838 N. Blackstone 222-6593 HENDERSON GARDENS Cocktai l's -Friendly Atmosphere Complete Nursery Stock VINCENT GANDUGLIA TRUCKING 2312 Tulare (Oppos. Post Office) Landscaping Consultant 4746 E. Florence 251 ·7101 4180 N. Fowler Ave. 291 ·2484 GENCO'S HENRY'S LIQUOR STOREService Station -Tank Truck LIQUOR & SPORTING GOODS Bulk Plant Equipment 920 E St. 233-5574Open 7 Days-9 A.M. 'Til 11 P.M. HAEHL EQUI'PMEN,T 2419 S. Cedar Phone 237·1725 1903 No. Motel Drive Fresno Meet your friends at GENERAL SURPLUS SALES HERB'S RANCH HOUSEHAHN'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Government Surplus Machinery ALL MAKES -MODELS· TERMS Beer on Tap 2389 S. Maple2105 W. Whitesbridge Rd. 237-7437 3906 E. Belmont 264-4009 1--------------1 WALTER HEYE, COTTON LOU GENTILE'S Flower Basket HAPPY LIQUOR STORE 916 E. Belmont, Fresno Open 6 A.M. to 2 A.M. Phone 485-0681722 Olive, Fresno 268-6644 1022 F Street Phone 237-5227 1---------------1 HICKS SIGNSED GILLIS HAMILTON'S GROCERY Neon -Plastic -Painted Signs CHEVRON STATION 6655 W. Ashlan Ave. 264-86571016 W. Shaw 227-2826 8964 S. Elm 264-8609 HING KEE CO.GIORDANO MARKET HARRISON MOTOR PARTS TOBACCO AND CANDY 41 San Pablo, Fresno 485-0250 701 M Street 233-7255 1542 Tulare SI. 233-4416 ANTHONlY HARRONGLEIM-CROWN PUMP INC. CARL HOBE HARRON BOX NAILING CO.3087 E. Elm Ave. 266-0584 Consulting Petroleum Engineer Fresno 2390 East Avenue 237-7436 4740 N. Arcade, Fresno 227-8003 FRED HARTMANTHE GLOBE DRUG COMPANY REALTOR HOLLY DEPARTMENT STORE PRESCRI PTION SPECIALISTS Homes -Ranches -Income Properties 1027 F Street Fresno1 163 Broadway Ph.237-7137 222 W. Olive 268·7633 I Cap) mil'IJ tiS ,I ) ruel Anu 94 GONE HUNTING Captain Spomer (top) Cit his desk before retil'emelll; receives lifetime badge from Sheriff Melvin Will-, mirth, and CIt bottom he is preJented with (/ shotgun <IS a farewell gift CIt (/ r.etirement luncheon tIS his u'ije, ,1melifl, looks on, 95 Captain Conrad Spomer has re(ired after twenty­ six devoted years to the law enforcement profession, He officially retired on December 9. 1964. "Connie," as he was affectionately called by his fellow officers, joined the Sheri ff' 5 Dl:partment on November 18, 1938. At the ti:Tl l" pf his appointment, there were only twenty-seven I('pllties in the deparr­ ment. It now has more than (\\"0 hundred. "We worked twelve to sixteen hours a day seven days a week when I first starred," stated the robust looking captain. "h's different now; Our hours are much better and the profession has improved with changing times. The boys coming in now are younger and have a better education, With experience and training they'" become better officers." Spomer's advice to all new and potential officers is well worth listening to: "Don't pretend that you know it all. Listen to your superiors who have experience and knowl<:dge in crime work." Spomer was promoted to captain in 1952, He served as head of the jail before taking over the Detective Division. His law enforcement career has spanned the administration of three sheriffs. He was born in Fresno sixty-four years ago. He and his devoted wife, Amelia, celebrated their forrieth wedding anniversary in 1962, Captain Spomer and his wife plan to do some traveling now that he finally has the time. His first love is hunting. This is where he can put to good use the new shotgun presented to him by Sheriff Melvin A. Willmirth and fellow employees at his retirement luncheon. Good hunting, Captain, and don't forget your many friends who have admired and respected your wisdom and your vast knowledge in the field of law enforcement. AT EASE WITH THE EASEL Detective Sergeant Don Lysdahl has hung up his badge and gun for the brush and the easel. Don re­ tired on a disability pension on Oct. 8, 1963 because of a back condition, Don joined the sheriff's department on September 1, 1951 . During his career he served in the Jail, the CourtS, Patrol, and the Detective Divisions. He was (Continued 01/ Next Paxe) GONE HUNTING promored to Sergeant in 1961 and served as a shifr commander in rhe Jail. In 1962 he was transferred to rhe Derecrive Division where he served as a homi­ cide invesrigacor. Although Don is unable co do much hunting or fishing, he keeps busy with oil painring. In addition co his skill wirh rhe brush, he is an accomplished cartoonist. Many of rhe cartoons appearing in rhis magazine were drawn by him. Don and his wife "Katy" live at 3794 E. Dakota. Good luck Don and don'r forger we all miss you <lr the office. Cotton Is the Economic Balance Wheel of every community in this Valley. Always insist on Cotton items the fiber you can trust! CALCOT, LTD. PINEDAlE SUN-MAID RAISINS Best of The Crop • EXTRA FLAVOR! • EXTRA ENERGY! • EXTRA GOODNESS! Sun-Maid Raisin Growers of California KINGSBURG, CALIFORNIA Don LYJ(/c,h/ J;ts before h;s easel. One of his fm'01';t e act;IJ;t;eJ nOll' ;.1' elr(/w;ng cartoons to amuse the readers of "Sher;ff'J Rev;ew," SIZZLER STEAK HOUSE Top Sirloin Steak Dinner $1.19 Children V2 Price 4017 E. Ashlan, at Cedar Ph. 222-9868 Fresno MANCHESTER COFFEE SHOP Open 24 Hours -Breakfast Anytime 3844 N. Blackstone Ph. 229-8471 Fresno MARION NINE LUMBER CO. We Take Beller Care of Your Home EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING HOUSEWARE -HARDWARE 5615 E. Kings Canyon Rd. at Clovis Ave. 255-0421 SUNNY SIDE FRESNO CHIHUAHUA TORTILLERIA Specializing in Flour and Corn Tortillas 1061 F SI. Phone 266-2460 BUDD BYRNE'S MACHINE SHOP Engine Building -All Types 4634 E. Tyler Ave. Ph. 251-8214 Fresno ALFRED'S Pizza -French Bread Sandwiches Jumbo Burgers -Shish Kebab Sandwiches 1803 Dakota Corner of Blackstone 229-7853 KELLER'S USED CARSYWOOD LIQUOR & GIFT SHOP Compliments Belmont's Oldest and StrongestAcross from Hotel Californian JENSEN & PILEGARD Car Dealer 846 Van Ness Ave. 266-7863 FRESNO 3433 Belmont Ave. Ph. 233-9000 HOLT & VAN BODY & FENDER WORKS K-G TV & APPLIANCEJERRY'S TAVERN Durable All-Aluminum Bonded TECHS for TV Service TRUCK and TRAILER BODIE~BOATS 1345 Fresno 264-2059 N. Fresno 268-5575418 N. Fresno St. Phone 266-9347 II---------------i 238 JET DRIVE IN ~--------------------~ HOOD'S PHARMACY K-Y LUMBER CO.Broasted Chicken Dinners R. E. Hood Hamburgers -Steaks -Donuts "Home of Friendly Fences" 3651 Ventura 237-2168 1234 N. First St. 233-2172 171 0 Blackstone 237-6105 Bus. Phone 266-3712 HOWELL AIR CONDITIONIN'G & SHEET METAL, INC. KARL'S REALTY JOE'S FURNITURE Karl Hagopian4404 N. Effie Phone 222-5224 New and Used Furniture 2904 N. Blackstone 222-4421 CHET HOYER 3685 E. Belmont Fresno \--------------., Mercury Motors KEARNEY GUEST HOME Vako & Hydro-Swift Boats JOHNNIE'S FLYING "A" SERVICE AMBULATORY PATIENTS ONLY 233-6606 10015 W. McKinley Johnnie Barigian, Prop. 611 Kearney Blvd. Ph. 237-1374 Lubrication -Excellent Service HUDSON'S SHELL SERVICE 222-0161 3095 E. Shields Expert Tune Up and Brake Work LLOYD KIGGENS 1190 N. Chestnut at Olive Agent and Broker Phone 251-8317 JOHNNIE'S GARAGE For All Insurance lines I 728 N. Fresno 237-7111HUMPHREY BROS. INSURANCE, 5105 W. Shaw 233-5932 REAL ESTATE KING-O-MEAT OF FRESNOEstablished 1906 Serving Restaura nls -InstitutionsJOHNNIE'S MARKET & CAFE841 No. FuHon 264-3541 Resorts -Markets I 3931 Ventura Phone 251 -86033292 N. Weber 237-2673HUNTER-WAGNER CO. INC. Mechanical Contractors KNOBBY HOUSE RESTAURANT TEDDY JOHNSON403 S. Clovis Ave., Fresno Open 6:30 a .m. to 5:30 p.m. Well Drilling Breakfast -Lunch -Dinner 488 W. Shaw, Fresno 227-3012 1739 Divisadero bet. Abby & Blacks!. JONES TOYS -GIFTS -HARDWARE k:OMOTO DEPARTMENT STOREINDEPENDENT SHEET METAL In Food Bank Shopping Center Heating & Air Conditioning 1528 Kern Fresno 323 W . Shields Ave. 227-9796 1'-----------------/1932 E. Lewis JOE W. KONKEL JORGENSEN'S BATTERY SHOP Electrical Wiring Residential & Commercial 4740 E. Kings Canyon Road 4405 E. Grant 251-8289255-0800JACKSON-JONES U-SAVE LIQUORS The Most For Your Money KRAMER CONSTRUCTION CO.JOURDAN CONCRETE PIPE CO. General Contractor 1851 No. Motel Drive 237-7125 1306 W. Shields at West 227-9062 Residential Construction 5861 E. Parkside Drive 255-2837JAE'S CLEANERS & TAILORS ailor Made Suits -Sport Coats -Pants 1325 Hazelwood 264-5527 LA CUCARACHA STOREAcross from Continental Bus Depot ALFRED G. flORES, Prop. EFFREY ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO Money Loaned on Guns, Jewelry, Cameras Mexican Importer1835 Lamona 233-2208 1014 E Street Fresno1832 Fresno St. 233-3307 97 . l TO slililhe Cry 01 "Child lOst" Da/JiJ maintaillS t7ll up-la-dale file all (III l Jolllllteen ill the Big Creek area / and keepJ records of all equipment (Jll'Ileci 01' available /0 the men of Ihe liolull/e.!:r search and rescue IIl1it. The Search and Rescue Unit of the Fresno County Sheriff's Department received considerable publicity recently when this article was published in EDISON NEWS, the monthly magazine of the Southern Cali­ fornia Edison Company. The article appeared in the March issue of the magazine which is distributed throughout the power system and to many news­ papers and firms outside its service area. The article rdlects the fine cooperation that Edison employees give to the Search and Rescue Unit in the mountain area. With the first melting of the winter snow in the High Sierras the fish~rmen, campers and hikers of southern and central California start making prepar­ ations for their first excursion to the high mountaim of the Big Creek area. Their thoughts are on the golden trout and the tracking trails. There is no thought of danger; no meditation of impending dark disaster which can, and has, marred many a vacation in the High Sierra country. For as any member of 98 The mobile headquarten of the Search and Res­ cue Unit is maintained and kept il1 "ready" ant. JtatUJ at all tillleJ at the Sheriff's departmenl ile1 ill Fresno . T h.e truck, a rebuilt Army 4-wheel bla drilJe, contaillS field communications and mess sho facilities plus equipment and food for extended rad periods in the field. In front, after compiling gas recent inventory of supplies, are Sheriff's Lt. rng Warren Saunde1"J, Edison SpeciaJ Agent Kerm mel Davis, and Sgt. Bill Young. eqll are callthe Fresno County Sheriff's Department will tell you -there is nothing that sends chills down the back iog of those law enforcement men faster than the chill­the ing message, "Child Lost." ); It is for the combating of that chilling message hasthat the Sheriffs Department of Fresno County has ity.organized a search and rescue unit that compares with any in the country. And working hand in glove dedi with the department are men of the Big Creek "n Below: Regular inventory is con­Above: Davis maintains close liai­trip of laSI ducted following every f ield trip and four times yearly. Some of the son with Lt. Saunders who directs year with Deputy Jerry Schmidt. items stocked for instant use are the Unit undet· the direction of AI/ law-enforcement people agree blankets, ponchos, rain gear, snow UndefSheriff James Long of Fres­that most search problems occ"r shoes, lillet· baskets, food, rope, radios, drinking water, bat/erieJ, no County. Last year the search within first hour after reaching gas, first aid equipment and sleep­and rescue unit was called out on camp when parents are so busy ing bags. men for Unit can 48 hours maintain 40 as prejently 20 occasions, involving a total of setting up camp thaI Junior has equipped. 35 people. time to wander off. area, and particularly Special Agent Kenn Davis, ication and enthusiasm and this band of men has called by Lieutenant Warren Saunders, "an essential both," he says. ingredient to the 'mix' that makes our operations in Although the Unit covers all of Fresno county it is [he Big Creek area jeU." with the Big Creek section that we are particularly concerned. There 40 Big Creek men form the volun­A formal Fresno County Search and Rescue Unit teer brigade for the Big Creek area. has grown in a few short years from an idea to real­ Special Agent Davis is the coordinator for theity. "If you can call a well-organized, disciplined, Unit for the Sheriff's Department in the Big Creek dedicated group of men a "reality," says Saunders. area, and is the liaison contact with the Fresno office. "The two beSt attributes to any organization are ded­(Conli1ll,ed on Page 101) 99 LA FIESTA RESTAURANT MECCA BILLIARDS Complete Mexican Menu MADISON BUTANE SnVICE 139 E. Belmont, Fresno 237-8393 846 F Street 237-4947 Hardware -Plumbing -Sport Goods 4032 W. Whitesbridge 264-1730 AL MEEKIINS REALTY LAMANUZZI & PANTALEO Homes -Ranches -Commercial Green -Dried and Dehydrated Fruits California and Fruit Fresno FRANK LAMBE Piper Aircraft Sales Chandfer Field 233-1129 LARSON BROS. AUTO PARTS New Automotive Parts AL MALAKIAN Industrial -Income -LoansFleet Trucking Calsh Buyer of Green & Dried Fruits 3145 N. Cedar, Fresno 222-7737 Eye & 10th St., Reedley ME 8-2932 1--------------4 2143 Harrison, Fresno 266-6212 MELODY FOOD MARKET MANNING GARDENS 5149 W. Shaw, Fresno 233-5039CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL & AMBULATORY HOME 2113 E. Manning Ave. 834-2586 HARRY E. MciNTOSH Fresno General Insurance MANUEL'S AUTO WRECKING1631 N. Motel Drive 233-3126 2805 N. Blackstone 229-9523 Auto Parts -New -Used -Rebuilt SPEED B. LEAS CO. 3135 E. Malaga 264-8495 MIKE'S LIQUOR STORE George, Ella Marcus liquor -Wine -Beer Real Estate -Insurance MARBO QUALITY FOODS INC.2515 Merced St. ~68-4731 839 E. Calif., Fresno 266-1828 326 N Street, Fresno 237-37631-------------1 LEE'S MOVING SERVICE Compliments of S. E. MARINER CO. MILLER'S DRUG1832 Kern 266-1297 COOlER PADS 3 E. Olive 264-5037 3815 E. Belmont 266-9223 1-------------1 Fresh Meats -Produce -Groceries LEWIS FOOD MARKET MIKE MIYAMOTO MARK'S FOOD MARKET2301 E. Lewis Ph. 237-0366 Excavating -Grading -Paving 2995 S. Elm, Fresno 264-4491 4054 Dwight Way 266-8658 LIBERTY FISH CO., INC. 2023 Belmont Ave. MARTIN FLOWERS & GIFTS MOHLER U-SAVE LIQUOR STORE 266-9489 458 N. Fulton Near Belmont, Fresno Phone 485-1161 2196 Elm 233-0419 LIGHTNING RECORD SHOP UOYD MOlLER Honda Motorcycles Schwinn Bicycles Walter Mah MARUKO CYCLERY1403 Tulare 268-6717 2240 No. Blackstone 227-61521153 F Street Phone 264-2588 LION PACKING CO. MONARCH REFRIGERATIONHAROLD MATHEWS ALFRED LION Harley Davidson Sales & Service 1558 N. 9th 266-23933310 California Fresno 548 Blackstone Ave., Fresno FresnoPhone 233-5279 LUIGI'S ITALIAN RESTAURANT The Murray Company of Texas Inc.Pizza -Neapolitan Style MAYLiNG CAFE -Banquet Room for 120 ­ 2822 S. Maple, Fresno 266-0226807 Fulton, Fresno 233-33447 Days a Week 5155 N. Blackstone LUM'S CHOP SUEY Chinese and American Dishes 609 Divisadero, Fresno 268-7919 I 100 V( If ar h, sh ev ar de de bo ne no tio Of( w WII eXl Bil rno dlll Cn Ea< unc a c; rus wit WM. H. McDONALD, Jeweler Certified Gemologist Registered Jeweler American Gem Society 5056 North Palm Ave. 227-3561 MY HARDWARE lin Fig Garden Village Hardware -Houseware Sporting Goods -Dutch Boy Paint Maintaining an accurate up-co-dare file on every volunteer in the area, Davis has complete catalogued information on each man, piece of equipment, amount of training, skills, and his availablility. He has catalogued foot troops, mountain climbers, snow shoers, divers, communications experts; he has listed every boat, jeep, truck and horse in the Big Creek area. He knows where every man is, what they can do and what equipment they possess to help them do it. "We can efficiently call twO men with a row boat, or mobilize the entire mountain," Davis says. Davis is quick to point oue that the volunteers of the Big Creek area are juSt that -volunteers. "We never instigate any action on our own, other than notify Fresno of a happening. We never initiate ac­ tion, we stand ready to assist and to follow the orders of our friends in Fresno." Heading up the Search and Rescue Unit is Lt. Warren Saunders, a veteran of many years service with the Fresno Sheriff's Department. Warren is experienced in this area and is ably supported by Sgt. Bill Young, a man of vast knowledge of men ancl mountains. Assisting Davis in the performance of his liaison duties are key Edison men living at Shaver Lake, Big Creek 1, Powerhouse 2-2A, Powerhouse 3, 4 and 8. Each key man maintains a list of each off duty vol­ unteer in his section and immediately after receiving a call from Davis ascertains the availability and sta­ tuS of every man assigned to his section. "Literally within minutes after a call comes in from the Sher­ iff's office we can report back with a toll-call status uf every employee who is off-duty and not scheduled to work for the anticipated duration of the emer­ gency," Davis says. "We are always hopeful, of course, that very few men are needed -in fact, we would be happier if we were never needed, but that isn't realistic -but we can mobilize in short order if the demand is there. Three years after the formal organization of the Search and Rescue Unit there is still the same chilling feeling when the cry of "Child Lost," echoes through the hills. But there now stands ready and willing a dedicated group of men with the desire and knowl­ edge co cheat death and tragedy in the hills every chance they get. Thanks Deaf M,.. Davis; W e u'ant to thank you fO,. the wonderful help )'OU ga'v.e in the search and rescue of our SOI1 JtlCkie. W ell'ill always be grateful to you and 10 the men who helped so much. Jackie is home from the hospital and getting along fine. H e has a broken pelvis, and it is m ending nicely. Thank you again so much. siMI'. and Mrs. N. J. , Fresno, California' _ /.~, ~ HAVE YOU FOUND ANY NICE OLD M N -THAT HAVENT BEEN CLAI MED ? JOJ I A a di gt. or th, lOJ Ql Ro ha it o Au MYERS-WARD TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., INC. I 3411 So. Highway 99 268-2714 ' NAYLOR'S Safes & Vaults 1909 Tuolumne Fresno 233-1513 NEW ENGLAND SHEET METAL 2731 So. Cherry Ph . 268-7377 NEWMAN & SONS RANCH Fresno NORMART'S FURS Established in 1895 1 230 Fulton, Fresno 237-6143 Norsiglan Bros. Aircraft Repair OTO'S LANDSCAPING 3860 No. Fruit 227-9286 PADDOCK POOLS OF FRESNO Pete Ferry, Owner 4839 N. Blackstone Ave. 227-2903 PARADISE LIQUOR Open 7 Days A Week And Evenings PIC & PAY MARKET Raymond Arnett 2526 So. Elm Avenue PIONEER MERCANTILE CO. 2401 Stanislaus, Fresno 233-7167 PISTACCHIO TRUCKING 3261 N. Marks, Fresno 229-6533 POTIGIAN TRANSFER 4674 N. Blackstone 222-0949 4041 S. Highway 99 I 268-6254 PALM-OLIVE REALTY CO. Ben S. Cowden -J. Corbie Fry Roy St. John 340 Olive, Fresno 266-0277 GENE PARRISH-REAL ESTATE Phones: Bus. 227-2973 Res. 227-3037 IPOWERS' COHON CO. 1st & Herndon Ave. 439-1351 P,lNEDAlE RED TRIANGLE OIL CO. Fresno Air Terminal 1054 W. Shaw Fresno 255-3444 f--------------l 2809 S. Chestnut, Fresno 237-3835 O. K. PRODUCE 11502 G St., Fresno 268-7031 O'BRIEN'S BRAKE SERVICE Wheel Aligning -Brake Relining Drum Turning -Tire Skimming Merced & G Sts. 266-0631 OCHINERO'S PRODUCE CO. Beltone Hearing' Service "Since 1940" Hearing Aids -Audiometers Hearing Glasses J. Ronald Paul, Hearing Aid Specialist RELIABLE SEPTIC TANK & CESSPOOL CO. GARTH M. HULL 1241 Van Ness 264-4181 5480 W. Shaw 266-3844 PAUL'S LIQUOR RENO'S SPECIALIZED SERV,ICE 2445 No. 1st St., Fresno 227.6618 1659 Broadway ED PEARLE'S CHEVRON SERVICE Atlas Tires -Batteries & Accessories 4216 E. Shields at Cedar 227-3603 RIDGE ELECTRIC MOTOR CO. Black & Decker, Ram . Portable Tools Motors-Repairing of All Kinds W. M. Ridge 1555 G Street Fresno I­___~__________I 1215 G. St., 268-5031 OKAMOTO'S Jewelry -Gifts -Greeting Cards 917 F St. Ph. 233-1591 OLIVE MANOR NURSING HOME Bed Pdtients Only Understanding care 6141 E. Olive, Fresno 251-7871 PETE'S FURNITURE REFINISHING Office & Household Work Guaranteed 3579 W. Dudley, Fresno 237-2929 PHANTOM VIEW PET MOTEL Boarding -Trimming -Bathing DOGS & CATS 929 N. Maple, Fresno 255-9600 102 ROBINSON'S AUTO BODY SHOP 1830 E. University 266-6048 ROCK-WELL DRILLING CO. Hard Rock Drilling Horizontal Water Development 35 E. Olive Ave., Ph. 266-8866 WIVES SERVE IN AUXILIARY The Sheriff's Wives Auxiliary was organized in August 1960, after a group of officers' wives realized a need to become better acquainted. At the first meeting the wives decided to serve primarily as a Service group rather than a social group. Service projects to date include an indigent funJ disbursed by Sheriff Willmirth and a family emer­ gency fund which is used in emergencies for officers or members of their families. The wives also donate their services for babysitting, ironing and houseclean­ ing, when needed. Each spring the Auxiliary sponsors a Pit Bar-B­ Que for all members of the Sheriff's Department and Road Camp and their families. In the past, these have been held at Kearney Park; however this year it will be held at the new Peace Officer's Range. Each December a Dinner Dance is given, often with assist­ ance of the Sheriff. Since all wives of officers are not members of the Auxiliary, money creates a problem as Jut's Jo not 103 Officers of the Sheriff's Wives Auxiliary for 1964-65 Clre seated above. Officers, left to right, Mmes. Vera Young, Diane Boulware, Joyce Egerer, Lydia Hos­ kins, Joyce Tabor, Fran Clapp and Bernice Harker. Members SItll1dillg in Ihe back ro.w, left 10 righl. Mmes. Pauline Larson, Vi Hal/a~l, Mary Arden, Virginia Dailey, Ruth Shuman, Verna Wright, Mil­ lie Spomer, Loretta Montgom ery, Marjorie Rau, Ar­ lene Nelson, Viola Spradling, Esther Anderson, Mar­ ty Schoonmaker and Grace Caprelian. take care of basic expenses. To raise money, the wives sponsor sales at Cherry Avenue, Bake Sales, and their biggest project, a Christmas Bazaar, usu­ ally held the first parr of December of each year. While the Auxiliary is composed of wives of Sheriff's officers, several meetings a year are planned to include their husbands. Officers for 1964-65 include: Lydia Hoskins, Pres­ ident; Joyce Egerer, Vice President; Diane Boulware, Secretary; Joyce Tabor, Treasurer. 1965-66 Officers to be installed in April are: Vera Young, PresiJem; Benita Golden, V . President; Virginia Daily, Sec­ retary; Viola Spradling, Treasurer; Grace Caprilian, Sergeant at Arms and Ruth Schuman, Publicity. (Con/ill/led all Next Page) RODISCO PRODUCTS Mfgrs. of Janitorial Chemicals Henry Roth, Owner 723 "G St., Fresno 268-8558 ROEDING PARK PHARMACY, INC. BARNETI, DAVIS & TATMAN SAM'S STERLING'S FUNERAL HOME LUGGAGE AND LEATHER GOODS Feltus l. Sterling, Prop. 1928 Mariposa, Fresno 237-3918 1146 B Street Fresno 266-2349 I SANTA FE HOTEL Basque Dinners STRAWBERRY EXCHANGE COOPERATIVE 93 Belmont Ave. 233-7339 935 Santa Fe., Fresno 237-9996 2040 G Street Fresno ROE DING PARK WELDING We Specialize in Welding TRAILERS MADE TO ORDER 1410 W. Belmont 237-1364 Res. 264-9914 SARKIS K. SARKISIAN MARY SARKESIAN MOSESIAN SCHEDLER-KIRSCH TIRE SHOP Recapping & New Tires STRUZA'S LIQUORS 2997 So. Elm, Fresno 264-3275 SUBURBAN STEEL INC. 706 W. Calif. SI. 268-6281ROLINDA FARMERS STORE 9500 West Whitesbridge Road 266-3671 242 Broadway 237-3850 ~-------~~~---I ROLINDA MEAT MARKET ART SCHEDLER'S ENGINE REBUILDING & SUPPLY 9360 W. Whitesbridge 264-7456 624 Broadway, Fresno SUNLITE MARKET 4718 E. Kings Canyon Road Fresno , I 268-5091 SUNNYLAND BULGHUR CO. I 1 ~------------~r---------------1 Manufacturers of PROCESSED WHEAT ROLINDA WELDING WORKS SHEPHERD'S SHELL SERVICE Brake Service 1435 Gearhart 233·4983 9282 W . Whitesbridge 264-7854 ~___________.., 227·8241 1778 E. Shaw NICK SIEMENS SUNSHINE LANDSCAPING SERVICE RONNIE'S MIDWAY MARKET Sierra Nursery and Sprinkler Co. And Sprinkler Installation 7091 North Blackstone 439-2509 251-8221Don and Zelia Douglas I 1404 N. Cedar t----------------tVYlsn To Thank You For Your Patronag-I-_ ______ -------1 ,ROSSI R.ORAL CO. 1302 Van Ness, Fresno 233-22 11 ROYAL PHARMACY 1417 Tulare 266-3292 Roy B. Cline ROY'S UNION SERVICE Friendly Dependable Service 1150 N. Abby SABER'S GROCERY COMPLETE GROCERY LINE Beer· Wine 3320 W. Jensen Ph. 266-6837 1276 N. lst Street 237-2825 TOM SOUZA SERVICE Serving You for Over 25 Years 2260 Railroad 233·9759 STATE CENTER MEAT CO . 1803 S. Van Ness 268 ·0741 STEELE'S LIQUORS EMMET STEelE, Prop . 417 W. California 264·4539 STEIN'S UNION OIL SERVICE Friendly -Dependable Service W. Shields & N. Fruit Ph. 227·4940 Compliments of Pool Equipment U,,.I,nDu,un, DON MADSEN Fresno TARPEY DRUG STORE 4127 N. Clovis Ave. 291-3518 T & D AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY 617 Broadway 266-9783 TEISINGER & SON HYDRAULIC SUPPLY 2382 So. Sarah 233-3248 104 M ex W~ fel a" thl sh. ne AI/xiliclry President Lydia H OJkins dij-plays one of the lOlle/y gifts offered f01· Ja/e at the anl1l1al ChriJt­ 11/:7J BaZe/elf /CH/ year ill thl! Hot el Ca/ifomian. A DAY IN HISTORY On November twenty second nineteen hundred sixty three our President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was in Dallas Texas for all to see. Riding in a motorcade thru the streets he did parade. With Mrs. Kennedy and Governor Connally at the people he was waving fondly when under a tunnel they had to go and here begins our day of woe. Out of the air for all to hear rang three shots loud and clear. Into the seat our President slumped and in everyone's throat there was a lump. As the President's car quickly sped away with disbelief we heard people sayESTHER ANDERSON "What has happened here todayAmong the thousands of people who wrote to could it really be that in our U.S.A. Mrs. Kennedy after the President's assassination an assassin has had his way?" expressing their feelings and thoughts of sympathy Everyone waited anxiously for word that our President was okaywas one of our own auxiliary members. when from the hospital emergency room where he layEsther Anderson, who writes poetry as a hobby, came the sad news-death had had its way.felt deeply moved by what had happened and was Yes, in Dallas Texas on this date awakened in the middle of the night inspired to write our 35th President met his fate the following poem. while doing what he liked the most She sene it to Mrs. Kennedy and in March of 1964 greeting his people from coast to coast. she received an official thank you from Mrs. Ken­Written by Esther Anderson nedy and one of her personal cards. November 24, 1963 105 THERMAL PRODUCTS, INC . Wholesale Refrigeration Supplies 720 E. Belmont 435-1941 TOMMEL'S ROD AND REEL' REPAIR 608 Blackstone 266-5537 JOHN TORIK Complete Automotive Service 460 Fulton 268-9431 TRIANGLE REPAIR Complete Automotive Repair Service 3330 N. Weber 233-0301 TRIPLE A GARAGE Wheel Alignment -Brake Service VALLEY TURF SUP?LY CO. Lawn, Garden, Sprinkler Supplies Wholesale & Retail 1408 N. Cedar 251-8223 VAN NESS HOTEL Mary Cox, Mgr. 1238 Van Ness, Fresno 237-9694 VENTURA T-V CENTER T-V RENTALS 3619 Ventura 266-5318 VICTORIA HOTEL & RESTAURANT Lunches -Dinners 2524 Tulare, Fresno WEST McKINLEY GROCERY 11499 West McKinley, Fresno Phone 846-8341-Kerman WILSON'S Triumph Motorcycles 443 Broadway, Fresno 237-0215 WINNIE'S CAFE 935 F Street 264-9404 DEAN WITTER & CO. T. W. Patterson Bldg. 266-0771 WONG'S CITY MARKET Wheel Balance -All Work Guaranteed 1---------------1 4061 E. Ventura 251-6758 TURPIN'S FURNITURE-INTERIORS 1028 North Ful'ton 233-4201 UNDERGROUND GARDENS 5021 W . Shaw, Fresno UNITED CARPET SHOP 3735 E. Ventura 237-9191 Fresno VALLA'S SERVICE Norwalk Gas -Oil -Tire s Botteries -Lubri cation Pick -up and Delivery Church and Cedar Phone 233-2838 VALLEY RADIATOR CO. VIRGINIA'S SALON OF BEAUTY Virginia Garbarino 3049 E. Ashlan, Fresno 222-3662 VISTA HARDWARE 4305 E. Tulare, Fresno WAPLES SHELL SERVICE AL WAPLES, Prop . Blue Chip Siamps Given Complete Repa ir-Tune Up-Brake -Trans. Service Olive & N . Von Ness 233-8116 5591 W . Shaw 233-1707 WUNSTELL'S AUTO PAINTING Guaranteed Custom lacquer Baked Enamel 701 P 51. Phone 233 -8107 YEE PHARMACY 1129 F Street YOSEMITE NURSERY Everything in the Nursery Line HENRY T. MASUDA, Prop. 4019 No. Blackstone 227-2010When You Think About Cars or Trucks, Think Of t----------------1 WEBSTER FORD High Trades ­Low Prices low Payments local Dealer 12884 So. Elm 864-3243 WElL BROS . COTTON, INC . YOST & WEBB FUNERAL HOME Tul are & T Street ZAHIGIAN'S MARKET 1221 N. Blackstone 237­0723 1 1600 H Street 266-8221 6947 So. Elm, Fresno 266-5904 VALLEY TYPEWRITER CO. Royal Typewriters Victar Adding Machines FRESNO 1929 Fresno Sireet Phone 266 · 9936 WEST BELMONT GRANITE WORKS 505 W . Belmont at Fruit Phone 237-7888 106 GEORGE ZENGEL Furniture -Plumbing -Paint -Glass 5265 W . Shaw-Highway City 233-1696 FRESNO COUNTY JUDICIAL DISTRICTS STEVE & JERRY'S CAFE & SERVICE SHORT ORDERS OUR SPECIALTY EVERYTHING FOR THE FISHERMAN :~ \ ' " . . ~ ... Dt.~U" . /)IHklC'T JUDICI Al Fresno County consists of fifteen Judicial Districts as shown in the abo've map. All districts except the Fresno Mllnicipal Judicial District is served by a Justice Court .. a constable (mel such deputy constables as are required. The constables serve as man'halls of the court and assist in maintaining law and order in their districts. They work closely with the Sheriff'.\" Department in those cases requiring joint participation. CLOVIS DRAY & IC5 CO. FEED -FARM SUPPLY -ICE 264 Clovis CLOVIS CY 9-4628 Owner, John B. Weldon Where You Buy THE BEST FOR LESS 745 Clovis Ave . CLOVIS 17304 N. FRIANT FRIANT, CALIF. THE HILLTOP INN BEER -WINE 2% Miles East of Friant Millerton Rd. STAN & BETTY BONWEll FRIANT TRADING POST FRIANT'S MOST COMPLETE MARKET lloyd & Thelma Valentine FRIANT FISHERMAN'S CAFE FORT MILLER FLYING "A" RALPH J. SINOR Friant Phone 822-9298 107 CLOVIS JUDICIAL DISTRICT The Clovis Judicial Disrrict is Northeasr of rhe Ciry of Fresno and includes the communities of Clo­ vis and Friant. The Constable serving rhis disrricr for many years is Consrable Alvie Maze (on righr in picture ro right). He is assisred by Depury Consrable Fred Sagniere. Clovis Avenue Sanitarium Since 1942 Bed & Ambulatory -Men and Women Licensed by State Dept. of Mental Hygiene 2604 Clovis Ave. CLOVIS 291-2173 UYESAKA BROS., INC. Landscaping -Gardening -Maintenance Sprinkler Systems I 6454 E. Gettysburg CLOVIS 291-7696 SAVINO'S MARKET TONY SAVINO 4690 E. Herndon 29 653 CLOVIS BOICE FUNERAL HOME Lady Assistant 308 Pollasky -299-4372 CLOVIS DEE'S TAVERN Dancing Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Wednesday Nights PAPAGNI FRUIT CO. CLOVIS Phone 299-2541 CLOVIS FRUIT CO. Dried Fruits -Raisins 7182 N. Minnewawa 299-6808 Clovis CLOVIS FURNITURE CO. Colonial ... Provincial FINE FURNITURE Serving The Valley For 51 Years 4th & Clovis Ave. Clovis 299-4366 L. D. "Mac" McKinney, Owner ARMSTRONG -B. F. GOODRICH NEW TIRES -QUALITY RECAPPING WHEEL ALIGNMENT -BRAKES REliNED PHONE: 299-7231 723 CLOVIS AVENUE, CLOVIS, CALIFORNIA PEACOCK MARKET Oldest & Finest Super Market in Clovis "We Give Thrifty Green Stamps" TOLLHOUSE RD. & SUNNYSIDE 299-6627 ClOVIS532 Clovis Ave., Clovis 299-9900 loa CLOY ,IS PO'LIC 'E DEPARTMENT The Clovis Police Department has grown with the city and has earned a reputation for doing excellent and efficient police work under the expert guidance of Chief Thomas W . Higgason. Chief Higgason has eighteen years with the department, starting as a young pauolman working his way to the top. Records in the department reflect the excellent work being done. In 1964 there were 171 felony crimes reported to the department, and of those reported, 98 were cleared by arrest, which is ap­ proximately 56ro. Of all crimes reported to the de­ partment during 1964, 33ro were cleared by arrest and 32 % of all property loss to victims was re­ covered. This is a record to be proud of. Chief Higgason attributes the success of his de­ partment, which has fifteen employees, to the fact that they are selected by Civil Service tests, Promo­ tions in rank is also handled by this method, insur­ ing the best gualified man for the job. He also attri- ANGELO'S SHAVER LAKE BAKERY & COFFEE SHOP P. O. ,Box 37 Shaver lake M. L. IVIE REAL ESTATE Shaver lake & Auberry, Calif. Shaver Lake Barber & Beauty Shop Bill & Virginia Adams, Prop. Shaver Lake, Calif. SHAVER LAKE GARAGE Clyde Taylor Shaver lake, Calif. butes its success to the fact that the average education of the employee is two years college. A continuous inter-department uaining program, plus outside law enforcement schools help to develop the personnel of the department. The little town of Clovis, with a population of 2700 ten years ago, has grown to a city with a popu­ lation in excess of 10,000 and an area approximately five and one half sguare miles, bordering the City of Fresno on twO sides. The first serious assault occurring in Clovis this year (1965), was an attempted rape and assault with a deadly weapon. This occurred January 31, 1965 at approximately 0210 AM as a seventeen year old girl returned from a date to an empty house. Her parents were OLlt for the evening. Lying in wait was her attacker, who had entered the home through a rear door and had armed himself with an eight inch E. B. YAN[EY LUMBER [0. Tollhouse, Calif. Ph. 855-2485 SHAVER LAKE BUILDING MATERIALS :.ihaver Lake, Calif. Ph. 841-3337 CORGIAT'S HAMBURGER HAVEN Evelyn Corgiat, Prop. Shaver lake, Calif. 109 o Chief Thomas W. Higgason (standing at rt.) heads the Clovis Police Departm.ent composed of the members ab01!e: standing I. to r.) Lt. Gin 0 Pishione, Patrolmen Gene Tyler, Doug Gra­ ham, Chuck Atkins, Verlin Gould, James Morrow, Shelby Cox and Dick Brownell and the Chief; seated} Sgt. Jack McGaughy} Sgt. Bob Duvall, Dispatcher Peggy Carlin) policewoman Frances Qual/is and Sgt. Harry Rohde; and Dis patcher Norma Neumann who was not present for the picture. butcher knife. He attacked her after she had gone to bed, beating her with his fists and slashing her sev­ eral times with the knife. The victim fought and screamed and was able to escape from her attacker and ran to a neighbor's home. With a parcial description and a lot of hard work by all members of the department, the suspeq was in custody within eight hours after the crime was com­ mitted. Confronted with physical evidence, and a lie detector test, the suspect admitted the crime. LAKE SHORE RESORT ON HUNTINGTON LAKE ANN W. EDWARDS, Owner P.O. Lakeshore Resort, Calif. GENERAL STORE -FRESH MEATS HOUSEKEEPING & MOTEL COTTAGES TRAILER COURT BOATS & MOTORS Coffee Shop & Restaurant Cocktail Bar -Packaged Liquor SEASON May to October ECKERT'S LODGE RESTAURANT -BAR -HOTEL Shaver Lake, Calif. Ph. 841-3230 CHAS. J. ECKERT, Prop. When at HUNTINGTON LAKE Visit 'THE PINE CONE SHOPPE" LAKESHORE, CALIF. MIKKELSON BUTANE SERVICE Auberry, Calif. ­P. O. Box 138 11hMiles South of Auberry, on Auberry Road Phone 855-2565 -855-2647 B. A. MIKKELSON, Prop. AUBERRY READY MIX Lynn B. Ford & Howard L. Ford AUBERRY llO s o n b wI h D wa p. PONDEROSA JUDICIAL DISTRICT The name of the Ponderosa Judicial District has no connection with the fictional ranch area in a popular television show except that they were eoth undoubtedly named for the same species of pine tree. The district covers the large mountain area East of Clovis. Merle L. Ivie of Shaver Lake became the Justice of Peace of the district on September 1, 1964. He succeeded Archie Brumagin of Auberry who retired on that date. Judge Ivie is shown in the above picture in his new court room in Auberry. Court had previously been held in Judge Brumagin's home. Judge lvie rented a building in Auberry upon being appointed to his new post and remodeled it so the area now has a separate court house. The district is served by Constable Jack Sturgess who also now has office space in the new court house. He stands on the right in the plcrure with Deputy Constable R. Q. Smith on the left. They patrol the area in the 4-wheel drive station wagon on the right. J(;ng ~ leve,. efumte,. Co,.po,.ation SPECIALIZING SUGAR PINE PATTERN LUMBER Suger Pine-Ponderosa Pine-White Fir Incense Cedar P.O. Box 227, Auberry Ph. 855-2560 WISH-I-AH LODGE, INC. AUBERRY, CALIFORNIA Nursing Home, Rest Home, and long Term Care under supervision of Resident Physician and Registered Nursing Staff. Phone 855-2211 We appreciate and compliment the capable 24 hour vigilance and service of Constable Sturges and Deputy Con­ stable Smith. 111 DUNLAP JUDICIAL DISTRICT .. . ' t ... , ,, ' _ ' , ' " ' l' /." " :' :;~.':;-~C"'. , J I --­-­-~ ' !'~-I • • , :"# • I ~ .. l :: t • . . , .....;-:.... The Dunlap Judicial District is directly East of the Ponderosa District and also serves the mountain area ranging East of Squaw Valley. The district has long been served by Constable Samuel Kelley who stands next to his emergency vehicle in the above picture. He is in front of one of the many resores in the area. As in all resort areas, one of the major problems is keeping vandals out of residences that are not used all year. AUBERRY GENERAL STORE Fred TuHle -Perry Heard, Proprietors General Merchandise • Fresh Meats Gas and Oils Auberry, Cam. NEW AUBERRY GROCERY General Merchandise & Service Station S & H Stamps Mel & Violet Harrington Auberry 855-2550 KINGS RIVER LODGE Overlooking ... PINE FLAT LAKE "Our S.pecialties" STEAKS -CHICKEN -SEAFOOD COCKTAILS 34405 Trimmer Rd. Ph. 875-5174 Songer WONDER VALLEY DUDE RANCH Cocktail Lounge & Dinner By Reservation Horseback Riding & 2600 Ft. Air Strip I Becky Webb, Co-Owner. P. O. Box 71 Sanger, Calif. FRISBY'S SPORTING GOODS & COFFEE SHOP Open Year Around To Serve You FOOD & Complete Line Of Fishing Tackle 23641 E. Trimmer Springs Rd. 875-8498 Sanger I PERRY'S GROCERY & CAFE On Kings River At Piedra Ph. 875-4385 PINE FLAT SERVICE LIVE MINNOWS -FISHING TACKLE Box 74-B, Trimmer Route Sanger 875-5335 VERN & VIV LEFLER'S MUNK'S lODGE PINE FLAT LAKE Fishing -Boating -Water Skiing 26251 Trimmer Springs Rd. Sanger, Calif. STEAKS OUR SPECIALTY Phone 875-3272 112 SANGER JUDICIAL DISTRICT BIANCO PACKING CO., INC. SANGER The Sanger Judicial Disrrict is South of rhe Dun­ lap DisrriCt and serves the boaring and resort area surrounding Pine Flar Lake. Constabl e Hurshel Pigg, rig hr in above picture, and Depury Constable Val Valles serve the area. LEONARD BROTHERS SANGER CHOOLJIAN BROS. PACKING CO. G.ROWERS and SHIPPERS Packers of RAISINS and DRIED FRUIT Leo & Mike Chooljian, Owners Sanger, California HOGUE'S BOTTLE SHOP 1308-7th Street 875-3410 SANGER OLIVER'S PLACE ON & OFF SALE LIQUOR SANDWICHES & DINNERS Centerville 113 SANGER pOLie E DEPARTMENT T he Sanger Police De parlmenl is headed by Chief Carl E. Armslrong and has a 10lal complemenl of Jet'enleen officers and men. They are: fronl row, lefl 10 righi, Ofc. Dale Huf­ ford, Sgl. Kennelh Walker, Sgt. Ervin M.etzler, Chief Cad E. ArmJtrong, Lt. Char/eJ McVtI)', Sgt. Roberl Bllslamanle, Sgt. Richard HOl!eiier, Ofc. Elliott Marlinez. Back row, lefllo righi, Ofc. Don Shepherd, Ofc. Roberl Galloway, Of c. William Arneson, Off. Andrew Padilla, Ofc. Phillip Fitzgerald, Ofc. Larr), JoneJ, Ofc. William LI!J Pert/nce, Ofc. Finis Shepherd, Ofc. Bruce Presley. LA NORTE BAR "BEER" 122836 E. North St. Sanger 875-7015 FAIRVIEW GARAGE & FARM IMPLEMENT SHOP Repairs & Parts 2015 N. Academy 875-5914 Sanger BARR PACKING CO. FOR OVER 35 YEARS GROWERS and SHIPPERS of PRIME FRESH TREE FRUIT & GRAPES SANGER SANGER BOATS 1140 Academy -Sanger, Calif. 13 Miles from Fresno Phone 875-4434 Jack Davidson Compliments of WM. BOOS & CO. WM. J. & WM. E. BOOS 1.4382 E. McKinley 875-8951 SANGER A. J. Amesbury & Sons Concrete Pipe Irrigation Systems 110 Academy Sanger CAPITOL MARKET MEAT, GROCERIES & VEGETABLES 630 "0" St. SANGER 875-2116 114 PARLIER JUDICIAL DISTRICT BETTER BUY MARKET 10777 E. Morro St. P.O. Box 185 DEL REY BEN'S CAFE 736 Fresno St. PARLIER MONCRIEF SALES & SERVICE CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH SPORTING GOODS -HOME APPLIANCES 450 Fresno St. PARLIER Phone MI 6-2704 I FRANK MONTAGUE TRUCKING 402 Fresno PARLIER MI 6-2834 CONDIT'S FURNITURE STORE CLYDE J. CONDIT 8584 Mendocino PARLIER MI 6-2351 TOVAR'S GROCERY B & Esther Tovar E. Parlier & Mendocino Ave. 646-2589 Parlier JUNG'S MARKET 8606 So. Mendocino 646-2851 Parlier CHRIS SORENSEN PACKING CO. Western Wagon Wagon Wheel BRANDS Growers -Packers -Shippers QUALITY CALIFORNIA FRUIT Constable Ed Camino (rt.) and Deputy Constable Bob Montague serve the Parlier Judicial District which includes the communities of Del Rey and Parlier to the South of Sanger. JOHN STEINERT, JR. Insurance -'Real Estate 141 2 -7th St. Sanger 875-5595 I Creager Funeral Chapel, Inc. Chas. Wallin 1524 -9th SANGER 875-2613 I THE OASIS 757 Academy SANGER TUSAN PACKING CO. RAISIN PACKERS Carl and Dick Tuson, Owners 3292 S. Greenwood SANGER TR 5-8851 Office 875-2573 -Phones-Res. TR 5-4068 PHONE 646-2721 PARLIER liS REEDLEY JUDICIAL DISTRICT HEGGBLADE-MARGULEAS CO. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Shippers -Distributors -Exporters DEL REV, CALIFORNIA ORANGE COVE AUTO PARTS 150 Anchor Ave. Orange Cove Fresno Phone 888-2222 Orange Cove Phone 626-4495 Clarence McCormick & Donald H. Sprayberry COVE VALLEY PACKERS, INC. Fresh Fruit Packers & Shippers ORANGE COVE, CALIFORNIA B H & 0 COLD STORAGE CO. COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE P. O. Box 6 Orange Cove, Calif. Consrable James H . Marrin (ft.) and Depury Constable Ralph Preheim have served rhe Reedley Judicial District for many years. The districr includes rhe cities of Orange Cove and Reedley and extends from rhe county line on rhe Sourh to Trimmer Springs Road on the North. ' A. C. MARKET GROCERIES -MEATS FRUITS -VEGETAB l ES BEER -WINES & NOTIONS 1145 Park Blvd. Orange Cove 626-7635 Central California Raisin Packing CO. DEL CARA BRAND Phone 888-2195 Del Rey, California DEL REY PACKING CO. GROWERS AND PACKERS OF ALL VARIETIES RAISINS Del Rey, California ENOCH PACKING CO., Inc. RAISINS -DRIED FRUITS Del Rey, Calif. I COLLIN'S FRUIT STAND Wholesale & Retail All Kinds of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables 203 Park Blvd . 626-4782 Orange Cove HARDING & LEGGETT, INC. ORANGES -LEMONS -GRAPEFRUIT Orange Cove 626-4432 SAM'S AUTO DISMANTLING Late Model Salvage Sam Oakley, Jr., Owner 146 Anchor Ave. 626-4322 Orange Cove ORANGE COVE PHARMACY Prescription Pharmacists Orange Cove, Calif. Ph. 626-4407 116 Judge Paul Eymann Retires After 21 Years Of Service JUDGE PAUL A. EYMANN COLONIAL FLOWER SHOP Gifts for All Occasions ME 8-2031 Reedley 1724 -11th WILLIAM FEDRAU Fertilizing Spreading and Auto Wrecking Used Cars 20720 E. Dinuba, Reedley ME 8-2016 CROP DUSTING Spraying -Dusting -Seeding Ground Rig Spraying ME 8-2144 GREAT WESTERN SCHOOL OF AERONAUTICS Frankwood near Central Reedley W. J. HEINRICHS Farm Machinery Manufacturers Distributors and Dealers for EDWARDS TRANSFORK By ELMER RODIE Assistant Chief, Reedley Police Department After 27 years of faithful service as Judge of the Reedley Judicial District, Paul Eymann on January Ij, 1965 relinquished the gavel to his successor Charles Edwards. On December 31, 1964 in the Reedley Courtroom members of the Reedley City Council, Reedley Police Department and other law enforcement officials were in attendance to pay their respects to the retiring judge. Eymann became Justice of the Peace for the then eighth Judicial Township August 3, 1937 when the County Board of Supervisors appointed him to fill the unexpired term of Justice Rex Porter who re­ signed due to ailing health. While serving as Justice of the Peace as well as handling his own law practices, Eymann soon inher­ ited another job when Judge Gallaher resigned as City Judge in 1937. The City Council appointed Ey­ mann to this post. In 1948 when Orange Cove be­ came incorporated the City Council there asked Ey­ mann if he would serve as their City Judge, which he did. Eymann's three duties were combined 1Oto (Conf;nlled on Next Page) SALWASSER MFG. CO., INC. Melvin Salwasser, President Reedley, Calif. 20075 E. Manning Ave. · ME 8-3554 KENT A. FISH President-manager ORANGE COVE ORANGE GROWERS ORANGE COVE Oranges -Cold Storage -Grapes 21013 E. Dinuba Reedley Phone ME 8-3244 117 PAUL A. EYMANN RETIRES one by the passage of a constitutional amendment in 1952 which created the present Reedley Judicial Disrrict. The retired Judge staered his venture in law work after graduating from Reedley High School. He at­ tended one year at Bluffton College in Bluffton, Ohio, and studied two years at Pomona College in Claremont. The next three years he studied at the University of Southern California Law School, grad­ uating with an AB and an L.L.B. degree. After being admitted to law practice Eymann be­ came a Deputy Disrrict Atrorney in June 1934, serv­ ing under G. M. DeVore. On January 5, 1935 Eymann rook over the law office of S. L. Heisinger, Jr., who became an assistant District Attorney when Dan Conway, Sr. was elected DA for Fresno Coun­ ty. Heisinger was later to serve in the armed forces during World War II where he was captured by the Japanese on Corregidor. He died in a prisoner of war camp. When Eymann made his announcement early last year that he would not seek reelection to the Judicial POSt, he said a stroke he suffered had a great bearing on his decision, admitting that the job was a binding one. "When I first took over duties as Judge," Eymann recalled, "I could call up the Judge in Parlier or any where else and ask if he could take over the local couer for a few days. However, within the past six years the Chief Justice of the state Supreme Court must make the assignment. Eymann stated in the early days his court would handle around 600 cases a year, whereas the COuer will now handle 2500 to 3000 cases a year. Eymann, even though he may be a "Retired Judge," can still serve as Judge anywhere in the state in both Superior and Municipal couers by assignment. Eymann in 1950 was state presidenr of the Judges, Constables and Marshalls association. Upon retirement Eymann commented on the fol­ lowing: JUVENILES: I feel that it is wrong that the Legis­ lature has taken away Our local juvenile cases and handed them over to the Fresno Courts. We know the issues of the cases and are afforded the oppor­ tunity of trying to help the juvenile who is in trouble a little better because we are in closer conract. It puts too much of a load on the Fresno judges and it is not fair to them in trying to rehabilitate the juvenile. POLICE: I feel that we have one of the cleanest districts in the state. I attribute much of this success to our fine law enforcement officials, who have dont: a commendable job. The conscientious people want it this way. Since retirement from the bench Eymann has opened up a Jaw office in Reedley. Eymann said he plans to hep busy with his law practice, handling mostly wills, probates and escrows, as well as getting his fair share of fishing and hunting in. From the people of Reedley to a man who has brought dignity to the Judicial office, "Thanks for a job well done through devoted and faithful service in the Cluse of Justice. Good luck and success." I I JUNG'S SUPERMARKET ME 8-3329 1834 South Ave. Reedley I WM. H. KEUY GASOLINE RICHFIELD PRODUCTS 17855 E. Manning ME 8-3522 Reedley FACTORY METHOD RECAPPING COMPLETE AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR LEE'S SERVICE ON THE FARM & ROAD SERVICE 15th & "I" St. Reedley, Calif. ME 8-3535 Sun Valley Grape Distrs. John Kasabian I STREET, REEDLEY DELUXE CLEANERS 1805 Tucker 896-1489 Selma G & R Welding & Muffler Shop Stocks -Duals -Packs General Welding 2200 Whitson St. 896-3852 Selma DON BUICK -PONTIAC CO. BUICK OPEL PONTIAC Bus. Phone 896-1865 or 237-8057 Hiway 99 at First St. Selma, Calif. 118 Chief Kroeker of the Reedley Po/;ce Departillent explahlh7g thrpatching procedures to newl), Clppoint­ ed Caple/in Marlowe Fftleh 011 left. Alex Gel'hc/l'dt rdiring Captain of the tl11lbuirl1lCl! service looks Oil approvingly. Gerhardt served aJ C"pft;in for six yean. Compliments Of KATAOKA BROTHERS 14470 S. Fowler Selma 896-0725 VAN ZILE ELECTRIC 11924 E. Front Selma 896-0645 SELMA T.V. CENTER Motorola & Admiral Sal'es & Service Small Appliances 1922 E. Front St., Selma 896-1360 NICK CHAMBERS TRENCHING CO. All Types Trenching 2233 Chandler Selma 896-0812 Reedley Police Active In Community Projects Chief John Kroeker of the Reedley Police Depart­ ment reports a quiet year as far as sensational crimes are concerned. The overall crime rate in the city showed a considerable decrease in some categories and only a slight decline in others. Traffic citations, public intoxication, petit theft, and aUtOmobile thefts topped the police blotter dur­ ing the past rear reports Chief Kroeker. The department's suppOrt of worthwhile commu­ nity projects is considered one of the reasons for the low crime rate and general respect for law and order in Reedley. One of these projects, which is now in its eleventh year, is the Sequoia Safety Council. The Sequoia Safety Council was organized in 1953 and authorized to operate as such in Fresno County the same year. The council has a two-fold program (a) Ambulance Service and (b) a safety program which entails safety in the home, on farms, and on our streets as a broad description of this phase. The ambulance service crew works in close prox­ imity with the Reedley police department. The police department acts as the receiving agent for all calls for the ambulance. The dispatcher notifies the driver and attendant on duty and dispatches the ambulance to the requested location. The dispatcher keeps a log of all calls, ie; time and from whom the call was received, the time the crew notifies the dispatcher they are rolling, time of arrival of ambulance at the scene, name and. address of the patient or patients, hospital to which delivery was made, and the time the ambulance is again ready for other calls. The cooperation of the other law enforcement agencies, police in other cities, constables, and high­ way patrolmen is sincerely appreciated by the mem­ bers of the Sequoia Safety Council Ambulance Serv­ ICe. Marlowe Frueh was recently appointed to head the ambulance service as ambulance captain. He suc­ ceeds Alex Gerhardt who retired after serving as captain for six years. 119 Reedley Police Department: Sec/ted front rou', left to right: Ass't Chief Elmer Rodie, lame.r Fillmore Dispatcher, Ernie Toler Dispatch",-, WtI)'lle Heriman Dispatcher, Chief lohn D. Kroeker. Standing hClck row, left to right: Dan Castilio PCltrolman, Rohert Russell Patrol­ man, Rohert Buckley Patrolman, Ondle Smit.b Pe/trolman, Bill Buchanan Sgt., Ralph Emery Patrolman, lames Franks Patrolmall. Not shou'n Eddi" Soliz Dispatcher. Assistant Chief Elmer Rodie, Com­ mander, Juvenile Bureau, Reedley Po­ lice Depar/ment, discllssing a Iuvenile Case with Harry E. White, Probation Offim' of the Fresno County Pro­ hation Office. DEWEY E. COX Real Estate & Insurance 1810 E. Front St. 896-0769 Selma SELMA POULTRY 2166 E. Front Street 896-1400 Selma 120 KINGSBURGSELMA JUDICIAL DISTRICTJUDICIAL DISTRICT Constable Clarence Bentley and Deputy Constable Constable H. F. Johanson has served the Kings­ Jerry Bristol serve the Selma Judicial District which burg Judicial DiStrict for many years. includes the rich agricultural area both North and Southwest of Selma. "REXALL" FOX DRUG STORE Prescription Pharmacists -Free Delivery 1965 High 896-1645 Selma THE SPORT SHOP "For Your Every Sporting Need" 1914 E. Front St., Selma Ph. 896-0273 DIAMOND MEAT CO. SELMA SELMA MOTOR SALES John Otomo 2051 West Front Street Phone 896-3154 Selma LAIKAM & HATCHER CO. Vineyard Equipment Mfg. & Repairing 8938 So. McCall 896-1971 Selma Visalia Selma Phone Phone 735-5650 896-2075 SEQUOIA INDUSTRIAL LAUNDRY COMPLETE RENTAL SERVICE LINEN SHIRTS PANTS 121 MemherJ of the Selma Police Department are pictured above, left to right, front row: Sergeant William Kasfeldl , Chief James Brocke//, Desk Sf:l'germt Ann Surabian, Desk Sergeant Gladys Burnham, Desk Sergeant Esther Lara, Caplain Earl Fowler and Officer Manuel Teixeira; BClCk row: Offic.er Argis Hulsey, Sergeant El Rei}' Clarkson, OfficerJ W illialll Valenzuela, Gene Slaf ford, Ronald Vermuelen and George Van Dyne. Officer David 01Jenlfeet is also a member of the departmenl but was 110t present for the picture. Compliments Of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Volkmann Jr. Hacienda De Los Reyes Registered Aberdeen Angus Selma LEE'S HALFWAY HOUSE 1915 W. Front St. 896-9921 Selma DAN SHARP PUMP REPAIRING Layne & Bowler Pumps Pressure Systems Shop Phone 896-2100 Home Phone 896-0040 2031 W. Front St. Selma, California DIAN'S RESTAURANT Specializing In Sandwiches -Peda-Bread -Shish-Kebab "HOME MADE PIES" 2000 High St. Selma 896-0994 Ph. 896-2213 ~~~~ GLASS'METAl 1503 GROVE STREET ­SELMA, CALIFORNIA PETER C. WILKIN ROY E. GARREn ANDERSEN BROS. Brake, Wheel and Axle Service Glen, Marvin and Duane Andersen 1921 Third St. 896-1156 Selma PAGE FUNERAL CHAPEL Frank Page Selma FLOYD'S AUTO PARTS 1901 W. Front Selma 122 Selma Police Department Pays Tribute To Sergeant Bilyeu Undoubtedly the most significant event of 1964, and the most sorrowful, was the untimely passing of Sergeant Lee Bilyeu on February 8, 1964. The Selma Police Department, and the Law Enforcement Profession in general, lost an outstanding officer who will nor be soon forgotten or quickly replaced. A review of the 1964 activity in the Selma Police GENERAL OFFICES: SELMA 6446 EAST SAGINAW AVENUE Termina I: EXETER Eknoian & MacDonald Packing Co. SELMA ROBINSON FUNERAL HOME Irvin E. Thomas, Owner-Manager 2345 McCall Ave. -Selma, California 24 Hr. Ambulance Service Resuscitator Equipped 896-2261 Department reveals a continuing increase 10 the number of cases handled and complaints received, however there were no cases of a noteworthy nature. The successful closing of most of the cases was ac­ complished by the usual routine of methodical inves­ tigation coupled with the high degree of coopera­ tion with other law enforcement agencies that is the hallmark of modern Police Science. The Selma Police Department would like to take this opportunity to extend to all law enforcement agencies a hearty thank you for the excellent coopera­ tion which has been given in the past, and which has contributed to the success that the Selma Police De­ partment has had. Of minor interest, in keeping with the general trend in law enforcement, the Selma Police Depart­ ment has adopted, as a part of the service uniform, crash helmets for all officers. It is a trend which ie, highly desirable in offering more and better protec­ tion to officers in the performance of their duties. FREEWAY LANES John Mechigian, Manager Cocktail Lounge ­18 A.M.F. lanes SMORGASBORD Served Every Sat. & Sun. E. Dinuba & Highway 99 896-2211 Fowler & Fresno Phone 834-2923 Compliments Of DALE HUNT 7229 E. Mt. Whitney laton McCARTHY AND HILDEBRAND RANCH P. O. Box 1 Burrell 123 The Kingsburg Police Department is headed by Chief C. B. McCraw who is shown wid] his staff of eight men above. Names of officers are: f1'Om left to right, standing, James John­ son, desk se1'geant, Helge Lindholm, patrolman, Tilde1l Tremper, desk sergeant, and C. B. McCraw, Chief of Police. Kneeling from left to right: Herbert King, desk sergea1lt, Robert Speer, desk sergeant, Paul Johnso1l, patmlman, Clifford Palm, patrolman, Don Wright, patrolman. HARRY J. ASLAN GROWER & SHIPPER KINGSBURG, CALIFORNIA 897-2968 GEORGE & BEATRICE GARNER Funeral IDirectors 1588 Lincoln 897-3035 Kingsburg, California LATON COOP G'IN INSECTICIDES -FERTILIZER "Where Ginning Is An Art and Service Is A Pleasure" WA 3-4943 Laton JIM'S EGG RANCH Wholesale & Retail 39942 Rd. 16 897-3457 Kingsburg TRI-COUNTY MOTORS 1400 California St. Kingsburg, Calif. L. E. Stimmell, Owner Thunderbird -Falcon Bus. Phone 897-3353 Res. Phone 897-2419 GIRAZIAN FRUIT CO. Grower & Packer 39400 Clarkson Dr., Kingsburg 897-2946 McKEAN'S STORE Meats -Groceries -Notions -Feed 867-3112 Riverdale 124 RIVERDALE JUDICIAL DISTRICT DORN'S BUTANE & APPLIANCE 3131 W. Mt. Whitney 867-3505 Riverdale DUN'S SHOPPING CENTER Department Store -Complete Food Line Sundries -Meats -Vegetables 867-3586 21282 S. Marks Riverdale, Calif. RIVERDALE DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTIONS 867-3013 Riverdale BROWN FEED & SEED, INC. The Home of Brown's Sweet Mix Dairy Feeds Rolling -Grinding -Mixing 867-3558 Riverdale, California SHEPHERD CHEVROLET William R. Shepherd, Jr. 3164 Mt. Whitney Bus. 867-3534 Riverdale, Calif. MclEOD FORD Sales & Service "The Valley's Fairest Dealer" 867-3549 Riverdale The Riverdale Judicial District also borders the Southern boundary of the county. In addition to Riverdale the district includes the communities of Laton, Lanare, Burrell, Wheatville and Five Points. Constable Al Nester (upper photo) is assisred by Deputy Constables Harold Beeler (center), Harold Greenhaw (left) and Arnie Goble in serving this agricultural district which is fairly heavily populated and has a number of transient farm families. GLENN POWELL WAREHOUSE P. O. Box 247 Phone 867-3160 Riverdale 125 L This is an average week-end pm'king lot at one of four launching ramps at Pille Flat Lake. 011 holiday week-ends, as man)' clJ 3,000 boatJ lISe this lake for skiing, swimming, picnics, and fishing. The lake holds 1,100,038 arre feet of water and has 87 miles of shore line. The skiing is ideal even on wind)' da),s due to the hills Jllrl'ounding the lake to break the wind. ROSS HARVESTING CO. INC. 20225 S. Westlawn Riverdale FRANK C. DIENER RANCH FIVE POINTS SOMMERVILLE FARMS Huron Compliments Of FIVE POINTS GINNING CO. FIVE POINTS 126 ILA W ENFORCEMENT AND SAFETY ON FRESNO LAKES By JERRY LAWLESS and CHET LOVGREN The increase in interest and panicipation in water spans as a recreational outlet has affected the Sher­ iff's Department. The many boat owners residing in the local area, coupled with the infl ux of recreation­ ists and fishermen from other pans of the state has placed an added burden of responsibility on the De­ panment. It became necessary to provide boat patrols on the three most popular lakes that fall under the juris­ diction of the Sheriff. The largest and closest of these is Pine Flat Reservoir, located less than one hour's drive east of Fresno. The lake is the result of the 420 foot high Pine Flat Dam and holds in reserve one million, one hundred thousand acre feet of water. The lake itself has 87 miles of shoreline, and on week-ends and holidays in the summer months, as many as 3000 people enter the area to avail them­ selves of the facilities. Each year, during May, a Sheriff's boat patrolman and boat is assigned to the area. The duties of this officer range from routine boat patrol and safety checks to rescue assists and criminal investigations. This officer receives assistance from the members of the volunteer Sheriff's Power Boat Squadron who aid in controlling boat launchings, and manning the Pine Flat Tower at Island Cove. This tower is radio equipped and commands an extensive view of the lake, including the more popular swimming areas. Due to the natural protection afforded the lake by the high canyon walls, it is a favorite water skiing location, as well as a noted fishing ground. The season usually draws to a close in late Sep­ tember. The officer assigned during the past year was Dep. Jerry Lawless. Fifty miles east of Fresno lies another of the three mountain lakes patrolled by Fresno County Sheriffs (Continlled on Next Page) lAKERIDGE MARINA On Beautiful Pineflat lake -30 Miles East of Fresno California Just Off Trimmer Springs Road In Deer Creek Recreation Area. Representing ...• Boat Slips • Mercury Motors • Boat Fuel • Glastron Boats • Boat &Motor Rentals • Valco Aluminum Boats • Supplies • Refreshments • Kayot Pontoon Boats CALFLAX RANCH & STORE FIVE POINTS 127 BOAT PATROL Department boat patrol. Shaver Lake, a man made lake at an elevation of 5,500 feet, is one of the more popular lakes for both fishermen and water skiers. During the spring and early summer months the boating activity is usually limited to fishermen, how­ ever as the weather warms the boating becomes pre­ dominately water skiers. The other lake in this area, patrolled by the Sher­ iffs mountain boat patrolman is the beautiful Hunt­ ington Lake, twenty miles beyond Shaver Lake at an elevation of 7,000 feet. Due to the cooler climate, colder water, and strong winds, HuntingtOn Lake is not as popular with the water skiing crowd as is Shaver Lake. However, Huntington Lake is consid­ ered the best sailing lake in the state of California, and during the month of July, Huntington Lake plays host to several national championship sailing races. The reason for the popularity with the sailing enthusiasts is the prevailing winds that begin blow­ ing out of the west at approximately 10:00 A.M. daily and lasting until approximately 5 :00 P.M. (Continued on Next Page) CHARLES MESSEC COMPANY P. O. Box 35 TU 4-2461 Five Points, Calif. Pint! Flat Dalll iJ 420 ft!et high, holding in reJer·tle one million one hundred IhotlJ(lnd acre feet of 11'({1 e,-. Compliments Of HARNISH· FIVE POINTS INC. FIVE POINTS H&H COTTON, INC. FIVE POINTS 128 VERNON L THOMAS, INC. HURON JACK HARRIS, INC. Five Points, California Compliments of RAYMO'ND . THOMAS, INC. SHERMAN THOMAS FIVE POINTS WESTSIDE CROP DUSTERS INC. I - CROP DUSTING end AIRPLANE SPRAY P. O. Box 305 TU 4-2681 Five Points I DO YOU HAVE PROPER SAFETY EQUIPMENT ABOARD 111 August, 1964 this boat burned and sal1k at Pine Flat Lake. Due 10 property safety equipment 011 boaI'd 110 one was injured. This boat was only one monlh old and cost four thousand dollal'J'. Boating Jatel)' can not be expressed 100 strongly. Insurance replaced the boat, it cannot replace your life. The Sheriffs mountain boat patrolman being one, with One boat, but with two lakes to patrol, musr spend his time where the need is greatest. As the sail boats and fishing boats are least likely to violate the boating laws, the earlier part of the summer is spent patrolling Shaver Lake. Shaver Lake is fast becoming one of the more popular vacation spots in the state, due largely to the new camp ground facilities pro­ vided by the Southern California Edison Company. Shaver Lake is probably the most ideal lake for water SPOrtS with mild water temperature and pleas­ ant climate. Vacationers at the Shaver Lake area are predominately from Southern California where the population far exceeds the recreational facilities. Most of the boaters using either of these twO lakes are very conscious of the boating laws and safety regulations. However, there are those who have no regard for these regulations thus making it necessary for the boat patrolman and his familiar white patrol boat to be in attendance. Boat safety is the main ob­ jective of the boat patrolman and safety checks are part of the daily routine. Checking for such things as ade<:juate life preservers, fire extinguishers, proper exhaust and flame arrestors, boat numbers and li­ cense, and registration. Safetywise the summer of 1964 was a good year for the mountain boat parrol­ man as there were no boating accidents on either Shaver or Huntington Lakes. (Con/inued on Next Pagel 129 PINE FLAT TOWER Overlooking the lake from a high point at Island Cove, Jtands the New Pine Flat Tower and Utilit), Building, constructed at a COJt of $16,000 and glassed on all sides, it commands view of many miles in all directions. With its radio equipment and operatin personnd it is a real asset to the .fafety of boaters and swimmers on the lake ciS well as being situated to detect fires in the near-by forest area. Thanks to Mr. Al Plumber and the U. S. Corps of Engineers, this facility was made available to the Fresno COUllt)' Sheriff's Depclrtment for their opera­ tion in the latter part of 1963. The Tower has be­ come a vital c.enter for information, first-aid and communications at this popular recreation area. Huron Welding & Machine Works Vick Hendrix 9th Street 945-2298 Huron HURON GENERAL STORE Red Flurry, Owner Box 426 Ph. 945-2350 Huron, Calif. // YE R CRAZY) I'rvl NO BOOKI c -­ -EIGHT TO FNE I BEAT THE RAP 1/ HURON LUMBER & SUPPLY, INC. Paints -Building, Home & Farm Supplies Hardware D. Hays Dornan, Mgr. Huron, Calif. Phone 945~2391 Compliments of M. J. & R. S. ALLEN COALINGA STARKEY AND ERWIN RANCH COALINGA 130 BOAT PATROL VIERHUS FARMS Coalinga, California COALINGA FARMS J. M. and TOM LOVELACE P. O. Box 438 935·0190 Coalinga I WEETH RANCHES INC. Coalinga Compliments of M. E. DOLLAHITE & WIFE COALINGA As the summer wears on and the water spores activities increase at Huntington Lake the real chal­ lenge for the boat patrolman begins. Providing ade­ guate patrol for both lakes often necessitates moving the boat from one lake to another tWO or three times in a week. Boat patrol is not the only activity to occupy the mountain boat patrolman's time. He must also pro­ vide vehicle patrol for Huntington Lake, investigate criminal offenses, assist in search and rescue opera­ tions, and police public functions such as the weekly teenage dances. A typical day for the lake patrolman usually begins at 10:00 A.M. from his residence in Big Creek. The first two hours are spent checking the Huntington Lake area, followed by a drive to Shaver Lake where boat patrol activities usually begin by 1:00 P.M. If the boat is being used at Huntington Lake the boat patrolman then remains at that loca­ tion. Due to the large number of boats using these lakes during the summer months, boat patrol is a necessity until 6:00 or 7 :00 P.M. Teenage dances are held three nights a week at Huntington Lake, and on these nights, it's back to Huntington Lake at 9:00 P.M. On Saturday nights several hundred teenagers and young adults are in attendance for the dance, thus necessitating the presence of the mountain patrolman until 1: 30 or 2:00 A.M: The Sheriff's Deputy who performed the duties of Mountain boat patrol during the past year was Deputy Chet Lovgren. I L. D. :FOLSOM INC. 521 E. Forest Ave. 935-2006 Coalinga I Big Wheel Cafe & Chuck Wagon Featuring-"Home Made Pies" Open 5 A.M. to l 2 P.M. 154 N. 5th St. Ph . 935-9944 Coalinga ALLEN PLUMBING SERVICE 440 California 935-1997 Coalinga I 131 COALINGA JUDICIAL DISTRICT The Coalinga Judicial Disuicr consists of a huge area of Southwestern Fresno County. Much of ir is uninhabired Or devoted to oil fields which are highly automared now and require litrle human artention. The ciries of Huron and Coalinga are in ir. Borh are incorporared wirh rheir own police deparrments. Constable Tom Quinney (above) makes his head­ quarters in Coalinga and is assisred by Deputy Con­ srable Charles Smith (left, by car) who makes his headquarrers in Huron. Working from rhe two of­ fices rhey can quickly serve the more populous areas of rhe districr. WALTON ROOFING CO. "I Do Your Work, As If It Were My Own" 120 Madison Ave. 935-2159 Coalinga GRIGS.8Y'S FOUNTAIN 217 N. 5th STREET 935-2789 Fountain lunch Tobacco News Good Coffee COALINGA, CALIFORNIA COOK'S COALINGA FURNITURE "Life begins at home" 935-0516 152 East Elm Avenue COALINGA 132 COALINGA POll CE DEPARTMENT The Cit)' of Coalinga is served b), an ,efficient police departm ent headed by Chief A. C. Griffith. The departm ent consists of: back roU', left to right, W . R. Nix, William Horine, James Henr)" Ben Hunt. Front row, left to right, Lt. Robert HoutchenJ, Chief A. C. Griffith and Capt. R. J. ROJe. COALINGA MARKET • 309 E. Polk St. 935-2649 Coalinga I JOHN T. BRAGG & SONS II Funeral Chapel 486 No. 5th St. 935-3338 Coalinga John Bragg Sr. Gaylord W. Bragg COURTLAND'S RESTAURANT "Your Eating Pleasure Is Our Business" Good Meals at Reasonable Prices Open 5 A.M. to 10 P.M.-Free Parking 111 Forest 935-1389 Coalinga E. L XAVIER Li.quors 257 E. Elm 935-2965 Coalinga FREE ESTIMATE BROWN'S NURSERY LANCBCAPIN13 &0 TREE CARE • SEEOIND OLD OR NEW LAWNS • HEDGE AND SHRUB WORK • TREE TOPPIN[) AND REMOVAL • ROTATILLIN[) ....ND RENOVATIN[J KK" uno",:" &. ~:..s ,., WARTMAN. TEL. 931S-19'Ja COALIN13A. CALIFORNIA Virgil Aldridge, CAMBRIDGE INN MOTEL 100 Ca ..... rldg. Owner-Manager Coalinlla 935-1541 BOLIEAU WELOING CO. 269 E. Forest Ave. 935-0416 Coalinga Bob Pascoe Painting Contractor "Commercial & Industrial" 396 V7 W . Elm Ave_ 935-0347 Coalinga 133 ·.... FIREBAUGH JUDICIAL DISTRICT The remainder of the vast Western portion of Fresno County is served by the Firebaugh Judicial District. Constable B. A. Traylor (upper photo) is assisted by Deputies James Hamm (left) and Russell Long. THE BIRDSONG CO. Buster Brown Shoes -Children life Stride -Naturalizer -Women Roblee ShoE:s -Men Fifth & D St., Coalinga 935­2524 LEE BROS. Buick, Pontiac, Oldsmobile & GMC Trucks Complete Body & Fender Repair Shop AAA Towing -Union Oil Service 298 E. Polk Ph. 935-0826 Coalinga NEWTON DRILLING CO. Coalinga SERVICE PHARMACY lester Byers, Owner I Prescription Specialist A Rexall Store Sick Room Supplies -Notionally Advertised Drugs 5th & Elm 935-2134 Coalinga WALTER IF. & LEROY P. BURNETT Coalinga CLARENCE R. VAN DYKE Ranch Star Rt. 1, Box 34 935-2856 Coalinga 134 I I Compliments of P. W. BIRDWELL Coalinga JOHN C. CONN RANCH Coalinga GRIFFIN & GRIFFIN Coalinga, California They Should Have Stayed In Bed By DAN F. CONWAY Have you ever had a day when everything seemed to go wrong? I think all of us have. September 16, 1964 was such a day for Manuel Aguilara, Robert Enriquez and a third person, for this was the day the trio chose to rob the Community National Bank at 567 0 Street, Mendota. They had big plans and it was going to be, oh so simple. First they would steal a car, then rob a bank, and then drive to a field about six miles from Men­ dota where they intended to meet the third party who would be waiting with his car for a clean getaway. Aguilara and Enriquez were up early that day-of­ days to find an automobile to use for the robbery. BURNETT CONSTRUCTION CO. tes Everette Coalinga McKAY TRUCKING CO. 239 College 935-0851 Coalinga OILFIELDS SHELL SERVICE Snack Bar • Truck Stap Charles Van Alta, Prap. Rt. 1, Box 165 Coalinga 935-3264 CHENEY BROS., INC. Coalinga "------­ They stole a car belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Smith of Mendota. Before they could get to the task of robbing the bank, the Smiths saw them driving the car and threw rocks at them. Aguilara and En­ rilluez then decided the car was too hot to use in the bank robbery so they drove to Los Deltas where they abandoned the vehicle. They then walked nearly 5 miles to Firebaugh where they stole another car. In their new car they returned to Mendota, slightly be­ hind schedule but still determined to proceed with their bank robbery. (Continued 011 Next PaKe SUNSET GARAGE TOM OKANO 2140 -7th Street P. O. Box 91 Mendota, Calif. Mendota, Calif. Ph. 655-4531 WESTSIDE CHEMICAL WESTSIDE HARDWARE MENDOTA MOTOR PARTS WECO P. O. Box 126, Mendota Phone 655-4346 DAVE'S SUPERETTE GROCERIES -FRESH MEATS FISH -VEGETABLES ,Custom Cutting of Quality Meats 884 Oller St. Pnone 655-4451 Mendota I I 135 The scene of the bank robbery where eve rything went wrong (for the rob­ bers that is), and the Sheriff's cars which cwrived shortly dfler the rob­ bery We/S reported. "THEY SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN BED" On their travels they had taken with them a green colored pillow slip which they intended to use ro carry the loot from the bank. During the commis­ sion of the robbery however, when the bank teller put a quantity of change into the pillow slip the weight of the money ripped the bottom out of it and the money fell to the floor. As one might well ima­ gine, this disturbed them greatly and caused them ro leave unexpectedly and excitedly. In spite of their continuing misadventures, they did take with them about $30,000 of which $1,119.50 was in change. As they were leaving the bank heading out to the field where they were certain their friend would be waiting, their luck held true ro form -mostly bad. Mr. and Mrs. Smith again saw them and recognized them, even though they were driving the stolen car from Firebaugh. The Smiths were therefore able to give officers the direction of flight and a description of their vehicle. On their arrival at their pre-deter­ mined location where they were to meet their friend, Aguilara and Enriquez were chagrined to find that the friend was no longer waiting. He apparently as­ sumed something had gone wrong and had gone home. FREY BEARING COMPANY N. A. P. A. Parts 1558 10th St. 655-4267 Mendota VALLEY HARDWARE AND SUPPLY CO. Mendota, California Phone 655-4355 MENDOTA CONCRETE MENDOTA Established 1925 SORENSEN MACHINE WORKS Steel Fabricators Ph. 655-4251 Mendota, Ca.lifornia PAPPAS & CO. "GOLDEN TREAT" & "REAL TREAT" MELONS Mendota, California 136 COlT RANCH, INC. Mendota IFirebaugh Appliance &Hardware Co. Gas and Electrical Appliances -Sales & Service Stoves -Radios -T.V. Sets Refrigerators -Washing Machines Phone 659-2328 1551 "N" Street FIREBAUGH, CALIF. • 1 085 "0" St. KAREN'S FASHIONS AND GIFTS Firebaugh 659-2494 HIGH HAT CAFE 1148 "0" Street 659-2380 Firebaugh ADAMS AUTO SUPPLY Firebaugh FIREBAUGH CONCRETE & MATERIALS COMPANY Ready Mix Concrete -Rock -Sand Sack Cement Ben latorraca-Res. Ol 9-2862 8th St. & Highway 33 Firebaugh, Calif. 137 A MendotCl police officer and Chief Criminologist f. Belton {omider evi­ dr:l1ce CIt I he scene of the robbery while an unidentified lelevision pho­ tographer takes pictures al the right. The two decided to abandon their get-away car and set au[ on foor. The afternoon temperature had risen past the 100° paine and after walking about six miles, their coins became so heavy that they decided something else must be done. One of them lay down in a cotton field with the coins while the other went ro the bighway and attempted ro catch a ride. Four laborers stopped and were persuaded to take both of them to a house in Mendota for $20. The laborers, however, had observed the bank sacks which con­ tained currency and returned to the cotton field to see why one of tbe suspects had been lying there. At that time tbey found the $1,119.50 in coins. They immediately reported their find to F.B.I. agents and Sheriff's deputies who were in the area. Investigation by the officers revealed the full name of Robert Enriquez but only the given name of Manuel, the second man, was known to the officers. Photographs of Enriquez and other similar-looking individuals were requested from the Fresno County (Continued 011 Next Paxe) SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY REAL ESTATE CO. Ranches -Homes -lots ~ Farm loans DOMENIC L. ENRICO -Broker WAYNE DEDMON-Salesman 1434 Saipan & Hwy. 33, Firebaugh Phones Office 659-2095 -Eve. 659-2497 --JIo,--=-~""~Jnb at the loot which the robbers "THEY SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN BED" Sheriff's Office Bureau of Identification. The photo­ graphs were supplied by Lt. Duane Lauters who picked four photOS at random from thousands of piCtures on file and added the photOgraph of En­ riquez. Purely by coincidence, the photograph of Manuel Aguilara was included in this group of pic­ tures. The odds against this happening were about seven thousand to one, but after all, that was juSt about the kind of a day the novice robbers had been experiencing. With speedy identification of the two suspects by the bank employees, their apprehension and al­ most total recovery of the money was readily made. A Federal bank robbery complaint was obtained against Aguilara and Enriquez who were convicted and sentenced to long terms in a Federal prison. It seems likely that they will long remember the date of September 16, 1964 and no matter what their future endeavors may be, they will hope that so much bad I uck and poor judgment will never again be crammed into a single day. PEREZ BROS. •Growers and' Shippers CALIFORNIA FRUITS & VEGETABLES Firebaugh, California tigators and bank perJom2el left behind when th.e bottom fell out of their green pillow slip. SAN JOAQUIN CLUB FAYE & EDDIE GilES 1049 "P" SI. Firebaugh 659-2602 PAG'S AND JUANITA'S CAFE Firebaugh Wheel Aligning & Balancing Electronic Tune-Up LEO'S GARAGE Complete Auto & Truck Repair 24 Hour Towing Phone 659-250B Nite Phones 659-2896 or 659-2297 N. Hwy. 33 & Storey Rd. Firebaugh D. T. LOCKE RANCH Bass Ave. -Box 126 659-2517 Firebaugh Compliments RICHARD J. LEHMANN Agricultural Service Firebaugh 659-2265 SAM & D. M. BIANCUCCI, INC. Firebaugh, California 138 MINNITE'S VARIETY STORE P. O. Box 198, Cantua Creek, Caifornia I BEST WISHES V. C. BRITTON COMPANY FIREBAUGH, CALIF. , GUY HOUK RANCH FIREBAUGH I '"-A TOUGH FIGIIT 8U I wr W ON ­ -EV[N THO SUE WAS A DIRTY FICHT[ R ,\ .. I I GILlO'S DESERETTE GROCERY & LIQUOR P. O. Box 44, Cantua Creek Phone San Joaquin 698-8649 PACIFIC FARM CO. 11th & M Firebaugh OL 9-2042 REBECCHI DEPT. STORE Shoes and Clothing for the Family Blue Chip Stamps -Bankamericard 1467 11 th Street 659-2259 Firebaugh Phone: 659-2502 oCa petite HOUSE OF BEAUTY 1081 "0" Street Firebaugh, Calif. For A Lovlier You -See Us 139 I RAYMOND MINNITE Owner & Manager of THREE ROCKS P. O. Box 204, Three Rocks Hwy. 33 Between Mendota & Coalinga SHINER'S DEPARTMENT STORE Between Mendota & Coalinga on Hwy 33 Three Rocks, California WM. E. GLOTZ RAINCH TRANQUILLITY Warde11S of the California State Department ofFish and Game serving Fresno alld adjacent counties pictured abotJe are: Warden Wi/Lielln Owen, Fresno ; Captain L. L. Werder; In­ spector Don DaviJOn; Wardens Luther Young, Firebaugh,· Gilbert Davis, ReedLey; Tim Hicks, Bass Lake; Jim Bates, SheiVel" Lake; Ray Skochko, Fresno; Ralph Schlitzkus, Madera, and Dick AyeJ"J, Fresno. Welrden White of Hemfol"d was 1Iot present. I r---------------------------------~ NATIONAL MARKET We Feature USDA Choice M&ats and Quality Groceries at lowest Prices San Joaquin Ph. 639-4337 SHELL DISTRIBUTORS Phone 698-8504-Drawer 7 Tranquillity, California M. C. ANGUS RANCH Martin Costales 698-8461 Tranquillily & 13120 Ave. 14 Madera OR 4-8331 140 PROTECTION OF CALIFORNIA FISH AND WILDLIFE On September 22, 1951, under the Charles Brown Reorganization Act, a new department was formed for the protection and enhancement of the State's fish and wild life resources, the Department of Fish and Game. Until that time the Department of Fish and Game had been a division of the Department of Natural Resources. The department is self supporting, operating from the sale of fishing and hunting license, commercial fish tax, California share of federal excise tax on fishing gear, firearms, and ammunition, and 50ro of the fines for violation of fish and games laws. The primary duty of California Fish and Game Wardens is to enforce fish and game regulations. However, game wardens are peace officers and their work is guite varied and time consuming. BIOLA WELDING WORKS 3rd & G Streets Ph, 843-2475 Biola WINTROATH SERVICENTER Pumps & Repairs .. P. 0, Box 717 San Joaquin 693-4327 I I IWEST SIDE PUMP CO. I Pumps -Pump Repairs & Sprinkler Systems I Phone 693-4315 San Joaquin, Calif. I WEST SIDE CAFE I On & Off Sale liquors Pete L. & Anna Niboli •8729 Main St., San Joaquin MATT'S CLUB San Joaquin 141 The wardens are trained in first aid and often acminister treatment to injured boaters, water skiers, hunters, and fishermen. Because wardens cover the back country and remote areas, they are often called upon by the Sheriffs Office to assist in search and rescue work. The Department of Fish and Game has its own independent 3-way radio system, with a tie-in with the local Sheriffs Office which has contact with mobile units during night hours and on week-ends when the Fish and Game Office is closed. In Civil Defense, wardens have a definite job of manning civilian defense radios, and monitoring radioactive fallout. Each patrol car is eguipped with radiological monitoring eguipment, emergency first aid kits, and emergency rations. Wardens assist the Sheriffs Office in any civil disaster. WESTSIDE FARMERS COOPERATIVE GIN, INC. SAN JOAQUIN and TRANQU IlllTY RABB BROS. TRUCKING, INC. P. O. BOX 736 SAN JOAQUIN, CALIFORNIA I KERMAN JUDICIAL DISTRICT I ,RENO'S HARDWARE Sporting Goods Television -RCA, Philco, Hotpoint Appliances -Hotpoint, Whirlpool, Philco, Amana 776 So. Madera Ave. 846-9491 Kerman, Calif. I B. L. BUFKIN RANCHES ~ 2975 W. Kearney Blvd. Phone 846-8266 Kerman I HELM GARAGE Servicing Entire West Side AUTO & :FARM IMPLEMENTS Woody Dare, Owner UN 6-5312 Nite Phone UN 6-5476 HELM I - METZLER & SON TRUCKING -PUBLIC SCALES LASSEN AVE. PH. 866-5310 HELM Constable Henry Wulf (seared) serves rhe agfl­ culrure rich Kerman Judicial Disrrict wirh rhe largest staff of depuries in the county. They are, sranding lefr to righr, Depury Consrables Gene Perrucelli, Adrian Whire and Louie Pereira. The Kerman Disrrict combines a large population and a large land area which includes rhe unincor­ porared communities of Biola, Helm, San Joaquin, Tranquilliry and Canrua Creek. The incorporared city of Kerman has its own police deparrment. Two deputies live in the Tranquillity-San Joaquin area to best serve: the district when needed. EPPERSON'S MARKET 2590 N. Madera, Kerman 846-8438 JOHN T. BRAGG & SONS Funeral Chapel 538 So. Madera Ave. Ph. 846-9369 Kerman John Bragg Jr. Phillip R. Bragg DOROTHY'S Junior & Young Adult Fashions 723 S. Madera, Kerman 846-8666 142 Membe1'J of the Kermcin Police Department are, I. to f. Sergeant Joe White, Officer Larry Meyers, Chief Jam es j\1cElroy, Meltron Bess Niederquell ilnd Officer Ole II McDaniel. WHITESBRIDGE AUCTION HOUSE Furniture -"Junk" and Antiques Auction Sunday -Table Rentals -Bargains Dai'ly Mildred Eaton Phone 846-9172 14443 Whitesbridge Rd . (Hwy. 180) Kerman, Calif. VALLEY FOOD CENTER and Valley Department Center 401 S. Madera Ave. 846-9203 30 Minute Wash and Dry (Dry Clean ing) COIN OPERATED 390 S. Madera Ave. Phone 846-9163 Kerman, California SIMS MOTOR COMPANY 758 So. Madera & D Streets Ph. 846-9335 Kerman, California Chevrolet Dealer Since 1930 BRISCOE Manufacturers ----OF CALIFORJlIA ~~-- 4129 N. Del Norte Ave. BRISCOE DITCHERS Pioneer lullders of Irrlgertion DItchIng EquIpment For 'rr'gertion (, Drerlnerge Werterwervs Kerman 2. Calif. Phone 846·9381 BRISCOE SLOPERS MEL BRISCOE GENERAL MANAGER 143 CARUTHERS JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOWLER JUDICIAL DISTRICT Constable Aubrey Byers Caruthe1's J utlicial District Sourhwesr of Fresno is the unincorporared communi­ ry of Carurhers. Ir and the area surrounJing ir has been served for a number of rerms by Aubrey Byers as Consrable. NOBLE CATTLE CO. P. O. Box 511 Kerman CARTHYL THOMAS RANCH 13200 W. Whitesbridge Rd. 846-8504 Kerman Constable Pred Davis Powler Judicial District One of the youngesr consrables in point of service is Consrable Fred Davis of the Fowler Judicial District which lies jusr sourh of Fresno. The city of Fowler is incorporareJ and also has a police force ro main­ rain law and order. KROMBERG BROS. 13550 W. Clinton Ave. 846-8455 Kerman, California OSCAR E. JERNER & SONS Cement Contractors ­Monolithic Pipe lines I 15175 N. Nielson 846-8458 Kerman MELIKIAN DEHYDRATORS BUYERS AND GROWERS DRIED FRUITS KERMAN 144 Entering The Electronic Age Law enforcemenc takes ano ther step into the Elec­ tronic Computer Age this year with the inauguration of the California Highway Patrol's AUTO-STATIS projeer (Automatic Statewide Auto Theft Inquiry System) . This service, which is extended to all law enforcemenc agencies, provides electronic filing and supplying of data on stolen and wanced cars. Major enforcement agencies will be invited to in­ stall their own facil ity with transmission lines to California Highway Patrol's two computers in Sac· ramento. Smaller departments can concaer the Fresno office for assistance. Records will be maincained for the currenc year plus four years on stolen vehicles, felony wants, and stolen identifiable parts. Recovered vehicle informa­ tion will be maincained for thirty days and lost and stolen license plate information will be maimained for the life of the plate if capacity permits. The system will have a capacity of 40,000 stolen and wanted vehicles, 30,000 lost or stolen plates, and 30,000 identifiable parts. This is not a system for the Highway Patrol but is for use by all law enforcement agencies. It will not be possible for the California Highway Parrol alone to make this system successful. It will take thc whole­ hearted cooperation and active participation of all law enforcement agencies in the State if it is to suCceed . ELLIS ENGLISH Back Hoe Work -Trenching 666 No. Modoc Ave. VI 6-9732 Kerman Always Insist on Cotton­ The Fibre You Can Trust CARUTHERS COOPERATIVE GIN INC. 2105 W. DINUBA AVENUE 5391 W. LINCOLN AVENUE FRESNO This move to combat car theft and lawlessness with modern computers is in keeping with the CHP's histOry of progress since it was created by the state legislature in 1929. It was formed for the purpose of enforcing the California Vehicle Code and all laws governing operation of vehicles upon public high­ ways. The primary mission of the departmenc is to pro­ teer the motOrist and further his safety. The duties of the California Highway Patrolman include handling road patrol and enforcement, in­ vestigating accidents, assisting motOriSts in emer­ gencies, rendering first aid, supplying information to motorists, conducting traffic sa fety education pro­ grams and assisting other agencies. During 1964, with the patrol cars operating 1,­ 857,300 miles, the Fresno office of the Caiifornia Highway Patrol investigated 4,000 accidents in which 123 persons were killed and 2,900 were injured. During the same period 150 felony cases were in­ vestigated, 48,000 citations were issued and 7-1,000 enforcement contacts of all types were made. 467 citizens were arrested for drunk driving and 402 stok n vehicles were recovered. The accident figures above reveal a small reduc­ tion, while the enforcement results refl ect an increase uf 15 ;70 in arrests and 20 ;70 in total enforcement concacts. A & H FARMS RANCH VI 6-8758 Kerman DAY & NIGHT LUNCH Carl McGraw Orval Jenkins 415 Tahoe -Caruthers -864-3018 145 864-3177 Aub erry COALINGA LUMBER CO., INC. Les Hames, Vice-Pres., Mgr. DALE'S FRIENDLY T,RADING CENTER 5619 E. Tollhouse, Clovis AUBERRY BEAUTY SHOP Area Code 209, Dial 935-0875 Ardith K. Allen 425 West Elm Street, Coalinga, Calif.299-4290 855-2590 P. O. Box 155 Auberry, California COALINGA SOAP & PAINT CO. HENRY DAMSEN Manufacturers ofCaruthers Trojan Power Dist. Murphy's Waterless Hand Cleaner 249 S. Fourth, Coalinga 935-02945775 E. Nees, Clovis 299-6226CARUTHERS PHARMACY COUNTRY CUPBOARD HILLMAN'S SHOE STORE Bakery & Lunch 739 Henderson Caruthers 375 N. 5th St. Coalinga Shoes for the Entire Family F and S Market 481 Pollasky, Clovis 299-4764 2334 W. Tahoe 864-3181 KLEPPER ELECTRIC CO . . HUMPHREY STATION Caruthers 191 E. Forest Ave. 935-0312299-6522 CoalingaClovis Tollhouse Road -Clovis LACEY'S CAFEGLENN AUSTIN Life Insurance In the of TownHUNTER GLASS CO.state -Business -Family Protection 1220 E. 3rd St. Clovis CY 9-4452 318 Clovis Ave., Clovis 299-4756 1-_____C_o_a_li_n..:.g_a_____-4 MILLER'S LIQUOR STORETHE BEAR PAW CO. J & M LIQUOR & SPORT GOODS 500 E. Elm Ave. 935-10834165 E. Perrin, Clovis Fishing & Hunting Licenses CoalingaJohn and Millie Andreis299-6852 I----~----------ll 610 Ci.ovis, Clovis 299-4445 PAILMER PLUMBING, INC.JAY BRINKLEY SERVICE LIINENBACH AUTO PARTS1110 Clovis Ave., Clovis 250 So. 4th St. 935-1011 -Wholesale and Retail Sales -Coalinga299-4471 604 Clovis Ave., Clovis 299-4381 CAMPUS CORRAl Four Star Contemporary Mobilehome PIPPIN'S AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLYMARIO'S TOLLHOUSE INN Park Private Banquet Rooms Available P. O. Box 306 Coalinga1 Mile East of Fresno State College Finest Food Served"Anywhere"5207 N. Villa, Clovis 299-5284 53 No. Tollhouse Rd., Clovis CENTRAL AIR 299-5073 R. J. ROSE AUTOMOTIVE Sheet Metal -Heating -Air 260 W. Elm Ave. 935-0592RALPH'S DRUG STORE 737 E. Barstow Clovis 299-4644 Conditioning -Payne Equipment CoalingaNo. Tollhouse & Sunnyside., Clovis CLOVIS APPLIANCE 299-6825 G-E Appliances WALLACE AUTO ELECTRIC Gene McGaughy, Owner W. A. "ART" RUSSEU 155 E. Forest, Coalinga 935-1681622 4th St., Clovis 299-6806 Building Contractor CLOVIS GLASS SHOP I 434 Beverly Drive, Clovis 299-6184 Del Rey Specializing In Auto Glass 1631 5th St., Clovis 299-2819 WALLY'S CABINET SHOP BERT'S DEL RANCHO REY MARKET 610 5th, Clovis 299-6403 433 Portola Ave. Del ReyCLOVIS INSURANCE AGENCY Carl McDonald -Edna Woods 414 Pollasky, Clovis 299-6838 Coalinga Firebaugh COALINGA FEED YARD, INC. RAY MORALEZ NORWALK SERVICE BOB COOK GARAGE Gas -Oils -Lubrication -WashingCOALINGA Polishing236 Bullard Clovis 299-4183 935-0836 10th & '0' St., Firebaugh 659-9980 146 I CLEVENGER MERCANTILE CO., INC. Hardware, Implements, Fuller Paints, Etc. 864-3019 Caruthers CARUTHERS PUMP & REPAIR SHOP Turbine Pumps, Pressure Systems, Pump Repairs Wiring John C. Barber, Owner Phone 864-3109 Caruthers, Calif. LASSEN FOOD MARKET 13015 So. Elm Ave. Caruthers CARSEY BROS. Rood Cotton Harvester ­Sales & Service Phone 834-3914 7657 E. Manning Ave. LOWE'S FOOD MART Open Daily & Holidays 118 So. 8th St. Fowler Fowler 834-2807 C. D. Simonian Insurance Agency General Insurance Office Phone 834-3615 -Res. 834-3302 C. D. Simonian 125 E. Merced St. Fowler, California P. O. Box 343 DOING IT THE HARD WAY By AL FLORES The Fresno County Sheriffs Department is proud to have had one of its former members admitted to the California Bar during the past year. William A. Smith passed the bar examination and is now a Dep­ uty D .A. on the staff of District Attorney Clarke Savory. What makes Bill's achievement so outstand­ ing is the fact that he did it the hard way -without the benefit of law school. Bill majored in criminology in college, but did not go into full-time police work immediatley because of the low pay that peace officers were receiving. In­ stead he took a job as a heavy construction laborer on the Mammoth Pool Project some sixty miles above North Fork in Madera County. While working in the back country he enrolled in a law correspondence course to occupy his spare time. He had no idea of cecoming an attorney at that time, but the study of law seemed a good way to prepare for a law enforce­ ment career. He studied for four hours every night and found it more pleasure than hard work. The salaries paid police officers had begun to im­ prove somewhat, so when he finished the mountain job in 1960 he took a part-time job as a patrolman On the Clovis Police Departmenc.. He realized that if he ever intended to make law enforcement a career he would have to make the change soon or he would be too old to meet the age limits. A short time later there was an opening for a permanent position on the Clovis !Police Department, and this became his first full-time job in law enforce­ ment. He felt that he could further his law enforcement career if he could get into a larger department where he could get a wider variety of experience. He learned that a civil service examination was being given by Fresno County for deputy sheriff. Passing the written exam and the agility and oral tests were no problem for Bill, but the physical requirements presented him with a real problem -he was Y<I of an inch too short. Exercise, chiropractors, and a combination of other efforts finally enabled him to hurdle this obstacle. (Con/inlled on Page 149) 147 I TONY'S MARKET KingsburgWINDELL'S MARKET GROCERIES -MEATS -VEGETABLES 36755 W. Shaw 659-2529 I BEER & WINE Firebaugh Five Points FIVE POINTS MARKET Corner of Mt. Whitney & Lassen 884-2467 Five Points Fowler ALLEN'S CORNER CAFE 2025 E. Floral, Fowler 834-9003 JOHNNY'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Complete Auto, Truck and Tractor Repair 133 N . 7th Street, Fowler Phone 834-2912 MIRIGIAN ELECTRIC SERVICE TE 4-2691 5487 E. Dinuba, fowler Helm ARMERS CLUB, DEAD MAN'S CORNER II Eloise Hernandz's Place Helm HELM STORE Lassen Avenue -866-5300 Helm Huron K. C. RADIO & TV Sales and Service J. R. Dodson 366180 S. Lassen, Huron Phone 945-2368 RANCH HARDWARE & VARIETY Next To the Post Office in Huron Every Thing for the Family Needs RUFUS MciLROY Farm Equipment Lassen at Tenth, Huron Phone WHitney 5-2266 SMOKE HOUSE BAR AND RESTAURANT Lassen Avenue Huron Lassen Avenue Huron ANDERSEN BROS. BRAKE & WHEEL 1437 Simpson, Kingsburg 897-2323 Kerman I • BEER MONUMENT WORKS ..Mark Every Grave"ACE SUPERMA'RKET Harold Beer 846-9995 641 Tenth Ave., Kingsburg 897-2110 Kerman -------------1 KINGSBURG BODY & FENDER SHOP 24 HOUR TOWING BEL-MADERA DRIVE INN 1541 Marion Street, Kinghburg Belmont & Madera Ave., Kerman 897-2301 846-9997 KINGSBURG LUMBER CO. 1398 California St., Kingsburg J. H. CARDWELL RANCH 897-2317 846-8490 LEO'S AUTOMOTIVEKerman General Repair & Auto Air Conditioning Repair DEAN'S 4021 8Rd 24 Phone 897-2708 Men & Boys Wear Kingsburg 719 S. Madera Ave., Kerman PRICE'S GROCERYPhone 846-8840 Open 7 A.M.-7 P.M. 7 Days a Week 1498 7th Ave. 891-5583 GEORGE H. FRIES Kingsburg Insurance & Real Estate 478 So. Madera Ave., Kerman laton 846-8403 DEL'S KERMAN CUSTOM UPHOl.STERY Custom Body & Fender Shop All Types Furniture, Auto & Truck Body and Fender Work Quality Workmanship Specializing in Insurance Work 5862 Latonia Ave., Laton WA 3-4869106 S. Madera, Kerman 846-8737 LEVNARD LARSON LATON LUMBER COMPANY ell Drilling -Cleaning -Repairing P. O . Box 188 Phone WA 3-4636 1780 S. Bishop, Kerman 846-9435 Fresno Phone 264-7867 LATON MARKET MACK LAZARUS FORD SALES MEATS -VEGETABLES -GROCERIES Lowest Delivered Prices Laton 692 S. Madera Ave., Kerman 846-9341 233-8486 MOCTESUMA CLUB Margareta l. ChavezPLAZA DRUGS LatonCor. Whites Bridge Rd. & Madera Ave. Kerman 846-9396 Orange Cove ' THE PURPLE POppy flOWERS GI;FTS FARMERS SUPER MARKET 15075 W . Whitesbridge, Kerman Park & 3rd 626-4458Phone 846-9378 Nite Phone 846-9076 Orange Cove WARD'S GARAGE PAULEY'S BLACKSMITH & WELDING (General Auto Repairs P. O. Box 241170 S. Madera Ave., Kerman Phone 846-9608 Orange Cove f 148 DOING IT THE HARD WAY Getting a job with the sheriff's department was more of a break for Bill than was first apparent. It was a major factor in his success in passing the bar examination. He had registered with Caifornia Bar Association as a law student just in case he might be eligible some day to take the bar examination. Bill's first assignment as a deputy sheriff was in the jail. Here he had an opportunity to get acquaint­ ed with the kind of people he would have to deal with in other assignments. He feels that his jail ex­ perience has been a great help ro him in his present position as a Deputy D.A. Bill was one of those officers who always tried to ·learn all he could from each assignment rather than bemoan his fate as some officers do if they don't get the detail of their choice. After leaving the jail he was assigned to the War­ rant Detail on a temporary basis during the summer months. After this assignment was completed he requested a transfer ro the couns as a bailiff, so that he would have more time available for study. At first he rotated from court to court, but was finally assigned to Department Two of the Superior Coun under Judge Joseph L. Joy. This was a particu­ larly advantageous assignment for Bill because Judge Joy rook an interest in helping him through the tougher areas of the law. He had an opportunity to learn many points of law which would have been very difficult to master through a correspondence course. Probably the most difficult part of studying law for the bar examination when not in law school is William A. Smith, form er deputy sheriff and police officer, at his nell' deJk as a Deputy District Attorney, not knowing whether one's progress is adequate. In a law class one can compare his progress with that of other students and determine whether or not greater effort is needed. Bill had a feeling of un­ certainty during this period which drove him to study harder. Before attempting the bar examination, Bill de­ cided to take advantage of a bar review course taught by Richard Wicks in San Francisco. Out of a hundred and fifty students he topped the class. The California I3ar Examination is a three day mental and physical marathon which eliminates many intelli­ gent students by sheer fatigue alone. Apparently his preparation for the bar examination was adequate because he passed it on his first at­ tempt, something many law school, graduates fail to do. In looking back over the long y'ears of study and ordeal of the bar examination, Bill says that it all seemed mild compared to the three months suspense • of waiting for the results of the exam. This was three months of being afraid not to study for the next exam and of being too nervous to concentrate. This wait was made a little easier by having his fellow officers and court personnel making daily inquiries of, "Have you heard yet?" Although it reminded him of something he had just as soon' forget about for a while, it showed him that they had a sincere interest in his future, Bill 's success should be an inspiration for future law students who are unable to attend law school. It also demonstrates the caliber of some of the men who enter law enforcement. 149 --- CLARK'S CORNER San JoaquinLANARE CAFE EAST REEDLEY STORE Spanish & American Food 22010& 12 E. Manning Ave., Reedley , IRANGEL'S T.V. ME 8-2014 I Audekina Savala, Owner Sales & Service 7453 Mt. Whitney Riverdale Joe Rangel 693-4491 ~--------------I San JoaquinLAZY -R TAVERN Sally & Bill LANARE GROCERY "GOOD LUCK" ROCHA & SON TRUCKING7462 W. Mt. Whitney Ave 21009 Manning Ave., Reedley 693-4492Riverdale, Calif. San Joaquin ANDREW S. MARICH Cement Contractor Sanger Selma 5716 S. Frankwood, Reedley ME 8-3320 APRILE'S PLACE KELLY'S FARM & GARDEN SUPPLIES "> MERTY'S CAFE 933 Academy, Sanger TR5-7179 Feed -Seeds -Eggs -Fertilizers 19763 E. Manning, Reedley Insecticides 2250 Arrants, Selma 896-1761ME 8-3240 GONG'S MARKET 1401 -14th St., Sanger 875-3527MIUER'S GARAGE FRANK TRAMMEL 9295 E. Dinuba, Selma 1237 G Street, Reedley ME 8-2024 896-2552 Mr. & Mrs. Willis Patterson, Owners KINGS RIVER EGG RANCH REEDLEY ARMY SURPLUS 52 S. Piedra 875-4189 TORII MARKETBoots -Camping -Fishing Clothing Sanger 11141 G St., Reedley ME 8-2719 ~---------------1 1426 Grove Street Selma KINGS RIVER MINNOW FARM TOM'S T.V. & APPLIANCES Minnows All Sizes 19012 E. Trimmer Springs Rd .1349 I Street, Reedley Shaver Lake ME 8-2636 875-8818 Sanger KEN'S MARKETIrrigation Pumps (All Types)VAUEY PLUMBING CO. A Complete General Store lumbing, Heating & Sheet Metal Work Home Pressure Systems PISTACCHIO PUMP CO . Phone Shaver lake 22 P. O. Box 156 1235 -11th Street, Reedley PUMP SALES & SERVICE Bus. Phone MElrose 8-2918 At Eckert's Resort-Shaver Lake, Calif.1432 So. Academy Sanger 875-3891 ---­ /1 -AND 20 BONUS POINTS FOR A COP ON A MOTOPCYCLE \\ ISO AVISIT ITH OUR NEIGHBORS The Metropolitan Police Department Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan. The slogan on the ffOnt of the build­ ing reads: "Let's avoid walking on unlighted streets." SINCERE BEST WISHES Mr. and Mrs. Aram "Shorty" Peters ELECTRI'CAL CONTRACTORS COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL -FARM "NO JOB TOO LAIGE 01 TOO SMA-U" OYEI 2S YlS. EXPEIIENCE WillIG -ALTWlIOI -MlI.TElWKE IEPAIIS UHOUR PROMP1' .SERVICB St.,. Llc.nNCI C...-or _ hilly In....... 'L & PO BRUNO ElEaRICAL (ONTRA(TlNG SERVICE 4363 N. YALENTINE AYE. 'IfSNO 11"!1_ Io~ •••VIC. ~ By Y OSHIO KAI After a smooth flight from Los Angeles, the jet plane taxied to a stop at Haneda Airport on the outskirts of Tokyo. It was the last week in June and the rainy season was just ending. As I stepped out of the plane, a gust of hot humid air struck me with full force. It was a stifling sensation, ~nd I sud­ denly appreciated the dry heat in Fresno which we so often criticize. My first impression was a feeling of astonishment at the appalling crowds of people everywhere. Words cannot adequately describe how it feels to be in the largest city in the world, with a teeming population of ten million. The traffic is almost terrifying. Jap­ anese automobiles, most of them no larger than (Continued on Next Pa~e) Santi's, Inc. USED CARS -FINANCE SERVICE 1142 F Street also Whitesbridge & Hughes 268-9344 FRESNO 151 A VISIT WITH OUR NEIGHBOR American made compacts, travel bumper to bumper cutting in and out of the line of traffic. The traffic problem in Los Angeles is mild by comparison. Many times I had close calls, but, surprisingly, during my three weeks stay, 1 did not see a single accident. Some vehicles have handlebars installed on the dash­ board. I did not understand their purpose at first, but I soon learned. They were for the passengers to grasp so that he can keep his seat when the goin§ is rough. The primary purpose of my trip was to visit my aging parents whom I had nOt seen in over twenty years. However, as a peace officer I was naturally interested in the activities of the Japanese police, so I spent a great deal of time becoming acquainted with their organization and methods. Before I left Fresno, Sheriff Melvin Willmirth had given me a letter of introduction to the Superin­ tendent-General of the Metropolitan Police Depart­ ment in Tokyo, and this enabled me to obtain an interview with this high official. Yoshikazu Imatake, Director of the Administrative Division, whom I had met eight years ago in the Bureau of Criminal Iden­ tification and Investigation at Sacramento, California, while he was on his tour there, introduced me to the Superintendent-General, Bumpei Hara. As is the custom in Japan, tea was served, and while sipping this refreshing beverage, we had a pleasant discus­ sion about police work and many ideas were ex­ changed. The National Police Agency The police system in Japan was established 10 1872, not too many years after Sir Robert Peel or­ ganized the London Metropolitan Police Department and ten years before Al phonse Bertillon introduced the anthropometric system of identification in Paris, France. The Prime Minister is the nominal head of the Japanese police. However, the actual administra­ tion is handled by the National Police Agency (NPA) which is headed by the National Public Safety Commission. This commission is a parliamen­ tary body composed of the chairman, who is the minister of the state, and five members appointed by tI e Prime~linister with the consent of the Diet (Parliament) . The five members are selected from citizens having no police background. Precautions have b en written into the law to keep the five-man commission strictly non-political. 15:i ACME REFRIGERATION SERVICE Commercial & Domestic Refrigeration Major Appliance Repair 1624 E. California Ave. 237-5559 DALENA & MARCIOCHI, INC. Ned F. Dalena & Louis A. Marciochi All Types Insurance -Surety Bonds 504 E. Olive 264-4714 DENSMORE ENGINE RE-NU & S'UPPLY Complete Automotive Machine Works Phone 233-0764 665 Fulton Fresno, Calif. DENNY'S COFFEE SHOP OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY 4944 Blackstone Near Shaw 222 -4963 VALLEY SPORTS INC. 505 W. Kearney Boulevard 268-8856 JOHN N. GABEL REALTV 645 East Olive Avenue 266-9541 V. & M.'s AMERICAN FURNITURE CO. NEW AND USED FURNITURE 758 Broadway Phone 266-4087 EAGLE CAFE 575 Divisadero Open 24 Hours RAY CORNELIUS Painting Contractor Free Estimates -Licensed & Insured 18 15 S. 5th St. 233-8674 The j'lrIetropolitan Police Training School. There is a police school at­ tached to every police headquarters throughout the country. DOUBLE S CATTLE CO. Livestock Boug ht and Sold 4413 E. Ashcroft 227-4708 CENTRAL TILE & MARBLE 4557 E. Lewis 251-5212 Fresno I SCAFFOLDING Rentals -Sales -Erection Atlas Scaffold & Equipment Co. 550 W. Church at S. Fruit 266-7745 or 266-3319 I I I FRESNO NOTIONS & DRUG CO. Wholesalers 2964 E. Butler Fresno CENTRAL VAC OF FRESNO Built In Vacuum Cleaning System For New or Existing Homes -Free Estimates - 3026 E. Willis 222-0170 GRAHAM RADIO & TELEVISION Zenith Color-Black & White-Portables For Your Viewing & Listening Pleasure Service on All Makes Corner 1st & Tul'are 268-2794 - I The NPA is rhe cemral organization of rhe polICe and irs function is somewhat similar ro our State Bureau. However, in matrers of national importance, the NPA takes a direct hand in supervising rhe pre­ fecrural police forces . The organizations attached to the NPA are the Police College, the Scientific Res<:arch Institute, and the Imperial Guards Head­ q uarters. Seven Regional Police Bureaus are estab­ lished, each serving as a hub to provide coordination and liaison among the prefectural police forces throughout clleland. The Metropolitan Police D epartment The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) IS the largest componem of the Japanese police force. It occupies a 6-story V-shaped building in the heart of Tokyo and faces the moat which encircles the Im­ perial Palace. The MPD was est~blished in 1874, in the same year work was begun for construction of Folsom State Prison in California, and two years before Alexander Graham Bell transmitred the first (Continued on Next Page) CHARTER BUSES*ANY* OCCASION ANYWHERE* ANY SIZE GROUP 1 TO 22 BUSES AVAILABLE HEATED & AlII CONDITIONED COUlTEauS -UNIFOIIMED DIIYEIS SATISFACTION GIJARAJlTE:ED Pkon~16~9088 1 EAGLE BUS LINES PlUNO 153 FRESNO BAG CO. A VISIT WITH OUR NEIGHBOR intelligible sentenCe by relephone. Like rhe NPA, rhe MPD operares under a five-m an commission, called the Tokyo Public Safery Commission, ro keep politics our of police activities. The members of this commission are appointed by rhe Governor wirh rhe consent of rhe Ciry Assembly, and are chosen for rheir excellent characrer and high degree of learning and experience. The Commission is chiefly a policy making body. The Chief of Police of the Merropolitan Police Department is called rhe Superintendent-General. The present Superintendent-General is Tadashi Na­ kahara, who in January 1965 became rhe 66rh person ro fill this important office. There are 30,211 police officers and 3,040 civilian employees in rhe De­ parrment (1963) The MPD comprises seven Di­ visions which supervise rhe work of 31 Sections. In addirion, there are 14 departmental unirs which func­ tion as a Section. There are nine ranks in the Jap­ anese police sysrem. Policeman Police Sergeant Assistant Police Inspector Police Inspecror Superintendent Senior Superintendent Chief Superintendent Superintendent Supervisor Superintendent-General To police this huge city, the merropoliran area of Tokyo (including off-shore islands under its juris­ diction) is divided into eight precincrs with a head­ quarters in each. These eighr headquarters supervise, coordinate, and provide liaison to a rotal of 91 police stations which are esrablished within the precincts. Personnel assigned ro a police station range from 30 ro 500. Under the police stations are 382 sub-stations and 826 police boxes (so called because they were at one time small boorh-like structures no longer in evidence today). These serve as a termini of police stations. There are four types of police boxes depend­ ing on the rank of the officers assigned to them. Two ro five officers are stationed at each police box. Besides this close network in law enforcement, the MPD maintains helicopters ro keep vigil from the air. (In important harbors, water police stations are established. Motorboats equipped with micro­ wave radio patrol the coast to control smuggling, New Bags Manufactured in Our New Valley Plant Used Bags Vacuum Cleaned & Reconditioned 284 Thorne Ave. 237-2540 BROWN BROS., ADJUSTORS 1330 l Street Day & Night 268-5044 CALWA U-SAVE LIQUOR and DELICATESSEN 4030 E. Jensen 266-2782 DALE ELECTRIC Belmont & West Phone 264-1831 IMPERIAL POOLS Custom Designed Gunite Pools Old Pools Remodeled Free Estimates 4703 N. Angus SI. Phone 229-6755 DE ARC'S USED CARS low Cost, Dependable Transportation Pete De Arc 129 N. First Street Phone 266-7701 JACK RILEY'S ENTERPRISES FRESNO CAll ClUB TelEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE Associated' Taxi Service -Jack Riley's Orchestra 1609 E. Belmont 268-9281 3255 Tulare at Divisadero (In Plaza Shopping Center) Phone 237-6109 AUDIO SALES CO. John Uyeoka -John Gregory 1209 E. Belmont 268-4308 Fresno 154 Home of the Wide Track Pontiac and Tempest AT HERMAN THEROFF PONTIAC, INC. SALES & SERV~CE 850 OIL" Street, Fresno Ph. 268-4821 "If we don't give you a better deal we don't expect your business" Semper Truck Lines MARTIN SEMPER, Prop. Terminal -Palm & Herndon PHONE 439-1835 ~~.~~~~--.U7/~ TIRE WAREHOUSE INC./,,.... ur.J.:.lE WHOLESALE '"IF IT ROLLS & HAS A SIZE WE KAVE IT"' • ANY BRANDI • ANY SIZEI • ANY QUANTITYI DISTlIIUTOt fe' HOLIDAY -POITAGE , PlIILU PA.SSENGU -TlUCk -lIAllER EAITH MOVERS -fARM -AltPLANE IMPlEMENT -TRACTOR -GlADEI CAll 233-0881 1206 G. 'DSNO SIERRA HOSPITAL 2025 E. DAKOTA FRESNO Policeman in Policewoman in winter uniform. winter uniform. illegal entry, and the prevention of crimes as well as to conduct rescue work. In addition, there are 90 crafts of various description which cover other sea­ ports, isolated islands, lakes, and marshes. The larg­ est craft is 50 tons.) Before World War II, the Japanese police were noted for their arbitrary display of authority which often was unwarranted. Their words were virtually law, and their attitude toward the people often brewed resentment and contempt. This is not in evidence today. Not only did the saber which they carried disappear, to be replaced by modern side­ arms, but the basic concept of law enforcement has gone through a significant change. Nowhere have I seen such phenomenal transition in so short a period as I have found in the Japanese police system. Trained under a democratic principle -.lnd with thor­ oughness in the use of latest scientific methods, the Japanese police of today can be ranked among the best trained peace officers in the world. (Continlled on Next Rage) ISS A VISIT WITH OUR NEIGHBOR Training and Education An applicant for police officer must be 25 years old, and a graduate of a senior high school or its eguivalent. Before he is accepted, the applicant is reguired to take an examination and is subject to strict character investigation. If he is accepted, he is trained for one year in a police school in his district. Upon completion of this training, he is assigned to field service. After several months, he is sent to the regional police school where he is given four months of intensive in-service training. Thus, every police­ man gets one year and four months of basic training. Those assigned to investigation and traffic detail received additional specialized training. Every prefectural police department maintains a police school where the recruits receive pre-service training. Here also, in-service education and technical training is given to police officers below the rank of Assistant Police Inspector. Every regional police de­ partment also maintains a police school where of­ ficers who have passed the promotional examination are trained for a period of four to six months. In Tokyo, a Police College is maintained by the NPA where Assistant Police Inspectors who have passed the Police Inspectors examinations are trained. This is the highest police training institute in Japan. A cadet course designed for pre-service training of graduates of universities and colleges who have suc­ cessfully passed the police examination is also given. In-service training is also given to police officers holding the rank of Assistant Police Inspectors and above. Dormitories are established within the school campus to accommodate students from foreign coun­ tries as well as those from other districts. Health and Recreation Every policeman is given a physical check-up twice a year. If he reguires hospitalization, he is given proper care at the Police Hospital or at a sanitarium, both of which are maintained by the Police Depart­ ment. Health resorts located at hot springs, lake­ shores, mountains, and beaches are established for the benefit of police officers and their families. An officer needing guidance regarding financial matters can seek advice at the employee consultation office, where his problems are discussed and help given if needed. Housing For the benefit of investigators and mobile unit crews on emergency duty, there are 281 dormitories which can accommodate 2,304 families . There are BAUER'S AUTO WRECKING Parts for All Makes and Models 103 N. Thorne at Divisadero 233-4506 B & J Rent-A-Trailer System ,Inc. Truck and Trailer Rentals U-Haul One Way Rentals JOE'S SIGNAL STATION 108 N. H Street 237-9973 ARTISTIC CLEANERS 1 -Hour Service Dry Cleaning -laundry 517 W. McKinley 233-7944 ALLEN AUTOMATIC MUSIC CO. Coin Operated Phonographs & Games ­Rentals 424 W. Napa Phone 264-0047 AMIERICAN PAVING CO. 355 N. Thorne 268-9886 DR. SIDNEY AMES, OPTOMETRIST Gives You Optical Service That Is Complete Downtown 1942 Mariposa Manchester Plaza 1839 E. Dakota (1 Block north of Sears J 268-5577 227-2529 ANOELLA LIQUOR Mary and Joe Braga 501 N. Van Ness at Belmont 266-1672 ALLEN WAREHOUSE of CALIFORNIA R. B. Crawford, Manager ALLIED ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE New & Used Motors -Rewinding -Repairing Allen Bradley Controls and Parts 3805 E. Ventura Ave., Fresno 251-8484 156 Owl Transfer Co., Inc. J. C. JONES, JR., President "Shorthaul Joe" E. H. TUSCHHOFF "long Haul Tush" HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVERS Phone AD 3-1291 "The Movingest Movers in Fresno" Dave Smith Petroleum INCORPORATED Distributor of PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 832 West Pine 237-9221 "Our Inventory Is Our Pride" Wholesale Plumbing, Heating, Industrial and Air Conditioning Supplies REDWOOD CITY SAN FRANCISCO SANTA ROSA EM 8-415\ HE \-4280 II 2-7220 705 R STREET FRESNO ­233-3194 TITLE INSURANCE & TRUST COMPANY Main Office 1246 l Street Phone 233-7731 BELMONT ESCROW OFFICE 1342 E. Belmont Ave. Phone 485-0101 When you sell or buy, Specify '·T. I." Warren A. Kennedy ­Vice President & Mgr. AI Usher -Assistant Manager Will Smith ­Advisory Title Officer One of severaL dormitories for poLice officers and their families. also 696 residential quarters and apartments for 1,692 families_ In addition, there are four residences maintained by the Employee Relief Association which can accommodate 32 families. Identification Section & Research The Identification Section, is under the jurisdiction of the NPA and is a vast center of information serv­ ing all the police departments in the country. Finger­ print identification in the Japanese police was started in 1911, There are approximately ten million finger­ print cards on file in this agency, which also main­ tains a complete modus operandi file and criminal records_ Several thousand fingerprint cards are re­ ceived daily from police departments throughout the country, The Japanese system of classifying finger­ prints is based on the amended Roscher system which was devised in Hamburg, Germany, The fingerprint card used in the Japanese system differ somewhat from the Henry System used in the United States_ In the Japanese system, impressions of the left fingers are placed above the right, and the order of fingerprint impressions from left to right are index, middle, ring, small, and thumb. Like most modern police departments, the Jap­ anese police place considerable emphasis upon re­ (Continlled on Next P4ge) 157 Police Box at one of the busy street cornerS in down­ town Tokyo, A VISIT WITH OUR NEIGHBOR search and scientific aids, The Scientific Police Re­ search Institute has been established for this purpose, and is said to be the pride of the Japanese police. It has a staff of 104, fifteen of whom have doctorates in their respective fields. Research is conducted con­ stantly to improve methods and techniques to assist the field investigators and technicians. Adjoining the Institute is a criminal museum where evidences are displayed inside show cases for viewing. There are numerous wax models of the human anatomy involved in crimes of violence. Skulls and bone frag­ ments as well as a large collection of confiscated weapons incl uding numerous knives and swords are also displayed. Crime Prevention Juvenile Division In the Crime Prevention Juvenile Division, studies are conducted to determine the cause of delinquency. Means are sought for the solution of this universal problem and to provide guidance to unfortunate youths by helping them solve their social problems. Policemen stationed at police boxes maintain a close watch over juvenile activities. By working closely with the Juvenile Division, questionable behavior is often halted before it develops into a crime. 158 ANCHOR OF CALIFORNIA "Your Veterinary Wholesaler" 428 P Street 268-8465 ALUMINUM SCREEN & DOOR CO. Screen Doors -Window Screens -Awnings -Patios Door Hoods -Any Size or Style made to your order Hastings Aluminum Siding 2246 E. McKinley 264-0615 I ELB'OW ROOM 80b and Dorothy Adams 1545 N. Palm 266-6034 EL PATIO CLUB 818 F Street BUD EBERWEIN BRAKE SERVICE Wheel Aligning -Blocking H. E. Morrow Spring Works 1821 Calaveras Fresno 268-6359 DOLLAR SAVE MARKET 7157 Blackstone 439-0342 CHRISMAN'S Restaurant & Fountain Breakfast -Lunch -Dinner Open 7 A .M. to 12 A.M. -7 Days a Week Orders to Take Out 1035 Olive 233-7773 RAY E. CASE General Contractor 4585 E. Floradora 251-4682 ACE MOB'IL KEY SHOP Two Radio Dispatch Units AAA and National Auto Official Locksmiths 4487 E. Hedges Phone 251-8621 Helicopten are used for rescue w01·k as well as for law enforcement. Traffic the constant growth and expansion taking place in a progressive city, vehicular traffic becomes a major problem, and Tokyo is no exception. The police department in Tokyo takes a direct hand in tackling the traffic problem. These include such work as laying out and modifying traffic patterns through­ out the metropolitan area, closing off streets to heavy trucks, trailers, and buses during peak rush hours, and enforcing parking regulations within the com­ mercial area. A Traffic Control Center is established, and from 126 stations along the highway connecting Yokohama and Tokyo (a distance of 18 miles), traf­ fic information is collected every two hours by radio and telephone. If a bottleneck is discovered at any point, the police station directly responsible for that area is notified and extra traffic officers are dis­ patched to handle the congestion. Closed circuit television is used extensively to study traffic patterns, and a close watch is kept for speed violators. In some areas, helicopters are employed to report traffic situations. As of October 1962, there were 800,000 automobiles registered in Tokyo and cars were being registered at the rate of 10,000 a month. (Continued on Next Pa e) For Free Transportation to P. J. Eads Car Lot, call United Radio Cab, 233-3229 Open 7 Days a Week-Till 9 P.M. Phone 268-4244 3655 E. Tulare ABBOTT'S MOBILE SERVICE Mobilgas -America's Favorite Gasoline Shaw & Moroa 227-3990 01 BUDUO & DE FENDIS General Insurance 1522 N. West Ave. Phone 268-7834 HOCKETT-COWAN MUSIC CO. "Fresno's First House of Music" 1254 Fulton Mall 266-8171 Fresno ERNIE'S SERVICE Mobil Products -Expert Service Car Wash Specialists 4205 E.Butler 255-3194 COMPLIMENTS MORRIS FRUIT CO. FRESNOCALIFORNIA SEWAGE DISPOSAL CO. 237-6416 Cesspools -Septic Tanks 2514 S. 11th St. Fresno Free Estimates 159 A VISIT WITH OUR NEIGHBOR The issuance of drivers licenses is part of the police function. Applicants for a drivers license are given a driving test through an 18 mile course especially constructed for this purpose. In 1963, 700,000 persons applied for ·drivers licenses in Tokyo alone. In the same year, 187 elementary school chil­ dren died from traffic accidents and 9,133 were in­ jured. Communication The Communication Deparement of the Tokyo police is manned by highly trained officers. Radios, teletypes, and wire photos play an important pare in the daily activities of the police. To afford better police protection to the public, the need was long felt for improving communication between the pub­ lic and the police. By dialing" 110" any person may call the police department by direct line. Twelve switchboards can handle 149 calls coming through this number simul taneously. Ostergaard Feeds Specializing in Dairy Feeds Stock Remedies -Poultry Feeds Seeds -Fertilizers -Hoy -Grain 4054 W. Whites Bridge Road 233-4963 Radio Control Center tl'h er.e city tfaf­ fie iJ controlled through information received by radio and tdephone from " J/ationJ along the highwayJ and ffOm variouJ pointJ within the city. BRUNO'S Used Materials 3211 So. Hig hway 99 Phone 237-2875 Fresno AMERICAN WAREHOUSE CO. Public Warehouse Commercial & Industrial Storage Car load & Pool Car Distribution 265 Divisadero 264-9436 HEILBRON-JONES FILM SERVICE Color ­Black & White At Your Dealer There's One Near You 1043 Blackstone 268-6335 B & T ELECTRIC Complete Electrical Service Outdoor lighting Specialists 158 N. Blackstone 24 Hour Service Phone 237-0249 Complete Financing THE OUTPOST Your Favorite Restaurant COCKTAILS -FINE FOODS Your Fovorite Hosts DAN & PETE Are Always There To Greet You Ph. 251-7171 1137 North Chestnut FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 160 Another officer receives information from his head­An officer uses walkie-talkie to relay message to his quarters. Portable transmitter and receivers play a headquarters. There are many foot patrols in Tokyo. vital part in police work. ED'S AUTO PARTS Used Cars -Trucks -Parts 1080 W. Church 264-1195 KASPER'S DRIVE-UP Where Good Friends Meet Hamburgers ­5 for $1.00 To Go Shakes and Frosties-Cold Beer Phone Order 439·9903 7205 N. Blackstone at Spruce Pinedale Glasses ;~ Family -~.. -------.~-====­~.... . -"-­~~~.. ~~~ Stylish Frames ~Complete Optical Service . Easy Budget Terms W.AR ~~.5 Earl G. Spomer, Sr., 0.0. ~---fl 1317 Fulton, 233-1293 eI18..COIIIG~~~ E. W. Laisn., 0.0. " ~ 505 N. Fulton, 266·5731 FREE PARKING Dayton Scales -Hobart Heavy Capacity Scale. Food. Bakery, Kitchen and Dishwa.hing Equipment Kilchenaid Dishwashers and M,xers HOBART SALES & SERVICE Hamp Wells-Manager 175 Fulton SI. Phone 237-2118 JOY -N-JOY CAFE Mexican -American -Chinese Dishes 1047 F Street 266-6001 Jones Ambulance Service Jones Sick Room Rental Service Member of California Ambulance Association Phone 233-4136 245 No. Broadway 161 A VISIT WITH OUR NEIGHBOR On stake-outs and for special details, patrolmen keep in touch with headquarters with portable radio transmitters and receivers. When the need arises in an area where telephone service is not available, radio trucks are dispatched to handle communication. Rewards and Merits Special recognition is given to police officers who have made noteworthy effort in the investigation and the apprehension of criminals. Special awards are also made to those giving meritorious service to the Department, and those with long years of service are duly recognized. These rewards and merits are provided for by police regulations and are presented in the presence of fellow-officers and employees. Public Rdations In order to gain the cooperation and SUPPOf( of the public, the conduct of peace officers must be such as to be worthy of respect and trust. Realizing the importance of obtaining closer public coopera­ tion, the Tokyo police have been active in the field of public relations. Educational dramas and special HANOIAN CENTER SMORGASBORD EAT ALL YOU WANT :: ~JOIN HAPPY NEICHBORHOOD fAMILIES -,. -; ~2 , Special Prl,e Childr.n Und~r 10 ~ _ '-;"'. _ lUNCHEON DINNER :~" :.~~ 11 A.M. ·' P.M. 5 P.M.· 8 P.M. • { , Ample free Parlclng ~~ ~tIti~ 1237-28191 BOB" BETTY'S 1439 S. CEDAR AVE. FRESNO TeieviJion iJ //Jed 10 J/udy Iraffic probleJJlJ. T hiJ one iJ im/aUed Jleell' a bUJ)' interJection leading to the palace groundJ. HARDY'S SERVICE New & Rebuilt Trimmer ond King O' lawn Mowers Sales -Service -Repairs 2009 S. Orange Ave. Phone 264-3210 BEDROSIAN TILE & SUPPLY CO. 1939 E. Holland 227-6797 Fresno CAUDLE BATTERY MFG. CO. New -Rebuilt Batteries from Factory to You Dependable Service Since 1945 4825 N. Cornelia 268-3408 CLARK EQUIPMENT CO. BROWN TRAILER DIV. Brown Van & F.B. Trailers Sales & Service 2544 50_ Cherry Ave. Ph. 266-5781 Mikels Car Lot 233-6837 MIKE HAMMOND 921 BLACKSTONE FRESNO 162 At a special meeting attended by his superior and his fellow-officers, an officer receives commendation for ({ good work done. Recognition of meritorious service to the Depart­ men! is provided for by police reg­ ttlatiom. LMT BUILDING COMPANY George Threlkeld Specializing In BlOCKlITE CONSTRUCTION Commercial & Industrial 821 Divisadero Fresno 485-2262 PALM OLIVE DRUG CO. Max Janney, Prop. S & H Stamps 302 Olive Ave. 237-2149 Compliments Of JAMESB. McPIKE AND ASSOCIATES Security Bank Bldg. Dining -Cocktails -Swimming FRESNO MOTEL Henry P. Cunningham, General Manager 1325 N. Motel Drive (1 Bl10ck No. Roeding Park) Phone 233-5103 BILL EADS SHARP CARS 100 % Financing Availabl'e New Car Trade Ins 3144 Tulare St. (Across from Mayfair Plaza) Phone 268-0144 Bob Harrison CIRCLE-H SERVICE CO. Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration Washers and Dryers Sales & Service 1940 N. Echo Avenue Phone 233-2685 or 268-1713 programs are presented through the media of tele­ vision and radio. As a link in the chain of public relations, the police have organized the All-Japan Police Band. Concerts and parades which are fre­ quently televised bring the police closer to the public. In addition, the police sponsor the International Police Photo Contest, an annual event open to the public. As a service to the public, special patrolmen make periodic visits to homes to determine whether the homes are adequately protected against thieves and burglars. They also advise the homemaker as to the best method of crime deterrent, and keep them informed of latest police regulations pertaining to the home. On the international level, the Japanese police (Continued on Next Pa e) RAINBOW BALLROOM 1725 Broadway 264-6404 Fresno Fresno Equipment Co. JOHN DEERE TRACTORS AND MACHINERY FOR FARM OR INDUSTRY 163 FRESNO -FIVE POINTS -FIREBAUGH Police Band performing during civic function in a park, one of selJeral public relation activihes of the police. SK,IN DIVING EQUIPMUT Ir INSTRUCTION SALES • RENTALS • REPAIRS~, '''' CUSTOM wn SUITS ~_ GOLD SUCKERS ­SURF BOARDS -~~'"' , {~' AIR RfflLLS • QUALIFIED INSTRUCTION ~ , .:'~i~ P/'on~ 222-98491 ~~ AQUA SHOP 2125 N. BLACKSTONE AVE. FR£SNO BOSTON RANCH CO. STAR ROUTE 2, BOX 100 LEMOORE, CALIfORNIA PALACE MARKET 2447 West Church Road Fresno Free Delivery-Ph,222-3395 ... ' -~•. DeKor'Drugs " -:~--;--. " . -­-:::~--Cor. West & Shields Purity Shopping Center 1121 West Shields Ave. Fresno BYRON LOVEJOY Roofing Contractor 1462 Thomas 237-4264 EL PRADO latin Night Club Fine Mexican and American Food lunches -Dinners -Cocktails -Dancing Telephone 266-3733 275 W. Belmont on Roeding Park Circle Fresno, California 164 UNION OIL CO. OF CALlFORNIA Fresno Enjoy Our* TACOS * ENCHILADAS* COMBINATION DINNERS at TACO TIENDA 2345 Blackstone 229-9712 CAVALIER LIQUORS Delicatessen -Party Needs -Free Delivery Wide Selection of Imported and Domestic Wines and liquors 3259 N. Cedar Ave. Phone 222-7375 LOUIE KEE MARKET Fresh Meat & Groceries 1041 Tulare Sf. 233-7527 Fresno KARSH'S BAKERY Special Orders Deliivered 938 Fulton And Neighborhood Branches for Your Convenience KAY'S LIQUOR STORE Hunting and Fishing Licenses -Tackle Cold Beer By Case -Chilled Wines Photo Supplies -Notions -Milk -Breads Foods 3475 E. Belmont at 5th Phone 233-6559 I JOSEPHINE FURNITURE CO. The Valley's Leading Furniture Store 922 Van Ness Fresno 264-5031 CANTEEN SERVICE OF THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Complete Vending Service Coffee -Cigarettes -Candies -Soft Drinks Sandwiches 141 N. Fresno Sf. Phone 237-1043 KUCKENBECKER, INC. Rust Cotton Pickers -FWD Wagner Tractors 2756 S. Elm Ave. 233-0519 Left to right: Y. Imatake, Chief of Ad1JliniJfratizl e' Division of the MPD, Superintendent General Hara, (now retired), Y. Kai, writer of fhiJ elftie/e, and his brother K. Kai. are members of such organizations as the Interna­ tional Association of Chiefs of Police, Inrernational Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), Inrer­ national Association for Idenrification (IAI), Asso­ ciation of Police Communications Officers, Inc., and the Inrernational Association of Women Police. Rep­ resenratives from the Deparrment arrend meetings of other organizations, both locally and abroad, and parricipate in various inrernational seminars con­ cerned with police activities. This short but highly educational visit CO the me­ tropolitan Police Department was a rare opportunity to observe the operation of a police department in the world's largest city. However, in an organization as huge and as complex as the MPD, it is almost impossible to appreciate everything that was to be (Conl;nfled on Next Pa e) IN FRESNO IT'S THE NEW RENDEZVOUS CHARCOAL BROILED STEAKS & CHOPS & PRIME RIBS To Satisfy the Most Discriminating Gourmet Mon to Sot. 11 A.M. -12 P.M. -Sun. 4 P.M. -10 P.M OUR LOBSTER Has Been Called "THE BEST IN CALIFOilNIA" Ample Porking Delicious C:ocktails 'til-2 A.M. 505 N. Van Ness Ave. 266-8354 165 I ((H,I I III! I' ". :\ (I1151!) IIIIII W"sl GrrlJUlny (1!I!i7) IIIII AU'.tna (1!l58) 1111111­ C nada (1951) IIIIIIII Ceylon (1958) 1111111111­ !"'Irway (1958) IIII1III Enlliand (1 58) 11111­III1IIII III Fronc" 111­ hall' III­ I.uxt"mhurg IIIIIIIII l.~nm.lrk IIIIIII Ilull'tnd IIIIII bland IIIII J.. n (19601 1111111­ ThiJ chart Jhows the number of persons for each po/iceman in the various cOlmtries. For instance, ill the Uniled Slales there is one policeman for each 550 perso17J. T hiJ figur!! is based 011 a sun'ey conducted ill 676 cities with a population of over 25,000. In al/ other countries, the figures are based on total popu­ latiol1. A VISIT WITH OUR NEIGHBOR seen in such a short period. What impressed me more than anything else is perhaps the structure of the Japanese police system. With the National Police Agency serving as a giant hub, and the uniform sys­ tem applying to every police headquarters through­ out the land, an efficient and highly flexible law enforcement organization has been developed. It must be understood, however, that the system as developed in Japan exists because it best serves the needs of a community unique in many aspects. The facilities that I have observed are as modern as those in Our departments. In some fields, especially those pertaining to application of scientific methods to investigative work, they may be ahead of us. By and large, there was much to learn and the experi­ ence I gained was very rewarding. It is hoped that some day an international exchange program on a practical basis may be initiated through which police methods may be exchanged. Ttldashi Nakahara, mperintendent-general of the Metropolitan Police Department, is the 66th persoll to hold this imporlant position. EAST EL MONTE GUEST HOME Supervised Care and Recreation for Ambulatory Aged Guests 4670 E. EI Monte Phone 251-8746 FRESNO AUTO AUCTION Wholesale Only Rex Irwin and Mel Ellis, Auctioneers 300 S. Fruit Ave. Phone 268-4555 C & I BRAKE CO. Brake Drum Turning and Bonded Broke Shoes Mobile Service -We Do Your Job At Your Shop Cylinder Kits for Most Cars All Foreign Car Shoes Branded 1933 Cherry Ave. 268-7771 ACORN EQUIPMENT RENTAL North Fresno's Complete Rental Yard 4631 Blackstone 227-3251 CEDAR HEIGHTS "AllET· COR. CEDAR" SMIELDS SUIIIIYSID£ SQUARE MAUlT' COR.CLOVIS ~VENTURA 166 Working For Child Safely More children die by accident than all childhood diseases combined. This is the reason the Child Safety Council was formed and this is the reason that Sheriff Melvin A. Willmirth and Undersheriff James D . Long headed up a local campaign of the council last year. Teaching safety to the child is the major project of the CSC and to do this they dis­ tribute approximately 17 tons of printed mm­ ter a month from their own printing plant and more that cannot be produced with their facilities. These utilize advanced psychologi­ cal methods and are designed with fun-for­ the-child in mind . Each year, new child safety manuals are created for a continuing and graded program that offers new challenge and new interest to the student. A monthly CSC child safety poster is furnished over 5000 schools with an appropirate message for the month. Another CSC service is the maintenance of the a free child safety film library for the use of interested groups. Folders are also supplied on the child mo­ lester problem, school bus behavior, tips for baby­ sitters and the narcotics problem. The council is a tax-exempt organization head­ 9uarrered in Jackson, Michigan. It has been operat- QUALITY FEED San Joaquin Valley's Cooperative Feed Mi'll • OWNED and OPERATED By RANCHERS FOR RANCHERS • If you feed Farm Animals or Poultry, you'll do better with P.P.A. Quality Feed SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY POULTRY PRODUCER'S ASS'N. PORTERVILLE FRESNO IAKERSFIQD Receit;ing plaques for their efforts in behalf of child safety (Ire (l. 10 rt.), Harold Coles, superintendent, Premo COt/nty School; Sheriff Meil!in A. Willmirth and Undersheriff Long from Floyd Ward and Syd Ditks, national representalives of the Child SafelY COllncil. ing for eight years and has doubled its services each year. Its executive board is composed of three law­ yers, a chief of police and eight businessmen who arc assisted by an advisory committee of 25. Local and state organizations are set up as activities warrant. "A place to eat, that can't be beat" Steaks -Chicken -Seafood -Cocktails THREE BANQUET ROOMS AVAILABLE, Largest able to accommodate 300 persons R. J. BRUCE -RICCO BRUCE SO. HIWAY 99 AT TEMPERANCE Phone 834-9011 FOWLER, CALIFORNIA 167 OFFICIAL ~~,~,,~o FOR 1\: J. SECOND, ;;::;; THIRD, I\~/:\"J.and FOURTH . GRADERS I Polden eire supplied on a wlriet)' of subjects to en­ cOt/rage child safety. They are developed by highly qualified people with degrees in their respective fields- Two of 1he 8Y2Xll inch coloring books on child s(lfety sIIpplied by the Child Safety Council. W. J. DEAL RANCH Growers Of *COTTON GRAIN MElONS FLAX CORN * * * * P.O. Box 427-Mendota CONTINENTAL AUTO OISMANTLERS Specializing 'In Volkswagen Service & Parts 3465 So. Chestnut 268-4623 Abe Salvian Malaga West Coast Growers & Packers. Inc. • CINDERELLA & BLONDIE PRODUCTS • SELMA 168 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS AUBERRY Auberry Beauty Shop Auberry General Store Auberry Ready Mix Kings River Lurmcr Corp. 146 112 110 111 Humphrey Station Hunter G loss Co. J & M Liquor & Sport Goods Unenbach Auto Parts Mari OIS Tol lhouse Inn O. K. Tir~ Service 1<16 146 146 1<16 146 106 Clarence R. Von Dyke Viarhus farms Wallace Auto Electri c Walton Roofing Co. W. W. Weeth Ranch E. l. Xa vier liquors 134 131 146 132 131 133 Bruce IS lodge Carsey Bros. Johnnyls Automotive lowe 's food Mart Mirigim Electric Service C. D. Simonian 167 147 148 147 \46 147 Mikkelsen Butane Service New Auberry Grocery 110 112 Popagn i Truck Co. Peacock Market 106 106 De l Rey DEl REY FRtANT Wish-I-Ah lodge, Inc. BIOLA Biolo \Ve lding Works 111 141 Rolph's Drug Store VI. A. Ri.o•• 11 Savino's Market Uyesaka Bros., Inc. Wally's Cobinet Shop 146 146 106 106 146 Better Bur Market Bertls De Rancho Rey Morkt!t Central Calir. Raisin Pack ing Co. Del Rey Packing Co. Enoch Packing Ca. \\5 146 116 116 \\6 Fisherman's Core Friant Trading PC6t The HilltCf Inn Steve & Je rry's Care 107 107 107 107 BURRELL COAUNGA Heggblade-Mo rg uleas Co. 116 HELM McCarthy & Hildebrand CANTUA CREEK 123 M. J. & R. S. All." Allen Plumbing Service Big Wheel Core The Birdsong Co. 130 131 131 13<1 fiREBAUGH Adams Auto Supply San & D. M. Biancucci, Inc. V. C. Britton Co. 137 136 139 Farrre rs Club Helm Garage Helm General Store Metzler & Son 146 \42 148 142 Gi lio's Deserette Grocery & uquor 139 P. VI . 8irdwell 13<1 Firebaugh Appliances & Ha rdware 137 Raymond Minnite 140 So lieau We lding Co. 133 Fi rebaugh Concrete & Materials 137 HURON Minnite's Variety Store Shi ner's Deportment Store CARUTHERS Caruthers Cooperati vc Gin Coruthers Pharmacy Coru,hen Pump & Repair Shop Clevenger MercCI'lti Ie Co., Inc. Doy and Night lunch F & S Market 1:;9 140 145 146 147 147 t45 1<16 Bragg & Son Fune rol ChqJel Brown's Nu~ery Burnett Construction Co . Burnett 8ros. Cambridge Inn Motel Cheney Bros., Inc. CooIi n90 f orms Coalinga feed Yard, Inc . Coalinga Lumber Co. Coalingo Market Coalinga Soq:> & Paint Co. 133 133 135 13<1 133 135 131 1<16 1<16 133 146 Guy Houk Ranch High Hat Care KOl"enls Lo Petite House or Beauty Ri chord lehmann Le0 's Garoge D T. locke Ranch Roy Moralez Norwalk Service PaciFic Fa rm Co. Pag's & J uanita's Perez Bros. Pocking Co. 139 137 137 139 136 136 136 1-16 139 138 138 Ai rways Forms Huron General Store Huron lumber & Supply Co. Huron Wel di ng & Machine Works K. C. Radio & T.V. Rurus Mcilroy Ranch Hardware & Variety Smoke House Bar & EI Pati 0 Vernon l. Thomas, Inc. Tony 's Market 169 130 130 130 148 148 148 148 129 148 Lassen Food Mark.t 147 J ohn C. Conn Ranch 13<1 A. Rebecchi Deportment Stare 139 CLOVIS Caok's Furniture Country Cupboard Courtland's Restauront 132 146 133 Son Joaquin Club Son Joaquin Volley Real Estate Wi ndt:ll's w.o rket 136 137 \46 A & H Forms KERMAN 145 Glenn Aust in 1<16 M. E. Dollabite 131 Ace Supermarket 148 The Bear Pew Co. Boice Funerol Home 146 106 L D. Fo lsom, Inc. G riHin & GriFfin 131 13<1 FIVE POtNTS Bel-Modera Drive Inn John T. Sragg & Son 148 \42 Joy Brink ley Service 1<16 Grigsby 's Fountain 132 Col flax Ranch & Store I V Briscoe Mrgrs. or Calirornia t43 Campus Carrol Tmj ler,Pork 1<16 Klepper Electric Co. 1<16 Fronk C. Diener 126 W. f. Bufkin Ranches 142 Centrol Air Heoting 8. Ventilating 1<16 locey's Core 146 five Points Ginning Co. 126 J. H. Cardwell Ranch 148 Cloyis ~plionc8 1<16 l£e Bros .. 13<1 five Poi nts Market 148 Dean's Men & Boys Wear 148 Clovis Ave . Sanitorium 106 McKoy Trucking Co. 135 H & H Cotton, Inc. 126 Dorothy's 142 Clovis Dray 8. Ice Co. 107 Millers Uquor Stare 146 Harnish Five Points, Inc. 128 Ellis English 145 Clovis Fruit Co. 106 Newton Drilling Co. 13<1 Jock Harris, Inc. 129 Epperson's Market 142 Clovis Furniture 106 Ol iHe lds Shell Service 135 J . B. Hawkins 169 Ge~e Fries 148 Clovis G loss Shop 1<16 Palmer Plumbing Inc. 1<16 Charles Messc c Co. t28 Oscor E. Je rner & Sons 144 Clovis Insurance Agency 1<16 Bob Pascoe, Pointing Contractor 133 Raymond Thomos, Inc. 129 Kerman Custom Upholstery 148 Bob Cook's Garage 1<16 Pippi n's Automotive Supply 140 Westside Crop Dusters, Inc. 129 Kromberg Bros. 144 Dole's Friendly Tradi ng Center 1<16 R. J. Rose Automotive 146 Leonard Lorson 148 Henry D. ~sen Dee's Tavern 1<16 106 Service Pharmacy Sommervi lie Forms 13<1 126 FOWLER Mock lazarus Ford Melikic:rl Dehydrators 148 144 Hillmal's Shoe Store 1<16 Starkey & Erwin Ranch 130 Allen's Come r Core 148 Noble Colt Ie Co. 144 RESTHAVEN SANITORIUM Bed and Ambulatory Patients 940 Merced 237·6331 MAGNOLIA NURSING HOME licensed By Department of Mental Health Adams Ave. at leonard 834·3912 FOWLER NURSING HOME 5th & Tulare SI., Fowler 834-2542 THE BIT "Meet Your Friends For Beer & Wine" Open lOAM Till 2 AM 237 -9603 3630 So. Elm Fresno MAL CARBERRY AIR-WAYS FARMS INC. J. B. HAWKIN'S RANCH Compliments of RAU'S DAIRY FARM FRED RAU, Owner Phone 266-7511 Box 97 Raisin City, California HURON, CALIFORNIA Office-602 Equitable Bldg., Fresno I •• I I I I I I INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Plaza Drugs 148 Borr Pocking Co. 114 Advance T. V. Service 82 The Purple Poppy Reno's Hardware 148 142 Bianco Pocking Ca. Wm. J. 8. Wm. E. Baos 8. Co. 113 114 Aero Soles 8. Service Ai r Oasis Cafe 86 86 Simi, ,oV,otor Co. 143 Capitol M.arket 114 Air Oasis Company 63 Corthyl Thom", Ranch 144 Chooljion Bros. Pocking Co . 113 Ai rwoys CoHee Shop 86 Volley Food Center 143 Creager Funeral Chq::lel 115 AI's Chevron Service 86 Whitewnidge Auction HOU$e Ward', Garage 143 148 Fai (view Garage Frisby's Sporting Goods 114 112 Alan's Soloo of Beauty Albrecht's Welding 86 86 KING5BURG Andersen Bros. Broke 8. Wheel Harry J. Asian Beer Monument Works 148 124 148 Gong's Market Hogue '5 Bott Ie Shop Kings River Egg Ranch Kings River Lodge Kings River Minnow form La Norte Bar 150 113 150 112 150 114 Alert-Croftsman letter Service Joe Alena-ndr; Scm Alexander Alfred's Pizzo 8. Spaghetti Parlor The Alibi Club Allen Automatic Musi c Co. 34 86 86 96 73 156 Fishel Products Co. George & Beatrice Garner Girozian fruit Co. Jim's Egg Ranch Kingsburg Body & fender Shop Kingsburg Lumber Co. leo's Automoti ve Price's Grocery Tri-County Motors lAKESHORE 124 124 124 148 148 148 148 124 leonard Bros. Ranch Munk's Lodge The Oasis Oliver's Place Pe rry's Pine f lat Sorvice Victo..-Pi s.tacchia Pumps Songer Boats T uson Pocking Co, John Steinert, Jr. Insurance Wonder Va !ley Dude Ranch 113 112 115 113 112 112 150 114 115 115 112 Allen Worehcuse Co. of Calif, Allen We Id ing Shop Allcnberg Colton Co" Inc. Allied Electric Motor Service Allied Equipment Co. Allied Unaleum Allied Point & Body Allied Paving Co . Aluminum Screen Door Co, Amburga INestern Mfg . Co . American Paving Co. American Warehouse Co. 156 86 65 156 39 32 64 63 158 86 156 160 Lake Shore Resort 110 Ames, Dr. Sidney 156 Pi ne Cone Shoppe LATON NI.octesuma Club Dells Custom Body & fender Shop laton MarKet Hunt, Dole laton Coop Gi n laton Lumber Co. MENDOTA Coit Ranch, Inc. 110 148 148 148 123 124 148 137 5AN JOAQUIN Matt's Club 141 National Market 140 Robb Bros. Trucking, Inc . 141 Rangel's T.V. 150 Rocha & Son Truck ing 150 West Side Cofe 141 West Side Pump Co. 141 Westside fo rmers Cooperative Gin , Inc. 141 Wintraath Servicenter 141 SElMA Anchar of Caiifarnia Andella Uquor Anderson Broke & Wheel Service Anderson-C layton & Co. Anderson Rock Products J, C. Andresen Ranch Andy's Owl Club Angelo's Driv~ In Ange 10 's Meat Merket Antique Upholstering Shop AfJex Cleaners Appleby & Co. Aqua Shop Ara's AfJartmcnt 158 156 28 59 63 57 86 86 86 86 57 41 164 64 Dove 's Superette W. J . Deal Ranch frey Bearing Co. Mendota Concrete Pappa! & Co. Sorensen Machine Works Sunset Garage Volley Hardware &. Supply Weshide Chemical Co. ORANGE COVE A. C. Market B. N. & O. Cold Sto,age 135 168 136 136 136 136 135 136 135 116 116 Andersen Bros. Dcn Buick-Pontiac Dewe y E. Cox -Real Estate Nick Chambers Trenching Ca. De lux Cleaners Diamond Meat Co. Dian's Restouront Eknoian &. MacDonald floyd 's Auto Ports f ox Drug Stare freeway Lones G &. R We lding & Muffler Shop Hacienda De Las Reyes Kataoka Bros. 122 118 120 119 118 121 122 123 122 121 123 118 122 119 Arcade Trai ler Pork Archie's Restaurant Joe A . Argentine Arrow Pharmacy Arrow Sheet Meta J Arthur's Toy Shop Artistic Cleal'e rs Art's Boals Asher Bras. Ashlan Pharmacy Assoc. Bross Products Associated formers of fresno Counly Atlos Scaffold &. Equipme nt Audio Sa les Co. 86 86 57 8h 78 54 156 24 33 28 57 74 153 154 Collins fruit Stand Cove Volley Packers, Inc. 116 116 Kelly's farm &. Gorden Supplies Loikam &. Hatcher Co. 150 121 Aulo Diesel Electric Automotive Ports Ca. 11 86 Fanners Super Market Harding &. leggetl Inc. Orange Cove Auto Wrecking 148 116 116 lee's Half Way House Harry McKinzie Trucking Monarch Glass & Metal 122 123 122 Automotive Utility Corp. 14 Orange Cove Orange Growers Orange Cove Pharmacy 117 116 Page funeral Ch~el J . l. Robinson Funeral Ch~el 122 122 B & B Fence Co, B& D Body Shop 68 67 Pouley's Blocksmithy 148 Selma Motor Soles 121 B & J Trailer Rental 156 Somis Auto Dismantling 116 Selma Poultry 120 B& L Club 67 Selma T. V. Center 119 B & L UquOf"$ 86 PARliER Sequoia Indust rial Laundry 121 B &. T Elec tric 160 Ben's Cafe Condit's Furniture 115 115 Don Sharp Pumps The Sport Shop Torii Market 122 121 150 B & V Auto Ports Boker Chevron Service Charles 8o10ion Co, 86 86 86 Montague Trucking 115 fronk T romme I 15 0 Banboo Hut 86 Jung's iVtorlc.et 115 Von Zi Ie Electric 119 Bank of Am8"ica 63 !V.oncrier Sales & Service 115 West Caolif Growers & Packers 168 Bank of California Cover Sorensen Pocking Co. 115 The Bonk of Tokyo 20 T ovarls Grocery 115 SHAVER LAKE Bargain City Discount &. Sales 8oron's Poultry Ranch 7b 86 PIEDRA Angelo's Bakery &. Coffee Shop 109 Bateman &. Cunningham, Inc. 32 lakeridge Morino 127 Corglat's Hanburger Haven Eckert's Lodge M. L Ivie Real Estate 109 110 109 Herb Bau er Sporting Goads Bauers Aulo Wrecking Beacon Distributing Co, of fresno 86 156 28 REEDLEY Shover Lake Barber &. Beauty Shop 109 Beaver's Hatchery 88 Clark's Corner E. Reedley Store Colonial Flower Shop Wm. Fedrou 150 117 117 Shaver lake Building ~torials Shaver lolce Garage Ken's Market 109 109 150 Paul Beda Distributing Ca. Bedrosian Tile &. Supply Ca. Be l Air Motel Belmont farms 58 162 88 50 Great Western School of Aeronautics W. J. Heinrichs 117 117 TRANQUIWTY Belmont Hardware Belmont Memorial Park 88 49 ..Iungls Supenna~et Wm. Kelley Gasoline LalY RCaf. lee's Service 118 118 150 118 Wm. E. Glah Ranch M. C, Angus RQ1ch Shell Distributors 140 140 140 Belmont Molars Belmont Recreation Center Belmont Tire Distributors Behone Hearing Aid Center 88 71 88 102 Andrew S. N\ari ch 150 Ben Franklin foundry Inc. 79 Marty's Cafe 150 FRESNO Bemon·s Bake ry 28 Mi Ilen Garoge Reedley Army Su", Ius 150 150 A Berven Rug Mills Inc. Bet-R-Roof's 75 72 Saliwasser Mfg. Ca. 117 AI Iniulation & fence 86 Biedermann's Outboard Molor Shop 34 Sun Volley Grape Distributors 118 A-I M.eat Jobbers , Inc. 56 Better Pest Control 36 Tamls 1. V. 8. ~pliances 150 AAA Electric 86 Big AI's Piua & Chicken 76 Volley Plumbing Co. 150 A & B liquor 68 8ig Bay Market 88 A.B,C. Music &. Ace Cigarettu 86 8ig Save Market 88 RIVERDALE AfCO Discount Depar'ment Store A & H Beer Garden 26 16 Stanton Biggs Gamet l. Billings 36 88 &rown's feed &. Seed 125 A & M Corpet and Unaleum 86 Bill's Super Shell Service 88 Oem's Butane &. AfJpliances 125 A & M Lumber Co. 86 The 8it 169 Dun's Shopping Center 125 A-U Service Center 68 Blackstone Auto Paris 45 lonare Cafe 150 Abbott's Mobi I Service 159 Blackstone-McKinley Garage 70 Lanare Grocery 150 Abe's Beacon Service 57 Blackstone Meal Co. 70 McKean's Store 124 Ace Aluminum Awning Co. 86 Blackstone Motors 88 Mct.od F",d 125 Ace uquar 40 Blackstone Pharmacy 88 Powell, Glenn Warehouse 125 Ace Une Striping Service 64 Blake Surplus Sales Co. 36 Riverdale Drug Store 124 Ace Mabile Key Shop 158 Blosser's Sports Equipment 88 Ross Harvesting Co., Inc. 126 Ace Refrigeration Soles &. Service 86 Bob &. Betty's 162 Shepheld Chev,olot Co. 125 Acme Machine Co. 86 80b's Big Boy Restaurant 55 Acme Refrigeration Service 152 Bob's Tovem 88 SANGER Acme Tent &. Awning Acam Equipment Rental 86 166 Bond Sireet Morket Bonslee l Dump Trucking 69 88 A. J. Amesbu,y & Son. 114 Acbms Barber Shop 86 The Boldon Co. 27 AfJrlle 's Ploee 150 Adorns & Keast 86 Borger uquor Store 60 Bohlan Ranch 164 Bourzoc Concrete Construction 88 Boys Market 50 Bronch Insurance Agency 69 The Branding Iron 88 The Brig 71 Geo . Britton Trucking 32 Broadway Steam Cleoning 88 Brosi 's Hardware 88 Brawn Bros. Ad iuslers 154 Brown's Super Morket 79 Brownie Muffler Service 49 Bruce's Barber Shop 88 Bruno E lec.ricol Contracti ng 151 frank Bruna Market 88 Bruna & T e legan 58 Bruno Used N'iaterials 160 Brunswig Drug Co, 43 K, C. Buck Servi ce 88 Bud 8. lilts 24 Buford's 64 Bui Iders Concrete 49 Buker & Colson Drug 88 Bullock's Vacuum Pumping 69 Burger Chef 56 Archie Burton Douglas Service 88 Butl e r Convalescent Home 24 Butler Drugs 88 Byde's Hardware 59 Byrne's Engine Works 96 C C & A Mm1<et 82 C & I B'ake Co. 166 Cohn's of fresno 15 Cal Market 88 Caleot, lJd. 96 California Chrome 15 Californio fresno Oi I Co, 88 California Motel 88 Col-State MuHler 59 California Sewage Disposa l Co. 159 Calif. Sun Dry BouJgous Co. 88 Calif. Trophy Ce nter 72 Calwa Grill 52 Colwa HOlel 88 Colwo Quality Market 88 Colwa Rexall Pharmacy 88 Colwa U-Sove Uquor Store 154 frank Camin Beauty Solen 38 Campbell Tax &. Business Service 24 Conteen Servi ce of San Joaquin Vo lley 165 Capitol Cleaners &. Dyers 88 Carberry Crop Dusters 43 Carey & Gibson 84 Carl's Auto Repair 88 Carl's Wholesale Meats 24 Carouse I Restaurant V Corter &. Sons 88 Carter's Heating Service 88 J. Cartwright & Son 88 Coso Cana les 32 R. E. Case 158 COlonia's Cacklai Is 17 Caudle Battery Ca. 162 Cavalier Liquors 165 Cavei Buick Co. 83 Cedar Ave. Nursery 90 Cedar Heights Uquors 90 4 C's College 22 Central Calif. Refrigeration & AfJplidt'lte70 Central California Turf Products 17 Central fi sh Co, 90 Central Tile & Marble 153 Central Volley Contractors Service 78 Central Va Iley Debris Box Service 79 Central Va Iley Leveling Co . 90 Cenlrai Valley Pipe Co. 61 Central Vac of fresno 153 Certified Cesspool Co. 16 Cheekos Cafe 12 Cherry Auction 81 Chicago furniture Co. 35 Chicke n Deli ght 90 Chi ck-N-Bob 71 Chihuahua Tortilleria 96 Chrismon's Restaurant 158 Christe nsen's 166 Christensen's Turkey Hatchery 71 Cigarette Service Ca. 49 Circle H Service Co. 163 Circle W AfJpliance Service Co. 90 Cityedge Drive In 90 Civic Center Cafe 90 Civic Patrol 90 Clack & Cummins, Inc. 22 Clardy's Market 72 Clark Equipment 162 Claude's Generator & Starter Service 71 Russ Clements Service 90 The Clock Shop 90 Clover Club 25 Clovar Tonk &. We lding Works 90 Club laundry & Cleaners, Inc. 20 Clyde's Roundup 54 Coates Boat &. Motors 41 Coco-Colo Bottling Co. n Cody 8ros. Plumbing 90 Coffee's 39 Coin Music Inc. 61 Mildred Cole Drapery Shop 90 Columbo's Cafe 41 Colyear Motor Sales Co. 40 Commercial Body Sales &. Mfg. Co. 66 Commercial Body Shop 90 Commercial Electra Plating 90 Commercial Mfg. & Supply Co. 90 E E E E E E E E E E E E E EI EI EI EI EI EI EJ H Ro EI 170 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Consolidated Electrical Distributors 90 Elliott Mfg. Co. 14 Globe Drug Co. 94 Joe's Food M.ori<et 61 Consoli dated Lothing Co. Continental Auto Center 90 57 Jess M . Ellis Refrigeration Ellis Monor Apartments 92 92 Qtto Goldecke Inc. of Fresno Gold Nugget 66 94 Joe's Furniture Johnson's Auto Service 97 56 Continental Auto Dismantlers 168 Elm Jewc lers 92 Golden Key Molel 84 Teddy Johnson 97 Continental AI\orkets Continental Title Co. 35 29 Elzoy's lounderelte Emil's Furniture 73 92 Golden Stoic Broom Co. Golf Wodd 94 81 Johnnie's Flying A Johnnie's Goroge 97 97 Cook & La Vay Insurance J. E. Cooley Jr. Funeral Service 20 73 Ernie's Postry Shop Ernie's Service 62 159 Gong's lVIorkct Gong's Whitcsbridge Merkel 37 94 Johnnie's N\aric.et & Cofe Johnnie's Tavern 97 4 Cool-Temp Service 18 Evans Dr~ery Studio 92 Goodall Floor Covering 81 Johnson Drilling Co. SS Co-op Milk Drive In 78 Evans Electric Service 92 Graham Radio &. Television 153 Wolter S. Johnson Select Cars 12 Corea Trucking Roy Cornelius, Pointing Contractor 68 152 Everybody's ~rket 48 Grand Central Hotel Grandma's Pantry 12 94 Johnston Gear &. Machi ne Wari-:s Jones Ambulance Service 6D 161 Corner lavern 72 Grant's Cocktail Lounge 94 Jones Toys-Girts-Hardware 97 Country Boy Market 17 Groves Upholstering 12 Jorgensen &. Co. 60 Country Cousin Market 16 Family Diner 90 Gray urr Inc . 18 Jorgensen's Bollery Shop 97 The Country Store 72 Form N\ochine ry Center 23 Gray's Vi Iloge Market 84 Josephine Furniture 165 J . T. CO'Non 90 Farmers Insurance Group 36 Great Western T (ai l4"r Sales 16 Jourdan Concrete Pipe Co. 97 Hotel Crest 90 Farnam's Merchant Potral 14 Greenway Auto Body 12 Jay-N-Joy CaFe 161 Crest Meat Market 16 Fashion Cleaners LJd. 60 Greg's 154 Crocket Bros, Dodge Crocker Citizens Nolional Bonk 6 6 Fashion Furniture Co . Fay's Beauty College 54 66 Grigsby, Inc. Grove Bui II Homes 11 37 K Crowley Mfg . Inc. 90 Federal Jewe lry &. I.oon 92 Gus &. Dorris 74 K. A. R. M. 83 Crown Nteot Co. Cum-C-Ciub 90 69 Felles Planing Mill Fennell's Sunland Service 92 92 Gyy's Market 78 K-G lV &. Appliances K-Mort Discount Store 97 42 Ferdinandi Tuxedo Headquarters 77 H K-Y wmber 97 0 D &. M Auto Den Dale Bros. Dale Electric Dolena &. Marciochi, Inc. Dan's Club 74 29 154 152 56 Ferriea &. Gollie C~vran Service Fibe rglas Engineering &. Supply Fiese &. Fi rstenberger Fig Gorden Golf Course Fig Gorden Grocery fig Gorden Village Association Fine Art Theater 14 27 25 18 92 43 77 Allan C. Hoose Garage Heehl Equipment Hahn's Automotiv!:! Se rvice Holf Moon Core 'Halwood St!rvice Hami ltan's Grocery 17 94 94 78 13 94 Karl's Realty Kern's Sunnyside Pharmacy Karp, Ben Sales &. Loan Co. Karsh Bakery Kasper's Drive-Up Kay's Uquors Koarney Gucst Home 97 24 97 165 161 165 97 Donish Creamery Association 48 fireside 56 Hanaians Market 72 Ke Iler's Used Cars 97 Dove's Auto Electric 90 Firs1 National Bonk of Fresno 27 Hansen Construction Co. 12 louie Kee Market 165 Dove's Body &. Po int Shop Dove's Trocto~ 56 90 First Western Bonk Roy Fisher Pharmacy 37 92 Happy Uquar Store Hardy'S Service 94 162 Kerr Rug Co. Kiggen's Insurance Agency 13 97 Dave '5 Von &. Storage Dave y's Garage Daniels, George David &. Sons 23 56 90 19 flag Janitorial Supply Flamingo Club J. Fleck Agorcy lhe Flowe r Bosket 92 78 20 94 Harpain's Deiry Farm Harron Box Noi ling Co. Tom Harris Electric Harrison N\otor Ports 81 94 48 94 E. M. King Co. King-O-Meat Co. King's Mufflers & Boots Kings County Truck Unes 52 97 73 23 Sam Davidson Ca. 22 The Food Bonks, Inc. 38 Fred Hortman Real Estate 94 Klein Boot Troil~rs 36 Doffed Davis Wilshire Service Day &. Night Septic Service De Arc'~ Used Cars John De Benedetto 8. Sans 61 84 154 90 foster's Old Fashioned Freeze Four-Some Club Four Vv'hee Is Restaurant fowler Cabinet &. Hardware Co. 28 12 11 n Hart's Phannocy Healey & Popovich Perry M. Heard Hefley Trucking Co. 94 94 94 26 Knobby HC\Jse Restaurant John &. Alex Kachergon Farm Komota Deportment Store Kong's Market 97 62 97 71 Dee's 41 Club 90 Fresno Ag Hardware 22 Hei Ibran-Jones Fi 1m Service 160 Kromer Construction Ca. 97 Degen Air Conditioning DeKar Drugs deMarquis Delk Pest Control 73 164 33 29 Fresno Auto Auction Fresno Automatic Transmission Service Fresno Bog Co. Fresno Baking Co. 166 25 154 92 Heitzig &. Shirkey Henderson Gardens Henrietla Ranch Products Henry's Uquor Store 94 94 36 94 Joe W. Konkel Kuckenbecker Inc. KueHel Piano House 97 lb5 6 De luco &. Thre Ike Id 80 Fresno Body Works 50 Herb's Joyn"t 2b Demco Ubrary Supplies Mike Demirjian Trucki ng Service DEnsmore Engine Re-Nu Supply Denny'S Coffee Shop Dependable Cleaners De-Pester Westem, Inc. lloyd G. Deroshio, Plastering Contr. Devlin-Drew Co . Diamond Notional Corp. Diamond T Soles Oibuduo 8. DeFerdis Insurance Agency DiCicco's Pizzeria 23 90 152 152 90 37 77 16 44 90 159 14 fresno Broke Supply fresno Cottle Ft!edinq fresno Community Hospital fresno Cotton SaIe! Agenc y Fresro Credit Bur~cu Fresno Electric Co . Fresno Equipment Co. Fresno fun~ral Chapel Fresno Guarantee Sovi ngs &. loon Fresno Helicopters Inc. Fresno Irrigation Appliances fresno Uquor Store 92 43 39 23 37 40 163 28 4 19 34 92 Herb's Ranch House Hertz Truck Rental Service Walter H. Heye , Cotton Hicks Homes Hicks Signs Hi de -a -Way Highway City Shell Service Hing Kec Co. Hit ching P05t Hobart-Doytan Soles Agency Hobbs-Parsons Co . Carl Hobe 94 38 94 13 94 26 40 94 78 161 34 94 LMT Bui Idi ng Co. La Cucaracha Store lD fiesta Restaurant leisne, E. VI . , O. D. lomonui zzi &. Pantaleo Lambe. frank lange Roafi ng Co . langworthy Paving & Grading Lorry's Automotive Lorson Bros. Auto Ports Leach Motors 163 97 100 Ibl 100 100 b4 81 50 100 4 Donald oj. Dick, Inc . Di c ks Supplies Inc. Didier's UqUOf" Bob Oi liard Uvestock 76 22 26 33 fresno Macaroni Co. Fresno Nlarble &. Tile Co. Fresno Memorial Gordens Fresno Merchonts Patrol 23 92 21 92 Hockett-Cowan Music Ca. Holiday Inn Holly Deportment Store Hollywood Camero Shop 159 72 94 21 Speed B. leas lee's Moving Service leonardo Morket ~wis Food Market 100 100 62 ICO John Dillon Plumbing Joe Dishion Shell Service 90 20 fresno Mortgage ·Exchange Fresno Nlate I 50 163 Hollywood liquor 8. Gift Shop Roy Holmes Electric &. Air Conditioning 97 64 Ube rty Auto Service Uberty fish Co . Inc. 24 100 Dollar Save Market 158 fresno Motor Soles 46 Holt Lu.roer Inc. 36 ughtni ng Record Shop 100 Domeniea's Restaurant 36 fresno Notions &. Drugs 153 Holt 8. Von Body & Fender Wcrk.s 97 Morris E. Under, Jr. Trucking 34 Dominic's liquors Don &. Chuck's Used Cars 90 50 Fresno Oxygen Fresno Paper Box Co. Inc. 92 52 Holy Cross Cemeteries lou Homan Reol Estate 8. Insurance 13 49 Lion Pocking Ca. Usle Funeral Home 100 19 Dan's Shop 90 Fresno Planing Mill Co. Inc. 48 Home lit Ie 19 Bryon lovejoy Roofing 164 Donut ,..>\okers Double SCott Ie Co. G . S. Douglas Co. Droke Horel T am Duffey's Antiques Duncan's Uquon 67 153 84 92 92 76 Fresno Plumbing &. Heating Co. Fresno Pumi-Tile Inc. fresno Sanitary Co. fresno Sow Service fresno Tire Warehouse Inc. fresno Troctar Ports 92 80 40 92 IS5 66 Hood's Pharmacy Hope Manor fred Horn Horn Photo Shop Household Appliance Service Co. Dennis Howard Ct-ovron Service 97 4 16 41 82 57 lowe'5 Marker luigi's Restaurant lumls Chop Suey M 62 100 100 Dymond T . V. &. Appliance Bi II Eoos Sharp Cars P. J . Eads Used Cars Eagle Bus Unes Eagle Cafe East Avenue Grocer Cover 163 159 153 152 92 Cy's Frosno Truck Stop 72 fresno White &. AuloCor Soles 22 Fresno Wire Rope & Rigging Co. 50 Fries-Ellithorpe-Ea,on-Boird &. Swelt 12 M. Fries-Hansen 8. Co. 29 Vernon Friesen 94 Frigid Food lockers 48 l. E. Frisch 78 Frontier Ch~ralet Co. Cover Howel l Air Conditioning &. Sheet Metol Howey Motor Sales Chet Hoyer Hudson's She II Service Humphre)'$ Bros. Insurance Humphre)'$-Robinson Hunter-Wagner Co. Hy-"'$o I Canvas Specialties 97 26 97 97 97 40 97 60 M. F. Insurance Agency, Inc . McDonald's Hamburgers McDonald .Jewe Iry Harry Mcintosh McNamara's Uquors McPike, James B. &. Associates McSherry &. Company Insurance Madero Distributing Co. Madison Butane Service 40 44 100 100 18 W,3 62 39 lCO East EI Monte Guest Home Easton Drug Co. 166 92 fruehauf Trailer Co. Fuji Cafe 40 94 W1agic Touch Trailers Nlanchester Auto Wash 15 b4 Eoston Food Lockers Easton Lumber &. Supply Co. Bud Eberwein Broke Service Ed's Auto Ports Eddie's Pastry Shop Edwards ~k &. Safe Co. EI Capitan Motel E I Gato Negro Cofe E I /IAor Pocking Co. E I Patio Club EI Prodo 92 18 158 161 92 14 92 92 92 158 164 G G & A Morl<et G &. G Mexi con Food Products G &. N Battery &. Fi Iter Distributors G &. l Sports Equipment John N. Gob. I Realty Vincent "Gonduglia" Trucking Gorden Specialty Shop Gardner Moton Inc. 94 80 52 94 152 94 92 72 Ideo I Bakery Independent Disposal Co. Imperial 400 Mate I Imperial Pools Independent Sheet Metal Industrial Plating Inland Show Case Ireland Manufacturing Co. Irvls Boi I Bonds 82 54 36 154 97 60 82 64 6 ~nchestcr Coffee Shop Manni ng Gardens Convo fesct:nt Hosp Malokian Trucking Manuel's Auto Wrecking Morbo Qvolity Foods, Inc. S . E. Mariner Co. .v.arion Nine lumber Co . Mark's Food Market Morse 110, Chorl(ls E. Marshl Cecil 5., Electric Cont r. N\ortin Flower &. Gifts 96 100 100 106 100 100 96 100 106 32 100 EI Rancho Iv\otel EI Scrape Cafe 53 92 Gordner's 8aotery Gatt. 1t House 64 18 J &. M Lked Cars &. Auto Wreckers 66 Moruka Cyclery Moster Radiator Works 100 2'3 EI Taro Cofe EI Ttocodero Core Elb.e Co. Elbow Room Electro Truck Refrige ration Electric lobaratories Ine. Electric Motor Shop Electrical Suppliers Electronic Specialties Co. 72 92 29 158 11 22 92 92 78 Garzone ', Meat Market '2 Go.-N-Wmh Genco's Uquor General 8eori ngs Co. General Surplus General Teamston Union Local '431 Getch.1I Truck Soles Ed Gillis Chevron Station Geatdano Morl<.1 80 48 94 26 94 51 50 94 94 J &. S Pointing S.ervice Jackson-Jones U-Sove Uquors Jacobs Garage Joe's Cleaners 8. Tailefi Joke's Auto Body Works Joynes &. Co. Jeffrey Electric Co;struction Co. J. T. Jenkins Ca. Jensen Auto Ports 19 97 60 97 54 19 97 lb 16 Mtithews HarierDavi dson 100 ~yfair Markets 37 ~yling Cofe 100 Mecca Billiards 100 AI Meekins Realty 100 Melody Food Mari<et 100 Manuel 1-IIendoso Herrero, labor Cant r • 33 Mexico Cafe 48 Mid State Bowl 41 Eli's Electrical Service Elmer Elia 76 92 Gleim-Crown, Pump loc. GlencOl Inc. 94 80 Jenson &. Pi legord Jerry's Tavern 97 97 Mid Va Iley Sports Center Mid Valley Trailer Sales 45 23 Robert Elia, Painting Contractor Elliott', Department Store'S 92 70 Gerold'. Auto Wrecking Glob. Aula Wreck." 80 80 C. W. Jessen Construction Ca. Jet Drive-In J7 97 Midland Savings 8. Loon Mi ke 's Car Lot 62 162 7 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Mike's Liquor Store 100 Pilibos Bros. 45 VSierra Auto SVfP'Y 32 Milky Way Dairy 52 Pistacchi 0 Trucking 102 Sierra Hospita 155 V & Mis ,Arrerican Furniture Co. 152 Mi Rancho Torti 110 Shop 18 Pittsburgh Des Moines Steel Co. 54 The Sisters 28 Vallo's Service 106 Valley Air Conditioning Supply Co. 62 Mi lIer's Drugs 100 Pitton Terrazzo 8. I'v\o.$oic 66 Sierra Nursery & Sprinkler Co. 104 Mike Miyamoto 100 Pittsburgh Plate Gloss Co. 22 Sizzler Steak House No. 23 96 Mohler's U-Sove Uquon; 100 Pfaff Sewing Center 34 5mi th 's Used Card 18 Valley Aluminum Co. , Inc. 6 Floyd Moller 100 Ploylond Pool 34 Dove Smith Petroleum Inc. 157 Volley Burglor Alarm 44 Monarch Refrigeration Co. 100 Patigian Transfer 102 Roy Smith Bei I Bonds 2 Volley Ford Soles Cover Tom Souza Service 104 Montgomery Word 23 Power's Cotton Gi n 102 Volley Foundry &. N\achine Works 42 Morales, Gene 56 Thomas J. Prichard, Jr., Gen. Contr. 38 Sprous~-Reitz Co., Inc. Volley Ice Co. 33 Morris Fruit Co. 159 Producers Doi ry Inc. Cover Star Supermarket 67 Valley Industrial LDln:hy 53 41 Mote I Lodge Fresno 52 Valley Patrol &. Detective Agency 58State Center Meat Co. 104 The Murray Co. of Texas 100 Steele's liquor 104 Valley Radiator Co. 106 My Hardware 100 Stein's Union Service 104 Volley Sporh, Inc. 152 MyeB-Ward Tractor &. Equipment Co. 102 Rainbow Ballroom 163 Sterling Funeral Home 104 Volley Tire Co. 44 Volley Truck Repair 32 Ra Iph 's Cafe 32 Sterling Towel Co. 32 Ranchers Cotton 0; I 39 Stev~'s Saddle Shop Volley Turf Supply Co. 106N 55 Rou's Dairy Form Volley Typewriter Co . 106169 Stillman Drug 24 Negare Body &. Pa i nf 38 Red Carpet 40 Strawberry Exchange Co. Volley Welding &. Machine Wark51 50 Nam Wah Restaurant 57 Red Triangle Oil Co. 102 Struza Uquor Store 104 Von Amusement 78 104 Naylor's Office Equipment 102 Reliable Cesspool Co. 102 Suburban Stee I Inc. 104 Von Dyke News Co. 46 Nesbitt Bottling Co. of Fresno 38 Reno's Specialized Se,....ice 102 Sunland Refining Co. 69 Von Ness Hate I 106 New England Sheet Metal 102 Rest Haven Sanitori um 169 Sun Maid Raisins of California Vee's Troi ler Rental 26 96 Now Rendezvous 165 Reyno Ids Crone Service 55 Sunlite Market 104 Vendorlator 2 Cover Sunnyland Bulghur Co. 104 Newman &. Sons Ranch 102 Rhodes. Ventura T. V. Center 106 Normart's Furt. 102 Gene Richard's Paving Co. 28 Sunset Ti Ie Co. Victoria Hotel 10641 Norsigion Bros. Aircraft Repair 102 Ridge Electric Motor 102 Vie-Del Compcny 32Sunshine lDndscaping Service 104 Northrup King Co. 58 Jock Ri ley's Enterprises 154 Supreme Hay, Inc. 77 M. R. Vierra Co. 44 Robl:lrts Fig Co. 26 Swimtri m Inc. Villa Cloaners 59104 Vi II age Food land 75Robinson's Auto Body Shop 102 Sycamore Island Stock Ranch 240 Rocking Horse Inn Virginia's Solon of Beauty 10615 O . K. Produce 102 Rockwell Drilling Co. 102 Vista Hardware 106 Bob Von MotorsOak Leaf Restaurant 34 Radder's 69 42 O'Brien's. Broke Service 102 Radisca Products 104 Ochinera Produce 102 Rocding Pork Pharmacy 104 T & 0 Automotive Supply 104 WP. E. O'Hoir Co. 157 Roeding Pork Welding 104 Taco Tiendo 165 Okamoto's 102 Rolinda Welding Works 104 Torpey Drug Store 104 H. W. Woddle 68 Old Fresno Hofbrou 17 Rol-Pok Filter Service 34 Taylor...Wheeler Sui Iders, Inc. 54 Wagner's Wood &. Shavings 46 Olive Monor Rest Home 102 Rolinda Formers. Store 104 Tohinger & Son Hydraulic Supply 104 Edward A. Woller Ror.ch 28 O'Neill Meat Co. 2 Rolindo Meat Market 104 Thermal Products, Inc. 106 Waples Shell Service 106 Onickl inc. 80 Ramo Wine Co. 42 Hennon Theroff Pontioc, Inc. 155 Warrick Electric Co. 52 Orendorff Mfg . Co. 10 ROil &. lorry's Club 20 Thrifty Drive In 52 Webster Ford 106 Oriental Dry Goods 34 Ronnie 's Midway Market 104 Thri fty Green Stanps 79 Wei! Bros. Cotton, Inc. 106 Ostergaard Feeds 160 Rossi Floro I Co. 104 Tink ler Mission Chapel 45 West Be Imont Granite Works 106 Ota's landscaping 102 Rowe II Cosh Groce ry 78 Tiny's Form House 53 Western Asbesta, Co. 54 The Outpost 160 Royer's Hi Ho Club 70 Title Insurance &. Trust Co. 157 West McKinley Market 106 Owl Transfer 157 Roy's Uni on Servi ce 104 Tom's Toasted Peanuts 62 Western Turkey Pock i ng 67 Royo I Pharmacy 104 Tompkins Surge Dairy Equipment 44 Western Wood Di vi 5i on 46 Rucks Tell California Sales Co. 38 Tommel's Rod &. Reel Repair 106 Floyd IfVilkins Nut Co. 60 Top Hot 81 VIi liard Lumber Co. 6 P &. N Uquors 44 Jahn Torik Automotive Service 106 Melville E. Willson Co. 4 Paddock Pools of Fresno 102 Tradewi nds /\.-\otar Hate I 21 Wi Isan's Motorcycles 106 Palace Market 164 S & L Food Mort 34 Traveler's Body &. Fender Works 42 Winnie's. Cafe 106 Palm Olive Drug Co. 163 Sober's Groce ry 104 Travelon Troi ler Sales. 80 New Wonderland Swim &. Railer Rink 58 Palm-Olive Realty 102 San's Luggoge 104 Triangle Repairs. 106 'Nong's City Market 106 Papp~'s Meats 50 Sanchez &. Hall Mortuary 28 Triple A Garage 106 Pot Waoo &. Ca. 53 Pore ise Uquors 102 Son Francisco Florol 58 Triple J Drugs 41 Wunstell's. Auto Pointing 106 ,.Paramount Pest Control 46 Son Joaquin Hydraulic 38 The Trophy Shop 52 Pardini's 50 S. J. Volley Poultry Producers. 167 Truck Oi spotch Service, Inc. 56 Porker Rambler Co. 25 Santo Fe Hotol 104 Trucker's Inn 42 y Gene Parrish 102 Santi's Inc. 151 Lloyd E. Tull, Inc. 57 Fronk L. Patterson 62 Sarkis K. Saricisia'l 104 Turpins Furniture 106 Yokety-Yak Tavarn 64 Paul's Liquor 102 Art Schedler's Engine Rebui Iding 104 Ya ryon lumber Co. 74 Paul's Shoes 46 Schedler-Kirsh Tire Shop 104 Yee Pharmacy 106UEd Pearle's Chevron Service 102 Ted Schmoll & Son 48 Yellow Cob 68 Ptlper Janitorial Service 52 Sears Roebuck & Co. Caver Uncle Tom's Liquor Stor~ 44 York's Place 22 Pepsi Colo Bottling Service 51 Security First National Bonk 35 Underground Gardons 106 Yose mite Nurt.ery 106 L. G. Perkins Foundry 46 Semper Truck Unes 155 Union Oil Co . Of California 165 Yost &. Webb Funeral Horre 106 Pioneer Mercanti Ie 102 Seven Up Bottling Co. 67 United California Bank 51 Yturri Hotel 73 Petert.on &. Harris Co. 64 Harold Shay, Insuror 38 United Carpel 106 Pete' Furniture Reiinishing 102 Shalimar 25 United Glasr Co , Inc. 4 Arom PeteB 151 Shams Excavating Co. 66 United Loon &. Jewelry Co. 54 Phantom View Pet Motel 102 Shelburne's Stationery 48 United Markets, Inc. 84 Zohigion's Market 106 Pi c &. Pay Market 102 Sh~pherd's Sholl Service 104 Uti lity Trei ler Sales 66 Zenge I, George 106 ---­ .--­ I BETTER HOLD IT HERE COMES A POLICE DOG 172 Central California's v Most Complete v Most Modern Department Store . . .. ~ JtifW '" .~~" .,..1'1.. " FREE STORESIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1400 CARS! 3636 N. Blackstone, 229-5011 in Manchester Shopping Center COMPLIMENTS OF !!rodacers In Grateful Appreciation To The Men And Women Of The Sheriff's Office. Sincerely, GEORGE H. FRAHM VALLEY FORD DAIRY Fresno's local Independent Dairy with Dairy Products That Are Locally Produced and Locally Processed for YOU. OF CALIFon IV..' ....I .A~~_4."." Things start to move when you switch your checkIng account to the bank for action! THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIO NAL ASSOCIATI ON · M EMBER F.D.I. C. FRESNO OFFICE 1255 Van Ness at Merced DIRECTORY LAW ENFORCEMENT & PUBLIC SAFETY AGENCIES IN FRESNO 'COUNTY METROPOLITAN AREA Coalinga Orange Cove and Navelencio Orange Cove Police Dept. 626-7722Palic~ Department 935-1 ·525 City Fire DepOrim 935-1651 EMERGENCY Orange Cove Fire Dept. 626-7676 <:an,table ME .8-2374Can,table 935-0264Sheriff', Deportment 266-8151 or ME 8-2822Rurai Fire Call, 935-0811Coroner 266-8151 RUl(,' Fire Call. ME 8-2200Ju,tice Court 935-2745 Mid-Volley Fire Di.trict 233-1821 Parlier Bu,ine» Call. 233-5838 Caneia Palic.: Deportment EN 1-1329 E. Fre,na Station 255-4995 Fire Deportment 646-2711Can,table 896-2529 D~puty Can,table 646-2187Ea,tan Station 264-4256 Fire 233-1821 Rural Fore Call, 646-2711N. Fresno Station 439 -0181 Det Rey Southea,tern Station 264-6892 Reedtey Can.table 888-2429 Pot ice Deportment ME 8-2533Fresno Police Department 266-8331 Fire 233-1821 Fire Deportment ME 8-2122 Fresno Fire Deportment 233 -7291 Can,table ME 8-2374 Fig Garden Fire District 227-8855 Dunlop and Squaw Volley or ME 8-2822 Rural Fire Call, ME 8-2200 Ju.tice Court ME8-3211 or 233-8773 Can,tabte 18 North Central Fire Di.trict 233-8773 Fire 233-1821 Justice Court Squaw Volley tt 1 or 264-9195 Riverdale Humane Society 237-2141 Deputy Can.table 867-3511 Firebaugh and La. Delta. Fire 867-3511 Police Deportment 659-2045 Justice Court 867-3448 City Fire Deportment 659-2061GENERAL SongerCan.tabl~ 659 -2332 Police Department 875-2531or 659 -2200Di.trict Attorney 266-8291 Fire Department 875-5511Rural Fire Call. 659-2118 County Jail 266-8151 Can.table 875-3833Ju.tice Court 659 -2338 General Ha'pital 255-9711 Rurat Fire Call, 875-2591 Ju.tice Court 875-2010County Caun.el 268 -6011 fowler Veteron's Service Officer 26.8-6011 Son Joaquin Municipal Courts 268-6011 Deputy Can.table 693-4604 Police Deportment 834-2112 Fire Department 834-3111 Probation Office 268-6011 Can. table 834-3425 Fire 693-4350 Sheriff'. Air Squodran 237-8546 Justice Court 834-3215 Shover Lake Rural Fire Colis 834-3011Juvenile Hall 255-9711 Deputy Can. table 855-2525 Fire 841 -3298Welfare Deportment 255-9711 Friont Public Work, Rood Patrol 268-6011 Selma Fresno Police Academy 255-3917 Police Deportment 896-2525 Can.table 299-6008 or 299-5498 Fire Department 896-2131Fresno County Safety Council 268-7807 fire 822-2389 Constable 896-2003Superior Courts 268 -6011 Huntington lake and Biq Creek or 896-2529 Rural Fire Calls 233-1821Deputy Constable 841-3333OTHER CITIES--RURAL AREAS Justice Court 896-2123 Fire 893-3311 or 893-344 1 Tranquillity(Con,tables can be called direct or Deputy Can,table 698-8200 contacted through Sheriff", Dept.) Huron Fire 698-8500 Police Deportment 945-2046Auberry Deputy Can,table 945-2259 S TAT E AGENCIES Constable 855-2525 fire 945-2311 Deportment of Motor Vehicle, 266-9733fire 855 -2585 D ~vi5ion of Forestry 222-3714 Kerr.ran Narcotics Enforcement Bureau 268-7151Biola Police Department 846-8800 Alcoholic Bevuage Control 268-71 5 1 Deputy Constable 843 -2450 Fire Deportment 846-8303 California Youth Authority 268-7151 Fire 843 -2477 Constable 846-2359 Oiv. of Lobar low Enforcement 268-71 51 or Fresno 268-1846 Bo<;rd of Equalization 268-7151 Bowles and Monmouth Rural Fire Calls 846-8303 Cali':>rnio Highway Patrol 237-6153 Justice Court 846-8405 Er.,,,gency Calls ZE 1-2000 . Constable 834-3425 Fish and Game 221-3/ 61 f;~e 834-3 III Liveo;tock Brand Inspectors 26',-2979Kingsburg or 221 ·6586 Burrel and Five Points Police Deportment 897-2931 Divi,ion of Adult Paroles 268-7151 Deputy Constable WA 3-4951 Fire Deportment 897-2345 Labor Commissioner 268-7151 Fire ENI-1462 Constable 897-3215 FEDERAL AGENCIES Rural Fire Calls 897-2422 Federal Bureau of Investigation 233 -1121Justice Court 897-2241Caruthers and Raisin Cty U.S. Immig. & Naturalization 264-4681 Constable 864 -3210 Postal Inspector 266-8251 Fire 864-3211 Lotan U.S. Marshal 237-6421 Jus,ice Court 864-3160 Alcahat & Tobacco Tax Div. 266-0088 Constable 923-4908 U.S. Forest Service 251 -8225 Fire 923-4386 Border Patrol 268-3381Clovis U.S. District Court Clerk 237-8570 Police Department 299 -2121 Mendota Probation and Parole 233-8615 Constable 299-6008 or 299 -5498 Police Deportment 655-4345 MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES City Fire Department 299-4315 Fire Department 655-4324 Notional Boord of Fire Rural Fire Call. 299-6027 Deputy Constable 655-4859 Underwriters Madero 671-3224 Justice Court 299-4964 Rural Fire Calls 655-4362 Better Business Bureau 268-6424