Tactical Dispatch Basic Concepts
POST Basic Tactical Dispatch Course
Expanded Course Outline
August 2018
Instructional Goal: The goal of the Basic Tactical Dispatch Course is to enhance existing skills and
provide essential tools to function as a Tactical Dispatcher during a critical incident whether operating in
the field or from inside the Communications Center.
I. Welcome, Administration, and Introductions
A. Administration
B. Introductions
C. Expectations
II. Tactical Dispatchers and Tactical Dispatch Teams
A. Types of Tactical Dispatchers
B. Composition of a Tactical Dispatch Team
III. Core Competencies of a Tactical Dispatcher
A. Personal Traits
B. Desirable Traits
C. Psychological Considerations
D. Agency/Department Requirements
IV. Types of Events for Tactical Dispatchers
A. Overview of What a Tactical Incident Is and Is Not
B. Planned Incident
C. Unplanned/Spontaneous Incident
D. Training Events
E. Other considerations
V. Duties of a Tactical Dispatcher and/or Tactical Dispatch Team
A. Duties Common to Both Field Deployment and Center Operations
B. Duties Common to Field Deployment
VI. Special Teams
A. Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT)
POST Basic Tactical Dispatch Course
B. Hostage Negotiation Teams (HNT)
C. Other Special Teams
VII. Preparedness
A. Team Preparedness
B. Family Preparedness
C. Personal Preparedness
VIII. Lessons Learned
A. Texas Tower Sniper (1966)
B. San Ysidro McDonalds (1984)
C. North Hollywood Bank Robbery (1997)
D. Columbine (1999)
E. Nickels Mines Amish School in Bart Township (2006)
F. Virginia Tech (2007)
G. Washington Naval Yard (2013)
H. Minkler Incident (2010)
IX. Practical Exercise
Students will demonstrate skills learned in class by managing a tactical dispatch scenario
including responding to information updates, selecting and tracking the appropriate resources,
proper documentation, diagrams, ICS forms, perimeters, and briefing oncoming teams.
X. Summary and Closing
A. Review of Key Points
B. Certificates and Evaluations