Perishable Skills Arrest and Control
The course will provide the deputy with the minimum topics of Arrest and Control required in the POST
Perishable Skills Training Program (PSP). The student will develop the necessary tactical knowledge and
skills to safely and effectively arrest and control a suspect.
The course consists of a hands-on / practical skills arrest and control training for in-service deputies.
ARREST AND CONTROL (PSP) requirements:
Minimum Topics / Exercises:
a. Safety orientation and warm up
b. Class exercises / student evaluation / testing
c. Search – in exercise(s)
d. Control / Take down / in exercise(s)
e. Equipment / Restraint device(s)
f. Verbal Commands – in exercise(s)
g. Use of Force considerations
h. Body Physics and Dynamics (suspects response to force)
i. Body balance / stance / movement patterns – in exercise(s)
j. Policies and legal issues
k. Recovery / First Aid (as applicable)
The deputy will:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of Department Arrest and Control Policy.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of mental and physical conditioning as it relates to
effective arrest and control techniques.
3. Demonstrate a minimum standard of arrest and control skills with every technique and exercise,
to include;
a. Judgment and Decision Making
b. Officer Safety
c. Body balance, stance, movement patterns
d. Control / Take downs
e. De-escalation / Verbal Commands
f. Effectiveness under stressful conditions
g. Handcuffing techniques
Minimum standards of performance shall be tested by an instructor observing the student during their
performance of each technique and exercise. If the student does not meet minimum standards, as
established by the presenter, remediation will be provided until the standard is met.
I. ARREST & CONTROL………………………………….……………………………………………………5 Hour
A. Safety Orientation ………………………………………………………...………………….Category III (a)
1. Expectations
2. Injury reporting requirements
B. Use of Force Considerations………………………………………….……………………..Category III (g)
1. Passive resistive
2. Pain compliance
3. Non-deadly
4. Lethal
C. Policies and Legal Issues………………………………………………………….………….Category III (j)
1. Authority
2. Factors used to determine the reasonableness of force
3. Medical attention after force application
4. Reporting requirements
D. Stretching & Warm-up Exercises……….………….………………………………………..Category III (c)
1. Warm up run/calisthenics
2. Lower body stretching
3. Upper body stretching
E. Principals of Weaponless Defense as it pertains to:……………………………………….Category III (i)
1. Balance
2. Stance
3. Movement patters
4. Awareness
F. Demonstrate knowledge and practical application of the Carotid Restraint………..Category III (c,d)
1. P&P 300.3 Deadly Force applications
2. P&P 300.4 Reporting the Use of Force
3. P&P 300.26 Proper application of the Carotid restraint
4. P&P 300.41 Notification to supervisor(s)
G. Use of Restraint Devices………………………………………………………….…………Category III (e)
1. Proper placement
2. Safely and effectively applying handcuffs
H. Verbal Commands……………………………………………………………………………Category III (f)
1. Voice control
I. Body Physics & Dynamics…………………………………………………………………..Category III (h)
1. Suspects response
J. Considerations deputies should employ when performing the control holds….............Category III (d)
1. Position of advantage and control
2. Proper balance and control
3. Proper mechanics of technique
K. Arrest and Control techniques to include:
1. Personal Body Weapons………….…………………………………Category III (d,e,f,h,i,j)
2. Handcuffing Techniques
3. Gun Takeaways
4. Take Downs to Prone and Handcuffing
5. Officer Escapes
L. Recovery/First aid……………………………………………………………………….Category III (k)
1. Debrief
M. Practical Exercise……………………………………………………….......Category III (b,c,d,e,f,g,h,I,j,k)