Perishable Skills Handgun - Rifle
The course will provide the deputy with information, knowledge, and use of Tactical Firearms as
required in the POST Perishable Skills Training Program (PSP). The deputy will develop the
necessary tactical firearms knowledge and skills to survive and win a realistic lethal force
encounter. The course consists of hands-on / practical firearms training for in-service deputies.
Minimum Topics / Exercises:
a. Safety guidelines / orientation
b. Use of force considerations
c. Sight alignment, trigger control and accuracy
d. Target recognition and analysis
e. Live fire training
f. Judgment and Decision making exercises (expanded outline must define each
exercise and its terminal objectives)
g. Weapons clearing
h. Student evaluation and testing
i. Vehicle Close Quarter Battle (VCQB)
The Student will:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of Department policies dealing with the use of firearms.
1. P&P 300 Use of Force
2. P&P 304 Shooting Policy
2. Demonstrate a minimum standard of tactical handgun, shotgun and rifle
proficiency with every technique, exercise, and course-of-fire, to include:
1. Judgment and Decision Making
2. Weapons Safety
3. Basic drawing techniques
4. Fundamentals of shooting
5. Target / Non-target identification
6. Speed, Accuracy and Effectiveness under stress and movement conditions
7. Shot placement: stopping power and multiple rounds
8. Transitioning
9. Clearing malfunctions
10. Learn ballistic patterns through glass/how to utilize a vehicle for cover-
Minimum standards of performance shall be tested by an instructor observing the
student during their performance of each technique and exercise. If the student does not
meet minimum standards, as established by the presenter, remediation will be provided
until the standard is met.
I. Introduction / Orientation................................................................................Category (a)
A. Introduction, Registration and Orientation
B. Overview of Course Objectives, Exercises, Evaluation, and Testing
C. Weapons Safety, Review of range and shooting safety rules
II. Vehicle Close Quarter Battle (VCQB Introduction)
A. Introduction
III. Use of Force / Firearms Nomenclature……….……Category (b,c,d)
A. Use of Force Options
B. Supporting case law
C. Firearms Nomenclature
IV. Fundamentals of Shooting (Handgun)….……………………………………..Category (e,f)
V. Drills and Course(s) of Fire (HANDGUN)…….……………..….Category (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j)
A. Range Orientation and Safety Briefing (second range safety and command sequence)
B. All courses emphasize
C. Drawing of Handgun from the Holster
D. Low Ready
E. Marksmanship fundamentals
F. Reloading
G. Malfunction Clearing
H. Drawing Handgun While Moving
I. Combative Shooting Positions
VI. Shooting Fundamentals (Rifle)…………………..……………………..…..(e,f)
A. Stance
B. Grip
C. Sight Picture
D. Trigger Control
E. Breathing
F. Recovery
G. Controlled movement back on target
VII. Drills and Course(s) of Fire (RIFLE)………….Category (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j)
A. Range Orientation and Safety Briefing (second range safety and command sequence)
B. All courses emphasize
C. Drawing of Rifle from the Patrol Vehicle mounted racking system.
D. Low Ready
E. Marksmanship fundamentals
F. Loading/Reloading
G. Malfunction Clearing
H. Combative Shooting Positions
VIII. VCQB on the range – Lecture/Exercises
A. Positional shooting-handgun (Live fire)
B. Positional shooting-rifle (Live Fire)
C. Vehicle ballistics demo video with duty ammo
IX. VCQB on the range – Drills
A. Priority interior of the vehicle
B. Exterior drills
Testing: Any student scoring below standard on any exercise, as established by
departmental protocol, will be given remedial training and, retested until the standard is