Unit 9 Lesson Plan - Booking & Receiving UNIT 9 LESSON PLAN BOOKING AND RECEIVING Module 9.1: Receiving Inmates 1.5 hours JKT #2 WST #5 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.1.1 1 Test Item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: List the forms which typically must be completed in the process of receiving an inmate. 1. In order for an arrest to be administratively recorded, an inmate must be booked into a detention facility. Various forms can be utilized to initiate this process. A. Review various forms used by agencies participating in class. B. Discuss areas that are mandatory on the arrest tag/arrest report. C. Review other forms that may be utilized. 1 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.1.2 2 Test Items PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify the correct procedure for receiving inmates including the following steps:  Pat search.  Strip search if probable cause. P.C. 4030  Screen to determine if medical attention is needed. (e.g., physical condition, appears under the influence or undergoing withdrawals) 1. Upon receiving inmates to the facility certain steps should be followed in Order to maintain good security and officer safety. A. Pat down search. B. Strip Search. C. Medical screening. D. Screen for sobering cell placement. E. Screen for safety cell placement. T15, 1055 1. 2 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.1.3 WST #5 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Given a sample arrest report or booking report on an incoming prisoner, generate a list of additional questions to ask the arresting officer. 1. Complete accurate arrest tags/arrest reports. E. Discuss the importance of a complete and accurate arrest tag and the required elements. 2. Property and money. A. Discuss proper method for itemizing jewelry. 3. Weapons. 4. Persons an arrestee should not come in contact with. 5. Written skills test: Students are to complete a list of questions to ask an arresting officer about a new booking. 3 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.1.4 2 Test Items PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify Title 15 mandates and state law pertaining to developmentally disabled inmates. 1. Discuss the importance of medical screening. Identify mandate by Title 15 and the law. A. Contagious diseases – need to know. B. Inmates on medication. C. Legal requirements about AIDS and legislation. D. Post pardum depression. T15, 1206(f) E. Medical screening done on all inmates arriving in booking. 4 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.1.5 1 Test Item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Explain the notification requirements pertaining to developmentally disabled inmates. 1. Developmental disabilities. A. Developmental disabilities. T15, 1057 B. Notification. 5 Module 9.2: Booking Inmates 1.5 hours JKT #2 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.2.1 1 Test Item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify the forms that typically must be completed in the process of receiving an inmate. For example:  Warrant.  Court order or commitment.  Bond surrender.  DA Letter of citation.  State parole or probation holds. 1. Discuss what a legal detainer is and how each affects the inmate. A. Warrant. B. Court order/remanding order. C. Commitment. D. Bail bond surrender. E. State parole or probation holds. F. Federal holds. G. Immigration holds. 2. Discuss the importance of booking each of these types of detainers correctly in order to meet legal time constraints for court or release. UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 6 9.2.2 2 Test Items PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify the components of a valid warrant. For example:  Name.  Date of birth.  Issuing agency.  Date of issue.  Judge’s name.  Warrant number.  Physical description. 1. Review aspects of a warrant and its components. A. Name. B. Date of birth. C. Issuing agency. D. Date of issue. E. Judge’s name. F. Bail. G. Warrant number. H. Physical description. 2. Ensure class understands what must be present on the warrant to ensure legal sufficiency and what steps to take if they are not there. 7 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.2.3 1 Test Item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: State the reasons why warrant checks should be completed prior to booking or releasing inmates. 1. Discuss the reasons why warrant checks are imperative prior to releasing and booking an inmate. A. Legal liability. B. Prevents release of a person who has had a warrant issued while in custody. C. Civil liability. D. Ensure correct person on warrant – “Illegal detention”. 8 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.2.4 3 Test Items PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: List appropriate steps in the booking procedure. For example:  Ensure pre-booking medical screening form is completed.  Gather required forms and documents.  Review all documents for accuracy and legal sufficiency.  Complete booking forms.  Obtain information from the inmate.  Transfer information from the arresting officer’s report to the booking sheet.  Inventory, document and take custody of the inmate’s property.  Have the inmate sign appropriate forms. 1. Discuss and review the various steps of the booking process/procedure. Ensure that class understands each agency will have different procedures but some elements are basic. A. Legal sufficiency for booking – correct forms – complete and accurate. B. Complete booking forms. C. Interview inmate to complete forms. D. Transfer information from arrest report to booking sheet. E. Inventory, document, and take custody of inmate property. F. Obtain inmate signature. 9 Module 9.3: Processing new inmates prior to housing. 1 hour JKT #2 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.3.1 2 Test Items PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify the major steps in processing inmates prior to housing. For example:  Provide phone calls and document calls.  Photograph incoming inmates.  Fingerprint incoming inmates.  Showering incoming inmates.  Prepare I. D. tag, bracelet or card.  Exchange inmate’s personal clothing For facility issued clothing.  Ensure proper classification of inmate. 1. Discuss major steps prior to housing an inmate. Identify as most common steps, however, procedures will vary with agencies. A. Ensure inmate is provided opportunity to make phone calls as P.C. 851.5 required by state law. B. Photograph inmate. C. Review current technology and the ability to identify an inmate by Electronic means. D. Exchange inmate’s street clothes for facility issued clothing. E. Classification of inmate. F. Provide inmate opportunity to shower. UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.3.2 1 Test Item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify the number of calls new inmates 10 are allowed to make in compliance with P. C. 851.5 1. Review P. C. 851.5 – phone calls. Discuss how various agencies comply with the penal code section. A. Minimum of three phone calls. B. Free vs. collect. C. Time after arrest. D. Documentation. E. Legal liability for not allowing calls. 11 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.3.3 1 Test Item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify the prints that are required for juveniles and adults according to state regulations, using the appropriate codes for reference. 1. Discuss with the class the type of prints required for juveniles and adult bookings. A. Welfare and Institutions Code 204 (Juveniles). B. Penal Code Section 13150 (Adults). C. Discuss CAL ID system and the electronic processing of fingerprints. 12 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.3.4 2 Test Items PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify the reasons why it is important to obtain clear fingerprints. For example:  Links person with a crime.  Completes a criminal record.  Establishes that a person was in custody at a given time.  Could take longer to process with fingerprint technology. 1. Discuss with the class the importance of obtaining clear prints. A. Positively connects a particular person to a particular crime. B. Verifies a criminal record as per DOJ requirements. C. Reduces our legal liability for a lawsuit for “false arrest” or “illegal detention” because the proper steps were not taken to insure positive identification. D. CAL ID. System may be slow to start up, enter fingerprint data, or may be down or off-line for various reasons. 13 Module 9.4: Orientating New Inmates .5 hour JKT #2 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.4.1 2 Test Items PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify the benefits of providing inmates with a thorough orientation. For example:  Opportunity to establish positive communication.  Provides for smooth running of jail.  Avoids confusion.  Avoids time wasted in answering questions.  Meets statewide standards. 1. Discuss the benefits and reasons for inmate orientation. T15, 1069 A. Limits the time officers have to answer the same question from Inmates over and over again. B. Inmates are aware of what is expected of them. C. Maintains a consistent operation. D. Avoids confusion by staff and inmates. E. Potential to establish positive communication. 14 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.4.2 2 Test Items PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify the major steps in orientating new inmates in compliance with Title 15 standards. For example:  Give the inmate an information packet or point out posted regulations.  Allow the inmate to view orientation film where available.  Answer questions. 1. Discuss what aspects should be covered during an inmate orientation. T15, 1069 A. Title 15 delineates factors that should be covered for a proper orientation. 2. There are three ways to provide orientation to inmates. A. Post the regulations and/or give a packet of information to each new booking. This should have all the basic and necessary information on it. B. Film or video. Have the inmate view this at the time of processing or show daily throughout the facility. C. Answer pertinent questions via request form, at the time of processing, classification, etc. D. Whatever method is used, it is your obligation to provide the inmate with the necessary information for him/her to abide by the rules and regulations. Take the time to know the information to prevent yourself further headaches down the road. UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.4.3 2 Test Items PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify procedures for orientating new inmates where communication problems exist, e.g., non-English speaking, hearing 15 or speech impaired. 1. Have class identify problems that may arise when communication barriers exist during inmate orientation. A. Lack of understanding. B. Failure to abide by rules. C. Frustration by inmate/officer. D. Health and safety may be jeopardized. E. Legal issues. F. Security and safety hazards. 2. Discuss the types of inmates that the officer may encounter during orientation that have communication problems. A. Non-English speaking. B. Deaf/mute. C. Medical problems/handicapped. D. 5150/psych patients. E. Drug or alcohol abuser. F. Illiterate. 3. Discuss the procedures officers can follow to provide a proper orientation to those identified as “communication problems”. A. Non-English speaking. B. Deaf/mute. 16 C. Medical/5150/Psych patients. D. Drugs/alcohol. E. Illiterate. Module 9.5: Issuing Supplies To New Inmates .5 hour JKT #2 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.5.1 1 Test Item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: State consequences of improper issue of supplies to new inmates. For example:  Potential security risks.  Legal liability.  Costs.  Potential for suicide or escape. 1. Discus with the class the importance of issuing supplies to new inmates correctly. 17 A. Inmates can utilize supplies to escape, cause injury to an officer or another inmate, destroy county property. 1. B. Legal liability. Review Title 15 and other laws. Inmates are entitled T15, 1260 to certain hygiene and clothing items as well as access to the P.C. 6030 courts, etc. C. Costs. Wasted and/or too much clothing, bedding, etc. drastically affects agency budgets. D. Inmates can escape or commit suicide because staff is careless with issuing supplies. They will use anything to assist them, not you. E. Cleanliness of facility. UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.5.2 2 Test Items PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify minimum type of clothing and bedding required by Title 15 standards. 1. Title 15 outlines the bedding/clothing issue for inmates. These are minimum requirements and agencies are not limited by them. A. Title 15, section 1260. B. Personal care items: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, comb, shaving T15, 1265 items, feminine hygiene products for females. C. Bedding and linen. T15, 1270 18 2. Discuss frequency of change. A. Washable items – at least one each week. B. Blankets – every three months, UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 9.5.3 1 Test Item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Discuss the importance of issuing inmates clothing that is in good condition. For example:  Less inmate grievances.  Fewer complaints by inmates to staff.  Easier to hold inmates accountable for damaged clothing. 1. If clothing is in good condition, inmates will not generate grievances due to substandard clothing. 2. Clothing that is in good condition alleviates complaints to you 3. If an inmate is issued clothing in good condition you can hold him/her accountable if the item is torn, altered, etc. A. Can issue rule violations. 19