Unit 18 Screening & distributioon of Mail UNIT 18 LESSON PLAN SCREENING AND MONITORING OF MAIL Instructional time: 1 hour JKT #4 11 Test items Unit 18.1: Legal Issues 10 min. UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 18.1.1 1 Test item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify Title 15 mandates and postal regulations relevant to the opening and reading of legal and non-legal mail. 1. The opening of mail both legal and non-legal is governed by various regulations. A. Title 15 mandates – Section 1063 discusses correspondence. The facility administrator shall develop written policies and procedures for inmate correspondence. UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 1. Postal regulations. A. Domestic mail manual, section 115.97 B. Correspondence originated by persons confined to jail-type institutions does not become mail until it comes into the custody or control of the Postal Service. 1 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 18.1.2 1 Test item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Define “legal mail” using Title 15 for reference. 1. Legal mail can be defined as the inmate’s ability to correspond confidentially with legal persons. 1. Legal mail can be defined as the inmate’s ability to correspond confidentially with legal persons. 2. Legal mail can be identified by: Module 18.2: Processing Non-Legal Mail 20 min. UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 2 18.2.1 1 test item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify types of information or communications that should not be transmitted to inmates and indicate why each is appropriate. For example”  Pornography.  Escape related material.  Information about contraband drops. 1. There are certain types of information or communications that may be inappropriate for inmates to receive. Some of these items may include: A. Pornography. B. Escape related materials. C. Contraband drops. D. Terrorist related materials. E. Food. F. Jewelry. G. Stickers. H. Matters concerning gambling or a lottery. I. Materials describing procedures for brewing of alcoholic beverages or manufacture of drugs or weapons. 2. These items should not be allowed for various reasons. A. Incites or promotes violence. B. Jeopardizes facility security and officer safety. C. May promote racism. D. Encourages escape. E. Interrupts the order of the facility. 3. Follow your facilities procedures for routing this type of mail. UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 18.2.2 1 Test item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify signs or symbols that may appear on 3 envelopes or letters indicating gang affiliation (Jail intelligence). 1. Inmates are notorious for writing or drawing on their letters. As an officer you need to become familiar with the various gang signs and symbols of the inmates typically housed in your institution. 2. Typically, the signs and symbols will match those found in the graffiti in your cities. Today it is difficult to list all of the signs and symbols because they vary from day to day as new street gangs appear in the neighborhood. 3. Discuss common signs from known prison gangs. A. Nuestra Familia B. Fresno “Bulldogs” C. Mexican Mafia UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES D. Aryan Brotherhood 4. Know who needs to be informed of mail containing signs and symbols within your agency. A. Classification Unit. B. Jail Intelligence. C. Support groups: 4 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 18.2.3 2 Test items PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify types of contraband most commonly found in mail. 1. The mail is an excellent source for inmates to obtain contraband in the jail. There are various methods or means for them to accomplish this. There are also various types of contraband that may be smuggled via the mail: A. Drugs. B. Escape information – maps. C. Jewelry. D. Money. E. Weapons. 2, Drugs are often secreted in the envelope, stamp or contents of the envelope itself. Areas you should check are: A. Seals. B. Corners. C. Under or on the stamp. D. Folds of letters. E. Between pages. F. Clasps. 5 3. Check packages carefully, ensure you know what your agencies policy allows regarding packages for inmates. Examine them closely for contraband items. 4. When you find contraband follow your agencies policy for handling: A. Destruction. B. Return to sender. C. Criminal charges. D. Postal Inspector. UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 18.2.4 No test items PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Given sample portions of letters containing various types of information, discuss why the information can pose a threat to the safety and security of the institution.  Codes.  Escape related materials.  Pending court cases.  Threats of violence/criminal activity. 1. Discuss with the class what they should do with information found in inmate mail that may be related to security issues, gang information, related to the commission of a crime, discusses other correctional staff, etc. A. Who to notify. B. Who they may discuss it with. C. Disposition of the letter – options: 2. Discuss with the class why certain information can pose a threat to the safety and security of the institution. 6 A. Codes. B. Escape related material. UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES C. Pending court cases. D. Threats of violence/criminal activity. 7 Unit 18.3: Processing Legal Mail .25 hour UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 18.3.1 1 Test item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify the appropriate procedure for handling legal mail. For example:  Obtain permission from inmate to open mail.  If permission denied, refer to postal regulations.  Open in front of inmate.  Scan, don’t read.  Look for contraband. 1. Review definition of legal mail. A. Must obtain permission from the inmate to open it in the inmate’s presence. B. If the inmate denies, it may be returned to the sender or other person designated by the inmate via the postal system. C. Scan to insure that it is legal mail, don’t read it. D. Look for contraband and then give it to the inmate. 8 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 18.3.2 1 Test item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify possible consequences of processing legal mail inappropriately. 1. Review with the class their obligations in the distribution of mail both legal and regular mail. 2. Discuss the consequences if they fail to deliver mail properly, especially legal mail. A. Legal liability. B. What happens is determined by what they do once you open the legal mail in error. C. Law suits/civil action. 9 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 18.3.3 1 Test item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify signs indicating that mail marked “legal” is in fact not legal mail. 1. It is the officers responsibility to examine the mail to determine if it is considered legal. Several factors may assist them in the determination. A. No return address. B. Inmate refuses to allow you to open it, even in his/her presence. C. Improperly canceled envelopes. D. Not sent via the postal system. E. Dog-eared, torn, or worn looking envelopes. F. Handwritten. G. Large lumps in the contents. Discuss what officers should do with mail if determined not to be legal. 10 Unit 18.4 Distribution of Mail .25 hour UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 18.4.1 1 Test item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify the person to whom an inmate’s mail can be delivered (e.g., only the inmate). 1. Follow your agencies policy and procedure. 2. Avoid giving one inmate’s mail to another. Give mail to whom the letter is addressed. Don’t leave mail on dayroom table or bars of cell for other for other inmates to pick up. A. Can create disturbances and problems between inmates. B. Causes problems for officers. C. Verify identity of inmate before you give him/her mail. 3. Inmate absents from housing unit during mail pass. A. Retain mail. Give to inmate upon return to housing unit. 4. Inmate is in custody at another facility or hospital. A. Follow you agencies policy. 11 UNIT PRESENTATION AND OUTLINE NOTES 18.4.2 1 Test item PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify possible consequences of improper mail distribution.  Legal liability.  Resentment from inmates.  Disturbances/physical confrontation. 1. Legal liability. 2. Inmates may resent officers for improper distribution of mail. A. Inmate may file a grievance. B. May destroy rapport between inmate and officer. 3. Disturbances/physical confrontations. A. Can cause a riot situation. B. Verbal or physical confrontation with officer. 12 13