Use of Force Fresno County Sheriff’s Office USE OF FORCE Lesson Plan LESSON PLAN T IME T OPIC I NSTRUCTOR N OTES L ECTURE/D ISCUSSION FROM P OWER P OINT: 1. Review/Discuss Department Use of Force from the PowerPoint. F RESNO C OUNTY S HERIFF'S 2. Ask students to (verbally) fill in the missing O FFICE U SE OF F ORCE P OLICY words from the Use of Force slides (3-23). P OWER P OINT 3. Students will write the missing words (in red text) in the corresponding blanks of their worksheet. 4. Illustrate policy with examples: a. Factors used to determine reasonableness. b. Articulating reasonableness. c. Notification to Supervisors. V IDEO/D ISCUSSION: 1. View “Brutality” and discuss the issues/violations related to our use of force policy. a. Excessive? b. Liability? c. Witnessing officer responsibility? V IDEO ILLUSTRATIONS OF U SE OF F ORCE I NCIDENTS: 1. “Brutality” 2. View the “75 year-old man dies from takedown” video and discuss the 2. “75 year-old man dies from issues/violations related to our use of force takedown” policy. a. Excessive? b. Public Perception? c. Additional issues? T IME T OPIC I NSTRUCTOR N OTES