fso_mag_7801.pdfThe Sheriff's Review 1978 PUBLISHED BY FRESNO COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE RELIEF ASSOCIATION $1.00 WHAT A DIFFERENCE WHEN YOU LEASE OR BUY ~Don't Delay See Dan Day Today! / BEST RESPECTS TO THOSE SO DEDICATED IN SERVING OTHERS FRESNO 80NITROI~LTD. P.O. BOX 1089 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93721 PHONE (209) 264-5924 1978 The Sheriff's Review Published by The Fresno County Sheriffs Department Relief Association EDITOR GENE HALLAM Contributors: B. Smith, D. Cowell, E. J. Duran, Charles Moushigian, T. Klose, V. Klose, J. Hamilton. It is forbidden to ?'eprint any portion of tMs magazine without written consent and express permission of the F?'esno County Sheriffs Department Relief Association. COVER PHOTO-The cover depicts a phase of police work not ordinarily seen on television: establishment of identification by hair comparison, While not as absolute a means of identification as fingerprints, each individual hair does have distinctive characteristics common to those of other hairs from the same person. The photo at lower right is an enlargement of a single hair, from the head of a victim of a crime. If its characteristics match those of a hair found on the person, the clothing, or the automobile, etc., of a suspect, it will go a long way toward proving his involvement. SILVER CR ,EEK PACKING CO. Specializing in Westside Cantaloupes MENDOTA, CALIFORNIA B. CRIBARI & SONS Come Visit Our Winery 3223 East Church Avenue Fresno, California A fternoon Tours Daily Wine Tasting St®Chamberlain 2 manbft self-propelled aerial work platforms ... leader in overhead efficiency Fresno County Sheriff's Department Relief Association Officers -1978 MARY ELLEN TABLER President CHARLES ALEXANDER LINDA HUFFMAN FRANCES DAY Vice President Secretary Treasurer Board of Directors W. SARMENT G. HALLAM ·~A ,,\~ \ ~~,-, . M.GOLDEN M. KOSMOSKY G. PETRUCELLI 3 DECKER FORD SALES -RENTALS BEST FOR LEASING SERVICE TOOl We offer personalized service for all employees of the Sheriff's Department through our fleet manager. 291-2581 920 W. Shaw Ave. Clovis, Calif. (Just East of Fresno State University) WE SAVE YOU MONEY! 4 ~OO~milLrLr~~ ID~rP~rn~roo~~~ p.O. BOX 1788 HAROLD McKINNEY 2200 ~RESNO S TREET S H ERII= F ·CORO N t: R FRESNO, CALIFO RNIA 93'117 May 8, 1978 Dear Friends, Since the first edition of The Sheriff's Review was published in 1957, we have made tremendous progress toward professionalism. We have better educated, better trained, and more equitably paid officers. We have better patrol vehicles, better weapons, and a communications system that within seconds can furnish in­ formatio~ it would have taken a day to obtain a decade ago. These advantages are helping us to do a better job, but we don't know what effect the likely reduction in tax revenue will have. We could take the easy way out and blame future deficiencies in performance on lack of funds. We could pass the buck to the public and say, "You get only as much law enforcement as you're will­ ing to pay for. You have only yourselves to blame if we don't have the resources to do the job." But as professional law enforcement officers we shall not take advantage of that opportunity even though we're sure that whatever method of tax reduction is adopted it will curtail our protective services to some degree. We may have to screen citizen complaints more carefully and answer only those where it appears the immediate response of an officer is imperative. To report minor incidents a citizen may be asked to come to the office instead of having an officer contact him at home. We may have to be more selective in assigning cases for follow-up investigation, choosing only those wherein apprehension and conviction seem probable. But no matter to what degree curtailment becomes necessary, we pledge to perform to the best of our ability with the resources available to us. In the final analysis it is not the number of dollars in the budget that determines the success or failure of our efforts but the degree of coo peration between us and the public. Without your help and cooperation and suppo rt we cou ldn' t have achieved the crime rate reduction enjoyed in the last two years, a reducti on of more than ten percent in the unincorporated areas of Fresno County. With the limited budget we anticipate, we'll need your help even more. So, no matter what happens to our budget, we'll try to do our part and we trust you'll do yours. Sincerely, A . PAPALEO W. YOUNG R. SAUM COMMANDER CO MMANDE R COMMAND Eh ADMINISTR ATI V E SERVICES [JUREAU F IELD O PER A T ION S BUr1f:.AU JA IL & CO RREC TI ONS BL; R E f,U 5 WESTWARD FARMS DIVERSIFIED FARMING * Oranges * Almonds * All Row Crops * 945-2155 Huron SALWASSER MFG. CO., INC. Melvin Salwasser, President Reedley, Calif. 20075 E. Manning Ave. 638-3554 6 Table of Contents Letter from the Sheriff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 President's Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 Who Wears the Badge ... . . .......... .. ... 109 Fresno County Board of Supervisors .......... 9 119 123 125 127 129 139 143 147 151 .... .. ..... . ...... 157 167 173 181 185 197 201 212 Editorial, Frills and Fancy Programs . . ....... . 15 Saved By a Timely Crash . .............. . . .. A Dream That Didn't Come True ...... . . . . .. . 19 New Auxiliary Unit Wins Its Spurs . .. .... .... Management Services .. . ............. .... ... 37 Sheriff's Air Squadron .......... ..... ....... Internal Affairs and Inspection ... .... ...... . . 37 Old Timers Get Together ..... ..... . .. . . .... Administrative Division ..... . . .. . . ......... .. 41 Clovis Police Department ..... . ...... .. . . ... Civil Section ... . ................ . .......... . 43 Se'ima Police Department .... ............ ... Coroner Section . . . . .... .. . . .. . ..... . ..... . .. 47 South Station Sheriff's Reserves ............. Services Division ... .... ... . ....... . . . .. ... .. 49 Orange Cove Police Department ....... ... .. Records Section . .. . . . . ............ . .... . .... 51 Parlier Police Department ......... .. ........ Prison Spawned Gang Violence Kerman Police Department in Fresno County .......... . ............... 59 Huron Police Department . . .... ....... . . . . . . Detective Division ....... ... ... . .. . ....... ... 65 Mendota Police Department ............... . , Patrol Division ... . .... . .. . ...... .. .... . ..... 73 Water Safety Program for Public Schools .... Communications ... .. ............ . .. .... .... 87 Reti rements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Spouses' Orientation Program ..... . ..... . .... 89 Uniformed Field Reserve Division Unit . . ..... Main Jai'l Division ..... . ..... . ........... ... . 93 Rogue's Gallery ... . . . ..... ... . ... ... . ... . .. Elkhorn Branch Jail Division .... ......... . . . 105 Index of Advertisers .. .... .. . ........ .. . .. . . The Woman Behind the Man Family Album ............ ...... ............ 11,3 BOBE.WOOD FIRiEBAUGH-MENDOTA PHONE 659-3911 4700 WEST BELMONT FIREBAUGH 7 President's Message The 1978 Sheriff's Review is presented to you, our readers, to hel p you become better ac­ quainted with law enforcement activities and problems in Fresno County. This annual pub­ lication is made possible by many persons, not all of whom are in law enforcement. Both per­ ~-.u~and on behalf of our Association mem­ i.,.",J5tlO1111Cllike to thank all our advertisers Without you publication persons would p they may ilIt1I~.ls. We IJIUI~ftII1l"A" we in e:for grant­ .,......u ... un e tands as well as we _JO...... do, fail to do, or can't do certain things, and we fail to make those points sufficiently clear in our day to day contact. We try in these pages to make up, to some degree at least, for that unintentional neglect, and hope through l.0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l.0 ffil lID ffi1 I tf~]~n a I lID ffi1 ~ MEXICAN RESTAURANTS ~ 1.0 Featuring an extensive new menu with a greater r::I 1r.1 variety of superb Mexican food for lunch & dinner, L!l1 ~I served in the same friendly atmosphere that has ~ 1.:.1 made La Fonda famous. L!l1 ~lID DOWNTOWN NORTH FRESNO ffil10 901 L ST. ACROSS FROM 2561 E. ASH LAN (AT FRESNO) r::"I Ir:'I FRESNO TOWNEHOUSE Mon.-Sat. 11 A.M. Iii 9:30 P.M. ~ 1.:.1 Sundays 11 A.M. Iii 9:00 P.M. L!l1lID 266-7825 222-2919 ffi1 1.0 ffi1lID ffi1DOWNTOWN DOWNTOWN Ir:'I BANQUET FACILITIES COCKTAIL LOUNGE 1.:.1 Fiesta hour 4 to 6 P.M. ffi1 1r:1 Call tor reservations M d th h F 'd ffi11.:.1 on ay roug rt aylor parties of 6 or morelm ffi1_____----.;;;;:::a lm ffi1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ffi1 8 knowledge gained by reading this magazine, some of you may be better able to protect yourselves from being victims of crime, or prevent crimes from happening. I also wish to thank our editor, his staff, and all the other persons who contributed articles and pictures. Many hours of hard work and frustration go into gathering and preparing material that will enable us to present to you an accurate and informative publication. Each year Fresno County grows, and as each of our law enforcement agencies grows accordingly, so must our magazine grow. We hope you will be both informed and entertained by our efforts. Your county is our county, and we are proud to be a part of it. Mary Ellen Tabler President F .C .S.E.R.A. ENJOY !Yhe~oI FINE CARS! Fronk J. Sanders has served the Fresno communlly for over 40 years! 7'tad 5200 NO. 'BU\CKSTC)NE FRESNOII 226-5175 Mercury • Cougar • Monarch • Capri Versaille • Zephyr • Bobcat • Continental i I and Mark V ... Fresno County Board of Supervisors and Administrative Staff Chairman of Board JOHN R. DONALDSON Supervisor Dist. 5 WILLARD H. "BILL" JOHNSON SHARON LEVY Supervisor Dist. 4 Supervisor Dist. 2 JOHN VENTURA BRUCE BRONZAN Supervisor Dist. 1 Supervisor Dist. 3 JOYCE A. BRANDON Clerk to the Board MELVYRN G. WINGETT ROBERT M. WASH Administrative Officer County Counsel Cocktails and dining40 LANES AT at CEDAR LANES ~~ • Coffee Shop .Banquet Rooms~OWL .Bi'lliard Room Open 24 Hours -Catering Anywhere 3131 N. Cedar @ Shields Ph. 222-4424 9 MAJOR DISTRIBUTORS OF FRESNO 1818 LOS ANGELES STREET • COMPLETE LINE OF ENERGY SAVING FIREPLACES The Energy Saving Fireplace , ~ The difference is inside Tapered .Id.. and clearance for lIush. space­ saving corner installation. L Buill-In nailing lIange.for positive leveling and for securing fireplace framing. HARVESTING INC. P.o. BOX 667 FIREBAUGH, CALIF. 93622 NOW. An important new heat source that will lower your fuel bills every winter. The Majestic(ll) Energy Saving Fireplace. ,. The only built-in fireplace with a stainless steel heat exchanger that returns 60% more heat than a conventional built-in fireplace. Duct­ work and fans available to heat upstairs or adjoining rooms. The Majestic Energy Saving Fireplace.'· The beautiful fireplace that works hard to save you money. Lie. ConI. 11343253 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93721 • (209) 233-0144 We Talk Fireplaces Starfire OF-3S M . Mobile home fireplace mdRCO that exceeds all H.U.D. and D.O.H. requirements Low profile de.lgn per­ mits complete roughzero framing prior to instal­ lation. Glaas doors and 5-poII­ lion posilive .eal damper reduce room heat loss. to r-+--Recelled draw screen mesh allows facing mater­Gla.. doors eliminate ial to be installed to exact danger of leaving fire­opening of fireplace. place unattended over­ night. Firebox refraclory-Ilned on both sides, back8" sleeveforoullidecorn---_ . and bollom for look ofbUllion air located any­masonry. where within cut-out area for complete installation inside mobile home. WAREHOUSE STOCKED FOR COMPLETE START TO FINISH FIREPLACE INSTALLATION 10 1Jtt ftirutltriutlt The Review extends heartfelt sympathy to the families of our officers who have been taken from us in the past year, and offers these brief comments to commemorate their contr/:butions to the Department and to the law enforcement profession. Lieutenant Edward Margosian joined the Department in 1954. Subsequently he served in the Jail, Patrol, and Detective Divisions, and for much of his career was a detective or detective sergeant in the Juvenile Detail. He was promoted to lieu­ tenant in 1970, and served in that rank in the Patrol, Jail, and Detective Divisions. Last summer Ed succumbed to leukem­ ia, the illness which had forced him into a premature retirement a few months earli­ er. We didn't say much about the nature of the illness when we wrote the story of his retirement in last year's edition, for at that time he was still waging a valiant fight to conquer it, in spite of every indication that it was a fight he was destined to lose. When he first learned he had the dread disease, he went to his home town of Boston, to be treated by one of the nation's top specialists in the field. He made several trips there during the next year or so, and there were times when there seemed to be some hope that the disease was in remis­ sion. But each time those hopes would be cruelly destroyed by recurring symptoms. Most of us, if faced with a similar situation, would have given up, but Eddie never quit fighting. Somewhere, after each setback, he found the strength and courage to keep gomg. He told of one occasion when he lay in bed in the hospital in Boston and heard the doctor, who thought he was unconscious, tell his wife Alma, who remained at his side throughout the ordeal, that he could live only a few more hours, and that she should summon the children from Fresno. After the doctor left the room Eddie opened his eyes and assured Alma that his fight was not yet over, and that within a few days he'd be back on his feet. True to his word, a few days later they were on an airplane enroute to Fresno. For the last few months Eddie was able to take advantage of some newly installed special equipment at a local hospital, and thus receive the same type of treatment for which he'd been going to Boston. In spite of all the extensive treatment, the disease finally won. But even though he ultimately lost, the fight Eddie put up against it, and the memory of what a fine man and officer he was, will be an everlast­ ing inspiration to all who knew him. 11 Being number one doesn't make us the best ... it's being the best that makes us number one! DI BUDUO DE FENDIS GENERAL INSURANCE 1154 West Shaw Avenue/Fresno, California 93711/(209)226-6111 Di Buduo & De Fendis 38484 AVE. 12 -MADERA, CALIFORNIA -PHONE 439-8720 OFFICE 1154 W. SHAW AVE. -FRESNO, CALIF. -PHONE 226-6111' 12 lJu inputltrinm Deputy Raymond F. Reta was born in Los Angeles, and when he was a small child his family moved to Fresno. He was graduated from Edison High School in 1955, and then attended Fresno City Col­ lege. In October of that year he enlisted in the United States Navy, where he served until September of 1958, as a Dental Technician. After discharge he worked for Crocket Brothers De Soto Plymouth Agen­ cy, Commercial Body Sales, and as a bookkeeper for the Sam Davidson Com­ pany. In 1961 Ray joined the Sheriff's Depart­ ment. He served the normal apprenticeship in the jail and as a bailiff, and by early 1977 was well on his way to a rewarding and productive career when he was stricken with a brain tumor. It was diagnosed as inoperable, and for several months he underwent extensive chemotherapy and radiation treatments, all to no avail. In his few years with the Department had earned a reputation as a cool, level­ , intelligent officer who could be upon always to take the proper action in times of great stress. He first demonstrated that talent during the farm labor demonstrations of a few years ago. Because he could speak Spanish he was frequently asked to serve as interpreter between the supervisors of the striking workers and the officers in charge of the deputies assigned to maintain law and order. His coolness, impartiality, and com­ mon sense while serving in that capacity contributed greatly to the fact that there were no significant confrontations on the strike line. In perusing Ray's personnel file for in­ formation for this biographical sketch, We found several letters of commendation, from citizens he had helped, and from supervisory officers under whom he had served. A gentleman who had choked on a bit offood in a local restaurant credited the cool and quick action of Ray and his partner with saving his life. An elderly woman who had fallen and was unable to regain her . footing wrote to thank and praise him for his consideration and assistance. A super­ visory officer commended him for his exemplary conduct during the farm labor crisis. The most touching commendation, how­ ever, although its origin has no particular significance, does seem somewhat ironic. It was a general commendation on Ray's routine duties as a patrol officer, written by his Watch Commander. The Watch Com­ mander was Lieutenant Eddie Margosian, the only other member of the Department to pass away in 1977. 13 rabs BIG BOY FAMILY RESTAURANTS "WE LOVE GOOD FOOD JUST LIKE YOU DO" LACKSTONE & SHAW • WILLSON FARMS INCORPORATED 313 Guarantee Flnanoial Center 1318 East Shavv Avenue Fresno, Calif. 83710 Phone 209/226-3444 THANKS AND CONGRATULATES THE FRESNO COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT WITH SPECIAL GRATITUDE TO SHERIFF HAROLD C. McKINNEY MELVILLE E. WILLSON RUSSELL M. WILLSON 24 HOUR EMERGENCYjiB iisTE~S SERVICE AIR CONDITIONING -RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL SPECIALIZING IN SERVICE ON ALL MAKES & MODELS AUTHORIZED CHRYSL[RINCLUDING: DA Y & NIGHT PA YNE * FRAZER-JOHNSTON •[137-82711 STA TE LICENSED CONTRACTOR #279290 14 EDITORIAL Frills and Fancy PrograDls Phones Selma 896-3293 Fresno 834-5325 Because of so much public discussion of tax reduction in recent months, and the bandying about of such trite phrases as "eating at the public trough," one could almost feel a sense of shame at being a public employee. Or at least a bit of guilt at not being ashamed. No matter how vital a job may be to the orderly process of government, or how necessary it is to the well­ being of the community, it wouldn't be difficult to assume that the jobholder is regarded by a large segment of the taxpaying public as a "sponge," or a "leech," or a "parasite." Some critics of the present tax structure seem to feel that the whole public employment system, or government, is one big welfare system, and that we who have been fortunate enough to become recipients of its benevolence sit around on the job doing nothing, receive fat pay checks twice a month, then retire at an early age on a pension that will enable us to live in luxury for the remainder of our lives, still eating at the public trough. Incidentally, retired Fresno County employ­ ees, as well as many other members of public employee retirement systems, do not receive their pension payments from the "public trough," but from an annuity paid for by substantial payroll deductions over the years. The fund from which the payments come is not owned by the public, but by the retirement association, which is an independent and separate entity from government. While in our case the county does pay a matching amount for each employee into the fund, that amount is considered a part of the salary package, and is taken into consideration when county salaries are compared with those for similar jobs in private industry. Ifour retirement system pays somewhat larger benefits than many private industry employee retirement systems, it is because it costs a great deal more. But back to the need for tax reduction. One could easily get the impression that most people are so tired of big government and high taxes that they'd actually be willing to give up most of the services to which they've become accustomed in the last few decades, and rol} back the calendar to a simpler era, when they took care of most of their problems on their own, and without government assistance. But we really don't want it that way. And when I say "we," I include myself and other public employees, for we are a part of the taxpaying public. We still want a cop to come out and tell the neighbor, without letting him know who complained, that his stereo is too 3175 Highland Ave. & Hwy. 99 Selma, California 15 loud, or that his dog has been using our lawn for a latrine. Ifa friend, or even a relative, is down on his luck, we don't want to have to slip him a few bucks to tide him over. Let him go on welfare so all taxpayers can share in the joy of giving to help someone who's in need. We don't want to have to start teaching our children ethics and etiquette and sex education at home; let the teachers do that, even if it does take time from the study of reading and writing and arithmetic. And we want our kids to have an opportunity to participate in an elaborate and expensive interscholastic sports program, so we can go to the games and vicariously relive our own days of athletic glory. (Funny how many of us were star quarterbacks and pitchers thirty or forty years ago. Wonder what happened to all the linemen and outfielders?) Be ides. if our sons are limited to intramural sports, how is the major league scout going to discover them? We still want a fireman to rescue the child who has his hand stuck in the hole in the fence, or the cat stranded in a tree; we still want parks ;, Anywhere -Anytime 24hr. Service Safe· Comfortable ·Fast For Rates and Information call 251-0318 4995 E. Andersen SKIP'S AIRSIRVICI (Formerly Lisle Air Service) Executive Charter Service Air Ambulance Service Nevada Package Flights and recreation areas that are attractive and well cared for; we want public buildings that, in addition to being utilitarian, are just a bit ornate or artistic so we can show them off to visitors from out of town. We want elaborate library service, good streets and roads, some­ one to round up and care for all the stray dogs and cats; and all the other amenities so compatible with our modern way of life. Oh, yes, we say. We want to keep all those things, and we're willing to pay for them. What we want to get rid of are all the unnecessary things in government: the frills-all those fancy programs that do nothing but provide jobs for the people involved in them. We just want to get back to basics. If that's how we feel, there is one very important factor we must understand. All of those frills and fancy programs have one thing in common. To someone, or to some group or organization. each of them is a very important and justifiable function of government. Sel­ dom, if ever, could we find one where the idea was originated by an official or a legislative GENERAL TEAMSTERS UNION LOCAL NO. 431 Larry Keller President Tunney Starks Vice President J. B. Morrison Secretary & Treasurer Mary Rabe Recording Secretary TRUSTEES Jim Thompson AI Menser Hershel Lovejoy ASSISTANT BUSINESS AGENTS Tony Fornaro Hershel Lovejoy Fred Daniels Jim Richardson Jerry Ferriera 1140 West Olive Avenue, Fresno body for the sole purpose of promoting their own selfish interests. In virtually every in­ stance, some citizen or group of citizens has cared enough about the particular project or program to go to the trouble of convincing the appropriate legislative body that it is worth­ while, and that money spent to implement it is in the public interest. Because at the time it was being considered, no one spoke against it with an argument strong enough to refute the claims of the proponents, the program was adopted. What is a frill or a fancy program to one taxpayer is a necessity to another. Remember the homely old adage that "the wheel that squeaks the loudest gets the grease"? Unfortunately, those who sponsor and insist on the adoption of policies and programs most of us would agree are a waste of dollars are, while in the minority numerically, invar­ iably the most dedicated and the most vocal. The whole problem is that very few of us really bother to find out exactly how our tax dollars are being spent. The local newspaper may publish a diagram each year around budget adoption time, depicting a silver dollar with pie-shaped wedges cut to show percen­ tages earmarked for the various general projects and programs. Ifwe've recently had a front wheel knocked out of alignment from hitting a hole in the road, we may look at the diagram and wonder about the amount spent on road maintenance; or, if we know someone who is cheating on welfare, we may complain about the money wasted on freeloaders. But that is a bou t as far as any of us ever goes toward actually finding out exactly where our tax money goes. All hearings before the legislative bodies concerning the adoption and implementation of annual budgets are open to the public. Any citizen who doesn't like the plans that are being made to spend tax money is thus given an opportunity to say so. Yet such hearings seldom play to a full house; on the contrary, the audiences are usually very small. While there may be present representatives of a taxpayers' association, or some other group trying to look out for the welfare of the public, they usually Seven-Up Bottling Company (209) 442-1553 2012 Pearl Street Fresno, California 93721 Cook's Radio Telephone Service AND DIRECT DIAL POCKET PAGING SERVICE Rental, Sales & Service of Mobile Telephone Equipment FRESNO MOBILE RADIO INC. A COOK·S COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 160 NORTH BROADWAY -FRESNO Phone 237-1111 17 are not supported by a large enough segmentof the public to carry much weight. After the budget is adopted it is a public document, available for examination by any citizen. But how many of us ever take advan­ tage of that right? Obviously, none of us has the time to closely examine such a monstrous document as a federal or state budget, but on the city or county level, much of which the complaining is about, it wouldn't be too much of an undertaking. Ifgovernment is too big, and our tax money is beingwasted on a lot of things we could easily get along without, we have no one to blame but ourselves. We've sat back and let it happen. So what do we do about it now? We get involved. That phrase has been used so much in recent years that it, too, has become somewhat trite, but that doesn't detract from its wisdom. Very briefly, we become aware of plans that are being considered for expenditure of tax money before they are finally adopted and implemented. If we don't like them, we say so then, instead of waiting until afterward, then complaining about frills and fancy programs. ~~:?~.~~~ ---41 SPECIALTIES Jr---­ ALL TYPES OF ASPHALT PAVING Free Estimates GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL 3501 W. NIELSEN 486-3920 FRESNO I Caring for homeless children throughout the world. THE MINISTRY OF REV . AL @mDlS@W I1ffiDlSDu I1®mmwffilSD®m 1921 East Belmont Ave. Fresno, Calif. Auberry Fresno Main 33041 Auberry Road 1058 Fu lton Mall Blackstone-Bullard Orange & Ventura 5788 N. Blackstone 3556 E. Ventura Cedar & Shields Palm & Shaw 3320 N. Cedar Ave. 1015 W. Shaw Fresno Center Peach & Shaw 2220 Tulare Street 406 W. Shaw Fresno Fashion Fair Wishon & Olive 565 E. Shaw Ave. 1264 Wishon SECURITY PACIFIC .BANK T here's Sl'curity in NUlllhers 18 A Dream That Didn't Come True by Gene Hallam The search and rescue team lost two popular and capable members last spring when our bloodhounds, Clancy and Barney, died of can­ cer. Their passing marked the end of an era; the final chapter in the story of a unique philanthropic gesture made more than ten years earlier by the late Charles Mel, presi­ dent of the Calo Dog Food Company. The full story of the founding, the brief but effective existence, and the untimely demise of the Charles Mel Search and Rescue Foundation has never been publicly told in its entirety. It seems quite appropriate now, as a memorial to Mr. Mel and a tribute to the other people and the dogs who made up the organization, to tell the story in this publication, for this department and the people of Fresno County probably received more benefit from the Foundation than did any other single agency or eommunity. Mr. Mel had long been interested in blood­ bounds and their uncanny ability to detect and identify the scent of a particular person hours days after his or her presence in a certain During the late fifties he had some type arrangement whereby he sponsored the and rescue activities of a dog handler Russ Cone. It wasn't a well organized there was no central location or an­ service where Cone could be contact- SO getting him to the scene of a search in to be effective was not often possible. that is why we were never favorably ~n~!l<:.&'r! whenever we had occasion to call his assistance. With his fringed leather costume and his stories about the prowess of his dogs, he put on a good show, but I don't recall that they ever found a lost person in Fresno County, or even aided significantly in a search. Sometime in the early sixties Cone Duke and Hezekiah was killed in an automobile accident. We were sorry to hear of his death, of course, but we didn't feel we'd really miss his assistance in search and rescue. And when, a few years later, we received a letter telling us of the establishment of the Mel Search and Rescue Foundation, we weren't oved y enthusiastic. Our first actual contact with the new foun­ dation was in July of 1967, and it happened almost by accident. I was then a lieutenant 19 • ~1)r5t lJJrll11011t 1410 W . llELMO ' T AV E. and director of search and rescue operations, and Bill Young was the field sergeant. We had a large crew on a major search in the Rattle­ snake Crossing area north of Kaiser Pass, and after we'd been there several days headquar­ ters received a call of a missing person at Sequoia Lake. Undersheriff Jim Long, who was then administrative head of the search and rescue team, assigned Sergeant Bill Cun­ ningham and a crew to handle that search, and because manpower was limited due to the number of men Bill and I had with us, he contacted the Mel Foundation and arranged for assistance. That search ended a short time after the dog was given the scent. He picked it up in the campground where the missing boy had last been seen, and followed it to the edge of the lake. With that clue to guide them, divers located the body a short time later just a few yards offshore. Cunningham then called me by radio and asked if we could use the dog on our search. It didn't appear likely he could be of any help to us, for our victim had already been missing T 24 HOUR TOWING REPAIR ANYWHERE & AUTO BODY 237-7717 PAINTING FREE ES liMA TES EMERGENCY Rl PAIRS FRES NO 20 for almost a week. When I explained that to Cunningham, he said the handler had no calls waiting, and since he was already in this part of the state, would like to come by and get acquainted, and be immediately available in case we did find a clue the dog could help us check out. I figured it was his time, and if he wanted to waste it in such a fashion it was all right with me, so I told him he was welcome to join us. Just before sundown a red four-wheel-drive pickup appeared at our camp, with a genial, rugged looking man in his late thirties at the wheel, and a younger man in the passenger's seat. The driver dismounted and introduced himself as Don Colbert. I remember being pleasantly surprised that he wasn't wearing fringed leather. Instead he had on an olive green work uniform with a shoulder patch bearing the words, "Mel Search and Rescue." The younger man, whom he introduced as Bud Stokes, his assistant, was similarly garbed. After the introductions Stokes opened the door of the camper shell on the truck and led out a Welcome to the Friendly Astra Motel • Beautiful Cocktail Lounge • All Weather Air Conditioning • Commercials Welcome • Three Acres Truck Parking 99 NORTH -Off on Clinton Ramp 99 SOUTH -Off on Valentine & Dakota An Easy Route To An Easy Rest THE ASTRO MOTEL Don Colbert huge bloodhound. "This is Hezekiah," he said. About that time Bill and his crew rode in from the search area on horses, and for a few moments there was pandemonium. Don ex­ plained, after he and Bud had quieted the dog, BRITZ CHEMICAL CO. INSECTICIDES AQUA AMMONIA & NH3 LIQUID & DRY FERTILIZERS SOIL CONDITIONERS WEED KILLER Fresno-Coalinga Rd., Five Pts. Hwy. 33, Firebaugh Traver, Kingsburg Fresno 7~S. Mendocino, Parlier 884-2421 659-2881 897-2667 864-8786 646-2803 that even the most well-behaved bloodhound gets excited when a horse appears. "They don't often see a four-legged animal that's bigger than they are," he said. "It really shakes 'em up." After dinner Don told us more about the Foundation and his part in it. Since Cone's death Mr. Mel had been planning a more effective means of providing bloodhound ser­ vice to public agencies active in search and rescue. By early 1967 he had organized a non­ profit foundation, with several prominent Bay area citizens on its Board of Directors. He provided most of the initial financing, but planned that eventually public recognition would make it possible to at least partially support it by contributions. The method of operation was simple: any public agency in the state had only to make a telephone call re­ questing help, and a handler and dogs would, subject to prior call of course, be on the way. An office was set up in Oakland, with an answering service to handle calls at night and on week ends. About the only definite require- SERVING FRESNO SINCE 1966 RENTALS • All C(lmpf~ssors & Tools • BendtrS rhl~ad•.? r'i • BudiltHS l(lvels & Tr':UlS,IS • CarpeT S"e!ch~f" • C,,"s & Whet;> (!J dl /UWS • Cem~nl & PlaSh:" M,~efS • Concrete Culling & Breaking • EleCIII~ Hdmm~IS • Elec l rtr: Tools .. M o')! TVlJes • G~llel.)lo' s • Han!.! & Po.....er Pos t Hole Diggers • Ld(ldt~f" • PJrlll SOf :JYln~ EC; ...Jl Llnlt'1l 1 • PlumherS 'Sn.lkes & ROOfC<'''' • P1u mlJI Ilq E' I.J lpnwl ll • PUrl1~~ • Rellf )\IoJ IOI'i & Ru ll" ,-. • SandtJld'" ~Il!lI~mt;:fI: • 5aw~ & G/IIH..h~r~ I T.-t n llJ ..r~ PII~. t'l • T rall~'~ • Tler'\Ct~ef'i • Tr owels & Fmlshlng Machines • W eldIng Machines Ga:. & EIOC lfrC • COMPACTORS • TRACTORS -LOADERS -SCRAPERS !~OPI '\! MON 11'fHJ S.\.-? ;i~").\ M ',j!:>, p ~1 I~ .... L. O ')[·, ..1 1\ '1.... ,:,. ~ FRESNO EQUIPMENT RENTAL 251-8025 1463 N . MAPLE AVE . 21 ments were that the request had to come from an official agency actually responsible for a search in progress, and the dogs could not be used to track escapees or wanted criminals. Don had been an equipment installer for a telephone company in southern California, and had been active with the volunteeer Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Team. There he'd learned how to train and use bloodhounds for tracking, and when he heard about the Mel Foundation he applied for the job of search director. Mr. Mel liked his looks and his credentials, and signed him to a five-year contract. Don moved his wife, Pat, and their three daughters to Inverness, a small town on Tomales Bay an hour north of the Golden Gate Bridge. He took along his own dog, Hezekiah, that he'd raised from a puppy. Hez was seven or eight years old then, and was a veteran of many searches. In the next few months kennels were built, three or four additional dogs were ac­ quired, the pickup was purchased and outfit­ ted with camping and survival gear, and notices were sent throughout the state advising that the Mel Foundation was open for business. We were the first agency to take advantage of its services. Don and Bud stayed with us for several days, even though on that search we never did find anything Hezekiah could work on. The men helped around camp, joined the search crews in beating the brush, and generally made them­ selves use~ul. By the time they finally left for home all our prejudices against bloodhounds and their handlers had disappeared. We had also learned a great deal about the big dogs and the manner in which they work. We found that the term "tracking blood­ hounds" is actually somewhat misleading, for it isn't from the tracks, or footprints, alone that the dog picks up the scent. Each of us, no matter how frequently we bathe or how much Arrid Extra Dry we use, has an odor that is as distinctive to a bloodhound as is a signature to a handwriting expert or a fingerprint to an identification technician. We leave that odor behind us wherever we go, in exactly the same manner as does the skunk who walks across our BROWNIE Heavyweight Mufflers CUSTOM BUILT TAILPIPES 5 Pounds Heavier for Longer Life Locally Owned and Operated Free Estimates * Free Inspection 2535 Ventura 237-2081 _s Multiple l ISI I,,!;! Service Tom CalH"'laria Brokl'r·(hnH'f "The Peak of Professionalism" Complete Real Estate Service With 4 Offices To Better Serve You 731 E. Bullard Ave. Fresno ­431-1211 1766 W. Bullard Ave. Fresno ­431-4610 96 Shaw Ave., Suite 205 Clovis -299-4393 6050 N. First SI. Fresno -431-3800 22 RATCLIFFE STADIUM SHELL COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Official Brake, Headlight Aiming & Smog Station BLACKSTONE & McKINLEY 266-4517 Compliments Of PRECISION '74 AUTO STEREO 1496 N. Van Ness, Fresno 266-8291 JUEL J. ANSIEL, INC. GENERAL CON'TRACTOR License No. 240347 Pre-tab Walls & Packaging P.O. Box 516, Pinedale, CA 93650 431-4420 BUD EBERWEIN BRAKE & WHEEL ALIGNING SERVICE 1821 Calaveras, Fresno 268-6359 BUD EBERWEIN SPRING SERVICE 2016 H Street, Fresno 237-3511 Don gives Hez the lost person's scent. Serving (he Valley lor over 73 years GOTTSf),HALK'S Downtown Fresno Visalia Fair. Visalia 'fJI/II Flshlon Fair. Fresno ! Santa Marla Town Center Westgate Center. Merced Presson's Drywall Service • taping. texturing. acoustic-spray. skip. model texturing. • sheet rock installing. glue-on. sheet rock laminating. QUALITY -COMPETITIVE PRICE -SERVICE Don Presson. Owner (209) 291-3588 3535 N. Duke Car Phone 237-1111 Fresno, Calif: 93727 Car 7520 & 7260 P P G INDUSTRIES PITTSBURGH PAINTS Marck Brushes -Kinney Wallpaper 1639 N. First St., Fresno 233-6179 KOVAC EQUIPMENT CO. CASE EQUIPMENT 268-4488 2708 E. Jensen Ave . Fresno path in the woods, and we detect his scent when we come along hours later. The length of time a person's scent lingers and remains strong enough to be recognized depends primarily on the humidity and the wind. If there's a great deal of moisture in the air and no wind, a good dog may be able to detect and identify the scent after a lapse of several days. We were also-reminded of the importance of a scent guide. The best qualified bloodhound in the world can't detect and foHow a scent unless he has been told which scent to look for. That message is usually conveyed to him by holding to his nose an article of clothing recently worn by the missing person, or his bed linen or sleeping bag. Such articles are worthless for that purpose, of course, if they have been washed since they were used, or have been handled by any other person. They should be picked up with a stick or similar object, and placed in a clean, dry paper or plastic bag until they can be turned over to the dog handler. Don and Bud made several more trips to our area before the end of deer season that autumn. Saluting the Men and Women of the Fresno County Sheriff's Office PRODUCERS COTTONI Ol·t CO. and THE CALFLAX RANCH LE MOSS RADIAL TIRE, INC. Distributors of MICHELIN "X" TIRES SALES & SERVICE Trucks, Passenger, Compacts & Sports Cars RECAPPING -Using Oliver Tuff Tred Rubber 2919 N. Hwy. 99 233-3731 (At Flat Top Truck StoP. Fresno) 23 On their first visit in 1968 they brought the sad news that Mr. Mel had passed away during the winter. I remember feeling a sense of personal loss, even though my only contact with him had been by telephone a couple of times when I'd called the Foundation to re­ quest Don's assistance. Although there was a secretary and a full time answering service, Mr. Mel often took the calls himself. He'd always ask a number of detailed questions person we were looking for and the his being lost. He wasn't or not we really needed __his concern for the Mr. Mel's lmrne(fia1te effect on the operation. H is contract still had fou yea to run, and funds were avail­ able to keep the operation going for at least that long. We'd just have to wait and see what would happen after that. On some cases the Foundation's assistance was extremely valuable; on others conditions made it less so, but it was always enthusias­ tically welcomed. Even when there appeared to be little the dogs could do to help, their mere presence had a positive psychological effect on the relatives and friends of those for whom we were searching, by indicating to them we were taking advantage of every available resource. Quite often, we found, the dogs helped a great deal even if they didn't lead us .F---------------------------------~ KERMAN WHOLESALE MEAT CO. USDA INSPECTED MEAT ONLY Restaurants, Schools, Markets, Etc. Fred & Dawn Pal/esi, Owners 485-9130 or 233-2432 1090 West Church, Fresno 24 directly to the lost person. They'd often indi­ cate considerable interest in a certain possible route of travel, and ignore all others. We'd search in that direction, and perhaps spot our quarry from a jeep or an airplane while the searchers on foot were still some distance away. We thus were spared the time-consum­ ing process of checking each possible route individually, in addition to gaining the pri­ mary benefit of getting the lost person to safety that much sooner. Everyone who has read Uncle Tom 's Cabin remembers the incident about Simon Legree's hounds chasing Eliza, and it is at least im­ plied that the dogs were bloodhounds. If so, and unless Legree had found a way to impart to his dogs his own character traits, they'd probably have smothered her with affection QUICK STOP FOOD & BEVERAGES Case Discounts -Open 7 Days a Week Groceries -Deli Items ­Sundries ­Gift Wrapping 266-6941 4193 E. Illinois Ave. Fresno KENNETH BRUECKNER CONSTRUCTION CO. Contractor's License No. 267264 266-6547 4489 W. Dakota, Fresno 1;IliDavids Sunsnax " w ••,,"_ ,. @ DAVID & SONS, INC. Fresno, CA • In-Shel'l Sunflower Seeds • Pumpkin Seeds • Sunf.lower Kernels • Snack'n Wheat® MID-STATE BOWL 32 Lanes • Cocktail Lounge. Billiard & Arcade Room Coffee Shop • Open 24 Hours Daily 2221 N. Weber 237-6688 M & T DISTRIBUTING CO. ­ * Miller High Life * Lite* Lowenbrau * Pabst* Busch Bavarian * Heineken Arkie Margosian -Ralph Takakjian 2377 South Orange 264-2823 had they caught her. The breed generally is very affectionate, although, like humans, each has an individual personality. The several dogs Don had over the years were for the most part very well trained and behaved in an exemplary manner. Some of them are just names now: Milton, Andy, Ira, Moose, and there may have been a few others whose names I have forgotten. But of some I have as vivid a memory as of humans with whom I've worked. Hezekiah was a bit cantankerous at times; he wasn't vicious, but he didn't take kindly to teasing or play. After he'd growled and bared his teeth a few times we learned to respect his wish to be left alone. Beau and Duke were generally more congenial, and enjoyed a good romp on occasion. Casey was the most handsome of the lot. His coat was a Warehouse Distributors Since 1904 Specialized Parts & Service -Auto ­Truck -Tractor -Boat 1740 Van Ness Phone 485-0330 Fresno BIG POTATOE MARKET Open Daily 9:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. 266-5904 6947 S. Elm Ave., Fresno CONTINENTAL MOTORS Repair -Parts & Service For Volkswagen Phone 264-0791 540 Van Ness at Ventura Fresno, Calif. MID-CAL FORD TRUCK SALES Sales -Parts -Service Ford Industrial Engines 3247 E. Annadale, Fresno 486-2480 Compliments of SIERRA SUPPLY WHOLESALE TAPPAN -Electirc -Gas -Microwave ' 4245 E. Belmont, Fresno 251-7174 deep red instead of the brown that predomin­ ated among his kennel mates. He, too, was inclined to snarl if his privacy were invaded, and he remained somewhat cool and aloof toward both humans and the other dogs. He'd been a show dog in his youth, and he liked to stand at attention in the kennel yard, with head and tail held at precisely the proper angle, as if waiting for the judges to award him his blue ribbon. Mandy-girl was the only female Don ever tried to train for tracking, but with her he didn't have overwhelming success. The lady was intelligent and willing, but a bit temperamental and flighty. Then there was Benson. Like Casey, he was a deep red; a beautiful young dog with a sunny, playful disposition. He was also intel­ ligent, and a capable tracker if not distracted. But no matter how hot the trail, the moment he found a rabbit or deer scent crossing the path, he forgot all about the scent he was supposed to be following. Needless to say, he didn't graduate with honors from Don's train­ ing school. By the spring of 1969 Bud Stokes had found other employment, and Don was in need of another assistant. Because the Foundation's budget was not unlimited, he was looking for a young man mature enough to handle the sometimes demanding and rigorous job of following the dogs through the brush for hours or miles, often with insufficient rest and ir- Compliments of RAU'S DAIRY FARM FRED RAU, Owner ,KNUDSEN PRODUCER 10255 W. Manning Ave. Fresno Phones: Office 237-3393 -Res. 266-7511 25 regular meals, but young enough not to be burdened by financial responsibilities, so he could afford to work for a nominal salary. When he mentioned the situation to me, on his first visit that year, I told him I thought my son, Steve, would make him a good man. "He's only fourteen," I said, "but he's been learning how to take care of himself in the mountains since he started to walk." "That's a couple of years younger than I had in mind," he said, "but maybe I'll take him on a couple of searches and see how he works out." Steve first accompanied Don on a search in Sequoia National Park. They arrived at the scene about midday, and ate a hurried lunch before putting the dogs on the trail. In open­ ing a can of field rations Steve cut his hand, not a critical wound, but deep enough to bleed profusely. He quickly wrapped his handker­ chief around his hand and put it in his pocket. He walked through the forest all afternoon and into the night with his hand hidden in that fashion. By the time they arrived back in VALLEY BURGLAR AND FIRE ALAIRM CO. NIGHT & DAY PHONE 486-2650 H ,mPERIRL SAVinGS 10 VALLEY OFFICES TO SERVE YOU camp the hand was throbbing with pain, and only then did he tell Don about it. "Why didn't you tell me when it happened?" Don asked as he prepared to render some long delayed first aid. "I was afraid you'd make me stay in camp," Steve said. "I think you'll work out fine," Don told him. Thus Steve became a part of Mr. Mel's grand project. He spent two busy and excit­ ing summers with Don, helping train the dogs and keep them in condition, flying all over northern California in military aircraft the Foundation sometimes managed to obtain for transportation, and, illegally, of course, since he wasn't old enough to have a license, driving the truck on long runs when Don needed rest. The area surrounding Inverness is ideal for dog training, for there are plenty of brush covered hills over which numerous trails and abandoned roads wander at random. To train the young dogs, and to keep the veterans in condition, Don and Steve frequently enlisted a VALLEY TYPEWRITER CO. Royal Typewriters -Victor Adding Machines 266-9936 1929 Fresno St. SYCAMORE ISLAND STOCK RANCH Henry T. Masuda of YOSEMITE NURSERY Wishes To Thank You, His Patrons, For Your Faithful Patronage Dur,ing His Many Years Of Business Fresno THE VAN DYKE NEWS CO. Wholesale Distributors of America's Leading Magazines and Books . 26 Hez and Don on the trail. the aid of some of the village children. They'd take a sweater or aT-shirt for a scent guide, have the owner go some distance away and hide in the brush, then give the dog the scent and urge him to follow it. A young dog, ordinarily beginning his education when al­ most full grown, was paired with an experi­ enced dog. The breed is so intelligent that seldom was there any significant difficulty in making them understand what was expected of them. As they became more skilled, the GLEIM-CROWN PUMP, INC. Serving the Valley Since 1945 State Licensed Contractor #194577 Sales for Industry & Agriculture -Service & Repairs 3087 South Elm 266-0584 (State Highway #41) ANer Hours Call Fresno 266-0801 SAL CANVASHV I ­PECIAL TIES We Do Repairing 2750 S. Cherry, Fresno 485-1290 THE ORCHARD Farm Fresh Fruits • Vegetables • Nuts • Honey 252-1221 Southwest Corner of Kings Canyon & McCall ANDV CAGLIA REAL TV, INC. COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL -RANCHES Andy Caglla, Real Estate Broker 266-0291 4233 W. Sierra Madre, Suite 203, Fresno "lost" kids were sent farther and farther away, until finally the dogs learned to follow a scent for considerable distances, and not to be dis­ tracted by other scents encountered along the trail. It was a tossup as to who enjoyed the game more: the kids, the dogs, or the trainers. One of the most promising students, and Steve's favorite, was a handsome young dog named Solomon. He was something of a child prodigy, learning to track when he was still a pup. Many dogs, even well trained adults, must be worked on a leash or harness to keep them under control; otherwise they become so excited at following the scent they'll ignore voice commands and run off and . leave their handlers far behind. Almost from the begin­ ning Solomon could be trusted to work with­ out a leash. His training partner was his father, Clancy, and he'd follow the old man, sniffing eagerly along the trail right at his heels, until they were within a few yards of the child they were looking for. Then he'd rush ahead and beat the older dog to the hidden youngster. Don and Steve predicted he'd be- COUNTRY BOY MARKET 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU Chestnut & Olive 5380 N. Blackstone FABRICATED PIPE MILL PIPE QUALITY AND SERVICE NEW ALL SIZES ALL LENGTHS CENTRAL VALLEY STEEL & PIPE CO. Highway 99 at Shaw Call us at 441-8121 -Fresno 27 Steve, Casey and Don find "lost" children in a practice session near Inverness. come a great tracker, and would one day replace Hezekiah as the Foundation's most dependable dog. One day during a training session, as they waited for a youngster to reach his hiding place, Steve was idly stroking Solomon's sleek flank when he felt an odd lump in the ab­ domen. He mentioned it to Don, who, after checking, immediately suspended training, ~~ Timberwine MOUNTAIN PROPERTI,ES Shaver Lake • Condominiums • Individual Homesites • Five-acre Estates • Commercial Fresno Shaver Lake 252-3758 (209) 841-7705 M & H TOWING HEAVY DUTY ~ 24 HOUR SERVICE Call 237-6307 4453 S. Golden State Blvd. Fresno, CA 93725 and they rushed the dog to a veterinarian. He had fallen victim to the danger common to the breed of accidentally swallowing stones, toys, or other objects they playfuny pick up in their mouths. Because their throat passages are so enormous, they can swallow objects much too large to pass through the digestive tract. Unless the situation is detected almost im­ mediately, intestinal blockage is the inevitable result. In Solomon's case they were too late. Infection had already set in, and he died within a few hours. Don tried to prevent such tragedies by instructing neighborhood children of the dan­ ger caused by throwing objects into the pens for the dogs to play with, and by checking the pens frequently and removing any foreign objects. But in spite of their efforts, two or three other dogs, including the majestic Casey, eventually died in the same manner. Others were victims of another hazard pe­ culiar to bloodhounds and a few other large animals. Their abdominal cavity is so large, and the surrounding tissue so loose, that the PALACE MARKET 2447 West Church Road Fresno JACKIE'S COSTUMES * COSTUME RENTALS * THEATRICAL MAKE UP * WIGS * BEARDS * MUSTACHES Tuesday through Saturday: 10:00 A.M to 500 P.M. Jackie Robbins, Owner 1052 E. Olive (1 block east of Van Ness), Fresn0266-5200 KITCHEN-BEST PrePared Potatoes Frozen Foods 268-8138 25 "L" Street Fresno CARL HOBE Consulting Petroleum Engineer &. Geologist 227-8003 4740 N. Arcade Fresno 28 internal organs have room for considerable independent movement. Occasionally a dog will lie on one side long enough for the stom­ ach and other organs to become settled into a somewhat fixed position, then turn to the other side, and the stomach won't always turn with the remainder of the body. This results in a twist in the alimentary canal both above and below the stomach, and as in the case of swallowing a foreign object, leads to fatal blockage if not detected almost immediately. Unfortunately, in neither situation is there pain or sufficient discomfort to be outwardly manifested by the dog until considerable dam­ age has been done. 1971 was the final year covered by Don's contract. His first visit that spring was to accompany our team to the annual search and rescue seminar at Sequoia National Park. He was obviously concerned about the future of the Foundation. Mr. Mel had failed to make long term provision for it in his will, and his heirs had so far made no commitment to keep it in operation. Don apologetically explained OHlBERG' FOOD CENT,ER "The Home of the German Sausage" 266-1506 Security Building Maintenance General Janitorial Service Rug Shampooing 3755 E. Tulare. Fresno 233-0332 SANCHEZ-HALL MORTUARY FUNERAL DIRECTOR Robert J. Sanchez 237-3532 1022 "8" Street -Corner "8" and Tulare Vincent Ganduglia Trucking 251-7101 4746 E. Florence he wouldn't be able to use Steve that summer; he'd have to work without an assistant to make the dwindling funds last as long as possible. He still hoped some method could be found to keep the Foundation alive, but he wasn't at all optimistic. By the end of the year his fears were realized. He had been told his contract would not be renewed, and that the Founda­ tion would cease to exist. In its five years of life the Foundation had participated in more than a hundred searches, in eleven counties ranging from Siskiyou to Tulare and from Plumas to Mono, and in Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks. Noone knows exactly how many lives were saved by its participation, but it is certain that because the dogs were there, many lost persons were found and removed from the risk of death or injury much sooner than they otherwise would have been. Between searches and training sessions Don and his assistants had spoken on wilderness safety and survival to thousands of youngsters in appearances at schools, camps, clubs, and churches. These activities, too, may What5 new? GARDNER'S NEW way of selling America's No. 1 luxury car! We're out to establish new sales records and will deal on YOUR TERMS! A Master Dealer 5737 N. BLACKSTONE • 431-6000 SERVICE ALL BRANDS SALES SERVICE COLOR BLACK & WHITE RADIO STEREO ANTENNAS 7P"'1/..!AlER Quasar Microwave Ovens ~ MORGAN'S .. 1120 N. CHESTNUT AVE. FRESNO CALL ANYTIME 255-5376 29 have saved lives. When the Foundation folded Don couldn't keep all the dogs, of course, so he found other homes for all but two, Clancy and the pick of a litter he'd recently sired, Barney. That winter Don found a job with a local communications firm, doing the same type of work he'd done before becoming affiliated with the Mel Foun­ dation, and he moved to Fresno. We negotia­ ted an agreement whereby the Sheriff's De­ partment would maintain and care for the two dogs in exchange for their use in search and rescue. It was planned that Don would serve as handler whenever he could spare time from his new job, and would train members of the search and rescue team to work the dogs when neither he nor Steve could be available. A kennel was built at the Industrial Farm, and an inmate was assigned to keep it clean, to feed and care for the dogs, and to exercise them daily with a brisk walk around the farm premises. We were all quite pleased with the arrange­ ment. It then appeared that the demise of the Mel Foundation had actually been a blessing in disguise as far as our county was concerned. Instead of having to call for bloodhounds from a couple of hundred miles away, with the ever present possibility they'd be involved in a search somewhere else, we now had them immediately available any time we needed them. Steve, of course, was ecstatic at the prospect of being able to work with his sad­ faced friends again. For the first year or so all went according to plan. Don and Steve made frequent trips to BURNS INTERNATIONAL SECURITY SERVICES, INC. TRAINED UNIFORMED GUARDS FOR ALL TYPES INDUSTRIAL SECURITY, SPECIAL EVENTS, STRIKES, CIVIL DISTURBANCES -INVESTIGATIONS ­ Free Security Estimates 743 N. FULTON ST., FRESNO, CA 93728 (209) 233-8481 30 Visiting hour at the kennel. Don kneels inside, and Steve and Mary, Don's daughter, watch as Clancy says hello to a trio of neighborhood children. Hair Design by the Real McCoy Un i-Sex Hair Styling for Discriminating Men & Women By Appointment Only -Open Evenings By Appointment Hair Analysis 1224 W. Shields Ave. Corner of Shields & West 222-5791 MARCUS BAIL BOND SERVICE 24 Hour Daily Service George R. Marcus, Jr. Agent Bus. (209) 268-8538 Res. (209) 237-6438 854 E. California (at Fig Avenue), Fresno 853 Van Ness (in California Hotel), Fresno Monte's & Bill's Custom Motorcycles Specializing in Harley Davidson Parts & Customizing -Tune-up & Motor Work 266-6688 450 North H Street Fresno P & J FRESNO AUTO PARTS CO. Complete Automotive Supplies Wholesale & Retail. 266-8261 648 Broadway Fresno the farm to give the dogs refresher training. using volunteer inmates to play lost in the same manner as had the kids in Inverness. The hounds were used in several searches, with very gratifying results. Jim Cruz, a member of the search and rescue team who'd long been interested in working with blood­ hounds, learned to handle them with the aplomb of a veteran trainer. But then the situation began to deteriorate. Don's job began to take a great deal of his time outside regular working hours. The company operated all over the San Joaquin Valley, and he was frequently called out at night and on weekends to solve a problem in a new instal­ lation. Eventually he moved to Madera, put­ ting another twenty miles between his home and the kennel. Steve started to college, and classes, study, and working several evenings a week in a grocery store drastically limited his time. They were thus able to provide only token training for Clancy and Barney. Jim Cruz would have enjoyed giving them fre­ quent workouts, but he was resident deputy at CLARK'S FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT "Everything For The Fireplace" 1102 E. Belmont Ave. 268-3155 Fresno WESTERN FOAM PAK, INC. MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF PLASTIC PACKAGING PRODUCTS 5370 E. Home 251-7351 Fresno ROTH'S CRANE SERVICE TANKS ­STEEL BEAMS LIGHT FIXTURES TRUSSES REFRIGERATION UNITS. ETC. 80' -100' -110' Cranes 14,000 Lb. Capacity Fully Hydraulic 229-8523 Summit Warehouse Co. Inc. Cotton Compress and Warehouse S. Cedar, Fresno 266-8213 Shaver Lake, about 75 miles from the farm. We considered building a kennel at Shaver, to make it more convenient for Jim, and so the dogs would be closer to the area where they'd most likely be used on an actual search. But with the heavy tourist traffic in that area, and with no one to see to the dogs when Jim was away on a call, we were afraid they'd suffer the same fate · as had Casey and Solomon: swallowing an object some well-meaning per­ son might throw into their pen for them to play with. Beau sadly wonders why he's been left behind. Meanwhile, the two dogs l.ay around the kennel at the farm and grew fat and lazy. They were still taken on daily walks, but that couldn't make up for the lack of real work. Don assured us that their inactivity wouldn't significantly affect their tracking ability; that it's a skill that once learned a dog never forgets. But it certainly wasn't doing much for their physical condition. Medical science still isn't sure what causes 31 cancer in humans, so I'm sure veterinarians are equally unenlightened about its cause in animals. Perhaps the dogs' lack of normal activity for a couple of years was a contri­ buting factor; perhaps not. The symptoms were first noticed sometime in the summer of 1976. Steve had found time to take Clancy on a brief outing to the Kings River, and enroute back he noticed several lumps under the dog's skin. He reported this to Lieutenant Bill Cun­ ningham, the Farm superintendent. He called a veterinarian and the lumps were diagnosed as mali gnant tumors for which there is no known cure. They could have been surgically removed, but the vet recommended against it, explaining that there was little chance the operation would halt the disease. Once such tumors start developing, he said, they multi­ ply until they eventually cause death. Until the latter stages they are virtually painless, and he recommended that as long as Clancy seemed to feel all right, nothing be done. Within a few months the same type of tumors began to develop under Barney's skin. CALIFORNIA I ­FIRST BANK ~ COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE Fresno Branch North Fresno Branch 1458 Kern St. 1330 E. Shaw Ave. 233-0591 226-7900 Deposits Insured By Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation OSTERGAARD FEEDS MAJOR BRAND FEEDS GRAIN -POULTRY STOCK REMEDIES SEEDS -FERTILIZERS VETERINARIAN SUPPLIES 8-5 Mon.-Fri. Sat. 'til 12 , 4054 W. Whites Bridge Rd., Fresno 233-4963 We knew than it was just a matter of time until Mr. Mel's dreams would be nothing but a memory. We considered trying to find a good female to breed to Clancy, so there would be another son to carryon the good work, but we were afraid that in his condition he wouldn't sire healthy offspring. Besides, we by then had decided that a medium-sized agency such as ours, with only an occasional need, can't afford to have its own bloodhounds. Between search­ es they're like an army between wars; expen­ sive to feed and maintain, and time consuming to keep fit and ready for duty. The ideal arrangement is an organization such as the Mel Foundation, where a few dogs can supply the needs of many agencies. By late spring of 1977 both dogs were obviously beginning to to feel the effects of their illness. They weren't interested in running and playing; their once bright eyes were listless and dull. By that time Don had moved to Las Vegas, and I'd written to him explain­ ing the situation and the veterinarian's diag­ nosis and recommendation. He'd told me State Center Meat Company 268-0741 1803 S. Van Ness, Fresno SCREEN PRINT All Types of Silk Screen Work 4717 IE. Home Ave. , Fresno 255-1871 C. W. Jessen Construction Co. 827 E. Princeton Ave., Fresno, Calif. 93704 224-0487 C. W. (Chris) Jessen State Lic. No. 271384 LA V.ICTORIA TORTILLAS Mfgs. of Fine Quality Corn & Flour Tortillas Visit Our New Facility -Wholesale & Retail Tamales Made Fresh Daily 760 F Street, Fresno 233-1141 32 use my own judgment; that when I felt the time had come, to have them put to sleep. When I made this decision I asked Steve if he'd like to visit his friends one more time. He declined , saying he'd prefer to remember them as they'd been in happier days when he'd followed them down the mountain trails. My feelings were similar, so I made arrangements for Bill Cunningham to call for the veterinar­ ian to do what had to be done. We hope we did it soon enough that the dogs didn't suffer. Mr. Mel, too, would have wanted us to do it that way. It's too bad his noble dream had to end in such a tragic manner. ORIENTAL IMPORTS COMPANY Hawaiian Dresses -Perfumes -Oriental Clothes 816 E. Olive Ave., Fresno 237-4592 WESTCAL INC. Robert McCaffrey Paula Bonadelle Karen McCaffrey Contractor Vice President President Contracto(s License _304403 4224 N. Cedar, Fresno, CA 93726 (209) 224-7405 FRESNO ORTHOPEDIC CO. 1531 E. Belmont Ave. 266-9759 JADE PALACE CHINESE & AMERICAN FOOD TO TAKE OUT 935 "F" Street 233-6784 ART SCHEDLER'S ENGINE REBUILDING & SUPPLY 624 Broadway, Fresno 268-5091 FRESNO DAILY LEGAL REPORT, INC. PACIFIC RUBBER STAMP CO. WEBSTER (; SONS PRINTING 237·0114 233·8712 745 "M" STREET, FRESNO, CA. 93721 Builders Concrete, Inc. Ashlan Near 99 225-3664 READY MIX CONCRETE JOE OISHIAN 4206 N. Blackstone at Ashlan Phone 224-3888 OUR SALUTE TO THE MEMBERS OF FRESNO COUNTY SHERIFF'S AERO SQUADRON Denair Aviation. Inc. Cessna Sales & Service CHANDLER DOWNTOWN AIRPORT : BIO-SUL (BT Microbial insecticide) CASORON® (Herbicide) DU-TER® (Fungicide) DE-FEND® (Dimethoate Systemic Insecticide) Formulated as W25 wettable powder, 8% Dust, and E-267 Emulsifiable liquid. THOMPSON-HA YWARD CHEMICAL COMPANY P.O . Box 7797, Fresno, Co . 93727 Sonia Fe Springs, Co . Yakima, Wn . (209)251-7144 Hood River, Ore . 33 BUILDERS EMPORIUM RETAIL -WHOLESALE NEW -USED PLUMBING -ELECTRICAL -HARDWARE -PAINT "We've Got It" 10% discount to all law enforcement personnel 4686 E. Kings Canyon Rd. Fresno, Calif. 93702 (209) 251-5586 Dining Room Banquet Rooms Cocktail Lounge DALENA & MARC lOCH I, INC. Ned F. Dalena & Louise A. Marciochi All Types Insurance -Surety Bonds I 338 W. Shaw Ave. 226-9414 "COVERING THE VALLEY" MID-STATE LINOLEUM FLOOR COVERING CONTRACTOR 4637 E. Turner, Fresno 251-5505 • .. ,··m atmospherics Incorporated 5652 E. Dayton Ave., Fresno 291-5575 T & T TRUCKING CO. REFRIGERATED SE.RVICE Jerry Tiller, Owner 486-08604061 N. Blackstone, Fresno 222-5641 2290 West Adams Ave, Fresno 81LVBB DOLLAR DIAMOND MOTORS BOI1lBAU Old Fashion Hand Carved Sandwiches WORLD'S LONGEST SilVER DOLLAR BAR 333 EAST SHAW PHONE 227-<:roJWe Finance All The Cars We Sell R & L ARCa SERVICE I BILL & SWEDE I CORNER 01 FRESNO & ASHLAN 344 Abby 268-84331 I 229-0660 Fresno VALLEY ARMORED TRANSPORT, Inc. Complete Banking Service ~ Serving California Over 25 Years All Property in Our Possession Completely ~~I Insured Against Loss 110 N. Broadway 233-5855 I­I!I 905 R Street, Fresno, California 93721 MIKE'S PIZZERIA AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE Genuine Italian Food Our Speciality Dining Room Open 7 Days a Week -11 :30 A. M. to 12:30 A.M. Fri. & Sat. 'til 2 A.M. -Cocktail Lounge Open 10 A.M. to 2 A.M. Pizza & Food To Go * * Call Ahead For Orders 3228 N. West Ave, (at Shields) 229-2635 34 HAROLD C. McKINNEY Sheriff-Coroner 35 Oiscounts To Weddings & Parties Mini -Oell 2S 1-4496 4630 E. KINGS CANYON RD. o Block East Of Maple) : : EI Jardin de Verano LAS PALMAS Especial para las familias Bailes Todo Los Dias Prestamos el Jardin para Fiestas y Banquetes Lo Unico que se les cobra es por 10 que consuman LAS PALMAS RESTAURANT 1045 F Street. Fresn Phone 442-9862 JYour Host Manuel Herrera 36 FRESNO MEMORIAL (jarJenJ Fresno's Own Homeowned Cemetery 175 S. Cornelia at Whitesbridge Road 268-7823 HANKEL SEWER CONTRACTORS License No. 311075 FREE ESTIMA TES -CALL 227-4679 1937 W. DAYTON FRESNO American :Jl'uck Salvage .Jnc. TRUCK PARTS -TRUCK REPAIRS Don Beasley Telephone (209) 233-5169 P. O. Box 2805 3599 S. Hwy. 99 General's Finest Tire ... Goes a long Way to Make Friends Fresno OVERSTREET GENERAL TIRE, INC. 1501 Fulton 2099 E. North Ave. Phon~ 485-7970 Phone 237-7156 Day or Nite Service: 237-7156 Management Services W. R. YOUNG Assistant Sheriff Administrative Services Bureau A. PAPALEO R. L. SAUM Assistant Sheriff Assistant Sheriff Jail and Corrections Bureau Field Operations Bureau Internal Affairs and Inspections M. GOLDEN Detective 37 A. SEDGEBEER Detective G. HORNING Sheriff's Secretary THE UNITED ACCOUNT ASK ABOUT IT! JUST CALL 486-6000 UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK FRESNO MANCHESTER TOWER 1st &HERNDON MAIN OFFICE MALL OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE The Fresno County Farm Bureau representing over 6,200 member families in Fresno County, salutes the Fresno County Sheriff's Department. FRESNO COUNTY FARM BUREAU 1274 W. Hedges, Fresno 93728 Phone 237-0263 GENE RICHARDS PAVING CO. * Paving * Grading * Excavating * * Parking Lots * Driveways * * Subdivisions * Streets * Commercial • Industrial Free Estimates California Contractor"s license No. 273198 32921/2 N. Weber Ave., Fresno 266-0748 PACIFIC DRIVE-IN THEATRES Watch for Grand Opening of All New 4-Screen Drive-In Theatre SWAP MEET SAT. & SUN. 7-3 SUNNYSIDE SUNNYSIDE DRIVE-IN #1 Olive & Clovis Ave. ­251-7373 SUNNYSIDE DRIVE-IN #2 Olive & Clovis Ave. -251-7373 This Summer ­Big New 4-Screen Drive-In Theatre (Blackstone & Herndon) MOTOR-IN DRIVE-IN SO. Hwy. 99 at Central -237-6663 SUNSET DRIVE-IN -$3.00 Per Carload Whites Bridge & Hughes -264-0401 38 BELMONT FOREIGN CAR SERVICE DATSUNS • TOYOTAS • VOLKSWAGENS (209) 251-8636 4225 E. Belmont Ave. Fresno, California 93702 (Corner of Belmont and Cedar Avenues) MATTOS BROS. DAIRY MANUEL & TONY MATTOS 266-7627 6201 S. BRAWLEY AVE. 'FRESNO "DOC KILZUM " HIS PATIENTS ALL DIE Paramount Pest Control Service "We Control Pests" 2143 E. McKinley 268·4266 JORGENSEN & CO. Fire Extinguishers and Safety Equipment Protective Systems 2691 S. East Ave. Ph. 268-6241 Travelers Body & Fender Works Orvil &Jim Minnis, Owners 1861 Broadway and Sacramento, Fresno 266-0561 ACME AUTO PARTS AUTO WRECKING. CHEVY & FORD SPECIALISTS -24-HOUR TOWING BEN MATHEW OWNER When Hours Count -Call MANPOWER TEMPORARY SERVICES 233-7317 The Very Best In Temporary Help 2133 Kern Street MANAGEMENT SERVICES C. MOUSHIGIAN, M.S.W. J. WILLIAMS S. KEAG Psychiatric Social Worker Sr. Clerk Clerk Intelligence Unit Planning and Research J. ARCENEAU J. HOWARD G. WILLIAMS Sergeant Clerk Office of Emergency Services H.HENDERSON D. MORRIS Director Clerk 39 40 LIQUOR JUNCTION SPORTING GOODS " House of Fine Spirit s" 264·9267 5092 W Shaw Ave , Hiway City AUTO DIESEL ELECTRIC SIERRA HOSPITAL FRESNO CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL SIERRA VIEW CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL TRAILERS * MOTOR HOMES * RENTALS &SALES DALE'S RV CENTER 291-9161 DALE HUFFORD DALE CROSS SERVICING ALL MAKES RECR EATIONAL VEHICLES & MOBILE HOMES 2891 N. Clovis Ave. Fresno, California * We are now 36 Lanes * Cocktail Lounge * Business Mens' Lunch * Coffee Shop Open at 7:30 a.m. * Mexican-American Specialties 5693 E. Kings Canyon Road 251-7133 FOSTER'S OLD FASHION FREEZE California's Favorite Dessert Great Hamburgers Go Home Happyl Look Twice! Don't Get Fooled -Get Foster's 6 ­CONVENIENT LOCATIONS -6 3377 N. Cedar -222-5384 3858 E. Ventura Ave. -266-4884 1449 E. Belmont Ave. -266-2277 753 E. Barstow at First ~227-6522 902 Clovis Ave., Clovis -299-2820 5729 N. Palm Ave. -431-5729 Specialists in All Electrical Systems & Components 2764 S. Railroad Ave. Phone 268-5822 pl1Je POSTAL~ INSTANT PRESS DALE NEUMANN PRINTING WHILE-U-WATCH! 233-4247 1924 Fresno Street Fresno, Ca. 93721 PLEASANT STERILIZATION & MATTRESS CO. Mattre~ses & Furniture Sterilized (State Approved Plant) Mattresses Custom Made -Rebuilt -Renovated New Furniture ­Pick Up and Delivery 847 N. Pleasant Ave. 237-4376 JOHN'S PINEDALE LIQUORS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK WINES -LIQUORS -BEER 439-2780 7274 N. BLACKSTONE GARDNER'S SHOES FRESNO FASHION FAIR 227-5011 North First and Shaw Ave . SMITH TANK LINES FRESNO, CA. CUSTOM SPRAYING· ORCHARD ,VINEYARD 'INSECTICIDES HERBICIDES' FUNGICIDES' FUMIGANTS' FERTILIZER FARM SUPPLIES' GONDOLA GRAPE PICKING STAKE DRIVING 'LAND LEVEliNG S & M FARM SUPPLY, INC. 5523 SO. PEACH, FRESNO RES: 834-3860 KEN SCHMALL MOBILE TELEPHONE: 237-9103· CAR 21 5 Administrative Services Bureau Administrative Division CAPT. L. NELSON Division Commander LT. R. WOOD Asst. Div. Commander F. BURFORD Training G. HILL Comm. ReI. T. SCOTT Comm. ReI. R. CRAIG Training D. GUSTAFSON Training FRED'S SEPTIC PUMPING SERVICE • SERVING FRESNO & ALL SURROUNDING AREAS ~~~-..INDUSTRIAL. COMMERCIAL· SUMPS • RtSIDENTIAL • LINE CLEANING -POWER EIlUIP. • REASONABLE RATES • F.H.A. & CAL VET INSPECTIONS • FRESNO COUNTY PERMIT -PROMPT SERVICE • INSUREO PL & PD FRED GENTIlE· OVER 15 YRS. EXPERIENCE 352D N. HAYES· FRESND 41' .. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION R. INGLIS Business Manager J. GILIO Secretary Fiscal Services Section J. CRANE P. AUCHARD Principal Account Clerk Senior Account Clerk Personnel Services S. OSBORN Sr. Stock Clerk R.BECK Stock Clerk 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 42 J. O'BRYANT Volunteer LICENSE #259649 M. BANUELOS Account Clerk D. CHANDLER . Storeroom Supervisor ------- ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION CIVIL SECTION SGT. A. RANDRUP Supervisor C. BALEY Operations Sgt. G. PETRUCELLI Field Sgt. LAMONA SERVICE CENTER ARCO PRODUCTS Towing • Complete Automotive Service 1316 N. First 237-9159 BOYS MARKET GROCERIES • MEAT • PRODUCE BEER. WINES • LIQUORS Complete Variety Department 1444 C Street, Fresno 237-7594 (~ OF FRESNO 224-3391 714 W. Shaw Avenue in Fig Garden Village GERMAN AUTO REPAIR Specialized in Mercedes & Volkswagen Service & Parts * GERMAN TRAINED MECHANIC* GERMAN CRAFTSMANSHIP * SINCE 1967 1828 E. Hammond Ave. (near Olive & Abby)237-8090 INTERIOR CONTRACTORS INSULATION -DRYWALL -ACOUSTICAL 268-4795 2910 Heaton, Fresno WALT'S LARIAT COCKTAILS ­BEER 233-7478 2615 S. Maple, Fresno DUNCAN'S LIQUORS Liquor * Grocertes * Sporting Goods* 24-Hour Ice Se rvice * Sunday -Thursday 8 to 11 Friday & Saturday 8 to Midnight 1805 W. Olive (1 Block off Freeway) 237-3257 CAR PARTS INC. Complete Line Of Automotive • Truck • Tractor Parts 712 L Street, Fresno 268-6363 (PFAFF) $100 REWARD For any household sewing machine we cannot repair (provided parts are available). Sales ­Service (All makes) BUDD SEWING MACHINE CO. SINCE 1928 501 N. Fresno at Belmont, Fresno 237-8719 or 237-4221 CAREY OIL COMPANY, INC. Jack C_ Carey PETROLEUM ~ P. O. Box 11788, Fresno ~ PRODUCTS 266-8226 43 CIVIL SECTION Field Services R. BOWLING R. BRADLEY F. DELGADO J. FLEMING R. HERNANDEZ J V. MATTOX Q. MERLO C. PIPER C. SNEDDEN M. TABLER StaIe(]Savings @ .,.....,~ ~E'N"6'~li !.~\. ,~. ~..~ "."",. Invest locally. We do. FRESNO IIIOE . OlIV1:AVE . 486-127 1 JJOJ N. CEDAR AVE _ 221>-58.42 CLOVIS 536 WOODWORTH 299·9275 ~ND LOAN ASSOCIATION Serving Norther,n . and Central California for over 50 years We proviqe computerIZed savings and home financing services including: Pioneer Club '" Free Checking' Free Travelers Checks " Free Money Orders"­ Free Safe Deposit Boxes '­ Free Trust Deed Collection "­ Free Notary Service " Minimum Deposit Required 44 H. WINTER D. WONG BEST WISHES F,ROM UNIVERSITY-SEQUOIA­ SUNNYSIDE CLUBS PAUL N . WILLARD, General Manager 5704 East Butler Ave" Fresno (209) 251-6011 YTURR,I HOTEL LUNCHES -DINNERS Cocktail lounge Banquet Facilities 2546 Kern St., Fresno 485-1571 CIVIL SECTION Clerical Services '•.. ,. ".i. ~ B.BARTLETT L. CHRISTENSEN J. ESPONDE J. HENSON L. LESTER SHELBURNE'S STATIONEIRY AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT 268-8444 Main Store and Showroom at 1133 Fulton Mall Gus Stuckert Service Garage COMPLETE TUNE UPS Brakes * Carburetors * Auto Electrical Wheel Alignment * Air Conditioning* Quality Workmanship * 1433 Broadway, Fresno 264-2811 M& L PLUMBING CO., INC. Tract Homes -Custom Homes and Commercial Plumbing State License " 224778 291-5525 3540 N. Duke, Fresno Fresno Kenworth, Inc. P.o. Box 148 Phone 233-0191 2680 S. East Avenue Fresno L. PATTON E. ROGERS THE ARMS LUNCHES -COCKTAILS Your Hosts: Harold & Nola Shelley 4630 East Tulare Avenue Phone 255-0815 Fresno 45 G. W. "Bill" Zehender • Complete Truck Repair • Machine Shop Service • Heliarc Aluminum Welding • Wreck Rebuilding • New & Used Parts 3397 E. Malaga Ave. at Hwy. 99 South Fresno, California 93745 266-0817 ••"AD- IC'~ ~Sw'~ ~J ,~DRESSIHC!.A. '--­-..;..:......-: J A Fresno County Product of ~ Andetson Clayton Foods 80x 10051 F'.5."O. Cal it. 937 .. 5 BEST WISHES From 1Iuuk of AUttricn NATIONAL nWNcit ASSOCIATION FRESNO MAIN BRANCH TULARE and VAN NESS THE OUTPOST Your Favorite Restaurant COCKTAILS -FINE FOODS Your Favorite Host DAN VUKSON Always There To Greet You Ph. 251·7171 1137 North Chestnut at Olive FRESNO VARNI ASSOCIATES 227-2956 1211 E. Gettysburg, Fresno SHAM'S MEN'S WEAR Across From Fair Grounds 4559 E. Ventura, Fresno 251-8674 1114 G Street, Reedley 638-2010 BILL:5 HarnE FURnlSHmliS -.... , hl \ I • I ".,· ( " 111,:" tt.· .!:.2b2u") 5092 N. Blackstone. Fresno, CA 93710 (209) 222-6205 PEPER JANITORIAL SERVICE Office Buildings. Stores. Floors Waxed Windows Cleaned • Insured • Personal Service 4641 E. Donner, Fresno 291-3931 Luftenburg's Bridal Boutique And Fabric Center Dress Fabrics For All Occasions Dial & Sew Sewing Machines 931 Fulton Mall Phones: Yardage 237-1296 -Bridal 237-3496 H-J TROPHY SHOP Specialists in Trophies & Awards SCHOOL SERVICES For the finest in Caps & Gowns. Medals & Pins Headquarters for Customized Bulova Watches 4141 E. Gettysburg, Fresno ANDERSON ROCK PRODUCTS 11000 N. LANES ROAD CALIFORNIA-FRESNO OIL CO. ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 486-0220 3242 E. Garrett near Jensen & Hwy. 99 FACTORY BRANCH FOR THE WORLD'S LARGEST BUILDERS OF TRUCK-TRAILERS Sales and Service for New & Used Commercial Trailers and Bodies of All Types 'WHERE TO BUY THEM" FRUEHAUF TRAILER CO. 2727 S. EAST AVE. 264-5961 46 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION CORONER SECTION SGT. J. BOWEN G. SCHOONMAKER Supervisor S. ROBERTS L. STREETER SONS CONSTRUCTI'ON, INC. Commercial & Industrial Construction Contractors License #206917 268-4633 5656 E. Kaviland, Fresno PINEDALE DRUGS PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Sundries ­Notions -Gift Hems 439-0674 7280 N. Blackstone Ave., Pinedale W. FLAHERTY P. KIRKLAND G. PIMENTEL J. STUBBS R. TOBIN M. BARONIAN Sr. Clerk C8JA5C HILL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Everything Your Car Would Require Specializing in Repairs on Transmissions of all Types Air Conditioning • Complete Engine Overhauls. Adjusting Seals. Rebuilding. Towing. Most Parts in Stock Ask About Our Revolving Charge -Ask About Our Conditional Guarantee Call For Free Estimates 2403 E. McKinley Ave. ('~ block west of Fresno St)264-2447 ARCO ~~ ~,. MARTINt,IL COMPANY DAN MARTIN 2874 S. Cherry, Fresno, CA 93706 (209) 486-2770 47 HOPE MANOR NURSING. RESTORATIVE CONVALESCENT. RETIREMENT 1665 "M" Street, Fresno (209) 268-5361 VALLEY PIPE & SUPPLY INC. Industrial and Waterwork Supplies 233-0321 1801 Santa Clara, Fresno, CA 93721 JIg, ENGINEERED SOUND, INC. FRESNO LAS VEGAS COMPLETE SOUND SYSTEMS DESIGN • SALES • SERVICE. INSTALLATIONS ALTEe -DUKANE -EDWARDS -WEBSTER 224-3750 3296 W. Sussex Way, Fresno Western Exterminator Company 251-5511 251-8252 Complete pest and termite control • Safe methods-low costs • Termite inspections ~ ~scrow and FHA reports · rt!lrmite protection policy • l,awn and tree spraying • FumigJlhon • Industrial weed control • Resldenllal -Industrial • Commercial 4741 E. Hedges 4II~;;I Fresno ERNIE'S PASTRY SHOP Birthday & Wedding Cakes All Types Quality Pastry * Ice Cream & Coffee 3404 E. Butler 264-2267 & 264-5230 Fresno Wire Rope & Rigging Custom Riggingl -Esco Products Miller Swivels -Crosby Clips Press Grip Fittings -Skookum Blocks 2360 East Ave. 268-8885 West Fresno Production Ent. Inc. Complete Auto Detailingl Vestee Jackson Robert Ervin Gen. Manager Manager 1455 Broadway Fresno, Calif. 93721 Ph. 268-5800 STAR STUCCO PRODUCTS INC. Wholesale Only 233-4646 1815 E. Home Ave. at Blackstone MILLER'S DRUG IRV JACKMAN OWNER * Personal Consultation * Delivery Service * Charge Accounts * 3 E. Olive Ave. 264-5037 Mell West Auto Body Works and Painting Complete Automotive Reconstruction Frame & Wheel Alignment • 24 Hour Towing 1534 N. Thesta, Fresno 266-1089 WARD TRACTOR CO. Used Tractor Parts for All Makes & Models Wheel or Crawler We Buy -Sell -Trade Any Make or Model WE SHIP 268­ 3411 S. Hiqhway 99 VALLEY AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Heating * Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Supplie's 5290 E. Pine, Fresno 25 48 LT. J. BALDWIN Asst. Div. Commander SERVICES DIVISION . CAPT. J. PAPAZIAN Division Commander Technical Services A. BOUDREAU Criminalist A. BRADSHAW Dep. Criminologist G. GILLIS Dep. Criminologist Serving all Faiths FUNERAL HOME UII. Roy Franz Don Foppiano l Street. Fresno. Telephone (209) 266-0666 aOice Funeral Home, Clovis J. DUTY Dep. Criminologist D. MILLS Dep. Criminologist EVERYONE LOVES OUR "OKIE FRIED CHICKEN" Eat & Drink All You Want PERRY'S SMORGY RESTAURANT Manchester Center 222-8689 PERRY'S OKIE FRIJOLE Fulton Mall 266-0527 E. LAMB Criminologist 49 SERVICES DIVISION Technical Services (continued) O. MORGAN Criminologist L. WIGGS Criminologist J. CIANCETTI 10 Technician W. M. LYLES CO. PIPELINE & UTILITY CONSTRUCTION California Contractor's License No. 88041 255-8364 4685 East Hedges • Fresno THE ONE... THE ONLY ~ardlql~T PICADILLY SQUARE 2i;:j;";;;;;;;~ 222-548/ R. PREHEIM Oep. Criminologist L. SARMENT Criminologist 50 R. SMITH Criminologist O. COWELL Photo Technician STAGECOACH Western & English Fashions Saddles • Tack 455 E. Shaw, Fresno BAP-Po PACK.INC A GER. CALIFORNiA Sanger 875-2541 Fresno 485-3710 SERVICES DIVISION Records Section F. DAY K. BLASER B.BOLTON Chief Clerk M. HAGGERTY Senior Clerk J. BADIALI C. BROWN W. BROWN D. CONLEY Y. COUGOULATS. CAMPBELL L. GONZALES BULLOCK'S VACUUM PUMPING Cesspool & Septic Tank Pumping WE PUMP OUT ALL THE SLUDGE Electric Snake Work 4725 E. Holland Ave. Fresno 291-4833 FIX All TV " PLEASING YOU HAS BEEN OUR BUSINESS FOR OVER 12 YEARS " Repairs on all TV's, Radios and Stereo Components 1347-A E. San Ramon T. GOFF R. GRANADOS J. HALL FRESNO EQUIPMENT CO. "SERVING FRESNO COUNTY" (-~'iI ,I . 486-8020 884-2425 FRESNO FIVE POINTS 51 SERVICES DIVISION Records Section (continued) L. HILL L. HURLEY K. JOHANSEN V. KASPARIAN A. KNOELKIE J. KOSHGARIAN L. KUFFEL F. MACKEY ~ FEDERAL BURGLAR & FIRE ALARM CO. CALL 24 HOURS 224-2448 WOOD DICTATING Lanier Business Products 703 N. Fulton St., Suite A Phone (209) Fresno, CA 93728 442-1200 BILL'S SUPPLIES New & Used Plumbing Fixtures Fixture Repair Parts Pipe & Fittings -Faucets & Valves Deer -Sheep -Cattle & Horse Fence Chicken Wire & Welded Wire Steel Fence Posts -Staples & Supplies 4071 E. Ventura Ave. In Appreciation To The Sheriff's Department SHERMAN THOMAS ENTERPRISES 52 SERVICES DIVISION Records Section (continued) ./ E. MASON J . McMILLAN B. PRINCE E. SILVA HODGES & HODGES CONSTRUCTION Contractors License No. 293998 CUSTOM HOMES Call 291-2884 or 291-8232 FRESNO .~~ ,g "\1" "Intereitjng Carpet For Intere!.hng People" BERVEN o.CALIFORNIA 11.. b.~.. hju{ w~y 10 b'I,,~chc~{ /' I. PALlUGHI S. PATTERSON B. PETERSEN W. THOMPSON J. WEBER LANGWORTHY 'il ~~~' PAVING COMPANY "Since 1934" FREE ESTIMATES • Blacktopping Call Day or Evening • Oiling • Grading268-7076 • Asphalt Paving YOUR PROBLEMS CAREFULLY HANDLED • Sealing EQUIPPED FOR ANY SIZE JOB State Licensed & Liability Insured 5053 S. Cedar Ave., Fresno License #194465 Sanchez Bros. Mfg. Co . Custom Sprayers -Sales and Service Myers Pumps 485·2610 9232 So. Wainul Ave. Fresno, Calif. 93706 i Henry Sanchez Ceci I Sanchez ~._'6_36_2______~______________2_3_3'_52_7_6__~ 53 COMPLIMENTS OF CURRIE BROS., INC. PETROLEUM DISTRIBUTOR SEEDSMEN SINCE 1884 PRODUCERS OF 819 BRAND ALFALFA 2850 So. Highway 99 Pacific Division Headquarters: Fresno CONTINENTAL TITLE CO. TITLE INSURANCE AND ESCROWS ~ ~ Lee R. Neuhaus President and Manager Richard W. Jones Vice President and Assistant Manager For Fresno offices phone 237-9161 1630 Von Ness -4229 E. Ashlon -600 W. Shaw CLOVIS: 334 Shaw Ave., Phone 299-9505 ALLIED PAVING CO. PAVING CONTRACTOR .....wpu...~s::;o~ Over 25 Years Experience • PAVING • GRADING • EXCAVATING DRIVEWAYS -TENNIS COURTS PARKING AREAS & LOTS A COMPLETE ASPHALT PAVING SERVICE General Engineering Contractor ­Contractor's License #216830 Free Estimates 605 S. Fruit, Fresno Call 237-1801 -----_._------------, SCOTTY'S LIQUOR STORE LIQUORS -BEER -WINE -DELICATESSEN Open 7 Days a Week 2206 N. Blackstone Ave. --222-4240 FRESNO DODGE, INC. SALES -SERVICE Complete Body & Paint I 6162 North Blackstone, Fresno Ph. 431-4000 ~.-----,-------.----------~~--_4 Henrietta Rancho Products Co. Fruit Juices & Concentrates Peach & California, Fresno 252-2855 Best Wishes GORDON INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO. 207 Van Ness Ave., Fresno 264-5931 INTERNATIONAL HUT DOG Hamburgers -Hot Dogs Tacos -Soft Drinks 2195 S. Elm Ave., Fresno 233-0482 JOHNSON-WAITE AUTO BODY AUTO BODY WORK & PAINTING Auto Glass Installed • Free Insurance Estimates Loaner Cars 2050 E, McKinley Ave. 237-3191 VALLEY HAR-DWOOD FLOORING Over 20 Years Experience in Hardwood Floors ~Phone 268-3518 or 268-0090 .• ... . . ~ 1501 N. Blackstone ,. KESCO KINGS ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., INC. Phone 485-7610 1949 S. Van Ness Avenue, Fresno, California 93721 183 S. 10th Ave., Hanford 582-0331 131 W. Orange Ave., Porterville 784-3434 54 SERVICES DIVISION M. o. and Fingerprints D.NEELEY Sr. ID Tech. Supervisor R. SATERSTAD Sr. ID Tech. Modus Operandi D.CROSS ID Tech. J. FUKUDA ID Tech. REUBEN'S TV Motorola Sales & Service -Color and Black & White 209 N. Maple Ave. 251-2081 Far West Construction Inc. of Fresno State Contractors License #285002 7120 N. Harrison Ave., Fresno 439-3680 COMMERCIAL RADIATOR WORKS CLEANING & REPAIRING 3368 So. Elm Ave. Fresno Phone 233-0006 FOR GMC SALES SERVICE PARTS The truck people from General Motors CONNELL GMC TRUCKS INC. S. RAILROAD AVE. & E. JENSEN AVE. 266-9531 J. LASHBROOK ID Tech. J. WITT ID Tech. TOM DUFFY'S ANTIQUES AND BOOKS 6061 N. Blackstone 439-2384 E Z HAUL READY MIX CONCRETE Small quantities -% yard or more USE OUR TRAILER DO IT YOURSELF HEADQUARTERS Open 7 Days -B of A & Master Charge 1538 N. Blackstone Ave. 233-6603 55 SERVICES DIVISION Bailiffs SGT. J. SIMPSON D.BAKER D.BOTTA D. DOUGLAS F. GUERRERO M.GUHM R. J. WAYTE & SONS Safway Steel Scaffold~ CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT Service You Can Rely On 4623 E. Harvey, Fresno 255-1631 i SEQUOIA SAVINGS * AND LOAN ASSOCIATION FIVE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU DOWNTOWN -Near Divisadero 1857 Fulton MANCHESTER -Across from Manchester Center 3611 N. Blackstone FIGARDEN 1380W. Shawot 'rruit CLOVIS Clovis Ave . & Shaw REEDLEY 1000 G Street PARDINI'S GROCERY Complete Grocery line On and Off Sale Beer and Wine 5014 W. Shields 264-7623 . , , .~ Lunch &Dinner[' ?J' 2 LOCA liONS ~ ElBOW ROOM FRESNO 1054 W. SHAW1(1 ~~~~WRooMCLOVIS 198 SHAW. CLOVIS ®JW XOooo SIRMAN & WARREN WHOLESALE DRUGS -SUNDRIES 414 P Street, Fresno panta.-pak· THE ORIGINAL PROTECTIVE FRUIT TRAY ... NOW BETTER THAN EVERI . PANTA-PAK division of the Ponto,ote Co. of N.Y. Inc. 5576 Airways Drive East, Fresno 56 SERVICES DIVISION Bailiffs (continued) W. LUSK J. McCLENDON W. STUMPF L. TREXLER L. WILSON KARSH'S BAKERY Complete Line Of Bakery Goods Special Orders Delivered Main Office & Store ' 233-6552 938 Fulton Mall Gottschalk's Fashion Fair 227 -1255 Piccadilly Square 226-2300 1439 S. Cedar 233-2805 Compliments JOHN A. KOCHERGAN MID-STATE TIRE WAREHOUSE TIRES -~ATTERIES ACCESSORIES 264-5075 Fresno ACORN EQUIPMENT RENTAL North Fresno's Complete Rental Yard ROLINDA FARMERS STORE 266-3671 9500 Weat Whlteabrldge Road FRESNO CREDIT BUREAU Robert Kempen, President e Laurence Meyer Collection Mgr. 485-7900 SEMPER TRUCK LINES MARTIN SEMPER, Prop. Terminal-Palm & Herndon PHONE 439-1835 CJz.iJuuJuuL TORTILLAS SINCE 1948 WHOLESALE & RETAIL CORN & FLOUR TORTILLAS & TACO SHELLS 1288-99841 FREE DELIVERY ON WHOLESALE ORDERS OUR NEW tOeA TlON 71. F STRIIT Corn.r Mono & F St •• FRESNO N. Blackstone 222-3091 57 HABIB CATTLE CO. • 2909 South Elm Avenue FRESNO, CALIFORNIA Owners and Operators HAROLD HABIB HARRY S. HABIB 264-9852 264-0355 Yard Phones: 233-0169 -233-0160 ALLSTATE CHARTER LINES INC. SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU SERVING: CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, ARIZONA, OREGON & WASHINGTON CLEAN MODERN HIGHWAY COACHES AIR CONDITIONED -REST ROOMS STEREO -RECLINING SEATS We Carry Full Liability Insurance John Mancebo, Owner SPECIAL CHARTER OPERATIONS WE SERVE THE CASINOS & FUN SPOTS IN THE WESTERN U.S. -RESERVATIONS FOR HOTELS, SHOWS, TOURS, ETC. 226-6231 P.O. Box 9022 FRESNO TRUCK CITY SERVICE FOURWHEELS RESTAURANT. COFFEE SHOP & LOUNGE PHONE 233-2561 (Area 209) 2784 S. RA)LROAD AVE. FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93725 COMPLIMENTS BUCK RANCHES FRESNO Best Wishes tram PP GINIJUSTRIES WORKS No. 15 K eep Up The Good Work TRY US for a complete dinner, or just dessert We're sure you'll enjoy it. OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS 10 A.M. UNTIL 10 P.M. FRIO ...YS "'NO SATUIO...YS 10 ....101. UNTIl II P.M. MAar! , CALLENDERS 4239 NO. BLACKSTONE FRESNO PHONE 224-1 865 PIES 58 Prison Spa\Nned Gang Violence in Fresno County by E. J. Duran JiVhile the overall crime rate in continues at an all time high. This article ex­ the unincorporated areas of Fresno County has plains the main reason for that unfortunate decreased somewhat in recent months, homicide situation. A new wave of criminal violence has sur­ faced in Fresno County in the past two years, primarily due to organized criminal activity by so-called "prison spawned gangs." These gangs have primarily been formed among various ethnic groups, creating a subculture criminality with an organized structure of and followers. To aid in an understanding of this concept of gang structure, the discussion will be on two Mexican-American prison ed gangs. One of the first to be formed the prisons was the "Mexican Mafia," other­ known by its true ethnic terminology as E." This group dates back to 1957, when was organized at the Deuel Vocational at Tracy, California. Charter mem­ were mostly Mexican-American inmates the barrios of East Los Angeles. This small group controlled all illegal activities within the prison society, such as narcotic smuggling and distribution, gambling, and collections of debts. They victimized mostly the black and Anglo inmates and usually avoided the other Mexican-American inmates. Sub­ sequently this small group grew in numbers, and increased in power, and eventually spread throughout the California prison system. Sometime early in 1966 EME began ex­ panding its operation and sphere of influence to include not just the prison society, but the free society as well. It was then that the structure became much more formal, with certain select individuals directing the activi­ ties of the general membership. This expan­ sion caused it to be recognized by both inmates and prison officials as a potentially dangerous movement. The Largest, Most Modern Leading Independent Market in the Valley LARGEST VARIETY OF NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS IN THE VALLEY 4343 North Blackstone at Holland Ave. 59 In the latter part of 1967 EME was respon­ sible for the fatal stabbing of a Mexican­ American at San Quentin Prison. This was the first assault on a member of the same ethnic group that could be directly attributed to in­ structions from leaders of the organization. That incident both angered and frightened many of the Mexican-American inmates not affiliated with EME. Prior to that time they had considered themselves immune to im­ proper treatment by the gang, simply because they were of the same ethnic background. They were generally in an "uptight" mood, and many threats of retaliation were ex­ pressed. Just a few weeks later the EME was blamed for a second assault on a Mexican-American inmate at San Quentin. Tensions, anger, and restlessness began to escalate, but prison offi­ cials were able to at least temporarily prevent any wholesale outbreaks of violence. However, the two incidents caused some elements of the Mexican-American population to evaluate the deadly potential of the EME, and they started NOW 5 LOY LOY RESTAURANTS DINING ROOM & TAKE-OUT AT: 780 E. Shaw at First -227-0906 West & Shaw -431-7142 Peach & Kings Canyon -255-1672 Rodeo Plaza, Shaw & Mlnnewawa, Clovis -299-9791 TAKE-OUT ONLY AT: 4235 E. Fountain Way at Cedar -222-7761 . Sa~ing tha V""yo g~~*:D Jj~l•"'-'Ita •• ,,",,<:.NEW AOOFS ~__ RE-ROOFING -REPAIRS ROOFING INC. 264-1013 'Z) • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL STATE LICENSE NO. 277979 315 N. Thorne Ave., Fresno P.O. BOX 12426 organizing another gang as a means of protec­ tion. The second group was composed mainly of what are generally referred to as "valley" and "northern" Mexican-Americans, coming most­ ly from the following localities in California: Santa Clara County including San Jose and Gilroy; Salinas in Monterey County; the Santa Barbara-Oxnard areas; and the San Joaquin Valley from Stockton to south of Fresno. This self-styled protection group called themselves "Nuestra Familia," which translated means "Our Family," and is generally referred to by the initials "NF." The manner in which the two gangs origin­ ally seemed to have divided the state between them is indicated by the fact that there have been just three known EME gang-related murders in the Fresno area. Two of them are still unsolved. In the third, which occurred in the early part of February 1977, a known EME member was killed in his home. Four other EME members have pleaded innocent to murder charges in this case, and are awaiting We Deliver -Ph. 222-3395 DeKor'Drugs Corner West &Shields Purity Shopping Center '1121 West Shields Ave., Fresno 2254 N. Fresno St., Fresno 222-3337 VALLEY NOVELTY COMPANY WHOLESALE -RETAIL . EVERYTHING FOR THE PARTY OR CARNIVAL Florist Supplies -Decorations For All Occasions 2900-18 Ventura Fresno Ph. 237-6617 NORSIGIAN BROS. AIRCRAFT REPAIR Fresno Air Terminal 255-3444 1050 W_ Whitesbridge Rd. 266-0627 Serving Fresno County since 1946 60 trial. All of the suspected members are from Southern California, and one of them is await­ ing trial ON murder charges for the slaying of an East Los Angeles woman in Sacramento. Most gang-related murders in the Fresno area have been linked to Nuestra Familia. Twenty-four such killings occurred in a four­ teen-month period from October 1976 through December 1977. The Nuestra Familia, in contrast to the EME in its early stages, appears to be much better organized. It operates under authority of a written constitution, which provides, among other things, that membership is for life, and that the organization comes before everything else, even one's family. From its inception, the structure has provided a top man in the organization designated as the General. His power is unlimited. There are ten captains under him, and an unlimited number of lieutenants. One of the duties of the lieu­ tenants is to keep a record of all names and addresses of the enemies of the NF, and report this to a captain. It is also the responsibility of EAST EL MONTE GUEST HOME Supervised Care and Recreation for Ambulatory Aged Guests 4670 E. EI Monte 251-8746 INTERNATIONAL POOL HALL FOR RECREATION 944 F Street 264-6693 uJ\8Il£ GLASS FOR AUTO • HOME .s..~",U Il/ AUTO AND TRUCK AIR Sf§' ~~ CONDITIONING SEIRVICEr.tDtt. V' RON & DAN KELLER ~ Owners 3230'E. Belmont Ave. Fresno, Calif. 93702 One Call Brings Instant Service to your Door Monday thru Saturday. Phone 233·6691 ELLIOTT MANUFACTURING CO. Industrial Supplies Hand Truck Coasters and Wheels 233-6236 the lieutenant always to have readily available suitable weapons for the soldiers in his regi­ ment. Rank or status within the organization is attained by the number of "hits," or assaults. When a soldier makes a "hit," but not a kill, he gains the title of warrior. Each kill earns a star. Purportedly it takes three stars for a warrior to become a lieutenant, and five stars are required to attain the rank of captain. But such qualifications don't automatically assure promotion. Leadership qualities are also taken into account. What started out as a prison self-protection group against the adversary EME has since spread to free society, and is heavily involved in the narcotic and extortion traffic. The uniqueness of the organization is the high level of group solidarity, reinforced by the following oath and its enforcement: "If I go forward, follow me. If I hesitate, push me. If they kill me, avenge me. If I am a traitor, kill me." CONSOLIDATED LEASING CORPORATION AI Pecchenino, Manager dba COLONIAL LEASING 2220 Tulare Street 485-2190 Fresno, Calif. 93721 -WE LEASE All MAKES AND MODELS ­ .,-1Tj Phone 255-8377 G' I~OJ I Free Estimates _ No Obligation J,l.a"'•..,.1 RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL fA" Governmenl Conlracb Invited AUTHORIZED APPLICATOR FOR JOHNS·MANVlllE AUlhoriIOd DEX-O-TEX App,licGlcm • ASBESTOS • MEMBRANE & DAMp· PROOFING • COMPOSITION • SHINGLE • ALL TYPESSan Valle Roof Tile BUILT-UPIMillion &Spanish Tile I 4639 E. HARVEY AVE. 61 Local law enforcement has been generally frustrated in its attempts to solve the series of execution-type murders occurring over the past two years. It appears that the NF has been responsible for most of them, but they can't be compared to the common type of murder, in which there is usually some evi­ dence available, or witnesses willing to tell what they know, and thus a chance of arrest and prosecution. Law enforcement has been seriously hindered by the fact that NF mur­ ders are notable for their lack of evidence, and because even if witnesses are located, they are always fearful and reluctant to become in­ volved. The Nuestra, Familia's tight hold on the Fresno area underworld became all too ap­ parent in one year when the rate of execution­ style murders began to mount. At that time, surprisingly, it was thought that the NF and the EME were fighting for control of illicit drug traffic in the area. After a careful reassessment of the various investigations and information from both intelligence sources and informants, however, it was determined that most of the murder victims had been, or were, Familia members, and that they had been killed by Familia soldiers. This unusual activity caused speculation that the Nuestra Familia is trying to restore discipline and improve loyalty within the organization. The DELUXE CATERING Good Food -Prompt -Courteous Service 7 Days A Week & Evenings 1532 S. Orange Ave. 233-4896 62 slayings are being committed because the Familia has been trying to impress on its members the importance of strict compliance with its philosophy of controlling narcotics, prostitution, and extortion traffic. One noticeable change within the organiza­ tion has been disenchantment among mem­ bers with the use of terror and intimidation to enforce compliance with the constitution. Many members are now trying to sever them­ selves from the organization, thus becoming HARDAMON'S CHARTER SERVICE Air Conditioned * Reclining Seats Stereo Equipped * Restrooms 1129 Mariposa, Fresno 486-5495 YELLOW CAB BLACK & WHITE CAB CO. UNITED RADIO CAB 486-1234 JOHN'S CUSTOM WHEELS Mag & Chrome Wheels * Wide Tires Wheel Accessories * Side Pipes Arlen (Midget) Gasink, owner 2105 E, McKin ley, Fresno 485-267't LIBERTY PEST CONTROL FREE ESTIMATES Let Us Liberate You From Pests 526 W. SHIELDS 224-2600 Compliments of CARTER COMMODITIES R 1681 South Brawley Fresno, Calif. 93706 Ph,486-7498 Custom Cabinet Doors and Cabinets FUTURA CABINETS 'We Build Our Business With Wood" Cabinets -Gondo,las -Shelving Island and Wall Displays Peg Board Displays 2322 S. Orinda Avenue 266-1785 COMPLIMENTS OF F. C. Machado & Family Dairy 266-2978 5445 So. Blythe Fresno _I TENT CITY SURPLUS "N• . \M!~ICtRO!e-M" COMPLETE MODERN CANVAS FACTORY Awnings 439-1345 Tarps 6722 :N. BLACKSTONE AVE., FRESNO WESTERN METAL DEALER IN SCRAP METALS Sonny Gr..nb.rg, Owner 2813 E. Florence Ave., Fresno 264·6246 NELSON CRANE &SIIGN SERVICE 80 FT. ELECTRIC CRANE 1000 to 4000 lb. Capacity Second Load Line -Workman's Basket Arc Welder Generator -Acetylene Torch Iron Punch & Shear -Remote Controls 3147 So. Golden State Blvd. 233-1543 Fresno DRIVING RANGE -PRO SHOP -GOLF LESSONS LOCKER ROOMS Palm Lakes Golf Course ---. -.--~. VIC LOMBARDI 291-3535 "hermits," or ex-members of the gang. Need­ less to say, that status is not noted for its safety and security. Anothe; area of frustration for law enforce­ ment is the small impact a conviction has upon a gang member or the gang as a whole. Going up on a murder beef and being sentenced to the "pinta" (prison) is nothing to them. A convicted Familia member still retains ties with the organization while in prison, and is very often greeted on arrival as a hero by the 63 other members. But despite the little effect that imprisonment has upon gang members, conviction at least removes them from the streets for a while. Hopefully, we will be able to continue to curtail the Familia's activities to some degree by that method. The ultimate goal of law enforcement is to cripple the gangs by concentrating on arresting and convicting the top leaders, and thus creating a state of confusion within their ranks. Possibly, with­ out effective leadership, disenchanted mem­ bers would be less afraid to leave the organi­ zation, or to cooperate with law enforcement. Whether or not the Familia and the Mexi­ can Mafia can continue to terrorize each other and their own members, and at the same time be a threat to the peace and safety of society as a whole, depends on the extent to which law enforcement can keep in touch with their activities and mobility, and the ability to accumulate necessary evidence for convictions when crimes are committed. To do the job proper ly an agency must be able and will ing to devote a great deal of manpower and resources to the task, for it is virtually a full time job. To fail to make such an all-out commitment may result in thFs new wave of criminal violence continuing to expand, and being a threat to the community for years to come. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 2712 South 4th St., Fresno, California I.H.C. OPEN 7:30 A.M. to 12:30 A.M. (EXCEPT SAT. & SUN.) REPAIR ON ALL MAKE TRUCKS SALES -268-4344 PARTS DEPT. -268-4349 SERVICE DEPT. -268-9295 C I Reuben's Sunday Champagne Brunch NEW HOURS 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Limited Reservations Accepted BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE Dinner Sun. thru Thurs. 4 to 11 P.M. Fri. & Sat. 4 P.M. to 12 JOIN US ... FASHION FAIR SHOPPING CENTER 575 E. Shaw Ave., Fresno 222-6911 JOY-N-JOY CAFE Mexican -American -Chinese Dishes 1047 F Street 266-6001 WONG'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE, INC. Phone 233-8424 2021 N. Weber Fresno DEVLIN -DREW Wholesale Distributors 165 Broadway Fresno WILBUR -ELLIS CO. RED-TOP FARM CHEMICALS 442-1220 FRESNO OLD ~~iit~ -,.' .. ...'~~ :,..-. , :F~ESJlO HOFB'DAU 2820 Tulare at R :a\ 264-4014 DINING IN OlD WORLD ATMOSPHERE HAND CARVED SANDWICHES Enjoy Imported & Domestic Brews Excellent Cocktails In Our Majestic Bar RED WILLIAMS, OWNER ACME REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Refrigeration Major Appliance Repair 1824 S. Mary 237-5559 FLAMINGO CLUB 1802 Tulare St. Phone 264-4295 VERN'S AUTO PAINT & BODY SHOP 227-0933 4362 N. Effie ~RAIN FOR RENT FRESNO I •••• • SPRINKLER SYSTEMS _ PIPELINES _ PUMPS Bob Murphy, President Commercial and Industrial Lath -Plastering Spray on Fire-proofing and Drywall Application 5270 E. Pine 252-3661 , -FOR RENT -FOR SALE 2474 W. Whites Bridge Road OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK HAPPY LI[JUDR STORE LIQUORS -WINES -BEER -CHAMPAGNE ICE CUBES GROCERIES OWNERS 237-5227 MARY Me AND SEN CHONG WONG FRESNO. CALIFC 64 CAPT. GENE HALLAM Division Commander Detective Field Operations Bureau DETECTIVE DIVISION o E. HALEY Lieutenant Crimes Against Persons K. HOGUE Lieutenant K. BADIALI A. CHRISTENSEN E. DURAN F. MARTINEZ O. MOONW. LEHMAN Detective 65 L. HILL T. WHITLOW CANTEEN SERVICE OF THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Coffee. Cigarettes. Candies. Soft Drinks. Sandwiches WATARIDA FARMING, INC. HOPKINS & SON CONSTRUCTION CO. Contractors License #291697 DETECTIVE DIVISION Crimes Against Property (Metro) SGT. W. SHUMAN R. GUTHRIE R. HERRING C. HOY SGT. F. SAGNIERE MIKE SATTERBERG Complete Vending Service 2136 Santa Clara .. 1416 G Street FRESNO 5774 So. Elm Ave., Easton 66 BASQUE FRENCH BAKERY GENUINE SOUR DOUGH FRENCH BREAD & ROLLS BAKED LOCALLY Wholesale & Retail -Walk-In Trade Invited 2606 Kern Street 268-7088 CLUB BRAZIL COCKTAILS MIKE OBERTI Proprietor 968 BROADWAY 442-9898 DETECTIVE DIVISION \ Crimes Against Property (Rural) SGT. R. WHITE C. ALEXANDER F. CARVALHO T. GAREY D. HARD J. ROUANZOIN Fence Detail R. SAMPLE L. GILSTRAP M. PERRY ANCHOR MARINE Licensed Ship and Yacht Broker Crestline Boats • Larson & Glaspar Boats Inboard & Outboard Motors Authorized Sale & Service for Mercruiser­ Chrysler Stern Drive & Outboard Motors E. Belmont, Fresno 255-4240 225-2500 67 DETECTIVE DIVISION Auto Theft 46 E. Shaw Ave. at Blackstone 222-6567 NICOLA'S "HOME OF THE STUFFED STEAK" Lunch -Dinner Banquet Facilities Up to 26 NICK TROIANI: Your Host 3075 N . Moroo Ave., Fresno 224·1660 STEFANICH WOOD TANK CO. 226-2655 285 W. SHAW AVE. FRESNO ASHLAN PHARMACY We Deliver Prescription Service -Cosmetics -Gifts -Greeting Cards 222-7794 2620 East Ashlan at North Fresno SGT. D. MURRAY J . HERGENRADER P. KALPAKOFF S. MURPHY MANOR HOUSE U-SAVE LIQUOR "Run in before you run out" FOOD · WINE· DELICATESSEN Open 7 a.m . til 11 p.m. 2196 S. Elm Ave. Fresno 233·0419 ROBINSON'S AUTO DISMANTLING, INC. GENE HORN 4642 S. CHESTNUT (209) 485-4640 FRESNO, CALIF. 93725 BILL DAVIS COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING 3473 W. Shields Fresno Space 107 233-6084 A and M CARPET 620 W. Olive, Fresno 237-2156 BEER PUMA CONSTRUCTION CO. "CUSTOM HOMES" State license No. 278006 Phone 439-7080 FRESNO EDWARDS LOCK &SAFE CO. A KEY FOR EVERY LOCK -ALOCK FOR EVERY PURPOSE D & H DISTRI:BUTING 2006 So. Mary Street Fresno +.m~IU#" Calif. SlaleContractor Lie. 309161 ~\A , Hl' \ Come in &Visit Our .~ -) Security Center "'~~ '-,,,,,., ' 1901 E. Hammond· 442-0220 ~=:()Io Res. 251-6322 Bus. 485·1 68 DETECTIVE DIVISION Juvenile Detail Night Detectives C.HENSON W. WILLIAMS TWIN PALMS LlaUOR Fine Wines -Liquor ­ Hunting & Fishing License ED & ELAINE LEHMAN, Proprietors 1626 N. Cedar at McKinley ~-----11Tinkler ~i55ion Gbapel Funeral Director James W. copnej "Where sympathy expresses itself through sincere service" 475 N. Broadway SGT. S. SURCEY V. HARTMAN W. McDANIEL J. COELHO J. VERMASON FRESNO HOBBY California 's largest Stock Of Crafts * Planes * Trains * Boats & Supplies MODEl ROCKETS & SUPPLIES METAL DETECTORS 3026 N. Cedar Ave. 226-4880 Fresno EAST SIDE BODY SHOP BODY WORK -PAINTING AUTOS -TRUCKS -CUSTOM WORK We Invite Insurance Work -Estimates Given 4491 E. Belmont Ave. 255-7649 Fresno SANTI'S, INC. USED CARS ­FINANCE SERVICE Keg Beer -Ice Cubes 251-5285 I Div. of , BAYSIDE WAREHOUSE CO. Fresno 233-2101 FRESNO 69 DETECTIVE DIVISION Warrant Detail SGT. A. WHITE C. BALLARD ~ L. NOMURA G.TABER @MOTOROLA Total Police Communications Systems MOTOROLA Communications & Electronics, Inc. 1530 E. Shaw Ave., Suite 105 227-1682 Fresno BUSH-HOG/MISSION SERVING THE ENTIRE "'.... Uf'( , / CDffDn EqUipment t ':. Engineering, Inc. DESIGNERS & FABRICATORS OF INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY • OSHA SAfETY GUARDS • SHEET METAL • AIR HANDLING SYSTEMS • BLOW PIPE WOdK • MATERIAL HANDLING • BLOWERS • DUST COLLECTOR SYSTEMS • HOPPER-CHUTES I • INSTAllATIONS & DESIGN -LAYOUT 3200 E. Control. F.o.no 266-0186 70 L. HODGE M. KOSMOSKY R. THOMAS Chicken Dinners -Shrimp Dinners -'Burgers Shakes ­Food To Go ­Cones DAIRY BELLE FREEZE DRIVE INN NO. 35 5595 E. Kings Canyon Rd. Compliments of NIPAK INC. 3902 E. Calwa Fresno Phone 251-8303 PAINTING, ALL TYPES GLASS INSTALLATION G&G AWO BODY Insurance Estimates :: All Work Guaranteed No Job Too Large, None Too Small Owners ­Gerald Ward -Gary Eggert 1567 N. Effie, Fresno 486-1414 BROOK5 PRODUCTS PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS BOB PRINSELAAR SALES REPRESENTATIVE P . O . _BOX 5575 DETECTIVE DIVISION Check Detail Clerical Services SGT. J. HAMILTON R. KAHL M. WINGELL Senior Clerk L. HUFFMAN Receptionist Juvenile R. PARMAN Clerk -Auto Theft P. WATERS Reception ist Warrants D. SHIPMAN AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEAN~ NG EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE ON COMPLETE LINE OF COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT 7213 N. Ingram Ave. 439-6315 MANUEL J. SILVA DAIRY 264-7936 2947 W. MANNING AVE., FRESNO FRESNO AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS Auto Air Conditioning • Rep<lir & Service Diagnostic Service & Tune Up 312 E. Belmont Ave. Ph. 266-3402 Fresno FRED. S. JAMES & CO. OF CALIFORNIA INSURANCE 757 L Street, Fresno 268-081 1 SHAW-VILLA LIQUORS Beer ­Wine ­Liquors 4150 E. Shaw at Villa, Clovis. 299-7651 AGRI-WEST WEED CONTROL NON SELECTIVE -SELECTIVE INDUSTRIAL & RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS. SHRUBS 6052 N. Spalding Ave. 439-8861 MEDICAL -DENTAL PHARMACY Barry Smith -Pharmacist Phone 224-1433 -Emergency 439-6085 3152 N. Millbrook Fresno WES' AReo <> SERVICE State Certified Smog -lights -Brakes 1785 W. Shaw Ave. at West 229-6944 SAME LOCATION SINCE 1965 71 ................................................................................ Always The Quality Selection Of Clothing ~. * Hickey Freeman ................................................................................ * Hart Schaffner & Marx* Joshua Trent * Martin Shannon* Palm Beach FRESNO Downtown & Fashion Fair VISALIA Sequoia Moll BAKERSFIELD Volley Plaza EASTON CABINET SHOP LOUIS SAFFELL, Owner CUSTOM CABINETS SPECIALIZING IN SEWING CABINETS FORMICA TOPS Call 266-0981 7013 SO· ELM AVE· Res. No. 875·3971 EASTON MEN'S -BOYS' WEAR UNIFORM SPECIALISTS FULTON MALL AT KERN FASHION PAIR AUTOMOTIVE DIESEL & ELECTRIC CO. INC. FUEL INJECTION SPECIALISTS TURBOCHARGERS BACHARACH TEST EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENTS FOR GMC -IHC -CUMMINS -CATERPILLAR AMER BOSCH -ROB. BOSCH -C.A.V. ­ROOSA MASTER SIMMS -COLT -KIKI SALES & SERVICE 2374 E DATE AVE. 266-6334 OR 266-0436 FRESNO. CALIFORNIA CUSTOM MADE POOL TABLES & ACCESSORIES BOB & SALLIE BEBB. OWNERS 7040 N . HARRISON PINEDALE. CA. 936 50 PHONE (209) 439-8241 UTILITY TRAILER SALES CO. Trailer. -Semi Trailers -Commercial Bodies Third Axles Complete line of Toyo Tires 2660 S. Railroad Ave. Phone 237-2001 VALLEY WELDING & MACHINE WORKS 2543 So. Orange Ave. 268-5014 @R@WEAT oroweol baking company 2834 no. clovis avenue fresno, california 93702 telephone: (209) 291-9223, America's Baker of Natural Food Fiber Breads. Gold and Silver Plating Jewelry Repairing RED MAY CUSTOM JEWELRY Over 2000 Wax Patterns -Also Tools & Supplies 2405 E. Clinton Ave., Fresno (209) 229-5303 Donaghy Television Sales • Service • Rentals Rick Donaghy 606 No. First Street 233-6161 DRUG SERVICE SYSTAMATIX, INC. 2526 E. Hedges Avenue Fresno 485-4770 I RAY BROS. TRANSPORTATION TRUCK BROKERS Specializing in FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Dried Fruits -Seeds -Nuts 1830 N. Woodson Ave. Fresno 237-4752 237-1877 r 72 FIELD OPERATIONS BUREAU CAPT. D. DENNIS Division Commander PATROL . I DIVISION LT. A. HARKER Asst. Div. Commander W. BOLING Lieutenant J. DAILY Lieutenant ~E AlLEN ~NCH C. LOVGREN Lieutenant S. MAGARIAN Lieutenant R. PIERCE Lieutenant PLEASANT VALLEY DODGE-CHRYSLER 935-2065 155 E. Elm, Coalinga • Deli • Produce • Fine Wines COALINGA (209) 935-2011 15174 West Dorris. Coalinga, California 93210 A DIVISION OF THE ALLEN RANCH 73 PATROL DIVISION -Sergeants R. AVERY H.BANKS R. BOLAND J. CAUGHELL R. COBBS J. CRASS M. CUNNINGHAM VAN NESS FLORAL CO. 485-2250 • Nights: 226-9328 50 N. Van Ness at Divisadero $> LUCKY W K. FRANKFURT . T. GATTIEBAI,L BONDS 268-4646 2315 FRESNO STREET, FRESNO BRIX APARTMENTS BUILDING ACROSS FROM CITY HAll LEON FAULKNER, Owner MARTHA FAULKNER BONDSMAN ALWAYS ON DUTY -ANY JAIL NATIONWIDE -14 HOUR COURTEOUS SERVICE FREE CONFIDENTIAL BAIL INFORMATION ~.I PICCOLO'S FLOWERLAND Gifts * Weddings * Banquets * Funerals Flowers For All Occasions 1030 N. Fresno St. 233-8851 STRAWBERRY EXCHANGE COOPERATIVE 2040 G Street Fresno DIESEL ENERGY CO. Arnold Wallace Diesel Fuel Injection -Sales & Service 2428 S. Railroad Ave. 268-7936 74 J. LAWLESS W. PIERCE A. RUSCONI J . SCHMIDT R. SOUZA J. STURGES T. WHITE M. WRIGHT STRUZA'S LIQUORS 2974 So. Elm Fresno 264-3275 O'BRIEN'S BRAKE SERVICE INC. Wheel Aligning -Brake Relining Drum Turning -Tire Skimming 1515 Merced at F St. 266-0631 SABER'S GROCERY COMPLETE GROCERY LINE BEER -WINE 266-6837 SUNNYSIDE PHARMACY Prescriptions -We Deliver 5562 E. Kings Canyon Road In Sunnyside Square 251-8601 CLOVIS 500 CLUB Cocktails • Card Room Ladies & Gentlemen Welcome 500 Clovis Ave., Clovis 299-9951 CUT RATE ELECTRONICS Transistors, Capacitors, Resistors, Fire Alarms, &1000's of Other Parts for the Experimenter, Ham & Manufacturer Phone 264-9952 1909 Tuolumne St. FRESNO 75 P. 'E. O'HAIR and Co. Wholesale Plumbing, Heating, Industrial Water Works Supplies and Air Conditioning Supplies 645 R St., Fresno 485-9220 WESTERN BUILDINj 801 " R" STREET MATERIALS CO FRESNO. CALIF. . 93714 Ronald Sidoli, Manager • Mickey Cochran · Jack Warren. Sales rI~ete Lilee ~ '8etiteUlt9 ?1tate'tiat4 Adhesive -Mastic Asbestos Built-Up Roofin g Roofing Accessories Extension Ladder Asphalt Roofing Kaiser Tackboard Arm strong Acoust ical Simpson Building Boa rd and Ac oustical Tile Flintkote Floor Tile Flex Board M arlite Panels Transitop Panels 209/ 266-9675 Fiberglass. Patio Pan els Fiberg lass Insulation Pipe Insu lati o r' Corrucated Trallsite Wilson Art Plastics Tec tum Panels FRESNO CATHOLIC CEMETERIES • St. Peter's Cemetery • Holy Cross Cemetery • Calvary Cemetery 264 N. Blythe 485-6422 P.O. Box 216 Phone (209) 439-3145 THE RACK BILLIARD ROOM Complete Accessory Line * Repair Service 4678 N. Blackstone 222-1222 ROD-RU-ARD KENNELS, REG. AIR COf\JDITIONED -HEATED -BOARDING -GROOMING OBEDIENCE TRAINING -PROTECTION TRAINING FOR ALL BREEDS German Shepherd Puppies· AXC. Reg. German Shepherds· Stud Service R. D. & RUTH E. SMITH 843 N. Hughes, Fresno, CA 266-6872 COMSTOCK SIGNS Nick Comstock Owner· Manager (209) 268-3778 1934 E. Home, Fresno, CA 93703 ~SPECIALIZING IN THE REPAIR & SERVICE OF V. w., DATSUN, TOYOTA & 8RITISHCARS COMPLETE PARTS DEPT. 2006 E. McKinley FRESNO, CA 93703 Repair 237-2244 Pon.237-6618 PARADISE LlaUOR Open 7 Days A Week And Evenings 4674 N. Blackstone 222-0949 FRED 2320 Church FresnoHORN Phone 233-5834 -Horn's garden mulches for weed free yards­ Redwood Chips -Bark -Mulches -Forest Humus SAM DAVIDSON CO. Used Cars -New Car Lea.ing See GENE MARTIN Serving Fre.na Since 1913 Fulton at Ventura Fresno 233-3187 INDEPENDENT PLUMBING CO. Contractor's License #193337 COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL PLUMBING CONTRACTOR 251-6005 4665 E. Hedges Fresno l 76 PATROL DIVISION -Deputies R. ALAIMO A. AMPANO R. APPLETON E. AREYANO R. BANUELOS E. BARNES Sin ce J91J 253 fULTON -FRESNO Corn e r Monterey LILLARD COMPANY PAYNE Air Management Specialists 1810 E. Peralta Way Campi iments Of TRI-BORO FRUIT CO., INC. 2500 So. Fowler Ave., Fresno 486-4141 KEARNEY'S MANUFACTURING & K. P. IRON FOUNDRY INC. Fresno -233 -2591 E. Vine Ave. & So. Dearing Ave. 77 R. BARUTI N. BEAZLEY PipeD Inc. Growers -Packers -Shippers 5414 E. North Avenue 485-9132 SALES FRESNO SERVICE I INSTALLA'JiION OVERHEAD REPAIRS DOOR COo -""1 ~,G~~,~"~~,~~,Q,RS ~ " .. ___ ALUMINUM _ STEEl _ FIBERGLASS <!l .Ii:. f{ ...~~"1 ......:If\'."\~'. Automat ic Coor Openers "COO'NO'."·r Servinq Fresno S,nce 1953 OPENUS Gene Smith Owner 4582 EAST TYLER AVE . t61 tONIA lit. NO . 206119 FRESNO PATROL DIVISION W. BRANDSEN F. BURFORD J. BURGE D. BURK E. BURK C. CATES J. CHACON A. CHATMAN Jack-'Be-'l1imble CANDLE SHOP Decorative Candles & Accessories Phone 229·2882 722·A West Shaw (Fig Garden Village) WHITIE'S PET SHOP Fresno's Largest and Most Complete 3528 E. Ventura Ave., Fresno 264-2418 I-----------.---------~ SUNNYSIDE AReoARea <> AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TIRES -BATTERIES -ACCESSORIES 5687 E. Kings Canyon Rd. 255-7181 PICKER PARTS INC. MANUFAaURERS OF PARTS FOR MECHANICAL COnON PICKERS AND RU8BER PRODUCTS FOR AGRICULTURf AND INDUSTRY NATURAl. • SYNTHETIC · MOlDING -SHEETING -EXTRUSIONS Rubber 10 Melol80nding -Rubber Covered Rolls and Wheels 5687 E. Sh ields Avenue 291-3501 Compliments llOYD E. TUll, INC. 704 N. Maple 251·6041 CARBERRY CROP DUSTERS,INC. 5450 W. Belmont FRESNO Phone 233-4155 ACTION MUFFLER SERVICE • Tall Pipes • Shocks • Mufflers • Tube Bending • Glass Packs • Arc Welding • Roll Bars • Undercoating • Side Pipes FREE ESTIMATES 255-7715 FINANCING A 4594 E. SHIELDS AVE. AT MAPLE) Compliments of LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE CO~ 1333 E. Shaw Ave.224-6110 78 PATROL DIVISION R. CICCANELLI J. CRUZ FRESNO LlaUOR STORE Delicatessen We accept food stamps on food Clovis Ave. at Griffith Way OAK LEAF RESTAURANT AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE Fine Food and Cocktails HENRYJACOBSEN, Pmp. 3261 E. Tulare St. AMERICAN PAVING CO. 355 N. Thorne 268-9886 RAMSEY DRY WALL SERVICE Drywall Service. Taping. Texturing Acoustical Ceilings • Sheetrock Installation Quality Workmanship 4559 E. Home Ave. 251-7316 C. COFFMAN R. COLE A. COX R. CURRY T. DAGGETT R. DOUGHTY We Bring Y ou the Fines t... ----'1'• Keg Seer 'Tobacco Blends -Quality Brand TObac~cosI Pipes -Imported & Domestic Cigars & Unique Gifts 291 -7888 Phone 222-8202 RUDY'S ELM PHARMACY I "YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REXALL STORE" II332 C Street Phone 268-8551 IFRESNO 264-6778 Radio Dispatched Del ivery I I COMPLIMENTS OF GEORGIA PACIPIC CORP. 5286 E. HOME, FRESNO PHONE 251-8471 SALADINO'S CATERING Special izing In WEDDING RECEPTION BUFFETS • COCKTAIL PARTIES • GARDEN PARTIES BANQUETS. PICNICS. BARBECUES HORS D'OEUVRES CONSULTATION · NO O BLIGATION PHONE226-3678 COiner Ashlon & Marks IF NO ANSWER 439·08'22 79 PATROL DIVISION J. DUNN C. ELLIOTT G. ESPOSITO C. FENNELL S. FERNANDES A. FIERRO D. FURTNEY DIDIER'S LIQUOR Bob Christiansen, owner Delicatessen. Party Specialties -Sporting Goods Open 7:30 a.m. 'til midnight Open Fri. & Sat. 'till :30 a.m. 4778 E. Olive Ave. 255·0032 WAYNE'S LIQUORS LIQUOR -WINES -BEER Mr. & Mrs. l. l. Ricn, Owners 48 California 51. 268·2319 Fresno JERRY'S AUTOMOTIVE and Machine Shop ALL TYPES OF AUTO REPAIRS 1017 N. Blackstone Ave. 264-4837 I I (J r I ;., ......... TOM'S FOODS LTD. Andrew L. Robinson Plant Manager P.o Box 12144 Fresno, Calif. 93706 (209) 485-8390 A. GAAD J. GREGORY JAE'S CLEANERS & TAILORS Laundry Service -Alterations -Reweaving 1325 Hazelwood 264-5527 BUSSEY WELL PIPE WORKS 1555 N. Chestnut 251-8448 THOMAS E. AVEf+:JT COTTON 3525 E, Tulare 485-8837 A. GRAHAM 80 PATROL DIVISION D. GUSTAFSON J. HAMES K. HAMILTON C. HARKINS J. HAROLDSEN J. HOLLIS D.HUERTA R. HUNT R. JOHANSEN G. JOHNSON CARL'S AUTO REPAIR General Repairs -All Makes 5025 E. Kings Canyon Rd. 251-6806 HOME FURNITURE CO. Brand Name Furniture & Appliances AUTOSPORT UNLIMITED 255-9430 4736 E. BELMONT FRESNO, CA CLASSIC MASONRY RESIDENTIAL INC. William H. Wells Controctors License #269157 431-3710 6185 No. Glenn Ave. Fresno Best Wishes From Chester & Eugene Ambrosini Dairy 264-1118 or 237-0695 4505 W. Madison Fresno 1332 Van Ness 233-4672 BIG BORE DRILLING CO. Well Drilling -Cesspools -Septic Tanks Licensed Contractor -Free Estimates Call 264-4601 1522 W. Pine K&P OFFICE TRAILERS P. W. CONFER • LEASE • SALES 2733 W. Princeton Fresno, CA 93705 (209) 233-5596 81 PATROL DIVISION J. KERNS B. KIDD R. KIEREJCZYK R. KLEINKNIGHT T. KLOSE H. LEE UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA Central Valley Ice Co. 2003 Cherry Ave. Fresno 237-6145 0... .. ,~.. "leI rr.",-4 "It P'C/CUP.D£LIV£\l'f .. OFFICIAL PICKUP-DELIVERY SERVICE ~ RADIO DISPATCHED I ~ FOR MOST MAJOR AIR LINES & FORWARDING AGENTS 24-Hour Service ... . . ....... .. . ... 485-2920 VALLEY PARCEL SERVICE 500 S. Teilman Ave. ______ Fresno A. LINDNER R. LONG J. MAIER 82 HORN PHOTO SHOP Open 8:30 -5:30, Mon . -Fri. Sat. 9 :00 -4 69 E. Belmont Fresno MASSUCCO'S SUNNYSIDE HARDWARE Sporting Goods -Gifts -Browning Arms Dealer 5570 E. Kings Canyon Fresno FRESNO PAPER BOX CO., INC. Manufacturers of Folding Cartons Die Cutting Jobbers of Stock Corrugated Cases 2192 S. Railroad Ave., Fresno 264-1363 PATROL DIVISION M. METTLER R. MEYERS J. MORLEY B. MORRISON J. MORRISON M. MOSIER R. McDONALD W. NIELSEN L. NILMEIER B. O'BRIEN CALWA REXALL PHARMACY Prescription Specialists Quality Rexall Products 3978 E. Jensen Ave., Calwa 268-7876 CAL MARKET & lIaUOR MEAT -FISH -POULTRY -GROCERIES 304 E. California Ave. 237-8454 HUEBNER SPORTS SKIING -TENNIS -BACK PACKING & WATER SKIING EQUIPMENT 485-5320 ADAMS PAVING CO. EXCAVATING -GRADING -PAVING Bus. Phone 268-7391 Licensed Contractor No. 253883 JACK 3110 W. Clinton Fresno, Calif. 93711 JAMES Let Pay Less till your next prescription Remember .•• for Prescriptions :.!51·()371 83 PATROL DIVISION J. OLSEN F. OLSON M. OWENS R. PARKER L. PERI ERA J. PETRUCELLI R. PEYLOURET J. PICKENS IE. B. YANCEY ! LUMBER CO .• INC. MADERA -674-6712 FRESNO PHONE 442-0212 Shaver lake -Phone 841-3337 ATI ARIAN RUGS Persian -Chinese -Indian Hand-Crafted Rugs ALSO Custom Area Rugs -Any Size -Any Color CLOSED SATURDA Y 1496 N. Hughes Ph. 237-0732 HARDIN CONSTRUCTION CO. & HARDIN SCALE CO. 264-4437 6990 N. Molel Dr., Herndon 10 DELICIOUS PIZZAS SERVED PIPING HOT WITH THE SIZZLE STILL IN IT -OR CALL AHEAD FOR PIZZA TO GO ME-N-EO'S PIZZA PARLORS CHECK THE PHONE BOOK FOR THE ONE NEAREST YOU! ~arrttt 1!}OU~t • COLONIAL • MEDITERRANEAN • PROVINCIAL • TRANSITIONAL 149 No. Fulton St. 3011 E. Shields Ave. SIGLER'S Inc. WELDING EQUIPMENT Welder Sales & Service 1828 los Angeles St. 237-6322 84 PATROL DIVISION W. PRINCE S. QUALLS T. RONLAKE D. RYAN G. SEMENKO C.SHARP R. SMITH J. SOUZA 1512 TULARE STREET MEAT MARKET INC . ..-. 8m.okedHc.m4~ First & Hedges Fresno DUGGAN'S EAST and Shopping Center " Quality and Service" FRESNO at ASHLAN, 222-4454 -and­ 5757 N. FIRST ST., 439-2223 & TRUCK TRANSMISSION "SPECIALISTS" 237-9131 BEARING SPECIALTY CO. Formerly General Bearing Co. VANGAS INC. Everyone's Favorite Flame! Fresno 485-0572 Compliments Of MARKET WHOLESALE GROCERY CO. BEARING 2494 So. Orange Ave. Fresno2680 Church Ave. 85 PATROL DIVISION S. STINDT J. TARVER E. THOMPSON J . TILLEY O. UNRUH V. VALLES A. WARD L. WATKINS MODERN SHOE STORE Shoes for Men Jarman -Winthrop -Rand Acme & Dan Post Boots 913 Fulton Mall 237-9272 I I WALLER INVENTORY SERVICE Super Markets * Dept. Stores * liquor Stores Priced at Bin-Book Cost INDUSTRIAL & RETAIL -FREE ESTIMATES 4566 E. Weldon Ave. 255-5348 Fresno AIRWAYS COFFEE SHOP From Daylight to Dark for Your Convenience Airways Golf Course 255-9802 R. WILSON M. WOODWARD V. ZAVALA DUKE I JOYCE DAY SHOPS Most outstanding blouses and capri selection found anywhere at moderate prices for casual and gift suggestion . BONANZA CENTER, Clovis Ave. & Shaw MOY'S KI,TCHEN CHINESE FOOD TO TAKE OUT Frank W. Kwok Ph . 227-0735 2388 E. Gettysburg Fresno, Calif. HOLT LUMBER INC. Lumber -Plywood -Building Materials DICK HOlT BILL HOLT 1916 S. Cherry Ave. FRESNO 233-3291 86 PATROL DIVISION Communications J. JOHNSONJ. COMBS E. MASSONGlll R. MillS V. NllMEIER • l. NICHOLAS C. SMITH B. WHITLOW Clerk ZLFRED'S HOAGGIE HOUSE Shish Kebab-Lunch-Dinners-Steak-Fish-Chicken-Take Out Service 1803 E. Dakota Avenue 229-7853 LIQUOR LOCKER RETAIL LIQUOR 5TO~E 4616 E. Belmont, Fresno 255-3892 BOB STEVENS BAIL BONDS 24-HOUR CONFIDENTIAL BAIL INFORMA TlON DAY OR NIGHT CALL 237-2337 FOR IMMEDIATE SERVICE -ANY JAIL HUMPHREY BROS. INSURANCE Established 1906 841 No. Fulton 264-3541 OCHINERO PRODUCE CO. I I WONG'S CITY MARKET 233-1707 5591 W. Shaw CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS & FIXTURES COMMERCIAL-RESIDENTIAL ; LEROI'S CUSTOM CABINETS Stained -Painted -Custom Finishes LEROI VANNUCCHI, Owner ,7189 North Abby, Pinedale 439-3535 PARKER'S OF FRESNO, INC. PIPES & TOBACCO Ray Hunter, Jr., Mgr. 1232 Fulton Mall, Fresno 233-0774 FRESNO Iron & Metal Co., Inc. TOP CASH PRICES 1 * Scrap Iron * Copper * Brass * Aluminum located 500 Yards South of Calwa Overpass 3270 Golden State Blvd. So. (Old 99) 268-6279 I I ARCHITECTURAL Concrete Products • TEXTURED CONCRETE • Reinforced Concrete Crib Specialist 2614W. DUDLEY AVE., FRESNO 485-1192 1431 G Street 237-5191 Fresno 87 TINY'S RESTAURANT Dan Gulio DAN'S CLUB Cocktails -Draft Beer 2426 Tulare St. ART'S !BOATS ROEDING PARK 264-9157 485-3262 AOC ADJUSTERS INVESTIGATIONS * AUTO RECOVERIES Jim Darden. Manager P.O. BOX 1408, FRESNO 93717 227-3150 MID-CAL FORKLIFTS INC. Don Weber, General Manager 5200 S. Peach at Old 99, Fresno 485-5090 SAN CARLOS CAFE Corlos Urrea, Proprietor Mexican & American Food-Banquet Room Al'R CONDIllONED 841 F Street 237-3291 SEQUOIA DOOR CO. 5587 Airways Ave., East Fresno CARPENTIER'S SPORTING GOODS EXPERT GUNSMITHING Guns -Ammunition -Fishing Tackle Phone 255-8547 4502 E. Belmont Steve & Art Carpentier Fresno, Calif. 93702 "CATERING TO YOUR TASTE IS OUR BUSINESS" A'LWAYS OPEN Banquet Facilities Available 4131 So. Chestnut 485-6951 Where-Chestnut Meets The Freeway FORD TRACTORS FORD EQUIPMENT FRESNO fORD TRACTOR, INC. 3100 SO. PARKWAY DR. 485-9090 FRESNO, CALIF. SERVICE -PARTS -SALES GRAVES LIQUOR STORE UPHOLSTERY GROCERIES -AUTO • BOAT • TRUCK DELICATESSEN FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING BEER· WINE· LIQUORS -FREE ESTI MATES - 2583 So. Elm BAN KAMERICARD -MASTER CHARGE Ph. 233·3601 847 FRESNO 237·1262 ROY SMITH 5 MINUTE SERVICEcgJA~ DAY OR NIGHT 233-4521WE HAVE THE KEY 24 Hour ServiceTerms Available FREE BAIL INFORMATION 2316 Ventura at M (across from Convention Center) 88 Spouses' Orientation Program by Charles Moushigian, M.S.W. Counselor, Fresno County Sheriffs Dept. "San Diego Police May Get Psychiatric Help"; "Women Learn How To Love Policemen Mates"; "Stress Is Taking Its Toll On Police Officers." These and similar headlines in newspapers and magazines point up the con­ cern regarding the effects of police work on individual officers, their marriages, and their families. There is no question that police work does have a profound impact on an officer's personality and his relations with others. Some of these changes are due to the narrow (usually negative) slice of life to which the officer is exposed. Changes are also caused by variable and odd working hours which disrupt normal family, marital, and social life, and yet others by a police "culture" which generates and reinforces a certain way of looking at the world, fostering values which sometimes ali­ enate officers from themselves, their families, and the rest of the world, encouraging a form of inwardness and inbreeding. The job in itself causes certain, predictable stresses which are produced to some degree in each officer in spite of individual personality differences. Because of this, this department feels an obligation to PUBLIC WAREHOUSE TEMPERATURE CONTROL COMMERCIAL CARLOAD & INDUSTRIAL & POOL CAR STORAGE DISTRIBUTION 2702 S. MAPLE minimize (they cannot be entirely eliminated) some of these stresses, both to give support to officers and their families, and to safeguard the public, for the officer wields a great deal of discretionary power-even over life and death. As part of the total program (which needs to be further expanded) which includes psycho­ logical screening of applicants and confiden­ tial counseling services for officers and their families, the department in 1977 began an orientation program for the spouses of officers. Spouses could be either wives or husbands. However, all of our participants to this time have been wives. The program is intended to give spouses a comprehensive orientation to the functions and operations of the Sheriff's De­ partment. In addition, we intend that the program stimulate awareness of the stresses to which law enforcement personnel and their families are subject, and by the sharing of experiences and problems learn new ways of coping with these problems. Our program is based on the experiences of other similar programs, primarily that of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Our 100,000 Sq. Ft. 45,000 Sq. Ft. 1 Goods OFFICE RAMP Chemical 268-4738FRESNO 89 groups meet weekly for two hours per meeting, except for the session at the firing range which lasts four hours. Following are descriptions of the meetings: I. An introduction and welcoming meeting attended by the Sheriff, one or more Assistant Sheriffs, and the department Counselor. A general description of the department, its functions, and its administrative structure is presented, followed by a question and answer period. A frank and open discussion and questioning is encouraged. II. A comprehensive tour ofthejail facilities and an informative tour and explanation of the communications center. III. Firsthand introduction of the Identifi­ cation facilities and Crime Laboratory. IV. Self defense seminar. The spouses are taught and given practice in practical self defense techniques. V. A meeting devoted to problems of job stress and marital difficulties. This meeting is an open discussion of the problems brought home and to the marriage by the nature of law Compliments Of GEO. A. HORMEl &CO. VALLEY [HRDME PLATING Tony Lucas, Owner Phone 251-8684 1366 N. Sierra Vi,sta Ave. Fresno enforcement employment. A panel composed of a wife of an officer who has been employed by the department for a long time, a wife of an officer who has been em ployed for a short time, and a male officer present afrank discussion of their experiences. They share the problems they have met and their successes and failures in meeting those problems. VI. There is a four-hour meeting dealing with firearms use and safety. A portion of this meeting is actual shooting of handguns, under supervision. We have discovered that many wives not only do not know how to handle a handgun properly, but in many cases are afraid or terrified of guns. This is potentially a dangerous situation, since the officer not only has his service weapon at home, but in many cases possesses other privately owned weapons. VII. There is a final wrap-up meeting devoted to questions, sharing impressions, evaluation of the program, and general feed­ back. This meeting is attended by the Sheriff, one Assistant Sheriff, and the Counselor. We have been pleased that the spouses of our KENNEDY LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE 4258 No. Blythe Ave., Fresno 233-2674 "~:aN_ SEIBERTS' OIL CO.'J. _ .. ·Diesel Fuel • Weed 011 • Lubricants' Batteries • Tires FOR PROMPT DELIVERY CALL ... 251·7539 Howard, Craig & Doug Seibert 3839 E. Ventura , Fresno ACE MOBILE KEY SHOP Three Radio Dispatch Units Official Locksmiths for AAA & National 4572 E. Home Ave . Phone 251-8621 MEXICO CAFE 915 E St. Fresno 268·0264 90 will be primarily for the spouses of new employees, but will also be open to any spouse of an officer, no matter how long with the Department, who has an interest in the program. Our experience so far has led us to believe that this program has been successful and that it should be continued. Most of the participants have felt that they gained abetter, more realistic and appreciative understanding of the Department and their husbands' work. As a consequence, communication with their hus­ bands has opened. and there has been a more firm committment to coping with the stresses ROSE'S CAFE BEER-POOL 1201 E. Central 264-2466 Compliments Of Fresno M. FRIIS-HANSEN & CO., Inc . Phone 233-3121 1724 West McKinley (McKinley Ave. & U.S. Highway 99) ~ FOODLAND. INC. i ..J." INSTITUTIONAL GROCERS 240 N. Thorne ­Phone 268-5036 ­Fresno MISSION LINEN SUPPLY • TOWElS • GARMENTS • CLOTHS • LINENS • DUST MOPS • DOOR MATS • PRIDE WASHROOM SERVICE • EMBLEM SERVICE 2555 So. Orange St. Fresno 268-0647 officers have feU free to express both their satisfactions and dissatisfactions with the Department and the program. Since the inception of this program five groups have attended our orientation meet­ ings. The first two groups were composed of wives of officers who had been with the Department for some time. The subsequent three groups were composed primarily of wives of recently hired officers. Future classes of the job, rather than allowing those stresses to undermine the marriage and the family. The success of this program has been a result of the support of the administration, the encouragement and aid of SPICE, and most importantly, the genuine commitment and serious intent of those members of the Depart­ ment who were responsible for different aspects of the pr ogram. Editor's Note: For comments on the wives' reaction to this program, read The Woman Behind The Man Who Wears The Badge, also in this edition. HA'RVEY BY-PRODUCTS CO. 264-5130 2316 S. FRUIT AVE. FRESNO Compliments of Dr. Earl G. Spomer, Sr. Optometrist ~ ROUNDUP BAR-B-g Open 7 Days a Week New Location in Clovis Rodeo Plaza Shaw & Minnewawa Great Family Dining Featuring Bar B-Q .Ribs, Chicken, Steaks, Beef, Pork, Ham & Hamburgers FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS CALL Also Located In The Farmers Market Tulare & Divisidero Ph . 266-6378 298-7508 Featuring Sandwiches & Lunches Beef, Pork & Ham Open Tues. thru Sat. 91 PAUL'S SHOES Shoes for the Whole Family 2020 Tulare, Fresno 237-5723 NEW VICTORY BAKERY Featuring MEXICAN PASTRIES & CAKES For All Occasions Open 7 Days a Week 7 A.M. to 8 P.M. 1333 Kern, Fresno 264-6653 OPERATIVE PLASTERERS & CEMENT MASONS LOCAL NO. 188 M.W. PRINGLE -BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE 5228 E. Pine Ave. Fresno CONGRA TULA TIONS P.A.L. DISTRIBUTORS 6629 N. Blackstone 439-4860 SUN SUN KITCHEN Open Every Doy • I I A.M. 10 9 P.M. THE FINE~T CHINESE FOODS TO TAKE OUT Howard Gee. Owner 1216 W. Shields, Fresno 227-3579 -227-3570 STATE FARM INSURANCE Eugene E. Warner Gary L. Ream 5035 E. ,Belmont Ave., Suite A Fresno 251-8651 AMERICAN BEAUTY MACARONI CO. "AMERICAN BEAUTY IS PERFECTION" 485-8110 2704 S. Maple Ave., Fresno MODERN WELDING COMPANY Manufacturers and Fabricators of STEEL PRODUCTS 4141 N. Brawley Ave. Fresno Ph. 268-8881 Dorsey & Shirley Mason DORSEY'S LIQUOR STORE Service Is Our Policy 4803 E. Tulare Ave. 251-6632 INSURED AMMUNITION CO. Serving Law Enforcement Agencies 6735 W. Herndon Ave. Fresno, CA 93711 (209) 233-4405 TWO WAY FRUIT STAND Fresh Vegetables & Fruit Beer, Wine & Groceries 215 West California 266-3743 TRUCK DISPATCH SERVICE Truck Brokers 2055 E. North Ave. 266-0239 iiiiiiii-iii--iiiiii=i'--;:H~A-;;;NDMADE T I LES'TrilTlA DESIGNED-AND MANUFACTURED .!t:l.<16-\. FR~:C;~::N;N:RI~=°:O:~~"ON HWY. AI. ONE MILE PAST SANJOAQUIN RI VER TURNLEFT PI, MILES ON AVEN U E 10. 401 01 AVEN UE ioS;rONE PHO NE (209 ) 439-5720 STILLMAN DRUG CO. INC. DRUGS & SUNDRIES -FREE DELIVERY ­ 478t: E. Belmont at Chestnut 255-8375 CHUCK'S TRANSMISSION SERVICE Automatics and Standards -Free Estimates ­ WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK 4438 E. Belmont Ave. 255-1320 ALBRECHT'S WELDING Manufacturers of Tru-Pivot Trailer Hitches for All Cars 5015 N. Gates at Shaw and Old 99 Phone 485-8460 92 Jail and Corrections Bureau MAIN JAIL DIVISION CAPT. B.LAUTERS Division Commander LT. J. BAUM LT. D. BRADFORD LT. M. HOWE LT. D.REED E. LIST Bureau Commander's Secretary INVESTISEARCH SERVICES INC. l INVESTIGATIVE AND RESEARCH SERVICES State of California License No. A-4129 Joseph J. Plezbert President GENERAL INVESTIGATION AND TRIAL PREPARATION 400 South E I Camino Real ­Suite 740 San Francisco (415) 391-1050 San Mateo, California 94402 San Mateo (415) 347-9056 ._ _________._._ I IJ 93 MAIN JAIL DIVISION -Sergeants G. BRITTAN B.CARNS H. CHANDLER R.DURHAM F. GOMEZ H. GONZALES A. STEWART Compliments Of A FRIEND 94 MAIN JAIL DIVISION Women's Section Correctional Officers D. BYRON J. EGERER V. LIGHTNER J. LOGAN EASTERBROOK CUSTOM HOMES "WOODWARD PARK ESTATES" Between Woodward Park and Clovis West High School Contractors License #294400 227-7187 C. TALLACKSON 350 W. Indianapolis, Fresno 95 C. TENYENHUIS .'/, ,,-..... '. D. GAREY M. KAUFFMANN M. SHIR~Y WILLIAM VERBURG DAIRY Producer of Danish Creamery Aun. Products 264-4579 2474 S. S'rawley Ave. Fresno DON ELECTRIC FORMERLY KONKEL ELECTRIC ELECTRIC CONTRACTOR 24 HOUR SERVICE WORK. REWIRING NEW CONSTRUCTION • RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL & MOBILE HOMES Competitive Rates -Free Estimates California State Contractors License #35714 292-4350 FOODLAND MARKETS OF FRESNO "WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE" VIE-DEL COMPANY 11903 South Chestnut 834-2525 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA COMPLIMENTS OF FORKNER RANCHES ** BURGLAR * * fRE:E: E:STIMATE:~ 1271 N. WISHON ALARMS S AFE Al A~MS 24 · HO UR PROHCTI O N SALES -SERVICE -INSTAllATION OUTRIGHT SALES Im~A2lmJ REASONA BLE: RATE:S GARY EDMUNDS Over 16 Years Experience FRESNO 96 PARADISE CLUB 1038 F STREET JACOBS GARAGE General Repair -Electrical -Carburetion Automotive A ir Conditioning Repair ALLIE JACOBS 4434 N. Blackstone Ph. 222-7447 'INLAND SHOW CASE & FIXTURES Commercial & Residential Formica Drainboards -Complete Store Fixtures 1473 Thesta GENTZ CONSTRUCTION CO. State Lie. No. 257817 General Engineers ­Contractors Paving -Sewer & Water Lines 3220 W. Belmont, Fresno 485·6250 PLAZA CAFE THE MEXICAN RESTAURANT For A DIstinctIve Taste In Mexican Food Luncheons & Drnners Served 4110 N. WEST AVE. TaJt.e Our or Reservations 226-3344 COATES BOAT & MOTOR Boats of Quality ­Mercury Motors Mercury Outboard Motor Sales, Service Purr-Feet Outboard Fuel 439-1245 6546 N . Blackstone BETTER PEST CONTROL Pest & Termite Specialists over 20 years Guaranteed Service -Residential -Commercial 4583 1:'. Floradora COMPLIMENTS OF NAPA DISTRIBUTION CENTER 5675 E. CLINTON FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93727 PHONE 291-0291 . QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AND SERVICE BILL GENERAL MANlliAGER MAIN JAIL DIVISION Correctional Officers J. BOWMAN R. BROOME E. BUFFALOE J. BULL M.CARROLL GHIMENTI SHELL SERVICE Free Pick Up & Delivery • Blue Chips 24-Hour Towing Service • Allstate Towing Complete Auto Repairing 5325 W. Shaw Ave. • Fresno • 237-2561 ASHER BROS. SHOES Save on all National Brands Men's -Women's -Children's SHOES 10% DISCOUNT TO SHERIFF OFFICERS Open Sundays Noon to 5 1902 Broadway at Tulare First & Shaw Center Downtown (Next to Long's Drugs) 268·6311 226·7181 Open week nights 'til 9 C. ELLENBERGER K. FOX WILLIAM D. KUNZ General Building & Insulation Contractor License #314987 255-8590 4906 E. Grant Ave. • Fresno PITTSBURG-DES MOINES STEEL CO. Steel Service Center and FABRIICATION-ERECTION 4005 E. Church Ave. 442-1410 Fresno 97 MAIN JAIL DIVISION A. GARCIA D.HADLAND D.HALDERMAN R. HUNTER C. JOHNSON W. LANG H.LEE ANGELO'S DRIVE IN featuring the Be,t Hamburge" Bar B·Q Beef Sandwiche, 710 W. Olive Ave. 268-3726 MANSIONETTE HOMES Quality Built By WATHEN BROS. Models at N. Mi'librook & Birch Four Blocks North of Herndon Phone 439-4290 lAMOURE'S CLEANERS & LAUNDRY 14 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU FRESNO LlaUID & BULK TANK DIVISION ,FRUEHAUF CORP. 5778 W. Barstow Ave. Fresno, CA 93793 P.O. Box 9575 442-8088 KONG'S MARKET Meat -Groceries -Produce Beer and Wine 3706 E. Olive EL PATIO CLUB 818 F Street HARRY JACOBS BODY & FENDER AUTO BODY REPAIR ING & PAINTING Collision Repairs -Insurance Work Welcomed 25 Year Experience -Free Estimates 2017 Santa Clara 237-7151 ALBRIGHT ELECTRIC 20 Years Experience AIR CONDITIONING -WIRING Complete Wiring -Alterations Residential & Commer_cial Emergency Service Day or Night Call 3E47 E. Saginaw Way 227 98 MAIN JAIL DIVISION D. LOZA R. McTEER N. MELLILO D. MILLS J. MOUNT B. RUPPEL IDEAL BAKERY Mexican Pastries Wholesale & Retail 266-5881 and 233-6936 EVELYN'S (Formerly Cowboy N) BEER -SNACKS -POOL 4814 E. Jensen Ave. 264-1794 DEMCO EDUCATIONAL CORP. Division of George Banta Co . 5683 E. Fountain Way Fresno, California 93727 291-2576 H. B. EASTMAN TRUCKING GENERAL HAULING W. Dudley Ave., Fresno 268-7216 FRESNO GLASS CO. GLASS -WINDOW & PLATE -MIRRORS -TABLE TOPS -Free 'Estimates ­ "IF ITS GLASS WE HAVE IT!" L St., Fresno 268-6331 HOllYWOOD CAMERA SHOP I PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES INSTANT COLOR PASSPORT PICTURES AVAILABLE AT BOTH STORES DOWNTOWN AND MANCHESTER SHOPPING CENTER ROL PAK FILTER SERVICE CO. SALES & SERVICE o & M Tractor Rollers -Lincoln Lube Equipment Cyclone Filters -Stratoflex Hyd. Hose & Fittings 2381 S . Sarah 268-0292I • CUTIING41t DIVISION OF HARVEST INDUSTRIES. INC. I MEDICATIONS FOR LIVESTOCK &POULTRY : SADDLES -WESTERN BOOTS -HATS RIDING EQUIPMENT 1415 B Street -Corner of Tuolumne & B 268·7353 99 MAIN JAIL DIVISION J . STANFILLD. SONDEREGGER J. SPARKLE P. THOMPSON MID VALLEY TIME LOAN Bill Probasco, Mgr. 825 No. Abby 442-4810 FRESNO YARYAN LUMBER CO. Everything For The HANDYMAN A Complete Building & Lumber Yard 625 S. Hughes Ave. 268-4701 Fresno ~ Pete Garabedian MODERN DRUG CO. (GLOBE) Prescription Specialists -Free Delivery Phone 266-2438 -237-7137 -266-0701 3044 Tulare (Cor. U 51.) Fresno ! GENERAL ENVIRONMENT, CORP. Manufacturers of "NORFLEX" Flexible Duct 2822 So. Maple Ave. 486-1010 100 M. TREVINO T. YDE DAN OLSON RACING PRODUCTS 485-5270 2306 E. McKinley Ave. Fresno LARSEN-RAno CONSTRUCTION CO. Vorco-Pruden Metal Buildings 1901 E. Hedges, Fresno NOR -CAL BEVERAGE CO., INC. Canada Dry -Double Cola QUAUTY BEVERAGES 4636 E. Drummond 268-4544 LAMBE AIRCRAFT SALES & SERVICE 485-6410 CHANDLER AIRPORT P.O . Box 11670 MAIN JAIL DIVISION Jail Records Clerks M. ADAMS E. BEECHER C. PORTER Fresno M. LENTZ COMPLIMENTS OF AUSTIN G. HARRISON FARMS Phone 255-9348 So. Clovis Ave. 's LOCKSMITHING High s.curity Locka (209) 266-3416 Fr..no. Calif. 93700 101 P. COOKE J. ESSMAN V. MARQUEZ S. MELUGIN D. WILCOX custom colors (independently owned) pratt & lambert paints custom window shades specializing in fine wallpapers paint supplies and wall coverings custom picture framing John O'Halloron 840 blackstone ave., fresno Pete Villarreal 233-1797 w-~~[~l---..~.....". JOHNNIE HANO·IAN DISTRIBUTING FRESNO2412 S. CEDAR AVE. (209) 266-2916 MAIN JAIL DIVISION Kitchen Staff J. MEADOR Senior Cook E. FAIRBANKS Cook Janitor RAY BOLDING TEXACO SERVICE Complete Car Care Fresno & McKinley 268-1172 FRESNO FRICTION MATERIAL CO. CLUTCHES -BRAKES Automotive and Industrial 1350 F Street 266-0871 GOLD DRAGON CHINESE RESTAURANT Food To Go • Chinese Smorgee Richard & Suzanne Ko 1865 E. Dakota Ave., Fresno 229-3817 CLARK'S FIXTURES RESTAURANT & BAR EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURES 1461 Broadway Dan ish Creamery Association Qual ity Famous Since 1895 F &Inyo Sts., Fresno 233-5154 Henderson ~ Experimental Gardens, Inc. Plant Specialists License No. 276157 I DONALD KLEIM 291-2484 P.O. Box 612 . Clovis, Calif. 93612 TRIANGLE DRIVE IN Across From Tourist Bureau BURKE GHILIONE, Owner 1310 W. Belmont 233-8359 Compliments of A Friend SUNSET PATIO SERVING FRESNO FOR OVER 18 YEARS PATIO COVERS • SCREEN ROOMS • CARPORTS WINDOW AWNINGS * Free Estimates * See Our Display At : 318 E. Shields 226-0407 Western Lodge "COMMERCIAL MEN'S HEADQUARTERS" • 117 AIR CONDITIONED UNITS. RADIO. FM MUSIC. DIRECT DIAL PHONES. FREE RESTAURANT. YE OlDE TAVERN' • HEATED CONFERENCE ROOM • MAJOR CREDIT CARDS W. Clinton Ave. & Hwy. 99, Fresno C. BRUTON Cook L. DAILY Cook 102 MAIN JAIL DIVISION Medical Staff Storeroom J . BOYCE R.N. N. SANDERS LVN G. LOWE Stock Clerk Supervisor E. KINTGEN Stock Clerk L. PHILLIPS Clerk SANTA FE HOTEL Basque Dinners 935 Santo Fe, Fresno 442-9896 JORG,ENSEN'S BATTERY SHOP 4740 E. Kings Canyon Road 255-0800 EVAN'S ELECTRIC SERVICE Generators -Starters -Alternators Carburetors -Water Pumps 268-4704 COMMERCIAL MFG. & SUPPLY CO. 2432 South Railroad R. MORENO Stock Clerk G. MURRIETT A Stock Clerk GREEN'S CYCLERY SCHWINN BICYCLES Sales & Service 1855 E. Gettysburg 227-5331 HUDSON'S SHELL SERVICE E~pert Tune Up and Brake Work 1190 N. Chestnut at Olive 251-8317 BILL'S RENTAL SERVICE "We Salute the Sheriff's Department for a Job Well Done." Bill Vollgraff. Owner 3992 N. Blackstone 224-0796 LA MAR ELECTRONICS 12 "L" Street, Fresno 264-3636 103 \ L & S MARKET 264-6495 3269 So. Golden State Blvd. Fresno IGROVE BU I L THOMES 439-2873 BULLARD & FRUIT FRESNO Complete Janitorial Supplies for Hotels -Buildings -Stores -Churches -Restaurants Public Utilities -Theaters -Industries· Institutions Complete 24-Hour Janitor Service SUNNYSIDE JANITORIAL SERVICE & SUPPLY CO. 2818 E. Belmont Ave. 268-8708 I JOE SOUZA DAIRY 266-5938 3515 W. South Ave. Fresno ACE LlaUOR Liquor * Beer * Wine Delicatessen * Soft Drinks 4710 E. Kings Canyon Road -251-6555 DON'S MOBIL SERVICE Dependable Lube -Brake -Tune Up Work Call 266-8440 for Pick Up Service 1306 W. Clinton at West Avenue OWL TRANSFER CO., INC. Agents -Allied Van lines, Inc. J. C. JONES, JR., President, "Shorthaul J. c." E. H. TUSCHHOFF, "Lang Haul Tush" HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVERS 486-7880 "The Movingest Movers in Fresno" TED RUDOLf" LEN'S LAWN MOWER SERVICE New & Used Mowers -Sharpening & Repairing HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS 4691 N. Blackstone 222-6849 YEE PHARMACY 1129 F Street, Fresno 264-4218 MID VALLEY MOTORS One of the Valley's Largest Independent Volkswagen Service Center Repair & Parts 4540 N. BLACKSTONE 222-8885 GERRY SMITH MASONRY, INC. 4575 E. Floradora 255-6346 PATRICK JAMES MEN'S STORE 780 W. Shaw Fresno LA FfESTA NITE CLUB Dancing and Cocktails Latin Nite Club 844 F St. WARRICK ELECTRIC INC. 1324 W. loto Rood, Fresno Best Wishes PRODUCERS PACKING CORP. 5545 W. Dakota Ave. ELM AUTO DISMANTLING TRUCK PARTS PIICKUPS & USED TRUCKS We Pay Cash for Used, Wrecked or Wilole Trucks & Tractors 3646 S. Elm Ave., Fresno 104 JAIL AND CORRECTIONS BUREAU ELKHORN BRANCH JAIL DIVISION LT. W. CUNNINGHAM Division Commander Sergeants R. DILLAHUNTY T. FRY J. NOLL. JR. R. STOUT LOUIE KEE MARKET Fresh Meat & Groceries 1041 Tulare St. 233-7527 Fresno Ralph Anderson Brake & Wheel Service Wheel Alignment & Balancing Drum Trueing -Shock Absorbers Free Estimates 205 North H. Phone 237-.7688 BROWN BROS. ADJUSTORS Don Boyce, Manager 255 No. Fulton Day & Night Ph. 268-5044 RIC'S LIQUORS Delicatessen -Complete Party Supplies BEER -WINE -LIQUOR 435 S. Clovis Ave. Ph. 251 -3006 Complilllf'lIlS Of V ALLEY CHILDRENS HOSPITAL AND GUIDANCE CLINIC FRESNO RANCHER'S COrrON OIL MANUFACTURERS OF conONSEED PRODUCTS P. O. Box 248 268-5353 FRESNO 105 DENNY'S AUTO SALES 485-1711 155 ABBY FRESNO Civic Center Square, Inc. Real Estate Development & Investment 900 Civic Center Square, Suite 200, 'Fresno JERRY'S TAVERN Phone 264-2059 1547 Fresno at G Street Fresno JENSEN AUTO PARTS 233-3881 3230 E. Jensen Fresno HOME SERVICE REPAIR FURNACES -COOLERS -ELECTRICAL -PLUMBING Day and Night -References 224-2618 2637 E. Pontiac, Fresno Compliments of KUETIrwW'l"""""'EL PIANO HOUSE 234 W. Olive at Arthur St. -Fresno FASHION FURNITURE CO. Furnishings for the entire home 4935 North Blockstone Fresno 227-1611 I BOB FLORES THE CHECKMATES COCKTAIL LOUNGE Lunches 11 'til 2, Mon. thru Fri. 5582 E. Kings Canyon Rd. 255-9609 BILL J. RIPPEE INVESTIGATOR Licen sed & Bonded ALL TYPES OF INVESTIGATION Civil -Criminal -Marital -Industrial Personal Injury -Child Custody Organized Labor Strike Investigations 2844 Fresno SI. 229-8106 MASTER RADIATOR WORKS Ronnie Hall AC -ADelco Distributors Repairing • Recoring • Cleaning 616 Broadway 237-0514 or 237-0635 I PENA JANITORIAL SERVICE DEPENDABLE ­REASONABLE , I 5473 W. Fairmont 264-7636 BEST WISHES I BILL'S SHEETROCK SERVICE 3092 E_Ashlan, Fresno 255-1231 LUM'S CHOP SUEY Chinese and American Dishes 609 Divisadero, Fresno 268-7919 NISEI LANDSCAPE SERVICE 251-3051 5322 E. Huntington Blvd., Fresno I WILSON'S MOTORCYCLES Since 1919 Kawasaki -Bultaco -Husqvarna 443 Broadway 237-0215 WEBSTER RADIO, INC. Commercial -Amateur Radio -Citizens Band SUPPLIES AND SERVICE 2602 E. Ashlan Ave .. Fresno 224-5111 106 ELKHORN BRANCH JAIL DIVISION Correctional Officers -Male L. ANDRADE E. BAIROS J. BUFFALOE M. DE WITTIE R. LEROY E. McCLURG E.PETERSEN J.PETERSON R.SNYDER Correctional Officers Female S. ALUFO R. DELGADO HERZOG BROS. EXXON 4202 E. Kings Canyon Rd. FRESNO 255-9670 P & N LIQUORS Nancy Stu rica Delicatessen -Complete Wine -Beer -Liquors 2618 E. Ashlan 229-4476 Best Wishes ELLIS & THOMASON CONSTRUCTION CO. FRESNO PLANING MILL CO. Est. 1908 General Mill Work H & Monterey 233-7218 107 ELKHORN BRANCH JAIL DIVISION .Clerical Staff Kitchen Staff A. HARRINGTON Account Clerk A. LaBOUNTY Typist Clerk R. WEBB Senior Cook M. DELGADO Cook T. CUDD Records Clerk R. MARTINEZ Cook D. GUERRA Laundry Supervisor JOE NOSBISCH TRUCK AND WINDOW LETTERING 264-4559 JOHNSON'S AUTO SERVICE VOLKSWAGENS REPAIRED 4419 E. Belmont Ave. 255-5411 Man, thru Sat. 5 A.M. to 2 P.M. ROSE'S COFFEE SHOP HOME STYLE COOKING ­HOME MADE PASTRY FOOD TO TAKE OUT Rose Barron. Prop. Food Bank Shopping Center 3109 N. West & Shields ROBERT L1CHTI ELECTRO TRUCK REFRIGERATION, INC. COMPLETE TRUCK & CAB REFRIGERATION 24 Hour Service 2760 S, Railroad Ave. 233-3502 Bourzac Concrete Construction Swimming Pool Cantilever Kool Decks Pool Plastering 850 E. Santa Ana 227-3885 ACME MACHINE CO. General Machine Shop-Welding 21 2 North H Street 266-9469 ART PINE'S FRESNO FUNERAL CHAPEL 1136 A, Fresno 233-1174 NAGARE BODY & PAINT Complete Auto Body Reconstruction All Makes ­Custom Color Matching Open 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Across from Stadium Wayne Nagare Earl Burger Larry Buckley 1820 E. University Ave., Fresno 268-5764 108 The Woman Behind the Man Who Wears the Badge by Valerie Klose President, SPICE Fresno County Law Enforcement Wives Club How do you learn to cope with changes in attitude? Relationships with the children? The odd hours? These are just a few of the barrage of questions we get from new wives at our department. We don't pretend to know all the answers, or that the answers we do give are correct. We do know, however, that the wife is a very important person in relation to the type of attitude with which her husband leaves home to do his job as a law enforcement officer. To help us better understand the problem and give more definite answers, among the many projects SPICE has been involved with is the Orientation Program. After interviewing a number of wives who found time in their busy schedules to attend the program, we found that all had good remarks about it. The program ran for seven weeks. It included a session with the Sheriff and the Assistant Sheriffs; a tour of the department facilities including the jail; self defense; how to use a firearm properly; and, last but not least, some of the wives were fortunate enough to ride along with a deputy on regular patrol. The wives remarked that the whole program gave them a better insight regarding their husbands' jobs. It made the wife more aware of the importance of her understanding when her husband comes home in a low mood after a frustrating day testifying in court, or when he learns he has failed to make the promotional list he's worked so hard to get a slot on. She learned to smile and encourage him instead of merely echoing his bitterness. For a wife who had never even held a gun in her hand, learning to shoot her husband's firearm was fascinating. She learned how difficult it is to hold it steady on the target, how the recoil feels, and becomes familiar enough with the weapon that it is no longer regarded as merely a somewhat sinister FIRE GUARD INSULATION SAVE MONEY ON HEATING & COOLING INSULATE NOW! WE INSULATE • SIDEWALLS. ATTIC "WE PATCH & PAINT THE ENTIRE HOME ON COMPLETION" CALL US FIRST FOR A NO OBLIGATION ESTIMATE 251-4611 1728 N. FINE AVE. 109 object he carries on his hip. Among the wives who were permitted to ride in a patrol car, the most frequent comment was that it was very informative and interesting, and that it put the final touches on an excellent program. While none of them was put into situations that could be considered dangerous, it made them ap- Karen Gattie, wife of Sergeant Tom, is briefed on patrol log keeping by Deputy Bob Noyes. SARIS' RED CARPET SARIS' PALM & OLIVE Cocktails -Food Dancing -Pool Tables 3315 N. Cedar Palm & Olive Avenues 222-2030 233-4430 preciate how easily their husbands may be­ come involved in such a situation. We are not saying that the orientation program will be the perfect guideline, that it will provide the solutions to any problems that might arise in a law enforcement family's relationships within the home and marriage, or that it has all the answers. But itdoes give all of us a little more knowledge regarding the jobs our husbands do, and with whom or what they have to deal. As one wife put it, "Ifyou love this man who works the crazy hours, who can't count on getting the day off you want, and who comes home from day to day in a different mood, you learn to cope. You become more aware of the underlying causes of his prob­ lems, you are more involved, and above all, you are as dedicated as he is to having law enforcement as a way of life." Although it was intended to help them as much as the wives, the program was not readily accepted at first by some of the husbands. They weren't sure they wanted their I • BEER MONUMENTS Formerly West Belmont Granite Works Monuments -Statuary in Bronze -Granite ·-Marble 505 W. Belmont at Fruit 237-7888 I ~--------------------------------~ L & J TRUCKING Shakes and Shingles 724 N. Monte Avenue 485-5563 LEACH LEASING 'We Lease All Makes and Models " 'Transportation Specialists " Vern Olson, President 1753 E. Saginaw at Blackstone, Fresno Phone 224-9831 B & H MARKET Groceries -Meats -Vegetables Beer. Wine 834-5510 11024 So. Fowler Ave. VAN VLEET PROPERTIES Real Estate Loans TO's Bought 1739 E. Terrace 227-8486 Fresno J. DEAN BALLARD TILE & MARBLE 4557 E. Lewis Ave. Fresno 251·5212 V / M CUSTOM BOAT TRAILERS 486-0410 2853 So. Orange Ave., Fresno 110 Mrs. Gattie and Noyes set out for a tour of patrol duty. GLASS UNLIMITED AUTO & TRUCK SPECIALISTS GENE PERRY Owner/Operator 485-8492 3063 E. CHURCH AVE. • FRESNO Compliments Of BAGDASARIAN FARMS 486-7330 6382 E. North Fresno 111 wives to be so completley informed of the details and potential dangers of their jobs. They soon learned, however, by discussion with other officers, that communication between spouse and officer improved after the wife had participated in the program. As police agencies in California go, we are considered a large department. It was hard for us to believe tHat our divorce rate is higher than that of an even larger department in southern California. Perhaps that can be at least partially attributed to the fact that that department has had an orientation and ride­ along program for spouses for some time, and statistics show their divorce rate has declined since the inception of the program. We realize our program will not solve this problem immediately. But maybe, just maybe, it will assist the law enforcement family to remain together, with communication and understanding. CORNER CLEAN SWEEPING STREET SWEEPING -PARKING LOTS -APTS. DUST CONTROL ­WAYNE SWEEPERS Since 1962 • Insured P.L. & P.O.• Free Estimates David Friesen, Owner & Operator 5029 E. Nevada Ave. 255-7632 If No Answer Call 237-9103 -Ask For Car 64 CALIFORNIA DESIGN ASSOCIATES SERVING FRESNO. THE VALLEY AND CALIFORNIA FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS • Manufacturers' Distributors For All Food Service Equipment • Custom Kitchen Equipment Stainless Steel Hoods, Sinks, Tables • Custom Seating, Booths, Bar Fixtures • Complete Design, Layout & Planning • Construction & Project Management TALK TO US BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL License H326844 ANDY STURGILL BOYCE DRAKE Project Manager Design Consultant 1747 N. GATEWAY BLVD. • FRESNO. 252-2921 NONINI'S WINERY NONINI'S SELECT WINES I Visitors Welcome 2640 N. Dickinson 264-7857 PLAYLAND POOL I 934 F Street Fresno BILL PARRISH CHEVRONISERVICE WE PICK UP AND DELIVER 5385 N. Blackstone Ave. 439-4880 ASSOCIATED BRASS PRODUCTS, INC. PRECISION CASTINGS 7070 N. Harrison, Pinedale SUNKIST POOLS Phone 439-5311 611 16 N. Blackstone Fresno SUNRISE KITCHEN i SelF SERVICE -DINING ROOM I SUNNYSIDE PLAZA CHINESE FOOD TO TAKE OUT Phone 255-5489 or 255-4115 630-634 S. Clovis at Kings Canyon Road, Fresno FRESNO OXYGEN & WELDING SUPPLIES 245 M Street 233-6684 PATTON SHEET METAL WORKS Air Conditioning • Heating -Ventilating -Refrigeration ~ Sheet Metal) W. R. Patton ("r "" Office 486-5222 I 272 Palm -Fresno, Calif. 93701 THE MEDICINE CHEST BUKER & COLSON DRUG CO. JACK A RUSTIGAN, PHARM D. Member of Sheriff's Reserve -Special Consideration for Members of Sheriff's Department and Families Emergency Phone: 229-0769 • Free Delivery . Hours 9 to 6 (Sat. to noon) 2848 Mariposa 237-4171 Also in Auberry -855-8465 Pan American Underwriters 4836 North Cedar Avenue 224-0320 PASTEL MOTORS Limp In -Leap Out In A Top Quality Used Car Dave Brandon 304 N. Blackstone Ave. Call me at. .. 485-3875 •:ttilft RICH PRODUCTS CORP. .. -~ Frozen Bread & Pastry _~_~ l _________ ~~;-----3-20-'-'O-'-'s-l-re-e-I,-F-re-s-n--O--_lPhone (209) ""-7380· '_··,~ WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 2120 So, Van Ness Ave., Fresno 264-5091 AGUILAR BODY &PAINT SHOP Complete Auto Body Repair Free Estimates 1934 E. McKinley 485-2571 CUSTOM TRUCK PAINT & SIGN CO. 4227 S. Hiway 99 Phone 233-0690 Eli's Electr,ical, Service ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR BONDED -INSURED License No. 327620 DONALD H. 8M ITH 1224 West Pico, Fresno, CA 93705 112 FaDlily AlbuDl Looking at old photographs is always fun, and even though some of these may have appeared in pre­ vious issues of The Review, we think you'll enjoy seeing them again. Rank designated, where appro­ priate, is that in effect at the time the picture was made, with present rank or status in parentheses. How many remember this snowstorm? This is the parking lot at the rear of the building as it looked on a January afternoon in 1962. Dep. (Lt.-Ret.) Herman Saghatelian demonstrates the proper way to shoot from the prone position at the old range on Shaw Avenue, near the present Levitz Furniture Co. ware­ house. About 1961. HOWEll AIR CONDITIONING & SHEET METAL, INC. 4404 N. Effie 222-5224 CAlWA QUALITY MARKET Groceries -Beer -Wine -Soft Drinks 3924 E. Jensen Ave. 486-1174 HOllY DEPARTMENT STORE 1027 F Street Fresno ARROW PHARMACY 4796 E. Kings Canyon Road 255-8351 113 FAMILY ALBUM Sometime in the late fifties the department fielded a softball team to play in a Fresno City Recreation Department league. From left, back row, Dep. (Ret.) Roger Pursell, Lt. (Chief Deputy-Ret.) AI Collins, Sgt. (Dec.) Mel Hansen, Sgt. (Ret.) Walt Pinion, Dep. (Lt.) Bill Cunningham, Det. (Dec.) Wesley Smith; middle row, Sgt. (Capt.) Bud Lauters, Dep. (Resigned) JUlius Aluisi, Sgt. (Ret.) Wes Bennett, unidentified, Dep. (Dec.) Dick Bain; front row, Dep. (Ret.) Robley Duncan, bat boy (Fresno city fireman) Mike Collins, unidentified, Det. (Sgt.-Ret.) Jack Anderson. We're not quite sure what's going on here. Except that nothing stronger than coffee was , ever served at Records Section Christmas parties, we'd say that Sr. Ident. Tech. (Ret.) Mace Barnes is preparing to drink champagne from some young lady's slipper. But then, what's wrong with drinking coffee from a lady's slip­ per? About 1960. . D. A. Investigator (Ret.) Amil Demes, Sheriff (Ret.) Mel Willmirth, and Lt. (Capt.) Gino Pishione of the Clovis P.D. examine recently confiscated marijuana plants. Early 1960s. The location of Matron-Typist Carmichael's open front desk, and the short skirts of 1961, didn't prove particularly conducive to modesty. Sgt. Don Lys­ dahl solved the problem by providing, a suitably (?) illustrated panel to cover the desk opening. 114 FAMILY ALBUM In December of 1964 Lt. (Capt.-Ret.) Ken Larson was notified of his pending promotion to captain, and he tries out a set of new bars presented to him by the employees Dep. Don Douglas keeps an eye on the prisoner being of the Records and Identificationsearched by Dep. (Criminologist) Ed Lamb. Division. Undersheriff (Ret.) Jim Long shows off the latest thing in patrol vehicles. 1961. A. Investigator (Ret.) Hub Nevins and (Capt.) Gene Hallam prepare to ride the mounted unit of the Sheriff's and Rescue Team in the 1963 Day parade. LEWIS FOOD MARKET Fresh Meats. Produce. Groceries 2301 E. Lewis 237-0366 LUIGI'S ITALIAN RESTAURANT Pizza -Neopolitan Style -Banquet Room for 50 ­ 7 Days a Week 5155 N. Blackstone 115 BURL'S AUTO ELECTRIC Repairs or Exchanges Tune Ups -All Types of Electrical Work 1631 N. Motel Drive (Enter from McKinley) Phone 485-4580 G. S. DOUGLAS CO. WHOLESALE HARDWARE 1382 N. Cedar 251-7306 BEST WISHES FROM AUTO WAREHOUSE 1419 M. St. Fresno 266-7811 Valley Foundry & Machine Works, Inc. Leon S. Peters, President 2510 So. East Fresno Herb Bauer's Sporting Goods "The All Sports Store" INDOOR PISTOL RANGE Open Evenings and Sundays Where Abby & Blackstone Meet JIM'S ARCO SERVICE Opel'] 24 Hours -Complete Service Tune Up & Brake Service 1155 West Belmont, Fresno 266-5317 MONARCH REFRIGERATION State License No. 207473 266-2393 1558 N. 9th, Fresno SUBURBAN STEEL INC. 268-6281 706 W. California Street DUKES COCKTAILS Your Host -Duke Garbedian 2039 Kern Street 268-6821 CALWA CAFE 233-9360 4145 E. Jensen, Calwa TECHNICOLOR CORP. Block & White and Color Film Service Wholesale and Retail 326 No. Blackstone 266-0181 Fresno VAtlEY TOWIING SERVICE 24 HOUR TOWING Heavy Duty Trucks 1363 N. Hughes Ave. 486-3183 Fresno STAIGER CONSTRUCf:ION CO. Phone 233-4606 4235 W. Alamos Ave. Fresno, Calif. 93705 EUROPEAN AUTOMOTIVE Specializing In B.M.C. -JAGUAR -ROOTES -DATSUN -VOLVO -TOYOTA Bob Vaughn -Owner 3931 E. Belmont Ave. 485-4830 Fresno CASA CANALES "Dining in Mexican Style" 3110 N. Maroa near Shields 222-4935 Fresno B. E. DALRYMPLE TRUCKING 380 N. Valentine Ave. ­ 237-0503 Fresno j ~---,----- 116 FAMILY ALBUM DETECTIVE DIVISION -1959. From left, back row, Sgt. (Ret.) Jack Anderson, Det. (Sgt.-Ret.) Bill Weaver, Sgt. (Ret.) Joe Quick, Det. (Dec.) Wesley Smith, Sgt. (Lt.-Ret.) Leo Clapp, Sgt. (D .A. Inv.) Warren Saunders, Sgt. (Dec.) Mel Hansen; middle row, Sgt. (Ret.-Dec.) Cal Hall, Det. (Capt.) Gene Hallam, Sgt. (Ret.) Glen Hunt, Det. (Ret.-Dec.) Mike Flores, Sgt. (Ret.) Walt Pinion, Sgt. (Ret.) Bill Lockie, Sgt. (Ret.) Charlie Tigh, Sgt. (Capt.) Bud Lauters, Sgt. (Dec.) Dan Conway, Sgt. (Dec.) Jim Watterson; front row, Sgt. (Resigned) Mark Kann, Sgt. (Ret.) Gene Predmore, Sgt. (Ret.) Rod Arden, Sgt. (Ret.) Cliff Bryant, Lt. (Chief Crim. Dep.-Ret.) AI Collins, Capt. (Ret.-Dec.) Conrad Spomer, Sgt. (Ret.) Sam Eidson. Dep. (Sgt.-Ret.) Bob Worstein interviews a witness, while Sgt. Art Tabler guards three burglars caught in the act. 1961 . 117 I I SHAW & WEST CHEVRON SERVICE Mel Cox, Owner 2017 W. Shaw Ave. 222-1526 VILLA BASQUE Basque Dinners -Lunches -Cocktails Phone 439-6970 6584 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno ROLINOA AUTO PARTS FARM BUREAU TIRE DISTRIBUTOR Phone 264-7686 9191 West Whitesbridge, Fresno ADVANCE ELECTRIC CO. Specializing in NEW CONSTRUCTION REMODELING -SWIMMING POOLS lIcens.d Contractor -Free Estimates 1152 E. Paul 431-1822 JAYNES & COMPANY Complete Auto and Truc,k Reconstruction Specialists Truck Body Building 24 Hour Tow Service 136 North Thorne 233-3241 DALE ELECTRIC Electrical Contractor COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL WIRING State license No. 303852 KEITH MECARTEA, Owner Shop & Office -1308 Iota Ave. FRE6NO 264-1831 I Camper & Trailer Supplies, Service & Repairs PHILLIP'S TRAILER SUPPLY & REPAIR Fresno's Largest Recreational Vehicle Supply Center 4121 E. Belmont (Near Cedar), Fresno Phone 485-5720 C & A THRIFTY MART GROCERY DELIVERY AVAILABLE Fresh Meat & Vegetables -Beer & Wine 3985 E. Jensen Ave. 264-1487 Shirley Tatarakis CALWA GRILL e Cold Beer e 3974 E. Jensen Ave. I Calwa 1---------1 ANDELLA LlaUOR Complete Liquors * Wines * Delicatessen 501 N. Van Ness at Belmont 266-1672 UPHOLSTERY CITY '; SEAT COVERS -CUSTOM INTERIORS Autos. Boats. Trucks. Planes Fine Used Cars 6070 N. Blackstone Ave. 431-4300 B & J Rent-A-Trailer System Inc. Truck and Trailer Rentals ­U-Haul One Way Rentals JOE'S EXXON STATION 406 No. H Street 442-9873 ANDY'S COCKTAIL LOUNGE 2155 So. G. St. 486-9772 PAULINE'S SPORTSWEAR 1st & McKinley, next to Potter Drug 3121 E. Mayfair Ct. Ph 233-0473 Rose E. Meadows, Owner-Manager ACE ALUMINUM AWNING CO. AND ACE HOME SUPPLIES ALUMINUM AWNINGS -SIDINGS SCREENS -REPAIRS 1915 E. Olive Ave., Fresno 268-3051 & 266-1648 M. R. VIERRA COMPANY San Joaquin Valley Distributors Trimmer Power Lawn Mowers 2531 E. McKinley Ave. 266-0582 118 Saved by a TiDlely Crash by Jim Hamilton A novice pilot and his passenger mirac­up the Kings River Canyon, in a very light ulously escaped injury early this spring in an airplane not designed or powered for any type apparent attempt to cross the Sierras by flying of high altitude flight. The canyon at Horseshoe Bend, which the pair Coming out of Horseshoe Bend the canyon widens, successfully negotiated, flying not more than a few no doubt causing the intrepid aviators to assume hundred feet above the roadway from which this that the worst was behind them. photo was taken. Fortunately for them, where they landed the river is relatively wide, shallow, and smooth. They were able to make their way to shore and walk away. Their relief was short-lived, however. A short distance around the bend one wing tip struck a tree, and they made a forced landing into the icy snow water. 119 I Unfortunately for them, they were observed by workers who had just cleared debris from a mudslide on Highway 180 not far away. The Sheriff's Department was notified, and a subsequent investigation revealed that the airplane had been stolen from Lincoln, in Placer County north of Sacramento. The fliers were arrested not far from the crash site, but because no one had actually seen them getting out of the airplane, concrete evidence of their having been in it was needed to prove'a theft case in court. Fearing that any evidence in the craft would be obliterated in a salvage at­ tempt, it was decided to process it before it was moved. VENTURA TV CENTER RCA Color TVs RCA Video Recorders 3619 E. Ventura 266-5318 I I GEORGE STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHER 233-6670 1464-68 Fresno St. Fresno I DOMINIC'S LIQUORS Visit Our Beautiful Wine Cellar 6030 N. Blackstone 439-4231 K. C. BUCK SERVICE STATION Exxon Gasoline -Service Merced & L 442-9773 ED'S RADIATOR SERVICE • CLEANING. REPAIRING • RECORING • Air Conditioning & Heater Repairs Free Estimates * Pickup and Delivery 340 North H Street 485-6670 A-1 INSULATION & FENCE CO. Specializing in Quality Cellulose Home Insulation And Masonry Fencing 6766 E. Olive, Fresno 251-6219 HAMILTON'S Groceries * Liquor * Gas 264-8609 8964 S. Elm Ave. Fresno ACE LAWNMOWER SALES & SERVICE Sharpening & General Repair * Pickup & Delivery 2003 E. California Ave. 233-8788 120 Detective Paul Kalpakoff, who has training and experience both as a SCUBA diver and an identi­ fication technician, was chosen for the job. Here, left, dressed in his wet suit, he prepares to enter the water, with his processing equipment protected by the plastic bag in his left hand. entered several yards upstream, he holds safety rope in one hand and the plastic bag in the and lets the current carry him toward the which hasn't been moved by the current the landing gear is caught on boulders. Adjacent to the craft Paul stands on a boulder and prepares to climb aboard. JIM'S SHELL SERVICE Jim Akers, Operator Corner Kings Canyon & Academy 787-9948 Bud's Kar Kare Auto Molding Auto Molding -Pinstriping "IF IT ROLLS WE HAVE IT"I All Bearing Sales -Casters -Wheels -Trucks Bud Artz 3263 E. Tulare, Fresno 237-7416 M.J.B. PLUMBING For Quick Service Call 237-5686 905 W. Pine, Fresno AL BARTON'S GARAGE & SERVICE STATION TUNE-UPS -GENERATORS & STARTERS 1365 S. Hazelwood Blvd. 233-2782 HEALEY & POPOVICH Office -School Equipment Building Equipment 1703 Fulton St., Fresno, CA 93721 264-4735 SALES SERVICE RENTALS 01 RAVE LI OWN ' R~~=~~~~EN DON HEAD MOTOR HOMES -404 Abby. 441-7707 TRAVEL TRAILERS -399 Abby. 441-7152 FRESNO TRUCK CENTER (Formerly Fresno White & Autocar Sales) DISTRIBUTORS OF White -Autocar -Freightliners Trucks Sales -Parts -Service 2707 S. East Ave. • Fresno • 486-4310 121 I mountain pilots of the Sheriff's Air Squad­ ron-never fly up a canyon. They were very fortunate their crash occurred when and at the place it did. Had they proceeded upstream a few miles farther, they wou~d have encoun­ tered almost perpendicular granite walls sev­ eral thousand feet high, with not enough power to climb over them, nor room to turn around. THE HIDE-A-WAY COCKTAILS Olive & Maple 255-8548 MALAGA FOOD CENTER GROCERIES -PRODUCE -MEA T BEER -WINE Chevron Gas & Oil 4412 S. Maple Ave. G & J FREIGHT I'NC. 268-9671 FRESNO FRESNO NOTIONS & DRUG CO. Wholesalers 2964 E. BUTLER FRESNO LEROY WEST 24-HOUR TOWING AUTO BODY REPAIR & PAINT 2011 E. Clay, Fresno 237-4112 The Federal Aviation Administration later reported that the only record they could find of either of the suspects having flying experience was that one of them had been issued a student pilot permit two years ago. There was no record of how much training or experience he'd actually had. But it was obvious he hadn't flown long enough to learn the lesson so frequently expounded by the experienced Having completed the tedious task, which at any moment could have been interrupted by the airplane coming loose from its moorings and plunging into the current, Paul prepares for the return trip. The rather unusual search for physical evidence paid off. Paul brought back a palm print which was later matched with that of one of the suspects, and hair samples from where one of them had leaned his head against the window frame. RICHARD'S COCKTAIL LOUNGE 1609 East Belmont Avenue 266-4077 I WARD'S VILLAGE MARKET Open Six Days A Week 9:00 A.M. 'til 5:30 P.M. 1917 S. Chestnut 255-6390 F & L LIQUORS "The Best Liquors, BeerS,Wines" Fred Gong 1288 N. Fresno St., Fresno 266-1864 LLOYD'S AUTOWERKSTAT German Auto Repair 237-5924 1426 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno I WAGNER'S AUTO RADIO Automatic • Becker • Bendix • Blaupunkt Delco • Motorola • Philco 2515 N. Blackstone 222-1022 122 Ne\tV Auxiliary Unit Wins Its Spurs The most recently organized group of aux­ iliary officers is the Search and Rescue Mounted Posse, not to be confused with the traditional Sheriffs Posse whose chief func­ tion was to represent the Department in parades. This group came into being a couple of years ago, when a local rancher who is a friend of Deputy Lee Nilmeier told him he and a few other ranchers of his acquaintance would be glad to help out on search and rescue whenever they were needed. The offer ap­ peared interesting, and the group was as­ sembled for further discussion. The Prescription Pharmacy Free Delivery We are in Business for your Health Thomas Fowler 745 N. Fulton, Fresno, California 264-4751 Wm. H. McDonald, Jeweler Certified Gemologists -Registered Jeweler American Gem Society -Diamond Cutters 5056 North Palm Avenue 222-5656 471 N. Teilman 1029 E Street PINEDALE AUTO PARTS 439-7610 7133 N. Blackstone Fresno The horsemen explained that they weren't interested in wearing uniforms and riding in patrol cars, nor in crowd control at public events or other such usual reserve activities. They merely were offering their services in case they were needed in their particular specialty. That seemed a fair offer, for while we don't need horsemen very often, when we do we need them badly, and then often find arranging for them somewhat difficult. We explained that they'd have to be deputized in order for the county to assume liability for any injuries or damage to equipment incurred RICO'S HAIR FASHIONS 3049 E. Ashlan 222-3662 SEQUOIA PARTY SALES Tupperware's Famous Seal -Locks in flavor ... freshness Locks out moisture . . . dryness TUPPERWARE Call 291-2573 RA Y FISHER PHARMACY 4646 N. Blackstone Ave. Phone 222-3033 GIBBS AUTOMOTIVE & TOWING SERVICE 24 Hour Towing Service 1606 N. West Ave. at McKinley 268-0641 BUFORD'S APPLIANCES INC. Serving Fresno Since 1917 HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Sales -Installation -Central Systems -Package Equipment 2660 W. Andrews Ave., Fresno Lie. 11253208 233-5203 KENNETH LOUIE Noodle Mfg. & Bean Crop Pkg. 264-2745 LEO'S WATCH SHOP Diamonds -Bulova Watches -Sony TV Stereo -Radio -Oriental Gilts 264-1511 123 SEARCH AND RESCUE MOUNTED POSSE M. Barrett; front row, Liaison Officer Deputy L. Nilmeier, B. McDonald, D. Martin, J. Nulick, A. Powell, J. Abatti. FUNG'S KITCHEN CHINESE & AMERICAN FOOD TO GO 251-3234 4141 E. Butler Ave. Fresno SAMS Luggage and Leather Goods Re-Nu-AII Shoe Service Telephone 233-0825 . 101 7 Fulton Mall, Fresno, California 93721 Compliments of SARKIS K. SARKISIAN MARY SARKISIAN MOSESIAN NORMART'S FURS Established in 1895 226-4171 5091 N. Fresno st. Corner of Shaw & Fresno 51. RIDGE ELECTRIC MOTOR CO. Electric Motors -Portable Tool Repair Commercial Kitchen Equipment 'Repair Wiring and Supplies " 1215 G Street Back row, from left, K. Kennedy, E. Hall, T. Walters, J . Couto, R. Hansen, M. Sheehan, J. Bacorn, B. Haire, P. Mazzliano, M. Ketcher, T. Venner, while on search and rescue, but that wouldn't mean they were expected to be available for any duties other than what they'd volunteered for. We added that they'd be expected to par­ ticipate in an occasional training mission to learn how to work with other units. They liked our conditions as well as we liked their offer, and the unit was organized late in 1976. In its less than two years of existence the Posse has enthusiastically participated in two or three major training sessions, and has rendered valuable service in several actual searches. They have more than lived up to their pledge to always have men and horses available whenever needed. CIRCLE W APPLIANCE CO. Major Repair on Westinghouse Only 2005 E. Belmont, Fresno 233-5865 AIR WAY HOOVER -EUREKA CO. Sales & Service -Parts For All Makes New & Used * * * Open Saturdays 3069 E. Shields Ave., Fresno 224-8143 124 r SIIEIIIFF$ AIR SQUADRON SHERIFF'S AIR SQUADRON Back row, from left, Walter Fisher, Calvirn MacPherson, Baysel Moyers, David Barber, Milbern Lewis, Andy Holmes; middle row, Russell Bland, Jack Arbuckle, Eddie Riedenauer, Hiet van Buren, Ed Trimble, Andy Brenn.ick, Herbert Kent, ElmerTuschoff; front row, Marvin Simmons, David Proctor, George Brannon, Earl Smith, Marvin Janzen, Sherman Fleenor, Hubert,Pendegraft, Stanley Gibbs. Officers for 1978 are: Commander, George Brannon; Executive Officer, Ed Stone; Adjutant, David Proctor; Operations Officer, Marvin Janzen; Finance Officer, Rex Hunter; Supply Officer, Charles Stalie; Intelligence Officer, Tom Copp; Electronics Officer, Hubert Pendergraft; Public Relations Officer, Larry Asher; Directors, Earl Smith, Milbern Lewis. O J. M. HOLLISTER. INC. .?] "JON-KEN Collect" -COLLECTIONS ­ TELEPHONE 233-3786 1005 N . BLACKSTONE -FRESNO, CALIF RICE ROAD DUMP ALLEN VOLPA, President 10463 N. Rice Road, Fresno 439-9211 SAN JOAQUIN GLASS CO. COMMERCIAL AUTO RESIDENTIAL 268-7646 2150 E. McKinley Fresno, California 93703 CHRISTENSEN'S TURKEY HATCHERY 2174 N. Maple Ave. 251-0354 COMPLIMENTS OF MAZZEI'S NURSERY 308 E. Jensen 233-8952 Fresno AMERICAN AUTOMOTIVE SPECIAL TV Specializing in 4 W D Service Dealer for Husky Products 33 E. Lincoln Ave .. Easton 233-8800 125 JOHN TORIK ., Complete Automotive Service 460 Fulton 268-9431 YOST & WEBB FUNERAL HOME Tulare & T Streets 237-4147 PETE'S FURNITURE REFINISHING Office & Household Work Guaranteed 3579 W. Dudley, Fresno 237 · 2929 BOMB :rVRNXSIUNGS 933 VAN NESS Joseph Skopp Gary Skopp FRESNO fPiemonte '. g'alian fJ)elicatessen 616 E. OLIVE AVE. PHONE 237-2038 FRESNO, CA 93728 MARUKO CYCLERY BICYCLES -HONDAS 2848 E. Belmont 485-2450 EAST FRESNO AUTOMOTIVE TUNE-UP -BRAKE SERVICE -REFRIGERATION John A. McGraw, owner Shop 255-2177 -Res. 255-2349 4644 E. Tulare Fresno Eat Out & Enjoy Life * * * S. E. RYKOFF & CO. MADISON BUTANE SERVICE Hardware -Plumbing -Sport Goods 4032 W. Whitesbridge 264-1730 RENO'S SPECIALIZED SERVICE 1659 Broadway 268-0629 126 VIETTY'S MARKET 264-5204 3394 Butler Avenue TOKIWA-RO JAPANESE & CHINESE DINNERS . 943 E Street 266-5329 WEST FRESNO DRUG CO. PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY 237-1558 1501 Kern Street, Corner 01 F Street Sterling's Funeral Home Feltus L. Sterling , Proprietor 1146 B Street, Fresno 226-9711 ARMEN'S FLOWERS Flowers for All Occasions Bob and Joy Work, Owners 1592 N. West Ave. at McKinley 264-5005 POOLQUIP Pool Supply 485-7130 1338 N. Blackstone, Fresno VALLEY RADIATOR CO. 237-0723 1221 North Blackstone RUSSCO ELECTRONICS MFG. Professional Radio Broadcasting Equipment Fresno, California United Automotive Works Truck Repairing Used Truck Parts 304 "N" Street 264-2937 PAT CHIARITO TRUCKING, INC. Tractor Hauling Our Speciality 2006 W. Jensen Ave. 485-0804 OLD TIMERS GET TOGETHER Early last summer Sheriff McKinney was host to all retired employees who could be contacted and were able to attend. Back row, from left, Bill Lockie, Larry Hoskins, Jim Long, Wayne Johnson, Morris Montgomery, Reggie Jones, Merle Person, Joe Orndoff, Oral Hyatt, George Nielsen; middle row, Les Scheidt, Leo Alexander, Chet Rau, Mace Barnes, Charlie Tigh, Bea Sharkey, Elmer Gilstrap, Leroy Cox, AI Collins, Sam Eidson, Harlan McFadden, Fred Pipkin; front row, Pat Prevost, John Belton, Fred KolI, Helen McVay, Yoshio Kai, Clifford Forrest, Ken Larson, John Caprelian, Leo Clapp. LARSEN BROS. AUTO PARTS New Automotive Parts 1631 N. Motel Drive 233-3126 FEDERAL JEWELRY & LOAN CO. Since 1919 1820 Tulare Street 237-3421 JONES WINDOW SHADES & UPHOLSTERING 274 N. Fresno SI. 233-6523 MIKE BELLOW CONTRACTOR 1521 N. Maple -Fresno 255-7611 FRESNO SAW SERVICE Power Mowers -Complete Saw Service N. Fresno 237-1407 KOMOTO DEPARTMENT STORE 1528 Kern Fresno I CONEY ISLAND LUNCH 1906 Tulare St. 233-2323 LIGHTNING RECORD SHOP Walter Mah 3551 E. Ventura 268-6717 I ART'S MERCANTILE Groceries * Wine * Beer * Gas * Oil 2082 W. Whitesbridge 237-6213 GENERAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATES, INC. Bennett N. Levinson ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE 3220 E. Mayfair Blvd. 233-6261 I I 127 SIERRA CUSTOM HOMES "THE MEN WHO GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT" 7181 E. TOLLHOUSE ROAD 299-.6847 CLOVIS CLOVIS AMBULANCE 299-0411 Courteous, Dependable Service, 24 Hours A Day RADIO DISPATCHED -OXYGEN EQUIPPED PATIENT AMBULANCE SERVICE. INC. CLOVIS, CALIFORNIA Carl Holland VALCOBOATS HULLS,INC. 7028 N. MINNEWAWA AVE. AT HERNOON AVE . PRAMS · FISHIN G BOATS CANOES · CAR ·TOPPERS RIVE R BOATS· RUNABOUTS PONTOON ROVER S C LOVIS. CALI F. 936 12 (209) 299-955 1 WILMOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. lowbed Trucking General Engineering Contractor Heavy Construction Equipment Rental Contr. lie. No. 211461 Office 8. Yard 7645 N. Locan Clovis. Calif. 93612 Phone (209) 299·9591 "'~W/iICustODJ Boats Formerly MR. [O 'S 377 North Minnewawa Clovis. CA 93612 Maurice Tarvin (209) 299-2587 SPARKY ELECTRONICS 2406 North Blackstone At Clinton Ave. Phone (209) 227·2986 Fresno, Calif. 93703 602 Shaw Ave. at Clovis Ave. 2<?9·1033 Clovis WHOLESALE TO ALL GAMBER HOMES NEW HOMES & REMODELING 299·01 01 or 299·8332 Clovis JIM'S PLACE Dancing Six Nights a Week to Country Music Tuesday thru Sunday 430 Clovis Ave., Clovis 299-2597 FICKLE INC. 299-5284 1500 Villa Ave. Clovis CLOVIS RADIATOR SERVICE IN CLOVIS Specialist. Truck· Tractor· Auto Cleaning. Repairing. Recoring 551 • 8th, Clovis 299·2395 BOICE FUNERAL HOME Since 1913 308 Pollasky, Clovis 299-4372 LISLE FUNERAL HOME Fresno and Oakhurst HARRY D. JOHNSON ACOUSTICAL CONTRACTOR Contractors License #150369 ESTABLISHED IN 1953 299-7234 7505 No. Willow Ave. Clovis 128 Clovis Police Department T. HIGGASON Chief of Police P. PATTERSON Captain J. McGAUGHY Lieutenant C. TELEGAN Chief's Secretary B. FRANKS Clerk-Typist MIKE MIYAMOTO Excavating -Grading 299-2629 6369 North Peach Avenue • Clovis IN CLOVIS .,\11 ~ ~. 4-~ ~..~ ~r rntQI'III~E·'tIt~ FOREIGN CAR PARTS Specializing in Replacement Parts for VOLKSWAGEN -TOYOTA -DATSUN NEW -REBUILT -ACCESSORIES 318 CLOVIS AVENUE • CLOVIS • 299-0454 CUSTOM ~UNlTE POOLS ALL SIZES mnm~::::---.----ALL SHAPES CALL DON HUSTON, BUILDER OF FINE POOLS IN THE FRESNO AREA SINCE 1947 State Licensed Conlractor No. 262239 • Construction • Repairs • Old Pools Remodeled Free Estimates 298-6677 21546 FRONTIER ROAD 129 G. PISHIONE Captain Compliments Of BIG TREE RANCH THOROUGHBRED RACE HORSES BOB SWENNING Owner 299-0664 4725 E. COPPER AVE. CLOVIS CLOVIS POLICE DEPARTMENT W. BEAVER Sergeant S. COX Sergeant J. MORROW Sergeant CUSTOM DESIGNED & CONSTRUCTION FOR YOUR YARD • QUALITY WORKMANSHIP • EQUIPMENT WITH PROVEN DEPENDABILITY • CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISED BY OWNERS • MAJOR POOL REMODELING • EQUIPMENT ,. PLUMBING REPAIRS • POOLSWEEPS FOR NEW ,. EXISTING POOLS Locally Owned & Operated -Insured PL & PO State Bonded -Contractors Lic. #3223S1-C53 Residential and Commercial 299-4439 130 T. PAYNE Sergeant D. TAYLOR Sergeant ~ J. REESE Sergeant H.ROHDE Sergeant Robert H. Rowley & Company PAINTING Commercial/Residential Contr. Lie. No. 348026 5415 E. GRIFFITH FRESNO. CALIFORNIA 93727 PHONE (209) 299-8600 MOBILE PHONE 237-9103/Car 4545 CLOVIS POLICE DEPARTMENT R. GREATHOUSE Detective G. GROVE Detective S . HALL Detective-Juven i Ie J. KANT ARAKIS Detective-Juvenile POLLARD RANCH RIDING LESSONS -WESTERN Breaking -Training -Boarding Chuck Pollard : Owner 13545 E. Bullard Ave. 299·3453 Clovis • P -R FARMS, INC. GROWERS· PACKERS · SHIPPERS PATAICCHIUTI. JR. RES. (209) 431·3949 CLOVIS, CALIF. 93612 PH. (209) 299·0201 2917 EAST SHEPHERD J. ZULIM Detective 131 I W. JEANS Detective FORTNEY'S AUTO BODY INSURANCE WORK • ESTIMATES COLOR MATCHING FIBERGLASS REPAIRING FOREIGN -DOMESTIC 299-0776 4104 E. SHAW AVE. CLOVIS (Shaw & Peach Business Center) AA METAL F'INISHING CO. SPECIFICATION PLATING & ANODIZING NORMAN D. HODGES Owner, Engineer & Technical Consultant FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY 299-6836 807 LINCOLN AYE. CLOVIS, CA 93612 CLOVIS POLICE DEPARTMENT L. AVERY J. BARRETT F. CHAMP Patrolman Patrolman Patrolman T. BaS Patrolman D. DER HAIRBEDIAN Patrolman /& ENVIRONMENTAL .-\ AIRE, Inc. _ your comfort IS everything._ Air Condo • Heating • Refrigeration 361 N. MINNEWAWA (209) 299-9201 CLOVIS, GA 93612 Contractor's Lic. No. 321299 T. COFFIN Patrolman E. DOWNS Patrolman J. HElL Patrolman Developers -Builders • Sierra Wood Homes • East Gate Homes • West Gate Homes State Contractor's License #2B0135 Phone (209) 252-5166 P.O. Box 633, Clovis, Calif. 93613 FRUITS & FLAVORS for the J:OOD SERVICE INDUSTRY '~'.~<.'..~ LYONS MAGNUS GENERAL OFFICES AND MANUFACTUR ING PLANT 3789 E. ALLUVIAL CLOVIS, CALIF. 93612 PHONE, (209) 299 ·2183 EARL S. SMITTCAMP • ROBERT E. SMITTCAMP 132 CLOVIS POLICE DEPARTMENT V. JURA Patrolman ~tIIII L. KOCH A.KRAUSE Patrolman Patrolman C. MAXWELL Patrolman R. POPP Patrolman Ar'­ R. SIERZE Patrolman CLOVIS FLOOR COVERING YOUR ARMSTRONG DEALER Coved Linoleum -Sheet Vinyl-Vinyl Tile Selection of All Types of Carpeting Specialists in Remodeling Work Congoleum Free Estimates -Lic. No. 333144 -Quality Work "DON" CHESTNUT 410 CLOVIS AVE .• CLOVIS • 299-0131 BUDDLE AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING SERVING SA TIS FlED CUSTOMERS SINCE 1950 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Authorized Sales & Service ~ Dealer For ~ STAN BUDDLE -Owner State Lic.No. 247139 299-4000 1511 RAILROAD AVE. CLOVIS - M. TOROSIAN Patrolman CLOVIS OFFICE MACHINES ALL LINES OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT Sales -Service -Supplies We Repair All Makes & Models 621 -4th • Clovis • 299-2508 GAFFERS~SATTLER Factory Authorized Service D A C SERVICE CO. 299·920" Contractors License No. 303676 Heating . .. Air Conditioning . .. Majvr ATJpliance.~ 133 T. TUCKER Patrolman CLOVIS POLICE DEPARTMENT G. FISHER Traffic L. VIETTY Patrolman R. FULLER Traffic PL YWOOD CENTER PLYWOOD and BUILDING MATERIALS ALL TYPES ANY QUANTITY J. HUBBARD Traffic WHOLESALE RETAIL 30 CLOVIS AVE. FOR CONTRACTOR OR DO-IT·YOURSELFER SE HABLA ESPANOL PROMPT DELIVERV 1436 MENLO PHONE 299-8362 CLOVIS. CA 93612 •;;; CLOVIS STEREO -COLOR BLACK &. WHITE MASTER CHARGE BANKAMERICARD WELCOME HERE Stan's TV & Radio Repair AUTO · HOME PROFESSIONAL SERVICE -ALL WORK GUARANTEED STAN LEE 624 WOODWORTH 7 CAYS ANSWERING SERVICE P .O . BO)( 425 PHONE 299·7207 CLOVIS. C .. 93612 Mangner.:za's Tune -Up an() Auto ELectuic MIKE MANGHERA 12091 2119-11 .. 1616 TOLLHOUSE RO. CLOVIS. CA. 93612 PAPAGNI FRUIT eo. CLOVIS Phone 299-2541 MAC'S TIRE SERVICE MICHELIN -ARMSTRONG Front End & Brake· Retreading· Farm Tire Service L. D. (Mac) McKINNEY 723 Clovis Ave., Clovis DOUG McKINNEY 299·7231 Soboba Aluminum Awnings of Fresno State Contractor's License No. 340414 329 N. Minnewawa Ave., Clovis 299-3692 Heating / Air Conditioning / Refrigeration DONALD A. ANDERSON Owner Contractors License No. 282231 (209) 299-3167 P.O. BOX 446 6729 N. CLOVIS AVE. CLOVIS. CA 93612 AL'S UPHOLSTERY ALL TYPES FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FREE ESTIMATES ­PICK UP & DELIVERY 718 Clovis Ave., Clovis 299-8300 THINGS TO RENT FOR EVERY EVENT 299·7284 Clovis 134 4098 E. Shaw Ave. - K. COBB Dispatcher Dispatcher MI RANCHO TORTILLA SHOP 299·3183 801 Purvis Ave. Clovis Clovis Avenue Sanitarium Since 1942 Bed & Ambulatory -Men and Women Licensed by State Dept. of Mental Hygiene 2604 Clovis Ave. CLOVIS 291-2173 SASSANO'S MENS WEAR Nationally Advertised Merchandise 448 Pollasky Ave. 299·4430 Clovis P & 0 PLUMBING License No. 305267 Prompt Efficient Service -Reasonable Prices 291-5677 2525 Oe Witt Ave. Clovis CLOVIS BAKERY Owner TOM CHURCH 299-4227 345 Pollasky Ave. Clovis, CA 93612 DAVE'S CUSTOM CORVETTES BODY SHOP ISAAC DAVID MARTINEZ OWNER 298-5711 1141 BARSTOW AVE. CLOVIS BEST CUSTOM COUNTER TOPS 299-4379 1309 BARSTOW AVE. CLOVIS C & C ELECTRIC CO., INC. Specializing in Residential -Commercial & Apartment House Complexes 299-9214 5302 N. DeWolf • Clovis CLOVIS POLICE DEPARTMENT /--­/.... M. BROOKS Dispatcher -./-­ E. FLEMING R. GIBOUT Dispatcher Dispatcher L. GORINGER Dispatcher .,. ­ B. QUINTANA Dispatcher LlRIO'S SHOE REPAIR 705 E. Shaw, Clovis 299-8877 135 S. CANNING Reserve M. MALONEY Reserve D. WAYNE Reserve CLOVIS POLICE DEPARTMENT VALLA'S MARKET Joe & Jeanne Aiello. Owners 299-6177 353 Pollasky Ave. Clovis TOLLHOUSE INN * Lunches * Dinners * Banquets * 299-2188 1441 Tollhouse Road • Clovis A. SCHULAR Reserve Sergeant J. FERGUSON Reserve G. McCLUNG Reserve • ..-J F. WOODARD Reserve Sergeant E. GARABEDIAN Reserve R. PAYNE Reserve M. ABATE B. BOLITHO Reserve Reserve J. GROFT N. HARRISON Reserve Reserve J . REYNOLDS M. STARR Reserve Reserve LlNENBACH AUTO PARTS -Wholesale and Retail Sales 604 Clovis Ave ., Clovis CLOVIS CONCRETE PIPE CO. SERVING FRESNO COUNTY SINCE 1 299-4464 CLOVIS 136 CLOVIS POLICE DEPARTMENT M. ELTRICH Explorer S. GAITAN Explorer , J. PIZANA Explorer I - R. McNABB M. STOKES Explorer GORUBEC'S TOWING SERVICE 521 Clovis Ave., Clovis 299-6053 REMCO CONSTRUCTION CO. General Bui lding & Engineering 816 Lincoln Ave., Clovis 299-2581 FRESNO COOPERATIVE TRUCKING INC. 299-2521 For 24 Hour Service Call 299-7141 4432 E. Herndon Ave., Clovis Best Wishes From CLOVIS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 298-8041 88 N. DeWitt, Clovis , Explorer FRANCO'S MEXICAN FOOD AT ITS FINEST 836 Pollasky -Clovis, California Food To Go -Phone 299-643J Hours (Closed Mondays): TUES.·THURS.-1l:30·9 FRIDAY & SAT.-1I :30·10 SUNDAY~ to 9 p.m. l. P. COLE WOOD SALES BEST IN FIREPLACE WOOD OAK -PINE 4724 E. Herndon, Clovis 299-7426 SINCERE BEST WISHES Mr. and Mrs. Aram "Shorty" Peters BankAmericard Master Charge @' ~ WRIGHT'S TRAltER SERVICE & REPAIR, INC. Supply Store -Repair Shop "The Wright Way Is The Right Way" Insurance Estimates 299-9701 6765 N. Clovis Ave. 299-9702 Clovis, Calif. 93612 I I 137 Compliments NORMAN OLSEN CONSTRUCTION CO. Compliments JENSEN & PILEGARD Fresno CODY BROS. PLUMBING Wm. Allen & Carl Allen, Jr. 8171 E. Hedges 251-7772 KOWLOON KITCHEN 299-2942 CHINESE FOOD FAMIL Y STYLE DINNER & ORDERS TO TAKE OUT Open 6 Days II :30 A.M. -9 P.M. -Closed Mondays 651 Shaw (Bonanza Shopping Center) Clovis TWIN GABLES Accommodations For All Occasions Meetings ­Receptions -Dinner Dances Deep Pit Barbecue Facilities 432 HUGHES AVE., CLOVIS 299-9995 If no answer call 299-5875; If no answer call 299-6222 I CLOVIS TRAILER & CAMPER STORAGE Auto Storage Available 299-7277 729 JEFFERSON AVE .• CLOVIS • • < ,P." , RESTAURANT A Friendly Eating Place Char Broiled Specialties * Beer * Wine 1542 Clovis Ave. • Clovis. 298-8241 MATIESON CLOVIS BUTCHERING SERVICE DIVISION OF CALIFORNIA BEEF CO. JOE SALCEDO Phone 299-6259 4919 E. NEES or 299-5808 DEEGAN'S APPLIANCE TRAINED REPAIR TECHNICIANS FOR SERVICE CALL 299-4026 651'0 E. Herndon (Corner Tollhouse & Herndon) • Clovis IMPORT AUTO CLINIC Allen Galli & Jeff Emerson, Owners 299-8505 849 HOBLITT AVE. • CLOVIS DON CLACK PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Contractors License 11234298 299-2529 1064 BARSTOW AVE. CLOVIS CLOVIS CUSTOM WHEELS Custom Polishing and Painting I AL MARCHESE 210 Clovis Ave .• Clovis, CA 93612 • 299-9574 DDH MASONRY WE SPECIALIZE IN FIREPLACES 299-3209 CLOVIS BORELLI PRODUCE DISTRIBUTORS 224-9212 5150 N. 6th St., Suite 160 Fresno HAROLD'S BODY SHOP 4-Wheel Drive 24-Hour Towing 299-4328 202 CLOVIS AVE. • CLOVIS 138 Selma Police Department J. BROCKETT Chief E. FOWLER Captain G. STAFFORD Clerical Supervisor A. JOHNSON Sergeant Wm. VALENZUELA Sergeant J. WHITE Sergeant WEST COAST GROWERS and PACKERS. INC. CINDERELLA & BLONDIE PRODUCTS A Division of Commercial International Corp. SElMA THE PIRATE Selma 3822 McCall Ave. 14 different kInds of Pizza Chicken in a Basket, Sandwiches, Beer, Wine Featuring Pepsi Cola. CARTOONS for the Kiddies For Take Out Orders Call 896-3320 COMPLIMENTS OF SERIAN BROS., Inc. ROBERT SERIAN SELMA 139 SELMA POLICE DEPARTMENT D. CHAVEZ M. DEL PUPPO S. DeSOTO M. EDWARDS G. GASS M. GUTIERREZ R. KLASSEN C.MASAOKA D. NABORS W. NASH I, DIAMOND MEAT CO. SELMA FRESNO VALVES &CASTINGS, INC. Manufacturers of: IRRIGATION GATES &VALVES Also: Brass &Aluminum Castings 7736 E. Sprrngfield Ave., Selma 834-2511 GEORGE ROCHA &SONS DAIRY 896-2585 9203 E. Clarkson Selma ORDE RS TO GO EL CONQUISTADOR MEXICAN RESTAURANT LIONEL AND ELVA GONZALEZ McCALL VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER 3810 McCALL SELM A, CALIF. 896-1850 BUSY BEE DRIVE IN Burgers • Shakes • Fries 3004 W. Front 51. 896·3698 Selma 'tl)e se\1an, Restaurant Cocktails -Dining Room -Coffee Shop -Banquet Facilities ARTHUR SERIMIAN , Owner/ Manager 2795 Floral Ave., Selma, CA 93662 896-6363 140 SELMA POLICE DEPARTMENT J. PEN A S. RAMIREZ W. BURNS Dispatcher C.CHESEBRO Dispatcher C. DROOGH Dispatcher M. RODRIGUEZ Dispatcher K. HATCH A. SURABIAN Dispatcher Dispatcher CLUB 99y2001 Whitson St. 896-9968 Selma S'ELMA MOTOR SALES John Otomo 2051 West Front Street Phone 896-3154 Selma WELL'S USED CARS "We Carry All Our Own Contracl5 On All Make. &' Mod.el." TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 2600 Whitson SElMA 3043 Whitson 896-5232 896-2362 Fresno Phone 888-2292 EDSALL AGENCY-J ,.General Insurance Since 1931 -=t!]=:.WHERE INSURANCE IS NOT A SIDE LINE" 2133 High Street 896-3005 Selma "REXALL" FOX DRUG STORE Prescription Pharmacists ­We Deliver 1965 High, Selma 896·1645 I Hayley's Tire Service :.:,. & Serve UR Self Garage ~;,.-TRUCK, TRACTOR AND PASSENGER TIRES JACK HAYLEY Phone 896-1467 1818 Whitson Street Selma, California SELMA T.V. CENTER Motorola & Admiral Sales & Service Small Appliances 1922 E. Front St., Selma 896-1360 I IEE'S SERVICE 1919 Whitson St., Selma fIrestone Telephone 896-1650 DON JOHNSON, Owner After Hours -897-3249 or 897-3267 COMPLETE ON THE FARM & ROAD SERVICE FRONT END SERVICE ­WHEELS 141 General Offices: 6446 East Saginaw Ave. Selma Terminal: Exeter SELMA AUTO SUPPLY PARTS -TOOLS -MOTOR REBUILDING EQUIPMENT -SUPPLIES -MACHINE SHOP SERVICE DRUMS & ROTORS TURNED HYDRAUUC HOSE SERVICE 1960 E. Front Street, Selma, Califomia 93662 Phone 896-5432 FREEWAY LANES BOWL • CAFE • BAR Ed & Montene Maldonado Manager-Owners 896-2211 834-2923 Goldenstate & Dinuba, Selma, Calif. Seth Abajian Well Drilling Reverse Rotary • Gravel Pack Wells OYer 25 Years Experience Back into the well-drilling business. Solely owned and operated by Seth Abajian. 24-Hour Phones: 896-4879 or 896-1227 Mobile Phone JL441-5809 State Contractors License No. 290729 899 Golden Stale Bouleyard Selma ~ Whirlps"91 RICH & JACK RIEDEL Phone 896-1564 Selma Service Shop Authorized Sales & Service McLane-Trimmer-KitchenAid Appliance Repairing Lawn Mower Sharpening ~"""""'----;~:...-~-2042 East Fronl SI. Selma, Calif. 93662 JOHN R. SILVEIRA DAIRY 896-0172 1301950. Clovis Ave. JUGDEV SINGH GILL Brakes & Clutch Specialties 896-6724 1631 Whitson Selma Selma SELMA BODY SHOP WARREN RASMUSSEN 896-0&44 861 GOLDEN STATE BLVD. SELMA, CA 93662 SELMA BUTANE P. O. Box 426 896-3615 Selma DRAGON INN Open 11 :30 A.M. til 2 P.M. -4 P.M. til 9 P.M. Sun. 3 P.M. til 9 P.M. -Closed Mon. 1950 E. Front St., Selma 896-0170 PAGE FUNERAL CHAPEL FRANK PAGE 2014 Arrants 896-1240 SELMA C.E.M.M. MACHINE SHOP COMPLETE MACHINE WORK 885 Golden Stale Blvd. 896-4450 Selma SELMA SHELL SERVICE DAVE'S TOWING DAVID HELM, Owner Phone 896-3268 Highway 99 & Floral Ave., Selma, Calif. 93662 142 South Station Sheriff's Reserves ELWAYNE ANDRADE Captain DAN TERRY Lieutenant JAKE TIGER Lieutenant MARVIN BABB JIM MONTEZ Sergeant Sergeant DALE RHODES Sergeant URBANO RODRIQUEZ Sergeant TORII MARKET 1426 Grove Street Selma FRANK TRAMMEL 9295 E. Dinaba, Selma 896-2552 KATAOKA BROTHERS 14470 So. Fowler Ave. 896-0725 Selma DON BUICK-OLDS-PONTIAC & GMC PAUL DONABEDIAN, Owner Phones: Selma: 896-1865 ­Fresno: 888-2118 Hiway 99 at First Street, Selma, California GILBERT'S AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTER ONE DAY SERVICE 1401 Whitson, Selma 896-9876 UP-RIGHT HARVESTERS P.o. Box 560 Selma, California 93662 GEE'S MARKET 2215 Nebraska Ave., Selma 896-1315 ~Abel's Body Shop Abel Flores 1960 Whitson Phone Selma, CA 93662 896-5533 143 SOUTH STATION SHERIFF'S RESERVES MARK BRAY RODNEY BURLESON CAROLINE BUTCHER SAM CALLISON KURT CARPENTER TOM CROSNO Eknoian & MacDonald Packing Co. "We Service What We Sell" J & M ELECTRONICS RADIO SHACK DEALER 2 WAY RADIOS. ANTENNAS ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT & PARTS • HOME & AUTO STEREOS ~ '--" CALL 875-7745 .:::c. 1855 ACADEMY ....... . ... SANGER MARGIE DEL PUPPO BILL FORBES BITTER'5 McCALL PHARMACY Prescription Delivery 2424 McCall Ave. 896·2222 Selma Gene Olson AUTO BODY SHOP Wrecked Cars Repaired Gl ass In stalled -Insurance Estimates 875-4852 1349 S. Academy, Sanger Compliments of WM. BOOS & CO. WM. J and WM. E. BOOS 14382 E. McKinley, Sanger 875·6851 SHERWOOD FOREST GOLF CLUB 18 HOLE PUBLIC GOLF COURSE Driving Range cart Renlal ':' Pro Shop (Men's& d,e, SpoflsWea, ) " Open 7 Days .', P,G,A. Teaching Pros , Snack Bar I MI LE NORTH O~ KINGS CANYON RD ON FRANK WOOD 79 N, Frankwood. Sanger 787·2611 144 SOUTH STATION SHERIFF'S RESERVES - ~' ---- PAUL GESSNER RICHARD KISTLER JOE PAREDES RAY SCHMALL STEVE SHEPHARD IKE TALAMENTES VILLA LOBOS MEXICAN & AMERICAN FOOD 15901 East Kings Canyon Road 787-2188 Centerville Growers -Shippers -Exporters 15749 East Ventura Ave. Songer Phone (209) 787-2501 (209) 787-2503 (l.D.) PIERCE'S PARK Food -Bar Dining & Dancing Fri .. Sat. . Sun. Live Music 17439 E. Kings Canyon Rd. 787-2280 Sanger ~----------~---------- CHOOLJIAN BROS. PACKING, INC. GROWERS and SHIPPERS Packers of RAISINS and DRIED FRUIT leo & Mike Chooljian, Owners Sanger, California RICHARD TOMLINSON JUNE WILLIAMS Seabrook Foods ill [SP i 19S] ©ooiJ[;)0mw \1RJ1J];]~'J1"JE) 8l.J~r )iJ)) (\0/) (P) ((j))~r In Appreciation To Our Fresno County Sheriff's Department and E111.ployees SEABROOK FOODS, INC' WESTERN DIVISION Processors of Frozen Fruits and Vegetables BOX 367. SANGER 93657 145 MINKLER CASH STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE & FEEDS NOW OPEN SUNDA YS Sylvia Ashcraft 18243 E. Kings Canyon Rd., Sanger. 787-2456 Mid· Valle.y Transportation, Inc. dbo T RUCKING 3211 S. Sanger Ave., Sanger 875-4521 WALLIN & SON FUNERAL HOME Chas. O. Wallin Chas. M. Wallin 1524 9th St. 875-6555 Sanger MERRIMART 2910 Jensen Ave. 875-5515 SANGER COMPLIMENTS TO THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT LONE, STAR DEHYDRATOR 2730 So. De Wolfe Ave. 266-7117 BENNY'S IT _~OI[y]~ITl~ OF SANGER Sales -Service -leasing & Used Cars Phones: Sanger 875-4586 Fresno 237-6158 742 ACADEMY SANGER RAY'S BOAT REPAIRS & PAINTS BOAT HULLS REPAIRED & PAINTED CUSTOM FIBERGLASSING 1132 Academy, Sanger 875-8797 FRIGID FOOD LOCKERS "Buy in Quantity and Save" GENE GASKILL CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING COLD STORAGE LOCKERS 1728 Sanger Ave. 875-3521 TIVY VALLEY MARKET Groceries -Beer -8<Jit -Tackle -Ice Near AVOCADO LAKE 2740 N. Terrace, Sanger 787-2448 WARRANTY TELEVISION ~ SERVICE ELECTfiUllCS QUASAR SALES -SERVICEON ALL MAKES COLOR -BLACK & WH ITE 626 '0' ST., SANGER 875-6455 CHUCK WAGON "HOME OF THE CHILI bOG" Open 9 A .M. to 11 :30 P.M. II CLOSED WED. 12th & Academy, Sanger 87!i-3889 r------------~~~~~~-----------.~" ~f\.OW£R A ti.· SANGE\t yHo~ · · afS C 1\\ \v A LLIN ROS( PATRICIA ROARK & DARWIN nuCl . D(SIGN(RS FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS CITY WIDf DEliVERY wORlD WID E SERVICE 1440 7th, Sanger f,o", f"wlo & (Io¥i~ foil , .. It un 1·9U9 875-5574 _._--_._­ JOHNSON DRILLING CO. Since 1945 SPECIALIZING IN Mountain Water Development & Loteral Drilling Fresno 291-7846 Residence 787-2 1139 2015 N. Academy, Sanger 875-6109 '-------------------------------~ Sanger 146 ORANGE COVE POLICE DEPARTMENT A Year of Change by Patrolman Ken McKinney 1977 was a year of changes for the Orange Cove Police Department. It all started with the retirement of Chief James Tackett in June. go. was Chief Tackett had devoted over 30 years to law enforcement, and we were all sorry to see him In August Bobby Chapman was appointed Chief of Police. Unfortunately, after just a short time, Chief Chapman also left us, for medical reasons. Following Chief Chapman's departure there a period of three months in which the department was left with only five officers to provide the city with police protection on a 24­ hours-a-day basis. Officer Richard Rosenthal, an ex-sergeant from Reedley Police Depart­ ment, was appointed to act as the department head until a new chief could take command. During his tenure as acting chief he initiated the first long term Reserve Police program in the history of Orange Cove. This included the hiring of ten reserve police officers to supple­ ment the very small regular force already serving the community of approximately 4,000 citizens. During the month of November a new Chief of Police was appointed to take command of the department, which was by then up to six regular officers, ten reserve officers, and five dispatchers. Guy 1. Floyd, a veteran of eighteen years in law enforcement, came to Orange Cove from the Santa Barbara Police Department, where he had been a sergeant in the training program. With him he brought along many new ideas and plans for changes. It didn't take him long to begin putting his ideas into effect. The first change came in the form of a new and complete change of image. We went from white patrol vehicles to the more traditional black and white. We than changed our uniforms from the old tan shirt and green pants to the solid blue uniforms. Our most recent change has been in the badge that we wear. No doubt there are many more changes yet to come, and we will welcome them. We realize that law enforcement is an ever-growing and changing profession. Changes initiated so far in 1978 include the start of development of plans for a new police facility, and the LOMBARIDO LAKE RESORT ON PINE FLAT LAKE • MARINA• Motel Units Air Conditioned • Inboard & Outboard Fuel• Cabana Area • Trailer Court• Groceries • Patio Boat Rentals • Cafe For Reservations 787-2207 or Write 32451 Trimmer Springs Rd., Sanger, CA. 93657 147 ORANGE COVE POUCEDEPARTMENT Orange Cove Police Department, left to right: Sue Hawkins, Dispatcher, Matron; Pam Costello, Dispatcher, Matron; Olive Neihart, Dispatcher, Matron; Lew Ceja, Patrolman; Don Ott, Patrolman; Guy L. Floyd, Chief of Police; Ed Rehr, Patrolman; Eddie Delgadillo, Patrolman; Ken McKinney, Patrolman; Chuck Patterson, Dispatcher and Reserve Patrolman; Rich Rosenthal, Patrol Sergeant; Ray Gilson, Di'spatcher and Reserve Patrolman. Not Pictured, Reserve Patrolmen: Mike Craighead, Felix Rocha, Jake Huerta, Lee Bailey, Tony Zamora, Robert Terry, Vince Ramirez, Eddie Perez. expansion of the reserve program. their devotion to professional law enforcement The personnel of the Orange Cove Police and to the improvement of our community. We Department extend our thanks to the former wou]d also like to thank the Fresno County Chiefs of Pol ice of Orange Cove: Melvin Clancy, Sheriffs Department and the Reedley Police James Tackett, and Bobby Chapman, and to Department for the assistance they gave us the present Chief of Police Guy L. Floyd, for while we were without a Police Chief. !!~:.~. • LOPEZ REAL TV .~II!IiIiI":"-~: E. G. (ED) LOPEZ '~ . ~ BROKER Bus. 209/626-4245 711 Park Boulevard Res. 209/528-3954 Orange Cove, CA 93646 SAMS AUTO DISMANTLING COMPLETE STOCK OF USED AUTO PARTS 626-4322 146 ANCHOR AVE . ORANGE COVE WESTERN CAMPS, INC. Offers Quality Specialized Camps Near Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks RIVER WAY RANCH CAMP Co-ed 8-16 -Water Ski - Canoe Trips -Sailing - Horses -Mini Bikes - Go Carts­ Overnight Campouts - Accredited GOLDEN WEST SOCCER CAMP Co-ed 12-17­ Outstanding Coaching Staff ­ Swimming -Boating - Horses For Information Write: Western Camps (Name of Camp) Box 71S Star Route Sanger, CA. 93657 Phone: (209) 787-2551 or (213) 348-3331 a unique experience in dining Lazy D Cockta il Lounge Open for Lunches & Dinners Try Our New Gourmet Menu & Selections From Our Salad Bar 787-2594 Frankwood at Highway 180 -Sanger 148 C. D. Simonian Insurance Agency General Insurance Office Phone 834-3615 Fowler, California 125 E. Merced SI. P. O. Box 343 F"'O"'S AIR FLOW ~ EXCELSIOR PRODUCTS DIVISION OF F-D-S MANUFACTURING CO .. INC. HOME OFFICE: POMONA, CALIF. 714-623-1451 Plant: 9 Adams Avenue P.O. Box 309 Fowler. Calif. 93625 209-834-2571 COLLINS GARAGE PHONE 626-4535 Night Phone -Ray 626-7714 -H. B. 626-7257 315 W . Railroad Ave. Orange Cove THE THREE MUSKETEERS Dancing Saturday Nights and Holidays HElEN NIEMELA 636 Park Blvd. Orange Cove HARDING & LEGGETT, INC. ORANGES Orange Cove 626-4432 Ct: G'~ Sht:a't Expt:'tienct: Diana Chimienti, Stylist 626-4202 277 Park Boulevard, Orange Cove 510 -11th 51. Orange Cove 626-4283 ORANGE COVE LIQUOR STORE liquor-Beer-Wine Delicatessen Items -Groceries Ice Available NATIONAL RA,ISIN CO. PACKERS OF "CHAMPION" RAISINS Ernest A. Bedrosian Krikor Y. Bedrosian James Kenneth James Kenneth Bedrosian 626 So. 5th St. Fowler, Calif. B & B MARKET MEAT ­PRODUCE -GROCERIIES Clyde H. Barnett & Raymond H. Busick • Phone 834-3415 220 East Merced Street, Fowler, California 93625 FOWLER FLORAL SHOP 834-2505 214 East Merced Street Fowler, California CUSTOM CABINET Tad Okahata Shop Foreman Jack Ramos Shop Manager 834-5373 834-5373 117 South 7th Street, Fowler, California ORANGE COVE MARKET Farm Fresh Produce -Meats -Groceries 626-7800 514 Bark Blvd., Orange Cove PAT'S GARAGE GENERAL AUTO and TRUCK REPAIR Pat Chimienti, Owner Phone 626-4468 557 -5th Street, Orange Cove, California 93646 Oscar's TV All Makes Color TV Sales & Service 289 Park Blvd., Orange Cove, Calif. 626-7477 i ¥ Sunkist. 'Oil HI( IUT CIUUS Cecelia's Pride Navel Oranges Tree Fruit Grapes Chuck Olsen Res. 626-7890 CECEli'A ORchARds PACKING CORP. Office (209) 626-4008 24628 E. South Ave. Orange Cove, California 410 Park Blvd., Orange Cove 626-7767 149 VERN & VIV LEFLER'S MUNK'S LODGE PINE FLAT LAKE Fishing -Boating -Water Skiing STEAKS OUR SPECIALTY 26251 Trimmer Springs Rd., Piedra Calif. Ph. 787-2372 Best Wishes From HANFORD MEAT PACKING CO. HAROLD HABIB: PRESIDENT HARRY S. HABIB: VICE PRESIDENT P. O. Box 632, Hanford 864-8432 KIPER LUMBER &HARDWARE SQUAW VALLEY , CALIF. PHONE 332-2310 CORRAL LUMBER -FENCE LUMBER FARM LUMBER -POSTS ROD'S DUNLAP INN ROD HALL YOUR HOST FOR YOUR FAVORITE BEVERAGE • COLD BEER & WINE OFFSALE PHILLIPS 66 PRODUCTS 338·2314 DUNLAP, CALIF. PERRY'S PLACE Food • Beer • Groceries • Soft Drinks Jay & Eula 787-2516 25318 Trimmer Springs Road , Piedra PINE FLAT SERVICE LIVE MINNOWS -FISHING TACKLE Box 2, Trimmer Route, Piedra 787-2335 SQUAW VALLEY INDIAN TRADING CENTER ACE-HI FEEDS GAS • GROCERIES • GIFTS DON'S LIQUOR THE FINEST IN WINES -BEER -LIQUOR 834-2715 204 No. 8th St. Fowler FOWLER BUTANE WRIGHT OIL CO. BUTANE. PROPANE • GASOLINE. DIESEL OIL & GREASES DON WRIGHT 114 N. SUMNER Ph. 834-2614 FOWLER, CA 93625 TRUCKS Unlimited Specialize in Truck Painting DOC HARMON'S CLINGAN JUNCTION INN SERVING THE FINEST IN FOOD &DRINK "ON YOUR WAY TO THE PARKS" 338-2348 HIWAY 180 AT DUNLAP TURN OFF 111 W. Merced St., Fowler, CA 834-2559 IN APPRECIATION FOR A JOB WEll DONE CARSEY & CARSEY, INC. 7660 E. Manning Ave. FOWLER 834-5384 * Growers and Packers of California Raisins * BOGHOSIAN BROS. PACKING CO. PAUL BOGHOSIAN Res. Ph. 834-2848 -Bus. Ph. 834-5348 726 So. Eighth St. Fowler 150 District, the Police Cadet Program has evolved academicaHy, allowing unit credit to students participating. In 1977 when Chief Anaya was promoted from sergeant he assigned School Resource Officer Ben Tamez as supervisor of the cadet program. This year all cadets were offered classroom instruction in areas ranging from radio code and dispatching to patrol and observation techniques. Police cadets are also permitted to participate in the "ride along" 834-3720 'I'tJJ .~\~~~ Custom Welding ,,~. -r and Mfg. ~7400 E. Manning Ave., Fowler M. O. Lopez, Proprietor Manufacturers of Fruit Processing Machinery Specialists in Custom Designed Equipment Repair & Construction of All Types of Farm Equipment Arc & Acetylene Welding in the Shop or on the Job CHRIS SORENSEN PACKING CO. WESTERN WAGON WAGON WHEEL BRANDS Growers -Packers -Shippers QUALITY CALIFORNIA FRUIT Phone 646-2721 Parlier PARLIER POLICE DEPARTMENT Extensive Cadet Program The Parlier Police Department Cadet Pro­program, which is designed to allow the cadet gram was created by Chief Joe Anaya in 1976 to gain firsthand know ledge of an officer's field when he served as a sergeant. Chief Anaya's experience. goal was to develop an experience-oriented The cadets also serve their high school by program for high school students interested in patrolling athletic events, dances, graduation a possible career in law enforcement. With ceremonies, etc. Vandalism and thefts from the cooperation of the Parlier Unified School parked vehicles at such events has been reduced considerably as a result of alert cadets on foot patrol. One of the most essential services of the cadets is base station communications opera­ tions. Before the cadet program was instituted Parlier P.D. lacked 24-hour dispatching. Most calls, especially at night, were chanelled through the Sheriffs Department. Today, with the additional cadet manpower, Parlier P.D. handles about 90% of its local calls indepen­ dently. Each cadet is trained by SRO Tamez on JOHNNY'S RESTAURANT FAMilY DINING Open 11 a.m. 'til 9 p.m. Orders To Go 740 Fresno SI. 646-3745 Parlier OeBRUM'S ORNAMENTAL IRON & REPAIR SHOP P.o. Box 87 -636 Fresno Street Parlier, CA 93648 646-3091 JOHN KASHIKI PRESIDENT Phone (209) 646-2338 P.O. Box 310 • Parlier, CA 93648 151 PARLIER POLICE DEPARTMENT U-SAVE MARKET Open 9 a.m. 'til 8 p,m. Groceries -Meats -Beer -Wine the basic elements of telephone answering, running registration and warrant checks, and unit dispatching. Most cadets receive stipends made possible through Youth Manpower Ser­ vices, the Fresno County Migrant Education Program, and the Parlier Unified School District. The Police Department offers $100 Johnny Martinez Memorial scholarships to assist am­ bitious cadets, upon their graduation from high school, who wish to pursue a degree in any area of the law enforcement field. Thanks to the excellent cooperation of the superinten­ dent, Dr. Leo Cardona, and the high school principal, Mr. Marco Sigala, the Parlier Police Cadet Program is providing Parlier youth an opportunity to become part of an essential profession-Iaw enforcement. 8606 So. Mendocino 646-3560 Parlier CENTRAL BANK NA MEMBER FD.I.C. PARUER CALIF. MONCRIEF SALES & SERVICE CHRYSLER and PlYMOUTH 450 Fresno St. PARLIER Phone 646-2704 CUBA RICA BAR Beer -Pool -Dancing 19759 E. Manning Ave. 638-9358 COLONIAL FLOWER SHOP Gifts for All Occasions 638-2031 Reedley 1617 -11th TOM'S T.V. & APPLIANCES 1349 I Street, Reedley 638-2636 SEPTIC SYSTEMS Division of VALLEY PLUMBING, INC. Specializing 10 New Systems, Leach Line Repair and Drain Wells We "Dig" Serving You 1235 lllh Slreel ReedleyAsk For Tom or Lyn 638·2918 CALSPUN MILLS 625 ZEDIKER PARLIER, CA 93648 ESPINOZA MARKET -COMERCIANTE ­ ARTICULOS IMPORT ADOS DE MEXICO Y DEL PAIS OVIDIO ESPINOZA E HIJOS, Prop. 671 Tulare Street, Parlier, Calif. 93648 646-2250 EAST REEDLEY STORE A COMPLETE GENERAL STORE 22010 E. MANNING AVE. 638·2014 REEDLEY MOTOR PARTS 1390 -11th Street -638-3618 REEDLEY, CALIFORNIA 93654 HUEBERT BROS. TRUCKING GENERAL TRUCKING "For Prompt Service" 21502 E. Parlier Ave. Call Allen Reedley (209) 638-3738 Ben's Cafe Parlier 152 PARLIER POLICE DEPARTMENT ROBERT ACUNA Lieutenant B. TAMEZ SRO M. AVILA Patrolman JOE B. ANAYA Chief J. DE LA CRUZ Patrolman G.HUERTA Dispatcher L. ALAIMO Dispatcher KIMURA TRUCKING CO. Specializing in Produce Hauling Local and Long Distance ­Vans and Flat Racks George Kimura Frank Kimura Res. 638-3903 Res . 638-3235 Bus. Phone 638-3533 P.O. Box 649, Reedley, CA 93654 ~. FARMERS INSURANCE ~~ GROUP Arvi E. Murmi. Local Agent AUTO. FIRE. LIFE. TRUCK. COMMERCIAL 1113 B St., Reedley 638-2921 G. JOHNSON Patrolman D. MADRIGAL Patrolman D. OLIVARES Patrolman N. REYES Dispatcher KAPRIELIAN BROTHERS PACKING CO. GROWER • PACKER • SHIPPER REEDLEY, CALIFORNIA MIKE FREEMAN Animal Control Officer 153 PARLIER POLICE DEPARTMENT RESERVES R. RODRIGUEZ Sergeant R. GONZALES Patrolman D. LUTHER Patrolman CADETS D.PEREZ Patrolman G. ZAVALA Patrolman STEVE BARELA Captain LUIS AGUILAR Lieutenant BENITA PEREZ Sergeant EVA SAUCEDO Sergeant RUDY .ALVARADO Cadet CELE GARCIA Cadet V.HERRERA Cadet DIANE GARCIA LOURDES HAYASHI DOLORES LEAL Cadet Cadet Cadet CONNIE RANGEL SYLVIA RANGEL HENRY SANCHEZ Cadet Cadet Cadet 154 Viking Market Super Save Market 130~ Draper 2048 Grant Kingsburg Selma 897-2986 896-5168 Wa Specialize In Fresh Produce, USDA Choice Meats & Low Prices ART'S LlaUOR STORE Coldest Beer in Town Full Line of Excellent Wine Art and Tony Gonzales 1466 California St., Kingsburg 897-2145 OSTROM'S PHARMACY "ON THE CORNER " THE REXALL STORE Everett Ostrom Robert Ostrom 1309 Draper Street, Kingsburg 897-3029 1i1igh-Guslawson Really REAL ESTATE SALES PROPERTY MANAGEMENT APPRAISALS (209) 897-2975 1515 Draper Street, Kingsburg, CA 93631 ViltiJl9 7eaitee 7'aelt 40 SPACES · COMPLETE HOOKUPS Neil & Dorothy Van Dell, Owners (209) 897-3053 11858 E. Kamm Ave. Kingsburg, CA 93631 KINGSBURG ELECTRIC Sales • Service Bob Todd Clyde McNabb 897-2972 1473 Marlon Street Kingsburg, CA 93631 Reedley Ford Tractor Sales, Inc. F. L. (Roy) Kellogg, President Phone 209-638-2205 1230 G St., Reedley, California 93654 OTANI DEPARTMENT STORE FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY GENERAL MERCHANDISE 955 I Street 818 L Street Reedley, CA 93654 Sanger, CA 93657 Phone 638-2546 Phone 875-4031 155 CREIGHTON MEMORIAL CHAPEL Phone 897-2908 1588 Lincoln Street John S. Creighton Kingsburg, California VALLIS BOTTLE SHOP • WINE i BEER • LIQUORS • 897-4126 1625 Simpson Street Kingsburg I Del Monte Corporation Plant No. 25 I ' I .\• ~.. P.O. Box 7, Kingsburg, CA 93631 Telephone (209) 897-2901 California Men's Clothing Wholesale -Retail Also Electronics -All Types Taji Ahmad 1399 Marion St., Kingsburg, CA 93631 897-4303 I RIVERLAND RESTAURANT "FEATURING FINE FOOD" Dancing Fri., Sat. & Sun. Nites-Live Music Exit at 384 on Hwy. 99 Ph. 897-5126 38743 Hwy. 99 Kingsburg W IG H AND ASS e lATES I N C . Im uran ce William Van Beurden President Douglas Uyeki Tom Powell Russ Campagne Mark Matthews George Ekizian Richard Wilson 1515 Draper Street, Kingsburg , California 93631 Kingsburg (209) 897-2975 Fresno (209) 888-2547 SMITHEY'S DIESEL SERVICE 24-HOUR TOWING CUMMINS DETROIT DIESEL ROAD SERVICE Ernie Smithey, Owner 14901 W. California Ave. Phone: 846-8607 Kerman, CA 93630 VILLAGE TIRE SALES BUEL GUSTAFSON, Prop. New Tires * Recaps * Wheels * Batteries 897-7339 1400 California St. Kingsburg, CA 93631 4:I! A". VANGAS CALVIN LAW P.O. Box 156 Area Manager Kingsburg, CA Res. 897-3973 897-3077 Cattuzzo & Reeder, Inc. Custom Silage Chopping Frank Calluzzo Wes Reeder Home 864-3387 Home 897-7113 Mobile Car -114 Mobile Car -113 237-9103 237-9103 Swedish Mill Restaurant and Gift Shop ~'\ ~ ~~j'! :" Serving Swedish Smorgasbord Ii I • _ ­ ,'~.-.. Weekdays -11 :00 to 2:30 p.m. --'--=--­Sundays -11 :00 to 4:00 p.m. --I Closed on Mondays Located on Highway 99 and Conejo Off Ramp 475 Sierra St., Kingsburg, CA Phone 897-7107 NOBLE LAND & CATTLE CO. 846-9303 P. O. Box 511 Kerman -~ ~Cottrell's Bees I ~, POLLINATION ALMOND • PLUMS. ALFALFA • MELONS. ETC. 1128 N. Madera Kerman , Calif. 93630 846-9682 PLAZA DRUG Corner Whites Bridge Road and Madera Avenue Kerman Phone 846-9396 -Fresno Phone 266-8796 15051 W. Whitesbridge Road, Kerman, California FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP Dick Clark, Agent P.O. Box 543 Phone 846-7377 601 South Madera Ave. Kerman, Calif. '93630 BOB KELLEY • Leasing • Rentals • Used Cars Ii!hC.);1"J 692 S. Madera Ave. Kerman, CA 93630 Kerman 846-9381 Fresno 233-7239 1------------1I EL GAMBRINO'S BAR Coldest Beer in Town l Armando Trujillo, Owner Phone 864-9997 950 N. Madera Ave., Kerman, CA VAUGHAN'S MARKET MEAT * PRODUCE * COLD DRINKS BARBECUED CHICKEN 2960 N. MADERA AVE. KERMAN tEmi Epperson's Market, Inc. of Cal ifornia Custom Vineyard Installation Paper Trays. End Posts. Grapestakes • Wire Staple Guns. Insecticides· Equipment Rentals PHONE (209) 846-7325 2590 N . MADERA AVE. kERMAN, CALlF.93630 156 KERMAN POLICE DEPARTMENT What's New at Kerman Police Department? by Jim Van Cleaf Chief of Police About the Author: Chief Van Cleaf holds a Department. He left Los Angeles to continue Masters Degree in Public Administrationfrom college studies and joined the Palm Springs California State University of Sacramento and Police Department upon his completion of has undertaken doctoral work at the University graduate school. He has worked patrol, detec­ of California, Riverside and the University of tives, planning and research, and personnel Southern California. He entered law enforce­training before coming to the Kerman Police ment in 1967 with the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department. Change Has Come to the Kerman Solicit Input Police Department He must first establish a need for change by The progress made in professional law soliciting input from people in the know. The enforcement in recent years has passed up this County Sheriff, local magistrate, community twelve-member department. More emphasis members, city officials, and the officers them­ placed on external training programs by selves can all be considered "people in the P.O.S.T. only meant that the Kerman Police know." Department was slipping further behind. The question "What's good about the police How does a new Chief of Police with big city department and what's bad about the police law enforcement experience promote change department" will bring both general and without disrupting the level of services or specific responses. Each response must be adversely affecting morale? BAKER COMMODITIES, INC. KERMAN DIVISION FRESNO 237-4320 P. o. BOX 487 KERMAN 846-9393 KERMAN. CALIFORNIA viewed from the perspective "Does he or she Bio-Pak Fruit Co. Peaches -Grapes -Plums and Nectarines COLD STORAGE FACILITIES Paul Rana & Edwin Ralph Ruby William M. Gage Sales Manager Shed Managers President Kerman Car 31 P.O. Box 205 843-2891 846-8887 Biola 157 have an axe to grind?" Persons who have lost their objectivity need not be discounted en­ tirely, but must be placed in the proper perspective. The members of the police department have to be involved in the change process every step of the way. They may not agree with the change but they have to feel confident that the changes are promulgated with fairness and equity. Fortunately for the small town Police Chief P.O.S.T. provides a management survey free of charge through their Management Services Division. The survey can be specific and zero in on a particular facet of the operation or it can provide a systems analysis of the entire police department with recommendations for change. The groundwork had been laid by the City Administrator for a P.O.S.T. Management survey to be undertaken, and P.O.S.T. consul­ tants were in touch with me by telephone a month before I was to "come on board" as the new Police Chief. They recommended that the survey be performed as soon as possible prior to my arrival. The thought was that if the changes recommended involved any "sacred cows" the pressure brought to bear on the Chief, if any, would be lessened. Another consideration was a real one. Dur­ ing the first month or so on the job the new Chief would not be familiar enough with the operation of the police department to assist appreciably in the survey. Farmers- Secure in your presence. Thanks HANSEN RANCHES 2835 N. HOWARD AVE. KERMAN, CALIFORNIA 158 Harvest Festival There was a need to organize the police department personnel as they have never been organized before. The "Harvest Festival" was the first opportunity for the new Chief to either shine or fail miserably. Referred to as "our riot last year," the Harvest Festival represented a severe drain on manpower and equipment. The first change to take place was for the Police Department to accept responsibility for the policing of the Festival. Sheriff McKinney was asked for manpower and equipment to aid A & H FARMS RANCH 846-8758 KERMAN • NEW TIRES • TUBES • RECAPS • BATTERIES HOLLIS & IHOE TIRE SALES & SERVICE 1020 No. Madera Avenue Kerman, California 93630 Phone: 846-6112, Kerman 266-7403, Fresno VALLEY DEPT. CENTER 421 So. Madera Ave., Kerman, CA 93630 (209) 846-9761 KERMAN MOTOR PARTS 187 So. Madera Ave. Kerman 846-9366 HOME FURNITURE TRADERS "Buy with Confidence and Own with Pride" 280 So . Madera Ave. Kerman, CA 93630 Phone 846-7272 Mack Lazarus Mobil Homes Over 100 Homes On Display 14750 West Whitesbridge 233-1802 Kerman, Calif. 93630 the Kerman Police Department in its four-day endeavor. There was an understanding that the Kerman , officers would handle primarily the "Festival grounds and the Sheriff's Deputies would patr01 the grounds perimeter." It was important to the community and the Kerman officers to demonstrate that they were competent to police an activity in their city. The groundwork for change had been laid. The Kerman officers demonstrated that they were capable of performing under competent leadership. They looked forward to establish­ WEST McKINLEY GROCERY 11499 W. McKINLEY KERMAN Kerman Custom Furniture Store & Gift Shop Complete Home Furnishings Nationally Advertised Brands of Furniture at Discount Prices We Carry Our Own Contracts John Volkoff, Owner 150 North Madera Ave., Kerman • 846-8737 AUTO PARTS SPORTING GOODS Caruthers Auto Supply R. E, "Chick" Nelson P.O. Box 68, Caruthers, CA • 864-3057 DOUBLE J BODY SHOP 24 HOUR TOWING * FREE ESTIMATES 864-3130 13331 Henderson Ave., Caruthers SHELTON'S FLORIST 2341 W. Tahoe, Caruthers 864-8671 E. DUAIN HAMLIN INSURANCE BROKER 2222 W. Tahoe Caruthers, CA 93609 Business 864-3276 Home 864-8430 159 ing themselves as a good, small town police department, and that meant change. With the Festival now history, a set of priori­ ties had to be established. The tendency to rely too heavily on the P.O.S.T. Management sur­ vey had to be overcome. A basic tenet of systems analysis is to become thoroughly familiar with the system before undertaking a recommenda­ tion for change-. Develop Priorities Two sets of priorities were developed. One dealt with those changes necessary either to bring the department into conformity with law to include P.O.S.T. regulations or reduce a liability. The other set of priorities dealt with those changes that were necessary to facilitate the organizational development of the depart­ ment. There was a federal grant position in its third year entitled "Burglary Prevention-Commun­ ity Relations-Juvenile Resource Officer." The thrust of the third year grant was to be juvenile diversion. An officer was selected who was experienced as a patrol officer and had been active in a local Boy Scout pack. He was to Blair's Professional Services PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES ACCOUNTANTS. TAX CONSULTANTS IMMIGRATION CONSULTANT WALTER BLAIR 2224 Tahoe, Caruthers, CA • 209/864-3259 Fresno Office: 1443 East Michigan Open 6:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. during Tax Season McCarthy Farming 7719 West Kamm Avenue • Caruthers become a visible part of campus activities and after-school functions. Range Training The officers had all been issued a 9MM pistol but had not been trained by a qualified instruc­ tor in its care, maintenance or firing. If an officer 'vere to become involved in a shooting prior to training, the liability potential would be great. The Department's first training class was held at the Sheriffs Range, where each officer qualified with his duty weapon after classroom instruction. Budget The budget became a working document. Everything from materials and supplies to tires for the patrol cars had to be "prioritized" for expenditure. Two patrol cars had been driven more than 100,000 miles and repre­ sented a safety hazard. Theone-year-old patrol cars offered for sale by the California Highway Patrol allowed an affordable short range solution to a real problem. FLOYD'S TUNE-UP 13045 S. Elm (Elm & Mt. View) Caruthers, California 93609 864-3745 Gandy Flying Service ~ DON HALE, President 11841 So. Henderson Caruthers, California Bus. 864-3273 VULTURE GARBAGE SERVICE P. O. Box 383, Caruthers Ph. 864-3100 ..... F and S MARKET UNITED ' FRED and SAM GROCERS .,. Groceries -Meats -Vegetables y Drugs -Lockers 2334 W. Tahoe, Caruthers 864-3181 Policies and Procedures Written policies and procedures had to be developed. A shooting policy was written in line with that of the Fresno County Sheriffs Department. A press policy was drafted that let each officer know what information could and could not be released to the press by law. There was a basic question about the integrity of the evidence confiscated in Kerman during years previous that mandated strict written procedures. There was a need for a system of communica­ ,tion between the Chief of Police and the officers otherthan just written memoranda. A training day was designated once a week. The schedule had to be adjusted in order to place all the officers on duty on the designated training day. Once commi tted to a sched ule adjustment for the training day, the entire schedule was re­ aligned to match calls for service. Two needs had been met: information was disseminated at the weekly training meetings and man­ power was deployed to correlate to peak times. As an aid to the communication process the Arnold's Farm Supply & Pop Shoppe • Feed -Veterinarian Supplies • Rubber Boots -Miscellaneous • Garden Seed & Supplies 2358 W. Taho~, Caruthers, CA 93609 864-3697 160 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 2357 West Tahoe, Caruthers, California 93609 (209) 864-3286 Melvin E. Harris, Vice President -Manager KAY'S KITCHEN 864-8872 2220 Tahoe, Caruthers PULLEY'S CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Free Estimates Pickup & Delivery FURNITURE * AUTO * BOATS * ANTIQUES 2215 W. Tahoe Caruthers, CA Bus. 864-3531 Res, 864-3189 CARUTHERS DRY GOODS 2337 W. Tahoe, Caruthers, CA 93609 864-3052 Chief rode at random with the officers on patrol. The upward communication flow was given a shot in the arm by introducing input from the field personnel. Training Needs Assessment In order for training to be meaningful it has to be on target. A training-needs assessment was conducted in its simplest form. Each officer was asked to list on one side of a 3" x 5" card all areas of personal training deficiencies. On the flip side he was asked to list all areas of his peers' training deficiencies. Based on the responses and personal observa­ tions of the officers, a training calendar was devised. Local resources such as the CHP were asked to lecture on traffic accident reporting; the DOJ, Regional Lab was asked to instruct in crime scene preservation; and the Fresno County Narcotics Task Force lectured on narcotics influence. External classes under the P.O.S.T. "Job Specific" program allowed the Department's Investigators to attend courses with a reim- HOlTQUIST ,FURNITURE CO. SAVE $ $ * * * Plus Blue Chip Stamps 20913 Malsbary, Riverdale 867-4505 324 E. King St., Avenal 386-9550 Marlin & Else Holtquist West Valley Cotton Growers, Inc. Inez Ulrich, Manager Office Telephone Residence Telephone Burrel 866-5351 Riverdale 866-5496 10030 W. Mt. Whitney, Riverdale, Calif. EDWARDS UPHOLSTERY RESTYLING. RECOVERING. REPAIRING FURNITURE STEVE LUALLIN 3368 W. Mt. Whitney, Riverdale 867-3019 RIVERDALE TV RCA & ZENrTH SALES AND SERVICE EVERETT BREWER, JR. PHONE 867-3298 3534 W. Mt. Whitney Riverdale, CA 93656 161 bursement to the City of per diem plus salary at sixty per cent. Once budgetary considerations for external training were behind us the only concern that remained was shift coverage. As long as there was a "give and take" attitude among the officers "creative scheduling" al­ lowed a master external training schedule to be developed. A master training schedule is good for two reasons: One, it allows the administrator to visualize where the police department will be with respect to training in one year. And it provides a morale boost if the officers can see that there is personal attention being given to their particular training needs. Getting the Job Done In line with the policies and procedures mentioned earlier are countless minor changes that affect the overall operation of the depart­ ment. A police department needs an accurate statistical base. It is difficult, ifnot impossible, to measure productivity crime rate compari­ ~ CARUTHERS PUMP, INC. TURBINE ­SUBMERSIBLE -JET 864-3109 2199 W. Superior Ave., Caruthers I 1 CARUTHERS LUMBER CO. RALPH GALLAHER, Owner 2436 W. Superior Ave., Caruthers 864-3644 THE CORNER COCKTAILS & L1aUOR STORE 13109 S. Elm Ave. 864-3349 Caruthers I CLEVENGER MERCANTILE CO., INC. Hardware, Implements, Fuller Paints, Etc. 864-3019 Caruthers I II sons, caHs for service and other areas, ad infinitum, without reliable statistics for refer­ ence. Guidelines have to be established and the clerical staff has to be convinced of the need for accuracy. An accurate statistical base can come about only if there is a monitoring of crime reports to ensure that the corpus delicti is satisfied for the crimes listed on the face sheet. Initially there has to be a strict scrutinizing of all reports in order to get a handle on the City's crime problem. In line with an accurate statistical base and accurate crimes recorded is the use of a "Daily Activity Report," commonly referred to as an officer's log. The log is an invaluable management tool that allows an administrator to draw a correla­ tion between the activities of the officers and the crimes committed. An obvious example would be if an officer recorded that he spent the majority of his time in the downtown area which reported little crime activity and during Frank Santos Dairy FRANLANE HOLSTEINS 867-3849 22419 ELDER RIVERDALE COMPLIMENTS OF A. F. MENDES &SON DAIRY 867-3816 22700 So. Cornelia Ave. Riverdale the same hours there were a series of residen­ tial burglaries. Of course, the log has to be scrupulously maintained or it serves no useful purpose. Countless clerical hours were saved by adopting a "one-write" report system. The officers were instructed to take greater care in the preparation of reports. The clerical staff was freed from the task of retyping each and every report written by the patrol and investi­ gations officers. The extra clerical time al­ lowed modifications to a record system that was not in conformity to Penal Code and Government Code sections dealing with the maintenance of police records. The one-write system, in order to be success­ ful, has to be handled in phases: Phase One could be limited to misdemeanor and miscel­ laneous reports. During Phase One particular attention can be paid to neatness, legibility, grammar and punctuation. Phase Two can be the addition of felony crime reports and investigative follow-up reports to the "one­ write" system. 162 RIVERDALE DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTIONS 867-3013 Riverdale Lloyds Bank California Phones: 864-3000 -867-3524 3494 W. Mt. Whitney Ave., Riverdale DEWEY & SONS TRUCKING 864-8404 P. O. Box 75 RIVERDALE McLeod Ford Sales & Service "The Valley's Fairest Dealer" 867-3549 Riverdale Image Conscious Finally, particular attention has to be paid to the officer and department image. Disheveled uniforms and dirty police cars can turn off even the staunchest supporter of law enforcement. The Kerman Police Officers were essentially in agreement that their uniform appearance could be improved. An officer was assigned to study alternatives to the Kerman police uni­ form, which then consisted of hopsack brown trousers and a tan shirt. The uniform patch was a plain gold star set on a cloth background with "Kerman Police" embroidered on it. The officer designed a patch with the City Seal and multiple colors of blue, green and gold. The patch alone improved the appear­ ance of the uniform. For two weeks one officer wore a tan uniform similar to that of the California Highway Patrol without the trouser stripe. Also, for two weeks under field conditions the same officer wore a blue uniform identical to that of the Los Angeles Police Department. An article was written for the Kerman News advising the THE WHISKEY SHOPPE AND THE BUSY BEE 3348 W. Mt. Whitney Ave., Riverdale 867-3211 &867-4511 I GLENN POWELL TRUCKING 864-8771 Riverdale DORN'S GAS For Service Call the Best Riverdale Phone 867-3505 'Fresno & Caruthers Phone 864-8805 3131 W. Mt. Whitney Ave., Riverdale HILLS TEXACO Foreign & Domestic Repairs 867-3028 ....~?M....., 3628 W. Mt. Whitney Ave. Riverdale community members of a probable uniform change and soliciting their general impres­ sions. The officer who wore the uniforms commented on heat retention, soil resistance and comfort. Almost unanimously the com­ munity and the officers chose the blue uniform. The image of the police department goes far beyond the appearance of the officers. Past impressions, both positive and negative, linger on. Attitudes, once formed, require a prepon­ ponderance of evidence before they can be changed. The Kerman Police Department is fortunate that the officers have a strong desire to enjoy the respect that is afforded a well-respected law enforcement agency. That desire, coupled with a willingness to put forth a hundred per cent effort in the applications of their duties has not gone unnoticed by the community. The fear or apprehension of"bei ng beefed for doing your job" is gone. A sense of fairness and equity is applied to all persons. The transient is afforded the same courtesy and discretion as is the local notable. LINDA VISTA FARMS R,IVERDALE 163 GARRY PACKING, INC. Holiday Gift Packaged Dried Fruit Del Rey -888-2126 A well-known police administrator once said, in effect, that in order for an officer to do his job he must be insulated from politics. There has to be a buffer between the officer and political pressure. A Chief of Police can serve as that buffer. Long and Short Range Planning The Kerman Police Department has accom­ plished its six-month goals during a time when change could have been viewed as a threat to the stability of the organization. It should be evident to all concerned, namely the community and the department members, that with change can come a sense of purpose and vitality, and greater service. The Kerman Police Department is well on its way to being regarded as a good small town law enforce­ ment agency, one that is accepted by the community it serves and one that evokes a sense of pride among its officers. CARL W. McCRAW, INC. PETROLEUM JOBBER 867-4404 Res. 867-4332 RIVERDALE, CA JENSEN DAIRY FARM Dean Jensen & Son 867-3178 4260 W. Mount Whitney Ave .• Riverdale Doug & R. A. Maddox Dairy Phone 867-3726 7285 W. Davis • Riverdale E~OCH PACKING CO., Inc. RAISINS -DRIED FRUITS Del Rey, Calif. DEL REY PACKING CO. · GROWERS AND PACKERS OF All VARIETIES RAISINS Del Rey, California H. P. METZLER & SONS, INC. GROWERS -SHIPPERS -DEHYDRA TORS PEACHES -PLUMS -NECTARINES -GRAPES 5286 SO. DEL REY AVE. PHONE: (209) 888-2094 DEL REY, CALIF. 93616 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA RAISIN PACKING CO., INC. Growers and Packers of Raisins and Dried Fruits DEl REY RIVERDALE AUTO PARTS Headquarters For AUTOMOTIVE • TRACTORS • TRUCK PARTS CUSTOM HYDRAULIC HOSE • ROLLER CHAIN SMALL ENGINE PARTS and SERVICE 3660 Mt. Whitney, Riverdale, CA 93656 Riverdale -867-3541 -Fresno-Caruthers -864-3054 DUN'S SHOPPING CENTER 867-3586 21282 S. MARKS • RIVERDALE ANTERO MENDONCA DAIRY 867-3287 371 W. Mount Whitney Ave. Riverdale 164 RALPH'S SHELL SERVICE \ INDEPENDENT TOWING Ralph Trejo, Owner 36220 Lassen Ave. Huron 945-9982 RANCH HARDWARE & VARIETY Next to the Post Office in Huron Everything for the Family Needs WATSON AG CHEMICALS, INC. Fertilizers. Insecticides. Vineyard Spraying 12667 So. Elm Ave. Jerry Watson Caruthers, CA 237-9103 -Car 8149 864-3551 Res. 864-8631 APRILE'S PLACE 875-7179 933 Academy, Sanger JAN LIN MOTEL Your Hosts: Mel and Betty Brumbaugh TV Air Conditioned Pool 2015 Simpson, Kingsburg, CA 93631 (209) 897-5951 Exit at Conejo 011 U.S. 99 VALLIS RESTAURANT Cocktails. Dining Room • Bottle Shop 897-3079 1671 Simpson Kingsburg UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA A. J. HAROLDSEN Union Oil Distributor Kingsburg, California 93631 897-3114 BETTER BUY MARKET 10777 E. Morro St. P.O. Box 185 DEL REV Bert's Del Rancho Rey Market 433 Portola Avenue Del Rey Western Auto Family Store Thad and Mary Anderson Credit Terms Furniture & Appliances 3478 W. Mt. Whitney, Riverdale 867-3729 165 DON'S MARKET 884-2404 FIVE POINTS FIVE POINTS RANCH FIVE POINTS Compliments of Harnish-Five Points, Inc. Five Points L & R NOBLE HARVESTING 3 MILES EAST OF FIVE POINTS ON MT. WHITNEY GRAIN. TOMATOES • COTTON COOK COMMUNICATION TELEPHONE 237-1111 ASK FOR 2127 LARRY 2126 ROY 2129 TOM C. GOWENS FARMS, INC. COTTON * WHEAT *TOMATOES 25692 W. Jeffrey Ave. Five Points 884-2248 BURFORD RANCH W. Mt. Whitney Five Points Compliments of AGRO-WEST, INC. 884-2428 FIVE POINTS 1----------------­ BETTER HOSPITALS MEAN BETTER CARE AND BETTER HEALTH SUPPORT SAI'NT AGNES HOSPITAL BUILDING P'ROGRAM FRANK C. DIENER RANCH Five Points, Calif. FIVE POINTS AUTO PARTS 884-2489 Fresno Phone 864-8787 16920 W. MI. Whitney Ave., Five Points LASSEN MARKET 884-2451 South Lassen Avenue, Five Points Barlow Bros. Ranch W. Oakland Ave. Five Points FIVE STAR RANCH SOUTH BUTTE AVE. FIVE POINTS T-M-T CHEMICAL CO., INC. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS CHEMICAL LABORATORY 26979 S. BUTTE AVE. 884-2417 FIVE POINTS, CALIFORNIA 166 HURON POLICE DEPARTMENT Accent on CriDle Prevention by Lana Street The Huron Police Department serves a population of approximately 2500 permanent residents, with an influx of up to 10,000 additional people into the area during the harvest season. The department maintains a work force supervised by Chief Primo Orosco, Captain Oscar Gongora, and Sergeant Paul Lopez. Under their supervision Patrolmen William Teutimez, Stan Brannum, Duane Stewart, and David Restovich perform their duties of protection of life and property. All officers of the department must meet P. O. S. T. requirements and maintain their training, JIM LOWE, .'NC. 945-2544 P.o. BOX 96 HURON, CALIF. updating their knowledge of current legis­ lation and arrest procedures. A 24-hour dispatch service for police and ambulance is operated by Chief Dispatcher Lana Street, and Dispatchers Carol Wood, Mary Araujo, and Lucy Rutherford. Lana Street and Carol Wood are qualified Emer­ gency Medical Technicians, and also drive and attend the ambulance on their off-duty hours. A reserve force of five officers, supervised by Captain Gongora, helps to maintain order at local dances and social functions, as well as putting in many hours on patrol. Reserve VASTO VALLE FARMS, INC. Diversified Growers P.o. Box 5 HURON, CAtIF. 93234 167 Sergeant B. Melvin, and Reserve Officers G. Rivero, L. Newton, F. Flores, and K. Ford all meet the standards required by Penal Code Section 832, and are very helpful to the department. Since the arrival of Chief Orosco three years ago, an extensive program of public relations and department initiated projects has made the citizens feel the Police Department is more a part of the community. One ofthe main objec­ tives of Huron police officers is early crime prevention by working closely with youth. A NYPUM (National Youth Program Using Mini-bikes) group has been organized and supervised by Captain Gongora. The group is comprised of juveniles who have been involved in minor violations of the law. Each member is provided a mini-bike to ride each time they meet, and is taught to properly care for it and keep it in good working order. The group has taken several field trips with Captain Gongora, taking along the mini-bikes for an added adventure. The original group of mini-bikes were provided by the YMCA, and repairs and needed replacements have been financed by donations from local businessmen, and by money earned by the members in group fund raising projects. Captain Gongora, who holds a black belt in karate, conducts classes in karate at no charge WOOLF FARMING CO., INC. P.O. BOX 215 HURON MOUREN TRANSPORTATION Grains. Mixed Feeds. Sheep Molasses • Cattle P.O. Box 188 Phone 945-2655 HURON for any Huron youth interested in learning the art. Programs called "Las Madrinas," for girls, and "Los Padrinos," for boys, have been very active for the past three years, providing counseling for youngsters on a one to one basis. Las Madrinas is headed by Lana Street, and Los Padrinos by Chief Orosco. Participants are youngsters who feel their problems are insur­ mountable and who need someone to "rap" with when the going gets tough. They are encour­ aged to call or drop by home or office any time they feel the need, or because they simply feel like it. They soon become regular visitors and very good friends. 1'68 Meyers Agricultural Chemical Co. Insecticides -Herbicides -Fertilizers -Application Firebaugh Dos Palos 659-3941 364-61 27 RUFUS MciLROY FARM EQUIPMENT Lassen at Tenth, Huron Phone WHitney 5-2266 HURON GENERAL STORE Red Flurry, Owner Box 426 Huron, CA 945-2350 CHAVARRIAS MARKET 9 to 9 Every Day lassen Ave., Huron 845-2463 CARR BROS. GARAGE 24-HOUR TOWING S. LASSEN AVE., HURON 945-2398 Nites Call 942-2315 LEO'S AUTO PARTS Headquarters tor Domestic, Foreign Cars, Trucks Tractors and tndustrlal Supplies MACHINE SHOP &RADIATOR SERVICE For Emergency Service Call Leo at 945·2056 or Tony at 945:2495 36549 South Lassen Ave., Huron 945-2416 & Five Points 884-2893 Several officers have taken an active interest in the Huron Pony League, and have coached numerous teams. They are now busy organ­ izing a boxing club to teach kids the general principles and sportsmanship of boxing. A Girls Club was initiated in 1976 by the dispatchers to interest more of the girls in the community. The club, in addition to being a recreational organization, also teaches home­ making skills. The youngsters earn money to finance their field trips by holding raffles, car washes, cake Huron Welding & Machine Works Vick Hendrix 9th Street Huron 945-2298 LASSEN MARKET GROCERIES -MEATS Open Daily 9:00 A.M. 'til 8:00 P.M. 36668 So. Lassen Ave. 945-2362 Huron M & M FARMS 659-1161 FIREBAUGH REBECCHI DEPT. STORE Shoes and Clothing for the Family Blue Chip Stamps -Bankamericard 1467 11th Street 659-2259 Firebaugh LAS DELTAS GROCERY GENERAL MERCHANDISE BEER -COLD DRINKS 36576 W. SHAW, FIREBAUGH ~ADAMS AUTO SUPPLY 4NAP6. VICTOR CALDERON -JOE JOHNSON 939 "N" Street Firebaugh, California Ph. 659-2026 169 sales, aluminum can collecting, and other odd jobs. As a further source of support, a moto­ cross track is now in the final stages of completion. Professional racing will be con­ ducted at this track and a portion of the proceeds will go to the youth clubs of Huron. The Huron Police Department also has two school resource officers who are very active in working with the youngsters in school, and with their teachers. They give speeches and demonstrations, and are very popular with students, parents, and social groups. Since the initiation of these youth programs, the crime rate involving juveniles has de­ creased by 75%. All of us at the Huron P. D. hope the feelings of closeness between youth, community, and the police department that we now have, will continue to grow and flourish for the betterment of the growing community. WESTSIDE FORD LINCOLN MERCURY Vern Freitas, Sr., General Manager-Vice President Res. Phone 826-2424 Bus. Phone (209) 659-3951 1503 -8th Street, Firebaugh, CA 93622 ___--~--------I ~--------_~I\A I VANCE AgCRAFT INC. Post Office Box 695 Firebaugh, CA 93622 209/659-3270 Aerial Application ROBERT H. VANCE Residence 392-6531 Mobile Radio 237-1111 Car 5424 J&JRANCH FIREBAUGH, CALIF. HURON POLICE DEPARTMENT P. T. OROSCO Chief OSCAR GONGORA Captain STAN BRANNUM DUANE STEWART BILL TEUTIMEZ BILLY MELVIN Reserve S9t. L. GARCIA Reserve Officer M. GODINEZ Pound master BEST WISHES McBee & Barger, Inc. TRI AIR INC. Farming SPRAYING -SEEDING -FERTILIZING Day or Night Application in Madero -Merced & Fresno Counties Car Radio Call Fresno 237-1111 Car # 1615 P. O. Box 486 -Firebaugh P.O. Box 337 915 10th St ., Firebaugh 659-3015 Firebaugh 170 HURON POLICE DEPARTMENT LANA STREET MARY ARAUJO LUCY RUTHERFORD CAROL WOOD Head Dispatcher Dispatcher Dispatcher Dispatcher D. T. LOCKE RANCH Bass Ave. ­Box 126 659-2517 Firebaugh .J.L-THOMASON TRACTOR CO JOH' O"O' "JOHN DEERE FARM MACHINERY " A1lAS -TOWNER · JOHN BEAN SPRAYERS 985 12th Street 659-2039 Firebaugh, Calif. TRI PRODUCE CO. "Tri" "West Pak" "West Gold" CANTALOUPE SHIPPERS FIREBAUGH HARRISON'S MENS WEAR 1 050 "0" St. Firebaugh, CA 93622 GILBERT PLUMBING SHOP 659-2419 12th & M Street Firebaugh • PEREZ PACKING. INC. Growers and Shippers CALIFORNIA FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Firelbaugh. California 171 HUGH'S FLYING SERVICE, INC. --e ~\I -, 5400 N. Washoe, Mendota 655-4023 If No Answer Call 659-3447 La Cuesta Verde Ranches Coalinga WILDO. INC. Jayne Ave. 935-2956 P. o. Box 924 Coalinga JOHN C. CONN RANCH COALINGA LARRY McLEOD FORD LINCOLN-MERCURY FORD MERCURY LINCOLN CONTINENTAL PINTO FAIRMONT MUSTANG GRANADA THUNDERBIRD 157 W. Durian St., Coalinga, CA 93210 • 935-0768 COALINGA FARMS J. M. and TOM LOVELACE P. O. Box 438, Coalinga 935-0190 BURNETT CONSTRUCTION CO. General Pipeline & Oilfield Maintenance Contractors Bus. (209) 935-0034 Res. 935-0265 Coalinga Compliments Of GRIFFIN & GRIFFIN 174 Sacramento, Coal inga 935-0261 NOWARDJownsonS HOWARD JOHNSON'S RESTAURANTS Restaurant, Cocktail Lounge, Banquet Room 25032 W. Dorris Ave. Interstate 5 & U.S. 198 Coalinga, CA 209-935-1983 Compliments of BIRDWELL RANCH Coalinga PIPPIN'S AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY AUTOMOTIIVE SUPPLIES AND SPECIALIZED MACHINE WORK P.O. Box 497 154 N. 4th St. 935-3078 Coalinga, California 93210 172 MENDOTA POLICE DEPARTMENT Under the Weather The Mendota Police Department serves a city of about 4,500 people, in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley's fabulous west side farm­ ing area. As much as big time agribusiness contributes to the economy, however, it is not always an unmixed blessing, as the city's population is reminded each time there is a heavy rain. Farming operations have altered the natural drainage of water from the Coast Range foothills, and much of it ends up, not in the Whitesbridge Slough or the San Joaquin River, but in the city itself. Due to the heavier than normal rainfall of the past season, the resources of the police department and other city agencies have been strained almost to the limit in coping with the situation. It seemed that about the time all the water was pumped out, and the sandbags removed, another storm came along and the whole job had to be done over again. At one time three police vehicles were out of service due to water damage to the engines, and the Department had to borrow a ESOLA & PERKINS DISPOSAL SERVICE 659-2501 9740 N. Dos Palos, Firebaugh 173 vehicle from the Sheriffs Department until they were repaired. Late in 1977 the large previously unincor­ porated area known as East Mendota was taken into the city, significantly adding to the Police Department's problems. It has been a high crime rate area for many years, primarily because of its distance from Fresno, and the fact that the Sheriffs Department has not had sufficient resources to provide a level of patrol surveillance and other police services neces­ sary to keep the criminal element under control. Hopefully, with the Police Department now having jurisdiction they will be in a position to keep a close watch on the area, making it a more desirable home neighborhood for the many law abiding citizens who live there. Among the more positive developments of the past year was the acquisition of a new advanced communications system. Consider­ able remodelling of the headquarters building Compliments of BURKHART FARMS 659-3611 P.O. Box 6 FIREBAUGH I An old gravel pit about 18 miles west of Mendota, at Panoche Road and Interstate 5, where foothill run­ off water collects before starting its flow down Belmont Avenue into Mendota. WALLACE AUTO ELECTRIC Dick Wallace -Don Wallace 155 E. Forest St., Coalinga, CA 93210 (209) 935-1681 ! I ~ Auto Glass Windshields BLANCO'S BODY AND PAINT SHOP Your Body Handled With Tender Loving Care All Work Guaranteed Yo-Hablo Espanol Res. 247 Coolidge 260 W. Elm St., Coalinga Res. Phone 935-1227 Bus. Phone 935-0592 Tim's Automotive Service Wheel Alignment • Electronic Tune-Up Wheel Balance • Lubrication Service Brakes. Air Conditioning Speciality Installations Available Tim Jordan 260 West Elm Street Phone 209/935-0927 Post Office Box 983 Coalinga, CA 93210 Looking north on San Diego Avenue from the inter­ section of Belmont. The water is deep enough that the 50-gallon steel drum is floating. Looking east from the intersection of 7th and Tule, the street appears to be paved with glass. RON LEE UNION OIL DISTRIBUTOR 935-1687 P.O. Box 834 Coalinga • 174 This view from 7th and Unida illustrates the exten­ sive sandbagging of doorways necessary to keep water out of business establishments. Aview of a rainstorm's aftermath, showing mud and debris washed down from the foothills piled up at Belmont and San Diego Avenues. WESTSIDE SUPPL V HARDWARE. PLUMBING • WELDING SUPPLIES HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS. HYDRAULIC HOSE GOTT COOL CANS • RUBBER BOOTS. ETC. JACK WOLFE, Owner PAT SPRAGUE, Sales P.O. Box 587 • 198 East Polk • Coalinga, CA 93210 • 935-1671 COALINGA FEED YARD. INC. RT. 1, BOX 135 Coalinga WEETH FARMS P. O. Box 984 Coal inga VIERHUS FARMS Coalinga, California JOHN T. BRAGG & SONS CHAPELS Two Valley Locations COALINGA KERMAN 935-3338 846-9369 175 was also done, to provide more working room and a more pleasant atmosphere for citizens visiting the station to file reports or transact other business. Chief Silverio Sanchez esti­ mated the cost of the improvements at$40,000, most of which was provided by grants under the federal revenue sharing plan. He also gives credit to the personnel of the Department for their "personal initiative and hard work" in helping to plan and effect the changes, and to Deputy Sheriff Russell Long, who donated a great deal of time and gave helpful advice on the project. The communications system consists of sev­ eral separate radio channels, which for the first time give the Department its own fre­ quency, as well as direct contact with other city government units, and with the Sheriffs Department, Firebaugh Police Department, and California Highway Patrol units operating in the area. It is also possible, via the Intercity Radio Network, to talk directly to other police agencies throughout the state, rather than having to relay through the Sheriffs Depart- HARRIS FARMS, INC. H&H COTTON GINNING COMPANY 884-2401 HARRIS FEEDING CO. CUSTOM CATTLE FEEDING Jack Harris, President (209) 884-2435 Rt. 1 Box 400, Coalinga The old, dark, cramped communications center. ment. Included in the system is a computer terminal which provides direct access to CLETS, the California Law Enforcement Teletype System, and NCIC, the National Crime Information Center, and the regional Want/Warrant File, "thus providing immedi­ ate information on vehicles, property, or suspects," as Chief Sanchez explains it. Coalinga Paint and Wallpaper Co. Glidden Paints. Painter Supplies Glass Cutting • Art Supplies. Picture Frames Gordon & Deanie Croft 170 W. Elm Ave., Coalinga 935-0294 COALINGA HARDWARE, INC. • DON ,KERR -DON DAPELO m1 HARDWARE & APPLIANCES • GIFTS • PAINTS 109 N. 5th St., Coalinga, CA 93210 209/935-2961 Foothil'l Cycle & Sport Sporting Goods • Bicycles -Sales & Service Barry Littler, Owner 159 N. 5th St., Coalinga, CA 93210 209/935-0258 P. M. SCRIVNER, IINC. Oilfield Maintenance & Construction KEITH SCRIVNER, President. Res.. 935-0237 209/935-0815 or 935-0134 P.O. Box 1075 -256 E. Polk, Coalinga, CA 93210 176 The new communications center. Note the visitor.'s window with bulletproof glass and the security scoop for passing papers and other objects under­ neath. JAURENA BROTHERS COALINGA The area's most beautiful dining atmosphere Dinner Nightly (Closed Mondays) Harris fed beef and other specialities prepared over live charcoal Dancing Sunday Brunch Frl. and Sat. 11 a.m. -2:30 p.m. Located at Interstate 5 and Hwy. 198 (Reservations Recommended) (209) 935-0717 177 Chief Sanchez, who has been a member of the Department for fifteen years, has under his command a force of eight regular officers and eight reserves, hardly an overwhelming force to cope with some of the problems that can develop when, in addition to bad weather, the harvest season brings thousands of migrant workers to the surrounding ranches. Chief Sanchez and his officers express sincere appreciation for the cooperation and help of nearby police agencies, the California High­ way Patrol units from Fresno, Coalinga, and Los Banos, the Firebaugh and Kerman Police Departments, and the Fresno, Madera, and Merced County Sheriffs Departments. Ser­ geant Vernon Banta commends the Fresno County Sheriffs Department for its assistance in firearms training, and for assistance and just plain neighborliness in other matters. He cites as an example one occasion when he was working in the photo lab preparing photos which had to be ready for presentation in court the next day, when he ran out of proper chemicals. He telephoned the Sheriffs Depart- HELM BEAN & SEED WAREHOUSE, INC. P. O. Box 68 Phone (209) 866-5422 -864-8533 HELM, CALIFORNIA HELM STORE FEATURING BEER & WINE -FRESH MEATS AND PRODUCE STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS 866-5366 14935 S. LASSEN HELM,CA ment watch commander to see if he could borrow a sufficient quantity to complete the job. A few minutes later the lieutenant called back to say he hadn't been able to locate the proper chemicals in the Sheriffs Department lab. However, he had made arrangements to obtain them from the Fresno Police Depart­ ment, and would, through a series of relays, have them transported to Mendota. Within an hour Banta had his chemicals, completed processing the photos, and with them obtained a conviction in court the next day. A minor incident, perhaps, but it serves to illustrate how, in getting the law enforcement job done, personal cooperation between individual offi­ cers is just as important as official cooperation between departments. Noone understands that better than the officers of the Mendota Police Department. Three Rocks Cafe & Dept. Store (The Oasis of the West Side) BREAKFAST. LUNCH • DINNER LEVIS * ACME BOOTS * PIONEER WEAR JACK & GENELL MINNITE. Owners 829-6218 or 829-3357 Three Rocks. Calif. RAYMOND MINNITE OWNER AND MANAGER OF THREE ROCKS P.O. Box 204, Three Rocks (209) 829-3352 Hwy. 33 Between Mendota and Coalinga P.O. Box 204, Three Rocks (209) 829-3352 DaN'S MARKET P.O. Box 367 Tranquillity, CA 93668 698-7452 RATHMANN OIL COMPANY GAS • DIESEL • LUBE OILS BOB RATHMANN (209) 698-7458 KEN RATHMANN (209) 698-5197 25561 W. Tuft • P.O. Box 13 Tranquillity, CA 93668 Some of the narcotics and related paraphernalia confiscated in recent months. KIMMERLE BROS. Hydraulic Service 233-1278 337 M Street DR. SIDNEY AMES, OPTOMETRIST Gives You Optical Service That Is Complete Downtown 1030 Fulton Mall 268-5577 Manchester Plaza 1839 E. Dakola 227-2529 (1 Block north of Sears) ~NATIONAL MARKET ~Wholesale and Retail Meat and Groceries . San Joaquin. Calif. Phone 693-4337 INSTITUTIONAL SIZE FRUIT -VEGETABLES & SPICES 178 MENDOTA POLICE DEPARTMENT SILVERIO SANCHEZ Chief of Police EDDIE PORRAS Lieutenant VERNON BANTA Sergeant JUAN AMADOR Senior Patrolman RICHARD ESPINOSA Patrolman JOSEPH SILVA Patrolman JANET RASCON Matron WEST SIDE PUMP CO. Pumps -Pump Repairs & Sprinkler Systems Phone 693-4315 San Joaquin, Calif. MENDOTA FOOD CENTER FRESH MEATS & PRODUCE BEER· WINE CLOTHING 655-4391 697 DERRICK, MENDOTA I WESTSIDE CHEMICAL WESTSIDE HARDWAR,E MENDOTA MOTOR PARTS P. O. Box 126, Mendota Phone 655-4206 J & L AUTO STEREO Complete Line Of C.B. Radios & Auto Stereo Systems 878 Oller St., Mendota 655-4170 I ~IKE BANTA Matron Patrolmen not pictured: Joseph Rascon, Michael Molsbergen, Salvador Gutierrez. , SWISS AMERICAN BAR OUT WHERE THE SIDEWALKS END AND THE WEST BEGINS MAIN STREET SAN JOAQUIN RABB BROS. TRUCKING, INC. ~P.O. Box 736 ~,.-~(51 ~el "...s;:;":0:~;;:4~~; 179 LODGE POLE REAL TV SHAVER LAKE TV & APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE DENNIS BENEFIELD (209) 841-3376 SHAVER LAKE 841-3298 Homelite ­ KEN & BEny MAnHEWS, Prop, KEN'S SHOPPING CENTER (A COMPLETE STORE) P. O. Box 156 Shaver Lake, CaIH. Phone 841-3242 THE RED BARN ill it ....!J Specializing in Mountain Properties C. O. Williams, Realtor P.O. Box 125 Shaver Lake, CA 93664 841-3247 P.O. Box 286 Auberry, CA 93602 855-2963 ~ ~ ¥ De~~_'2~. ~ ~bCj , ~.~ 0·' ~ ~ _Q@. I •., ~~\\ ~\)lJJilt~J ).i.,j Specializing in Distinctive European Gifts Shaver Lake, California Dee Billups Pat Petersen SHAVER LAKE REAL ESTATE, INC. The Mountain Professionals DEE 8 'ILLUPS LOU STECK (209) 841-3575 Shaver Lake W.A.R. TRUCKING Del Sharp -Ron Sharp 855-8822 Auberry HARDWARE STORE Husqvarna -Sales & Service HARDWARE, SPORTING GOODS & LICENSES -CHAIN SAWS SALES & SERVICE -SKI SALES & RENTALS P.O . Box 321 . Shaver lake, CA 93664 (209) 841-3341 BILL & ELEANOR DALZELL IVIE'S MARKET P.o. BOX 187 SHAVER LAKE, CALIF. 93664 N. A. MORLEY E. M. SCHULTZ ANGELO'S SHAVER LAKE BAKERY & COFFEE SHOP P. O . Box 37 Shaver Lake SHAVER LAKE TRADING POST DINING ROOM -COCKTAILS Johnnie & Bobbie 841-3414 Shaver Lake SHAVER LAKE AUTO SUPPLY Complete line of replacement parts and accessories for passenger cars, imported cars, trucks, farm tractors, I small engines and outboard motors; plus paint, tools and mechaniCS' sup­ plies. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS Shaver Lake 841-3398 & ACCESSORIES 180 Water Safety PrograDl For Public Schools by Tom Klose For the first time in approximately eight years the Valley's reservoirs, rivers, and canals are full; they'll be moving rapidly for many months this year, creating hazards for the thousands of people who congregate in the mountains and other recreational areas the County of Fresno and its waterways have to offer. Because of the great concern over the numerous drownings which occur each year, and recognizing that 1978 may be particu­ larly bad, because of the overabundance of water in Fresno County waterways, a water safety program for the public schools has been initiated. It was first proposed by Mr. Chuck Parnell of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CLIFFSIDE AUTO CENTER Complete Auto Repair Also -House of Tires Auto and Truck Tires in Stock Armstrong -RV -Firestone DON MOSS Full Line All Sizes AL FIXEL Phone 855-2940 Corner Frazier & Auberry Rd., Auberry Melikian Farms Inc. Melikian Sons Dehydrator Division Mel-Pak Packing Division Marvin Melikian 485-8102 181 at Pine Flat Lake. He envisioned a program suitable for children from kindergarten through the eighth grade, on the theory that the earlier in life a lesson is learned the better. Working in conjunction with the Fresno County Sheriffs Department, he designed a program that represents both agencies. In addition to a classroom lecture, it features exhibits such as a sign showing the insignia of both agencies, a film, and various props, including personal flotation devices, boat pad­ dles, etc. Following the lecture and explana­ tion of the various items there is a question and answer period. After careful planning and a little rehears­ al, Deputy Tom Klose, Park Ranger William BEAM CONSTRUCTION CO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR CUSTOM HOMES * MOUNTAIN CABINS JERRY BEAM BOB BOWMAN License #323372 Superintendent P.O. Box 101, Shaver Lake, CA 93664 (209) 841-3363 Chalet Realty SUE FERRIS Sales & Rentals BILL FERRIS Broker Associate P.O. Box 65, Shaver Lake, CA 93664.209/841-3582 FRESNO 11 ~TE H C'ORPS Of COUNTY fISHING SKIING ENGINEERS S;f BOATING SWIMMING flIIS/II If .,. " IIIJlIl Slfrrr SRF E \ , flfnClllll ~_....._ _ Some of the safety devices on display. Deputy Tom Klose and Park Ranger William Chaussee begin a lecture. ALVARADO'S UNION 76 STATION Phone 843-2392 BIOLA, CALIF. PONDEROSA MARKET GENERAL MERCHANDISE Fresh Meats -Vegetables liQuor Dept. Fred Tuttle & Barney Amundsen Auberry, 855-2533 Owners FRAN'S COUNTRY KITCHEN • HOME COOKING • BEER. WINE 168 Dinky Creek Road 841-3253 Shaver Lake .&n, PONDEROSA VAN GAS mt-:.......... L.P. Gas Sales & Service -Appliances P.O. Box 138 855-2565 Auberry JERRY'S SERVICE Corner Auberry & Power House Road EXXON GASOLINE & OILS NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE TOWING 34694 Wilson Road ....... ...... Days -855-9210 Auberry, CA 93602 .. . .. .. . . .. .. Niles -855-2988 I A typical audience. MIKE'S POOL -BEER -SNACKS FRIANT STEVE & JERRY'S CAFE & 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE Short Orders Our Speciality 17304 N. Friant Friant, California I Chevron III FRIANT GARAGE Towing -Standard Products Bob Curry, Owber 822-2270 • Friant 182 Raised hands during the question and answer period indicate the interest and enthusiasm with which the program is received. Chaussee, and Park Technician Steve Weiss embarked on their program to teach our children "How Not To Drown." They began in March, and have covered schools in Sanger, Dunlap, Kerman, Mendota, Firebaugh, Tran­ quillity, San Joaquin, Coalinga, Selma, Kings­ burg, Parlier, Del Rey, Clovis, and Fresno. Literally thousands of children have thus been made aware of the dangers of unwise swim­ ming and boating practices, and the basic principles of water safety. The program gives the children an idea of how many people die in the waterways of Fresno County each year, and explains that most such tragedies could have been pre­ vented if only those people had used common sense. The point is made that the victims did not plan to drown, but just didn't think. Had they taken a few simple precautions, such as wearing personal flotation devices when boat­ ing or swimming in swift current or rough or unfamiliar waters, waiting two hours after eating before entering the water, or heeding simple suggestions on boating safety, they probably would not have drowned. Both students and faculty were impressed with how simple it is to save someone's life without actually having to go into the water, if one is aware of what will float. They were told to try anything; something nearby will prob­ ably float. Some simple techniques can be very effective, and can be used by virtually anyone in an attempt to accomplish a successful rescue. The program also stresses the importance of BILL BETTINSOLl'S GAS -GARAGE SERVICE P.O. Box 198, Cantua Creek MINNITE'S VARIETY STORE P.o. Box 198 Cantua Creek, California "Tho ComplOle Yacht Shop " ~ DEALERS FOR: ~ ' . BANSHEE Nautical Giftware aehtlne FLIPPER Marine Hardware \ ~ . CHRYSLER Bottoms Faired ,, '. ~ peelaltles THISTLE Bottoms Painted ' DAVE AND SANDY DELANO 439-4112 or 822-2259 .. . ........ .. 17070 N. Friant Rd., Friant LOST LAKE DRIVE INN & TACKLE SHOP Live Bait * Beer * Groceries * Sundries 16357 Friant Road ............... . 431-2820 Friant. CA 93626 ..... . ...... (209) 8~2-~445 SCHRAMM RANCHES, INC. DIVERSIFIED GROWERS Don Schramm P.O. Box 1095 San Joaquin, California 93660 183 staying away from canals and rivers, except in authorized swimming areas, because of such GILIO'S MARKETdangers as deceptively swift current, slippery P.o. Box 44, Cantua Creekbanks, and cold water. Cold water can quickly Phone San Joaquin 698-8649affect the human body, and anyone can too easily become a drowning statistic. All of the schools were very responsive, and expressed their appreciation in many letters • Compliments ofsent to the department and Corps of Engineers HALF WAY STOREheadq uarters. Harvey PontiusThe Fresno County Sheriffs Department Cantua Creek, Californiaand the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wish all a "Happy but Safe" summer while using the waterways of Fresno County. HUNT & SONS, INC. 7229 E. Mt. Whitney LATON LATON COOP GIN LATON CAFE INSECTICIDES -FERTILIZER GOOD FOOD & COLD BEER "Where Ginning Is An Art and 923-8997 Service Is A Pleasure" 6275 DEWOODY LATON 923·4943 Laton BOSTON PELOIAN RANCH CO. RANCHES STAR ROUTE 2, BOX 100 • LEMOORE, CALIFORNIA FRESNO COUNTY Farm Inc. (209) 829-6421 -674-1828 Cantua Creek, California 184 RetireDlents To the officers who left us through retirement during the past year, the Review offers congratulations for a job well done, and wishes them a long and happy life in which to .enjoy the fruits of their labors. Sergeant Jack An­ derson had jokingly discussed plans to re­ tire for so long that even after it was offi­ cially announced early last summer, some of his colleagues still did not quite believe it. He was serious this time, however, and his re­ tirement was effective on July 29, ending 27 years of service which began January 1, 1950. Jack was born in Fresno, attended Morris Dailey Elementary School, Washington Junior High, and Roosevelt and Fresno Tech High Schools. After graduation in 1942 he worked a few months as a clerk for Safeway Stores, and as a machinist's helper in the Kaiser Ship­ yards. In December of that year he entered the United States Army, volunteered for para­ troop training, and served until November of 1945. Shortly after discharge he went to work in the Ace Service tire shop as a vulcanizer, later was promoted to shop foreman, and remained there until he joined the Sheriff's Department. Over the years Jack saw service in nearly every division and unit in the Department, but most of his career was in the Special Investiga­ tions Detail, beginning back when narcotics was developing into a major problem for law enforcement, and in the Detective Division. For several years prior to retirement he was the sergeant in charge of the Checks and Fraud Detail. Senior Criminolo­ gist Albert D. Flores wound up a 21-year career with the De­ partment on last Sep­ tember 23. He was appointed a deputy sheriff in 1956. He was born in Austin, New Mexico, but came to Fresno as a small child. He attended the Franklin Elementary School, Edison Junior High, and was graduated from 4Y~AlARMEX --­ Call. . . 237-8347 925 North Abby Street UL CENTRAL STATION SERVICES INSURANCE CREDITS INSTALLATION AND 24-HOUR SERVICE • Burglary • Holdup • Closed Circuit TV • Fire • Access Control • Industrial Process Bl:SI~ESS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 185 the old Fresno Technical High School in 1939. After joining the Sheriffs Department he attended Fresno City College, and was gradu­ ated and awarded an Associate of Arts Degree in 1969. He also took courses through the University of California at Davis, California State University at Long Beach, and various other institutions offering training In his specialty. Following normal tours of duty as jail officer, bailiff, and patrolman, Al was assigned to the Technical Services Section, where he spent the remainder of his career. In 1975 he was promoted to the newly created position of Senior Criminologist, where he supervised other criminologists in the technical search of crime scenes, and the collection, preservation, and analysis of physical evidence. Al assisted in the training of officers from several smaller departments in the county in the fundamentals of evidence collection and processing. He was instrumental in the devel­ opment of a revolutionary technique of finger­ print identification called the 10-1 system, THE CUSTOM POOL BUILDER License #259953 /~ AHNESO~.J ;~(?n!Sweep' 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE NO DOWN -FINANCING AVAILABLE PERSONAL SUPERVISION -BY OWNER Enjoy the Best of California Living in Your Own Back Yard! Residential Swimming Pools • Spa Pools Our Specialty Competitively Priced • Steel & Gunite Construction Ask About Our Conditional Lifetime Guarantee Locally Owned * Free Estimates. Can Collect or Toll Free 4303 E. CARMEN • FRESNO • 252-4696 whereby a latent print of a single finger can be classified in such a manner as to help locate and identify a suspect. He recently was successful in convincing the state Department of Justice that automation of the system would be practical, a project which is now underway. He was active in the International Association for Identification, and at the time of retirement held the post of Second Vice-President of the California State Division of that organization. Al was joined in retirement by his wife, Lou, who the same month completed a long career with the Pacific Telephone Company. They plan to do a lot of traveling, play some golf, and .+0 ~LIEWEB'S ELECTRONIC SPECIALTIES YOUR COMPLETE HOME & AUTO ENTERTAINMENT CENTER WE'RE HERE TO SERVE YOU! Ken Kliewer Sales & Service Telephone (209) 252-4458 4787 E. McKinley at Chestnut • Fresno BIANCHI'S JEWELERS ART CARVED DIAMOND RINGS SEIKO WATCHES CUSTOM DESIGNING SILVER PLATING Jim Bianchi __ 1776 W. Bullard Ave.• FresnoS 439-4191 CAU roRHlA. JEWEILRS ASIIOCLAnON • ~or LUNCH 11-2 COCKTAILS DINNER 6-10 P.M. DINING CEDAR & ASHLAN . FRESNO 186 will also devote a great deal of time and effort to activities of the International Association of Footprinters. Al has been active in that organ­ ization for many years, and presently is Inter­ national Vice President. Deputy George F. Madsen served the De­ partment for almost 23 years, from October 1, 1954 to August 1, 1977. His affiliation with county law enforce­ ment actually began several years ealier, when he was appointed as a part time deputy AATLAS TRUSS CO. 7020 E. Tollhouse Rd., Clovis 209/299-2152 DEAN INSULATION CO. Contractors Lie. #309581 RESIDENTIAL & APARTMENTS NEW CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BATT & BLOWN TYPE INSULATION Free Estimates (209) 227-6771 3295 W. SUSSEX WAY. FRESNO,CA 93711 * Custom SandwiChes * Imported & Domestic Beer & Wines * Cold Cuts • Cheeses * Gourmet Items * Complete Party Catering Front 01 Sunnyside Bowl 5691 E. Kings Canyon (209) 252-3338 Fresno, CA 93727 constable in Del Rey, in the Parlier Judicial District. George was born in Fowler, attended Bowles Elementary School, Fowler High School, and a trade school where he studied to be an auto­ motive electrician. He worked at that trade from 1938 until he entered the United States Army in 1941. He was in military service throughout World War II, and after discharge in 1945 he went into the trucking business. A year or so later he switched to the service station business, and he operated a station in Del Rey until he joined the Sheriffs Depart­ ment. Most of George's Department service was in the Jail Division. Before the creation of the Correctional Officer position a few years ago, the jail was the basic training academy for all new deputies. Nearly all of them began their careers there, and stayed only until vacancies in other divisions moved them along to bailiff. It therefore was of tremendous value to the Department to have an officer willing to remain in a jail assignment indefinitely. GUILDE HOMES VALLEY & MOUNTAIN CUSTOM HOMES FOR INFORMA TION CALL 233-0845 922 N. VAN NESS AVE. FRESNO 187 George's thorough knowledge of every phase of jail operational procedure, gained over years of experience, was invaluable in providing a stabilizing influence amidst constant turnover of personnel, and in giving to new officers their first taste of on-the-job training. George was the last regular deputy to work in the jail before it was completely staffed with Correctional Officers. He was transferred to the Patrol Division late in 1976, and served as Vehicle Maintenance and Equipment Officer until his retirement. Deputy James H. Martin began his re­ tirement in March of last year, after a 27­ year career in local law . enforcement. He was born in Wheatland, Montana, and attended school there and in several other states before his graduation COUNT UP ALL THE REASONS THEN .. . COUNT ON ;fines 1. Ambulance Service 2. Medical Supply-Purchase 3. Convalescent -Rental 4. Surgical 5. Specialist in Custom-Built Wheelchairs 6. Free In-Fresno Day Delivery­ Seven Days a Week 7. Fresno's Oldest and Most Complete Service 1201 N. FRESNO ST. -FRESNO, CA 93703 233-4136 188 from high school in Berkeley, California in 1938. For the next few years he worked as a printer for a Berkeley newspaper, and then was employed in shipyards in Richmond during World War II. After the war he worked for several years in oil fields in the Taft area, before moving to Reedley in 1948. In 1950 Jim joined the Reedley Police Department, where he served with integrity and distinction until February of 1957. He then became constable for the Reedley Judicial District. In 1973, when the constables and their deputies became a part of the Sheriff's Depart­ ment, Jim was appointed to the rank of sergeant, and assigned to the Patrol Division. For a few years he continued to serve the Reedley Justice Court and the surrounding area, performing much the same duties he had as a constable. In 1975, in a major re-organization of the Patrol Division, Jim was offered the assign­ ment as Supervising Sergeant for the South­ east Sector, comprising most of the Reedley Judicial District and all of the Dunlap Judicial ALBINO CONCRETE CO. INDUSTRIAL -COMMERCIAL Cement Work and Repairs Jim Stefani -State & City Licensed Contractors Lic. No. 285467 . 2040 W. Yale Ave. 266-1906 &Ail A SERVICE COMPANY \Condibonin9 . ;/Intelplilel INDUSTRIAL -COMMERCIAL -RESIDENTIAL SALES & SERVICE Repairs On All Makes & Models State Contractors License No. 3t9737. 435-2323 District. However, he preferred to remain in an assignment where his chief duties would be acting as bailiff in the justice court and serving civil processes. He therefore voluntarily re­ quested a reduction in rank, so he could complete his career doing a job he thoroughly enjoyed. As he explained his request, "I like what I'm doing; I like the people I work and come in contact with around the court; and I have just a couple of years to go before retire­ ment. Why should I take on an assignment I might not like?" Such keen insight into one's own inner feelings is rare and commendable. It's too bad there aren't more of us who under­ stand the real meaning of job satisfaction. ANOTHER ROOF BY 'W' "Fo' A Rool ....r•••~ Call Golden West" ALL TYPES OF ROOFING SPECIALIZING IN MONRAY ROOF TILE RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL Gelotex Triple-Sealed Asphalt Roofing JOE GUERRIERO • State Contractors Lic. No. 325147 6015 N. DEWEY AVE .• FRESNO. 431-8850 EDDIE'n JO'S Mobile Home Shows FEATURING ROYAL LANCER -KAUFMAN & BROAD FLEETWOOD -MARLETTE -FUQUA HOMES MODULINE HOMES NEW & USED SALES -BANK REPOSSESSIONS CONSIGNMENT & IN-PARK SALES REAL ESTATE TRADES ACCEPTED Free Set-Up & Delivery Within 100 Miles Of Fresno Papa Joe's Set-Up & Service -We Really Service What We Sell VA & BANK FINANCING MOBILE HOME INSURANCE AVAILABLE We WILL BUY YOUR HOME OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 431-3900 6750 N. BLACKSTONE AVE .• FRESNO CORNER OF HERNDON & BLACKSTONE 189 Account Clerk II I . Elma Mason may be somewhat astonished when she sees that her retirement has been re­ corded in these pages. , She is such a modest, quiet, unassuming per­ son that she may think her absence has not been noticed. Such is not the case, however, for her departure last June left a vacancy in the Accounting Section that has not been easily filled. Elma's career with the Department was in two segments. The first was from April 1956 to October 1957, when she worked as a typist clerk in the old Criminal Department. She resigned to assist her husband in his hardware business, and remained in that endeavor until 1964. In October of that year she returned to the Department, worked as a clerk in the Records and Identification Division for a few years, then transferred to the Civil Division. In CORNELL SECURITY CO. & PRIVATE INVESTIGATION 30 Years Law Enforcement Experience Confidential -Security Consultant CRIMINAL DEFENSE • CIVIL INSURANCE BACKGROUND & FINANCIAL MISSING PERSONS & RUNAWAYS License Nos. A-5455 & C·6189 Call 255-0370 790 W. SHAW -SUITE 215 or 5373 E. HUNTIN'GTON AVE. 1973 she was promoted to Account Clerk, and in 1976 to Account Clerk II. Elma was a rarity among Department personnel in that she is a native of Fresno. She attended Kirk Elementary School, Edison High School, and was graduated from Fresno High. After graduation she attended the old Fresno Junior College, taking business courses, then worked for several years in the office of the family business, Diebert Packing Company. Sergeant Robert L. Miller's years of law enforcement service-­ almost 24 of them-­ began on October 1, 1953, and ended on July 31, 1977. He was born in Fresno, attend­ ed Wolters Elementary School when it was a small rural school way out in the country west of Clovis, and was graduated from Clovis High School. From his father, who was a blacksmith, he learned to be a welder, and he worked at that trade for several years following graduation from high school. For a part of that time he worked for Fresno County as a welder at the County Shop. Bob began his Department career as a jail PAUL EVERT'S FASTEST GROWING RV DEALER IN FRESNO AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE .•. DEALER FOR • COUNTRY CAMPER • SUNDLAND • MIDLAND ·ODESSEYTOYOTA • MUSKEET TOYOTA • FLAIR • HIGHLAND • LA PALMA • KING OF THE ROAD 204 ABBY 486-1000 officer in the old jail annex, used then to house Fresno Police Department arrestees. From there he progressed to bailiff, then to the Patrol Division. After promotion to sergeant a few years later he returned to the Jail Division as a Watch Commander. He later was a field sergeant in the Patrol Division, served with distinction in the Detective Division where he became an ace robbery investigator, and at the time of retirement had been for a considerable period of time the sergeant in charge of the Special Investigations Detail. Throughout his career Bob . had a well­ deserved reputation for uncompromising in- THE BLUE FRONT COCKTAILS 1241 N. Blackstone 442·9799 Fresno FRESNO AG HARDWARE "You Can Always Get It At Fresno Ag" 4550 N. Blackstone at Gettysburg· 224-6441 AFM ALUMINUM AWNING CO. Awnings -Carports -Patios -Screen Enclosures Gulter -Aluminum Screens -Siding Since 1954 "MARTY" D. W. MARTIN -Owner 445 S. Argyle, #120 255-1125 FANCHER CREEK NURSERY INC. LANDSCAPE DESIGN. LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. WHOLESALE -RETAIL Member C.L.C.A. SI81e License No. 333695 307 N. Temperance Ave .• 252-1088 FOUR SEASONS POOL SERVICE SALES -SERVICE Factory Trained & Authorized by Pool Sweep FREE ESTIMA TES 431-5460 PILOT CAR SERVICE By FRESNO ESCORT B. E. Licensed Since 1957 (209) 229-1390 Radio Phone 237-1111 -Car 9755 Phil Kent. Fresno, CA • 22~1390 or 268-8758 190 tegrity, a highly developed sense of right and wrong, and a consistent attitude offairness and impartiality. He was an outspoken foe of the theory that criminals are poor, misguided souls who should be treated rather than punished; the exaggerated emphasis on the rights of the accused at the expense of victims of crimes and their rights; and all other forms of extreme liberalism so prevalent in most areas oftoday's criminal justice system. It may have been the frustration of trying to do an effective job in spite of such conflicting attitudes that brought about his decision to retire in the prime of his career. While he certainly earned the privilege of retiring early enough to enjoy many years of leisure, his leaving was tragic in a way. Law enforcement and the criminal justice system need more people like him. BROWNING-FERRIS INDUSTRIES OF CALIFORNIA, INC: WASTE SYSTEMS DIVISION We specialize in RESIDENTIAL. INDUSTRIAL. COMMERCIAL. INSTITUTIONAL Waste Problems 486-1551 FRESNO GRAPE STAKE YARD POSTS. GRAPE STAKES & PALINGS 237-3922 2838 S. ELM AVE. FRESNO • W. C. SCHMIDT TOOL AND DIE MAKER 776 N. BACKER 255-2386 CLARENCE KRAGH President LARRY KRAGH Vice-President KINCAID BUILDERS LES KINCAID CLN 326799 209/252-5173 237-9103 #5745 524 S. Clovis Ave. • Fresno, CA 93727 191 Deputy Robert J. Montague's career in law enforcement began in 1956 when he be­ came a part time dep­ uty constable in the Parlier Judicial Dis­ trict, where he served under Constable Ed Camino. A native of Parlier, he attended school there, and in 1941 joined the United States Army Air Force, where he was trained and served as an Aircraft Technician. He left the service in 1945 with the rank of sergeant, and for several years was in business for himself as a carpenter and painter. Before and during the time he was a deputy constable he was also a rural mail carrier in the Parlier area. The knowledge thus gained of the geography and demography of the area made him an extremely valuable source of informa­ tion and an asset to the Sheriff's Department even before he became a member of it. When the constable's departments were consolidated with the Sheriffs Department in 1973, Bob became a deputy sheriff. He served in the Patrol Division as a field officer, justice court bailiff, and for a time as Vehicle Maintenance and Equipment Officer, until his retirement on December 13, 1977. H & S CONCRETE CONCRETE CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL APARTMENTS Contractors License No. 289107 252-3358 2002 N. GATEWAY BLVD. • Suite 103 • FRESNO Deputy Aram Oh­ annesian joined the Department on Nov­ ember 1, 1955, and retired on August 12, 1977. He was born in Fresno, attended Cal­ wa Elementary School, Fowler High School, and Fresno State Col­ lege. He served in the Signal Corps of the United States Army in World War II, specializing in the then-new fields of radar and electronics. After discharge Aram worked several sum­ mers as a seasonal employee of the National Park Service in Yosemite, and in the winter worked in local department stores. For a few years immediately prior to joining the Sher­ iff's Department he was a full time Park Ranger in charge of one of the entrance stations. For most of his 22 years with the Department Aram followed a second career of operating his parents' farm southeast of Fresno. For that reason he usually worked the evening watch so he could devote many of his daylight hours to his agricultural activities. In both divisions C. Wayne Brown ~ (Uftom homef your new home should reflect your IIle style If you agree call 229-7678 2935 n. harrison fresno HARRY'S RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT & BAR SUPPLIES NEW & USED LIQUIDATORS & CLOSE-OUTS ON RESTAURANTS -GROCERY STORES -BARS RANGES. ICE MACHINES. FREEZERS WE DO OUR OWN PLUMBING AND REFRIGERATION 727 VAN NESS AVE. 268-0381 If No Answer Call 251-7995 192 where he spent most of his career, Jail and Patrol, his dedication, thoroughness, and ex­ ceptional ability and attitude became an inspiration to the officers who served with him. Many of the more capable patrol officers of today, as well as a few sergeants and detec­ tives, owe a great deal of the credit for their success to the on-the-job training Aram gave them early in their careers. To a more limited degree, Aram is still providing exemplary service to the people of Fresno County. After retirement he found he missed the patrol routine so much that he joined the Patrol Reserve Unit, and now spends several evenings per month voluntarily doing the same job for which he was paid for many years. ~ _. -~t1:) . Brown's Floral Shop -~~i(' When you think of Flowers _~ think of Brown's TELEPHONE 233-4473 909 WEST BELMONT AVE. GEORGE, DONNA FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93728 and THELMA P & R LIQUOR STORE Pete De Fendis & Ralph Leonardo 233-1083 1205 Fresno Street FRESNO INSULATION Fresno Residential & Commercial Building Specialists ACOUSTICAL -INSULATION ­PARTITIONS DRYWALL -MAR LITE DAVID P. LEWIS Conlraclor License No. 311848 201 Van Ness, Fresno 93721 • (209) 442-1540 SHAW-SIXTH SQUARE Jack J. Edwards, General Partner (209) 226-2732 5528 N. Palm, Suite 101 Fresno, California 93704 sadler office supply, inc. office furnishings & supplies Terry Sadler, President 435 W. Shaw Ave. 1721 Van 1'.less Fresno Fresno 224-6550 233-8342 Detective Walter R. Sechler was a mem ber of the Departmen t from July 1, 1955 to August 1, 1977. He was born in Boise City, Oklahoma, attended schools there, and in 1942 joined the United States Navy. He saw combat action in both World War II and the Korean War, and left the military service in 1953 with the rank of First Class Petty Officer. He then made his home in the Fresno area, and later that year joined the Selma Police Department, where he served until he joined the Sheriffs Department. CURRY BROS. DIESEL REPAIR COMPLETE TRUCK REPAIRS Engines -Trans -Differentials 6271 W. BULLARD AVE. 266-6551 LOUIS HACKETT PAINTING CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS LICENSE #291599 266-0089 3513 W. CLINTON FRESNO BOWEN'S RADIO SERVICE CB RADIO SALES & SERVICE Warranty Station for Johnson -Cobra Royce -RCA & President 3348 East Olive Avenue 264-2776 ART TRIO SIGNS 233-5733 4203 WEST ALAMOS • SUITE 10 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA X"tt e"Jlctete eOJltJttUctioJl eOlllpaJlJI CEMENT CONTRACTOR · Lie #265755 (209) 299·474\ CLARENCE KOLlMANSBERGER 8652 E SHAW Owner CLOVIS, CALIFORNIA 93612 193 Walt made the normal progression from jail to bailiff to patrol. After considerable experience in the field he was assigned as Desk Officer for quite some time. Later he served in the Coroner's Bureau, where his calmness and patience, and his innate courtesy and consider­ ation for the feelings of others helped many times to lessen the shock and ease the pain suffered by someone who had just learned of the death of a loved one. At the time of retirement Walt had been in the Detective Division for several years, spe­ cializing in livestock and related thefts and burglaries. In that capacity he worked closely with state brand inspectors and livestock investigators from other departments. So well respected was he in that association that officers from as far away as Bakersfield and Sacramento attended his retirement luncheon. Walt is an avid horseman, and was active in the Sheriff's Posse. He has a small ranch eastof Fresno, where he will devote much of his retirement time to tending a fine grove of almonds. HALL DISTRIBUTING CO. Distributor For BALDWIN FILTERS Oil -Fuel -Air -Water Lubricating Equipment 233-8434 2655 S. Cherry Ave. • Fresno Business Service Systems Investigations -Security Guard & Patrol Service 3-Way Commercial Radio For Guard &Auto Commercial-Agriculture -Residential Motels -Hotels -Building Sites -Special Events Body Guard & Escort Service (Uniformed or Plain Clothes) Well Trained & Supervised Male & Female Personnel (Bi-Lingual Capability) License HA 45431 &C 69601 Insured PL &PO 3003 N. Blackstone Ave. #2C 226-2955 Visalia Office 734-5668 Deputy David C. Swanson retired last August 31, culminat­ ing a career of more than 26 years in law enforcement. He was born in Duluth, Minn­ esota, and attended elementary school and two years of high school in Little Falls, Minn­ sota. Between his sophomore and junior years his family moved to Fresno, where he attended Fresno High and Roosevelt, and was gradu­ ated in 1942. Hejoined the United States Army in March of 1943, where he served until March of 1946. After discharge he was employed as a salesman for local firms, including Central Supply, Pacific Mill and Mine, and Watson and Meehan, until he joined the Department in January of 1951. Dave worked in the jail, as a bailiff, radio operator back in the days when that job was frequently handled by a regular officer, in patrol, then served in the Identification Bur­ eau, as the Technical Services Section was then KIRKMAN TRUCKING CO. AL KIRKMAN OWNER 439-4853 P.O. BOX 185 PINE'DALE CARSTEN CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO. TILT-UP CONSTRUCTION. PATIOS EXPOSED AGGREGATE SPECIALISTS LARGE POURS BOMANITE POURED-iN-PLACE CONCRETE HAS THE APPEARANCE OF BRiCK, COBBLESTONE OR TILE DOni DDCIJ OVER 50 COLORS AVAILABLE State Lic. #283953 • Free estimates. Bids Invited. Insured P.l. & p.o. 7434 N. SPYGLASS 299-0542 called, for several years. Later he was a detective in the Warrant and Fugitive Section of the Detective Division. He had been in that assignment for quite some time when he retired. Dave talked very little about himself, and we have had no contact with him since his retire­ ment. Therefore all the information we have is what few biographical facts we were able to glean from his personnel file. He will always be remembered, however, by those of us who worked with him, as a quiet, steady, depend­ able officer who always did his job, and did it well, without fanfare or complaint. COMMERCIAL -RESIDENTIAL Manual & Automatic Systems Landscaping & Design Service for the Do-It Yourselfer Stale Licensed Contractor No. 332481 John O'Loan. Owner 1069 W. Stuart Ave .• Fresno HOLLEY &SONS ELECTRIC Contractors License #209176 291-5552 3838 N. FINE AVE .• FRESNO ANDERS SECURITY SYSTEMS Serving Fresno -Madera & Tulare CO. RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL GUARD & PATROL SERVICE ARMED & UNARMED Serving Motels • Hotels • Hospitals • Apartments Construction • Industrial Licensed & Bonded ForYour Protection -StateLicenseHC-6967-1 24 HOUR SERVICE * REASONABLE RATES 1390 N. SAFFORD AVE .• FRESNO. 485-0796 194 Storeroom Super­ visor Robert F. Vaux retired effective Oc­ tober 31, after a some­ what brief but success­ ful career with the Department. Ten years before he had joined the Department as a Stock Clerk. The job showed a continual and steady increase in complexity andresponsibil­ ity during the next several years, and three times the position was re-classified: to Senior Stock Clerk in 1968; to Storekeeper in 1970; and finally to Storeroom Supervisor in 1976. An idea of the scope of his duties can be obtained from this memo accompanying the most recent request for an upward re-classifi­ cation: "The jail budget includes accounts totalling close to half a million dollars for items of supply and maintenance. Yet the jail command staff is traditionally composed of persons with an exclusively law enforcement background, with no training or experience in supply management, inventory control, pur- WUNSTELL'S AUTO PAINTING Guaranteed Custom Lacquer -Baked Enamel 4759 E. FLORADORA 252-3082 HENDRIX RESTAURANT Open 7 Days a Week 5 A.M. to 11 P.M. Breakfast -Lunch -Dinner Businessman's Lunch & Salad Bar -11 A.M. to 2 P.M. Dining 5 P.M. to 10 P.M. in Our New Intimate Dining Room Cocktails from 10 A.M. • 431-4051 Featuring Steak -Lobster -Prime Rib 431-4050 7031 N. Blackstone Ave. (Corner Blackstone & Herndon) 195 chasing, etc., all vital to the effective and economical operation of the facility. It is there­ fore very important that there be a qualified person to advise the command staff in handling those accounts; to exercise proper control in the use of items purchased; and to assist in planning and administering the overall bud­ get. The storekeeper is, in effect, the business manager of the jail." Bob was particularly well qualified to meet the demands of the job, because it was actually his second career. He'd been successful in the wholesale hardware business before joining the Department. Bob was born in Watertown, South Dakota, where he attended elementary and high school. Later he studied business administration at the University of South Dakota. In 1940 he entered the United States Army, and served in Aus­ tralia and the South Pacific throughout World War II. He was discharged in 1945 with the rank of First Lieutenant. He worked for the Thomson-Diggs Company out of Sacramento and Fresno, and the California Hardware Company out of Los Angeles before joining the Department in September of 1967. BONNER PACKING CO. 441-7400 64 N. FULTON FRESNO DUREN &SONS CONSTRUCTION CO. RESIDENTIAL Ken Duren -General Contractor • New Construction • Remodeling &Alterations • Additions 268-2325 6688 S. CHERRY AVE. FRESNO CLOVIS MADERA PAVING GUY CARMICHEAL -Owner Contractors License No. 306211 291-3937 7612 E. SHIELDS AVE. FRESNO CAL-STATE AERIAL Custom Aerial Photography -Ranches -Industrial Commercial -Infra-Red 227-1856 548 W. Acacia BELMONT FARMS. RANCH FRESH MILK 255-6521 6550 E. BELMONT CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. B & L PAINTING RESIDENTIAL SPECIALISTS Insured PL & PD -Free Estimates State Contractors Lic. No. 317855 3067 E. Vartikian Ave. 298-8379 BOB BRIGGS & SON Catering & Janitorial Service 237-4720 1230 MARTIN AVE. FRESNO A & B WAlLCOVERING,INC. SPECIALIZING IN THE APPLICATION OF FINE WALLCOVERINGS COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL. REMODELING Slale License #283045 3518 N. WOLTERS, FRESNO 266-5254 D & H BUILDERS State License No. 323669 . Vedo DeMarini -Lee Henley 233-3722 4702 N. BENDEL • FRESNO Chevron SHAWANO 99 CHEVRON SERVICE ~ WHEEL ALIGNMENTIIIijIII 264-8008 5270 W. SHAW AVE. FRESNO BEST WISHES FROM JAMES TEORE DAI RY 264-1823 3495 So. Blythe Ave. Fresno License No. 113061 1505 N. CHESTNUT AVE. 251-0301 Come to where the friendly people are. ~....... y' .\/" 1 ,) '1';11 ' rc ' l.>'1)(~D 1J. ..~. . . ­.. Hd "~;.j1 JL... . ~~ ~lf /~rd 1.~rJ1:~W"u'[ ·" .r<I ~,,;-.: J / I . .~ '.j.l .'" 'J , ' " ~ ~ t· J ~, ( .! ~ \ , . • ,'.' / ~ \:." .... ' ~ _._/ . ---------.­ fig Garden GolfCourse and LOMBARDO GOLF AND SPORTSWEAR 7700 N. VAN NESS • FRESNO • (209) 439-2928 TOWING ABC TOWING SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE (SE HABLA ESPANOL) AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS LOCAL & HIGHWAY I Motorcycle Towing -American & Foreign Cars Insurance Towing -Storage Available RADIO DISPATCHED 266-0357 OR 266-3178 1939 E. HOME • FRESNO 196 R. BRIDGES Armed & Unarmed Uniformed Private Officers For Nightclubs Conventions STATE L1C. #C 5790 INSURED PL & PO Uniformed Field Reserve Division Unit PHIL CARTER Captain P. SULLIVAN Lieutenant J. TOLLE Lieutenant D. ALAN REECE Sergeant E. BERGTHOLD R. BROWN M. GOSTANIAN L. HAMADA J. HANCOCK Alanis PATROL SERVICE Strikes Construction Sites Stores -Warehouses Parties Shopping Centers Etc. GUARDS 24-HR. SERVICE 439-3957 Owned & Operated By Jesus Alanis 6132 N. SPALDING AVE. FRESNO 197 RESERVE DIVISION N. D. HODGES N.KEEP L. A. KILBERT J . MUDRA R. ORTIZ J . L. REDGWICK O. ROLAND J. A. RUSTIGAN A.SALAS R. SILVAS SI.RRA PRINTING II: LITBOGRAPH CO. LITHOGRAPHERS TYPE -ART -LA YOUT -PRESS -BINDERY (Complete in our Shop) SI'ECIALIZING IN COLOR CATALOGS BUSINESS FORMS MAGAZINES CERTIFICATES BROCHURES WEDDING BOOKS ANNOUNCEMENTS TAGS SALES PROMOTIONAL ADVERTISING RUBBER STAMPS -STENCILS NAME AND DOOR PLATES /233-8301 / FRESNO WEST McKINLEY GROCERY Ed Aoki 11499 West McKinley Phone 846-8341 Fresno, California 93711 Kerman BALDWIN COMPANY Heating -Air Conditioning -Refrigeration JERRY BALDWIN 2046 East Home Ave. Fresno 268-9261 UNCLE TOM'S LIQUOR STORE Fishing -Hunting Equipment & Licenses 3089 Tulare St. 264-3908 BEDROSIAN TILE & BUILDING SUPPLY 226-2680 1939 E. Holland Ave., Fresno 198 RESERVE DIVISION R. K. THOMPSON R. WATT SCHULTZ AUTO BODY & FENDER WORKS Since 1906 Complete Automobile Reconstruction 1436 N. Blackstone, Fresno 233-3169 Compliments Of JOHN GARABEDIAN & RICHARD PETERS Fresno J & L APPLIANCE Contractors License No. 304206 Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Sales & Service 251-6734 Caldwell Concrete Construction Orville Caldwell, Owner 255-5733 or call 233-1261 -Car 180 Fresno HENLEY & KRAMER INC. Building Contractors 251-7075 5376 E. Grant Fresno HAYDEN'S BODY & FIBERGLASS WORK 264-1800 2008 E. WEBSTER AVE .• FRESNO 199 BILL EADS MOBILE HOMES WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL N. BLACKSTONE LOT SPECIALIZING IN NEW MOBILE HOMES ~iIt?et"cre,\ ~ FLEETWOOD' SKYUNE ......,.... HIllCREST WI TAKI TRADE-INS -OPEN 7 DAYS ­ 1700 N. BLACKSTONE AVE. 1431-30001 S. ELM AVE. LOT SPECIALIZING IN USED MOBILE HOMES LOW COST NEW HOMES MOBILE HOMES SET UP IN PARKS BANK REPOSSESSIONS BANK AND VA FINANCING -OPEN 7 DAYS­ 2259 S. ELM AVE. 1237-08161 FREE DELIVERY & SET-UP WITHIN 100 MILES OF FRESNO Autohaus FresTI'o * Over 17 Years Experience * Factory Trained Mechanic on Porsche -Audi & VW * German Craftsman * Custom Engine Installations Overhauls -Transmission Repair * Wheel Alignment & Brakes* Air Conditioning Repairs and Service * Free Safety Inspection With Any Repair Owner: Ulrich Buelow 226-6631 2507 N. BLACKSTONE AVE. (One Block North of Clinton In Black.tone Squere) Victim No Arrest The Criminal Injustice System POST RELEASE 1. Many transitional pro-: grams available. 2. Personal loans avail· able 3. Large percentage con tinue life of crime. , . Otten unsatisfied with results of criminal jus­ tice system. !2. May fear retaliation. ,3. Continues lite with tear, damages. Injuries traumas. 14. Is expected to contin­ ue to support a systen that treated them with less respect than tor th offender. PRE-TRIAL 1. Provided room and board. 2. Provided books. TV and recreation. 3. Medical facilities avail­ able. 4. Drug and alcohol counseling available. 5. Other counseling available (job. psyCho­ logical) . 1. Responsible tor own transportation to Dis­ trict Attorney and Police. 2. Misses work. 3. Rece;"es little infor­ mation on case pro­ gress. TRIAL 1. Provided with State appointed attorney. 2. Can plea bargain. 3. Can change venue. 4. Can delay trial. 5. Can in"oke Fifth Amendment. 6. Can mo"e to suppress evidence. 7. May be acquitted by reason at insanity. 8. In only 3'11> 01 an com­ mitted crimes is an offender convicted. 9. Can appeal. , . Pro"jdes own trans­ portation and parking costs. 2. Pays own babysitting or other costs 3. Must recount criminal incident. 4. Subject to cross-ex­ ammation. 5. The "victim's attorney" represents the State (general public) not the individual victim 6. Victim has no right to appeal verdict. 7. No victim waiting room. 8. Paid 55 a day for their time in court. 9. Treated like a piece of evidence. SENTENCING , . A presentence study is conducted to aid judge in sentencing. 2. Alternatives to incar­ ceration are numerous. 1. Has no "oiee in court decisions. pleas, pre­ sentence or sen­ tencing. 2. Usually are nol noti­ fied or present at time at sentencing. SENTENCE 1. Provided room and board. 2. Access to medical and psychological treat­ ment. 3. Opportunity to im­ prove education. 4. Oppol1unity to d&­ velop job skills. 5. Can participate in work release and other mini­ mum security programs. 6. Numerous rehabilitation programs. 7. Eligible lor early parole. B. Good lime credil available. OFFENSE If Not Arrested (80'10) Assumed to Continue Life ofCnme E) Has A Choice I\) a a Haslaw Abiding NoCitizen Choice ARREST Must be informed of rights. 2. Receives Immediate medical attention if injured while commit­ ling crime or during arrest. 3. Provided an attorney i not able to aHord one. 4. May be released on bailor own recogni­ zance. Pays own medical bills. Pays own ambulance. Responsible for re­ placing own property losses. 4. Responsible for own phYSIcal, menial or economic problems re­ sulting tram the crime. S. ASSists officer and Criminal justice system in reporting crime, identifying suspects. prosecuting cases. etc 6. Generally not in­ formed of investigation progress.____-' This is the story of one particular aspect of police cn:minal photo­ graphy and how it evolved. Admittedly it is a spotty and incomplete chronicle, but perhaps it will generate more research on this little­ known subject. We are not concerned here with the specifics of how police identification methods evolved-the branding and mutilation of colonial times through modern fingerprinting techm:ques-nor will we go into other phases ofcriminal photography. Our interest here is with the systematic collection of criminal portraits for identification purposes which since at least the 1850s has been referred to as ... The Rogue's Gallery by William B. Secrest Vidocq was his name and he was a thief, jailbird and scoundrel. He was also the world's first police detective whose achievements daz­ zled the likes of Balzac, Dumas, and Victor Hugo. Tradition has him the prototype for both Jean Valjean and his nemesis, Javert, in Hugo's us Miserables. In Napoleon's day he was the proverbial legend in his own time and even if we believe only half of his self-recorded adventures, he was a remarkable man. Francois-Eugene Vidocq was born in Arras, France, about 1775. He turned to crime during an adventurous youth and served several terms in the galleys. After a criminal career of some years he offered his services to the Paris police in 1809 and through his knowledge of criminal behavior and methods, was extremely success­ ful as an undercover operative. Vidocq was soon placed in charge of the Surete, a group of detective police engaged primarily in investigative work. Employing other criminals in his strike force, Vidocq achieved an unparalleled record of arrests and made the streets of Paris safer than they had been for a long time. This was the initial appearance of one of the most glamorous and dramatic figures in his­ tory-the detective. From Poe's Dupin to Thomas Byrnes and Sherlock Holmes; from the Pinkertons to Philip Marlowe-all had their inception in the facile mind of a master criminal turned lawman-Vidocq. But even more important than the idea of the detective were the innovations inspired by this new police organization. Besides maintaining undercover operatives in prison, utilizing the JUBIL FARMS, INC. CANTUA CREEK, CALIFORNIA 201 art of disguise and developing dossiers and records of criminals and their techniques, Vidocq began collecting descriptive drawings of noted criminals for future reference. In all probability this was the world's first police mug book-a collection of lawbreakers some­ day to be known as a "Rogue's Gallery." Vidocq's methods became widely known, even in his own time, but particularly after the publication of his memoirs in 1828. Besides inspiring notable French writers of his time, Vidocq was said to have been the inspiration for the detective novels of Edgar Allen Poe. England established its own metropolitan police in 1829, and its detective unit, Scotland Yard, in 1842. One of the earliest printed references to the new plainclothes officers was in an English journal which referred to the new "detective police." By 1846 the Boston police force had a three man detective group. Photography was invented in 1839 and its practical applications other than as an art form were quickly recognized. It was reported in FRANS' MARKET COMPLETE GROCERIES Liquor Fresh Meats and Produce 7064 E. Belmont at Temperance 255-2913 Authorized Distributor •_.~~American Steam Cleaning High Pressure Washers SALES -SERVICE PARTS -RENTALS CHEMICALS & ACCESSORIE:S NEW & USED EQUIPMENT AMERICAN STEAMWAY 'INC. 233-2281 FRESNO 93711 Francois Eugene Vidocq, the great French de­ tective who pioneered so many scientific police methods and who originated the rogue's gallery concept of criminal identification. Author's col­ lection. MYREL HOBBS ROOFING RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Contractors License #333343 298-8101 7689 N. LEONARD AVE. FRESNO I FRIGID FOOD LOCKERS Freezer Meats & Freezer Storage 264-4430 3003 E. Tu·lare • Fresno ACE KIDWELL AVIATION SALES & SERVICE Thrush Commander ­Air Tractor -Roote Pumps Transland -Agrinautics -Cal-Mil Plastics -Exon Products 4995 E. Anderson Ave. (Fresno Air Terminal) 251-9494 or 251-1889 BEST-WEIGH SCALE CO. 255-2592 1242 N. SIERRA VISTA. FRESNO 202 France that same year that a Daguerreotype was introduced as evidence in a divorce case when a h~sband succeeded in photographing his errant wife during a tryst. Even more important, a German newspaper reported the following in November of 1841: "The Paris Police now have Daguerreo­ types of all of the features of the criminals passing through its hands and attaches these portraits to the respective reports. When set free and suspected of a new crime, the portrait is shown to all police officers who soon seek out their man. Daguerre certainly never dreamed that his art would be used for such a purpose." In the early 1840s criminals were also reported as being photographed by the police in both Belgium and England. This new identification device was quickly conveyed to the United States as evidenced by an article in the 'Philadelphia Public Ledger in November of 1841: FRITZ CAMPBELL LANSCAPING & DESIGN State Lie. '3t3699 ESTIMA TES GLADLY GIVEN 439-5440 ATEK CONSTRUCTION CO. JIM TEKANOFF Residential -Commercial -Remodeling CUSTOM BUILDING ON YOUR LOT OR MINE State Contractors License No. 286604 268-7257 2751 N. Polk Ave .• Fresno FRESNO MERCHANTS PATROL 485-8823 4161 W. McKINLEY AVE. FRESNO KIOUS ELECTRIC INC. Contractors License No. 307646 252-3779 1899 N. Helm Ave .• Fresno Captain Isaiah W. Lees, the famed San Francisco police detective who is often credited with originat­ ing the rogue's gallery system of police identifica­ tion. Author's collection. Custom Radiator & Air Conditioning Service Sales -Service -Repair Fast -Dependable Ernie Ruiz -Owner 486-5656 Corner of Clark and Home 2048 E. Home JACOB ARNBRISTERS WELDING SERVICES ., "~-........ II:\ SHOP and PORTABLE General Welding & Manufacturing Repairs & Maintenance Custom Building & Fabricating i' Industrial Plant or Field Maintenance Construction -Commercial -Residential Emergency Field Repairs 442-1075 6916 N. MOTEL DR. (At Herndon) • FRESNO 203 "Daguerreotyping Criminals When a discovery has been made in science, there is no telling at the time to what useful purpose it may afterwards be applied. The beautiful process invented by Daguerre of painting with sunbeams has been recently applied to aid the police in suppressing crime. When any suspicious person or criminal is arrested in France, the officers have him immediately Da­ guerreotyped and he likewise is placed in the criminal cabinet for future reference. The rogues, to defeat this object, resort to contortions of the visage and the horrible grimaces." Despite this early use, police photography was utilized only sporadically and in a few scattered cities across Europe. It was to remain something of a novelty for many years before the exchange of police daguerreotypes and the practicality of such records were fully ac­ cepted. Still, a Marseilles photographer named Dodero was pasting portraits on visiting cards in 1851 and predicting that someday both signatures and photographs would be required for identification. Just when criminal photography was intro­ duced in this country is difficult to establish. Investigation seems to indicate that widely separated police departments were experi­ menting with the new system at about the same ~ time. Again, the custom seems to initially have been on a trial basis with criminals being photographed by a local photographer when­ ever the police budget allowed. JOHN BROWN SIGNS REAL ESTATE SIGNS MAGNETIC SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING/DECALS CUT-OUT LETTERS (PLEX/wOOD) STRIPING 264-1370 3362 E. BELMONT FRESNO Certainly the St. Louis Police Department was one of the first to adopt the new system. The Missouri Historical Society has a collec­ tion of approximately 200 tintypes and ambro­ types donated by the St. Louis police, the earliest print being dated 1857. If indeed the collection is made up entirely of "ambrotypes and tintypes" as reported, this helps to estab­ lish a date since ambrotypes were first intro­ duced in this country in 1854. Traditionally the system had been adopted by the St. Louis police earlier, in 1851, and a large frame which housed the collection was labeled with an even earlier date of 1843. But this seems unlikely. In any case it seems likely that the St. Louis police were Rogue's Gallery pioneers in this country. Allen Pinkerton was employed as Chicago's first detective in 1850 and is often given credit for establishing the Rogue's Gallery system in this country. His biographer's date of "about 1857" makes this also highly unlikely. A better claim for the honor can be made for a young San Francisco police detective named Isaiah Aluminum Screen & Door Co. GLASS. PATIOS. AWNINGS. DOOR CANOPIES SLIDING WINDOWS & DOORS. SCREENS & DOORS CUSTOM MANUFACTURING -SALES & SERVICE 2333 E. McKINLEY Fresno, CA 93703 RON KLAUS, Prop. 264-0615 B & C TRIM SHOP Custom Work -Auto & Boats -Furniture Upholstery Ida Jensen Floyd Oller Phone 251-0171 4636 E. Kings Canyon • Fresno, CA 93702 COMMERCIAL AUTO BODY COMPLETE BODY & FENDER WORK FOREIGN & DOMESTIC CARS. PAINTING COLOR MATCHING. INSURANCE WORK 745 S. ORANGE AVE., FRESNO 485-4401 HOLIDAY POOLS, IINC. CONTRACTORS LICENSE #274623 291-5571 4961 E. DAKOTA AVENUE FRESNO 204 W. Lees. Not only was he the first detective in the far west, but he was one of the most re­ markable officers in police history. Born in England in 1830, Lees came to this country as a child and travelled west with the gold rush of 1849. He joined the San Francisco police force in October of 1853 and within three weeks was appointed the department's first Assistant Captain of Detectives. Being a voracious reader, Lees might have gotten his ideas for a Rogue's Gallery and other scientific methods from reading the Vidocq memoirs. An article in the Alta on April 20, 1852, however, suggests his ideas originated more closely to home: "A GOOD IDEA-Capt. George W. Cas­ serly of the Police Department has pro­ vided a machine ... to take the height of all noted characters coming under his superintendence, and has also provided a . well-bound book in which will he kept an exact description of the persons ... neces­ sary to watch ... Our City Fathers should COUNTRY COUSIN MARKET Open 7 a.m . to 10 p.m. 7 Days a Week -365 Days a Year 4590 E. Olive 251·5191 RASMUSSEN AUTO REPAIR COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 1023 N. Maple Avenue Fresno Ph. 251·0669 WECO OXYGEN Chris Sorensen Home of Metal Sculpture Specialties 268·0161 241 Van Ness Avenue, Fresno BET-R-ROOFS Bank Terms -Licensed -Insured ROOFING -SIDING -WATERPROOFING Free Eslimates 3188 W . Belmont 237-2042 make an appropriation for a daguerrian artist to take the likeness of the most noted of those who find their way to a prison cell. The cost would be trifling, while the results might prove highly beneficial." The author of this paragraph is lost to history and Captain Casserly apparently left the police force before Lees enlisted. Whatever his in­ spiration, it seems clear that Lees established his own Rogue's Gallery in San Francisco, traditionally about 1854. In the 1850s the city was hard-pressed to come up with municipal salaries, much less the cost of photographing criminals, so Lees had it done himself. "The pictures," wrote George Blum, a city police photographer of 1901, "were mounted in leather books, five to six hundred per book. Supplementing photo albums were record books with brief criminal histories and de­ scriptions of criminals." Reportedly the young officer paid $5.00 each for his early collection of daguerreotypes-the total cost of this and other records eventually totalling an estimated $2500. The earliest reference to actual police photo­ graphy discovered to date was in the Alta during the summer of 1857. When a number of young thugs were rounded up and placed on exhibition in Portsmouth Square, Police Chief Curtis told an assembled crowd to watch out for them. Later the group was photographed. "It would be well for hotel keepers and lodging house men to have copies of the daguerreotypes," noted the Alta, " ... so that they may know who they are harboring in their house ... " NEWEST -MOST EXCITING PERSONALIZEO UNE Of CUSTOM MADE TlIOPHIES & PLAQUES WITH YOUR • SCHOOL CREST -fOR SCHOLASTIC • SCHOOL MASCOT -fOR SPORTS • CLU8 OR COMPANY EM8LEMS • SPORT & SCHOLASTIC SCENES 205 Other verification of Lees' early work was made by Sergeant Arnop Bainbridge, who headed the Criminal Identification Bureau of the San Francisco police in 1900. When he retired that same year, a rumor was circulated that Lees had taken his Rogue's Gallery photos with him. Thi~ was denied by both Lees and the department. "All our records from 1860 to the present are here," stated Bainbridge at the time. "All that Chief Lees took away was his private collection of daguerroetypes and ambrotypes taken in the early days ... and we have copies of all of these. These pictures were taken prior to 1860 .. . " George Blum wrote that Lees' system had been discontinued for some reason in 1859, and this seems to be correct. Beginning in 1861 mug shots were again being taken and pasted in leather books approximately five by ten inches in size. They were numbered on the spine and were apparently made for the purpose. The trimmed photos were 2% by 3 inches in size and like all mug shots of the TURPIN'S FURNITURE -INTERIORS 1028 North Fulton 233-4201 J. D. CANADAY INC. Manufacturers of Plastic Pipe 485-8235 2812 S. Orange Ave.• Fresno I & M IRRIGATION CO. Specializing in Drip Design Installation & Service For Free Estimates Call JOHN MECCA S077 W. DAKOTA 224-8303 EASTSIDE HAY RANCH TONY ROCHA OWNER 291-3721 6351 E. CLINTON AVE. • FRESNO II period were not uniformly lighted and were front views only. Obviously the department was now paying for the photos-new photo­ graphic techniques making the cost much more nominal. In 1881 private photographers were still performing this important function for the police in San Francisco. When Lees captured the noted burglar Jimmy Hope, the Bulletin noted that "Yesterday Officer Smith took Hope, the burglar, to the photographer for insertion in the rogue's gallery which already contains over 9,000 names." Meanwhile other cities throughout the coun­ try had taken note of the new system, although adoption was slow and scattered. As previously mentioned, Doderer, the Marseilles photo­ grapher, had recognized the plausibility of photographs as identification in 1851 and as early as 1856 an American girl was matri­ monially advertising in a newspaper and requesting prospective suitors to forward their daguerreotype likenesses to her address. Such IRELAND MANUFACTURING CO. Specializing in Clear Plastic Sheets Plexiglass Cut to Any Size 2376 Railroad Ave. 233-1857 CENTRAL-CAL WATER HEATER'CO. 439-7478 657 W. Sierra Fresno ALERT PLUMBING CONTRACTORS LICENSE #336062 BOB HOSKINS DAVE WARD 439-1560 7094 N. HARRISON AVE.• PINEDALE Commercial Electro Plating Since 1955 PLATING Industrial -Commercial -Product.ion -Line 264-3535 If No Answer Call 264-0576 1937 S. Cherry Avenue 206 Inspector Thomas Byrnes supervising the rogue's gallery portrait of. an objecting subject as depicted in his book. Author's collection. G & P DRILLING SERVICE Contractors License No. 324545 Backhoe -Ditching -Trenching Excavating -Sewer Hookups Roy Goodman, Owner-Operator 3203 E. Ashls" Ave. 227-7434 BIG B MARKET Phone 264-4865 6201 W. Bowles Ave. Raisin City CHRISTENSEN TILE CO. Contractors State License #256712 486-5233 FRESNO w. S. EMERIAN TRUCKING GENERAL COMMODITIES -STATEWIDE 485-9520 2693 S. CHESTNUT FRESNO Caesar's Italian Delicatessen Pete D. Antonino The Finest in Imported and Domestic Foods We Cater to Parties -Open 7 Days 9 to 7 (Sundays to 5) 4794 N. Blackstone, Fresno 226-5646 CARPETERIA 227-3587 4146 N. BLACKSTONE FRESNO COMMERCIAL BODY SALES & MFG. CO., INC. ALL TYPES BEVERAGE BODIES CUSTOM TRUCK BODIES 2680 S. ORANGE AVE. 266-0836 GLOBE ELECTRIC CO. KOCH AVAKIAN CONTRACTORS LICENSE 1195651 224-0690 551 E. BROWN AVE. FRESNO 207 I use was also being used by the police-prob­ ably before Rogue's Galleries as such were even established. Ballou's magazine for March 1855 carried the following brief item: "The Buffalo police sent on lately a de­ scription of a rogue named Lewis Fredel, with a daguerreotype likeness of him to aid in his detection." Apparently it wasn't until sometime in 1858 that the New York City police established their Rogue's Gallery at a station house on the corner of Grand and Crosby Streets. Several impor­ tant developments had by this time taken place. First, instead of keeping their mug shots in books, the New York police displayed them in a room-framed and hung within cabinets with glass doors. Some 450 photos were on display, wit h reformed criminal's likenesses turned to the wall. Second, the photographer was a police officer named Van Buren who operated his department with "some skill." Third, the display was named and referred to at this time as "The Rogue's Gallery." An article in the American Journal of Photo­ graphy in August of 1859 describes the "gallery" and is one of the first printed refer­ ences to this title. Eventually all police mug books were being referred to as Rogue's Galleries. Adoption of the Rogue's Gallery system in this country was slow and unorganized despite the success of Lees and other pioneer officers. The Boston police gallery was initiated in 1862, JOHN TUTELIAN Fresno 19 20 21 JOHN aLAII£. -. ~'. , ..-1 I ..... I dl" 22 23 24 A page from Thomas Byrnes' book, Professional Criminals of America, published in 1886, which reproduced the first rogue's gallery collection for public use. Author's collection. PAPAGNI'S SERVICE TUNE-UPS -BRAKES & MINOR REPAIRS 268-4666 1254 W. Clinton Ave. Fresno Compliments of a Friend o & N AUTO SERVICE . t!1i[lt,g PRODUCTS I BILL NAMBA -Owner ­ ~2 N. FRUIT 225-4024 208 Pages from the old San Francisco police mug books of the 1890s. The men in the lower left and top right corners are notorious international · forgers and SWindlers captured by Captain Lees. Courtesy Special Collections, CSUF Library. KARLO'S Cocktails Cedar & McKinley HOWARD GATTIE CHEVRON SERVICE STATION FUll SERVICE BRAKE SERVICE MINOR REPAIRS Phone 255-2435 5596 E. Kings Canyon Rd. at Clovis Ave. Compliments Of GEORGE TAVA'RES DAIRY 264-4191 3035 So. Blythe Avenue Fresno BERSON FRYE &CO. COTTON 3449 W. Franklin, Fresno 485-5011 209 Cleveland in 1867, Chicago and Denver in the mid-1870s, while Cheyenne began collecting their mug photos in the early 1920s. Los Angeles apparently doesn't even know when their gallery was begun. New York pioneered the establishment of internal police photographic laboratories and by 1874 Paris police had their own faciiities, also. San Franeisco was still using private photographers in the 1880s, while Berlin was doing the same as la.te as 1890. The scattered and haphazard use of the system made any standardization of method virtually impossible and it was a long time before comparisons of technique were made among police. Lighting, distance from camera and other necessary standardizations were unheard of for many years, but as early as 1872 a French lecturer in anthropobgy was advo­ cating both full-face and profile portraits when taking identification photographs. Another pioneer made some specific recom­ mendations during the early 18708. Writing in The British Journal Photographic Almanac, O. J. Rejlander suggested the following cri­ teria for consideration: "The profile, like the voice, remains the longest unchanged, and therefore a profile must be taken. Besides, a person engaged in watching another more frequently takes occasion to observe those who pass by him than those who may be placed full face toward him. "In the profile the ears are the most certain point of identification, for there is a li I 638 -3413 WATla 'l.UG 'IS. 638-3831 QUICK·SlT THOIITI REEDLEY IRRIGATION PIPE COMPANY C')NCRETE AND PLA<;T IC IRRIGAT ION Pl rE ':>ErTIC TAN KS --IRRIGATION APPllANC~S P. 0 BOX 592 JIM JOHNSON REEDLEY. CALIF . 93654 a greater diversity in the shape of the ear than in any other part of the head." An early identification variation was to place a mirror next to the face so that both a full face and profile could be obtained at the same time. Since this method resulted in the mirror image being slightly smaller than the full face, it was discarded. In 1879 one Alphonse Bertillon, who was later to head the identification department of the Paris police, introduced a new method of criminal identification that was to be nearly as long in adoption as the purely photographic system. Bertillon's method combined anthro­ pometric measurements along with standard­ ized front and profile photography to more fully perfect the identification and classifica­ tion of criminals. The Bertillon method was first introduced in the United States in 1887 and adopted by the International Association of Chiefs of Police in 1896. Bertillon's methods were really a refinement and extension of the Rogue's Gallery system and so won't be dealt with in this history. About 1904 fingerprinting came into vogue and has remained as a steady, principal means of identification up to the present time. For men concerned with sleuthing and record-keeping, the detectives have made a poor showing in handing down the origins of the Rogue's Gallery to future generations. Some years ago when the New York Police Department needed space, a large quantity of their old Rogue's Gallery negatives was hauled out to sea and dumped by a garbage scow. Just within the last ten years the old San Francisco police mug books were discovered being torn up and sold, page by page, by an antique dealer. Although many were lost, a university librarian was able to buy up the remaining books for his Special Collections and save them for posterity. These were the same books that had been suspended in sacks tied to the underside of manhole covers to save them from the great earthquake and fire of 1906. IRA INVESTMENT PROPERTIES HAROLD PARKER RESIDENTIAL & TAX SHELTER INVESTMENT REALTORS 5151 N. Palm Ave. 229-8565 BELMONT NURSERY Wholesale 255-6645 7730 E. BELMONT FRESNO JERRY'S CARPETS Quality Carpeting at Affordable Prices FREE ESTIMATES JERRY STOCKDALE, Owner 3035 E. Ashlan, Fresno, CA 93726 224-6860 HOLCOMB & SON, INC. ENGINES & ,ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT DEEP WELL DEVELOPING Cal. Contr. Lie. No. 243928 ­Class 57 & 61 P.O. Box 9186 • 1420 N. Hughes • Fresno, CA (209) 237-0869 SAM ALEXANDER REFRIGERATION 1939 So. Van Ness 268-6183 BLOSSER'S SPORTS EQUIPMENT CO. Athletic Equipment Specialists 1728 Van Ness Ave. 485-5400 BOSSA'S LIQUOR STORE 237-0697 3348 E. Butler Ave. Fresno BRUCE'S BARBER SHOP Personalized Barbering 2736 Divisadero, Plaza Shopping Center, Fresno CENTRAL FISH CO. Fish • Groceries. Poultry 1507 Kern 237-2049 C & L INSURANCE General Insurance ­Bonds 245 E. Clinton at Palm 226-7242 DICK'S SUPPLIES Plumbing & Farm Supplies-Building Materials-Wire & Steel Products Corner 0 &Ventura, Fresno • 264-2951 EASTON DRUG CO. 264-2965 5796 So. Elm Ave. 210 Happily other police departments have been more history-conscious. The early St. Louis mug shots have been preserved as previously noted and undoubtedly other records around the country have been preserved. When the Cleveland Police Department cleaned out its early files they were very much aware of the material's value. They had re­ tained all their early mug shots dating from the first in 1867, to photograph No. 2942 which was made by their own police photographer on October 14, 1894. Research on the origins of the Rogue's Gallery has been as scattered and scanty as the beginnings of the system itself. Perhaps this article will be the fuse which ignites further research and hopefully one day a book will be done on this most fascinating subject which has contributed so much to combating crime. O. K. PRODUCE 268-7031 1502 G Street, Fresno EDDIE'S PASTRY SHOP We Specialize in Birthday, Wedding and Party Cakes Mancester Center 229-8589 FAMILY PHARMACY 4222 E. Butler • 233-7180 1319 E. Shields • 229-8577 G & A LIQUOR 442-9735 1438 Ventura, Fresno GARDNER EQUIPMENT CO. 875-4058 1601 Cherry Ave . • Sanger J & J SERVICE Groceries -Meats -TV -Appliances 9010 So. Elm 834-5034 JOHNNIE'S MARKET & CAFE 237-41'38 3292 N. Weber LARRY'S AUTOMOTIVE Engines & Engine Parts -Wholesale & Retail 81 E. Pinedale St., Pinedale 439-0543 RONNIE'S MIDWAY MARKET 7091 North Blackstone 439-2509 Compliments of Swimming Pool Equipment Distributors Don Madsen 1349 N. Abby Fresno MARINI GROCERY Groceries * Beer * Meat * Produce 1304 W. Jensen 237-2219 DAIRY BELLE FREEZE Chicken Dinners -Shrimp Dinners -Burgers Shakes -Food To Go -Cones 1311 W. Clinton Ave. Ray & Ethel Reynold 266-3245 FRESNO MUFFLER SERVICE Mufflers -Exhaust Pipes -Tail Pipes -Shock Absorbers ­ Mas. Yamamoto. Owner 2115 "H" St., Fresno 266-7076 RED TRIANGLE OIL CO. 2809 S. Chestnut, Fresno 485-4320 Jerry's Installation Service Draperies & Shutters 222-5905 2835 E. Gettysburg Fresno, CA Compliments of B C Refrigeration 227-2951 3336 W. Sussex WayMELODY FOOD MARKET 233-5039 5149 W. Shaw, Fresno 211 Index of Advertisers A·, Insulation & Fence Co., 120 Jacob Arnbrister's Welding, 203 Bill'S Sheetrock S8rvice, 106 J, D. Canaday. Inc., 206 B. Cribari & Sons, 2 A & B Wallco""rlng Inc., 196 Arrow Electric Motor Shop, 191 Bill's Supplies, 52 Canteen Service of San J, Valley, 66 Currie Bros., Inc., 54 AFM Aluminum Awning Co., 190 Arrow Pharmacy, 113 BlOsser's Sports Equipmen1 Co .. 210 Car Parts Inc., 413 Curry Bros. Diesel Repair, 193 A & M Carpet & Linoloum, 68 Art's Boats, 68 The Blue Front Cocktails, 190 Custom Colors, 101 ABC Towing Service, 196 Art's Mercantile, 127 g:~~r~l~g~l~c~~~s, 78 Custom Radiator & Air Cond .. 203 AOC Adjusters, 68 An Trio Signs, 193 ~~!~I~~J!.i~~""~,~;~ice, 102 Carl's Auto Repair, 81 Custom Rain & Turf, 194 Ace Aluminum AwninG Co., 118 Asher Bros. Shoes, 97 Borelli Produce Distributors, 138 Carpentier's Sporting Goods, 88 Custom Truck Pa int & Sign Co., 112 Ace Lawnmower Sales & Service, 120 Ashlan Pharmacy, 68 Bossa's liquor Store, 210 Carpeteria, 207 Cut-Rate ElectroniCS, 75 Ace Liquor, 1o.c Asphalt Spacialties, 18 Bourzac Concrete Construction. 108 Carsten Concrete Construction, 1941 Cutting Div., Harvest Industries, 99 Ace Mobila Key Shop, 90 Associated Brass Products. 112 Bowen's Radio Service, 193 Carter Commodities, 62 Acme Auto Parts, 38 Astro Motel, 20 Cass Canales, 116 o & H Builders, 196 Acme Machine Cc., '08 Atek Construction Co., 203 :~~s~a~:~~n 196 Cedar Lanes, 9 0& H Distributing, 68 Acme Refrigeration Service, 64 Atlas Plastering Inc., 64 Brooks ~rOduCIS. Inc.. 70 Central-cal Water Heater Co .. 206 o & N Service, 208 Atmospherics Inc., 30C C. Wayne Brown Contractor, 192 Central California Alarm Co .. 96 Dairy Belle Freeze .35, 70~~:n ~~;G::e~~~~:·~857 Attarlan Orlontal Rugs, 84 Brown Bros. Adjusters, 105 Centra' Fish Co., 210 Dairy Bello Freeze 1138, 2t1 Adams Paving Co .. 83 Auto Diesel Elactric, 40 Brownie Muffler Service, 22 Central' Valley Sleel & Pipe Co., 27 Dale Electric, 118 Advance Electric Co., 118 Au10haus Fresno, 199 J'he Checkmates Lounge, 106 Dalena & Marciochi Inc., 34 Ag,,-wast, 71 Automatic Laundry & Dry Oeanlng, 71 :~6:~!~~,~~~~~~~~~~t~~s, 191 Pat Chiarito Trucking Inc., 126 Dale'8 RV Center, 40 Apuilar Body & Paint Shop, 112 Automoti"" Dle..1 & Electric Co., 72 Bruce's Bartler Shop, 210 Chihuahua Tortilierla, 57 Air Conditioning Enterprises, 188 Autosport Unlimited, 81 Kenneth Brueckner Construction, 24 Christensen Tile Co., 207 ga~is~a~%~~~r:~~~?8ti~~, 102 Air Masters Air Conditioning, 14 Auto Warehouse, 116 H. B. Buck (Buck Ranches), 58 Christensen's, 38 Dsn's Club, 88 Air-Way Hoover-Eureka Co., 124 Thorn.. E. AYent, 60 K. C. Buck Service Station. 120 Christensen's FOOd World, 88 David & Sons Inc., 241 Airways CoHee Shop, 86 Budd Sewing Machine Co., 43 Christensen's Turkey Hatchery, 125 Sam Davidson Co., 76 Alanis PatrOl Service, 197 B & C Trim, 204 Bud's Kaf Kafe Auto Moulding, 121 ChUCk's Transmission Service, 92 Bill Davis Commercial Retrig., 68 Alafmex-Division of VanGas, 185 BC Refrigeration, 211 Buford's Appliance, Inc., 123 ChurctJiII Enterprises, 216 Dan Day Pontiac, cover Albino Concrete Co., 188 a & J Rent-A-Trailer System, 118 Builders Concrete, 33 Circle Gafllge, 212 Dean Insulation Co., 187 B & L Foodtand Inc.. 91 Builders Emporium, 34 Circle W Appliance Service, 1241 Dean Pools, 186~:g;:;;:~t~,~~~?~~2e92 Bullock's Vacuum Pumping, 51 Civic Cenler Square, Inc., 106 Do Kor Drugs, 60 Ale" Plumbing, 206 ~a&~a:::~~n~.;~:, 111 Burlord Ranch, 166 Clark's Fireplace Equipment, 31 Deluxe Catering, 62 Sam Alexander Refric;,eratiorl, 21C BaPdwln Heating & Ai r Cond .. 198 Burl's AU10 Electric, 116 Clark's Fixtures, 102 De Marquis Club, 212 Aliled Paving Co., 5~ J. Dean Ballard Til. & Marble, 110 Demco Educational Corp., 99 All Slate Charter Lines, 58 Bank 0' America, 46 :~~~~~~~J~~~~~~'C~~~~i~q~~i:, ~~ g:~~f!CM':~~~~a~~~~~~al, 81 Denair Aviation, 33 Allslate Roofing Co., 60 Business Service Systems. 193 Club Brazjl, 66 Denny's Auto Sales, 106 Aluminum Screen & Door Co.• 204 Bussey Well Pipe Works, 80 Coates Boat & Trailer, 96 Devl i n-Drew, 641~::~~~~~~IB:k~''':'6~tation, 121 Chester & Eugene A.mb:-oeini Dairy. 81 Herb Bluer SP'?rting~OodS, 116 Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Fresno, 34 Diamond Motors, 34 American Automotive Specie.lty. 125 Bearing Specially Co.. 85 C & A Thrifty Man Grocery, 118 Cody Bros. Plumbing, 138 01 Buduo &. De Fendls In9urance, 12 American Beauty Macaroni Co ., 92 C & L Insurance. 210 Coffee's, 72 Di Cicco's, cover American Paving Co., 7S ~~~:::~~;:~'lI'u~:: ~~~', mCaesar's Italian Deti, 207 Commercial Auto Body, 204 Dick's Supplies Inc .. 210 Beer Monuments, 110 Andy J. Caglia Real Estate, 27 Commercial Body Sales & Mtg., 207 Didier's Liquor, 80~~~:~:~ ~~~~~s:r~aln~:,::2 Mitee Bellow Contractor, 127 Cahn's of Fresno, 43 Commercial Electro Plating. 206 Diesel Energy Co., 74 American Warehouse ~o. Inc., 89 Belmont Ferms, 196 Cal Market & Liquor, 83 Commercial Mfg. & Supply Co., 103 Joe Diahian, 33 Belmont Foreign CIIS, 38 Caldwell Concrete Construction, 199 Commercial Radiator, 55 Dominic's Liquors, 120~~c~~,'~~:~67178 Belmont Nursery, 210 California Compress, 69 Don Electric, 95 Andella Liquor Store, 118 Berven Rug Mills, Inc., 52 California Design Associetes, 111 ~~:~~~~~!C~'n~~, 127 Donaghy TV, 72 Anoers SEtCurity Systems, 1941 Beat-Weigh Scole Co.. 202 California First Bank, 32 Connell GMC Trucks Inc., 55 0011'5 Mobil Service, 104 Ande",on-<:Iayton a. Co. Food Diy..~6 Bet-R-RoofS, 205 California-Fresno Oil Co., 46 Ralph Ando",on Br.k& & Wheel, 106 Beller Pest ContrOl, 96 California Pipe & Steel, 212 ~~~i~~~~!~t~~::!~~961 ~~.eb'~uLi?a~0b1~o:~692 Anderson ROCk Products, 48 Bianchi's Jewelers, 166 Marie Callender Pie Shop, 58 Continental Motors. 25 Drug Serv?ce Systamatix Inc., 72 Andy's Coctetall Lounge, 118 Big B Market, 207 Cal-State Aerial, 196 Continental Title Co .. 54 Tom Duffy's Antiques, 55 Angelo's Drive tn, 98 Big Bore Drilling Co., 81 Calwa Cafe, 116 Cook's Communication Corp., 17 Juel J. Ansiel Gen.al Contractor, 22 Big Boy Restaurants, 14 Calwa Grill, 118 Cornell Security Co., 189 g~e~,~n~~!;I:~116 Architectural Concrete Products. 87 Big Potato Market, 25 Calwa Quality Market, 113 Duncan's Liquors, 43 Annen'S Flowers, 126 BiD's Furniture & Appliance Ctr.• 416 Calw8 Rexall Pharmacy, 83 Duren & Sons Construction. 195~~nn~~c~~a;~~~:r,i~~, 111 The Arms, 45 Bill's Rental S8rvice, 103 Fritz Campbell Landscaping, 203 Country Cousin Market, 205 Dymond's TV & Appliance, 68 Compliments Of De Marquis Club 266-5661 3697 S, Highway 99 CIRCLE GARAGE Complete Automotive &Truck Repair 485-4350 303 W. Belmont California Pipe & Steel USED & NEW PIPE 268-4394 2025 S. Orange Ave. JACK BEBB Awning Sales & Service 264-1976 641 E. University Ave. JENSEN & WATTS SMALL ENGINE CLINIC 255-0465 516 N. Chestnut Ave. 212 EZ H.ul. 55 Bill E.ds Mobil. Home• • 199 East EI Monte Guest Home, 61 East Fresno Automotive. 126 EasterbrOOk Custom Homes, 95 ~8~O~~~r;;i~~tT~~~~~299 Easlon Drug Co.• 210 ~:::ST~~·H~dA.~~~~2~ Bud Eberwein Br.ke & Wheel. 22 Eddie 'N Jo's Mobile Homes, 189 Eddle's Paslry Shop. 211 Ed's Radiator Service, 120 Edw.rds Lock & S.te Co.. 68 Elbow Room. 56 Electric Laboratories. Inc .• 25 Eleclric Motor ShOp. 77 Electronic Special1res, 186 Electro Truck Refrigeration. 108 Ell's Electrical Service, 112 Elliott Mtg. Co.. 61 Ellis & ThomalOn Construction, 107 Elm Auto Dismantling. 104 EI Patio Club. 98 W. S. Emerian Trucking. 207 Engineered Sound Inc.. 48 Ernle's Pastry Shop. 46 ~~!~~Er:'~tg~~~~, ';~ Evelyn's, 99 Paul Evert, 190 Executive Homes, 67 Execulone Communications. cover ~a~~L~~8~~a~~~211 Fancher Creek Nursery. 190 Far West Construction Inc., 55 Fashion Fair Reallors. 22 Fashion Furniture Co., 106 Federal Burg ... r & Fire Alarm Co., 52 Federal Jewelry & Loan Co.. 127 The Fig Connection, 213 Fig Garden Golf Course. 196 Fink & Skopp Home Furnishings. 126 Fire Guard Insulation, 109 Ray Fisher Pharmacy, 123 Fix All TV. 51 Flamingo Club. 64 Foodland Markets of Fresno, 96 Forkner Ranches. 96 Foster's Old Fashion Freeze, 40 Four Sessons Pool Service. 190 Fran's Markel, 202 Fred's Septic Pumping Service, 41 Fresno Ag Hardware, 190 Frenso Automotive Technicians, 71 Fresno Catholic Cem(tteries, 76 Fresno Cooperative Trucking, 137 Fresno County Farm Bureau, 38 Fresno Credit Bureau, 57 Fresno Dodge, 54 Fresno Equipment Co., 51 Fresno Equipment Rental, 21 Fresno Escort Service, 190 Fresno Ford Tractor Inc., 88 Fresno Friction Material Co., 102 Fresno Funeral Chapel, 108 Fresno Glass Co., 99 Fresno Grape Stake Yard, 191 Fresno Hobby, 69 Fresno Insulation, 192 Fresno Iron & Metal Co. Inc., 87 Fresno Kenworth Inc ., 45 Fresno Liquor Store, 79 Fresno Memorial Gardens, 36 Fresno Merchants Patrol, 203 Fresno Muftler Service, 211 Fresno Notions & Drug Co., 122 Fresno Orthopedic Co., 33 Fresno Overhead Door Co" 77 Fresno Oxygen & Welding, 112 Fresno Paper Box Co., Inc., 82 Fresno Planing Mill Co., 107 Fresno Rooting Company. 6t Fresno Saw Service, 127 Fresno Sonitrol Ltd., cover Fresno Truck Center, 121 Fresno Wire Rope & Rigging Co., 48 ~~:e~~o~rfo~re~~, 202~4. ~rlis-Hansen & Co. Inc., 91 Fruehauf Trailer Co., 46 Berson Frye & Co .. 209 Fung's Kitchen, 124 Futura Cabinets. 63 G & A Liquors, 211 G & G Auto Body. 70 G & J Freight Inc .. 122 G & P Drilling Service, 207 Gamber Homes, 128 Vincent Ganduglia Trucking, 29 John Garabedian, 199 Gardner Cadillac, 29 Gardner'S Shoes, 40 Garren House, 84 Howard Gattie Chevron Service, 209 General Environment Corp., 100 General Insurance Assoc. Inc., 127 General Teamsters Local 431 , 18 Gentz Construction Co., 96 George Studio. 120 Georgia Pacific Corp., 79 German Auto Repair, 43 Ghimenti Shell Service, 97 Gibbs Automotive, 123 Glass Unlimited, 111 Gleim-Crown Pump Inc" 27 Globe Electric Co., 207 Gold Dragon. 102 Golden West Roofing, t89 g~~~~~~J~::;i~Supply Co.. 54 Gottschalks. 23 Graves Liquor Store, 88 Green's Cyclery, 103 Gre~g'S Sunnyside Delicatessen, 187 ~~~~!h8~~~(H~~e;,0~~ Guilde Homes, 187 H-J Trophy Shop. 46 H & S Concrete, 191 Haase Service, 45 H.bib Cettle Co.. 58 Louis Hackett Painting Contr., 193 Hair Desi9." by the Real McCoy, 30 Hall Distnbuting Co" 193 Hamilton's, 120 Hankel Sewer Contractors. 36 John Hano,an Distributors, 101 Happy Liquor. 64 Hardeman's Charter Service, 62 Hardin Construction Co., 84 Harris Construction Inc., 196 Tom Harris ElectriC. 66 Austin G. Harrison Farms, 101 ~:~'; ~:~~~~~~\:~~.~~~nt, 192 Hayden's Body & Fibergl.... 199 Healey & Popovich, 121 Hendrix Restaurant, 195 Henley & Kramer Inc., 199 Henrietta Rancho ProducfS Co" 54 Herzog Bros. Exxon. 107 The Hide-A-Way. 122 Hill Automotive, 47 Carl Hobe. 28 Holcomb & Son Inc., 210 Holiday PoolS, 204 Holley & SOns. 194 J. M. Hollister Inc., 125 Holly Department Store. 113 Hollywood Cemer. Shop. 99 Holt Lumber Inc., 86 Home Furniture Co., 81 Home Service Repair, 106 Hope Manor, 48 Hopkins & Son Construction Co., 66 ~r~c:r~eo~ rn~~~7e~ & Co ., 90 Hom Photo Shop. 82 Howell Air Conditioning, 113 Hudson's Shell Service, 103 Huebner Sports, 83 Humphrey Bros. Insurance, 87 Hy-Sal Canvas SpeCialties, 27 I & M Irrigation, 206 Ideal Bakery, 99 Imperial SaVi~S & Loan, 28 :~~~deS~~~ c~b~n~i~ie7&.,96 Insured Ammunition Co., 92 Interior Contractors, 43 Internallonal Harvester, 63 International Hut Dog, 54 International Pool Hall, 61 Investiseafch Services Inc., 93 Ira Development Co., 210 Ireland Manufacturing Co., 206 JB Signs. 204 J & J Service, 211 J & L Appliance Service, 199 Jack-Be-Nimbi. C.ndle Shop. 78 Jackie's Costumes, 28 Jacobs Garage, 96 Harry Jacobs Body & Fender, 98 J.de Polace. 33 Jae's Cleaners & TaUors, 80 Fred S. James & Co. of California, 71 Patrick James Men's Wear, 104 Jaynes & Co.• 118 j!~:~ !:'~e,Y:~~: ~~ Jensen & Watts, 212 Jerry's Automotive & Machine, 80 Jerry's Cerpets. 210 Jerry's Installation Service, 211 Jerry's Tavern, 106 C. W. Jessen Construction Co., 32 Jim's Arco Service, 116 ~~~~n~~k~,;;~~ni' ~~f~, 211 John's Custom Wheels, 62 John's Pinedale Liquors, 40 Johnson's Auto Service, 108 Johnson-Waite Auto Body, 54 Jones Ambulance Service, 188 Jones Wi ndow Shades, 127 Jorgensen & Co., 38 j~~~~~~~·~:~.t~ Shop. 103 Jubil Farms Inc .. 201 K & P Ollice Trailer • . 81 Karto's, 209 K8~h's Bakery. 57 Kearney's Manufacturing. 71 Louie Kae Market. 105 Kennedy Lumber Co., 90 Kings Electric Supply Co. Inc., 54 Ace Kidwell Aviation, 202 Kimmerle Bros. Hydraulic Serv., 178 Kincaid Builders, 191 Kious Electric Inc., 203 KIrkman Trucking Inc., 194 Kitchen-Best PrePared Potatoes, 28 John Kochergan Farm, 57 Komolo Department Store, 127 Kong's Market, 98 Kovac Equipment Co., 23 KueUel Piano House, 106 Wm. D. Kunz General Building, 97 L & J Trucking, 110 L & S Market. 104 La Fiesta Nite Club, 104 La Fonda Mexican Restaurant. 8 La Mar Electronics, 103 Lambe Aircraft, 100 lamona Service Center, 43 Lamoure's Cleaners & Laundry, 98 Langworthy Paving Co.. 53 The Lariat, 43 Larry's Automotive, 211 Larsen 8ros. Auto Parts, 127 Larsen-Aatlo Construction Co., 100 Las Palm as Restaurant, 36 La VIctoria Tortillas, 32 Leach Leasing, 110 Le Moss Radial Tire Inc., 23 Len's Lawnmower Service, 104 Leo', Watch & Gift Shop. 123 Lerol's Custom Cabinets, 87 Lewis Food Market, 115 Uberty Mutual Insurance Co., 78 Liberty Pest Control. 62 Lightning Record ShOp. 127 Lillard Company, 77 Liquid & Bulk Tank Div., Fruehauf, 98 Uquor Junction, 87 Liquor Locker, 87 Lisle funeral Home, 49 Lloyd's Autowerkstat. 122 Kenneth Louie, 123 Lou's Uniform Center. cover t~k;o~~it~~~~: ~~ t~r~~~b'~~~:nF~~~~~;:~!~;'1~6 Lum's Chop Suey. 106 W. M. Lyles Co.. 50 M & H Towin~. 28 M.J.B. PlumbIng. 121 M & L Ptumbing Co.. tnc .. 45 M & T Distributing Co., 24 F. C. Mach.do Dairy. 63 Madison 8utane Service, 126 Major Distributors 01 Fresno, 10 Malaga Food Center, 122 Manor House U-Save Liquor, 68 Manpower, 38 Marcus Bail Bond Service, 30 Marini Grocery, 211 Market Wholesale Grocery Co., 85 Courtesy of VALLEY FENCE CO. 4565 E. Herndon, Clovis 299-0451 A-l ROOFING CO. Residenliol -Industriol -Commercial 24-Hour Service "No Job Too large Or Too Small" Charles Miller -Owner 6620 E. Gettysburg Ave. , Clovis 291 ­7796 Atlas Scaffold & Equipment CO. SCAFFOLDING Rentals * Sales * Erection 820 Hoblitt 299-0475 MONARCH TILE &COPING Finest Qua I ity of Tile and Coping New Installations & Repairs 1125 Barstow DONALD BALL Clovis, CA 93612 Bus . 298-8666 THE FIG CONNECTION Fresh Produce Dried Fruit -Nuts -Gifts Natural Foods Open 7 Days a Week 486-9572 237-1111 Car No. 7549 Res. A86-0140 6850 N. Motel Dr. Herndon, CA. 213 Martinoil Company. 47 Peper Janitorial Service, 46 Semper Truck Lines. 57 VIM Custom Boat Trailers, 110 CARUTHERS Maruko Cyclery. 126 Pepsi Cole Bottling Co. 01 Fresno. 31 Sequoia Door Co.• 88 Velley Air Conditioning Supply, 48 American National Bank, 160 Master Radiator Works, 106 Perry's Smorgy Restaurant, 49 Sequoia Party 5 ..... 123 Valley Armored Transport, 34 ArnOld's Supply & Pop Shoppe, 160 Malador, 186 Valley Burglar Alarm, 26 Blair's Proressional Services, 159 Mattos Bros. Dairy, 38 ~~~:s~~~~~'u~~7Re'iniahing, 126 ;.~~~!aB~;~n£~~S~o2a,n5Assn ., 56 Valley Children's Hospital. 105 Red May Jowelry, 72 Phillips Trail.r Supply, 118 Saven Up Bo11ling Co.. 17 g:~~!~:~ ~~oG~ci!sI,Yi ~9 Mazzei's Nursery, 125 Piccok>'s Flowerland, 74 Sham'. Men's Wear, 46 ~::::~ r:~~~~ ~I~~~~in~Works, 116 Caruthers Lumber Co., 161 McDonald Jowelry, 123 Picker Parts. Inc.• 78 Shaw and 99 Chevron Service, 196 Valley Hardwood Floors, 54 Caruthers Pump Inc., 161 Medical-Dental Pharmacy, 71 Valley Industrial SaNices, 60 Clevenger Mercantile Co., 161 The Medicine Chest. 112 ~~~~~e~ult~I~;rt~~i~3t8Slen. 126 ~~::-~i~~s~'bu~!~ro~~ervice, 118 Valley Novelty Company, 60 The Corner, 161 Melody Food Markel, 211 Valley Parcel Service, 82 Double J Body Shop, 159 Me-N-Ed's Pizza Parlors, 84 ~:~~II~C~~1'S' 47 ~~~~~u~~~~i~t,~t~~nery, 45 Valley Pipe & Supply, 46 F & S Markel, 180 Mexico Gafe, 90 Valley Radiator Co., 126 Floyd's Tune Up, 160~~~e;3~~~~l~Nin•• Steel Ce., 97 ~:~~: ~~~g~~:sLitho, 198Mid-Cal Ford Truck Sales Inc., 25 Valley Towing Service, 116 Gandy Flying Service, 160 Mid-Cal Forklifts Inc .• 88 Plaza Cafe, 96 Sigler's Inc .. 84 Valley ~pewriter Co., 26 E. Dualn Hamlin Ins, Broker, 159 Mid Valley Motors, 104 PI....nt Ste<lIlzation & Mallre.., 40 Manuel J. Silva Dairy, 71 Kay's Kitchen, 160 ~:~e6.;k:I~~:s&~.~c2~ne Works, 72Mid-Slale Bowl, 24 Poofquip Pool Supply, 126 Silver Dollar, 34 Mid State linoleum, 34 Postal '"."nt Press. 40 Sirman & Warren, 56 VanGas, Inc" 85 ~~I~isht~8~~~n8p~~?SI8rY, 160 Mid-Slate Tire Warehouse, 57 Preciaion 74 AulO Stereo, 22 Skip's Air Service, 16 Van Ness Floral Co., 74 Shelton's Florist, 159 Mid Valley Time Loan, 100 Van Vleet Properties, 110 Vulture Garbage Service, 160 Mike's Pizzeria. 34 ~~I:~~~~~Jt~:V";:~2d23 ~~~~~~t~~la~~~ds, I~~., 104 Varni Associates, 46 Watson Ag Chemicals, Inc., 165 Miller's Drug, 48 Producers Cotton Oil Co., 23 Smith Tank lines, 40 Ventura p~~callter, 120 Mission Linen SuPOly. 91 Producer. Packing Corp., 104 Walter Smilh, 72 William Verburg Dairy, 95 CLOYIS Modern Drug Co., 100 Leo Puma Construction Co., 68 Sons Construction, Inc., 47 Vern's Auto Painl & Body Shop, 64 A-I Roofin~ Co., 213 Modern Shoa Store, 86 Joe Souza Dairy, 104 AA Metal Finishing Co., 131 Modern Welding Company, 92 Quick Stop Food & Beverages, 24 Sparky Electronics, 128 ~~R~i;~:~~,Yl1~ Aatlas Truss Co. Inc., 187 Monarch Refrlgeration Co., 118 Or. Earl G. Spomer, Sr., 0 .0.,91 Vietty's Market, 128 AI's Upholslery, 134 Monte'. & Bill'. Cust Motoreycles, 30 R & L Arco SeNiee, 34 Sla~ecoach WeSl, 50 Villa Basque, 118 American Pools, 130 Morgan'. TV Service, 29 R~Z Door & cabinets, 62 Staiger Construction Co., 116 Atlas Scaffold & Equipment Co., 213 Motorota Comunicalions & Elec., 70 The Rack, 76 Star Stucco Products, 48 Wagner's Auto Radio, 122 The Backyard Restaurant, 138 Moy's Kitchen, 86 Rain For Rent. Inc., 64 State Center Meal Co., 32 Waller Inventory Service, 86 Best Custom Counte( Tops, 135 Mr. Sanford of California, 86 Ward Tractor, 48 Big Tree Ranch, 129~:~c~~r!'2'o~~~1 g~~~~~, 79 Stale Farm Insurance, 92 Ward's Villege Markel, 122 Blue Do/phin Pools, 129 Nabors Liquor, 36 Rasmussen Auto Repairs. 205 ~::}:n~~~i~ci~ ~~~~' ~~., 68 Warrick's Electric, Inc., 104 Boice Funeral Home, 128 ~~~~~y & Paint Shop, 108 Ratcliffe Stadium Shell, 22 Sterling Funeral Home, 126 Wateride Farming, Inc., 66 Buddie Air Conditioning, 138 Fred Rau'8 Dairy, 25 Bob Stevens Bail Bonds, 87 Wathen Bros. Mansionette Homes, 98 ~:bc~r~'J:~r~~~aikon. 72 Stillman or~ Co., Inc., 92 Nelson Crane & Sign Service, 63 Wayne's Liquor, 80 'bh: gU~'e~~~~eto~~c. , 135 Now Viclory Bakery, 92 R. J. Way1e & Sons, 56 Central Valley Tile & Plastering, 134 NicOla's. 68 Red Triangle Oil Co., 21 1 ~~~~;a~rcrqU~~,h;gge Co-op, 74 Webster Radio Inc., 106 Nipak, Inc., 70 Reedley Irrigation Pipe ~o., 209 Gus Stuckert SaNice Garage, 45 Weco Oxygen, 205 g?OnVi~I:~:UII~~~~nee~k!~a,cJgr. 138 Nisei Landscape Service, 106 Reno's Specialized Service, 126 Suburban Steel Inc., 116 Wes' Arco Service, 71 Clovis Bakery, 135 Nonini's Winery. 112 Reuben's RestBurant, 64 Summit Warehouse Co. Inc" 31 Mel West Auto Body Works, 48 Nor-Cal Beverage Co" Inc., 100 .Reuben's TV , 55 Sunkist Pools, 112 Wesl Belmont Body Shop, 20 g:~::~ ~~~~r:~~~i~~~~'l';88 Normart's Furs, 124 Rex Meat Market, Inc., 85 Sunnyside Arco, 78 Westcal, Inc .• 33 Clovis Cuslom Wheels, 138 Norsigian Bros. Aircraft Repair, 60 Rice Road Dump, 125 Sunnyside Bowl, 40 Clovis Floor Covering, 138 Northrup King & Co.. 54 Rich Products Corp., 112 Sunnyside Hardware, 82 ~::! ~~:~~ ~;~u~~on'~~t. Inc., 48 ClOVis Memorial Hospital, 137 Joe Nosbisch. 108 Richard's Cocktail Lounge, 122 Sunnyside Janitorial Service, 104 Clovis Office Machines, 133 Gene Richards Paving Co.. 38 Sunnyside Pharmacy, 75 ~~~~W:~~~bw?~~~~ 198 Clovis Radiator Service, 128 O,K, Produce, 211 Rico's Hair Fashions, 123 Sunrise Kitchen, 112 Western Building Malerial Co., 76 Clovis Sanitarium Inc.• 135 Oak Leaf Restaurant, 79 Western Exterminator Company, 48 Clovis Trailer & Camper Storage, 138 0'8rien's Brake Service Inc., 75 ~:~:SL~~~;rid~otor, 124 ~~~s~~~~:~~e~~;Jng, 102 Western Foam Pak, Inc., 31 Cole Wood Salas, 137 Ochlnero ProduC8 Co., 87 Western LOdge, 102 DOH Masonry, 138 P. E. O'Halr Co., 76 ~~I~n:i~~~~~~~tigator, 106 ~;~~~~~e :~I~'n~~tock Farm, 26 Western Metal, 6J DAC Service Co.• 133 Ohlberg's Food Cenler, 29 Robinson's Auto Dismantling Inc., 68 Westinghouse Eleclric Supply, 112 Dave's Custom Corvettes, 135 Old Fresno Hofbrau, 64 Rod-Au-Ard Kennels, 76 T & T Electric, 42 Whitie's Pel Shop, 78 Decker Ford Inc., 4 Norman Olsen Construction Co" 138 RoHnda Auto Parts, 118 T & T T(ucking Co., 34 Wilbur-Ellis Co., 64 Deegan's Appliances, 138 Dan Olson RaCing Products, 100 Rolinda Farmers Store, 57 Tavares Dairy, 209 Willson Farms, Inc., 14 Di Cicco's, cover Operative Plasterers & Masons, 92 Rol-Pak Filter Service, 99 Technicotor Corp., 116 Wilson's Motorcycles, 106 Environmental Air Conditioning, 132 Oriental Imports Company. 33 Ronnie's Midway Market, 211 Tent City Surplus, 63 Wong's Automotive Service, Inc., 64 Fickle Inc., 128 Oroweal Baking Co., 72 Ron's Mobile Glass, 61' James Teore Dairy, 196 Wong's Cily Markel, 87 Five Hundred Club, 75 Ostergaard Feeds, Inc., 32 Rose's Cafe, 91 Terra-Stone, Inc., 92 WoOd Dictating Co., 52 Fortney's Auto Body & Peinl, 131 The Oulpost, 46 Rose's Coffee Shop, 108 Sherman Thomas Enterprises, 52 Wunslell's Auto Painting, 195 Franco's, 137 Overstreet General Tire, Inc., 36 Gorubsc's Shell SeNice, 137~~~h~~ ~r;~~~6~,3~, ir~~::~e~;r'ard Chemical, 33Owl Transfer Co.. Inc., 104 E. B. Yancey lumber Co. Inc., 84 Goth & Anderson Refrigeration, 134 Rudy's Elm Phanna~, 79 The Tinder Box, 79 Yaryan Lumber Co., 100 Harold's Body Shop, 138 P.A.L. Distributors, 92 Yee Pharmacy, 104 Henderson Gardens, 102S. E Rykoif & Co, 1 e i:~~!:r~~:~r~n~,h:rl, 69P & J Fresno Auto Parts Co., 30 Yellow Cab, 62 Hodges & Hodges Construclion, 53 P & N Liquors, 107 5 & M Farm Supply, 40 Toklwa-Ro, 126 Yosemite Nursery, 26 Myrel Hobbs Rooting, 202 P & R Liquor, 192 Saber's Grocery, 75 lom's Foods LId., 80 Yost & Webb Funeral Home, 126 Import Auto Clinic, 138 PPG Industries, 58 Sadler Office Supply, Inc., 192 John Torik Aulomotive Service, 126 YtUHf HOlel, 44 Janigian & De Haas Real Estate, 215 PPG IndUSlries, 23 Saladino's Catering, 79 Travelers Body & Fender Works, 38 Zifred's Restaurant, 87 Jim's Place, 128 Pacific Orive--In Theaters, 38 Sam's Luggage, 124 Travel Town, 121 Harry D. Johnson Acoustlcl. Con ,128 PacifiC Rubber Stamp Co .. 33 San Carros Care, 88 Triangle Drive In, 102 AUBERRY Koll Concrete Co., 193 Palace Market. 28 Sanchez Bros. Mfg., 53 Tri-Boro Fruit Co., Inc., 77 Cliffside Auto Center, 181 Kowloon Kitchen, 138 Palm Lakes GOlf, 63 Jerry's Service, 182 Linenbach Auto Parts, 136 Pan American Underwriters Inc., 112 ~~a~kh~~:a~~~~~~ary, 29 i~~c~r8r~Ys~~~~e,~: Lodge Pole Really , 180 Urio's Shoe Repair, 135 Panta-Pak DiviSion, 56 San Joaquin Glass, 125 Truck Dispatch SeNice, 92 Ponderosa Market, 182 Mac's Tire Service, 134 Sanla Fe Holel, 103 Lloyd E. Tull, Inc .. 78 Ponderosa VanGas, 182 Manghera's Tune-up & Auto Elec., 134~:f:~~SC~~':' 208 Santa Rita Lodge, 34 Turpin's, 206 WAR. Trucking, 180 MI Rancho Tortilla Shop, 135 Paradise LiqUOri, 78 Santi's Inc., 69 John Tutalian Investments, 208 Mike Miyamoto, 129 Paramount Pest Control Sef"Vlce, 38 Saris', 110 Twin Palms Liquor, 69 BIOLA Pardini's, 50 Sarkis K. Sarkisian, 124 Two Way Fruit Siand, 92 Alvarado Service Station, 182 ~~n~~7U~I~i~9~rJng, 213 PardinI's Grocery, 56 Art Schedler's Engine Rebuilding, 33 Bio-Pak Fruit Co., 157 P.R. Farms, Inc., 131 Parker's of Fresno, Inc., 87 W. C. Schmidt Tool & Die, 191 Uncle Tom's Liquor Store, 198 Melikian Farms, Inc., 181 Pollard Ranch. 131 Bill Parrish Chevron Service, 112 Schultz Auto Body, 199 United Automollve Works, 126 Pastel Motors, 112 Scotty's Liquor Store, 54 United California Bank. 38 CANTUA CREEK ~~;:g~c~~t~~c~~~d~o~~~;IS., 134 PaNon's Sheet Metal Works, 112 Screen Prinl, 32 United Faith Foundation, Inc., 18 Bill BeUinsoli's Gas & Garage, 183 Rowley Enterprises, 130 Pauline's Sportswear, 118 Sebring West Automotive, 78 United States Cold StOfage, 82 Gilio's Market, 184 Russco Electronics, 126 Paul's Shoe Slore, 92 Halfway Store, 184 Sassano's Men's Wear, 135 Pay Less, 83 Houtding & Wels Farm Inc.• 184 Shaw Villa liquors, 71~~~:~~ ~~~li1ii~~na~,n~~n8nce, 29 ~~~~I~ti:;';SC~U,o~~tunnYSlde, 44 Pena Janitorial Service, 106 Seiberts Oil Co., 90 Utility Trailer ~Ies Co., 72 Minnlte's Variety Siore, 183 Sierra Custom Homes, 128 1­Compliments of MICHAEL GIFFEN RANCH INC. 36906 WEST SHAW AVENUE FIREBAUGH, CALIFORNIA ._---_._---­ 214 SobobI Aluminum Awnings, 134 T. W. Harvesting Inc., 10 Mack Lazarus Sales & Service, 158 REEDLEY SELMA Stan', TV & Radio Service, 134 Thomason Tractor Co., 171 Noble Land & Caltle Co., 156 COlonial Flower Shop, 152 Seth Abajian Well Drilling. 142 T.",I Qlltcm Bo.... 128 Trl-Air Inc., 170 Plaza Drug, 156 Cuba Rica Bar, 152 Abel Body Shop, 143 Tlylor Renlll Canler. 134 Tri Produce, 171 Smithey's DHtsel Service, 156 Eaol Reedley Siore. 152 B & H Markel, 110 Tollhouse 1m, 136 Vance Ag Craft Inc., 169 Valley Dept Cenler, 158 Farmers Market, 155 Busy Bee Drive In, 140 Twin Geblea. 138 Westside Ford/Lincoln/Mercury, 189 Vaughan's Market, 156 Huebert Bros. Trucking, 152 C.E.M.M. Machine Shop, 142 \/aleo Boa... 128 West McKinley Grocery, 159 Kaprielian Brothers Packing Co., 153 Chamberlain, 2 Villa', Markol, 135 FIVE POINTS Kimura Trucking Co., 153 Club 99, 141 Volley Conalruclion Co" 132 Agro-West Inc., 168 KINGSBURG Arvi E. NUrmi Insurance, 153 Diamond Meat Co., 140 V.lley Fence Co., 213 Britz Chemical Co., 21 Art's Liquor Store. ISS Reedley Ford Tractor, 155 Don Buick Pontiac, ,43 Wawona Frozen Foods, 132 Don's Market, 165 California Men's Clothing, 155 Reedley MOlor Parts, 152 Dragon Inn, 142 Wilmoth Construction Co., 128 Five Points Auto Parts, 166 Cattuzzo & Re&der Inc., 156 Salwasser Mfg. Co. Inc., 6 The Edsall Agency, 141 Wright's Trailer Service & Repair, 137 Five Points Ranch, 185 Creighton's Memorial Chapel, 155 Tom's TV & Appliances. 152 Eknoian & MacDonald, 144 Five Slar Ranch, 166 Del Monte Corp., 155 Valley Plumbing Co.• 152 EI Conquistador, 14() COALINGA Price GiNen & Associates, 94 A. J. Haroldsen Union 76, 165 Fox Drug Store, 141 M. J. & R. S. Allon, 73 C. Gowens Farms Inc., 165 Jan Un Motel. 165 RIVERDALE Birdwell Ranch. 172 Harnish Five Points Inc., 165 Kingsburg Electric, , 55 Dewey & Sons Trucking, 162 ~~:~gv;I~~:S& ~StingS Inc., 140 Blanco's Body & Paint Shop. 174 Lassen Market, 168 Ostrom's Pharmacy, 155 Oorn's Gas. 162 Gee's Market, 143 John T. 8ragg & Son Funeral, 175 L & R Noble Harvesting, 165 Riverland Restaurant, 155 Dun's Shopping Cenler, '64 Burnett Construction Co.. 172 Shining D Farms, 166 Swedish Mill Restaurant, 156 Edwards Upholstery, 161 ~~,e;.sS~~~~. ~:~n!~~ssjon Clr., 143 Coalinga farms , 172 T-M-T Chemical Co. Inc., 166 Vallis Bottle Shop, 155 Hills Texaco, 162 Jack Haley's Tire Service, 141 Coalinga Feed Yard Inc.. 175 Vallis Restauranl. 165 Holtquist Furniture Co., 161 Kataoka Brothers, 143 Coalinga Hardware, 176 FOWLER VanGas (Kings Aiver), 156 Dean Jensen Dairy, 164 Lee's Service, 141 B & B Markel, 149 Viking Market, 155 Linda Vista Farms, 162 Liberty Chevrolo.. 155::~i~8t,~~IA&8:C~I.'~~~r Co., 176 Boghosian Bros. PaCking Co., 150 Viking Trailer Park, 155 Lloyds Bank California, 162 Carsey & Carsey Inc., 150 Village Tire Sales, 156 Doug & R. A. Maddox Dairy, 164 ~~rC;:t~~:,:re~r~~lng 142~~~:~I~Ct,;'~i~ ~~rt, 176 Custom Cabinet, 149 Wigh & Associates Inc. Ins., 155 Carl W. McCraw Inc.. 164 Pogo Funer.' Chapef. 142 Harris Feeding Co., 178 Wigh/Guslafson Realty, 155 McLeod Ford, 162 The Pirates, 13;g~~~~~i ~~~i~~151Hafris Ranch Restaurant. 177 A. F. Mendes & Son D.iry, 182 George Roelll & Sons Dairy. I~ Jaurena Bros.. 177 F.D.S. M1g. Co., 149 LATON Anlero Mendonca Dairy, 164 Selma Aulo Supply. 142 Howard Johnson Restaurant, 172 Fowler Butane, 150 Hunt & Sons Inc., 184 Selml Body Shop. 142 K', Klolhes Klosel, 172 Fowler Floral Shop, 149 Laton eafe, 184 ~::~~~~:!~oT~a~~~~sl62 Selm. 8ulln• • 142 Kiwi Koplers, 215 Natlonal Raisin Co.• 149 laton Coop Gin, 184 Stlm. Mo.or Silos. 141 La Cuesta Verde Ranches, 172 C. D. Simonian Ina., 149 ~:~~::: ~U!!~fh:'IJ~ Selml Service Shop, 142 Ron Lee Union Oil Distributor. 174 Trucks Unlimited, 150 LEMOORE Frank Santos Oalry, 162 Selma ShIll Service & Towing. 142 Larry McLeod Ford, 172 Barlow Bros. Ranch, 166 Selml TV Cenler. 141 Pippin's Automotive Supply, 172 FRIANT Boston Ranch Co., 184 ::::e~~II~'8~;:;16.!e;~ I~..161 Roben Strian. 139 PI.....nl Valley Dodge/Chrysler, 73 Friant Garage. 182 TheWhl,key Shoppe& BUlYB... 182 Sevin'. RoIIlUran•• 1~ P. M. Scrivner. Inc., 176 Lost Lake Drive Inn. TackleShop, 183 MADERA John R. Slivllrt Dairy. 142 Tim's Automotive Service, 174 Mike's, 182 Papagni Fruit Co., 134 SANGER Torli Markel. 143 Vierhus Farms, 175 SI..o & Jerry's Ca'e, 182 AI"II.'. PlIca. 185 Fronk Trlrnml!. 143 Wallace Auto Electric, 174 Yochling Special1i.., 183 MENDOTA Barr p..klng CO" 50 Weelh Farms, 175 J & L AulO 5leroo. 179 ~1:!~:~i 143 We.lsido Supply, 175 HANFORO MendOIl Food Cenl.r. 179 WH' ca.1 Growe... & Packors. 138 ~~1:.&T~~E0:SO~~~146 Wildo, Inc., 172 Choollian Bros. PICking Co, Inc.• 145Hanford Maat Packing Co., 150 ~ZS~~i~~e~:::~~~~17~ Chuck Wagon, 146 IIttAV!RLAKE DEL REY HELM Frigid FOOd LOCklr•• 148 Angelo's 5hl_ Lak. Co... 180 Berfs Del Rancho Ray Market. 165 Helm Bean & Seed Warehouse, 177 ORANGE COVE G.rdnor Equipmonl Co.. 211 8_ Conslruc.ion Co.• 181 Bener Buy Market, 165 Helm Siore, 177 Ce Ce Shear Experience, 1411 J & M E'''lronlco, I" Chll.1 ReIlly. 181 Cantral California Raisin Packing,164 Cecelia Orchard., 149 Jim'. She" ServO<:I. 121 Del Rey Packing Co., 164 Johnaon Drilling Co, 146 ~~~I~~~rya~~~~182 Enock Packing Co., 164 Carr Bros. Gar~~:~:' g~~Pna,nG'~;:~~~~9n. 150 Lombardo LakevIeW ROlon. 147 Ivte', Market, 180 Garry Packing Co., 164 Ken', Shopping Center. 180 H. P. Melzler & Sons Inc.. 164 ~~~~~rg:,:::r~~~r~~68 ~:~:~le~k:~~~t!8Inc. , 149 ~~~~i.~:~?~~ldrator, 148 Tho Red Blrn, 180 Huron Welding & Machine Works, 169 Orange Cove Liquor Store, 149 Shaver Lake Auto Supply, 180 DINUBA Lassen Market, 169 Orang. Cove Market, 149 ~:~ky::I-g.:~St=~~l~n, 148 Shaver Lake Hardware, 180 Petoisn Ranches, 184 Leo's Auto Parts, 168 Oscar's TV, 149 Gene Olson Body & Paint Shop, 144 Shaver Lake Real Estate Inc., 180 Jim Lowe Inc.. 167 Pat's Garage, 149 The OrChard, 27 Shaver Lake Trading Post, 180 DUNLAP Ruius Mcilroy. 168 Sam's Auto Dismantling, 148 Pierce's ParK, 145 Shaver Lake TV & Appliances, 180 Rod's Dunlap Inn, ISO Ray's Boat Repairs & Paints, 146 ~~~~~~l~:~~r~ri~~~'6168 ~~e;t~~~~u;~~~~Y'~~P8ir, 149 Riverbend Farms Inc., '45 SQUAW VALLEY FIREBAUGH Ranch Hardware & Variety, 165 Sanger Flower Shop, 146 Kiper Lumber. 150 Vasto Valle Farms, Inc., 167 PARLIER Seabrook Farms Co. West. 145 Squaw Val~y Indian TradingCtr., 150~:~~ ~~rt::.e~iPIY, 164 Westward Farms, 6 Ben's Ca'o, 152 Sherwood Forest Golf Club, ,44 Burkhart Farms, 173 Woolf Firming Co. Inc., 168 Calspun Mills, 152 Sherwood Inn, 148 THREE ROCKS Esola & Perkins Disposal Service, 173 Central Bank, 152 Tivy Valley Market. 146 Three Rocks Cafe & Dept. Store, 178 Michael Gift.n Ranch, 214 KERMAN De Brum's Ornamental Iron, 151 Villa lobos Restaurant, 145 Raymond Minnite Grocery, 178 Gilben Plumbing ShOP. 171 A & H Farms, 158 Espinoza Markel. 152 Wallin & Son Funeral Home, '48 Harrison's Men's Wear, 171 Baker Commodities Inc., 157 Johnny's Restaurant. 151 Warranty Electronics, 146 TRANQUILLITY Hugh" Flying Service Inc., 172 Cottrell's Bees, 156 KASH, I51 Wonder Valley Dude Ranch, 148 Oon's Market, 178 J & J Rlnch, 169 EMi Epperson's Mar1(et Inc., 156 Monc.riet Sales & Snrvice, 152 Rathmann Oil Company, 178 Las Oellas Grocery, 169 EI Gembrino's Bar, 156 Chris Soran.ser: Pal..A.ing Co., 151 SAN JOAQUIN "Slim" D. T. Locko Ranch. 171 Farmers Ins. Group, Dick Clark, 156 u-Save Market, 152 1.4 & M FIrms, 169 Hensen Ranches, 158 HOllis & IhdeTiroSales&Service. 158 PIEDRA M & M Farms, 169 Home Furniture Traders, 158 Munk's Lodge, 150 Bob Kelley Ford, 156 Perry's Place, 150~~~~:..;x:r Inc., 170 Kerman Custom Furn,ture Store, 159 Pine Flat Service, 150 Kerman Motor Parts, 158:~~!~~~iin8e~~. ~7~~8~~~ Kerman Wholesale Meat Co., 24 SERVICE BODY WORKS Body -Fender & Painting Color Matching 251 Broadway, Fresno 237-7719 Compliments of KIWI COPTERS 935-9951 COALINGA, CA 93210 National Market, 178 Rabb Bros. Trucking, 179 Schramm Ranches Inc., 183 SwiSS American Bar, 179 West Side Pump Co., 179 Janigian & DeHaas Real Estate 1526 CLOVIS AVENUE, SUITE A CLOVIS, CALIF, 93612 HOMES -RANCHES -INVESTMENTS 299-7286 215 PATROIL, OPERATOR Private Inves'tigator CHURCHILL ENTERPRISES GERALD V. CHURCHILL -26 VRS. EXP. POLICE SCIENCE 264-3053 IF NO ANSWER CALL 264-4546 MOBILE RADIO NUMBER 237-1119 EXT. 6187 CALIFORNIA L1C. AC 3414 BONDED NOTARY PUBLIC INCOME TAX GERARDO V. CHURCHill -MARIA ElENA V. CHURCHill SE HABlA ESPANOl A SUS ORDENES 1419 Kern St. Fresno, CA. 93706 216 • BARCO • MR. BARCO • DAFRA 222-1816 227-3114 1809 S. MOONEY BLVD. Visalia • FASHION SEAL • LADY DIANE • WHITE SWAN • All Sizes & Colors • TRENDS • All Fabrics & Prices • UNIFEMME • Group & Special Orders • BOB EVANS • Student Discounts • ACTION LINE • Lay-Aways• WHITTENTON • META' Etc. fl ©M~ Uniform Center L-__.... M[N & WOM! N SlilS ~ z:o ~z ~ ~;'I~ ll~ BLACK & WHITE TROUSERS SMOCKS LAB COATS PANT SUITS COOKS NEEDS SKIRTS BLOUSES CAPS HATS JUMPERS DRESSES JACKETS SLIPS NAME TAGS STETHOSCOPES ANEROI DS SCISSORS EMBLEM PINS NURSEMATE SHOES APRONS HOSE COCKTAIL. Etc. "OUR THREE LOCATIONS" Daily 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Dally 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Mon. 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. 4124 E. SHIELDS AVE. 34 E. SHAW AVE. Cedar Lanes Shopping Center At Blackstone Ave. ~ ~m RESIDENTIAL c8rri!9 COMMERCIAL ­INDUSTRIAL AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS 268·5618 CONTRACTORS ENGINEERS State License No. 218681 1477 N. THESTA ST., FRESNO "01 CICCO BROTHERS" Famous For 'Italian Dinners THE ORIGINAL 01 CICCO'S SINCE 1956 CLOVIS 299-3711 -299-4222 OF "THE WA Y YOU LIKE IT" 4853 E. KINGS CANYON RD. 251-3551 SHAW & FIRST . 229-7811 11 AM.-12 Mid. Week Days & Sun . 11 AM.-2 AM. Fri . & Sat. 3404 N. CEDAR at Fount ai n Way 222-0544 5251 N. BLACKSTONE NORTHGATE SHOPPING CTR. 431-6021 2549 N. BLACKSTONE AVE. 222-3051 144 N. BLACKSTONE AVE. 237-7054 COCKTAIL LOUNGE 408 CLOVIS AVE. ORDERS TU TME OUT ITALIAII FOOD SERVED IN Til TWIT.. All IlD ITALIAII GARDEN LASAGIIA· SPAGHml RAYIIlI aIIBllATlON PlATES AIID MAllY OTIIR DISHES CITY WIDE DELIVERY Compliments Of I inco/iiiie • Electronic Key. Pabx Telephone Interconnect Systems That Replace Present Telephones. Permit Major Savings • Intercommunication Systems • Sound Systems • Background Music Systems • Pocket Page Systems • Signal Systems • Serving You Since 1952 California State Contractor's License No. 211681 EXECUTONE OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA INC. (209) 485-1782 0 460 North Broadway Fresno, CA 93701 REMEMBER HE IS EVERYONE'S FRIEND OFFICER FRIENDLY FORD HARVEY SCHNITZER'S .FRIENDLY FORD 226-3300 BLACKSTONE AT C,LINTON, FRESNO • OPEN NIGHTS & SUNDAYS