PC 832 Firearms Outline Fresno County Sheriff's Department PC 832 Firearms Course Outline L EARNING D OMAIN # 35 - F IREARMS/C HEMICAL A GENTS I Peace officers must know and practice all procedures for the safe handling of all firearms while on and off duty. A State the four fundamental rules of firearms safety B Explain basic safety guidelines to be followed at a firing range C Describe the safety precautions for proper storage of firearms II Peace officers must know the workings, the capabilities, and limitations of firearms in order to operate them safely and effectively. A Describe the basic information about a semiautomatic pistol and magazine, including: B Describe the cycle of operation that takes place with each single pull of a semiautomatic pistol trigger C Describe the basic information about a revolver, including: III Peace officers must know the capabilities and limitations of the ammunition they use in their firearms to operate them safely and effectively. A State the guidelines for the safe handling of ammunition B Describe the primary components of firearm cartridges C Explain the chain of events that takes place when a projectile is discharged from a cartridge IV Peace officers must know how to properly inspect, clean, and care for their firearms to ensure that they function safely and effectively. A Describe the components that may prevent problems and that should be examined during a routine safety inspection B Describe the materials, equipment, and environment needed to properly clean firearms C Apply routine procedures for cleaning firearms 1 08/25/2007 Fresno County Sheriff's Department PC 832 Firearms Course Outline V Peace officers must comprehend and practice the fundamental skills of firing firearms to be effective in reactive and precision situations during live fire exercises. A Apply the proper steps for drawing and holstering B Demonstrate the following elements to accurately shoot a firearm: C Describe the types of malfunctions and demonstrate clearing methods for: D Describe limitations officers may encounter when shooting under low light/nighttime conditions E Describe conditions an officer may face when in a combat situation F Describe possible physiological and psychological responses an officer may experience under the stress of a combat situation G Explain steps officers can take to prepare themselves for the extreme stress of combat VI Required Tests A A daytime exercise test that requires the student to fire a minimum of 36 rounds and obtain a passing score as established by POST on a handgun course(s) consisting of B27 single targets. Twelve rounds shall be fired from a distance of three yards in 30 seconds, twelve rounds shall be fired from a distance of seven yards in 30 seconds, and twelve rounds shall be fired from a distance of fifteen yards in 45 seconds. During the course(s) of fire the student is required to clear any malfunction that occurs, load and reload the handgun using the loading device authorized by the presenter. The student will safely demonstrate the following principles of handgun shooting: VII Required learning activities A Each student will participate in a learning activity designed to reinforce the ability to manipulate their assigned firearm. 2 08/25/2007 Fresno County Sheriff's Department PC 832 Firearms Course Outline If the firearm is a semiautomatic pistol, the learning activity shall minimally include the following techniques to safely and effectively manipulate the semiautomatic pistol in both the left and right hand: B The student will participate in an instructional activity to reinforce the ability to inspect, clean and properly maintain their service handgun. The activity shall minimally include techniques to: 3 08/25/2007