Unit 8 Lesson Plan Assaultive Behavior and Restraint Techniques UNIT 8.0 LESSON PLAN ASSAULTIVE BEHAVIOR AND RESTRAINT TECHNIQUES Module 8.1 Principles of Use of Force 2:00 J.K. Test #1 B.S. Test #5 10 Test Items Performance Objective: Identify the legal framework for a corrections officer’s use of 2 Test Items 8.1.1 reasonable force. Performance Objective: Given examples of situations requiring the use of physical 2 Test Items 8.1.2 force, identify actions that would constitute reasonable force using relevant codes, statutes, and case law materials for reference. Performance Objective: Given examples of situations requiring the use of physical 2 Test Items 8.1.3 force identify actions that would be considered excessive force. Performance Objective: Identify the following guidelines that a corrections officer 2 Test Items 8.1.4 should consider prior to employing the use of force, including the following:  Force must be no more than is necessary to control the situation, effect an arrest or prevent an escape.  Force is to be viewed primarily as a defensive measure.  All uses of force should be thoroughly documented. 1. Define and Discuss FORCE. a. Ask class to give their definition of force. Include discussion on what force is, what forms it may take, and when it may be necessary in an institution. b. Use of force by correctional officers is a matter of critical concern both to the public and the law enforcement community. Officers are involved on a daily basis in numerous and varied human en- counters, and when warranted to do so, may use force in carrying out their duties. PC831.5(e) This section shall not be construed to confer any authority upon any custodial officer except while on duty. PC831.5(f) A custodial officer may use reasonable force in establishing and maintaining custody of persons delivered to him or her by a law enforcement officer. 1 c. Discuss the different types of force. 1. Deadly or lethal--Force that is likely to cause serious physical injury or death. 2 Less Than Lethal Force--Less than lethal force is that force which is unlikely, when properly used, to result in serious physical injury or death. c. Controlling Force--physical restraint hold, no pain compliance. 2. Use of force. a. Must be reasonable - The reasonable officer standard:  would another officer  with like or similar training and experience,  facing like or similar circumstance,  act in the same way or use similar judgement? b. Must be necessary. c. Force can only be used: 3. Legal application of force. The following questions must be answered correct to determine if the force used was legal. a. Was there a legitimate need to use force? b. Was the relationship between the need and the amount of force applied reasonable? c. What was the extent of the injury inflicted? d. Was the force applied in a good faith effort to restore order and maintain discipline, or was it applied maliciously or sadistically? e. Was the force applied in an appropriate time frame? f. Was the force applied as punishment? g. Were there any violations of penal code sections 147 or 149? h. Was force applied in response to verbal abuse? 4. Control - The objective for the use of force by peace officers/correctional officers in any situation is to ultimately gain or maintain control of an individual and the situation. 2 Control, as it relates to defensive tactics, means maintaining composure to make sound judgments and decisions. a. Discuss control. b. You must control yourself as well as the violator. c. Physical control techniques should involve pain at a level that is parallel to the violator's resistance level. d. Pain should only be applied for the sake of control and never for the sake of pain itself. 5. Deadly force. a. Use is dictated by Departmental Policy. b. Use to protect your life when it is in immediate danger. c. Use to protect the life of another when it is in immediate danger. d. Use to stop a fleeing felon when his or her escape may cause the lives of others to be in immediate danger. 6. Documentation. a. The use of any amount of force should be documented using appropriate report forms. b. A medical evaluation of the inmate should always be obtained when force has been used. c. Document the medical evaluation also. 7. Have class review example of situations in their student manuals and determine if the force was reasonable and necessary or if the force was excessive. Discuss with entire class. Performance Objective: Describe the inmate actions that may lead to assaultive 2 Test Items 8.1.5 behavior. Performance Objective: In a simulated exercise, demonstrate behaviors of verbal 8.1.6 interventions that a corrections officer can use to de-escalate BST #5 problems. 1. Discuss with class inmate actions that may lead to assaultive behavior. The assaultive behavior may be directed towards other inmates or officers. It is important for them to recognize or detect signs before the behavior escalates. a. Mental health problems. 3 b. Poor hygiene. c. Stealing. d. Being under the influence of alcohol/narcotics. e. Gang activity. f. Not allowing others to use the phone. g. Television. h. Gambling debts. i. Bad news from home or in court. 2. Discuss with the class the possible interventions they can use to defuse or de-escalate a situation. Remind them of their verbal communication skills and techniques. a. Attempting to defuse the situation through verbal communications should be the first attempt to resolve the problem. (They have to determine on level of conflict and degree of problem) 3. Roll play when possible and have them complete Behavioral Skills Test. 4 Performance Objective: Discuss the psychological and physiological factors that 8.1.7 affect a person threatened with danger including the following:  Confidence of one’s abilities.  Development of instinctive reaction.  Mental alertness and concentration.  Self-control over emotions and body. 1. Officers must have confidence in their skills and abilities so when threatened with danger or confrontation they will be able to react to the situation appropriately. a. Knowledge of policy and procedures. b. Training and continued practice. c. Play what if games with self and peers. 2. Only through continued training and practice can you develop instinctive reactions. a. Practice self defense techniques. b. Practice with safety equipment. c. Ensure equipment is in good working order. 3. You must be mentally alert for any situation. a. Sleep. b. Non abuse of alcohol and drugs. c. Physical conditioning. d. Again play what if games so you know what to do and expect. 4. Fight or Flight syndrome. a. Body’s built in mechanism for safety. b. Adrenaline rush. 5. Maintain control of yourself and you maintain control of situation. 6. Remember you will go through the same physiological and emotional cycle an inmate does during the incident. 5 Module 8.2 Principles of Use of Restraints .5 hour J.K. Test #1 4 Test Items Performance Objective: Identify the following purposes, laws and principles for using 2 Test Items 8.2.1 handcuffs on inmates including the following:  For temporary restraint to prevent attack, escape concealment or destruction of evidence/contraband/ property.  To prevent self-inflicted injury on the part of the inmate Performance Objective: Explain the limitation for use of handcuffs, such as: 2 Test Items 8.2.2  May not be used as an impact weapon.  May not be used as a punitive measure.  May not be used to secure a subject to permanent object if used for non-secure detention.  Males and females many not be handcuffed together.  Juveniles and adults may not be handcuffed together.  Mentally ill inmates should be handcuffed alone.  May not be sued in such a way as to compromise someone’s ability to breathe. 1. Restraints are temporary devices that restrict the freedom of movement of an Individual. a. Handcuffs. b. Leg shackles. c. Belly or martin chains. d. Restraint chair. e. Others on the market. 2. They may be used to: a. Limit movement. b. Prevent escape. c. Prevent attack on another inmate or officer. d. Prevent the destruction of evidence/contraband/property. 3. Often used to prevent the inmate from harming him/her self if they have suicidal ideation. 4. When using handcuffs officer must be aware of the limitations: a. Only temporary-don’t rely on them as a total safeguard. c. Officer should not use an impact weapon against an inmate or other person. d. Not used for punishment. e. Not used to secure an inmate to a permanent object. 6 f. Cannot handcuff together: g. When possible handcuff mentally ill persons alone. h. Avoid “hog tying” which restricts breathing. 7 Module 8.3 Defensive Tactics-Footwork and Balance 1 hour B.S. Test #6 & #7 UNIT OUTLINE AND PRESENTATION: NOTES: Performance Objective: Participate in instructor led warm-up exercises such as the No Test Items 8.3.1 following:  Walking in place.  Jogging in place with exaggerated arm swing.  Trunk twists and side bends.  Standing bent knee toe touch. Performance Objective: Participate in instructor led flexibility exercises such as the No Test Items 8.3.2 following:  Seated toe touch.  Seated groin stretch.  Supine cross legged sciatic stretch.  Standing straight legged calf stretch.  Standing bend legged calf stretch.  Wrist, arm and shoulder stretch.  Standing hand to opposite shoulder blade stretch.  Standing quadriceps (front thigh) stretch.  Three way neck stretch. Performance Objective: Demonstrate the course instructed balance, footwork and body 8.3.4 movements to avoid an attacking person. These movements to BST #6 incorporate the following:  Balance.  Position in response to subject’s movements.  Self control. Performance Objective: Demonstrate the course instructed footwork to evade an 8.3.5 attack. For Example: BST #7  Not backing straight up in the line of attack.  Moving laterally or diagonally out of the line of attack.  Using pivoting techniques. 8 Module 8.4 Defensive Tactics-Falling 1 hour B.S. Test #8 & #9 UNIT OUTLINE AND PRESENTATION: NOTES: Performance Objective: In a simulation of a frontal assault, demonstrate a rear 8.4.1 break fall technique, incorporating the following: BST #8  Correct body position.  Proper movement.  Balance.  Position of advantage. Performance Objective: In a simulation of a rear assault, demonstrate a forward 8.4.2 break fall technique, incorporating the following: BST #9  Correct body position.  Proper movement.  Balance.  Position of advantage. 9 Module 8.5 Defensive Tactics-Control Holds 5 hours B.S. Test #10 UNIT OUTLINE AND PRESENTATION: NOTES: Performance Objective: In a simulation, demonstrate at least two course instructed 8.5.1 joint lock control holds, incorporating the following: BST #10  Balance.  Maintaining a position of control and advantage.  Proper foot movements.  Joint lock mechanisms. 10 Module 8.6 Defensive Tactics-Take Downs 4 hours BST #11 & #12 UNIT OUTLINE AND PRESENTATION: NOTES: Performance Objective: In a simulation, demonstrate at least two course instructed 8.6.1 “take-down” techniques incorporating the following: BST #11  Balance.  Maintaining a position of control and advantage.  Proper foot movements. Performance Objective: Demonstrate a course instructed two officer, one subject 8.6.2 take-down techniques incorporating the following: BST #12  Correct positioning of two person configuration.  Controlling the subject’s legs above the knees.  Communication between officers. 11 Module 8.7 Defensive Tactics-Ground Control Techniques 4 hours B.S. Test #13 UNIT OUTLINE AND PRESENTATION: NOTES: Performance Objective: In a simulation, demonstrate at least 3 course instructed 8.7.1 ground control techniques incorporating the following: BST #13  Weapon/equipment retention (firearm, baton, OC, etc.).  Control of inmate.  Escape/reversal. 12 Module 8.8 Handcuffing and Searching a Handcuffed Inmate 3 hours B.S. Test #14-21 UNIT OUTLINE AND PRESENTATION: NOTES: Performance Objective: Identify the correct terminology to describe the handcuff. 8.8.1 BST #14 1. Identify the parts of a handcuff: a. Ratchet. b. Lock/Double Lock. c. Hinge/Chain. d. Swing Arm. 2. Complete Behavioral Skills Test #14. Performance Objective: Demonstrate proper manipulation of handcuffs. For 8.8.2 example: BST #15  Retrieval.  Pistol grip by chain.  Ensuring swing arm is facing toward subject’s wrist.  Ensuring that handcuffs are not double locked before attempting to place them on the subject’s wrist.  Once placed on subject’s wrists, check for excessive tightness before double locking.  Double locking on subject’s wrist. Performance Objective: Demonstrate handcuffing a compliant, non-threatening 8.8.3 subject incorporating the principles in the objective. Performance Objective: Demonstrate assisting a person who is prong to his/her 8.8.4 feet incorporating the following: BST #17  Appropriate verbal instructions to the subject during the assist.  Not pulling up subject by his/her arms.  Not compromising the person’s ability to breathe. Performance Objective: Demonstrate the principles of searching an individual in a 8.8.5 “pat down” or “cursory” search so that the effectiveness of the BST #18 search and the safety of the officer is maximized incorporating the following:  Being constantly alert.  Maintaining a position of control and advantage. 13  Thoroughness of the search.  Conducting the search from the rear.  Searching with one hand, controlling with the other.  Searching systematically by proper use of hand technique (for example: spider crawl).  Not looking where searching, eyes on subject and surroundings.  If weapon found, maintain control of subject and weapon. 14 UNIT OUTLINE AND PRESENTATION: NOTES: Performance Objective: Demonstrate the principles of searching an individual in a 8.8.6 high risk situation so that the effectiveness of the search and BST #19 the safety of the officer is maximized incorporating the following:  Awareness.  Balance.  Verbal instructions.  Systematic search.  Controlling holds.  Handcuffing as appropriate.  Patterns of movement. Performance Objective: In a simulated search exercise, demonstrate the common 8.8.7 places where dangerous weapons or contraband can be BST #20 located on a subject’s person, including the following:  Hair.  Underarm area.  Pockets.  Groin area.  Small of back.  Waist.  Ankles.  Sleeves.  Collars/lapels. Performance Objective: Demonstrate handcuffing a subject from the searching position 8.8.8/BST #21  Joint locks.  Cuff retrieval from waistband on belt. 15 Module 8.9 Mechanical Restraints and Safety Cell 2.5 hours 2.6 4 Test Items Performance Objective: Demonstrate the use of at least one or more mechanical No Test Item 8.9.1 restraints and/or restraint devices commonly used in a Practicum correctional facility. For example:  Leg irons.  Flex cuffs.  Waist chains.  Transport chair.  Restraint bed.  Restraint wraps.  Restraint chair.  Restraint board. 1. Discuss the use each of the following. Have students identify which ones are used in their respective facilities. a. Leg irons—temporary restraint placed on ankles. b. Flex cuff—plastic strap used to secure hands or legs. c. Waist chains. d. Restraint bed-used in psychiatric area—4 points. e. Restraint wraps-blanket like device that wraps all extremities so inmate can’t assault officer or harm himself. f. Restraint chair-molded plastic chair. 16 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Explain the principles, conditions and limitations under 1 Test Item 8.9.2 which restraint devices may be used pursuant to Title 15 Section 1058, including:  Purpose of restraint devices.  Definition of restraint device according to Section 1058.  Facility manager approval for use of restraint devices.  Acceptable restraint devices.  Signs or symptoms that require immediate medical/mental health referral.  Availability of CPR equipment.  Protective housing of restrained inmates.  Provision for hydration and sanitation needs.  Exercising of the extremities. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify the monitoring requirements of inmates who are 1 Test Item 8.9.3 placed in restraint devices:  Direct observation.  Time intervals for observation and review.  Medical evaluation.  Mental health evaluation.  Documentation of observation. 1. The use of restraints is defined in Minimum Jail Standards section 1058. a. Each facility shall have a written policy and procedure for use of restraints. 2. Restraints may only be used on inmates who display: a. Behavior which results in the destruction of property. b. Those who reveal an intent to cause physical harm to self or others. 3. Restraint devices include any devices which: a. Immobilizes an inmates extremities. b. Prevents the inmate from being ambulatory. 4. Restraint devices should only be used when it appears less restrictive alternatives would be ineffective in controlling the disordered behavior. 5. Inmates SHALL be placed in restraints only with the approval of the facility manager or the watch commander. a. May delegate authority to place an inmate in restrains to a physician. b. Continued retention shall be reviewed a minimum of every 2 hours. c. A medical opinion should be obtained as soon as possible but no later than 4 hours from time of placement. d. Medically cleared for continued retention at least every 6 hours thereafter. e. Mental health consultation should be secured as soon as possible , but no longer 17 than 8 hours from time of placement, to asses the need for mental health treatment. 6. Direct visual observation shall be conducted at least twice every 30 minutes to ensure the restraints are properly employed and ensure the safety and well-being of the inmate. a. Observations documented. b. Housed alone or specified housing are for restrained inmates. 7. These provisions do not apply to the use of handcuffs, shackles ore other restraint devices when used to restrain inmates for security reasons. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Explain the principles, conditions and limitations under 1 Test Item 8.9.4 which safety cells may be used pursuant to Title 15, Section 1055, including:  Purpose of safety cell use.  Facility manager approval.  Provision of nutrition and fluids.  Clothing requirements. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Identify the monitoring requirements of an inmate 1 Test Item 8.9.5 who is placed in a safety cell.  Direct visual observation.  Time intervals for observation and review.  Medical evaluation.  Mental health evaluation.  Documentation of observation. 1. Use of the safety cell. a. Placed only with the approval of the facility manager or watch commander or delegated to a physician by facility manager. b. Hold only those inmates who: c. Must be a written policy and procedure governing use. d. Never used for punishment. e. Continued retention reviewed a minimum of every 8 hours. f. Medical assessment completed within a maximum of 12 hours of placement or at next daily sick call whichever is earliest. g. Mental health opinion on placement and retention shall be secured within 24 hours of placement. 18 2. Direct Observation. a. Twice every 30 minutes. b. Documented. 3. Procedures shall be established to assure administration of nutrition and fluids. 4. Clothing. a. Suitable clothing. b. Safety cell garment that provides suitable privacy unless specific identifiable Risks are documented. 5. Each agency establishes own procedures regarding food, clothing, etc. Discuss in class. Module 8.10 Defensive Tactics-Escaping Techniques 2 hours B.S. Test #22-26 Performance Objective: Demonstrate course instructed techniques using hands 8.10.1 and arms to block an attack. These techniques are not BST #22 required to incorporate advanced blocking motions. They may be simply using hands and arms to protect the head. PerformanceObjective: In a simulation, demonstrate a course instructed escape 1.10.2 from a ground position incorporating the BST # 23 following:  Escape and restrain the inmate.  Gain a position of control and advantage.  Maintain mental alertness and concentration. Performance Objective: In a simulation, demonstrate a course instructed escape 8.10.3 technique from a front position incorporating the BST #24 following:  Escape and restrain the inmate.  Gain a position of control and advantage.  Proper balance.  Proper foot movements and joint lock mechanisms. 19 Performance Objective: In a simulation, demonstrate a course instructed escape 8.10.4 technique from a rear position incorporating the BST #25 following:  Escape and restrain the inmate.  Gain a position of control and advantage.  Proper balance.  Proper foot movements and joint lock mechanisms. Performance Objective: In a simulation, demonstrate a course instructed escape 8.10.5 technique from a “bear-hug” incorporating the following:  Escape and restrain the inmate.  Gain a position of control and advantage.  Balance.  Joint lock mechanisms. 20 Module 8.11 Cell Extractions 3 hours 3 Test Items W.S. Test #3 and #4 B.S. Test #27 UNIT OUTLINE AND PRESENTATION: NOTES: Performance Objective: Describe circumstances when cell extraction is necessary. 1 Test Item 8.11.1 Performance Objective: Discuss roles and responsibilities of each team member No Test Item 8.11.2 Performance Objective: Identify potential hazards e.g. blood borne pathogens, 2 Test Items 8.11.3 chemical agents, heat exhaustion, excrement and injuries. Performance Objective: List key considerations that must be addressed in planning 8.11.4 cell extractions. WST #3 1. Discuss with class when cell extractions may be necessary. a. Inmate fails to comply with direct order to exit cell, b. Group of inmates fail to comply, c. All other means have been exhausted to get compliance and removal of inmates. 2. Use only that amount of force necessary. 3. Team Members. a. Shield Officer. b. Baton officer. c. Handcuff officer. d. Leg Restraint officer. e. Door officer. f. Supervisor. 21 4. Dangers of cell extractions. a. Inmates may throw body fluids or have contagious blood borne diseases. b. Follow your agencies policies if exposed to any body fluid. c. Depending on location and length of extraction officers may suffer from heat exhaustion or dehydration. d. May be injured during extraction. 5. Considerations during an extraction. a. Inmate classification. b. Experience of team members. c. Location of inmate. d. Medical status of inmate. 6. The plan. a. Supervisor and team members. b. Floor plan of area. c. Know who will do what. d. Ensure all equipment functioning. e. Ensure all officers in area are aware of action and their role. f. Medical staff advised and on scene. g. Alternate plan if things don’t go as planned. h. No talking during extraction. Performance Objective: Given a scenario, demonstrate a cell extraction Behavior Skills 8.11.5 (simulation exercise). Test #27 Performance Objective: Explain key elements needed to be covered in debrief Written Skills 8.11.6 and documentation. Test #4 1. Review each officers role and equipment necessary in cell extraction. 2. Complete Behavior Skills Test. 3. Debriefing/Documentation. a. Discuss why to debrief. b. What reports need to be written.—varies by agency—discuss with class. 4. Complete Written Skills Test. 22 23