FRATERNIZATION A-295 FRESNO COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE JAIL DIVISION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES TITLE: FRATERNIZATION NO: A-295 FILE: FRATERNIZATON EFFECTIVE DATE: 08-01-11 REVISED: AUTHORITY: Sheriff J. Zanoni APPROVED BY: Assistant Sheriff T. Gattie REFERENCE: Penal Code Section 289.6; Arellanes v. Civil Service Commission of Los Angeles County, 41 Cal.App. 4t" 1208 (1995); Fresno County Sheriff's Office Policy and Procedure Manual Section 102,; and Fresno County Board of Supervisors Administrative Policy Number 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to define the type of contact that Fresno County Sheriffs Office employees are permitted with inmates, former offenders, and their associates. POLICY: It is the policy of the Fresno County Sheriff's Office that employees shall not knowingly fraternize or in any way socialize with current or former inmates (or any friend, visitor, associate, spouse, romantic companion, immediate family member or household member of any current or former inmate) when that relationship originates as a result of their employment with the Sheriff's Office. PROCEDURES: I. FRATERNIZATION This section is to serve as a complement to Sheriff's Office Policies and Procedures Section No. 606 (Fraternization). Nothing in this section is intended to contradict or supercede Sheriff's Office policy. A. Sheriff's employees shall not knowingly fraternize or in anyway socialize with any of the following persons when their relationship originates as a result of their employment with the Sheriff's Office: 1. Current inmates 2. Former inmates 3. A spouse or romantic companion of an inmate (past or current) Page 1 of 2 FRESNO COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE JAIL DIVISION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES TITLE: FRATERNIZATION NO: A-295 FILE: FRATERNIZATON 4. A family or household member of an inmate (past or current) 5. A known friend, visitor, or associate of an inmate (past or current) B. Prohibited activities with persons described in Section I(A)includes, but is not limited to the following- 1. Engaging in relationships or associations of an interpersonal nature(e.g., forming close personal friendships, visiting, socializing, dating, etc.). 2. Engaging or accepting a financial, personal or business service. 3. Extending, promising, offering or receiving any special consideration, treatment or favor, either directly or indirectly, unless authorized by policy or a Watch Commander. 4. Supplying personal information of any type. Includes engaging in overly- familiar or inappropriate conversations (e.g., sexual preferences or discussions about other employees). 5. Correspondence or communication of any type, including personal telephone conversations. 6. Delivering or sending messages, verbal or written, or any other item, unless otherwise authorized by policy or a Watch Commander. 7. Having personal contacts outside the scope of assigned job duties or being in a social relationship with prohibited individuals. (Does not preclude incidental personal contacts in organized group activities such as church, school-related activities, sporting events, etc.) C. Any employee who becomes aware of fraternization between another employee and a current inmate, former inmate, or a family member or associate of an inmate shall report the matter to their supervisor immediately. D. When in doubt, employees shall contact their immediate supervisor for clarification or direction regarding this policy. 11. NOTIFICATION OF FAMILY MEMBER'S INCARCERATION Employees shall submit a memo to the Jail Operations Bureau Commander, via the chain of command, upon learning that any family member or household member is incarcerated in the Fresno County Jail. The memo shall be submitted as soon as possible, upon reporting for duty. Page 2 of 2